Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1887, p. 7

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Lditems tluoUou ror the trem au t ouis D»aaseâ. OF 0FUCCEflW V atarrhTwa vo b.d »lsneamem ftdqWl l'< 1>ý vured boeeor t oa ZI1 [ug tho elatient. Conie cents ln stamvS for u, %e Not-turnal to," 1 Morbid Couditio EýC by Voutitut ]FOI and pernielpus $01 Iýrnsently ured îost-pald, 10 ets. ln upture, or Buacb Cred O1!4thout the îont dLepndenca adwlth ver 3ok sent for 'a 'IS and STRMICTUIr~~ *etesctt sut-c. wok. tamups. Ati'fle RL' UAL .SocltfloN, C63Ms 'ho troatment et manw ugese peculiar to t the Invnsud,' Hotel sMi ~urgien.1 Iictitite, hswaru- Proes crip'tionytast experionce. 3Resiorative Toutel ijre8 lie If 1 hyMagie, Loue ' I(em.,e exeensaiy tl Wéet 8ruatlou, una. àfaloirs,, Prolapai s r mw chromec cou eue 9111 itio 9019auo Iufrlaimmatln, palla Lis ovariti, laternaaal ~ves and ciîr*ê Nausea Ct Siomachl, ndigos.. .9errvoui Proutration, iïo, lia cUber isex. on 016 MOTTLE8. lt*t everywhere. Bond -Pa for 1.Dr. -Pierce.s larg'ê 3~ et Wowen, lUuatratedL ry Medic4l Asoclldon, treet, BUFFALO. N. Y. ,eICKmHEADACHE9 Ilill1ous Hoadlacme, Dtiao*o4e, VonstiPe Lioit. gIdigentiOn, and alious Attackm iroveptiy cured by Dr* Purggtive Pellets. 25 cents a iVial, by Diugglta. 18~ Block for your TUREI ,Ob SUITS, OM S UITS, IROOM SUITSI KIICHEN SUITS -BATES, Newspape. g. Agent, 41 Part ilding>, New York, ho si tra-e. tor advertzsO. DItONICLE elt oufr WLT. ,noe[, and Flaver te 1 provo yeur B'! Jor8-ey D-81 TON)-,gNr ha(iddy'a big 4g "Rono" weighs los pounds. W Mvlf. MoGnire of Coiborue, shippeda bomber cf hersiest oe .Amenican side ly the steamer Nonsemau Wodueadsy. T igy were a fine lookïng lot. Thé dredge tartedl te work Tuesday in the netheast corner of th. muner barbor te reluovO asoOw load cf bard beadsl which were ýpset theFe late iset fail. Mfr. Gonigle who w.. fii3ed $50 some lime lime since for iuterfeiig witb a constable in the dischargfi of bis duty, was arrested luit Thnrsday, for negleot in o bed the fine. Ris friende sut>. srbdthe amout. TueedaY aflernoon s Mr. Oliver Stueton was engaged in oplitting some slave Wood, the BxeO whiob Lie wuse neiug cuwin contact with a clethes line which was îtretohed.asesthe yard, glanoed off the line snd cime craîhing dowe upon bi@ head, causing a very seriofli wound fromn which Mr. Stunton will be confieed le bed for msny a day, but under the professional cure of Dr. Clorke will ne doubt soon b. on the moud, The steamer Norseman left this port on Friday morning ou sehedule ime, 813d whiee out in raid lake Bometbing went wreug with ana aI the cylieder8 of the engine, when the Captain ordered about ship, and, the bout was. hoaded for Port Hlope, where bile arrived in thie attelloon sund will be thoroughly Uverhauled. We comrnend the wisdoui of Capt. Crawford in putting bak ta port rutiler than run tha ribk that might attend the puseengore hâd ho pereisted i13 cotinning Lile jonrney acroes the lake. We betieve the damage iî net îerioui, and the steamer will -leuve this port on regniar time to-morrow moriling. OSREAWA.. No oattie or houses are allowed ou the streeti. Mfr. W. F. Oowan is erecting a large addiion te his residence. Jonathan Portor's ."Joeh Billingi" t.ook fluet prize at Whitby, Bowmau. ville and Oshlawa fsiri Ibis spring. Meuse, Gould & Morgan have sbip. ped 350 head of cattie for England tbis opring, snd have 200 more pnrohastd. DISTRICT ITEMS. Stayner bas a uight-watobmnan. Buampteon ie talking ef!as upender factory. U xbuidge muet bonas it.a organ faotory or tas. it. Midlaud i. le bore fou %alL slong as $2000 lasts. '200 assomsmeut appeuls bave been *ntered in Fiee towuship. Pee&uug ladies are annouuciug a etrav borry festival atroady. Oritlia'u pro;eotod uew railway echemo wante onty $56,000. Mr. E. Widdifield, of King, masde 1500 Ibi. o! engar Ibis season. Oraugeville hâ-t--s breadway, sud up sud dewu il -tb. boys bave bouse. nscing Sundays. Brantford wen' llow a herse te stand an Lhe sîreet more thau B ev minutes. Tbe bakers of Belteville have resolv. cd le usise lb. price, etbread np le 10 aIs, peru bu!. The C. P. R. helel aI Tweed vas bureed on Sanday. Lois 83,60O0, in- mnurcd for $1000. Thle elfsctric igLti4mu Boumranville je net giving good stisfaction, owiug te some defeot in tb. macbiuery. Bowmunville is going te bavé sueo- ther baker in th. towu,sasys lbhe States- * man, and bread ouly bc. pan boal. Mr. Askvitb, of Ottawa, boas beau awardbd tbe ,contnact'for building lb. new ensteai bouse ait Peterbore, uork te be oommeneed at once. While Mn. Vano., Port Hope, va. filin à aguin front et bis store yoster- day go.fr1.11,te .sidewalk. H. will use orutches feu soma, lime. Mfr. Gao. Look, of Cneuland, cut deun s large pin.e. be e ther day, and feund soespuevideut mice. ad preparefi 45 Ibo. cf dean cheveu »sadfor .eediug. Fat Murphy ie killed aI hast, He was Ihucun off aihbrue lb. othon day nean Beileville sud kiIIed b y being hurt on s feuee. No more sbllus read ot Pst Murphy. Iu Brampton the doge knov mone Iban the poople, The other day a poodle b.d ils loi broken, sud itsotand -immediat.ly ton a docto's eurgenys wbere ils cries se.ured admittance sud eplints were atlaohed te il,. The chtet o pplioe oftPart Hope yeiterday received a latter warnliig the people t loock eut for Prof. Harninglos Who je givlng egendemain shove la lowns sud villages ilong the' G. T. railusy. Hla je ratezïzeàI a abeai. Tbe ether davy a youug man elimbeti loe .top oethIe taUi himuey coûnmet ed uith the biokwonrs aiMP.lenboru sud wbile ittlng wilbhio es..I ngl ing over the aide,#oaught a large Moueu bibacompainion. o thé groupa~ lhrev up. The ohlznuy i4 180 iee The body ef Johin KeGivorno wh Wuedrovu.d Issi Noveu*er ilu hlm LÃœ@t, wus ound y9étl.dey st ttte Pl*"wberebhovas e-isim1 sien iu, sud' Wbew tO Oé, w1 teund, The exact ý b5 P accident occurd wvu, 1*~ revu Ishtncl#i At the latmi .. f f* " (3onneil at P.trot-a »ww Mfa4Zteo oatrado ar"Port tbât tore is babUolub incnnetiouw *h1 ochool as P'ort Hope. Tutuil DOl I starlliukg maltr ilmef, but thé> cor- respondent adds that there neyer wil bebc mO lio g athe 'proseut maitns rem" In charge. If h. boys of Port Hope are net radically différent -from th. boys of other- places, the maîter who would undortake te prevenl 1h. formation of a bail club if the boys wishe4 il- would b. carvng ont for. bim.- oel.( 1h. hardest day'. work of the osson. Anud public sympatby would go, sud rightly, with the boys. On Mouday lasts didu't*kuow.it-was- loaded accident happened at B sohool house near Trenton. A ten.year.old lad uamed Frank Anderson, of Trenton lost a portion of tbe thumb sud the two firet flugere of his left hand aud had the third finger bsdly mmashed. It appears the yeungotere gel hold of a Winohester oartridge. After being called jute the aohool room, eue of them placed the cartridge ou the steve. Young Anderson attempted to pick it off, wben it exploded in bis fingeus, with the albove resuit; the bullet im- bedcling iteélf Fii the ceiling above. Hlad the cartridge flot been plsoed on its enid tbe cousequence might bave proved mach more serio, s the aohool wi. full of ohilduen ut 1he lime. British Parliament. TEE TIME 0F THE HOUtiE STILL TÂKEN UP BT THE IRISE QUESTION. 1 Ou« thé $OthkMay, at .on.e 00L.o-,Th- -3ourt of Eevisionte çtos he 'à- su daay at Ibres o'olok. Horso Roilis Ambition and lookwinnooh, rpert o! effrey Brs., Whitby. Mon- ay-R. Grills, Front Road, naon;- Peter MÃŽcDerinia, 2nd con.,, Pickering at niglit. Tu4esdy-Secker's Hotel, Pickering noon; Holboru's hotel, Roug~e Hill, st night. Wednesday-Moon'a hotel, Hyland Oreek, for the tnight. Thuraday-Gordon'a hotel, Pickering~, frr the night. Friday--Geo. Hutrick's, Base Line, noon ; Jeffrey Broe' own stable ut night. Saturday-Ray'5s hotel, Whitby, until noon and return home over Sundiyi qproperty of Cameron & Sband, Ashburn. Monday-proceed to Chine 's hotel, Brook- lin, noon ; John Shand's ut night. Tuesday -Thos. Wilbur's, DarlinRton, for the nioeht. Wednesday -to-, noon; HodgBon's hotel, Raglan, ut night, Thurs- day-Frank Brown's, Myrtie, 'noon ; bis own stable, Ashburn, at night. Friday- Win. Gardner's, nean; hjs own stable at night. Saturday -J. A. Disney's, West Whitby, noon h is own steble until Monday mnoruing. Tannahlll roperty of Camieron & Shand. Ashburn. monday afternoon-proceed to Dafoe's hotel, Utica and remaiu ail night. Tuesdy- lIolt's botel, Manchester, noon ; St. Charles hotel, Port Perry, ut .nit. Wednesdy atternoon-proeeed to ledgson's boteýf, Raglan, and reinain o ver night. Thursday- te John *Hepburn's and remain ail nigbt. Friday-Wilcox's hotel, Columbus, noon; Chinn's hiotel, Brooklin, ut night. Satur- day-return to his own stable, Ashburn until Monday. Piuenomenon, LoNDON, M ay 9.-Tile Esul of Car. (Clevelandc Bay) property of Major Hcd narvon, Conseuvative, writes ta the son. Myrtle, Ont. MUonriay -pass throlugý Tims aggetin tht a itis ntoer*Myrtie and Ashburn io Utica, and romain Tims ugget.ng batas l s htolr~ail uight. Tueiday-pass through E psom able 10 allow the DiUon-Timee question to Port Perry, noon ; and tbrougilMan te reet in ils present etate, a special chester ta bis own stable (or the nigzht.. tribunal be eresled onteide of Parhs. Wednesday-1ss through Raglan te Colmm- ment, inveuted with fuît powere te eaUl bus, nooin ; and through Brooklin te bis own sud towhiehstable for the night. Thursday-all day ut and examine wituesses, adt hc his own stable. Friday-Ray 's hotel, the eciionof b. alte ebli . lfL.Oslawa, no<'n ; and Ray's Rotai, Whitby White expuessin«, confidence in tbe ut night. Saturday afternoon roture to impartikltycf the propesed tribunal, his own stable uni remain tilt Monday. tbe Times sya il je doubtful wbetber Young A1>by Prinoe, tbe paruellites wentd consent te mub. prol)erty of Major Hodgson, Myrtle. will mit their case to snob a tribunal. But remain ut hi. owe stable every dey in the wby, ilsauke, shonld ingenity be week oxoepting Thursday>, on wbich dey lhe expended in devieing amateur tribunalu will bo ut Jno. Martmn's, Tht con., Reacb Le uot the law of tbe land good enongb foi' a irnon stand. for Mfr. Parnelt and Mu. Dillon ? 'ZHunteman, Mu. Healy, in the Blouse of Coin. property of John Anson, Balsam. Moeday mouse Ibis afleruoou, ssked wbst -proceed ta Dafoe's hotel, Ljtica for the anewer had been returned by the nigbt. Tuesday -te McGreggor'ts, 9th con. Goverument te the latter otfPatrick Reach, for the nigbt. Wednesday -te Rose's hotel, Grenbank, for the night. Egan, Troaurerof Lb. dld Land Leagne Thursay-te McQnay's hotel, Port Perr offeing to roturu te Dublin aud sland for the night. Friday-ta Hodgson's hote, tria for tb. obarges against him, provid- Raglan, for thse night. Satu.day-to bis ed the venue lu bis case vas Dot owm stable and romin until Monday. removed frem Dublin. Âotrol col. Ring Barman, Parliamentary property of John Anson, Baisasu. .Monday Secretary for Iroland, .replied that ne -prtoeuite Dufoe's hotel, Uticu, for the susuer bad been seunt, for the reason night. Tuesday-to McG reggr 9tlh con. tbat ne snob latter had been received. Reach, for thse night. Wednsday-to (Laughton.) Roso's hotel, Greenbank, fou the night. Mr. Heaiy tbon requeshed W. H. Thursday--te McQuay's hotel, Port Perry for the ight. Friday-te Hodgson's botet, Smith te fisate if it wus the intention Raglan, fior *the nieht. Satudy-l. bis ot tb. GoVerumealt sauCtien the coun- own stable and re,>aîn until Monday. duel of 1Mr. Balfour, Objet Seorotary L..» E.n Gor.do. for Irelaudl, lu dsliberateiy absaining trou> ootning inute hRouese ntit the property of Wm. Ricbardson & Son, Colm queetions in the psper relating to retand bus, Ont. Monday-wiII proceed te Cbn s uer. al ove. snbittedhotel, Brooklil, for tisenet. Ted- were a over.to Dickson's, Myrtle, noon; uni te t'ÏÎs Mfr. Smithb mte thst thst saut hotel, Manchester, snd romain ever Wed- of question shonli net be put. The nesday util Thursday mornieg. ThursdayF exigeucie of the country, bo said, -Hodggsns hotel, Raglan), noan ; and to, bu require Mfr. Balfoertot attend to urgent e stable fo the ~~t rdyt hs business connectionh witb bis depart- W*I )ur's, 7th co Dl egaensd remain 1 -lngt Saturday-te Jua. Ho bures, meut ef tbe Goverument Outeide lbe.i noan;; sud to bus owe stable utIlleMonday Heuse, aud lu tbe lutervat replies te morning. questions rempecting Irish ' affaire uer. E.obOt I E.nei. Jr., adequately givon by the Parlîsmoutary Under Beretany, Col. King Harman. (Ha&mbletonian) propeuty af Whitney sud Mr. Heay-"If my frieuds and I F y hitY, unt. iàanday-leave bu awn are c le o lft tethébercny cf thio stab1elQueen'i boLet Wltb nsd proeed Chinn's hatel, Brooklij, noon ; and te Wl- Orangeman, I shahl direct attention to son's hotel, Asbbr for the nigbt. Tues- the matter." day-Deruaba's hatel Ularemuont, noon; Speaker Peel-"O0rderf Tis inter. Piphr's bote]. Brough>am for the negt. ruption la moit unparliameutary." Wedunesday-tL Willcox's Ateî, Box Gra-ve, Arthur O'Conuor, memnher for Esat noon; and to the Wellington bot Mark- brin, for the negt. Thursdy-lo Brown's Donegal, thon iullmated that in 0012" hoelWaburn, nean ; and te, Moan'. boetl sequenoe cf lbe attitude ofet b.Gev.. Hfigbld Cueek. fou tbe nigbt. Friday-t4o erumoul on tb. Times' charges ho rn- Gordan's botel, Pickeirg and romain al fused to continue te mrve as a mnembor ?,lIby Saturday-t u oun stable, ef lbe oômmisuio ofe equiry mbt the iyad remain utIl Monday. civil service (Pamneilite oheers.> BULàLS. The flouse thon vent iu&9 commite wa cap. sud cousideratien et the Irish Crimes af WS. Hoar, Myrtie, Odt. m.ved Aot amendaient bill vas resunlsd. Oct 14h, 1885, brei by Wni. Heron & Son, Mn. Claucy, Nationalist imember' for Ashbumr. North> Dublin, moved au ameu4Fuet eue te tue effool Ibat magi-teria nures.aolblgSoo into ýcasesof alleged crime under the 11h 1h.h duly et every porion who kas bill be oouduoted in publie. ns.d BoSch.., GernSypto et1.lits r 1Mr. Balfour opposed Ibis. wonderful qnaltiesbeknownto theïrried Mr. Ctanoy'u-am.ndmeul was rejeet-' in rn npipon, e Sbe0ogj 1 d. Bunt Whitby Concil. Theoitunipal Cuowmof l t stWhit- by met 9A, iMouda-st. 19mbenu ail Mr. Power,,e ou4edbyUt Msinm- tocit, moved "haKir. Dawwu"e quasI akirug leave tormeove lte1 Cpophar trees gnwiegalongsidshie promisesbe onned, o 'cullon Ibat h lhes ne stumps, onrs0ag te obetruot th. higbway. ,osnnie. *Mr. Haè, ék eouîde<lby . MOEGngeor, xnoved thal Meure. Po»tr Mnd Mo3£KIPUSi be a commtte. tO et- aminOýe a od 1eainglÃ"tordiHAM- den'mMill sud report théIaêxt soUite GOOD TWE EDUI ATJ >IOES EYEZBEPORE EEIAOHED lM¶TE'TRDB. AGood Suit made to Order for $12,00, A large stock of Scotch, Englih and ýCanadian Tweedsg,Black Worsteds, etc., to select fromn. A SPeci" line of REMV TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard,- suitable for Business 'Suite or Bo'ye' wear. A FULL STOCK 0F CGROCERIES ALWAYS ON HÂIi;D. llighest market price paid for Butter and Diggs. I?/oe C WR~EJ2~ BBOOKLIN, ONT. FU'R.NIT-URE cottage or Castie, -AT- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONISHI YOU, CALL ON WM. HAJJLT, ]BROOKLIN. - 000- EJ~ Funerals IPu11y Supplied." ,- WIii*t-by WooIIcil Mins Midway belween Btooklin, ami Columbus, un the 7t Cncsson. We are now prepared to make aIl kinde of WooRen Goods, suoh as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AI1-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinda of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in all colors done to order. jýighest price paid for fîsy quantity of Wool. Anl order promptly fiiled. WDe BOWLTIMAN 80N, ARCADE, TORONTO# 4Sobhool Thorougly Equipped-for Business, Training. BOOK-KEEPING, - PENMÂNSHIP BUSINESS OORRESPONDENCE, BUI1NESS AITHMBTIO, com-MERCIAL LAW? BH1ORTHAND AND TYPE-WBITING PRÂCTIOÂLLY TÂUGHT. F1LNEST 1400M8 IN CANADA-l. Seuil for Circular. Addressi. C. ODE Secet ry. ) NMIII W! I mneut ut eight-warseb> scratcblng-very distreesing ýLawed ta continue tuma!s form whJ bleed and ulcerate, iiecoaiig very 6WAYNg,'S OINTMENT ,Stop the ltching and bleedlng, bhas ulceratian, and e'Dmany cases remove.P' (#"~ MANHOOD!-' Bow 1Losi, BOy Rostrod I Juil publiued a ne w edtioe of 'Dia IMPEwZL s -CxLE- EBATED EssAT on lbhe radical cure SpzEEx&To!çaRà or Seminal Woskneës, Involunlary Somi Louses, ImpoTsNOT, meutl anasuPhysiesi incapaeily, impeai- ment$ ta Marriage, etc.; aIse, CexsluxmTzeN EPILEP5sudanaFrrs, luned. by îelf-indùl- gecor sexual extravagance &o. gTheeiebraled author n uth-Tgsdunirable essay, clearly demonsatOs from a thirly- yes ,'aenceesufuil praclice, that the alannu conseqnencei e! seif-abusemay be-rd.y enred ; doinling-eut a mode e! cure aI encé' simple, certain, riid effectuai, by memsi-o! 'which everyy mferer, ne malter what bis oondition may b., may cure himmeif 'cheap- ly, Privately sud radically. se' Tins lecture shoad1ein 'tlhe bando o! eveny yontb sud everv mn în lb.lai '. Sent uiider seel, in a pin envelopel any sddreiî, peat-pai, on- receipteoz feur cents or Ivo postage etamps. -'Âddress, The CULVL'RWELL, MiÉàIOAL qo. f PostO:Mce Box450 - thelb .r..... Z~. Day, Eq., Âooounfant, Toroiif o. Sza,-Havhig ion. lime mgo compl.ted a conne o! atudy lu your Oo1l~ge, suLd ha~t>4 mince Ius~ ma~yoppoz'1u1uitias cf provmgboth as. leachen au'ê as s memt~n o! 1l~oDoaz~i ofJimtniueOt piiblio mobool lesoheri for lb. Comutyci »uxham, lii. greal benefit au~ value ~enive~ from your inutruclion an4 ~±penienc.ss an Âccounlau$, Zhv. mu<~] use il vithout mm se»Rf.*Threi doses viii»Hove Auy case, .udav.e en dir- it the duly cfta&U Dnuggis ttreoommeutd it t, e b.poor, dylug onîsmptire, atImeas te try o». bottie, mau80,000daien botthes wmn sold l'amtYeuan& dne one ocms-vbom il b"le va 1r4>oozt- - Bakt e wdi m, M Organgidnm le. i i i. o I (R" CI ici

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