us ~1 JANJIN JXJILL& - - 00W With Calm printed *ordIs, groat thoughts, and. untiring Indu8l wsmani-,. 'when it arge front rooms hadi, burglirs. iat it was8 Vo are now k of New' e the leadu- ýest in the otf Prints, utie Silks, Ribbons, Cottonades non ns,&c,. -ts of Ties, QOui-'Gent's- i fisp eetion. abby Pant-M. 'wýeds and gulai'autleed cst pnices. w% open, due lýa ys vn I)Vics. 'oe tor'e is Stili Liave cliristened lt wýlich iyou rest stock of Crockery, e outside "d cheap weeks. -ct for gelse- not. of all ki-nds. 3, igs, candies O1 cail. AlS'O choi0E 3BSON, CIiINA T STO1XE ho WarI ever to buy-your E, ETC.,, ETC. ies o! 10 per cent. en nd- D)innter«Reiso i Fuit, Baskets, -FmiÙ r cent. discount, to vèI assorted stock - eas and Coffees, h Oysters in ing Po wder put up Don't ~i~T Xxi- WIIITBY. ONTAIRTOO RIGGS& IVORY, NEW GOOD8 Established 1856. 8. B. cor. King and Yonge Bts., Toronto. oe B ESTTEZTH, $8 on rubber. WLI rt 7I Celnlold, $10. Gold, $80. I~ eaI~n~~i OtaloThousands OfpOrOi,absinltly phinlesi W . R. IIOWSE) , Seujipmeflt and bit furnished b>' the use of Vitalized Air. 46 ahx Book sud Jo printing plant in Bastern CHEMIBT A.ND DIUGQIBT9 *Maro, capable of elecutiig ail classes of A F D T 601 ,vor froLu the large poster ta the imallest .W&--y-4.. FOST kllldbiU. SpOcial mentio iS Mmd. 01 the ate with Langly Langley &'Buzke, prs9ai Ru iTE Koq o~1, a on hand a ver>' large and selectstcla 00with ite celebrated K. Y. Oottreflou «Onsde regs and other modern convoni- A R CH IT ECT. oA Chritmas goodI, oomprling bu onu ivr rder reoives prompt, care- Diattentionl. TERS 0 AVERISLG. Designa for Oburches, Villana ct- Ladies' Work Boxes,' b tages s peclt>'. Drawingsqre orp TRSO DETSN.- remodeling ezisting structures. W ikH les irit insertionl, per Uine, 10 cents ; each 0,uiO -Fit fiat over Howse's Drng W ik-H ies sabsequOft insertion, 6 cents.- Store. a DisPlaYed &dvertisemeflLi are measured P. 0. Box 22,gagB, . d by a sosie of solid Nonpareil, and chargea ___ Odor Cases, ob accoriffgly. e Advertisement Ssent without written Mirosi instructions itiierted until forbidd8fl, ad IAB R B O O M rosi Pl ha ,harged for -full urne. Orders for discontiflhlng advertisemeflti ff Il Y ndSLESTBLS Mu; ei rtnotherwiie the publiih- ~La .I AESALS oltC ss orswil no beresponsible. oltC s , a liberal discount for contract advertiie- BROCE STREET, WHITBY. menti;by theyear. oLarge cVasesof menti ~ ~ 'hul byte er.Cp o hane ofGood luge and Good Horses.- Ter=@urea- contrart advertisemeflte s8oLarbeehVonsbs, in not later than Wednesday ; and notice oal.i of any intended changeas should be given 19 SEBERT BI0S. Anaumret-o tratilsuïae before Tueiaday noon. Other advertise- kda soteta to rilsiial Meuti received up ta Thurada>' noon. for presenti. Business notices in local Or news columna1- flrst insertion 15 cents per Uino of Nunpa. Over 6,000,000 PEOPE CaIL and Examine Our Stock Befere reii; 10 cents per lino each subsequent FEY * SEEDS Purchasing -ELsewhere. insertion. Fivo cents per lino per annum. Correspondelice solicited !rom li arts M,, FERRY &00. of the Count>' or neighboring towns ilipi. n LAAITSUS Correspondenta are requeeted te send In t i ommuications sapromptly uI.5M.FER fl possible, Uosu- u HENDEBSON & GRAHAM, 'MINA ,Y0flN STANTON, Me ad Sup't Mobanical Dep't. lu=MeA _____________________ ~ ""' Call ad sec the large uusortment JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., . cwiLAdimof DKRRISTER, Count>' Crown Attorney,w d» ot BII and Count>' Solicitor. Office,- South wing, Court Rouie, Wbitby - Brass and Bronze JAMES RIjTLER)GEi B cup'ed b>' Farewell & Ratledge, nert te Royal Hôotel, Brook St.. Whitby. DAVID) ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNE'Y-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChancer>', Oonveys.noer, &o. Or'oosz-In the j9fficq South of the post Office, in McMollaiib Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., BARRIffTIMR, &o., &.-Money ta Lomu Blsueofa arniage Liceniol. jew ILfNGIIG - Arepi nlot L< ontan thelz OWU Purgtî' . .~s k zsure.nd effectu8l ~cto~ !worwa in' Clà ldxan or Ad"1*5 Car. Brooki oimrcz-Smitha Block, sout)' of Market, Brook St., Whitby. JOHN BALL DOW, I jf~ B.RITBT-LW. SOLIOlTOB Offie-Deveill's Block, Brook Streetl, A- WbtbY. TO LEND-PivCle lunds ~ WE lusnms up ta $8000, at a low rateo of in luWF THIECQKSETFRIENO coe Street, Oshswa.fltmih Ea T~.MELDRUMb, MB. (TORONTO 13 University,) L.R.O.P. and L.M. (Edim- JU ST TO' HAND- burgi), &o. Ne. 8, THE "99TEUfLACE," BYUON-ST., JEWELLERY. IWrrVIYY. ~. ý in BROOCHI Wsn. MCDRIENjw,& ». .RC,. pINS aud SU1 tCHAMNS. BOTTOI HARV lu w. OH G.0Ua *pObi , nad CLDCK-1 aSud 8Dey. Dr.WARM.D., CUM., <JMciU. SILYVERWARE. M.D., .M., <Victoria.) FORS, sud s1>oOus8 OFFIE: UOOLm. TemS8pom h fom $1.50 per doz. Ml. C. CUWIORTW I LAIP8S r Dan~du iStreels. M PRICES lI ,GEglT FOR TUB LEBRÂTED 'EY LAMPA 'eep*à Lbout J Green ma the Of the fond 1 ud,w mant The vas il an MK iseai thom, lion a vise 9 other MAIRCH 2â 1887. NO. 15. Mr. Wm. MoIntyre of the Bennett CA2OT ;WS LETTERS. Houes, was pulled &gain leut week for Albert Bawson and ýjo.e b usy violation of the Scott Act, and as tbis building a stable for tbeir hors.. Wbet Oorspnofc. i. the second offense- $100 wes tbe good is-8 bors without a stable?" --pene1tyý It seemeg that a few bums Mrs. Hopper has plenty of room now ~rVAW.met et bie bouse and hed a drink or to move, ines abs got into the large onof sbaa, 'asintwoaftor wbich tbey went 10oDo of bouse whieh bas Iately been eompletedl,. tbe littie whiskey dives, eround town Messrs. Hopper and Stokes have been bed bas taken up hie and got filled up. The i'ee'ult wa, they enlrging thir store, and intend. pn%- raiaed aebellabeiloo, soone Omùecomnpà ain. Iing in a good stock of go.9dà , and eil s.ed, and poor Mac. hed to pay the shoft. et prises to suit the timep. ide, of Whitby, bas be- Now.Ihere is Dot o doubi. but that: Mo. ei ' o. Grahamtsbwe-hpi a ;ôýn iabung"biwn !bi f Op4 rbèpe&os ifs in ID ir,1 I o encourage a sors o551 LoiASUS eu t -zau»arracy usez-m ae, M AU jeUUwý- s. I~oturn Ibe tlie. ot Of th . eband , ofs B n a e e ig 4p-peu of 'Mr. David Turner Iresponsiible mn.Oebosbrsltwnasbev- ý4d lust week by tw. unknown A1'ONh.. cent for quite e wbile. It is furnsed -, 6"le aucoeeded in killing four M. Ed. Myer bas rcnedhie faim complote with firsl-cleus furnitureï 'Th.e "4 tnjurmg soen others. The to bis nephw, Mr. M~ey.i. onîy Ihing required to, make il coi-.: ~te Io~ouhbro Bouhdow4 Ut. and Mrs. Wilson & Ca., of plels is the bouse-koe.SneMs ý'ùook isijured tathse extent cf Blo nffl le, spent Sundey aI M . W . . left, ther a have be a.n n in ft »00.. Rewasunable to identiffy Lebmans. 0s n otngoe Hrynp, P-o-t. sshe igh we dak.Master Henry Blover, aged fourteen, or you will sean b. ont of tbe, marketî I1 ~tor bas begun bis campinmg science foot-bell kioker of Altona sGEE BivEr.i ; b ëarl, lhough il'was hardly public echeol, bas reovorodtram lb.e Alarge number of, ftlcettie 1wero ;on bis part, bis boise baving sevore kc ercie nheakeo hpelfo eeltwe, y r, h short ro a home as ho w ae i ck hoes r. ceivetnbsakea h - e rm b r et w e y1r bzig hilm from, a snow-bank ne rid> et Rivr.Nobig eriusrsnled Hoover Bras. have rented the farm MisEioLnnf Unionville,, is Noo or k snowo ho t fotifyi of Mr. B. Beesor, for 1887, and witb spsndiiig e isw deys emong beir- iinist lbe cold. - the services of Josgr they will make latives and friende bers.. ~anes Thfuonanattndntthinge hum no doubt. 1Mr. F. J. A privats, camping parly pitcbed tent, EhmmertToial olegan ntorodntRor bas beeu engaged cutting feed e littie te Lb. nortb-eest Of Our bomîiet am eh coup e f inys orestoeekfor bis neighbors lb... lst-Iew weeks. an a frosty night, aeshort lime &go. id ý a oupe o das lt welcThe fermera cen do ne better than lai The following- bave been on -lbe.sick J# rduous studios t a te a laBIsecr i. evcs fM.Resr iafduring the peut weèk,-A4phiii x on. whom h. fears he mey Hoaver, Mis. Elies Bices.Mr e *gain. Il is rather viudden and Mr. Jacob Barkey's oredit sale on saa Turner, Mrs. Wm-Pinnock aù1 a Imow, but beau il like a litîle Bsturday lust provoid e grand enecoss. ild. Thl youog gentlemen present nggea eaepea&t idM.Ga Gréen River corrq.ppondeflt bas in e riendiy gae of foot-bell., Thero Bgrton bas re.engeged 1'Mr. .arry s.dlçlng in some puns Ihal ver. er~rpee3Bv5fa h alw Pollock. _ Harry ias1sp ending a, few, mati' w he b airt of printing clubs, Altoue, Ath&, Mangalie, Stoan - days vacationi emong bis- Alvinslon, ýv#n , ad maes ur inocncevil L lolnville, and Bloomingtan, urnysCo., friands. M 1tefoled, n makes aofrieuatuend and hMu. Editor yau May guesa wbetfuifetvlbronPdy anfrtoinlcino bsfsi-kind of tlaying theue was. EBomething The fntfsia ee nFia péolmens upon lb. public. It i evenîug vas not M, lergely attendd as ~ Ilatlisthi eulghlid gereel. îa tN inv ta preent gteep âeti- Mr. &drew Kester, of Michigan on some fomer ý.occasions. A. lengtly ion* à w t preent te reean-programme-consieting, of muaEis, iecits- ,I- sno antiquatod puns. W. d_ wbo wau bore lest week ettending tbe tiens and dialogue bY the -esool, 3Wbrisl t. blo Isa trumpet the funeral. of the, te Gos. Morden, i'. uý s by Mrs. ed!Miss HRopkius, sud.. »Y oî lime. turned to, bis late home on Baturde>', addreusaby Bau.. Mears.' Wilkine oni and the day afler bis arrivai h. 4iÉd'- and Froid af Whitevae, wua givon. EE Ub o u h a t dises s bei g -le fatal disease. I n aider ta geai rid , of te sur plâ fr it, , e1rhay _ have. be large: Mr- 8-. OUf 15 awey attending the a social m'es beld an 1âsay evoeinz perbap ___i ..4 ~ funeral of bis_ laiebÃotberinlaw... hs-ee. ~ se ne 1w~ha? <bv noo. fr.3~flfs ~ u~:-à -, ---mirh-l pr..eted ou 7tidïy n*Lht. %romthe ment thélofl b.Whiîby C0.1118mL. O=tei lub opeue b.meeting by the- roiiekzflg horu of Ketio, Rima, until lb.ehast aIerains o o!Qd sme lbthe n bh a aw ay, Dot a flaw orua deley o1 any kiud ,nared lb.eOcellence of tbe programmen. On bebaif o! Brougbmn ,Mu=sismar smd a parutviiose aie vs .eiOnov owrecu played saOme u.ry mrtatbli delu n . e-viohin and amouribomgt; mtb ierooltdlofls of Muý Bodie ma M1r. 1Pouéher "rie, eau- - alderadly aboieeb vorago sudvewil mertd", " applaue ey .ovd Row.vou w. au. bmnuudla sy*,*-tg Ion 8touvli~ DsmaiiiClus, b. bulk of the programlad.volv.d -Upon lb. WhIbylswba bý b. hemursy âa ue" ltniulr iib hyebu- dlmoted lb. meetIng, prove4 tbomselies to e . thoigh -gentlemen. and au bonot, tt the s.oel Wiuils hqrepreeiIe&w Mr. Fo1.y smaMr. Gm.nwooa? made aedeod semm r i eoiters, withets # of o!mens oley sua Lorenze -.veïlua" good au theyvers original, the lau#ruiaderine of "My Moustà oh. cr.sllgýq te a ur. Tb,suoP»DuU S, Ji. .aianflb suetionftred sud wilb snucb a OrOwd, the deIR d' goDeroue pooplethe và luable ptoperty j, beÀo he vas oondispose&'!.The- lady moanigsà uisrwoe4y of the town ver. pcresonl.,I daren thua greamiy iuftunencing lhe general bt vieneve »sl Of sibingo. . i"iokisocia BALSA-EMiv receive a Ânyoue vanégwedfor aummer use would dovolt by cstliisg on Dr u oe gose Bros. Md geîtlng heiu qualtatiais. vilageg Ibis- )Ir WinSCl ur1.etosed teachor boue. lis te ery ilihbiMiiioumeSS inos 'Th.Proeeb] '2ooh.been morne lk of tle of! defltô C. . B. C. elling i thetwo trua8al been for lb.ý mmisT AND DIIUGGIBT, *radate ai tue OnhaloVsflIiYCe Orders by «mail ololl PSPIM bumodod ta. Offie ruli msSeà i <01 Dr. BogurltD=u sl treel, H. VAItA,V*s Gra.duasi pýmbofficeuifO1-0 h W-hitby,C sunanImprol rjelp by .1 -Knowlocige, Brotherbood. Peace, Ptogm"q ---mmoo-m .- -- 1 -- 1 -É@ý à & aià %vé nf -illiAlt troLmit. 1112(l 1 Noé, 150 1 1 ma mWaw l«wwMý MW-%