Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1887, p. 1

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1 .A-~L.I.A.. R -With calm. Prlnîeà worda4 grsat thought is, and untlring industrys -' PecProgreas, Knowledg. Brotbsrhood. VOL* XXXIe WIjib~ ~Jijruic9 Established 1856. F Leahing 'Neekly in Ontario Coupty1 Stesin equipmeutt anO~ best furnished Bet5k and Job-prn nun plant ini Uaetrn- O)ntosrio, capable of executing ail classes of work f roui the large poster te the smallest bafldbill. Special mention is made cf the nsrased press facilities of TuR CION- nnur& wit s celebrated N. Y. Cottrel clylinder press and other modern convezi- ences. Every order receives prompt, care- fnj attention. TERMS 0F ADVLRTISING. Fjrst insertion, per liue, 10 cents ; each ubequent inSerLîon, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisements are measured by a oaie of solid Nonpareil, aud charged accrdingly. AdvertiiementS sent without written instructions inserted until forbidden, aud oharged. for tl lime. Orderc for discontiinuing àdvertisements Must b. in writiug, otherwise the pubhish. ens will -not b. rt-sponsible. A liberal discount for contract advertise- ments by the year. Copy for changes cf contrart advertisements 8hould be handed in not later than Wtdnes&ýay ; and noti-"e of any intended changes sbould be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- ment, received up te Thursday noon. '~Business notices in local or news colmmua Ifret insertion 15 cents per lin. cf Nunps. reil; 10. cents per lino eaoh sublaequent insertion. Five cents per lino per annum. Correspondence solicit.ed frem ail parts of the County or neighhorng, townships. Correspondent,@ are requested te aend in their communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHÂM, JOHN STANTON, Proprietors. Snp't Mechanical Dep't. 1tCpa1 JOHiN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, Band County, Solicitor. Office,- South *kng, Court House-, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, J) ARRISTER, &o. Office formner"y oc- .> ,eu id by ' PeUl& Rutledge, zixt. iàte yaiB.. Br»ok et., Wtftby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY-eÂT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancery, Conveysnoer, &c. Ornes-m lt.eOffice south of the Pont OMfce,tin Momillanl'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly.lO _G. YOUJNG SEUITR, L L. B.'q B ARU&STBR» &o: .-Money t10 Loan Isurfarriage Liesuset. .rkt Ors'om-Smfth'u Block, touth o akt .Brook St., Whýtby., Jan. 98,1878. (tf-6I JOUX HALL DOW, BIRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLIO1TO1$ B n lu hmnery, On~ cr Offtoe-DeveriilU...Block, Brook Street Whitby. IKON19T TO LBND-Private Pundi - Inrnirnsup le $M000, a a 1eratse 01k. LYMÂAN ENGLISILi L La B,,:ý R. MELDBtJM, M.B. ÇrORONT-0 burgb>, &c. No. 8, THE «ITBRIIACE," BYBON-ST., WHITBY. C U'S OSPTALLONDON, ENG.0 Y theW ef -B *oi,.BBBBTOn"o P. WARREN,, M.D., C.M.9 (MoGIU) W. CUTHBERTSON, M.-B. (Toronte,) ILD., C.M., <Victoria.) OFFICE; BROOKLIN. VETEINAB--- URGRON. Graduaiseofthle.Outarlo vdwn"l5iyol- loe, Torno Orderu by mail or e1gaiprmi> Attmnded le. - Office ai residence 'of G. A4yr.soppilS Dr. Bogrl'sO, pondausreW)lb.- H. VANZANIT.,V Office, Bemda Jaey/J0*ý preMis f et loIt - i». F urnays c*, Ui ",' WHITBY, -ONTARJO, fF -T" TT STR - RIGGS .è& IVORYO S. E. cor. King sud Yonge Ste., Toronto. 11,11.Mzb EST TEETH, 88 on rubber. BCelluloid, $10. Gold, 630. Have extraoted the teeth from Thoussude of persons, absolutely painlesa by the use of Vitalized Air. 46 ate with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Churches, Vil1as-eand Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling exi sting structures. ,gFYio-Flrot flat over Howse'u Drug P.O0. Box 202, WmTE'r. SIEBERT BROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Good Rigsansd Good Herses'. Ternis reaé- sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. D ALWAYS AT TEZ HEAD. B ePROF. BERuf ÂED BIGSBY, M A.,B authorized F9nglieh Inspectar cf the Ameni- eau System of Educatien, -has select.ed the DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ringaton, Ont., as the typical Business College cf Canada This settles the dispute. A Beautiful CalendtirSent IPree. C ddresa 82 PRNCESS . 'WORX PO)WDEEIS. Ar. pleuzýmt te frie. Contain thsfr ow Purgative. Io a ate, sure.Iuand enbeiga deata>r et ofworms iniCb£2dr.cwAoeÂdp DUN 'N'PS THE 0001(8 EST-FR1E5D GuIùmaIh" III'. SPECIAL BARGAINS .-OFFBRBD IN- isilverware5, Watches, Clock85, NEW 0001 i W. R.eIIOWSE, r - I Our i CflEMIST A.ND DBUOGISTe t -W W1E TBr7 Has on- hénd ai very large snd select stock oi Christmas goode1 compriulng Ladies' Wo k 'Boxes, Wh/sk o/ldors, Odor Cases, Mirrors ini P4Ish, Toi/et --6ases, La>àge Vases, And an ausortinent ef other articles suitable for presents. CaU and Examine Our Stock Before Purchasing EIuwh.re. LAMPSI Ciii sud se lth re Masertment Of Brass and, Bronze LAF#YPS AT Cor. Brook sud Dundas , re rBOTToM PRICES SOLE AGENT POIL TEE HAll VEFMY LAMPrD W.' IR@ HOW"ýE, OH"MIST "1D DIRUGGIBT, DOUE ois few day ed aud pearat The j roas & Caucase there. doubt, ý place ai Mr.1 visita i0 ite inIiý Fpolitici sud Psï ride pe It is Grant- eariy lm sud ce] Mon,"1 The dW 1'erty CL1 Dr. M.P.] ou a boldil eveni, Tbsi1 Dr. I goosm Tii .EWS EETTERS, ants are doing -s lhriving ivers all badly blooked by 4. Sings are getting mondeo- auinonable. Stspbena i8 !fty uiok with r-- r4 'u.Dr. Starr Ielug * ery mun'e disapoint. egimted -viti tb. general ap of ýthixgs but liere.- laas l ulicf poliies as the ,fuil ef ew. Private lUttle are being held bore sud lysterious sud,, venderful, ne the- deliborations thal take bae. midnight semblies. m. Smith has paid ue noverai 1y Ho is a universal favor- [s Ilooality persoually but bis ni not boom among the Grite, r onsideratiouis-usually ovor-I >Bal likinge. pected that tie Bey. B. N. ,Orillia, will deliver in the rt of March bis weli kuewu rsted lecture on ««Miaplaeed Lb.h Preabyterimu oihurch bere. ha. net yet boen fired. Mr. vs Iis lecturlAalely in Port iere il vau very bigbly speken 9 veli kuovu te the CaDadian der lhe nom de plume of an.',1 aM sud Mr. John Dryden, tave been through tbis section poui canvas. Tbey lutend * meeting next Wednesday * the Obalk lahe seheel bouse. y ii, vbieh of th e mou, r Wm. BSmith, viii reproent tari? As far as lb.estimats P, àla thonght lhe Dr. viii bÏs lesat a mali msjonity. It'. b#\5 very oioe. mu in this tmeuesof BrooUliu enjoyed s sllbin tl ie 1ature cOf the of lam pivilege sud drove down They ver v.i1 rewsmded for tiasir trouble. Tii. lestue.abouuded lu vit, s»tire, kée suayibr sua hW iae etalentea oii err~t. e lectureas frquenti grMeid vihiagreat applause. The audience vas rs&Ia. Um but th b aet ýou. nuss.d uomethbng liait vas veli- voth agoing'a long waY Io bear. Qui.a mbro.wose. rv dovu 1bat Prday. le bIsar . . . Blake. The. da 1 vs ld sud so liais dld net diseourage ý our brave Be- fermra amI thbqyalcaessbaïk feelin'g thal- Iheïr la"or ana expere lied »ot bee l van.The aIdreas vau most lllng and full ofsonvin.lug faesesud F éluviie4 lu b., vigorous Angle' salona. sme thiik liat 8 . E. 1 auperlor le b is brother Edegrd sas, eoud tonon. eau w ,adyo" *ateg ilu LEf rrupnlls L.3.H wmvAU Mr.- Joeèph Fenuoek met with a painfül aýoidentait th. factory last weeh; bis band slipped from the bieek sud vas o augbt by -the abaper, whioh cut il badi>'. Jo. isJowever, able te- ,enjoy bis boiduiys.' While stopping at the whitevale Hotellisot Baturday, Mr. Donald Bee. ton,' Olerk, for lb. townsthip of Pioker- ing, had snob a severe attaok cf heart diseasethat for a lime hie life was de. spaired cf. 'We are glad, te bear that he ie muai botter io.w. tie par. W. wvould ad'ise those.Yong men vie muade tihemeielves odieus as Weilas odorous Jasi Souday evening by cbew- ing tobacco durnrg services, te find aomne place te expeetorat. other tisan tb. fioor andi aiseeof'- the ohurci. Il ebouid be1 seon liat suoh couduot, whidb no persou tvith a ahadow cf mc- spetabiity would be guilty of, is not repestedl. Tbe farmera in luis vicinsty cm. p1gin s grOat deal -of the depredations ofgang of suesk tlibes w ho baveý been payipg visita le Ibeir barn-yards snd seleotfing Ibeir fluait fowia. Ev.u tb.ir est8, beef sud elier commodities are not ovýerlooked. W. vouid rooeom- meud -a 4elegalion efthle irats farmer le wait upon ther aud- give them a warru receptlon, Porveuld advise them' le oeurs 1% belter breed cf w4toh-dogs. The Salvalicu Arxuy are te have an, egater suýper sud Salvatiop earthquake at su early îdRIe. Véry e thusiastic meetings are held every eve log in the. Conservative sud Beferm e1Êmâte reome. A nom4et of lhe promineul mà uôf lie lewu 'r. advoosting a public hoU- day on Tùeaday 22od eleotion dlay. Bev. D - Ray, et Co bourg vill lecture, iu the si caoe et1. Meshodist churcb on Thoradayl eveiing, bon'the suijeat: 'Prom 01 àtirioto, the Pacifie."9 -. Ânnivel aryser mono, wilI -b. pmeacbedl iu tis Me loalf St lMeihodisi 9irorehon 8uudv nxî i lis 11v. . 8. Mtih. s The congregatioà ià to e b. congr t'lsed on ithe removal 'tIrdb udnc il i. te- hia hoped -'ha9ened Épon :a-leisaembarraui *g and, zmore-' The lecture ;delivered b he b.. Mr. dermu i &. .ofWhitby on"op ular Âmusaerflents" wa. onseof sier entertaining snd instructive -eh raoe a 1ud ealculated to, do muoh -goode The anniverearY services in. connee- tion with the methodist, Chureb, Green-. Wood notWith8tindliDg--the Ixcebiônally- as vas anicipatec asud .1 etry od consid'ering lihé -ét f lbtheveather. The-Rer. M.Smene lrmn Rave a very interestîg addreuis. 'Tire mosie vici greatly delighted le. COn- gregation, Proceeds from les and ..- cial amourated te the very credi, ab!e eum oef $60. .This amount ha. been supplceueted witi asubsoiption by usth members' of lie obùrci ltie smoëuýn of-8$180. Two yaars- ago lie amount, realized from tic, annirsary sermons as$120 ; LasI year. $130, makiug lu aIl' $880 : Ihus meeting lue entire liabilitieis agnia -th h iroh. Mise,aràiam, cof Claremoàt,14 vIeil, ing ber cousin, bore, MssDiokion. As Mr. Thomas S3mith vas '_drawing_ wccd one, day ls ok i os iav *ing na sices on-ils -iid feet, slippod oùthelb. e.,sud -feU, breakiug - both !ft iti 'ind- tlgs. ,Thé. beset vas quite saraluableou.ý, as Mr. Smlîh hÂ4 a short line belore reëfused tb-ree ýiu-' dred& dollars for it -snd ils mate. Tié' prtbiug vas irm diatlIy killed Io le itls sufeéringe. O n neicing ana unumusi commotion, around A-ite- ceundfl hall 'on Mbuday0, ve commeuoed t0 enqume into lie-; .malteri,*vben w. found. tht.thoee asý> s iobooql question on baund-an- atleuip wsebeig radete break u-8 N lias tOv4 hal on Tuesdsy, t0 consdi theiasadvlsibîity sud busy himu on -il 'd is -14titbte U as, 'i iv. -- w*. Pvsler are very- siok. Ion u a littie belir i- AND ~, FEBRIJAIW 18, 1887. NO. 10. __________________________________________________________________________ i p ýtsf

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