Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1887, p. 3

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ai 1>0~cf8 o p sta' le of tln f aol eodint'ie * l e g pfayer Slio D M lens b. bas bQeII110m ore iernulvo @deaudt t h. Throne cf Grâce. f ' a ago the Bey. gentleman1 W md h. Housesby praying 'for the of the etry W hitney andt helb lànet acertain Congreuaman e infantI danghter wae the smre ttth eW"abinet buti" te accuse Ohaplaifi of 6"offcnsiî orisn ,"bcuOho had noglootid bis and baby. S80rittday the othor was prayod for. Never before in bala of Congresos hie* birth of Amleriaf citizen the occasion of jal action. As bath babies were the 110W departume wusjocularly Oied as a triuphfo -1. as oan, to offset the snubbing that an suffrage reoiÎveti in the Sonate' woek. snatol Inigiile, 'of Kans, is Un- ing ta treat the Bouse with any %j re doforence than that body shows Sonate, unlike the "Father of hie ntryt" who was unwilling that a mo ahoulti bc more pulthan self. Whon Senator 61~so DnessOO, moveti that at thé con. j ejon of rnoning business, oach day, t sonate proooed to consider Houes 0 , Mr. Ingalls inquiret whther the- use had rosolveti ta devote aiiy ticular time tu tho conidoration of mte bille, se that thero shou1ià ho a ont intorchange of oourtesy in the tter. enator Dawes sùggosted that il wae of order ta diseuse lnoties of busi. ini the othér Ifeuso. Thoreupon Sentor from Kansas hcpcd that Senator from Massachusotts. would eeese hie soul in patience. The idea Rt there wae orne divinity hedging n il ut the House of Representativei, se 65V t nebody could mention il without ting on hie knees, vas; a superati. t i n that ought te be abandened. aW hon the bill appropriating $10,000 t~ aosecial distribution of seê to the ugtstricken countios of Texas vas lied up ini tho Sonate, il was sd~o it if tid by Senator Coke of thait Stato, by 1 îl several Ropublican Senators ta= i séd Contitutional questions. Mr. muntie aked if the people of thobs unties coulti not buy soti on crodit, ts farmers cf other states titi. ho nator Ho0'r askod the Texs Senator >08 stato the conetitutional* groand on _cl ho snpported ._theé.büi anti the lie rraieed a laugli by saying, "INot at tuime.'Mr. Hoar esitlie- had peti that if the Sonate voted ta îeli seed ta Texas, Texas wonld 'eue nish contituational law ta the 1 ý &ate. atm lleowould vote for tho witli ploasure. teU~ ore Gon; Hawioy appeailedto, eMr. ht' enot to press tho bill, out of regard red _býý he history cof Texa-that great ire nIaI., ait and uioh,, Ho ehar. mzed the bil as 'lpassog round the ,andt4i ai f lie slehoetate of cou. loti tient came here begÉing for 810,000 r gardon eed anti gel il, ho would ign. M. Coke repudiatedthelb ides of this W' boing a oase.aif( "paseing the liai. mas wae netsaeking for charity. Il rtPI asmerely ini lino villi bille in former r dosý, ugrenes,for relief cf people in Ohio, Kansas, Aibama and ti ler slalom. atar Ingalle admittei that there igbt epfions ta thie publi0. BtMm. Cleveland evtdently lulaudi keep up viitho epoople ,procession. ho says èhe nover fuels tirei lS$ro baking bands eitîlir at 1h. limeor ftsrwards, no malter how great 1lb. umber cf guonte she1 greels. 8h. augbod ner a rment paragiapli in a cw York papor whteli reparfl -i ler S OIpltely ezhauuled fter eue of ber lh6ebonr ordeals of baud shakong. A.fient who was ralliersurprlued ait horpowems of edrn. eaki te Mre. Cleavelandt t he. al @yen squaled 1he. geal bud slikiflg fev.ls cf ,hem husband, asi 5h, bil abaken hamide witb 827 ,peop, b actslS coat, tain uheur lalely. **xe 1 M#OWered, "cf course 106UO ld,»l sIIw bini l gel ahead of me.",ý Of thc travellig cor when the voebiole vas baeoî t 1W admi& thelbanùoeab tta*iefer The viseRa cf lb.e 7aU ver. rernoveti and thon lb. ýveiole ,was lovereti by _:r.moing -lb. blooks on which il resteti. Bobu snuffeti abouat suspieiously, mailwasplaibly auxItusaboutthe proeedlngs, 'but lie relsn-in debisompasure ýfi ayweon. n hzte tva cages vere level. anti th. dôoms of êaeh vore lagether, maktng a Passage from tone.te .other, Super- intendent (Jonklin saiti: "Now cornes the tug of var. Wil lie go or won't he P If ho went go we will have te waitt1he pleasure of lb.is rhinoccrosahip" -Superintendent0onklin affereti apples anti bread te lompt Rehu back imb hie ncw roomn. Bobu sav -tb. apple ont of lb. corner of hie Util1e round lof eycr anti licmadtietstpa b*okwardi b gel il. Then h. etopped. F1?floen minutes passeotiboforo ho moved -anollier stp. The tempter's apple wau placet wtthin an inch ofBohn'a sensitive upperlip, anti he tock anether stop backward in erder 10 reacli the fruit, anti thon lie discoveret bis new quartere, ant inl five minutes vasin them. The nsw cage is twenty foot long twelve vide anat en Since Bohu vas froc anti untraus- *mcled lie las Dot kuova what il a te have 50 mucli room tn vhioh te frisk, anti ho promptly perfermeti a 1,000 Poundi pacby-dermahous gambol te anc aide cf &,h. cage, verymuoh s aa licrse ehies. Then ho gravely amboloti te Ibo extreme end of hie cage, followet 1h &roundthe 1h.sonwith hie note, anti testcdl the iran bars with hie ýhotus. The bars arc an inch in dismeter anti placed nino taches spart. Thoee of the old cage are vemy close tagether. For hall an heur Bobu ebufflet about awk- wardly taking in 1h. ditinnsione ot lits prison, anti whan lie fiaally seughh ncw diversaion, lie found tiinta abushel cf copped hay anti bran. After eating he teck a nap. DISTRICT ITEMS. B>' falliag on a drawknifc Josephi Hill, cf Orillia, suetainet aà horrible gasliunder hie knoeacap. Forty-four ladies v'otet at the New- markot Municipal, sanoti es>othprs worried along without iaoing sd. A Stratford girl vas fineti 81 anti caste last week by tic Police Magis- trats for using *bueible lauguage. A lest herse blankel vua dvertisei from the Methotiet pulpit iaMeunat Foreet on. Sunday evening recentl>'. A team belongiag te 1Mr. A.. Stephons, con'. 2, Whtchurch, vemeestruek vîlli paralysie lut week *an t ahI continue hoîpless. A young carpenter diot aI Clarks- burg Friday. He vas an infitiel anti maintainet ishieopinions to tb. anti. Thre buril service vas coudateti by a Isyman. a coupling on a tumbling shaft caugbt 1h.eocalcf William Beattie, f Fergue, and voult i hmup so atightly that 1he mainspring cf lie vas aimait broken. .Fargue collecter eizeti on 1h. Army barmeeka for $12 tazes whieh the Bal. vationints refueedt t pay. A few nights later the bauuskiers baralodthelb timum omashoti and tisbrols atalen. A Flaili, cf Drayton, was uplitting voti wtt au iran votige. The vetigo Aew up frow Ithe stick, bit hlm in the moulb anti gave smrnetittà job te supply M i i Ibtro. store teeth. The ourotaker cf 1he Presbytertan churolin wClhaton, luiastvented a nev tiopilator>' wbicb le likcly in the near future toomave the barber muce trouble antis eoustoenrmucb oxponse. HO put n hute ts ob00f1coù in latle cbohoiifuma.., ant in taIo seonds and a bail alugei off ail bis wbioeors. Anagmusing slory in toit us ofîbhe experimnce cf an Orauge'ville ýYoung man# Whio couceiveti #* novel Ides ai ging tiown the tebo an e'litie0on am iran scop - choyai. 3Mouating the shovel witbhlits loes satthe lianale. - the deooot ýbegan-alsothb.fun. as the spaiatuicreaseti, th. aba'vel varmeil UP by 1h. friction, sàud il. rider vas soon actuaitoti b>' auirresistible iMPuls ta dismoonit, but 'ha lad a thgl ticket thâba sloed no stop-ail. At the sud of -the lrlplie, vas caz*ed, hom and issaiti40 b. UOIýtakiug bie Moab itaOa standing position.. p.. LMambil, Weu1o-titio&re, N , Oil. Ma bors o lame Ihal ho ouliL > a0rel>' val; the-touble vas ilte kne sud o ôor I bra plloslleo mUpltalY ouret ibmt 'Whmub kagyTarwa euow Où uum latter &H allier trealmeatthi faieti. Mr. -Biownilng's nov poonu asmmet wiL1 The Eiubs-Or t,Buadro""i *Mr. Joba morrisc ofSt Anup , K&, vas se serionulyaffliteaoti v aa duofi the kitineyasati dpsy Iha-i* wu- des. p airocl of. -Tvo boîes et Bnrtiok Blocil- Bittera uroti hm u o hmcasm The Prituce clvalesbas gone to Cannes. To a&l vho are sufferlag from tlb.'ertr and mdisotlons of ycuth, nervona weak- noms, early decay, loua cif mmnhot,&.I vil senti a.,recpe that l " U'-o'Urs PREX OF CHAKR. ~egeleei vas discvomet i '~missinar'nlu ul Amorita. .Send a seU4-ddr«se nvlp tte ey. JcsmxmT. YImËmt8ogo. Noe York Oit v.. A MAIýVELOUS 'STORY FROM THE -SON: '~~ 64Gew1 eme*: My father restdes at Qiover, Vu -He bas beeia il sfeerfrm oo- nia, and the llodetrwItel you what a mavelous ïefeci Ayer's S arspaillia bas hadin hisceue. 1Ithnk hie blood must have contained the bunior for at least ten years; but ît dld not show, except In the forzn of a 9crofulons sore on the wrist, until about Oive -years ago. From a few spots whieh ap- peared at that time, ht gradually spread so as te cover bit;entire body. I assure youble vas terrîbly affiicted, and an object of piy, wflen he began using your medicine. Now,there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he lias. 1 cotid easfly name fifty persiona who wouid testify to the facts in hisecase. Youra truly, W. M. PmILLrPS." FROM M EFATHER: lesue n a duty for me to atate, to yen the beneftt I have derlved from the use of Âyer's Sarsapnarla.. Six mnnths ago 1 wui completely cevered wvht a terrible bumor and scrofuions ores. Mma humor cansed an incessant and lntolerable itéhlng, and the. skin cracked se as te cause the blccd te Lioy in many-places whenever 1 nioved. M(Y sufferings vere great, and my l11e a burden. I commenèed the use of Lthe BSsà&PÂIi.àla teAprillasI, andhbave used fi rqgularly since that tisse. My condition bogan te improve at once. The mres bave il healed, and I feel perfectly vell ln every respect -beng nov able te do a good day's wcrk, although 73jearsci âge. Many Inqur. wbat bas wrought mch a cure lu my ame, and 1 1.11 thora,sas1 bave hbe tahféd to tel Ion, Md au seolea1om Cýomplaint, Kvyslp. el"., EBCMM94Elzgworm. Bloldis., 80r»14 BoSilstzmoS, uMd BEmpionsof tla. Ski.. It cleas sthe blood ci aU impuL- riles, aidadigestin, itirelates the actimofo theb oels, and Ibus restoreS vtality mail strengtheris th. wholesysstemn Sold b17 &UlDrugglsM; $1 Mlx bottlee for $5& NO ENGUMBH TABLE 18 CON5IDERIED COXPLTE ZWITROUT POEXIIls Y« IEEOEEI ENEES, IUE, harpP»]ROMK. ma *R» 0T îLA xmmruag »0 Pa um4m, RCUTI, ueVIE5nD»M. dAys, sud daoesntinterferevith biness.Descriptive pamÉmblet qent fro n recoipt of stemp b L L EnI&-sci,395lm s. ms j FALL $SUITS. L ------000 JOH N FEROUSON 18 8HOWING A BUPEBIOR 8TOQX 0F Scotchy English and, Canadian Tweeds,ý. Ana other fine linos of Clothe, for Bpring suitp. ÂAU garments made up in 1"teMsyle on shortest notice. Resdy-Msde Men's and Boy' SuItB, Gents? Furni8hing8 and Underolothing of aIl Kinde.. HATS 1 HAIS Lasat styles in T6rd and S3oft Feit Hats VE4y (JHEÂP. ~JOHN ] eRGUSOŽN, punaus t., Wbitby THE NOR TII AMER104 N LIFEAS88URA NOCOo. HEAD OMMI 29 TO BB2 RG-Sr. WE3STi TOBONTO. FULL GOVEI3NMENT -DPOSITB- HOIL ~ MP exMcnie Po-Prie inistOf ! aadfProsideut SON. A. X MRIS P.P., z 3: LÂý B SQ l.u.It. 2 .Omauui»b. 'YieePmode coi r~Qa.laudte reaitco.- Bfftnaalilt4gmanulcu m b elb. vatctbe UsernPab u an w tliat ex-, ~i...â .~Aaankmwammnsai daibla. IbaDireotfflu ]a *uýh &Ifft mI shupleiandtias ea Lifetime. .olDbit-aC, ül. hoipoa; Are Boîter L~an An>' Other. The Bemt Iudgcos qsa> lsTon. is the Bout. t ie buIt wlth a vv e Durabilityani Deaut>'. The Boat Instrument ta Buy, cal sud 8..Our Goa BWRKST. - WHT . London and Lanoashi-re,. Life Comp*ýny.. This Company issues everjd irab1eforma o e iepolicy, and has doposi4atètvi'the »eceiver General in approved .Canadian socurities ovei $100.00 for ech $100800 of llabiity, thus affording AB8OLUTB se- cnri'ty. Parties dlesirens cf auring their livear vil find ilt t their ativantage to, èonsulti the undersignbd before auing elsevheee, JOHN FÂRQUHIABSONI 1Whtby,PMay 18, '86.* .1>' i Agnt. PAT Movmlg a quànoomrs ]Bebu, 1h. double homueil rblUoo 'VIM, soli hAfriawbtch Ilt.î p toe h.shos vasidby th- fflstet Bamb4in te h.e nrs M mneQt cage yet.rday. T1uh wc lëmob. a dmzplec)"o Upitedent (Joan1g=fon4 U«« WOtuery o beqn *ýu MMPn*n kh ra"frush to',_* ya %M'that

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