Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1887, p. 2

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oomsz'ou»rn And items Stolen from ur uiExciaugea. P4ôEt PU 7Ïý UXBRIXDGL M CoL Wlidifiebd of Picton le v:ieitng friendein ii owu.1 A4.ro eoeotîng an] tobogganing have e fair bhsre of at4teuion. Mr. Butler of Mr. Hlearys store bas bai the diptieria and is recoveriug nOm. The Gice Club, laLely organlzedi conneckion mîth -the Htgb School, w give a concert in5acouple o!fvebs. Lest week we bai excellent skatite especîally on Saturday irben ou an, young flacked to tlie ice t spend th afternoou snd eveaing. The snuiversary cf îb. dediealion o the Preibvterisu oharci miii b. belc ou the 1ti of Feb. mbeu Bey. Mr McDonald of Toron to sud Dr. Cocit..i of Brantford will i-eliver adiiessea. The Revere Bouse, Uxbridge, ciang cd baudseilut meek, Mr. T. Bennett cf Maucbeatei, bsvin&Moûthe jjlUge nouranabootfsmiii 6e fonnd aoon moisting. to the public sud ve mist them sucOes. Mes9r6.$Wooî & Sharp bave dissolvea psrtnersbip, asd tcii Lebusineastc Mes8es. John Wa&t & Co., Who intend rush îug off the stock-. The firm omade a good fname for îbeoseacsber. aud a greft t auny viii regret that Liej bave deciiegi ta leave U-xbridge. A radical diffarence belvee (armner and towusman m-ai veny nolioeabbu bere on Friday -lait. A gronp oh mon vas gatioesiou the Street &round a fine tesauof horses. Wbiie couversing freeiy about the anialea siover came demn, ibici made tbe bovusn seek 'beiter but dii net affect fuels- country cousi'ns, viecontinued tie conversation sppeiretitly nol not îiln9 the change lu lbtheahehen. Metbodjal Snnday Sebool ba@ docid- ed to make anothen addition to its libisny. Sunday, Jan. lOMthIere voie 290 aciolare sud offleers presonî allihe sebool. A normal claa, conslsl- iug oh leacsoinLu irniug, villaMr. A. D. Weeks as inil*uoloi, bas beau slartod in lb.hebol- 0&sni bon M. I. Band beld sa is meeting' Prlday.... Mi. Pioctor oh Sarala, pieaobediLuthie Mehhodist churci on Sunday moiuing. On Btar luta ltdeson of Mr. thebosida oh s sleigh on Vich heas snaching a ride and Lu ta'ylng t0 gel off i. fell bacbmarda and mas dtsgged some.diatance before b*ing rescued, a wagon cou2Lug bebind mabLug so much uoise liaI lais crie8stah iraI mero fol board.- Tier, are no hem accidents ch lbia- kind Ih*t lb mould seems if yo ugatrsled #a cbaraaed existence. B3oys vii hbdboys sud imus issu heur chances. Lu Uîbridge, lu ordêr WIOure soMe oh "it vici lie SeotI Ae s"y$ayou nausltat, reaorl la made 10 intrtgue. For instance, a mua& appiied 10 ene oh the toema doctors a feir day. mgo for @mom whisbey for a ireman whse va --dok. i The liqûor vas refuai, big saory not belug bolileîe<I. Beorurned mli sairritten raquaîitrbici bailbise eff@Ol Oh eeouiing lb.Iliquor; Il ha. sMuc.been hcund Ibat tbe vomnn A Me tutiscrty tl 7ny01 àg tei w». dok- -i g e is ward f olSdse agI* ,iséen u. Ù2 of mmaiGramsad WuiuÎoa u iie aa for mornetisa, pake g ca Wiiaanbarg ,deapseM bf- bu Luesir e"nsm ieagmin IkeIr unrsad lhoy ibend <,a n.gtheî cb..a.oeakiug buuineu a. oc ashi season opens. On Tues4ay ohfl"s ek sa'galber- iug, b' bt the uîmber of aboi$t,.tony eoagregabed ai the home ofh Mi. Go& Ewerst'O mituesa the oanrlagofhibu second daugbteî, Bordie, b o oOf Ma". oheater's most rospecleit yeo»4an, Mi,. William Smilla. The brid@ e a stimn in a handsomo broya >o1sau-cor drs, trimmed vîtb a bosvy 1uab ol appropraste colonr,s»d ry aiea indeed. Mr. Jo'u Muaro. ..ilb. part of groomnmau, sud MiessEmere. the eider sdoter of lb. br*de,.irsaýbçido'&- mai. They laccbed îut on th. mal- rimonial sea under the most fivorable circumelanees, azM lb. .ntirp, eoý- munily hope liaI Iheir voyage miy be smovoth aailLug. OLilTPELD. Mups 8Lin9ou, of Turoubo, is lb. gues Business la fain. 1 PoliLice il e gnaing to *-' bol bée aud tbe prospect ia4bstt he vote mil hi coouiderabiy ebsnged in Ibis villge. Mauiy people are obangiugkades. In hie sermon on Sanday week Bei. Mi. Willougbby tilatpd ho iad never kuou'u a person wbo took s lively intenest iu dancing, tobogganing, billiandosud liko @ports to. beoome an active member o1 any Churàh. W. have heard nothing about races on the i.. Ibis minIey. Are me goiua to'have *uy, or bas Port Perryê lest iwa notorieîy for snob affaira, sud no one mwilling to Lake bold of!the; malter. The races ai Port Perry naed to 6e lob- ed upon as an important annual event amonget sporting muen all over lhe Prov. ince. Last Thursday evening, mhlii.Mrs. M. G. Robson waa on ber way bo spend an evening ii Longflilowin wthe Methodist churob, oie fell i front of Rev. Mr. Willoughby'@ reaideno., at whicb place the sidewalk vas covered wilh ic. sud very slipperjy. Si. feUl mwiti sucb forc. e 0 break eue of tie boues of ber right fore srm, and &iW dielocating the joint of ber valet. The accident wau very painful, batl ah. la recoveng nieely. Whst is jeslingly called our anail fire fook place on Sandtay morning of Is.st week. The £rat Liat waa known of lb. fire wmaca boud crash in Laingz & Mebarry's hardware étore, whieb noise awakended Mr. Geo. Tes- dale in his billiard parlor. He.rions- ed the town and tie engne mac broug,-bt oui and worked witna vigor for an bour or so, wben tb. blaze mac finalby brongbt onder subjection. on é-zaunnation the blaze proved Le have beeri a Lad one, hâving almnat corn pletely gutted Laing I Mekirr ' fin block. Tbee srnke snd steâm got tbroaeL into adj&ccnt Stores and did consuiderab!e damaRe. The wbole lass mili probaboly reach ani sd isco ver. ed by ineuraee. Ilo-w tue fire origi«. naici iÈs a nystery &s vet. A @hort tilDe &Ro Meurs. Rsarman & Go. had a wood-bee. The weah., vs flot very favorable but the neighboru turned ont anàdidew eometbing les than a hundred cord from Peter Yonng's wood.y&rd, Cedar Vadly. We were unexpeotedlly vzsited by Dr. Mathewson, evangelist of the. Toronto Metbodist Cburoh Conférence, on 8n day laut. IHo isn ndoubtediy one oh the greatosi evangeliate in Canad and those Who bave fDot- yet b.d the privi- loge of beariuýg him vill do wiraigo att*nd the. revival service. beld by hlm inl the Mèthodist oburch, Greeubank, Lici week sud nezt Sanday morniug. The reliable sair-mili firm, unider the niar£ e of Watson & Dobson, have tabou ap their quartera in the vesto among the Quakers, wmere the7 int.ad romain- ing for the wiater. Now ai th. m»ajor- ty of Ibis gang ià stricbly Mehhodjgj w. would not 6e aurprised t 10hemr of a large oumber oft1h. Quakers ehangiag hei religious vieve before the linIer [os"a bis coit of gray, or the Spring tine contes back again wîth ber balny breezes. i I ti b GLEN UMAJOR.. Mr. Wifis Blscbsarn lavexy il at prefent. Busine« ss Waliluing uint wUt"l lown, but mm o ale. hef snb agîited pool"s. .David vitl laer Dame ? Many Of oi Young People 90go Piao Grove ou Sunday evenunga b attend thb. meetings lier. 11ev. Mr- Rogers prosobed an 01e- quLeUl Sermon ou Sandsy goeà a ige 0cnregation. We'r, gladta10 ei choir membex. Lu tiheir placeson.. San- day.i W. veresasrpilaed 10 se. a foot rac on Satiuiday eve-ning by eue oh oui esteemueityouag nlen#a he vasreltam. ing hrin, ledge. W. waudei, WilJIom, if abe bai far 10 go mbia you caugil up 1 'Quite a change ha. beon made snOng. Our fuiends i Lu lvil. ài. Wm. Pugi bai bougittheb. hoa.formognly ccapied by Mr. J. Jonussd Mi. Jobulispurcha.ed lb. fimOf Mr., W. Pugb ; ho zubenda alartinghamg inth ah plung, ana me suppose liat Mr. W. P. miU soqub. piepared for bou»e. keopngl, a. mou. Mr. J. B. Edmardam siplgpos tou from tbe O. P. a.satn 0To. bo, bIla week. Bloy did liaI load ocdyomg people like thbefr unet laut wJ*P' W. hpe th.y villot10t b o h my .ZUnex m. Lt la exrpeted l"aIou, achool me"to wll beulargd nortygar, hm l, if tb. Cedar îek setion iand4e0 àw>y A lauge number cf 1h.elc< ali ed themasi,.. oh hhe'opomnrî hesug~~~.Be tiwi .ued*s ga ture ree .lTuesday evnzug. I». Jas. Vernon as ahi 10be*rund agsln.-.-Mgs ONS. Neth.it., e n vitl ndaunmllou ofhlb bt,4... diacoura le hi. oestobe., ou bl 8and y1"a. B.inena olding 8;pe- W-* erVi4Ns fu lie Prfflpece oceki aO 8oo0 a h.meeting.are .'Cloud st blanchelac. è»asouoted, iv tha ...__ s t p I r I rhe third meofingid-- I Injsu, 21omas an 'ecOf debatft vs"Bàs.lWt look lise afflü'.Ir , - aud Me ama ocutise uogtwve 1i habving saùmd up us ina - vM ey .addr.agave] lu faot cf 01the Affrm"ale -able amenaI ohfalu*ne, re given by lmasq'maâh OsrM Andrew RBeid'. The. cbaim progftmms .ommilt.ethoe, tia1h, subjeol for doe", meeting wmuid b., «BmsoIw Mf of amariedminsho that Mfaaumariemat.' Ha . Hyfield in viating mlwul ater,Mms. A.J. Smith$ c magIno Mr. aud Mms.Brokenahire, of JUW am, ar.ou thou vedding Iowrvltqg frenda Lu Ibis Iocsliy. Misscauri. Welle. formeaIy e Mi place, but Dow cf Micbigan, ia VWOlq Mr. P. Mitcholl, cf Ibis plera, la gone tue Kieugan ho enge n lo m- %sr buhmmees.W. vlsb hlm geo0 ip.M lçJn.le Sam'& domis Word bas been reoened bu* destb of Mr. iA. Mcprui«e-4 Fores,at the adanosd faged2ý Deaed vas cmon. Mhéb.proo.e"ei tiers oh Ibis ocslty, havlng ezngr.bmdý 10 Ibis Part from Ârpjle.hute, Boetlad, Whaou this vas a complete vl.a but lately. b acumu" M.mremaIh, ho muoved t101he neighborhood of KOu Forest , irehoe .ttl.d mid 'nde for himaself a oozforlable home. E. WM highly respocted in Ibis part IM bis mariy sterling qualitiies. Couatable We. Clark. again areald Mes. Dan. th.-vomnvieWha.bu 8 iîvea m"y 10 lthedrink cuSe, sud Mayor Robiuson sent bar tb g"cifor Ou night lut week aman appwmsti rander tbe influneo of liquoi, connu ont of the, Frankin Rous., easggeral itb ra dOir i lbefront sud broke1 pane. ne W«aiDot moletd, &ni paseed on as ra-pidly se cireo4unsts would permit. Tiro young fellows, Manning sai Strong, irere belote Mayor Bobinson on Saturday, ehargeit wfth furionj riding on borsebaok dom KilaaaqIi treet, aiid, ver. soh fia.d $5, beside the olla, but voie, on Tueeday, Oum. miîtWd b Barrie gaol for bsn dan.,JE defauli cf paymeal. For several days during lb.. pas veek the, Northera and North-weeter, railwY, on the "eotion norhof Ruats. ville, wau blookadeit by i..smdenov. Saowatorm ashow anowotormrith suru ierening, oompletely cloed. UNline to trafflo evcry tixnme.gangCfetmmn at work gel the ubrae ler.d. Tbe lUne às Dow, haie. puflqog sMd listaam U=onug >o Millt rbwoée huabýud diedocue ho 7«arsago. sMd *hé hma.ince hei. a ladry Mthelb.boum brandly kmcm ai Silliman'. Office, va« taken 111, sud died on Thaday. Âter beu dath it wae dimcvered ah. hadSiven birtb &0 a ebuld, lied Ivo stringa&bout its nee*, wr&pped iltansàqulitasd placd tii bundi. behinitber in tho e d, claiwing, it w&ato keep off a draugbt.- No Lui. quest wuai eld. A couple of meekus go, irben lM. sot t esteM ae on, four bard. Looking topera loanged Up tb the bar *M one et Our 8ooîî&et houe.., sud esl fr "lime.;uiae." Tii. Iartenderr.seh. ad beloir the bar for 1h. derntUobu bi%poured ont lb. liquor. Tbey aIl Marted- b dmthe Oavizie4 but beor they had situgether dexuoliaed jt, Otoppe, nade wry I&S4ce, d ocf em sd :---fWba reyou hryLu' W-1 chove onns?-tb iaoider in 8ome. ne ad led 1h. de.sn wi* cie« luring th. day, s1dl .. battendes.B y i. neers ,obad ena driaking the, eider.1&By-snd did ot esreltosqueaL Tuilais one if âe Paokea obetutgs Up le ait the. bm.ï A VerY pleuing eveaî bok place on ýsesday, 25th aIL, sItlb. eeidn 01, t,.~ ~ v 8.basn v he arifa etM Mau M"d méason to Mr. T. 1-41 iKutwiY. sv. 19. Bbus ausl mule&, The. prepuls wI0ri ild by &B Who wonm.u~ ~ I I I t a a d Si T; T ANDRE W me loft AllanLi-ne! DAIMS OF SAJLIG. ROSS. ISA POSITIV CR Phi ail Ume .Pahnfiâ Comùplaiteandwïù neases me commua teoOur beal FEKALE PC)PMTATION. on' Scount of itsprov.neiS it lit daOncommended udpresonubd by à tz Ptm-t- nthe connry. it w cumeuxEiely thebo mrittom e Failing 4dthe Ueua,leucoroeaf Mud P [FUa esr&bn i v Floodinga, ai l à- tcm nt ud.t cm sequent spialeaknes., sud is epc adaptedleotechanefl uo tI oles dexpel uniens raf= , ul l su esrly ofageetdvelopm.nt. TheMi deacy o of a nusH Umleîe â. ed vony speedlly bJr ils us. a«I M oealgtonhestimmulb.,sdrle -it cuie Bi * geed" ofhe h, uiso re-athe noms 01 the làdnvl% sd~ RexaedaOM pomjlaprel sud Làlqua ta=,nl perbamu Pl<angar.mcoslby MmeO DebLie.Vt."US .,or etau ' New aendý Beàiutifu1 Assortment iii ail tue Fasion01 Shade.s 'with -Plushes. Lu mai:ùtch, GINGIN, PRICE, FROM $Loo PER YARj XIso another new lot iýýof Stried raCorded Velveteoi CHEILLE AND JET FIRINGES, NEW RESSANDMANTLE BUTTOI Dress and Mautie (Jlaspsiiail colors- and black, TAIORNOFLOURISHNG. Everyý,body is*satis;fied with our work. Leave your ordi with us and you can lbe sure' y ou -wiil fot have Lu bi-ing tliem back for afteration.. rot li s pu ýt,ë?iîgo, 7 ,., *th -,-Bey jenlimau sda certain Congreesman ni àegber vasthelie me o neir èbud? -thcaccuse, panc"offesv atsn shOhad uegl.cbed bis dbaby. So ubzt day the other às prsyed for.,1Nefer belon. in à of cjougres was - ho birth oh eenaciizean the occasion' oh acio.As botili babies, ver. * ewdparture was joulsrly ed as a triuýnpi for the cause an,.b olfsetl lie snubbing liaI Enffrage received in lhe Senatu ek., loI Iùgsls, oh Kanss, las un_ tic treal lbe flouse with-sny eferenos than liat body sbows nuate, unlike tho "'Father cf hie wy," irowasunwiliig liaI -a à hould-,-b. more polit. than bi.When Senaler Barris,. of bsse, moved -liat aI the con- -of 'moring business, each day, inate pnooeed le consider Houa. r., IngaUi Lquired viiether lie e iad resolved 10 devote sny palanim tbil o thc considor ation oh ~bille, 80 liaI tien. shoota be a 1iubeioiange oh courtesy linlthe 'r. saler ]Yweg suggested thaI il was fonder ta discuse, modes of busi- thebi other Rouse.Thereupon ýenator from' Kansas boped Ibal Wnabi from Massachusetts mould se hies, sul lu patience. The ides there , as some diviniby icdgingý tthé House oh B 'eprescutatives, so- moliody could, mention it mithont ng ou hie kncees, wsvrý a supensti- tiaI onghl ho, ho sbandoned., heu bbc bil approprialing 810,000 speolal isribution .oh seed ho bbc ghtl-etrickel1 couùlies of Texas iras d1up iu tho Senate,,it mas advo- I by Senator -Coke of liat Ste, a sevenal Republican Senahors aî !Coônstitiîtional questions. Mr. innde ssked M the people of h e lies could not buy seed on oredit, as -larmiesof ohher sates 'did. ktoi Hoar ssaked, lhe ToxsSenalor mt e he onsibntioual ground on h i. supportelie . bill,,sud -the r raised a lsugb by ssying, "INot aI l ime." ,Mr. Hoar- sala he«-bad id 'liaI if lthe Sonate výoSed ,ho. ah se& ho Toisa, _Tcxas- ould l constibuhional law t10the- l.8011obe ould _voleJ',for tie, W's' 0'.Hmeyapaedl I~ epos 'the i, oe hie le histoe~ of Te a-ilgeal, shah. od. ud uola Bechar- The place old ci hall1 wsr( Goke repud *g seue id , - I -~ Ooimlmloa Liiu Frein Perla - ..P6.17 a las......1K4.11 ........ Mar.~ < toi We are aorrl 10 hear Ibat oua 1oh oui citizenua bas1%ft n.,but vo Iroal ah. bas gone bo mors peaceable quartera W. monder hgqw <sur toucha in~d lthe old gentleman MI the yelJOwý houa. agise Lu politisa. Whab'do yonsaYi, H-? Mr. jack, Iht el-kacir» caIlle bnyer of Toronto, viuited Ibie boeaiity 1a"t week ani purcbased a numaber of fine uhipporE. Misa A.liag bas been away frq obon for sa1few weeks. People are quise aniions tb kuow irbether ah. isfa&ay çn a mcdi ing tour bo Sault St. Ma rie, or rnakîug a fieudiy visit dowm at Cedtar ROS -sO

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