Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1887, p. 8

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Oounty Council. The.' Oounty Council met aM its ehamber on Tueriday lasI at 3 p.m. Ail the mjnmbers anewered te their namee .except Mesurs. Websere and. Thotupson of Scot'- whose certifleates had been lest in transmissionl by mail. Il will b. noticed that their two votes, are missiug in the ballotiug for Wardeu whioh follows. The clerk teck the chair and asked fornominations for the Wardeuship and the folbowing shows the. nase of candidates and th. resuit of the neyerai PTRST BÂLLOT. T.O'Leary Reeve of Mars, moved by Mr. Bruce, sconded by Mr. Thompeen, (Mièra.> Jos. Monkhouse Reeve of; Pickering, nioved by Mr. Perey, seoonded by Mr. Mackey. L. K. Murton Reevo of Oi;haws, nioved by Mr. Mowbray, s.conded by Mr. King. 11eult of vote-O'Leary 11, Monk. bouse 15, Murton 7. SECOND BALLOT. T. O'Leary, moved by Mr. MoRae, secouded by Mr. Thom pson .(Mars). J. R. Matheiveofl Beeve of Wbitby township, uioved by Mr. Gonthard, seaonded by Mr. Wilson..c Jos. -Monkhouse, moved by Mr. Percy, seeouded by Mr. Mackey. L. K. MarIon, moved by Mr. Mow- liray, seconded by Mr. King. Result of vote-O'Leary 11, Mathew. son 7, Monkhouae 10, Murton 5. THIRD BALLOT. O'Leary, moved by Mr. Thompson <Mars), seonuded by Mr. McRae. Jos. Monkbouse, moved by Mr. Colbard, seconded by Mr. Perey. G. Y. Smiith Reeve ot Whitby town, moved by Mr. Baurns, seconded by Mr. MeKenzie. Result of ballot-O'Leary 11, Monk- houe. 13, Smith 9. FOURTE BALLOT. Mr. Mollse Reeve of Thorsh, moved by Mr. Baird, seouded by Mr. Glen- denunDg. L. K. Murton, movect by Mr. Moe- bray, Beoonded by Mr. King. Jos. Monkiiorie, moved by Mr. Perey, seconded by Mr. Parker. T. O'Leary, m2oved by Mr. Curie, eeconded by Mr. Thompeon (Mlars.) Resuît of vote-McBae 9, Marten 6, Monkliouse 8, OLesbry 10. FIFTII BALLOT. T. O'Learv, moved by Mr. Gould, eecooded by Mowbray. Geo. Mowbray Rt'eve of E-ast Whitby, rnoved by Mr. Miîrton, secouded b)y Mr. King. J. R. Matboweon, moved by Mr. Couithard, seeonded by Mr. Wil.mon. Joe. Monkiiouse, uioved by Mr. Perey, seconded by Mr. Parker. ,Rersuit of vote-O'Leary 8, Mowbray b, Matbewson 7, Monkhouse 13. SIXTH BALLOT. Jos. Monlubouse, naoved by Mr. 'rudd, seconded by Mr. MeFarlane. T. OLeary, moved by Mr. MeRse, secondesd by MNr. ïhonipson (Mars.) Rebult o! voe-O'Leary 14, Monki. house 18. Mr. Monkiouse was tien declared Warden. On motion cf Mr. Gould a balle wae taken, tor lhe appointment of seven members te strtke the standing cern- mittees for the. year sud the following gentlemen elected ho form lb.he lect commuttee.: -Christie, MarLou, Gouild, OLe ary, Percy, ilarman, sud Bruce. Mr. Harman gave notice tbsI onu le morrow ho wïll introduce a by-law te appoint a county anditor sud le con- ficim the appointment cfthie Wsrdeu. Mr. Suait-b gave notice of s by-laâw he will introdnoe ou Thureday le appoint auditors of the acconuts et criminel justice. SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 26, 1887. Warden ook t-be chair at 10:30. Members ail present except those fmcm Scott. Minutes o! last day o! lst- JunesB session sud o! yestemday's session were read aud confirmed. The presentment o! the Grand Jury at last aseizes was read ecommending amoug other hings an mamrease in the ealary of the turnkey o! tie jail.: The !olowlng communications were read Fromu Couuty Council Perthi euols- ing suggest-ed amendments t thie Drainage Act. Front he Canada L<and Law ampnd- ment association pressing their pet amneudmeuls te the- systein o! laudi transfer. From Counly OÃ"uncll Frontenac aakng if lie Lioeas. commiasioners her. have aaked any'-fands te enfore tie Scott Ael, sud if se viat was dose about il by' tb.connoîL.Aise asklng if l"i counicil would net 1k. te have A il 11B ay about appointing officra wie have power te, maies sch large demande upon il. Fmom Couu±y Council Hastingsasoi- ang t" Councll le petition Governmnt againel ailowing lunaiw ot be confined in jail.1 From County Counocil Norfolk nsaking Counoil le. ait outhie Scott Act'sud inemorializ, Geverument té ha6ve il knocked ou lfie head sud a licens law properly lnsl.ed l inia place allowing lhe dispenaatien cf a. 11111e wine sud beer for the stomhaci' aie. Frein lie clly elerk,7Eingbou, soutle- tiing about universihy educallon. From Go,.. eoker -of lii.jafl skn for a Cook stieye l in he* .wktcbeui eeedlast summer. He vas backed i bis requait by erif Paxton Ëad Prom AJe. Bruce,,lurukeyoftbo- josWue "n au urofsq. quently thèy make non. furtheFrat present.cer Frein Tios. Âflin animany Ohr petitioning for $25 -te b.e applied le lthe work of carrying où lhe North Ontario Farmers Institute.~ From Burns & Co., Whitby, slating thcy hmd laken out s pedd.lar's license ini Octoberilast and had le pay for lhe full year, and asking le, have tho lime of expiration o! tiljicnose extended tili next Oclôber. From the North Ontario Brandi Dominion Alliance lransmittiug -a motion passed by tiaI body in fayot of the local Govcrnment iaving ail the money from Scott Act fines to, use in enforcing the Scott Aott From the Prisoners' Aid association help defray its expenses aud psy semae indebtedness. Mr. Christie presented tie report cf the committee appointed to strike lhe standinLg committees for 'the year as follows : FINANCE-Murten, Mowbray, Gould,, O'Leary, Christie, Bruce, Glendinning, and Mcliae.1 LEGISLATION AND MEmoRiA.s-Smith, Todd, Mackey, Curts, and Thompsen ~(Mara). EDUCÂTION-Harmanfl, Baird, Pal- mer, Wilson, and Gailoway. ïROADa AND BRLIDGES-PfrCy, King, Dobson, Webster, Treneuti, and Mati- CouXTY PROPERTY ANI) GAOL MAN- AGEMI£NT-Fluflmerfeit, Couithard, Me- Farlane, Parker, and Thompson (Scott). PRINTIN'G - MePherson, McKenzie, St John, llaa, aud Burns. Council adjourned for cinner. AFThRNOON SESSION. The clerk read report of H. Hiarris commîssioner of Narrows Bridge. Froua Judge Dartnell asking Vhe usual allowitnce for postage, etc., and other things. From Gov. Deaker of the jail is semi.annual report showiug t-bat during the past six miontbs 38 prisoners have Leen coufined lu the jail; on Jan. Tht 1887 there were 5 prisoners ln thejail; the daîly- cost of maintaîning prisoners is 7j cents. Froua Col. O'D onovan asking somae aid for the volunteers. Mr. Christie introduced and carried tlirou4i a by-law t-o confirua by-law No. 811 of thbe township of Reach, stoppingy up a ctrt.ain road ailowance between lieacli andl Mariposa. Mr. Smnith gives notice t-lai ho wilI on Tlîursday move that an appropri- ation of j400t0 be granted for the purpose of repairing t-be varions public roades, t-O be expended as follows : - $500> between Oshîawa and Whitby; $1000 betweeu W,%hîtby town aud west limit of Pickering ; e50O on Cqntre road of Pickering leading Vo TVxbridge town ; S1000 between WVhitby and Port Perry on graive1 road. Mir. Matbewson, seconded by Mr. McFarlane. moves thjat as since t-he last meeting of this counicil il has pleased Divine Providence Vo remove by death Henry Jeffrey, Esq., late reeve of Wilitby owu ; whereby the said town aud county bas lest a mort wortlîy officiai and honorable gentle- mnan and- citizen: lie ilt he'refore me- soived t-bat t-bis counicil tender Vo bhi aged mnot-ber sud family lts sympathy in t-he affliction they have been catied upon t-o bear. That s copy o! lii resolution be engrossed sud forwardeè Vo bis relations by the clerk. The resolution was carried unani. mously. The Wardeu produoed the Treasurer' bond and it was relerred te lihe Fiuanc commîttee. .The council adýjourned t111 Thursdlay THIRD DAY. - TnIURSD&Y, Jan. 171i. The Wardeu teok thie chair at 10:30. Mr. Hamman presented a petitien as long as a sidewalk from four or five buudred ladies asking that s sum of money be appmopited by the concil to psy tie salary of a police magistrale t-o enforce the Scott Act. Mm. Smith brougàt up ie motion for tie road appropriation as mentîoned in yesterday's report snd afler seme dis- cussion il wus to!.rred tte ieommittee -on Roads and Bridges te b.e reportld on in June. Council adjoarued for cinner. -NOTES. A @ingu.lsr tiing lu conueclion with tie Wsrden's eleclion vas tiaI for lhe final ballot the Reeve cf Uzbnldge town- ship proposed Mr.-O'Lery sud tie 2od Deputy R.eve of lie same township. proppsed Mr. Moýkionse.. Anthier. malter worthy of note-4. iaI It wo Tois conduehpd the Warden t. beihminas <n1coundli. * - There $eo4 D sy changea thelb céànucilfro lut Yeats bul *ýý *Wý mnembers are Il pretty dùê.,ulooking c h% ansd upon the,- viole the appear.' suce. of the. concû ztup ho theaverage. Tiie representallves frein BeotI were net eifranoied until Tbuirsday more. mng, sud l. ecnryqe stin uo being eonsidered 's lwheor te eouxilY is the lasr inua.viug thie *M bey vouldlhave reeeived. M*aor (Gniers=n sud John Mill«,v Beq,,were in, 1h. coancit hambr a gooddal.uring thb. week. ý2îsof s lie von Rebi gollêmen réeev.4w&M The. Presbytery of WhItby -met: in th Fi«ytriuOhObi, Oh*wO, oz day Is. & ThcafrneBa<gOpa .J. A. Carmiobsel, of t Cluinbes, p dthi attention Of the. P esbytory for a lu eP r of the. d&Y.-' Mr. Oarmihall dectuO 10 remain wiiere h. lu made thO ,&Igaise8- frornCoelumibus and Broolclin more tliaw glad, and ail the membereo! the Preebyteuq rejoice Witii them. Bev. A. Lestlê presente 1 an 6=0eUag report of the. -Sta"e of Religion, W01 was followed by a brie! conleOnCO. PThe. othbr mattersonsidered were net of public, interftt. i11. , > In the. aflernoon of the uamaday lthe Wo& men'e Foreign Mtusionary Scciity, for, the Preubytsry of Whitby, held itismnue busi- ness meeting. Reportas siow,d grcwe ini intereet, membersiip LadliiberW Ytybe total amount riâed fur missions, duxIng the year being about. 81,100, or more thont i00 in &avance of last year. When we conuidr that Ibis sum is raisedl by the, ladies for ou-, 4chems of the. church, in addition te aliai I congregatione give for the jnissien é sheme' through their regular misaioflSry organis- atione, snob a contribution muet be regard-I ed as indicating a deep pereonal intereet inI the. Foreign Missions. In th. .veuing a publie missicnary meet- ing was heId, under the. auspices of the. W. F. M. B., at which Bey. Dr. MacLaren, of K.nox College, gave a poverful and el"q1iet address on the "Hopeful OtZe ofa Chri8tianity.Il" Bey. Dr. ~aeBownanville, feuowed wlhth an ,xellenladdress on "od' Work for tiaion." ThiiMies Gilok addedýtohe pleasure o! the. moet4by- Mise Rogers of the Model Bohool, lu ont- fering from weak eyes, tiie resuit of a sere cold. The. number ini attendance aIt the ocilegi- aIe Institut. has etendiîy ioreaaed during lhe past week, aud je uew about 160. *The new teachers; Mr. Jas. While and ,Mise Edith Thompeon, entered on hheir dutiee on Monday last, thë former at lhe )CoUlegiat.. Institut., the latter at lhe Model 1School., Great improvements hay. been made by. Mr. Noble in the SciencO rorom of the C(ol- 3legiate Institute. Whea Mr. Seatii cornes >around again, he will have te employ a pair of Lazrus's besl to d.isoover cause for com- Lplaint. The, fo!lowing programme will b. e Bsented on nut Wednesday aftez'noon, 1r Embree in the, chair :-iano "oIo, Mis Ma&Ude A.nnee ; addrese, Mr. Heury ; chorus, Girls' Octette ; reading, Herbert lRogers song, Bert Smith ; esuay, T. H. Gre.nwood; 1 oug, Mis By Moore; meailg, Frank 1Johnston; piano solo, Mise MoCabe; chorus, 'YGlee Club. The. 62nd regular meeting o! lhe Whitby 1Coll. inst. Literary Society teck place on Wednesday. te. 2th iui't., the Preeldent, 1Thos. H. Greenwood, in lhe chair. Aller - he Minutew of lat meeting baid been rsad eand oonfirmned, the followin g programme cwe,, rendered :-Address, Mr. Fobrb; piano soi., Misa Minnie Page ; readtngý Gordon -Campbell; Bong, Misse.lsn=ie 41o a-d;read. ;ing, Tboa. Straighton; pislo solo, Miss Aalie ;t ooden ; reciteajon,Mie Helhie Buines 'vocal duet, Misses Wood and Tiiomson; e esay, A. E. Gregory ; chorue, GQI..Club. clinroh Notes&. Rev. J. D. Caylty will preach misulonbrY sermons in All Saints' churai net Sanday1 moruing ..nd evening.- St. John's Whiîby : Bey. Mr. Harris o! Brookliu, wiUlcondîiOlservices oftBn j; Jan. Mûti morniug and evening-,.z- Tii. Bapiet Churci servies Wiil<.V.) be held as noual nent Suudsy. Tll*,-patser wtt-I proach aI Il a.m, sud 7 p.m. There will be baptîsm aI the close of the .vening service. Ayer's srsaparilla, in being highly con- centraled, reqaimes, umaler dose.',d sul *more effective. thAn ny cher biood med- icine. Itioa he clbapest, boe lib»e ou. Qrîa.lit and not quanlity sbould -be con- The. Porte fiudu Raukoft's proposals for a IBulgarian etlemeul impracticabl. Ayer'e Pilla cure consuiloii, improve the. appeite, promoe.digestion', rer j bealhif action, and regubte evoey fune- lion. They are pleaumantole laKe, geutie in theu opematien, Yet hcoguaoL-- sud powemfnl in subduig dsa -W. G. Pemley sud HonflorRoblad ar Couservative candidates la Ottawa.. Gave me a dos. o! Dr. Smithii'German Worm Rem.dy aud il removeê a largo number e! w<èrms !rom mMy eildreng a»K« a&l uoalled#orm mediinies f&e&.;Tiiou MuEBlligol, 51 Anderson slreet, IoubLre 25 cents, o! ail druggzsts. Hon. Wm. MeDougal i lu-te Idbera esudidte in South iGreill0. e=ray& Lanman uild& Wate.-Wo eretyurge every puxobssr-ousk for tbat whieh lu pmepared by Kusmu, Lauman & -Kemp, New York,vie ar te le pro- prietors o! the tlune pedtue. AUil ters so"aled Viorids WMùal, er aa ozodlnWy The. Italions have b.d a brauli ith lie' 'AbysslniansstahMsov»i. $"Outs-Ti» e boul ing wekssuv oet liesiasent or iwouud s b nt he inu>nt .8 w>st hi9seloth * lu wpîrry1 Mr. iMp uisb p OM obi inoa 1~ auing e at- v.p«ý bn 0u d -o- > 1 1 , . y , bed*ly5 ft - un> of y&uresi s s B t s y d s d I. e e lar~fir, and neMon jon Irau uj I oceyoed ind rutratedi s= ýDo octthake pilleuor jpowders comît4iilg: xW~ome I« -realIbis lime oe!tlie yeate, lihe reatmyb. serions. if yen req#Ire a ds lfpi.e take Dr. Oarsen'a Btmachi and Coushpalieli Bitters; il sols gently on l1be bowels ' pufiftes- lie blood, îi hroves lb. circulation, elimulates hlilv r snd ldey1 and spe.dily cures biliouýneso, o# dahedyppo15, indigestion. Searci ,he dgsores f rom on.enen f0anudate the other, snd yen cannot Oind a rt medy equa&l teoit. Try il and use il .in. your familes0. Sold overywiierê iu large bottles st160 cents. Finaucia nd OommerciaL Office cf Whiby CRRONICLX, Whigby, Jan. 28, 1887.:f WHITBY MÂRKET PRIORS.ý Sprig Wieat.......0 76 GooseWieal.........O70 pleur, per cwt .........2 25 Barley ................. 0 40 aye...................O0 t8 Pos........ .de640..0050 -Pias, blaok-eyed.6 a- ee O;s 70 Bne Peau- ............ 05 Oals...........080 Hay........ .. 10 00 Abiske Clever seed.....800, RÀ loe eed......... 4 00 Apples, per.bbM.......i60 Tomatees d ....... 0W Potoe,per bag...o....O060 .* ........... 018 Butter .............. O015 Obeese................O010 Wood ....... .... ..... 400 Sheepskius ............O 040 <alakinz .............. 010 Eldes, perlb....... O06 Pork, percwt.....o ..5 00 Turnips ..... ..... .. . 01 Oelery, per doz ........O 80 Ohiakena, per lb .........O0 O6 Turkeysper flb...... ...O 010 D)uake, per lb.. .«.....:....008 Geese ver lb.....ý........O0O6 Bacon, Farm.r'e.... ....O OS0 Hame, id....... 010 .Wcol, washed ...... O... 16 Wool, unwashed..........O0 12 Paruipe, per bushel . O... 40 Cabbage, par hesd ........ 008 Shallotta, < "..600 Beef, by lhe carcase. 5 (OÃ" Retail-lO te lic. Mutten, bjy lhe carcs.... O0O5 Retail-lOc-ila. Veal, carcsse Sc,7c, relal.. O0(08 080 0 70 250 0 50 0 6 0 60 o076 O055 0i80, Ï2 *0 600 600 200 0 65 o075 20 20 016s 5560 060 0 io 007 650 025 0 40 o008 012 O010 018 010 0 12 0.20 0 13 e060 000 0 w0 600 006 011î B-urns' Letter. (Not copyrighted ini Canada.) WIBY, 2Oth Jau., 1887. "The. langhtering daRyB have corne, The sadâesl of mei year"-to us. But teo thers tics. daye may become daye of rejoiciug sud advantmge by simDply acting on our own pointersi. The .l end cf a sesen le the bâtI lime fer bargains ; and don't yen shlow liaI fact le escape yeur retentive w'emory. Tuie will appear abundanlly cle4'r wben ,w. rise te remark tiai w. are! selhing tb,.. Ladies' hi-eut ballon ô6sersioes for 1.15 -vhicih, ave sold for 1.&1 tince Ncivember ; lies. girls' of 'the. same lin. (l11 te 2) fer 4 1.05 w bieh ha!. ruled at 1.35 during the. winter; thode beys' buokie aI 95o (1 le 5) of whîoh the , ord- inary pries has be 1.25 ; snd Ihoe child's button (6 te 10) fer 856, whioh have eel 1ke bot cakes @ $1.10. If yen, lady readr, are partial le liee warm weol.lined- alsskss as a means of eaving yeuv ule-from ,oid, 65o wil Dow buy yen apa c-' ean drop of 20o oniithre mgprice liei winter. Now don't b. a clam aud slow1 your dollar Io romain lu lie bank !nd'earn 4ô by nexî Jauary. when yen cau make aI leail 85o on il by, buyilog nez-I wjoter's feit footwesr uow, fromus n. As a malter o! fact, we are Irefusing no reasonâble moxiey for such goode. The. odd sisée remsrnlng cof out ladies' feit, batton, lace and~ gailer boots are golng out ml 50o per pair reduehlqn 1 sud lie ladies' fèlý bouse- ahoos snd alippers unsold a ~ebeîng hsnded o-ver eur counler for . lprice, These Rgoode are th.- boet.for oold feel iu existence. Now ome sud 1 Parmers, we have smre odd pairs of Psul Top Boote. Doe 1he fo4ýowLIng "prices tl4spt yoa? HaIf.fo:ed 2.00, sll.foxed 2.'4e,> boue, socku 2.759 Babber folle 1.7501 oys' haïf -foied 1.75. TOU canIl do boliertiban buy .a pair f«r yoûr boy aml these pie.Sep 1ing reduction# l pieinl saae 1 4eds ïs-li. order of 1the dayj wihh us- Bv4h-bv. du'lféoet lon, repairer DRI GOO DS B)oiiolon W-a«rcroomslý .CLEAIRING WINTER GOODS AT- GRAT-LY REDI[JCED IRICES0. STOCK TAKING SALE We offer Ladies' Caps and Muffs,- -Men's Caps, Robes, &SI, tAT GREAT' REDUCTIONS -ff To olear out-balance of stock. We have lonly a few Robsu Now is the time -for Cheap-Overooal Wool Shirts, iHosiery, Mitts, Gloves, &o. XXXI. I - adlog fEek[y [nintaîlo CGuRty1 eq iMent sud besl !nrnished. : Jrob.printing plant in Basternî ;>ýc!apab1e cf executing aIl classes of M ti he lage poster tolhe srnsflest Special mention is made cf lieq 'ased prese7facilitie, e!f Tus Cuter-- - ii ileelebikaled- N. Y. OCttreli -rems and other modernconvent.. - very order receives prompt, care- ~ntioi1. TIRRBMS 0-»DVBTISING. ït insertion,per Une, 10 cents ~eacii liqent inserti On, 5 cents. PIayed Advertisements are mcasured. câie;. o!soidNoupareil, and -ciarged i gly. etLMements sént* withonl wrilten otiens Ingerled until fonbidden, and, ed fer tui l ime. 1 ers for disaontinning advemhsements ~in-writing, etherwiie th. publish-' a l not b. responsible. i berali discount for contract- advertise- by the. year. Copy for change& o! oh advertisements sbould be ianded 1.1er than Weduesday ; sud notine int<ended changeis siould be given Tueeday noon. Other adveftisi..j receîved up to, Tiureday noon. [iems noticesii local or news colunins làertion 15 cents par line of Nuüpa. r .0 cents Per lin. each subsequeul ion. Five cents per fiue per annuni. "1nendence ecia ied rom i lparte' pond eare requestdlesnn- "s'omctons as 0 g trem 'phly .8 r -TÂNTONt ip'l MecaeiaDepl. eISTERB, Oounty (3rown .Àtlcrney 6ilCounly Sohaitor. Office, -Set 9 17-.Hoàse, -W hitby .8 B, &. Ofice o'mB,& .- TORNEY-AT-ýLÂW, SOLIOITOBI ica3-In tlé, office eout* 0-1 th. Peut MOuILMW13u'sBlook, Brook Streel, îy. ly-10 YOTJNG .SMITIff [ M IL. B., IW8BERo, &c koney tb Losu laee!arrige License.. hcu-Smith'aBlook, set o!Markel, W.' E~ C Jobs in Dress Goods. POWELC&00 1 r i. 'k'. * i Secure Bargains. left in Bl'k and Grey. GRAR&M Propzi-etors,

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