The Two. Maudes. Scions, desire te win her ouuà in's heart a meUss frais was strong within bar, and ae.r. e was Il was a fait morning in MaY whên a plied: him ini yonng girl, bright and beautiful as the "lWhere have -ou atudied our saï, In a11 sunehine and fresh flowers, which de.- 8rIl ugb, to expeit a' fithful portrait room W ligbted the oye on every aide, ontsred of one wornan from anather ? I should h&appy hi the Pretty roooe, by a French window, itbor paint Miss Eairourt se charming dre&ded whioh was Lady Lesmere'fi mbrning that Yeu would deoclre I wanted to in- and in apartinent, holding up a oplendid bou- i sure your disappointmeflt, or elsa iay seated1 quet of flowers As she approached ber mysoif open to- the charge of envy, features guardian's chair. jeal ' usy, and al -uncharitabIess. Be. light gai -"Wbat lovely flower@, darling," said sides, some1 persoas thiçk us very much face ; hi Lady Lesmere, fondly pI seing her band alike," she ad4ed hastil.y. ilWhy do yen by the d on the girl's arm. ."You have been not go and -make ber adýuantance 'I s robbing tbe greenhouse, I arn sure. yourself ?" Hugli," But came and it down by me, and iay 'Lady Lesmere seeme to expeot ber 'II wo tbem on the table for a few minutes. I very soon," he said,,"and my journey whon 1I have something ta say ta you." ! be a frnitiess one, tbough deiay for ouri IWeil, dear lady, what is iL ?"gai( is irksomne, and rnight be dangerous," "Co Mande Harcourt, obeying the bebest , he added, with a deep sigh, whiola made he stam "'a coneuftation on My presentation Moude's beart boat thick and fasi. bonord dress? or the Aral) steed I amn dying The remainder of the day Mande was dread el to se-cureý? You look as if not.birg lors molit provoking, and Hugh debated whomi important can have occurred." whether the man would be moet euvied he said 'Silly obild, be serions for a mom- or pitiad who sbouid win go captivatirig "&&h, ent," replied Lady Lesmere, smiling, yet torrnentiflg a creature. Young I $61 havesometin&z really of corisequetice At the end «f anotbek week Mande thoughi ta gay to you. Your cousin Hugh is on suddenly annoupced bier intention of makîug bis wFiy home. Hoe will beoe next lsiiving Lesrnere Court for a short re- Thue week."1 creation, and accordingly rewained to rem& "6Tho faâtes and winds be with him," close to Lady -Lesrnorels side wben "Believ replied Mande demurely, '«I realiy eau- waikiug aud driving ; while Sir EHugh ail in M nat let My flowers witlier, if th4t is ait." little suepeoted that oe refresbod ber- Does.1 "But, my deoar child, thi-i arrivai, ren- self by a scamper on ber favorite herse tnrther ders it nects,;ary for me ta inforin you ibefore breakfast, and a stroli, when ho for an of the co)nditions of your graadfaLlîer's was supposed ta be fairly out of the knaw ft wjll. It was bis chsrished desire that way. iu any1 you should iarry yaiur cousin Hugli, 50gobappened or) ans of these occa- Therf and lie was s0 inti3nt on thet plan that a sione when Minde had wandered te ber self-po& large portiou cf vour fortune depends summer-house, and wae Iost in sad rie- was eti on its aocomplislbment. If you refuse, pentance at the thongbt of the result of sumed yon wili only bave a bare competence, ber freakp, and tbe chances that Sir -The inqte%,l of a hand.;orne (iowr 'v." Hugb might resent the deception*she ation ; "Anui if Hlugli declînefs? The conrent hs.d practised, w4jn a quick stop, whioh only wi Of two perSans lé; uStIally requisite ta she naw kuaw go weli, sounded on the you cal Sncbl a contract.- grave1. walk, and beloreoise hd tirne me atf "Hts would forfeit the whole amant to brush away the tesT's from ber eyos, whethe intenled for your portioa from bis Sir Hugli was beside ber. you cat estate ; but iL would go ta other Ob. " Miss Vernon-Mande 1" ho exclaim. yanubai was sunt fo ed, "wvhat is jt-what is the [natter 29" Hugl Tboeizirl wssln o a fow moment@, "Oh, nothing," she said hastily ; the vis then silo burst into a joyous là ugb. "only soiiie uetvaus, folly. I believe I court's "Dear Lady Lesmerp, forgive me, do not quite lîko leaving this dear aid softene but 1 can sa well unlsratand now good, place. But what bronght you back 2" ha muf Mr8. Stlwyn's terror when anyone, she added, as if ta change the subjeot. «'I di wearing a coat, camene usr me. Sa I "My borse cast a shloe," he replied, eaid. amn literally dépendent on the master "and 1 cauid not regret what gave me ther, ti of Elavilande for my bread and but.- 1 an opportuaity of epeaking ta you. decisio ter ?-' Mande, why have you avoided me Bo tho Wl «"'Not exjetiy, my dear," hesitated ,det.erminodiy, wben yonmust have seen 64Ani Lads' Lesni'rp. wbat qWas in My heart ? Tell me quiok- asked tdWell, then, for butter ta my bread," ly, was iLta spare,'me pain ?-Speak, &SI a Baid the gzirl, gayly, "aud daes my cour-in Mande, one word wiil silence, or mako that it knaw of this cbarmiflg arrangement?" me happy forever t" she ref "Certainly. My lave." "~Sir, lugh," said the girl, witbdraw- she ki Again the girl was silent, snd Lady ing ber baud, "lsurel-y yeu forget yanr Eug Lesmrere watcbed anixionsly the work- engage-ment to my friend, Mises Har. eavneB ings of ber fair yonnîz face-, till at llengthi court ?" causin it was raised beseeebii2gly ta beris. " No,"- ho said -"iNoa, 1 do net forget broker "Dearest guardian, grant me one it, su'1, if I had uat seen youe I would when1 favor. Lot me sees m cousin without have etriven ta fulfil it, sud makoe ber "iYc hie knawing me, that 1 mev jndge wbat as happy a R was iu my power: but I sud I he would have thought of M.~ude Hiar- dare nott ciTer ber a baud without a wbo b court s a streunger. I caoa easily pa@o hoart, aud insuit ber by more empty havev s Mande Vernon mY second nâme vOwe. I will do ail in my power te sMy yon know-yaur humble campanion, previent ber euffering in fortune, sud coue and the daughter of an aid frieud. ber happiness Cannuot ho ffected by a, I givt Plesse do grant me this one lavor." persan she bas net seen since child. yan fi "Vyon muet talk ta Sir Charles about hoad." "4Bu il, ZDy dear," said the, half.bewildered "Yoeu mistake, Sir Hugh," replied thati Lady Lesmere. -1 really csaot tell Mande, rather doubtiul whetber ta wortl wbat ta say ta sncb a wild sochome." I angh or cry. "VYour cousin cherieboshs evon1 Mande perfectly wsli knew she coul a ipost sincero affection for yau, ând tbong' gain the consent ai the baronet, and o tkiing wili give bier more pain than falsee fygsway ta bis library, @he soon ftor yuu to refuse te fulfil your engage- To coaied him inta fulli compliance witb tuent." alarri ber plan. * f Suroly," ploaded Hugb, "t ilil give of lai z IL-ber-more-pain to marryI& mn who apprIn @leot?"1,asked Lady Lesmero, sa thebo aplay se taise a part tewarae ber." c re.suterod the drswiug-room. Aud se rose- with a dignity that 8 ,,Weil euougb for a cousin, and a Hugh had nover befare seeu in ber, buns splendid lard for stateiy EHaviland." aud pa'epared te Icave tb. summer- Sir, was the' reply, "but for tbe bridegrootu, hanse. theI wby, the. queen ua an acfvi8er, I muet 'W patfen.SiHuh"h 7* begzin te plagne bim sa. oon sI eau, said in a oalua, friezing tone, "but froua or I shail, for the fiî'et time in my life, tht. hour vo are sstrangers tilt Mande *ro b. afraid of mortel man, sud I Harcourt il happy lusin a; ud ,udi- Huù tante for sucb a milady." vided love." me1 Aud s das passed cul, the wilfn'1 Ligbtly toucbing eir Hngh's baud, of littlo asmeo carried ont ber tbrest. ,e. ran qniokly, over the lawii, gaiue*d hffl Poor Hugh was fsirty bowildered by ber own roona,angveenisod c the c*pî'ioions chrnges in the lovdy of tears that b.d, long beeu strugUng dOý "1oampaniou" ai ,Lady Lesmere, and for vicory. On u uIaig lolie hbon"e th ofteu oaught bluaqeif vondering vheth. Sir Hugh souglet'Lady Leueora *lt1t IU ex, when Mapde Harcourt rettirued lte intention of announeaug bis depart- 9hib fram the "visit," on wbich se was ure, but vas at once met by lita hostos. 441 sapaedtab. absent,, abs wonld b. ih b.nv ha isVruon ad' amd hall as fascinaWting and capriolouesea ber altered ber-plans, sud voUld teveo the ta wild namesake. Somotimnes she vould Court nezitdy seem studiousty bout on lbwsrting bis "$An as Mr$ e.-8elwyn s u r cousin to0 eevery teste andi wish, sud d.termi'ned will bn, boe.4 t îo- or thr.. days, snd jng te do auddosa Y sud admire everytiig probably ýbe lie.thb mont of the time mi ef wbich hb. disapproved, with even lb. ear *r ildi ta abeent, I eonoented to ber osteu ltoue" eerness. Te b the ata io"pninudlb ay, wauld listen vitb fasciuatinu sweetnesese co f course my dear Sir iHughg yon u ta bis opinions1 aek bis &id ini some eau misa ne one while yoùr betrotlipsi a formidable difficulty iu ber studlios, or in. bore.', .ý r1 sinR te him'the sangs ho moat lovutd, AJ&boU«h Hir Hukb vas s oeura sud. wvbh e.demurely assure-i him OU- QÉ ost mnet lae»,yt ho woutd gtaily e O wera Misa Haroonrt'. especial favorites. bave âacooupà nio& --Usa'd. Verton « :,theI "IYou Jrnow my oousin,, then," sasiber f&tgb4 sud ltus eoa the, otet -~ nue egerly. "Rétiuf~ iso* ~ ~ 4 "Itmtl'Ido not supposne e have. for a glim $sof t11w Ifâ4 trua*t k*4in, a thought conceesed .ruuecbobeYur, ut sh enfotlsPpArý-'_- "ebpprotly uow?"-asked Sirx Wug1 asbu "1'akates differ se muel,," suid Msa4e gavelY, "anA Mies glat'onrt~ss er a fricndItnmîbt be partial.----- Ige te, ber cousin ssying' Ihekt reapdnsianiUs4o, recSeiv Lad e,erepç morniug recrM. fev moments h. enteted the 'bore ho hasi spent se. many houris wilh the namesako of.hie à cousin. The room waso dark the most obscure corner, wae the. sole inhabitant, sand ber, a vèe made indistinct, by . s uùze voil being thrown over ber. oer ey.s sud hait were invýisible, double shade cast ovor theiu., %m s0 glad la 500 yen, doar * she .aid iispingly. suid not stay avay apy longer, kaew yan would bo as-impatient meeting as I vas.", A, certainiy," thoughl Hngh, as nmerad ont bis tbsuka far the doue bim. III rememborcar Df Sir Philip, wben -at Haviiand I we did naot often ses, havever," yonr dear granJ papa," said tho lady, in the s;ame toua, 1"I littho it then, of Lb. provision he vais gfor my bappinesà ."o eoballenged, Sir.Hngh vas foréed ark lu natural sud candisi touas : re me, dear Maude, I sahal do my paver te seur. thal hbîPpi- Should yen visb for lime, ansi racquaintance, I yull not prose suever nav; and 1 wisb yen te bhat your future shah hoe the same ,ca;a.,, re vas a sligbt emnotian lu the sessed damsel, sud ber voice tili more husky when she re- iank yau, Hugh, for yon consider- Sbut My mimd le made up, and I visb ta ask eue question. I know in auly feel a ousiu's regard for firet, but, I shoulsi like to-kuow, ýer yon bave ever seau auyone nild like, or wouid bave chosen if ad not been engaged te me." lha hesitaed, brt the rembling ef Bil that hung over Mande Har. ri face betrayesi ber exaoan d ýd bis beart towards ou. te vbom ast speak sncb nelcome truthe. lare uot-deceivo yen, Mande,," ho 66I have loved-uay, do love sue- but I amn resdy ta &bide by your on, if you sil detormine te oboy ill as to aur ruarriage." id la your affection returned, ?" SMande. do uaL kuow. I1conisi ouly hope it vas, hoc roplied. eadly. s"But fusesi to givo <ne an anever until tew yonx deoision." ýgb spoke witb ideep feeling sud atness; sud for seme -minutes bit n vas suleot, sud ber voievas -n by painful and hsppy eotiens she continned : ou bave spoken fraukly, Hugh; 1 ill b. oandid. in relurn. I kneu« bas stolon lhe heart 1 vonîsifaix wan, for Mande VernonhsuacWe yfrieusi. Site telsi yen te gain m]~ enI before sb- ould liattyoa re il vith al\,my&bearts, md fr. Froua yonr despised cousin." ut Mand," sal4 Hnagb, "1.11 mi you, wil net -regret on.vhe, n hyas h. muet à >ppoe, could ne rejaico in bis awu bappinese if h ght, yoars woulsi be spoilt by hi )Hugh's asteuiahmeut sud atmoi M, the yong lady 'burut .into a f ugblar; sud s e h stily rose an ta;ched ber, the vel vas suddenl -n o-a *ha ebuttere et the windol wrs veent iixhautted vib Chartes and Lady lestwre- éâter rooru, aà 4 singb iled thoir umi bafri yu ard *S0;tbm.: Iii aiot ihick >yon ves a.trea< =s xy jdeanSix- Chiis," aý i igh * "lIl vas bardtyfm*tt zpi myv eakiiçous.,BÃ'lý »#,nMt o t voi 6,a t thà i Olu Tlhee ta na trouîb lein--afflrtainiig froua. avrugl b.ruucv u5cf Halgyai!d'e Xeleow Otfo r al painiii and infliIIIlgtOi-Y troubles, rhoumatista, nenrtà aiilmbagoi froit bitos, burne, bruiss, prainS con-, tracted corda, stiff jointe, aches, pamSa sareness. Queenuland ha. been visited by s cy- clone, followed by floode, -whIch causod dleath sud destruction. W. ADAMS,' 00BOVER JOHIN FERGUSOII"S iiCiothing Establishment, Dundlas3-S., Whitby. office bouts tram 9 &.m. ta 12 m., and. tram 1.30 ta 8, p. m. Reoidence-Cor. of Byron sud Gllbertstreols. Suitable for wrappmng purposes, iaying under carpete, etco., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to i f. TRIS OFFICE. îWs ]FERRY DAVI8' -%M PAl NaKILLER 15laEMCOMMEED Btr Pluysicians, Jxinisters, 31issfonaries, Managers of Faâeori;s, Work-shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitais, --in short, everybody' everyu'here who has ever gives. it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLi- MTXED WITH A WINYE GLASS 0F BOT MILK AN]> - SUGÂR, IT WILL BE i-OUND A NEYER rAILING CURÉ FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- IGESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SU?1- MER ANI) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, 5011E TIIROAT, &c. APPLIED EXTERNÂLLi-, EXPERIEN;CERHA% PROVEN IT THE MORT EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH IX. REMOVING THE PAIN ARISINO i-ROM SRAINS, BRL'ISES, RHIEUMA- TISM, NEUJRALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTIIACHE,. BUTRNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 1 -2543. per Botale. 3& Beware of Imtations. -M CkMYPBELL'S' TONICI ELIXIR Thtis agreable yetpaetrpa- tion je especiaiiy adapto frtte rIief and cure of that dus e! igiorders attendant upon a low ar reduced sato ot the systeeland usuaiiy accompanie' byï Pailor, Weakness and Palpitation. ofthe Hdart. Prompt. resul.s 'i follow its use ini cases ci SuddeBn Ex- haustion arîsiin fl-rn Losao.Blood, Acute or Chrosic l>îiseases, auîd i nte weakness that hivariably accotipaiîies the recrovery tram Wasting Foyers. No remedy ii gî,ve more speedy relief ini l)yspepsia or Indigestion, itsa ation on the stomacb being. that o! a, geitye and bai-miessetouie, excitin t he a5ans. of digestion to action, ang thugs c rinc Iminediate and permaznent relief The earmnative proporties of the dîfférent aromatie whioh the Elizir çontains îrenter il nefal in flatulent !DýspepsIc" It ta a valuable rernedy for Atonie Dyspepua, ýwbich leapl tao ccuxlau qnpranao! a geuty chai-acter. i Tex Impoveriehed Bload, ILmofe ppetlteDepodertcy, and ix al cases 'where Su effective aud cetaijuilium-ý tant le- requlred, th.eBilxrwllt b. founsi invaluabie. lu Fyeers of a Matxa eand the varionsevit[resaetollaw geixo- surs la lbe cold or 'wot weathor, is'wlU Pl te s8 vaiabte. irestoratlve , as.'lbe combination et Cinchona Cattaayà and 'Serpeûtaria are inivoreelly répcognied es é*Spo te pr lb. ab)ovo-namedd silx I'xice, $1per oulep, 8à & Boitefor e. à ; U~ ZwIenO0 Co. -(J41mta oggsu mu i.nvon;ecj a ticket - 1:1(61 1fl8U1 AT COST. MuulReserve FundVfe Assiir- suce of New York, Accumniatesi reserveflidý( 'vr Desth cdaims paid during 1884 Nev business, 1.t 8 mos.,1885, 8159000 479,900 15,0003,000 T[Vwenty-frve per cent. cf aIt aseessmiits axe depaeited with the Central Trtxet Com- pany of New .York, ase trustees af the R'e- serve Fund. Lite Insurauce at lese than ane-half the ordinsry.rates, sud secnrity.perfect. Oniy 17 aassesmente made in 1881 1882, 1883, sud 1884, sud in no case can tIUey be mare tro- quent liban every alterxaate manth. Annuai expenses af management, &o., limited ta $2 per 01,000. .Axrativtiageflt wanted in overy unrepro- sented lacallit , ta whem a libers i cammie-, Sion will be aJ ed. Applicatio ns soiIoItedý and fuit partion1ias urnished by the under- sigued. Hl. GORD OIS Agent for the Couuty of Ontario. -à PorPerry, Ont. May 8, 1885. ~1hJflthU12. HE WESTERN BANK O F T CAiNaDA, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. MONEY- TO LOAN! 0100-000 FOR INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTÂTIE BEOUBITY. At loirest living rateos0o! iterest. Monoy secured wiithia 10 sisys of ap- plication. A p p l y t a O N F R Q 3 A S l Whitby, Febrn&ry 181h, 188. -9- $000,OOO TO LOAN, At 6 per cent. yoarly.- Terme af, repsy ment o! principal madse te suit borrovers. Fi-st sud second mortgagos bonglit. Ad- vances, made on second niorigages sud la purchaso tarins. Necocahs incurred inl makiug applications te, me for manoy; ne "ent's tees; na dekay. Parties paying hcgher rates on mortgiago uaS ppiy ta me at once for laver rates snd save muney. Write o ai-ca immediately for particilis. ly2 20 Aelside Street Rast, Tarante. MONEY TO LOAN On Rosi Estate Mortgage at Loir Rate af Interest. À prisfor the Can ada Loaw- anil Savingo Ce. sud go for'the Western Assurance Co. OFF!IOE-.Over Gerrie's Blook, Wbitby. W. B. PIRINGLE -The beat Past ry Plour,, Tho beel ollesiOste, The buit Cern Xoat,. Thse et Orsokesi Whest, Thel Grahan,,_ The boitKAxîLtoba 01OilC Hs1aeWsl50u-D66iin i I.. ~ ~ ~ ~ o dut 4,~4act CURES :ALL HUJM0R8Yý c mon BltO- -Er'D 0 11 froas ~y1ul, ait-r hek scaWr RughSki ionferad b Y Ii p rful., puriylg, îumvgortln nedciue reat Eratlnr14: meru ra l:healune&r iLs beuign influeuoe EmtclSBi ss L -anie~ed lIts po,>teni- ar bunele@, Sorc EyOO, SCi'OffllO, Ses anai sweilhigag Hi p-Joint Disease! white 8 1iellîig, Goitre, or Thiejj Nec E and Tg - Glands. Sen(, toi cena fn samna 'oà raelargo treatise, with cok, brd plates, on Sldn DTheeses, or the sama- amutfor'a treatise on Serafuous Affectioe,, "%TÃŽISE BLOO) IS TUSE LIF]E, ThoroughlYcleanse . 137 1ing Dr-. lpereeî1 Go de l iId% al Da very, and1 gaa4 digestion_, a r ski,buoyaîaî BPiiBý #tg, vital et,,t, and soujîidnes. e0 eonstitiitiofl ili e establlshed. whlch la Serotuleiis Disease et the' Lug , l pramptly and certainlY arrestW aud curedby Ibis God-given. remedy, if Uüaks1 befote the Igt stagesof the disease are xec FraM ita wonderful power over thiet,-» fatal disease, when lirst offering this noffiv ebrated remedy t- he publi, Dr. Pmc thought seriously of calling It bis "cjeô~ exumption Cure,"9 but abaudoned ta lia as toa limitosi for a medicine whlh, froi wouderful combluatlo totae, or st'rength. 99g aortve, or blood-cleansing, anti.lfc petrlad nutritive propierties, la uu oat enly as a remedy for consumption of~ lugu, but-for ail CHRONIO DISEASES L 8vr 00lod, anid Lungi if yon feel dull, drowsy, debllitated,. il 1 ,sslow color of sin, or yellOivih-brow muÉ on face or body, frequeul eadche or noma, bad taste in moutb, Internai heat ar e alternating with bal flashes lowsprt gloomy- borebodingsireulm ar appeie I I. oated tang% you arm sufferlng fo ut Igestion iyupepsi an d TorpldityqL or 6filoulu .9 nmany came u part of these symptoins ar-oexpuerlence. a remiedy for ail such cases, Dr. Pie-el Golden hledicai ]Diacov-ery bm yo'WekuU lSptingO;-f BlouI sho00rtU eme t lOr reath, à Bon _ Severe Uoughi, (onnumptionu,.,, klndred- affections, l 1e a sovertig Send ten cents lu stamps for Dr book onCubUlfPtloIa. Soisi ly Bruggu PRICE, $1 .009-]ola 6OLU Vorlds fi ped:aryModieoal S8081901 Proprietaru, 663 Main st., BurrÀLo,1 -IL soli by IDruggists.- 26 cents a via]. $500 REWA, L~~Ilse oefed by the rp w e! ~ofDr. sgesCltrh W ~ ~,foraoeefcttb patlllmô Ifunsbe O llmhfr essea or the hyr i e. etens aleor cm of-C IJIJ - oi-umýt la Déuerell'a Bloch for j ions. ehas Mauy ed - Apied for a patent. . --.r O U -r ô ie . o rid a y o v e n în g ý,* ý quêetion vas dbisses as to v"w tb. pulpit or proses itehe ti - iec.Mesore. Dobhiu ansi H taikesi the prossand Dr. Renriias evML.Poarsan the pulpit. audience by vote decides inl ao * lpit, 80 ltae P08J Baya, the Poai earder roostere bave retirei eair. Lindosyis elated over the pros f having te ongine anti ropairà a weil as te districtoffcoi; af the 1 au division cf the Grand Truck« ay Iacated there. Th e very amil r sait of au interview hetween a nul .. r ilway officiale and the Bosi1 rado of that towu ou tbe subjeot. arn ýta believe that %btey stand a sl 0W lowa-ds haviug the workwhlot tt eare andi ual at Laruevile s ap14 ta bave been the intention a4 ti ne.- Ou .Weduesday of last wack Mr.( -B brtlett disposed of bis - trotting- # su1Iad Bartoîtt," ,bt a syndicat C uninglon horeem'en for- lbe.-su $0.Her nov ovuors bave pi M adsinluthb bauds cf Mr. I. H. Wei "tb venorable trainer cf that place wi understaud, sho vii ho flttec thI winter race meetings. Thi pIrObabi. y the, bighest price ever nosl fai au animal ofthis -olss in theoccl ai d added ta tha pnize mouoy vou 'ho r, nearly $400, mnakas Mausi a ta la golsimine ta ber hale avner.- )n Monday afteruoou. abouCi o' oc freighi, train left' Lini [t ion' Whau a mile ont ol lu, vi,-ansi runuing at fifteen mula ha r,. it mot a sucow plow. The u t wî a terrifie asidte muuw fron pi ugh oayught by lte gale vas whi ai 1g-the track- with biindirég la M ckintasb aud Johueton, the se ne t«, sd not sae each othar-until- a w e roda separated tIbsa. JL -l engineer an the snow plo'w ki ne binùg of the ather englue nutil -sils nose puabing its way up te ru ife hie cab. Ail liansis junpe t " firgt intimation' of danger, 4a untely ne bodiy injury--was, .ou esi. The spectacle of the ' 1on lues as thoy abstodatter the-côlti iras a-splendid ana. The uorth- h* oî ,n lue liaS dimbesi up théenosaxp l for ed its way over ilî and -oan to o or englueî . There findlug iteoit -Up or dog lM» t >fighit i bsioeaed ,on iaught . or stratigbteuing di lae ruck of the uÛder oe lbh strauge p 011d_ vas dravu dsayyard ' -mailtrain'f oe e nlla as canoollesi quence, itaI day.-The dam lu-to $4000,', attlê 0ockbnrn-532. MIE frlpaoe lu -in ithmetil aligb Sohool oxamiualio: une.toIler bas -been dg ir the pant woek, pîsyitu 'y af thasé siliy-enqugl -vices. One individuaL 111 sensation by statlugt ion had-beeù made t] pirtoet ur main sIree. -r- ly-47 1 Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882.