Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1887, p. 2

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oo~J And Items Stolen fiom our Exchan ges., OBILLIA Mr. The". MoUermott, cf Alborley, sold a tescu e! two-year cl colle tie ether day, for wiich bo got thie baud- goie m no!f800., We nsnaliy lerrn eus High Sebeel thie "Coilegiate Instilute." becausa' prac- tically il je eue. Il doees not legally recoivo Ibis tille-unlil 100 mcolars are ou the roll. At presont thece are about 97- The principal expecte te bava tii. fuil inudred beote .torm i. eut, sud tien il wiil ho tic Cellegialo in very Ms. Webbor,the local game inspeter, talks about layiug infermation againet *Mr. J. J. HIatley, butcher of thue tewn, for baving vonisen fer sale ont eftss.s sou Msr.Eatiay hakes tbe matter very oos;âye sudsysliaI i. lis -nô- objee- liou, as à test cad s enodol. lu-la difficuille ouocolve sny juil reason, * vhy deer caughl 4during the ' open ses- soutsisould net be-kepi sud e%*pom'ed for sale ah auyCocuvenient lime. . 'NozI le an augelie visitant, froin pieros cesiasial, an Orillia girl Jnu tobeggan suit, nattiiy arrayed, *ithh ler snew sheca slung oves her prottyshoul- dors, sîrikes us with lie higiemt piteli of admiration. Bnci a vision -dawncd upon the view cf a Timea reporte4 lately., And il je jouly due toe i fac liaI jourualisthe s hvarab nt*u~ -tnint-proof, 1 thaàeh la stut a"i. t -- leat leisi busike~. Mr, A. DaàeubeÈrý. bas Met, villi a s oie f mishsmthis tUter, lhat wcuId diseouraýgo.a les. enerè- tomn, Piret- hae vas laid up vili safiricu as eo<f ifiamumation 'of l ugi; -lion ho ioil ea- 0c ; latot oue- lisii oredîed.J-; Nov, hoe liseeut bie foot villi* an axe, s0 as te rendes hlm unabi.10 b'do suything officers woro elocted :-Psesident Bey, Ms. Marin; Vice-president Miii Min- nie DeLnry, 2rid.,vice-president Mr. R. Coylo, SeocTrsaaare4, Mr. Loftns. Dur- ing 1he intervale,- sebdings .ver-e given by Messrs B. ,Coylel'sud John Carter, sud songe by Mr. Gýlogly. Tii. meet- ing, aftes eompl.liug ils ýbusinessa- jourued te meet .gâýiuthb. neit Friday- eveuing. When thie evening arrived a stili larggs numnbor,ý,@re presect. After readiug -suad discusosing ithe conW stituhtioh ,whicb -had been drawn né a opiniittee wasapoudhotk b naines cf homo inteiùdlig te joùn, about fifhy- signified thefr intention of, doing soý Ailes thiî lied b"eudoue the chair-- mn of thezpgramfape-Comvauitee.'an- sudI bas gel Lut week !ffl geîhie e SUNDERL&N». Tii. Union Jack is hoisedo ber. vile connoil meetings are in session. The Brock township show last year vas five limes oves the beel oves heid in tho township sud the fluanciai se. suite ho thc township eoiety woro most encenraging, 8264.52 boiug the surplus. A jewellery pediar froni Toronto b.d a ralies rougi oxporionco in oeeof lb. Inuber camps np uortb last week. Ho arrived a ihe. camp in lie eveniug, sud opeued up bis cases, te shew lie men hie geode. Tiey aIl orowdod arouud, as llaey always de in ehauties, sud were admiring lie jewellery, wiou eemeene blew out lie lights sud knocked lis bex off lie table, sud alilhande made a grab for the stuff sud skipped oulside. Wheu the lamp was religb ed ho picked up part of the staff, but it'was nearly ail brokýn by being trampled upon. On accouaI of the darknesE ho bcould net find ont who took the staff, and couse- queutly could do nothing. Ilis, lose je about $150. The firgt annwd meeting cf the Sun- derland Joint Stock Co. was beld in the towu ball there /on the 101h imet. There wss a large and outhnsiastia gatbering cf siareholders. The fluancial .roposh was very eati8factory aud showed inter- est at the rate of 8 per cent. ferthie sharebolders. On the suggestion o! the president, Mr. T. B. Frankisb, it was decidel to raise 'r, 009 in new sbares for tie purpose of ereeting a good stînd andi inproving the grounds. He also suggeste] arna1ginating witb the Brook Agrîcultiiral S)ciFty. Thp following gentlemnen were elected directors for the coininô, yemr. T. B3. Frankish, W. ..st. lt)II, J. B. Valentyne, JuI1ns11 S t. John ), E. MIiek, Oeo. St. Johin, Tbioç. \Vtshb, Nil McPhaden au]I H. MtANCHESTER. Oar enterprisîng lte-l-keeper, Mr. P. Uanit, is sutlering from ana attack of ifl enaation of tbe lungs. M-e. Taggarî,' of Oihawa, spont last week with bier parent.-Miss iLillie Manroe je visiting frieude in Scot.-- Miss E:l1en Chrigtie left les Orillia, tb lake cbarg-e of a sebool. Should any o! the Wbitbyites drive te our towrn, they will be very apt, on comaing about a quartes cf a maile north of the statiopto corne ho the conclusion that a procession cf somne description bas been suddenly caugit in a genaine Nor'-west blizzard. Thero are staok in that snowbank a throshing machine, a loai-of brick, s pair of beb-sleighs, and bwo loade8 of cedar. There's ne use in alarming oneseif about the herses sud me, if lhey are undes tbe enow ; it'e likely il will meit in the spring. About six weeks ago, Mr. Walter Bennett was one day fooling with a revolver wheu it aocidlenlally dischsrg- cd, the ballet lodging in hie baud; ho did not beooua.e aware cf lie fact liaI lie bail was stili in hie band until, bis suspicions beiug areused on aceount cf ils pot heaiing np. ho cemmenoeolpro- bing for il, when ho discovered tic hall snd, sfîer considerable diffionlty, suc- coeded in removing il. Walter thinks revolvers are net the tameset animale in the world ho play witb. The annual rnt-eting o& lie Reach, Port Perry a-i Seagog Agricultural Society w e 'i at lolts EHotel on Friday of 1i!t wçýeek, sud was the moat successfii in po)int of nnnher, of any We advortise for tenders for coduansd DU motion Mes"r. J'no. Merlin s»d Âudrew Gilroy wee autiorized to, sall timbernol requised hy Ibistownahip i rosI beats:6 sud 7. The. folowlng vo. apoi te. tovnship board cf heaill for Iii. year -Jaeb Dafôs, Jus.-Ml B.la , Linkt the e.v nea ud l»rk. . The mve . sud Mrs.M *11* w.s appit-olue o Uld bridges 1u 4uI wand Beutiful, Assoirtmerit in, âds with Pl'sest I-j, j b/tE-" the IIbTS1. ie ais tore, h. mi*4d his footing w heu use., stops frQtM the liettozu' and feu, susutainlng -sev1ré,in- juries. He feul upon bis- face, ouittingu hie chopk sse e1y, braising 11% Dose and injàring-hie lefI oye s0 $hat h0e *11 lose the use et itccdrnplotely. Il wa8at one time foar4d that thb, soàidônt wouild sonder him ïo4ally blind, but we Bs glad te be ablý te say that *the danger of this je no w eor. Mr. Viok, tbough obliged to romttin in hie reom witb both eyee bandaged, is prdgsessing favor- ably. O$NNINGTON. Mr. John Vicas bas been appointed ongineer for the townshil of Brook. Ms. Gowan, one cf ans teschers, bits bean up before the Sohool Board for bumping a fractions boy's head on tb. A man came te Cannington the cibor' day wheee bat and trimminge weighed 17î Ibe. and the Gleaner says hoe bas exactly 17î lbe. more bat than braine. The emali boy herd feared bim and took to the wood8. PORT PERRY. At the adjonrned meeting cf the' magistrate'5 court bere on Monday, beforo Robson, J.P., aud Crandeil, J.P., judgment waar rendered in the caseoef Wakefield aud Perbins for aseaulting two Indians numed Goose and Mare. don. The priaoners wero fined $1 each sud coses, and piid the Indiens $10. There hae beon a potition in circula- tion hero for some dayes aking for tho appointing of a constablo te enforce the Scott Act iu tbie village. It is @in- cerely to be boped that something will be doue 10o nforce the laws, el8stb ey migbt better be abolished sud licensie eranted as b6fore. In the latter case the village would derive somo benefit frùm the inoneys thue oollected, instead of iosing ae is now the case. 11ev. Mr. Willoughby je pseachiug sermons on special subjoots te his con- gregatiou. At the rnorniug services bis subjectis are "The Sabbath Sobool Lesson for the.,day." Last Sabbsth evening be addressed yaung men, taking as his teit Proverbesi. x. The eoorgregation was veiry large, aud tbe diecouirse enceodingly practical. A- moug ether exitemeuts ho poiuted eut the theatre as peruicieus, its play@, performers sud audiences. EHo deait bouestty with gambling, and ebewed the billiard reom in tbis towu te be eue training school for gambliug. Ib was a meet dangerous place, sud was cursing the youtb of the town. The boys and youngz men woro being in- jured by itl. Ho s deuounoed tb. illicit sale of liquos in the tewn, sud criticized the charactes of mou wbo boasted their leyalty' wheu laws snited tbem, but in the prees or ou the plat. form--advecat"ed the breecli ef the lawe wheu it did net suit theru. Ho charged christiau mou, whe threugh fear cf injuring their_business, wiuked ab open bars, with oowardice. The sermon producod more excitemeut in town than auy that bas been delivered for a long time past. It bas prevokod msuy to geod worka. Neit Suuday evening lie will proach the firet sermon cf a sosies on "The Prodigal. Sou." Il yull ho specîally applicable te young mon, sud boys arid their parent. -Staiidarl. PETERBORO. The clergymen ef this tewn have lkoIy 1h yuL b. accon ouagh I ûm these fine niglils, ail beîug veu. Our old - ostçemedlendü, seniàil Moore, is &gain: in Our mds.H engaged witb Mvt. Hooper for thb. win. testlerunluiitook. 1Sailis-a good hand *ith fai cattle sdpi W sdein Ms. Peroy Atkinson, et Ohiicago is visitiug hie parente in tovn.' Ms. J. 0. Hayes, of British Columbi# late of the Dominion Bank cf this towi,ý je visiting friandsi tewn. Ms. E. N. Taplin Las remcv*d -le Novau, Muekoka, snd eîarted businuêsèz as a hardware merchaut. Mr. J. W. Bengougli, cf GW-p, Toron- to, je te giveoeeof hie popular enter. tainmoute on Thnrsday evening, Feb. 10&b. Ms. 0. L. Lewis, cf Detroit, fermnerly photographes of Ibis town, spont e few days witb hie friends in OebaWa, lIut weok. Mr. E. 0. Pol, late agent for the Joseph Hall Works, bas beon appointed generai agent for the Dingle Implom*nh Works. Jas. Langhland, AIL.B. Morgan, Geo. Trcwmn sud Ww. Tbomas lqIfî for Belleville a few daya 'age t to attheb Ontario Busines ollege. - Mr. Oleuden'hing, proprietos cf tice Central Hotel, bas sodI cult toMr. P. Creighton. Ms. Gloudepnîng inteude keeping a private boarding bouse. - Tho Ladies' Aid Soeiety, et the Sim,. coe-street Methodist cburch, will give a Basket social, le be bell i inte asool- roocu cf the church, ou Friday eve- nicg, 2851h met. Umbridge has eight miles of idewalk, coeting $4000. 1 A yeungfarmer in Scotrocs utly lesît a watch wertb $25, in a barny&rd. A visiter to lhe Journal office theo other day was aimes t drawu through aj Gordonu press. Some cf the couductere ou the Nipis.- sing line wero disuxissed recently for eelling old tickets te paseengors. Charges againel Moesss. J. Bascoi and F. Webb cf Uxbridge sud J. Tood aud J. fliggine cf Goodwood for Viola-1 fion of the. Scott Act vers up for bear- ing aset woek in tbis love, before Magistrales Horn sud Bullon. - Mr. Bascom vas fined $50 sud omste sud the other cases wore net finished. They wiIi corne up again to-day snd tg-mos.1 Tow. The evidenee given vas, w. understand, an improvement ounia isard in proviens cases. Few lier. are wbo bave nol uffes frein totsobe sud longeor us affec- tive sud easy cure.- A st4rdy SootI farmer, wyul.e ufferiug frein ,his coin- mou affliction ib. cher day, sdopted s inethod wbicb le ah leset new, sud wbicb lieeSays is pesfeelly pianlee-toý ovesytbing but the person Wilh th. tocth. The semedy j, in the, shifu bandling cfasuitou chisel sud a hue.n mer; thieeia»l end cf th. former-t. plaeed against the troublesome mois,j aud a sharp blow ounlb.heaed of, hb ouiel bas the offset of knooking ultihe tooth. Tic iraI crack vas effectualinh Ibis case; but if, lhrougb DO5VQueiISS or sny clii. weaknoss ou tie part et Poverty and Dl8tresa. Thot poverty whieh producee the greateet distress je not of the purse but of the blood. Deprived of its richness'it becomes scant and watory, a condition termed anemia in inedical writings. Given thie condition, and scrofulous ewelling6 and sores, general and nervous debility, loBs of fleeh and appetite, weak lange, throat dieease, epitting of blood and coneumption, are among the common reenIts. If you are a sufferer frem thin, poor blood employ Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Diseovery," whieh enriches the blood and cures these grave affections, Io more nutritive than cod liver où, andi e bharmiese in any condition of the system, yet powerful to cure. By druggiists. Mgr. Gladstone wii diseuse the Irishi Question in the-forthooming number e' the Nineteenili Century. . Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleaaant te tako,, sure sud efleotual in de- stroying worms. Many have tried it with Vogt resulta. Bishop Oleary, at Trenton, ?on Bunday iook occasion to define his pooition in rela- tion tW politicimatters. Why go limping sud whiiaing about your corns, Îhen a 25 cent bottie e ofllooway's Corn Cure will romove them ? Give it a trial, and yen wWI not regret it. Mr. Obaplean lias deen placated, and is back at i& iipost. Mr.* B. O. Wlnlow, Toronto, writee: "Noràbrop & Lyrnin's Vegetab1e Discovery la es valable medicrne au Who sre trou- bled with indigestion. I tried a bôttie ef il aiter sufeérlng forrmorne ten yer, and, the resuits are certainly beyônd my expectat- ions. I ausiste digestion wenderfnlly. I digest Sy food with ne appwrent effort, and amn Dow entirely free from that sensation, whleh every dyspeptie well knows, et un- pleasant fulness after each mea." 'Pukey bua found alvisable te mdc aa change of governors in Crete. FOR THE COMPLBXION,-For PimpLMa, Blotches, Tan, and all itching tu~mors of the 8ki,use Prof. Low'a Magic Bi4lphzsr Soap. AYER'S. CherryPectoral No other conxplahiLi are se imilons in their attack as those nffecting thre thrôat snd lunge: nu ad tritied 'with by the majorlty of suifer- ers The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perbape from a triffing or ncorisclous ex. posure, is often but the. beginuing of a faWal slckness. .Axuus CRýgjUIy COA a wefl proven iii emfcacy In a foty 7baWs.4lht with throat and lIung dileesses, sud shouil bb, takeu lun &U Caseswlthout delay. A Terrible Côngh Cured.e ïï183~7 1 toolc a severe coel, which affected D'YInne. 1 bail a terrible oough andpassed, night after ni g ht wthout eleep. wéedoctors geve e Up. 1ltriedAIROaxyPc ?cmA,, hlc 'rlieeilmy Iu1so, Inducedil *leep'and affordeilmie tue. res;uoeesary, fori; iu ecovery eofinyatrength. By ilie contln*e4 use of the, PECTOMAL a pernia- Deut cure WuSeeffecteiL. i1 amn oe 2 years old, hale 'and hearty, sarn am tlsled yens (ERYPxcTeiur.. avedin e.1 ROckiughami , Jul15, IM. Allan Ln ROYAL MAIL STEAMSBIPSI LiverPool, Londonderry, Glasgo w._* WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILING. Peruvian. from Portland, Feb. lOtli. from Halifax, Fcb. 12th. Sardinian, fromPortland, F'eb. 24th.' trorn Haif ax, Pcb. Lth. Polynesian, from Portland, Mar. Brd. froma Halifax, Mar.-5th. Circassian, trom Portland, Mai. lptb. from Halifax, Mar. 121h. Peruvian, from Pertland. Mar. 24th. frori Halifax, Mav{. 251h. BATES 0F PASSAGE PROU PORTLAND OR1HÀLwyIFAX. OABIN 8$0, $65, and $75, aooording te position of Stateroem. Beturu Tickets $100, J125, azLd $150. INTERMEDIATE $W. STEERAGE ai ioweat 7ateg. Intermedaâte and Stecrage paseenigers fer Glasgow forwarded free by rail from Liver- pool, or by steCmner from Doyry. Passengers taking the steamer at Port- land wiil leave Whitbv on the Wednesday morning :-at Halifax, on lhe Thursday morning. Parties sending for- their friende ini the OlilCountry eau obtain PREPALD PAZ- SAGE CERTIFICATES at lewest rates. For Tickets and aIl other information,- apply te Oco. B. ':1YuIe,- WHITBY, ONT Dominion Lino of RoalMai SAING DATESi. Prom ]Portland. Prîom HaIifàx. Toroto..... an.221h. Oiegon-.e*Feb,!7hh se,<'10h BBISTOL SERVIOE (&vonmoaith Docki), 8AILRNG, DÂTBÉ 2ROM( POBTI1AND Ontar~.............an. 21 an dËortuilihtiy hefr. nause -ÂIÂ -ac efor tn c ROSSO.. 15 A- POSITIVE CURE. For ail those Painful Complainte sud Weak. f05505 50 oommý n te our bet FEMMAE ~PULATION." On accouni of ils prevon mérite, il je te- day rocommendod sud prescribed -by tie beet-physicianl ithecounntry.* It 'wMilcure eonirly tisa worei ferra of Fallinget the Uterns, Lenèeorrioea,-registz sud Painful Menstruation, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation sud Ulceration, Floodinge, a»l Dieplacemonts sud thse cou-. soquent spinal weaknees, an sud la ecia adaptod le tise Change-ef Lite. Il ylis- -5Y solve sud pal tumres. trom he utérusi an eari caet didevclopmeui. Thse ton. dency of Canoosous Humers tiers is oh"o-- cd very speedily by ils use. Il removos taininoss, fiatulcucy, dostrôyu ail craving fte stimulants,; sud relioves weakness of te stomacli. It cures Bieating.Head-aches, Nervons Prostration, Gonerall>elblity, Bleeploseness, Dopression sud Indigestion. That feeling cf bearing clown, cauuing pain, veigli sud - baokaclie, is always pcrmanently cnred by its use. For tic cure cf Riduoy 'Complainte ef eiîber sex tus ocomnonnd j, isunsurpassod. Il dissolves calon'l, corrects tiecohemislry-' efthle urine, restorosthe normal fauctions-, cf'1h. l#dnoys, sud ,prevents ilieorgan1ie" degoncratien viieli blade ho Brighi'e Dis-, Ou. trial ziil, har, ndu- .oeit. Entihsiagm.. Bemodial Qotmpcunn41,0sprepa cd in PF111 sud Liquid tern. $1 par botlle, $7 prdos. Pilla (sugar coatol) by mail 50c.per L. BEMEDIAL OOMPOUND 00% Derby' Lina, Vt., U.5, , or tnhad u. Canada. ItiMI>UL LMIvin PilLea(sugar cealel> cures Terpidity cf lie Liver, adce Bilieumnese. &à- - Tbcy ara quick, mildne g r p n g , & s u d h o l d h a u s e l ui i c o0 s t i c a hii the Remedtal O ompound. .By mq1l -25d. »itier et ho, aboya remédies sont on recoipt of prico,. or haît from Druggiste gensra11y. - 'i V.. 0,8 TOM, FED AND CONDITION POWDERS- lAlic-boait h.vorid. Tho ma Jô ily of nvuuwdiseasos come fr derangemuni of tb. xxulars an«dLx,.; t urne i tue cf tise urx oresiieatn. AM RANGING NPICIM$IO~PR YAIRD, Also another':n-ew lot Of. Stripecli Corded.Velv1et'eens CHENILLE AND, JET FIRINGES, NEW DIRESS AND MAN~TLE. BUTTONS,. Dress and Mantie Clasps. in ail1 colors and blacke *TAILORING FLOU.RISHING.- Everybody is satisfied with our work. Leave your orders: with us- and you eau be sure you will not have to, bring them back for alteration. Addrv ver, dipple Mo shape.] S foothed ilos 50w$, wS9 Oe ii.motbOYlOVO8îit eal S in c il - fi stl W f - >e Woke -tiec love tisinoVerdi Deeperliai lier lalàu bisn -Co eÜle oder arme enfold Bbield ifroni tue winds i 'Ali itl tIle ways 0f vieidom Mother j, tthe firet te kuov Litileot unertain,iyin ieirs ard setops on ulih, Ail tise mouhes xnakes it ea Guides bthe limbe bis! boni -Mohes, la thy heart-quit bi 'That tiy- lily-bud lies 1ev I ià, tie'love that craveth, osa' 0, tic lears tliat oves flow one licro e born-nf a womia Man of -sorrows, known oft 9, thon s,%d oee1I li thon se He &lenë eau give re lief. Kncw, poor mother, brni!edi In -Ris gardon, fresi and fe Nover sorr3y, nover sinful, Maggie biath his bonder cmi -ADÂaLzi Tic Farsenage, Piciering, Jan. 17th, 1887. Shameful, Abil HEAPRD UPON A NcITED EN HIe OPEN HonE I.,M. R 0Q . P. I., laIe Navy, etf England, lias goi jouai trouble for writing- open lottes téô lthe edittorý family Doctor.> 44I beliove-o 1e h 1 physician *10 make kuovz or remedy -vliereby sc psevented, sud il la for I write ho give my ex, lier. sud ebroed. - I sek," cf tii.- sletemieut liai p varned befere9 it-ii too la thein liaIt h re.sah h by viieli lleLv may ho ri foot iiealuii. Ihis vol _ medical world, and indeei liaI -certai disease is-7,i rible liavea ; iat ueitlÏ it is tie mc et fatal ani fullyaevelOPlýd thora laà doue forth.- asiiffer." - 'rysc an sd scen boon trymng , ieýtirov1 Jij cause, n~d if ossible; fn -medicine o r Ii atl haeslown, bsolnte1yti puiyiîeg -oeans etfvital ANDREW me

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