Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 8

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Letton from the Peuple. Refiter CRnIonîoz.a Sî,-Notioiag somo roemarks on mmoery draving in sonneelion vitb lh. rosent ontrance exeminatienh, I bsg te peint eut a lest that, perbape, the gonoral publie bave mot notioed: riz. Tl enycue vili labo the trouble te reed the introduction cf tbe Free-Hand Pri. mary in use et tb. publie achools, lhey, viii ses thet the tesher is dielinctly told nefIta mace tuse of pe?8poCihve i any cf the exeoises. Wl,Ilock st No. 5 question in' the luit drawing paper mand thero the pupil is bold tb maeouse cf it mn fiee instances-, lIn Ne. 8 que.. tien, alec, the comupiler cf lb. questions bas gene cul ef hie latitude, bringing in a figure or subjeot Ibal is net exempli. fiet a li in the primmry in use. There is aiso ariother cf the fisc given, very questionable for tbe same reason. Now, Sir, I sk, ia this fair to sither the papils or teaô* bers? The Primary in question is eupppsed te b. ourguide; il emys one thijig1ý; thei compiler jwst t/te ovpJo8ite-besid0s rflnning away in. to more advmncedý works, thus con- fusing candidates for~ entrance, from the etart, and giving tihem anything but fair play. Having donc my utmeel bo inetruot my classes according te, the work in use, I muet idecidediy objeet te snoh broad ,fiighte iand departures as bave cropped rap in lb. last drawing papor.. Trusting yen vill allew tbe abeve '-jpâce in ycur valuable journal, 1 aa8Sr, Your obedie>ut servant, EOD. S. SHRAPNEL. Wbitby, Jan. 17, '87. Editor CuaOrNCLE: SiR :-Lest yonî report cf the 1aI meeting eft1he Board of Education shonld convey the impression thal li the conditions of engagement reom- mended by the echeel management committe. wsiue contained in t-he pro- posais cf the leachers, I beg te inféri yon thabt the teachers in their commun- icat ion te lhe Board remostraîed againet the, retention of "mny part of their salary ai; a protection again@t 1h. possibility of their leavinR vithont due notice." à circular sent te the Col- legiate Institutes and larger Higb Sohools contained 1he query, "lDees yonr Board relain any portion- cf toachers' salaries as a protection againel their leeving vithent notice? " Tbirty-six replies were reoeived, and sun' every caso lbe anever was in the negative, the negation being strength- oued in some instances by snob additions as lhofcilevwing : "tir Board vould net tbink cf snob e Ling," I"W. are aupposed te be -mon e oueonr," 'Ir neveu heard cf sncb action by any Board." Tbese cnuwere show boy sncb a sendilica would b. uegrded i ether place., and Ibat the temobers cf Wbitby are justified in ' asking for its withduewal, espeeially as il doees net serve auj useful purpese. The teachers hue tbe servants net only of 1h.ecmrnnity in vbioh they toaeb, but &asefetIhe Deparîment cf Educa- tien, and tb. professienal certiflcato vhich qualifies Ibein te toacb iq a certificats cf cheuceter ai ve!l. Any teacher vbe faits te carry oul his agzree- ment ie hiable te b. punîshed sI commen 1ev, as sny cîbsu poison, and b. may be furîbor pnnisbod by the suspension of hie certificat. by lbe Departinent. Surely vîth e atvo.fold -penalty le keep bim in tbe path of vrue, h. i. net snob e cons6ate villein se requiro a Ihird. Because a e toher broke bis agreement and teck Fuench leave cf lb. Institute six or seven yeaes go, it is haudly jut le trcaIl&Htesors as dishonciabi.. The ohairman cf lbhe-aloard fhes intimated thel if lb.eIsoher. do net sabiil 1h. condition compleiued cf, Iheir salaries viii be pail quauterly inst.ead cf nsonthly, ai horetofore. A roturu te quarb.rly psymenîse t e lime, vben monîbly payneî are bocoming moe and mors-tbe customn weuld eercoly bs oonsitonl viîb the bested enligbion. ment cud superouly_ cf Witby; but if Ibis uetrograes tep ehould oser ho tabou, I.hope Ihal the Publie- Scbool teschoreshaail net b. required te suifer on acconut of tb. fenils, usaI or imag- mnary, oftheb. igb Sobool leachers. I bave ne intereet in the malter beond a desire le do tâ11 i-n my pover to meintain lbe standard and dignity cf the honorable profession tb vbich I belong, and lb. toachers'vro whave Ibis end in vioýVwvonld have reescute feol disappeiuuîed if they did net seurs the moral support cf snob men me compose tb. Whitby Board cf Educalion. Jmnumry 8b L. E. EMBREE. Pickering Tp. OoimdfL. pscuupo, Mcnday, Jaan 111h.188?. The Pickering Ceuncli met pursusuntt e Statute. Ju. Mpkhouue, Reeve, Jamies Perey, lut Deputy-ilee, Byl. Mackey, 2nd 1). B., Jias. L. Palmner, 3rd-D.R. and Gea. Parker, 41h D.R., Mted the necesary declarations et qualiftcatipn and o! f dd The Iteeve took 1he cha#t. Minutes of liasîmeeting reaci and approved. -- A petition vas recelved from Boy. Mr. Craig sud ethe asking aid for Wm. Leur, suniii. gent. on motion et Mr. Mackey, seconded by Mu.ý ]Parker ltufolowinj committees vers ap- poluteâ : Finance-ilmsrs. Mcukhous. ePrey and Palmer; Roade and bridgeà-;Meesre. Perey, Mackoy sud Parker; Contingecls- Meusre, Mmokey, Monkhouse and Parker; She.p kleld by doge-Mousar. Parker, Monk- hoùse. and PaImer.% utr. Peroy intweduo.d a by-lav vhich -was remisthree se-vouail imes and peeeed appqint. in& Levi-%£hyssssr sud M.Gleesen nd- Tho& Duxn d=ers for iho pvresent y.ar. M. P.ueyeporled freinthe . Centon iteade aMd bridgeireM o oî epyetc thefclovlg aeou T..C. -,-building nlomnt&ZaYgr+t ckerlng -ellaïe I.0 ý-'e ieraiUew e p.buidgo on Brued, * <1.0. Cermiaui, inmber, .7 $1.()n motion 0f il M. Peiey lhe report vas adoul4. .1-U M r . P a k e r9 & " , . n o tu ce i b' e v i ! a l al ngot-*ilOne lince frlaiat 'J- Town Locals. il on R. & J. Campbell and oee the bergiainsthey are offeriog in blankets., WEare èrewded te death I bis voek and bave te bold over mmny importantt items.1 BOTS and ehoos, everehoos and elippers for juet hall price et theb.bnk. rupt store, for the nout ton days. On Wednesday, aI Port Porry, two of ou rinke vere- dofeated 10 shot. by Part Perry, and leur rinke deloated Il ooe by Lindsay. TRiaat vas a bad runmway on th. street hore on Saturd-ay lest. One cf Sebert Brou herses got awày frein in front cf Mr. ýas. IYemn's residence.and seampeued n tevu, turuing nortb at Brocii St. Bofore reecingïtbe main shooet, bevever, the cutter hâd breken awcy lemving oniy lb. thilis, atlced te, the ohee. As il vas noaring tbe Ontario Bank il plunged at anoîber herse belonging le somo inafrein Brooklin anid rau eue of th.ebalves into the Brooklin man'@ bouse about a foot. The poor animal vas noarly ruine4,. Mn.. J. E. FAREtwELL, shairman of th. Board cf Education, invited tbe membors cf tb. Board and lb.eteachers cf lbe Collegicte Institut. and the pub. lie echools te become bis guosts on Wodnoîdmy ovsniug lest. The kind invitation was gladly eesoptod and a incet enjoyable evening vas epent by. Mr. Farewerl and bis fInonde. In addi- lion to the members of lh. Sohool Board, end lb. tocobere, there ver. present alec: Mayor Long, Warden Gculd, Police. Magqistrat. Karpor, A. A. Pfbl, Esq., and S. M. Newton, Esq. T4e gueste did not leavo their genial boit anti the vee @mai' heure. 060 Board of Education. The last meeting eftthlbobard for 1886 mel on Wednosdey nigbt. Present Meser. Farewell, chaurma», and Barclay, -Dcw, King, McClellmn. Ormiston, Poveil, But-- lolge and Smith. A communicalicu wv a il froin Mr. N. W. Campbetl, lhanking lhe board for ils assistance in socuring him the inspecter. ship cf Grey. On motion, Miss Edith C. Tliompsn vas appointed leacher of the priunary division of lb. Modol School st a sala7'of $0por On motion. Mr. Jeas.White, B.A., vau appointol flftb master in tb. Collogiate Institut. lill mxlmummor et casUlm yoe $800 for that lenglb cf lime. The question of gotting meïre secte for lhe Model Sobool vas roferred te Ithe cern- milIce ou uchool preperty. The follovin*g acecunts vers ordsed to be paid :-P. B. Whitfiel4, 818»5; H. Fra- zer- returniug effloor, $11 ; H. Thompeen, 85.50; W. R Uev.o, $15.26. Tho Board thon adjourned aine die - Port Perry Council Tbe firet reaular meeting cf lb. Connoil for 1887 for Port Peréy vas held in lb. Couneil Chatuber on lb. 181h mest.- The members, ver. a&l prenent cnd, heving oubsoribed toe .nocosuery de- claretione, took tbeir seal. On motion of Mr. Not, the. folloving ver. oonsîituted the standing pommil- t-e:-Ou poor, Meus. Br#U e nd Wîlleoi ; ko& *finance, IMesur.e.oti and Ceurtice; on streets, lb.evb4>lsOoun- cil.j Mr. Willooz -retIat 1 »0 04Aîk advenus, fàr leudoe r touirpration ptinling -sud adv.rtiug 'orpirlnliu -0111. Carned. 'or The tender eofW. Kennedï leleis the -corporation v.igh-oWes et *656 *a aeeptad. The folloviug -cooUnta ver. ordor.d j le be paid :-E. Mnedys bal. pniutflgo $25 ; N. F. Paterson. muodry aaonutas, Bell vas etondeil to thi A»ezi metb, inge Mr. Perey gava notice that at the noxtMeei- ingeof tbis counoil he»vil! euhsait couneil te resevo ei ito a com.ocf th. vhele for the of uroeeevising the by-laws of 114e munie- pailtymsud f or Oxng atlme te maké eaid ro- On motion of Mr. Pq4ker socondeid by Mir. Mackey the taxes of GeÃ". S. Palmer vero ro- mittecl, hxo boing ln dostituto clrcumslances. Mr. Ms.ckey reportod fîb ein0h. cmtteOn Centingencios recommending tlt aid be arated -to thetollowing indgnt,'frem lt jàï-,toli Jne:-Per vook. Commisslener. Jas Bobineon sud vite, *1.50 M.<ileqson. Michael Rysu, LOO doe Phobe Johnslion, 75 40 Mrs. Graham, 2.00 do i. Miller 1,50 Jue. Xmbkhtfi»e. Gso. Wàikngon. LOO0 M.R. Somertoldt. Edward Bovres, 1.00 Wm. Mciittïiek. Jeu. MOGWin, 75 Joh1i MoKali. Foundling, 1.00 Jncr Melntyre. De vitt's hIld, 50 WmL Hubbard. Elizali Smith. 1.00 J. M. Gerow. Foundling, 1.00 1 Wm. flubbard. Mrs. Triep, 1.00. J. M. Gercw. The committee alec recemmondod payaient of the foilewîng: M. laleeson, veste appYeal case, Soltuourn vs. Tp. Fickering,»4.75;,J n. Mitchell, supplies tq Wm. Jeffroy from* isîJune to 4th Nov'r, 1885, M2250; John Macnab, balance due for aid to Jos. MoGlinn, 1S88, 81 M0 On motion of Mr. Mackey the report was adoptea. On motion of Mr. Parker seconded by Mr. Macke y, P. R. Hoover was instructed te fui. nish Wini. Laur with Sflour teo the value of i$6 On motion of Mr. Perey seconded by ài. Mackey, David Dates was paid the sum ef 81, errer in dog aselsement. On motion of Mr. Perey seconded by Mfr. Parker, the comnussioner was instructed te advQrtise for tenders for tixnber for ibis muni- cipality for 1887. on motion of Mr. Parker secended by Mr. Perey, the council adjourned 1111 Feby. 141h, 1887, at lu a.m.' De net te. pille or pewders cmn 9ln calomel, for at thii turne cflt.heart h. resuit may b. serions. if- you rqfea dose of physie take Dr. Camsn'a 8BI4maoh and Constipation Bitters;.-il sets qe«e,9y on tb. bowele, purifies lh. blocd, inpmere the circulation, etimulatos tleb. livO and kldneys, and spoedily cures billioun >ps, headache, dyspeuN indigestion. ~eo the drug stores frei n e end cf Oanuda l tb. other, and yen, cannet find a'r *&cY equal le il. Try it sud use Il juY= famIlies. Seld overyvhere lu large"IoTle at 50 cents. T1he an he à.theatre atiwitléIlds, ,-nOUonTesda. ight vas oee, tlb worsi affairs of ils id on record. <'Bloed viltl.»1"ÀAface ar~pwl p±2 s, bous, bletbehes etsent ar botokens an impure ulalt f 99W 4 Dr. Camsnu emach Bittera theb 'ystem frein &U1 pou h buzmous, 4.e gies a -e&llhya tits. Fer sale' by-ail druigist in lares st 60 00»t& Mar. Geechon. spak tgaiLivoipool donied tat hei B.. Brliwub «OvrMenhÃŽ2 interfored on behaif cf Prince Ahaezae. CONSUMPTION CURII., An odl physicien, retireil frem pbweioe:, baving bad pisool lunhie hanfiby B3 Inda mlsionsry lhé formula cf a siple regetable remedy for the speedy a4 em suent cure cf Conumpion, go"f,- Catarrh.CA in s thIlIreatalLumg Aftection , alec a ~ciiesd radjiw onze f or Nervous De bï ty s al »r«U" -CeOU. plainte, aller having bete i s vouderfll curative powers in lbonean4s of Case, bus f011 il bis duly te iaabe Il kuova le bus suflering follove. Actnaeoi by ibis motive and a desro erelis,. huma" miIfer, I vili send free cf eharge, b a&l vhu>deslri fi, lbierc= 'o. lu Germau.French -11,-Lb wih directienwf or prePAllMring ea~un sont bymal by addr uPD* amgIbsPapor, -W. A. Novas, 0Ide ero.Bloc.Bccu -£y.Ir î Twe Gormans bave beon. arreste l a. France for trying 10 gel poSeessiaof me of 1h. nov army repeating rifle. THE' RIONS 0F WORMS r soeiiknoson, bt t h. owew&j s. not a4weys go wll uietermin.d. Wor4, Powdera tut daioy UM. Vic.-ChaýUcooPreudfool bas 'deoi4q4- Ihai ho emanet erder a reseunt ta ýhe w.si Durlian olecluon case. meofWhitJani, 1087. WRITBY MRABRWI ra's1bE ANew an d- Beau'tiful Bill thevite of Mi. Pr.doulok T4ornI* son -of Wason. HÂNA-In Uzbridge, on $le$, L tI4 wife of Mr. J. J. Emanna of4 angh. . MABBIED. graeon th. 28th uit., by thb. Iv. 1 B.Sootti, nt the. reeidenoeof Mi. Yd Rattenbury, brother of tb. W4d, Mr. Geo. * G. Wbit.nay, o ho~,t Miss Alma V. Battenburys of ýýîéhb. SEM.Aus-Rrnn-Ât Sonya. o*0eri, inst., by th. Bey. A. Currie, M. À i Colin Sellars, cf 1he township of Katl4, posa, te Mise Jane Reid, of 1h. own- slip of Whitby. MoKÂ&Y-GQtr-On New Yeara Day, at St. John's Manse, Port PerVby lhe Rer. J. moMechan, the . -eg.. McKay, Presbyterian Minister, o~ Cart. wright and Bellyd uif, te Mise[ Bella Gian, aaughter cf Eider Edwin ,Giîn, of Cartwright. DBAT ES. - SÂEGicANT.-At Whitby on Mpuday Jan. l7th, Thos. Sargeant, " U' 80 yoars and five montha. Nowau.-In Uxbridge, 1tth i jet, Frank, youngeast son of Mr. ÊNýùÀ,1, aged 11 mes. and 18 dyt.- ODxITori-'I Darlington, on *us day laut, at ber stepfatboer roeetw Mr. Henry Jeffrey, Elizabeth,-b4loved wife cf Mr. Wým. Ormiston, Jr., East Whitby, aged 84 years and 6 mojsý Tbere is somelhing pecniarly ma &bout the manner in wbiob eti mable lady was takoen ill. On b~rio%. mae day ah. ald ber bueband and two ~oildren drove le DarUiagton t4 vivit ber parents, and in the midal cf, ihat day's joyen.. feslivities, was taIkeq se very fil thal not lb. leaet hope <of ber reoovery wus entertainod frein tb4 ia, until on Thnreday luseh.feit Ïesier and exprsed a hope of ber reoovozy. Her attendants thon knew tbeti hoe was uselee and in a few ho àrW ah. pasaod painleeely away. On Monday ber remains were inlsrred in the UJnion oemetery neai bore. Ber peoplei have car syxnpathy in their great affii stion. CHNILLE AND JET FRINGES,' : 1 ' NEW DIRESS AND M4NTLE BUTTONS, Dress and Mantle Clasps in ail olors and black. -TAILORING .FLOUR'ISH-ING. Everybody is satisfied with , our work. - Leave your order-s with us and yQu can besure you will not have to bring them back for alteration. ANDREW M. A UCTION SALE 0F HORSES, CAT- TLE, IMPLEMENTS, Ho-isenold Purnituro, &o. The subsoriber bas roceived instruc ntion froin MR. PETER WARAM, te soli by Public Auction, aI hie promises, Lot 29, Base Lino, Whitby, on Thursday, January 27t]4 1887,' tbe whole cf hie -remaining stock, imple- mente, &o.: 1 browx here Il years old, gon- ora purpose, 1 boavy herse 14 yemr old, 2 cows due le calve li March, 1 cowlto calve in April, 2 boliers rising 2 yosrs old, 1 80W, 70yungfoWls,, 2 swarme of boom, 1 bîoad- out eede, 1sulky rake, 1 Aurors plow, 1 Gockshut scuffler, ivagon, 1 cutting box, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 grain craie, 1 scym.he, .ri baga, shorele, forkm, spades, chaîne, ba kives, etc , housohold furniture. con- tiatUng in part cf parler sol, bedrocin sets, sidebeard bureaut, cooling and heating ut«oes;ÃŽsc;as lounges, daixy utonsils, etc., in fast &Ãœ the. furniture, cf a vel furnished bouse; fve or six hundrod buahelteof rots, ooneiatlng cf mangolde, carmoe anà turnipe. Mir. Warm aviug been burued eut hms aouluded te give up farmlng suid break up housneeplng, snd wvil soll erorything vith- TBBM8.-#10 sud under, cash, e-ver that aumenI ouedit vIl b. giron until tb. lot of Oco 0,1887Pbparties furnishing approved joint ne.,'wznteresi heom dasé if net W~by, Jaamuary1 1h, 1m8. lue fTHE HIGE COURT OF JUSTICE. OHANCBY DIVISION. lu the matter of the nlorth half of lot twelve sud -north part of -lot thirteeubothinthe seventh concession of, the Township of ThorahntheOounty of Outuio (the utid north port of thee sad lot thfrteen benÉail that part of the said lot ,irteen7 lylng nort h of a line drawn throngh the contre of the usaiseventh 10 bsereby givon..thel AGNES ,E -#M5os, cf the City of 1, luth IoProvince et Quebee, vile [IBALD CAEBHON, cf.tho saie Bq",re, bade m uapplictot i Court et Justice for Ontarlo for a bo oftig lii tIhe aboe. u-îutlod produpeil evidqiuoe vh.ueby ah. te b. lb.euor th=reolute.efuse linombrnos; vh, eioiaj ho trn upoendn;te ae n in 'the qur don e 1b 'orMna lenhdyof! Por anov nuz. to aile ofltmetet I&sowam, Great DRY ROSS-. Reduction GO.ýOD IlIooo arceroom-s. CLEAIRTNG W4TRGOD -T -GR ATL'Y REDLJCED 'PR ICE8re STOCK TAK.7.ING SALE!1 We offer- Ladies' Caps ndMuffs, men.'sj, oes,-&e *t AT G REA T REDUCTIONS &1 >le Also'-anotlier--new lot of - Srped pCrded eNt, eeens JAMES RlUTLEDGE, W te Mo -DA.VID ORKISTC Ojrïnez-m thée 0Oics Office-lu MMaà's-Bloc G. YOUJNG SMITH, L. OyÈici-Smnith's BlockLgouth Jen. 22e,1878. To Clear out balance- of stock-, We h4ave left fi Bl'k aud rey. 'eue Now -is th-e tim .0o1 Shirts; HoÉ taou..r.i... d Cler.ml... Shades,- with .'Iusies tw matoun ]RANGING IN PRICE FROM ,$16.OOPEIR/YARtD* Esotablished 1856. nhe.Leading Ykekly in Ontadec Bteam eqnipMent and best fk Book -and JOb pritingplnt in1 Ont&rlo, capable of execenting _&Il Co work fromn the large poster to the 9 handbill. Special mention is =&ade ânnpssed press facilities of Tus' -uoni-, with its c-1ebratedt N. Y.4 belincier presa and other imoderno ~cs.,Veryorar receives promly -TERMS OF ADYBILTISING tue insertion,per line, 10- centi absequent insertion, 6 tonte. Displayed Advertisements are mi byv a écale of soid Nonpareil, and ' .acoordingly. Advertisements sent- withoutl instructions inserted until forbiddi ehargedl for Inl l ime.' Oraers for discontinuing edvertis -muet b. in writing, otherwise the l ors will net be responsible. Â-liberal diecount for oontract idi mente by the ysar. Copy for oha contract aêvertisements should 'bo' li net later than 'Wednesday; and of any intended- changes shoula be before Tueeday noon. "Othei sa, mente received up te Thursday nec:ù Business notices in local or news a fIuet insertion 15 cents per lino o f reil; -10 cents per lino' each iul insertion.« Five conts per lie peri Correspondenco -soHocited' from ia cf the (k>unty or neighhoring toi *Correspondenta are requested to7 their communications as promp possible, HENDERSON &GRAI JOHIN STANTONs *Sup't Mechanical Dep't. JOHNiqEB. F&REwELL'-Li B ARRII§TER, County. Crown At and County Solicitor. DfIRc%- wing, 'Court Houe>Whitby SOLI( 1 ý

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