Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 7

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GrS ?avnhrit ladies %epird té, thho OIre 0f mhooltrteeahip. Twoi ras o t h@ effce, and, each puged 401 vêt& A mêebec- cf 4135 sterner *ez beded the. poil with 125, an d the ladies WOre letg emoufli over aà4.feat.j This dos net gay much for ie ga laintry of Gravenburst itisijis. à party cf rather frisky ycuug. gen.' tiemen who hail from Toronto, we underat8and, made a fe.t-racing track of f i8isagaet. lut Saturday oeenmg, betweefl the hep.rs of- eighât audi. nine. Thoir general cenduct. toc, vas einch as te give an obeerver the impression that a8 fracture cf 4the Canada Temperane Act had taken place eomewhere in the. viciflity. à war in the0 bread bu9ines9ý'reoently cy8ftt5d considerable excitement fa the East and cf the town. Theostaff of lhf. feîî te six cents Saýarge ieaf. The. rival baifors de;ivered their bread on the. oacaO route. It is eaid that one- vas endeavorine te ebtain hie eider ettb- Iiehied neighbor'ti custooe, greatly toe1the amueement of the. boys. The. public *bêefiL-by thist ao they g9t thoir breid country.1 Hurrah for -the bresd var 1 Long may 14 rage, emys th. working- Mau. Mr. Alex. Spears, who was s.riously hurt iateiy by a ruuaway accident, le slowly reoovering. Mr. Tbeo. MoQillivray leaves neît wcek for Toronto. Mr. Frank Sang. ster will eucoeed him in the 1mw. -office cf *MoGilivray & Chupple. *At the. conneil meeting on Tuesday of last week lawyer Campbell sent inaa communication asking damages for the breakirig cf Jacob Kinnerly's daugbter'e armn t1rough faiing on a baid idewalk. -Tbe N,ý O. Farmere' Institut. met hçre thie week, havîng a diouuien iu-. faver cf tazing stock animale cf 4h.ý concession breed. Dr. Black said h& kuew cf a bull witbin one mile cfei * Umbridge tewn whieb-bad -auch large' hborna ad head thaï nehhing but the. weighý cf 14e enormoue' 4.11 kept ite hind feet on the ground. Mr. L. Bue. n.tt, Greenbank, oppoeed the. idea OU tsring scru.b stock, sho coneidered they did net interfere wtb gocd stock, and -st any rate a, mnuin thfè oounty had--the' privilege cf usiug wbatever kind cf stock he wanted. A mn named Barry, cf Doure, wu. Thoaday afternoon fined 85 and coas for driviog through 'the ratike cf the. SaIratioluiste, Chbristmas eve luat. The police bsilorne trouble ini identifying the1ir min. A hetsI*keepsr hers sund oesfromn Lakefisld- ver. eaeh fined $50 and comte, a bartender named MoFarlsue wus arrested for net paying $60, his ý8ç>tt 'Act, fine. Another Soott Âot elle wu, flr#ed sud judgmleut res.red in en@ forli thtird offense. A certain George etreot hardlware *moeant bua voting record vhich fsv men poise». H. baslhad lhe pleaoerofci soeing eleoted 411e five candidates ton viienhh. voted lu-the. *provincial, municipal aud sehool trus- tes ehections resp.ctfully. *Mn. F. J. Daly, the. euterprisiug sund accommodatiug propnietor etftti. Grand Central hotel, ham plaeed e reading deek iluthlb b-room ofth41e hotel, upoxi which are- fonnd 4the *Toroutq daily Papfen, Nov York Olipper, Siirit of thé T%rea, sud other uprting sud domestie Papens.,Tii. innovation viii doubtiemi b. greatly. spprecisted by patrons cft th. bote ,and viII refleel etill funthen upon Mn. Dsly's reputatien se a Boniface vho undenutaude his business, and knevs bow toeàeter sucoessully t e litll.tus, ss eilO s lthe smentary ventsetfhis large sud. dsily inerasing ouetom. Whilq tbè Bey, Mr. Washington, vas cncmsing th. Laske frein« $fisgrve te hie appointmnent,thel IU"d, hi.bores tell through th.e o. Il vswureed, hovever, wlhhout any very seèrious Ju une. Lut Thurmdsy Mr. W. B. Hain. lb. nevly eheted. Beevoet ofgOm#cveOa * *onerai invitation te is frlsto, au cyster'supper snd consequenly&bout 140, pensons gathere.d st hl resuce- te, congratulate hlm on -being elected, Beeve., Atter isupper Mr.Ja. Grshsm va s lled t te the 41.chair, sud made e brie!'suad appropriste addreu. The Loyal.sud M uicipal toasts fellowied, sud ver. resjoded ta by Meirs.' Majori Xoît, Bruce, Kennedy sud Collino.-The viole , prçoceedingi tbroughput wve. narked viti lthe mosit fîràdly_ spiit. Tii. Oddfalovs ' alnd frein]Port Porry, qas prosenti.tud ,Mnr or-luet urued. a reuit. s enuible felow n*p ânrth, vauts, an invention te l.ngtb.n bis theruoneter hast *qek reducedthi e eury $ýji i busted th1e 11.4cm eat of his vea4tber machin.oia lm a PrOfebsot I>cst Who -en playing >t6e dead boat business on the nevepaers probably h. is ne other thau Professer Bell the-.writlng materwhose naine 16 fr@eh in th. memory cf seversi cf ou&r citizans.-, Mns. Keiley, vife cf Michael RoIley, of -South Oshava, vhile ou hen way te th1e grocerycon Sattirday eveuingI1ast, slipped sud broke her right arm, be. tween the wriat snd elbow. Dr. 0oburu set the fracture, under viiose care ehe i. dcing vel). BEyv. E. A. TELFERaS lecture iu the Metbodista obo, 'Oshawa, on "Quser. People" wau bighly 8ratifying teOtthe large audience who heard hum. Ele intende returning wheu a Whitby au- dience ne doubt will have sn oppertu- nity cf istening to the. oelebrateil le9ture. Ur. Williama Jos. Walker, of Sohom- berg, who had the. miefortune cf having hie fing ër out wbile feediug a threshing machine, suff.red so mach from the, /wouud, that it- was deemed necessary 'te amputate the finger in ider te, save hie life. He is doing as weil as 'an b. expeoted. A xaw entered a Milton store the other day, shutting eut hie dcg and the animal jumnped thrcugh the glass deer. The riled boss cf the store undertoek te Mekte the dog jump eut through the. cpening,,but the. brute uprang througii Ttbe ctber glass door. The evuer. "put up" for the damage don.. Tii. North Ontario Sabbath Sohool Convention viii 1e beld in Port Perry on the lotb and 11h February. A good programme has been prepared., and it lse expected 413. fcrthoomiug meetings viii be very interesting and profitable. Ail S. Sobools ln the ftiding. should b. weIl represented. A KOXENTOUS question bas been deci. ded iu Orangeville bythe voie cf -4h. peope-or rather their vote. Cove,' viii have the. pnivilege of the. public hîghways frein ti.he ur cf 7 a.m. te 8 p.m., after vbieh tbey viii be hable to anrest if fonnd vaudernug srcund until 7 a.m. cornes agaiu. Tii. intelli- gence of-the towu la, heveven, greatly ou 4h. increase, sid 4he tsking of the. vote bas had the. good effeet of eslub. lishing a hitherte unknevu improe- -meut. Ouly 8 ystepayers couid -b., found te vote for fie. cove; 221. ,oted for noc ewv; sud 246 for half-and-halt. The. lsvw Êi, Conthard va. Dingls, brought by Walter Couithurd and John Larsen aga" inastat. cf W. T. Dingle, claîing damages for aUleged infringe. meutof patent, vas up for trial ou Fridsy, lb. 7411 inat., belon. Ghsnoelon Boyd, at Omgood Hlall, Toronto, Be. fore; 4he oas. vas oouelud.d sallie- meut vas arrived .4, the plintiff ad- milted thst 4h. Defeudubute de net lu- frig. them patent sud ceusent min- utes of *judgemeut disniisuing the. act- ion oun411.4grond ver. sagreedto by ecunsel, tiunsdlposiug fisaUy cf 1h. malter iu question belveàn the. pariles. 4êEsstii.beys havesa big langh ba the tvc Tory -returniug-offleers vii. did duty lu Acten ou Tuesday. Tbey ver. juit lesv«ig for Miltou vith their ballot boxes contaiug Aton's oejoity for Major Remne, yesterday moruingîwheuý thslr high-spirited Ipouy suddenhy.turu- ed tlhe corner sud oilhed lbhe<,ffiisla i..a fflrst iluas cv ban. A hunded willlug obo«vrvenswers imoeedîately lier. te leud ahelpine hsd.aàUd thisin- s»IVessud theiz eleition documenit veres bon off on 411cm jêuruey. ,When il lu kuovu 411.4 Tom, Rnuney, - of Parry Sound, lhe grittlest Gril a@ver' bora -ln Actn. had nsised the peD frein a o lt, o l ne ,eOder il d bound le kick againut mach s Tory iosd s vasimpossd lapon 1. John Drydan,. ' Esq., MPJlise sr.sdy lilsMeov sisalse ight young calyes, nearly ail et vhlch are -Dur- bamns. -Hi. faltestîle aue monsters. Uià young osltie Vary frem inxti ton moulu. 1soin.et v hleh wotiId <oeighfrein 1,000 te 11,200pginds ssoh. His cmg' two-lreatbldbull le ,nok fer short o f v.lghlng 2,000- poupde. H. aise boas ome vory fieslyd4sdaIe gSd etier well.bre2 herses. H. ie ep 000. Thiere are Gheap psaes for varions .hLyinans 7.t a hi. Disoinerl y - cljropping up. -iD ti C rehas néeaffinity wuth ny' ôf these. etbem, the.artcle.is derive4ý fri tbe puretsources, luà rpaet wth the tut 'ohemical ekili, au 1tua gonuine xemedy and -notà a litl-vefor »illio1w nous, CnSitipation 4M'ney -,troubles, li- puity cf the. bloa,- sud femnale complalztà.. In *pte e61 ii. uditor-General's -oppo- aitioteOtawa civil servants recerved 't27 the anuary py on-Saturday. If we were allowed te look knto the. future anid see the fatal oonhequences that follew a neglected ccld,, how differently would oui course be; could we realise our danger. how speedily we woul seek a cure ; but with many it lu only when the. monster disease ha futened its fange upon our Iun that w. awaxren teo, ur foliy. What fol oe a negleot.ed colad? lait net disese of the. thrcat and lange, broncehitias, eh ensumptien, and many ether disesses cf a lk. nature. It is worse thanm'n ou te negleot a cold, and it is fofly net tçt have smre geod rernedy available lor tuslie- quent cernplaint. One of the meut effica-. cious medicinet fert91 disesueofsett. tbroat and lunge, i.n icke's Anti-Couisump. tive Syrup. This medicine is comuposedof several medicinal herba, whieh exerts meut wonderful influence in curing çonurntion and other iîseases cf the. lung -and , est. It promotes a free and easy expbteration, sctheslrritatien ana drivesthe diseasefr&r" the system. and ~p mt stnegt-wi5h oftubeed snd ulcerase, eomg tchlueg sod bleedil usas lors*cDMad.l * >~4 amse eee 0< thelmmnct51 m 1- Suit Made to- k of Sco tch,;Enmlish. sudaoï Týweeds, Black. i lim cf HAYY T~IEDS from50 40 75 cents peryad suitable for Business Su3its r os'wer AFtLý-L STOCK -0F GIROCIRES- ÂLWATS ON HAND. Hliàhest'market prioe pald for, Butter atnd 'Eggs. BRIORLIN, ONT. Cç~tageor 'ate * -AT- PRIOE8 Wl/CIIWILL A3TONI6II. rou. CALL ON WM. HAILT, BBROOXlIn. rEï~ Funerals Fully Supplied." 1 'gidway between Broolclin, and Columbu, on the, 7t1& concession. Alvays lu Odr~. Simple and Là8seeIi *Are Retter tIÉsn âAy Other.. The Best Judge say Its Ton. hi- the.,BesI. Il le built with a 'vew.toâDnzebility mdcl Beauty. The Bent Insýtrument te Buy, * a Oeland See Oui Gooo4. H W BOKsi 9- ms IAPERmay'lbe . taOn d o 51ait vertiuin Bureau. (10 Spince B.;weeà =er1uxg onDtractis may be made fer It lu DR. DORENWEND'8 il G"o~, suoh a Tweeds, Fuil Clotli, Union 'FIaiels, She'g, .Sb3irtUngs, AI-weol bed Banets, gorse' Blankets, and Yarns Mu ail varieties' aud -al' kinda of Kziitljed Goode kept iu stock for the accommodation oif <)yoi.ng lu ail olors doue to order. Wei orders: promptl y flled. b. BO WERMAN 4 :18 the only safe * 'T ARCADEp TOROJ À Bool'Thoroughly Equipp.d-for. IO(OK-KEEPIN, BSINES-]miSP Cedar Dale la, te have a toboggulslde u h sud kô Li Whitby. WIl Mm.Jolû GrnI, MOshvsI Of s t 8r.B ÂLO. N.Y~, are llu Pieasaux bp Druggtg IN?SUITI wwjýý

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