Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 2

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QORRE SPONDENGE. And Items Stolenfroin our Exchangee. PR3INCE ALBERT. Rav. 0. J. Dobson ie holding special services in-the Mthodist churoh, Man- chester. à few of 0'on~ong people took a&~ vantage of the beoutiful nigbtss.nd good Bleighing onaeove inig lest week tô in- dulge in a drive. No porion took eick, we are glad to say, bat one o3uple got lost, how or wbere no one linoweo-not aven the couple themeselvee. We are pleased to see aur friend Mr. Thomp8an lHuggins back again. He ie attending school et Port Perry.- Mrs. D. Daniels, of Flint, Mich., ig home on a visiL et ber motlier's, Mns. J. lrne.--Mrs. W. J. Wilson leftL tbis morning for St. Thomas.-Mise Maudie SperMoe is 'visiting et ber bro- tber's in Brooklin. à yonng ma.n was seen wandering around tho streets of P. A. lest Snnday ove. Wonder wbo he wa8 lookingfor ? The noit ime he wants ta oea hie girl ho had botter go to the house to oea ber snd not go wandering aronnd town like a lest spirit. Lt wae rather a cold ave. ning, but as ha had a fur coat an, we hope nathing seriaus wil be the reenit of hie walk. PORT PERRY. People boe are véry properly coca- plaining of the nuisance of vicions doge. A Rang of mon are now enzaized roplacing the tank on the railway durnp juat nortb of the village, as the railway people find thie a vory convonient place ta Snpply 8angines With watar. The direotore of the Ontario Contrai met on Tuesday of lest woek, and, se- cordiog ta arrangement, adjaurnfd until Tueeday, the 8td fFobruary. A meeting of the board ta arrange mat- Lors for the aonnuel meeting will be beld a week or ten days before. Several parties around town have beeu visiting their npighbors wood piles and elothes linos dnring the peet woek- or so. Ke'p an eye on the-look ont and soma of these 'oneak thieoe nay be caugbt- and maede a publie exemple of by being brought ta justice, or "sont down" for a while. The curlers have beon praeticing steedily dnring the pat week and saine of thein are getting their baud in quite nicely. The interest in this gaine and in handling the "stanse and besoins" appears to be oatching, as the numbor of participants in the gaine eacI> evening is gradually increaeing. W@ may expeot ta hear of Port Penny cleaning out Whitby, Bowmanville, er Oshawa eit no dis tant date.-Standard. One day last; week Mr. Tirnotby Munro, of Epsîmn, together with hie son, William Munro, grand son, F. W' Munno, and groat grand son, oalled on Mr. W. H. Leonard, cf thie pl'oe, te bave thoin photo ýtaen in a group. The four wero agsd 83, 80, 35, and 14 respeotively. Thea great grandfatber feit quite proud of hie descendants, and it je vsry few who have the privilego of setting in a group under simileir circnmstanceo. The boy bas; aleo had twelvo grand parents living at ane and the semaeturne. . Harniton 0inorme 1usthat-th The great tapies of discssion ta the village aI present iste ehird thacher question. Leut Moudey carsachools commeneed witi tva lssoies, but a large numuben cf tlie people of lhe sec- lion finding that tlb. vorlivas toc- heavy for lie thachers asvseudeavened le meise tunds ta bine eothor tescier. ,We undorstaud liaIt tey bave beon veny succeseful, sud daubtiesseli- school vil bave anolin lecierneust veok Mn. A. T. DeLuny, wia bas besu spenduug lie vacation -aI big home 'ti Ibis place, leftton Baturdae vsmng lait, tar Tarante, vhene b. e epunmuug hie Un ivensily 'v onl. te mauy fisnas vise hlm sueoes Mn. Latins, Our efficient head té.o- or, is -b ho mpltmeuted cuis succesa witi bis eutrance pupîls. A das of fittesu vas sent dowu sud tourteos vers *suocessful, oeeofil lemn, aunes McDonald, ieadlng tlis taf aIPort Penny, - PX _K NG O'Brion,lies Whitby photognehr vaàs ta lewa on Wodaesdsy luts,-look- ing for lie mma vici daie, aisert lha4 bis photos a»n nei boit made. Tha adjoams4 d-:heatlug ofthé ehairgse egaWtrlwo youpg mon uieti Moral.- son aud 'Qaloton 1<0w -4iturbng w Ba. The folloWing -eases for itfraction'cf the'Soot; Act ver. beforo Polics magliè traIe Roland # ths morning -e*é Bradley. Awret.ooe, A.-A.*dams, flarton '«.abtt, Thos.'Plain Gerg Owes: and'liôbert Munros. In saeh ca8e the chargti weae admittcd4 and the fine' of $50 and coate paid. The Onta- rie Eleetions boing oven, nov comes the old etlate cf'thinge. *OAPfINGTON. The County Orange Lodgeocf North Ontario meetis in Pont Pey on the firet Tnesday in Fobnuary. Mn. John Vicans vas in Torontoc hast. week attending the exarninatious for Provincial Land Surveoa. W. are plead toa tate that ho vas succeseeful. Jcqbn bas now passed botb the Domin. iofi- Ïtd Provincial examinatione. By- the-by vo may just as weil state that in Ottawa, ent cf a field cf tweuty writing for the Dominion certificats, Mn. Vicars came ont finbt. Ho had just @sen ber home frein ohurcb on Sunday evening, aud tbey wene standing undon the steep gable of the parental domicile billing and cocin2g like too young tuntle doves. Ho said thet ehe was bis lithoe ducky, duck, and wben their lips had parted after gcing througlè the ououlatery business, tbey bath exleiined l'O, hcw i-:oveet." Jual t hon thoir thoughts ýurnejl 1 ustroflqmy -knovn in vulgan veràeculens star geziug. Loving hea#ls naturelly do. He. hed been studb ing astronomy reaently aud so vas àean,' with pnide painting ont the différent constellations and pianote "riionse,,' ho seid, 'lis Orion., Look at hie muecular and powerful outlines. See bis resplendant beanty and the gongeouenese cf hie star. jewels as tbey twinkle in the night air. Seo the"-Tbere vas a emclhersd ejaculation and there wase e tilînes still as doatb foa a ime. Shontly aftor- wand@ two figures wore seen crawling f rom under an avalanche cf snow vbiob bad fallen froin the roof, whioh lied ont their exeoises in aetnonomy short, and covered Lhoma witb iLs mentie cf white. Thers was no more love-mak- ing thet uigbt. The new organ oatheb.Meliodi8t churcI> vas nsed for the finit lime, on Mondmy Ilut, durnng tbe lecture ot J. R. Clarke, lie oelobratod bootblsck orateor. Competent judgs pron.d the ifigan tbe beât in lie Midland dis- triet. The ueceseâry matonial bas been de- liver.d at lbe site cf lie side oethle local toboggan club sud ta - being put togetior tetarin e taramevonli nearly twenly test bigi. This elevelieu addsd te the naturel deolivity vil meke a fiue elide sud give umpetus sufficient la carry toboggans a -ocusiderable dis. lance. A staireasevill give acoosa ta tie platfonni ou top. Thoue vbo viii la use the lide enu probabiy do se by becoming niembere of lb. club. Ilta the intention te bave lighls put up ta illuminaI. lhe. suds Ifsa snfficiontmera- brsiip useurolisd te am hae expenu sud Ibat, fîtniaI lnetho bornus by a feu' individuels. On Tuesday nigitthîe, staff oft1h. Post newepaper vers regcled at supper by Ibeir boite lb. carrier boys. This took place et Tsrry's, vie bcd selced tbe mont select ot bis select braad et cystens sud placed on lb. table rosit lurkey vii t imminge liaI vas partie. ularly a temptation te tieelaf te ta- dulge lu over-oaling. Hait au heur afuen il vas deoided tla "meke up" il vas fouud Ibe ail vers ,funi"-in a gastronomical. seaue-and a large quan- lily cf "intere.ting matter", vas "orovd- ed ouI" sud reluectently "bheld ovon" for soins future issue. "Spce" vas et e prsmium, sud sverythiug vas 'ordered to e b "ru in" sud lake ont Isads." Sevoral of ths staff made a "6good dia- play" sud tlie.wio did net vers voted "clumpe." The case pwiug eut oethle a"netlby Polioe. Offloons Bell sud lunan ud speelsiconstables et membera cf ies salvation Ânmy on Nev Yer'Ove %ma isard bofors Police Magistrat. O'Leary ou Tiiursday of lest veek. Mr. P. 8. Martin app.anod for the. pro. secution sud Mr. F. D. Mionse for de.' fendante. The magiestt heand th. evidence ef lb. police éthiersa ouly sud. aàftrvards diuiimed the cae. Ilà~v ing judgmeut 1he. gW ti «« A vile lhe officere iad flot eeed1 tieir dnty in arrnseliug meuibers of the- army sud tbersby putdng au eud le a 4dsmonstration laImi h av eocesd. ed 1h. limitera niseble a ova by. lau'»t,lIbsetg usu' yOW er'a ve Whs AS iuslined tletamsoesome allowaee for lb. oasion. Ashie &mé ta ers offect.dbeloos an ais. #fme*t- t e denots a bnsaoh of *ýeê y- lav sud dis. lurbezic et- thi ttl*eltatbail ,bee a ho ie*noWarivl in ibWis 1s one day last wsek, but Doe dhImeg9'ý' thon than a broken *outter. -b brouse4d about ý24 heurs a- swuip.bo oe ilWafuud had juet ,Inedsof-, b ene et. Perry wotb'es, and Iths oprnii "gel kind'o left."l Ourneno teachen, Mr. 0lIVer,",0n menca isd 'ue nder-'a-v cincumetances. Soveral ofthabp W inteénd pnepening for the éntran@ê ei" inaîjon neit ennimer.A. iy4 pnetty vel edvanoed alresdy .4bé thal tbey wibl be abla pas.ýhùý7e im e cornes. Mn. Oliver te ýAPPavrt1y. a firet-olasesteachor And vii,1. i. e thein good service in tho meaut~e This yean, 1887, ta Queen itae jubilee year, groat demonstnattons)v _,IIl b& the erder cf the year. BOwmele, is already moving. lu 1h. intàteg__part cf May or eani ini June a geat two- day Band Tounamnent, open o te:i Province, vilI be held, vitb ans4 cm- panying demonstration thet wW,"àè anylbing hîtbento attomptièd 1înIbis district. The. Dominion Orgen & Piano Coc. Band, aidod by Board cf Tradea:nd Town Counusi, viii manage. tle "0qkn. eîratic-à sufficisu;guaran iltumil vil b. asMb g ffmer.Win - è- tiil Other tevus nizt he abovi hï9ktes of other propoS4 @,,elsbn;, àW1.o clueb. The nealest "sale jôb" miv per- petrated in Ibis district oceured -où Mon. day nigbt lant, whenthe offlee oféMers. MeOlelean & Caun, lumberà-nd- fuel menchauLs, was burglanized, t»e saf. Sbroken open, aud uiuety doUu#à-iaubs carrisd avey. The oriminale muet have beau adepte et their business, for tbq dnilled the esafs.coor exatly certhebi spot wbene the combination could ho broken, and thon vîth eue blew - tii fastening vas overoome sud the es opeued. Lutenion drawens vers thon broken and prisd open, sud the is mnu mentionod prncuipally in omali bille sud eilver, stoien. It % scidoni se much cash is left in the office, but Monday being pay day in ons of Ibis factoriscauq0d lb. neceipisato bs largen than uttual after bank heurs. Mr. Qanu sud hisetlnnsîy dclk, Mn. C. Jewol, bied talion $200 dollars in large bille -home with tbein, otberwise tbe raidere vould bave picked op $290 inebead oft8$90. And tbe office occupants don't seme bit aehamed cf the disappoiatmnt caued te theik unseseonable baler- snob conduet te suough. te break-th. heanl f et bisbldeu: bunglar. No chue has been obtatned te the detection cf thes robbers Jas. Shannon, Leelidale, writue For many yawum it vstroubls& ville ollelnisd ccubd getDo relia, Uatil ant tva yÏ&. rc g; abs vas thon nobb. to walk, and ; lie pain wvasoas uvu- cis.ing tiie thaesconld gsi neost369 et nighl. Yanr agenttvas theon -hies xsgular trip, sud absoeaed hem ifbis couMdsr bien. H.e tahd ier Dr. ThomWs' eolotdoe 011 wua a ureojzro. 8h. ed t Md judgs of bien astouishuient wviesulua fea*da"e te i aniua cntou . Il n lem.4* bout rsmedy fon buri ansd braisesI aven usd. Thidetaus retused te lot lud1ms0hets- ita Ibsir country. M. A. St. 14m - St. Bonacue Manitebe wilea: Dr.,. Thomas' Electnie01àl publie beucdt.' Il ha doue vendons bers, sud bas cnred imyselioftaebcd cldin taone dA. Caub iiL_ -1-àpute& reeeain A- FEW HINTS. FOR M- Wl 0F m r - T e o M 4w ,60w proper dos e achause Fer 4C.ut!P*tIoo rCoIvesn- rnnedy le soeaffaectve as AY3k'5 Pexst. Thley hIsune eguler d"ay acton, and te- store lbe bowes abnec i«slby cidllln.. For Idga ionorDypp*,4 là'1 FILLe axe tavaluabe, sud a sirecumm Reant-buru, osoAuet.,F i ache$ Nu»mbuese. hxAij, 9"areal .relibesi p ~BQTTLES -O~ Bold toDe.218. cure No Other Rem eçy. in the .World'Can Produce Such a- R0cord. This wanderful success of diWarnen's SAFE. Cure" je d.ne wh-olly to the real maent of the Romaedy. For a long time it bas been regarded by the highest medica1 authorities as the only speoiflo for Kidney, hiver and Urinary Diseases and Female ComplIn. Thousands of people cwo thoir lifo and health ta "lWarner's SAsr' Cure" and *0 can produco 100,000 TestimonWas ta that effect. -Read the following ana note the largo iiumber of botties distributed. We guarsutee these figures ta ho correct, as aur salos-books wiIl prove.- Bo0ston, - -,49,122. JOHN WILLIAMS, P. C., (HeImitan, Ont.) sys hie vite vasi suffering with in- digestion, pains in the bock, eboulder and ight aide, thi.ebonider at titis lime being qnite nnmb, and she van Raraly Freafrom Heéadacha. A physicien statsd liaI il vas Ha-rdnes of the Liver. 'At ten doctorng for twslve years, vith no offet, se began ueing "Warner's SArx Ours" snd afLer as bcd tabou six baIlles, sito vas ln bolLer hoaltbi thon she bas bad for mùany year. Providence, - - 171.929. WM. GILBERT, (Uffington, -Ont),write-i that in the year 1881 ho was ntrielhen with savene pains sud hlgb fever. Tbe dactor praneunced il "trheumatie fever" sud claimed that be conld net iave, hlm, as il vauld affect bis beart. He went ta the haspilal in Tarantc, and thei seid LiaI ho ce-id net b. cnred. Hes Sufferinga ware Intense. HIE legs began te aveul and lu a short lime bile body was, swollen to an anoreoug ss. Ho commeuced taking "Wne'r9s SAva Cure" sud begen ta ii. prove, RHoanya ho is nov up sud nauxd, sud ta veil, aid ia sure tliaI "Warun'sl Sàrx Cure" vas Ibis meaus. [Portland, Me., - 441,105. M. LEVY, (Port Hope, Ont.), neys lit ton years ego he was aflioted with a v«7y lame backwbiichwould b. se l-ad et limes thathe conid ouly wtlbigrest difficly ris tram bise chair, sud thmo oly withthebi wwa.Iaonisieg paien. Ho 1used ai sorts of remedies withou*may offset, and ftnaby ho oemmenoed nng o"'Warne's SAPE Cure.~ Ahten talng nine bottb efoltblre a new man. The. pains lied a&U l.ft hlm sundlie Bal. of NewEn. 441,753. JOHN ASKWITH, (Ottea, OuI.); wnites under date'ýMey Bith, 1884, Ibat proviens to Octoberbho wustaken very ill. Ho wes Z 1 . » dmand, culd noi s17P,esd ieiZ :aty fotaPasaing iGaU i ons. Ro coutinued in Ibis s"ttuil the folow- ing Merch, and begefi aktng "W&ere' s"x OMM."" By lb. middleo f April, ho vas complaely reutered t ta elb. iNew York 8tate, 3,ý870,773. THE -MOST Pennsylvania, - 1,821,218. MES. D. DRIOKIE (Black Paint, NT.B.), writes19nne lOth, 1884, Ibet about a year ago she wes very Iow, with what lwo doctore pronounoed. S idney and Liver Duease. Hal no hopes of getting botter. Coxnmenced tekiing " Warner's SAEzx Cure," and fromi is effecte le to-day weli and strang. Chica go, - - 2808»63. W. B. POSTER (Tbarnbury, Ont.), writes June lot, 1885, that ho wes perfeotly ands entiroly Qured of .Bight's Duseae, by the use ot "Wearner's SAP& Cure," and nover *since Ihat lime bas tbeie been any return of te symptoms. Detroit; - - M86,946. BEy. C. HAMILTON (Milburton,. Ont.), maye ho conuiders "Warner's SAPE Cnrs"- haz no equal in the toorld for Kidney Trouble. Says ho cua otgel &long withont it, and can say vithont biesita- tion that il bas beeu af untold benefît ta him and needs onlg a air trial ta prove ils virlues te relions Ibie suffening> Milwaukee, - '- 458,894 T. 0. DIETRICH (Gait, Ont), says that summer bofone lust beows taken witbi soyers .Nervozw Prostration, and Inflam- mation.cf th~e Liver, sud that his blood wus fail of urne acid, and hie liver did not propenly perform ite funotioùs. He- bis taken a nuxnber of bottles of "War- ner's SA" Ours" aud in te-day c9n<uflsn that it bis seoured for himseli a sur- pnîehg phyïteatgai. MIrN16sota, --648,017ý J. Ha. H-ARBI8, (Brookiju P. O., Oounny Ontario, Ont.), mrites Nov. 4tbi, 1885, that sincé inior to the 'year 1870 ho v as trouibled wilh, atarrie and Braehiis, and eiperieuced ne relief from Ïbil - narxrableremedies which were etlimes preXortibed- for bimi. Hoevsuuoed to, try "lWaens aux nrp" sund et the. end af thmeweeks'uzee ofiR waenabled,,to bld tarewoll, to bits broncbitte, and, Wi anotiher wek rto, eMarrit, andaefterwWard a&U Ibisirregnlarities of lbe ktdneys dis-, eppearsd. Seha S neyer haJ ani&y r m of thediseass. Bal. N. W.Sta-tes, 1q707;140i. iivrpO,,Londonderry,""' Gtsgow WINTER ARRANGEMZENT& DATES Pf ÂIING. Sendinien, tram Portland, Dec. 2ud. t ramu Habit, Dec. 4th2L Polynestan, tram Ponlband, Vec. lOt)>. tramf Halite, Dec. l8tbJ Parisian, froin Pcntland, -Dec. St. -faom Halifax, Jeu, ut. 1), Sardiulaie, tram Pcrtleud, Jan, isti. froue Halifax, Jeu. iStI>. eobyuedian, tram Portband, Jen. 27th. froue Habitae ,Jan. 29th.- RATES OF PASSAGE Pnom POBRTLÂND 011 RALlA. CABIN $50, $65, sud $75, accardiug t position af Steteroom. Roturu Tickets $100e $125, aLd $150. INTERMEDIATB $30. STEERAGE ai lowe8t rat6à. Intormodiaeo ud Steerege pesseugors fan (li-agow tarwarded froe by rail tram Lxvsr- pool, or- by steamner tram Derqy. Peesongers- takiug -the Stesnei et Part.- land vil bave Whitby du thé Wednesday, morning :-at Habifex, on the thuzrsday. morning. Parties sending for their ffiends in the old Cauntry cen obtein PRBPAID PAS- SAGE CERTIFICÂTES et loet'rates. For Ticketis aud ail athor information,-, apply ta, Goo. B. Y uIe Express Office, WHITBY, ONT. IHE BEMEIIIAL COMPOUNII 18 A POSITIVE CURE -Fan ail those Peinfuf Co>mplainte aud Weak-- nesesse common ta aur beel FEMALE POPULATION. On acconut otite provon menits, il je te- day rerommeudod and prescribed b)y te beat physicians invihe coutiry. 1 it w cure eutirely the worBt f orue af Falling of-tite Uteruu,Lecnnhoee, IrregniW and Pinfu menstruation, an Ovarien troubles, Inflammation and Uboenalieu, Ploodinige, ail Dispbacements ahid tho con-: sequnut spinal trekussAnd su -le opeeiably ede-pted ta Ibis Change of Lié ts. Il ii ,~ salve sud oxpel Iumans tram lhe utorne in au osnly sIage af deveiopmeut. The: lens- dsuoy of (lancons Humons there-1u check.- ed very speedîly by ils use. Il romal'es faiutnees, flalulency, destroys ail crcvtug ton stiulants, and relteves veekusa ôai thesstobeach.- 1Il ourse Blotin. Heua.aohen, Nervous Prostration, Gensrul- Debiity, Bleepieueness,' -Dopressien sud ýIndigeston.- That feebts»g1 cf béening dovu, causingt pain, vsigit sud, ,>,1beekache, ile alweyu penmanentlycuûred by of the . u aitho k one rial -Winiè) execitae sud.is ~D8 AN» NEIGEBO S SAFE s, makes * hie--ftieli ~ading foir yonth sbd:foi âve , tfi ecane e. t héie yQg Thýepital etteUnili tavery acielt isioryl ,SYS are Woith recaltig-w ertiiigly as W. Edgtar oue in the Febnuany nunel ealie's Popular Montkil utrast, vo are thon tsi el;se cf Old Waeiin1 6I'Desday Boaok," -ltat ho politiqa.l sagacityeto ~nqueror. -r.Josephi S ~r9ie on "The Fereos ~omé' p opular, ideas, sud- ~eniiis bas oflen lnrked. u ini brow, and ;diocy or or vel.develcped on@.. "IAD J«e ý eIle," by Nbls ohatîuingly illustnated, sm 'ife sud brightnbBS. "O] ~eans". je a vell-tald eton' ine of lhe city of' othenid tLyton'a Pleyst" vil tatis Ieov Bulwen's "l'ichelieu Ione"* and ý' Mansy." gives the neaden svivid p great gift cf the ,Due d Frenèb nation, -vWhohave hi. The greak s- cienUli icard A.. Prooton, expiai ofthe «Origin of Carnesai anft C. E tolelole of sea serpenta Ibat ezistea dayscf the- Cnetgceeuis, satonieo-cèépecisllli e cor $$The Main ued"" the San - Gabiel Valleygw eh at" ae al w ' sud -lis illietnations unuet washington 'I (Prom au Oecaeiand CrIM W*BmtirtraN, De 0*9 Je Thons are ton bocks - .l -archives of the. United -I OQffice for,-whicb -patent 'Washington-__would'ho ý_S1O000. Tiey arestheb Ang lie ,nàmesaind àddroi' ors 'whoe acies have IN during lie -pâast ten.year *eeanaverage of280 bisa antOrageevr lt Pmto ysar, sud AYe ja184ton p'yaents an %edir

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