Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 1

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PrInted worda, gréai thougbts, aa4 untlring ]hope.., Xùwl.dgs, 3rotirbodd. VOL. XXXI. Egstablished 1856. [bc- Leadlng Weemy In Ontario Coupty, team equ amnsd 'est furnished Book and Job printing plant iu Basteru .Ontario1 capable o! ezeantîng&ailclaIssesaf wcrk from the large poster ffthe smallest bandbill. Special mention i. made cf th. tmsurpassed promu facllities of TRx Vmiox- ima, wîtl ils celebrated R. Y. Oottrell sylinder press andi other modern conveùi- oncos.. veryorder rocelves prompt7cAre- fui attention. TERMS -0F ADVERTISING. FireI insertion, per line, 10 cents ; eaoh subsequent insertion, ô cents. Disjplayed &dvertisem.nts are measureti by a scab cf solid XIonparel), sud chargeti accordingly. Ativertiiomente sent withont w;itten instructions inserted until forbidden, sud charged for ful ime. Ordera for dis contiuuing ativortisementa muet be in 'wnîling, otherwise the pnblish- ers will net be responsible. A liberal discount for contracl advertise- ment. by th. y"ar. Copy for changes of contrant adverlisemaents shoulti b. handed in notlater thsn Wednesday; sud notino of any intendoti changes ïbould bo given before Tnesday noon. Other ativertise. mente received up le Thursday noon. Buainoe notices in local or news columans fif's insertion 15 cents per lineo!o Nunpa- roil; 10 cents per lino each subsequent insertion. Five cents per line per annurn. (Jorrespondence soliciled from &II parts of theo onty or neighltring townships. Correspondent. are requestoti ta send lu their c ommunications sas promptly as possible, ENDERSON & GRÀ.HAM, Proprîebors. JOHN STANTON, etigs, -Pa ac~ lac,' dthe i- EIA 8i Ont- manthe colin eon .iPniacipl flTT Sup't Mechanical Dep't. JORN E. F&]JtZWELLo LL.D., wlng, Court Houa., Whitby -a8 JAMEZS RUTLBEDGE, BAU BSTB. &o. Office dormuely oc- E.7(?K1.~BYOk &BRutl nex A TTO"Y.ATLASOLICWITOR I D« 1CaVI» , OREISoya i, E.&. Orno-In the . office southiof the.Poil Off;i, lfiM4MWo - Blâck, Brook Street, Wldtby. iyl G. YOUNG SMlITH, L L. B., BARMgI]&R$ d&c.,&.-Money tb Loan 0,,xna-Sm1th'at Block, uouth of Market, Brook Bft., -Whitby- Jeu. 22,1878. (tf-6 JOIXN DALL 3)0W, B A BBTE-A-LAw- SOLIOlTOR BAI Omhaueeory,T ovoyancer, &o. l OMfla-DeverMl's Block. Break Btreet, Whitby. MONET.TO LEND-Plvale Punda - i mm isup le 1800, et a low rate of!lu- teresl. (y8 LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. Bq, B 4wmB= TER ÂT W, SoOl ooe Bir-eet, Oshawa. DUniwusity,) L.B.O.P. sud L.M. (Edin. WHIBY, ONTAIRI0. RIGGS & IVORY9 S. E9. cor. King and Yonge Bts., Toronto.- àw-em B EST TEETHI, 88 on rubber. Oellnloid, 810. Gold, 00. Have extracted the. teeth ýfrom Thons o f peron waolutely paineas by the use of it îs i r. 46 &$e with Langley, Lang1ey & Burke, Toron te) AR CHI TECT. Dettigus for Ohureoe, Villas and Cot- tages a speoialty. Drawingu prepareti for relnodeli2ng existing structures. Oirnez -F'irt fiat over Howse's Drug' .Stre.P. 0. Box 202, Wamvy. SEBERTBROS., - - -- - - -- - NEW GOOD8! EMIST AND D1UGQIBTI HEu on lina iry largand select utook O! ChrAlmas90(%gootis mns Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Holdors, Odor Cases, BROCK STREET, WITBY. Good Rgia nd God Horses . Tenus rea- 19 SBBEET BECS. D 07LAYS AT TEHEAD. B e ~o.Buis>.» BGS;M authorized Engdish Thapeclor ofIlb. Mi- can System of Educu4ion, hbs seleoled the DOMINION BU8SIN"S OO4EGE, Kingston, Ont.,sas the yiaBna Oodege of Canida This Bell os 1huts, ABeauliful falendar Sent ?re. O, 4n50 Kingston. Oýn# K . yOUNG lMEN suffering from the effeets of Yearly avil habits. Uic remit of ignorance or tfüly, who ftnd themseives woaký, nMvous, sand ezhaustod; also lixonLi ÂE»asud CL» Max, w'ho axe broken 4own ftrom th. offets of abuse cer over-work; and nm advanced lits beil th. e oences of yonthfül excosa, sehd for and aa£' M. V. Lubon'a Tretils. on Dîsoases of Mon. The book wil!b. sent seal.4d te any addrems on receipt oft two s t&mpo. Âddress IL. V. LUBON. 47 Welington St. E.. Toronto. Annea 1worzm POWDEI~. om&i'ý. lu' is .bf, autre, a&+i effectua 40afrO>'e 01 worma ni CWJidar.Ad"It ýDflhIflS -No. 8,E'TE"TRRAOE," BYRON-B HCOK~ WHITBY. %x WhARRENB 0.D, 0$.. (1uttoQ&>ýON W. OU THERToN, M. B. <oot, MI>., CM., <Violon.)" OYPIOE: BR0OKLIN. Toi/et Cases, LargeVa ses, Andanamotmnto! other art" icssible for preet. CaU and Examine Our Stock Baierae Purchasing Elsawh.ra. LAMP Oe a »udS..h Iepg aasortmeal Brass and Bronze- LA cor. BrooksMd DundasSIetreis. BOTTO0M P RICES I SoLu AGENT IPOÊ mTm HARVEY, LAP W. R OW-Ey, OHEMI BAD DIRUGGI$~ i:ws~ *LETTE ERS* ats are in gooti humer î ai. engagea in udreving (r. Oarusaibls sa.mill. Ieà~kmuui0shool meeting. àaù -Bray-,vas appoinled' t cf f r. George EHodgsou. ' teseer, Mr. D. A. Wil- SgoS fairly dovu lW vork. Ma@5 U a Young Man jusl We wis*hh im veil.- j. Smith of Columbus is mnu- 0d hors, seemlugfly -on the peettion. But they uay if .'ft cars they kil. gto tfindti liaI cr old 'Oéster, Esq., leisimproving. !)ê gtle e.him ont sud Xamnden ha. movsJ bock on ,belonging te I*.'W. Hodg. sq place. 1Mr. temnden lu. Ioig lbe farm for some lime iay eveniug, thè 16t1h mef., ddy delivereti a very plain 12n s»Mon on acrifioing, big fanndalion the offeriug cf Lbaham, diter vhich Ii.'01 italen up'lu behalf of the "lion fund. ieion o! thb.goSo f Temper usý plac, lain gooti vworking la unai le le crédit of lb. PIS-, Of Ibis Pl"estbht hey !Divislon-open, Mant ls .for agemenl le knov lb. tthiey ~thebess Divisions iDnltaiâ Btwear, boy% ,n U v ,tu boom. At -Ilet got fnl. tho eiw vhôuas. 1Mr.' Brash viH not ový in iunil tIie sprinzg The annual meeting of, lb. Piesby. tenianehureh vas hel tltele, an ti a very sat&iaotory. The -oô regtio dtetieo adopt 1he weekly .envelope iystem in future. A great c 1ysterosupper ie iven list Friday svening. si the. W-Ilso n ou.é by thé 'newly-electeti ocuneil -tammbrs. Muait ànd- danoing vers indulgeti lu. until an early heour. in 'the morinig.l learlylulbmay Tiers ja gréaI deal cof siokuesu 'The oharch of Englant social lu an- nonetifor Peb. 111h. ' - Tii. Misses -Witbérligs have beeau visiting-fionds in DeritglcL Owing le soow blocleeour mail vas canelelîd on Friday anti Tuoid'y. , Mesers. F. B. Green and- G. -8. Mit- chell were visiling Mrentsin luToronto lust week. AI the counoil meeting on Monday lest, Mr. Levi'Maokey vas appoinled-> assossor for 1887. Margaret Filzpatniok,, vif. cf 1fr. Daniel Murphy, of tIbis place, tiied oe Fritiay Let, cf cngestion cf 1h. lange, aftèr only e fev daye' illueei The -fanerai on Sundayt e h. R. O.berne- tery, er Witby, was largely alldud. eti. Sebool lIeu.. buaboën baud neeessryte emple'ya &&Um, Mtullacier l i . moJdl booL pupils viich number lasbu reseiteý150. qýrnmonday-i ralloest The- eenlral oimditse pua tetili27 bohia= werqrovWuàfsnimitdb m lires o!fb fiv. tbat, weMoremodvsMr AzieronPatyBznhansd Eît Bco NO. 1$. mille. Wuasappoinlet te onsideir thel quoi hon of purchaaing 'a-,lot imitable r olu erection cf a. mxie.The Aum4erssry Services. wAU b. eldon Suutiay tii.Wt tuaI snd th-eo anuel te, eeiting,- on 1h. Mon; day jrîienn olwn.1ie~V moifechan .o) Port 'Perry viii sonduol lthe enrnversary services.-«1-. Prof. N. W. Clark D D f Mc $e -Hall, Tqrqntb,--reached'to eco ibs u b.l3plttohurch on' abbaàea-.T both morning 'andi ovmiing. Lîu lihàe evnMx theProfemo< its +Ah -ý-xtf wnl,.. Rmn 7 ýi whlseul lute ttr instnt . ho a my equa Ré first coies for a blossingi wilh jo y thst lhe bleuuing; convulio f feeling li vé morover vem unpopular. notl understancta mani cY sidos o! a -queston im.-c9 biealh. Lot us se. the ri vio matie the cirvasdos lb. univeral robleins am lie, uivensal attle&a. Wi hendod bis position..-'Re iï eut how mnucau- becexi God;--the greal question il tie venrd. Do >enfoolt liat questiliÉ.. ,If notaI ip hob a lime vihen liat, qu mùoment cf eternal life cor Theý man 'of. 1h. loxI' vonito lu rk -toi salve hier ovu' mehiod.' o! us spureeof. if 1 am, Goti Imu 8tho Dehae cop. I m-juet o.e ta Goiby b ewùgacceptshIe.2 ft tat tedto -do rieht . t to b. bos e praisal srmoù n the:b &dy h»a eete omet fal.Bihomemicaa re polr m "bdne, is 1ef fo ho t.sDet anti roi &poog l b.. M - bi. boalt to i es s tO redum i - I - - WIth cl 0 presbuts Y, JANIJARY21; 87 which LIVERY and rSALE STABLES, Mirrors in Plush, mal 1 b 4 - 1 e 14% E r,-Pî L. IT 8

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