Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 7

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tien AaloI f oà-aipg. *011 bave butirà fi;q i- n8iamnue for thoir minister, lt.e11ev. J, B. lMcLar.n. POHTY.!RIE <ut cf -91 - sandidatesi -were Qaoutaifl aIthe EuàtraaOe exow. -nation et Newmarket. Tas Oauuington contingent Of4h -gaïvation Army-ia preparn f rea rt tbi dQÎing th. neuitarlug or g 1<Min.& and Rains pro mused -4ould- 250 of a majority, but when poling dey coinse tey pot on a littho sputisud rau ber up to 861.> Tirs trainselW lh. Midland sections to the north were blocked last week and considerable delay we.a osused by thse heavy fallofspnow. * ,Mus. YoUMANSB, the greait lemperano. -wrker, la laboring oang the peuple in Victoria county, and'our exohanges opeak highly of her efforts. Ma. G. Gmitoi, late tbachert a e. -ave, wIO ptesented wilh a wiîg elik and a pooket Bible by bis pupils dl frienda, ou leaving that place. TasiMthodisesof Zephyr are mak. g preparationh for th.-building of a w brick churchi IDthe sprlng. Sub. sofiption Eats ire being circulated sud suocut $1200 bave already been sub- TwzIîTY-&IGHT children and grand- obildren asseibed at the. residence cof Wto. Rogers, 11th con. of Mariposa, on Now Yoar's day and presentcd the sged grandpqrents with.,presente suit- a le &0thooccasion. Murv et Our oxohangos complain cf actÈé cf petty larceny, such s tkiug robes, prele sud wbipe (rom lighs utpder hotel and chnrch.sbeds. Suoh oà~eak-thieves uhoald bu sharply deait wish when foumid out. CÂSNI[NGTON whoopOd it Up liVely when the returns showed. that Gould WMe eleoted. The boxes aud baryls coleted for use by the Tories were, cîýp ured by th. victors and use&d lu celebrate 1he occasion. ORILLIA il ueing ta b..ý ligbted by electricily. 820,000 have been raised for tiaS purpuse and for improving lhe water'ýworki cf 1h.' lown. Well doue, Orillia 1 You put lu ahame many of pur sister towns oftheii front. Lord Colin (aoepbell's solicitors have spglied for a nâew trial of bis counter-suil foi~ divorce againit his vif., _on the gruud'liaI lie verdilct f tie jury vas against the weigst. uf the evidence. The. public wilt be fartber treated with the Sàendalous mait, unies" the Engliah authoritios support liera. - gr. James Deekecu eofenoelcu. Falu boi4a -sof h&ving a "Jersey -ov Ihat is but a YearÀ,ad a haf cld sud yet ,.tuishesa&Il the milk required for six, arslobs, twu cats,. and Ne*touudland p.If liaI oooet do botter Ihan ah1 . a d Wbotter go out -of -1h. boi- ne&,-Qurta"n pmp lid.d by & box of ha1k u e 0,tlhe waul cof half a s ';iïz ?resbyt.riani cf Lindsay bob formai posesson of theîr fine nov charéh ou 1h. firsi Sumday cf th. New Y.ar. ' Ii. 11ev. G. M. Grant of Ciensodlege, Kingston. sud 1h. ,Bey. J. . Marray et London, assiaed th' pastor, Dr. MoTavisi, in the 'dedi- oaeiory servioes. Tise ohurci is ent ut C Most beautiffl ediflees Ihai adora ,h handeo otwn of Lindsay. Au bg.ed olqr.d venamai Hovell, Mioh.. who ha. gradually been. lumniog The votea f dTauntonuaa zd *nlty Are prond e btact bisai Iheir'polling subdvmp gave Mr. Dryes . large., ei majcriy W th.e iding. Mr. 7 -. Itloar4u of Essut #hllhy bas bougiolitarnt IrmofM. Charles Slsbbaek, and hie brouhet Ili ha. bougil oui lhe harasa,~ ss TnUiE mocs. ver. 'shot- ln t. aurth Iaîelwhih weghed on au aMirage C. ever 1000 pounde. The. urget mess. points, and Îhe other tooIve lhl ne 6Ofeet. Daugercuscouuterteilten-dolls r notes cf lie Canadian Bank cf Comupero. are ln circulation. The' paper ou wbich lie ouanterfeits are ptinled in of aslight. ly darkor clort han liaI usedlnu 1he. genulue notes. Bogus hatt-dollar pioces are be g Oit. culated. Theycan easily be de ted by 'tie wrealh on tie reverse aide. On lie counterfuit tlesves ail turte nwlvrds froui the stema, vile ou ihe geàine tioy turu both wayu. À. new $2.00 counlèrfuit bill ha. ap. peared.'- -Il le procuuno.4 l te best ceunterfeit liat hm yet been made. Tii. bill ia one cf 1h. bufforin ifisue (with Lord Dufferin'. piclure ou il.) The. vignette Je perfect, only tie face lsaa littlethou btoad, sud lth. fore ad slightly conracted ;dots oulhi 'e are omitled lu- lie vords -"British Amerlos ;" lhe culot cf lie baqk la a very pale green sud tie paperia sllelghtly poorer hban liaI of lie geuxuine bibi. Il is payablei in Montreal. The number on lie coun- herfeil l. of soties B... 1 Tan Salvation -Army are under greal obligations lu Mr. Wm.. Guoderb~am ut Toronto for many acte of kinduese h.. .stowed, but'more particularly for the munificent Rift of, "A Home cf Reet" for worn sud weary workere. Tie i.gft has fllled a long-teltsadsud eci-needed wanl, sud lie officers and wîllng vork-. ers ufthei Aroey are truly tisukfal tl Mr. Gouderbam. for lic gift. Tii. building is et brick sud ituated on George street. near the Horticullurali Gardons. The Home la suitably fur., nished thtougiout, for vhich tie &rmy' in alec indebted ho 1Mr. Gooderham. As C. W. Wliteridge of Litle' Britsin vas returning home W.~ hie dinuer ou Jan- 4h, aý dog be- lougiqg le s aMr. Caldwell 'sprangý ;pouhM ù~d burled ils teinlu0.. W'sbeg Th.dgug a.gel off wu"i muc i flaly. Iu a short li=mo1r.: Wibheridge prooured a siot eia4 islsred on th* var-path and soouf. coming on hio enmemy gave il. liefun! oultent. cf lie <n-s flttlug deaib for the vicions brute. Farmers vio havé crossdoge vould, do vellto leaes, the dog at home vhen, cumlug tle levaior! periape More vilcorne té lie 440ame1 en a bis eo d 41. Ecetla Phâlpa, s Young veman trôz Gaineboro',. sged: 28 reoently plsaded guilty before ludge Baiter le the charge ef sleallng s hors. from a vid H. Bn smbsu*hnam Atiercife, sudvawu- tenced lu six montbalu inte Andreer Moeor Reiormatory.SBue clalus. ihat &;m maamed. Buehan, viliviormi e adlive&aI to»e Ibm., b.d for.ed ber tl0e itlihlm sud stesi the howe~ tiai b. vent viii her tle Port Cso~'e Sud tiasaoe drov e un rous uat' Ibo toh Willloughby, vWhre ah. soldli ho tg eMr. Ton.Welle for $85, liai oe.retmred lu Port OolborueSudn gSv ui 1sb".060s keepig * lb. balance Si. esyo 'Btschsu hrmeend lushoot .1ter for (101. marilu ai leteher, imbabed *Bsd slartsi foS làe* ad1ngouse Of 11he gag u sdos pronomle êvenhy-liveyardsv ehe do~e uncu$poue 4yag shrt iss sWe. yards. Oàrouere a udTy oive ssoifld sd ajury oossitug of mlxt WbIleandsix colored1 uiliseuempen- ,bue&. À verdict o.1 4eah -frein excess-, iv rink va" n -ur 1e&Dpsd .vas '417aedbip wlth e bdatco M :ùômwiiob Igotne reief, "fail 7tried Hagyard'a Pectoral Baisea. I found il 'à sure cure. Thure ia nothbng like4,sy udvard Cousins> Blanson,7n.-I Briishi,'naval .pensionurs bave xecqive 1)a t11, syb. Udd utacivpervice in ule?êIton, uf Grass Laku,>Miclg,- a jus*.tthc fle pea asgiven upIlu, d ie with maOtltvr l ehfe U »cr (rmq BurdI»k Blood Bitteré., aifler Physi- can' sud her nt.dicinesiailed. Mr.-T. 3. Johnson, Assiistant <3urnrius- ioner'of Crova lanida for Ontario,> i. dead GGOD THE-YEAR ROUND.* Nxatûmal 2Pik are *z good blood. puri-~ fier,, liver regukdtrand mîpurg&tive for au geon*. The. strite of the. ousihandlers la likely lu cause a coal famine inNew York. A Temfl*<WOËMd Burdook Biued. 'Bittersa atthe ïame timieupari tii.liver, lbe bowels, ithe klduey 'ud te skin, relievin« or cnring li ever 'cae. Warranled satidfatory or monqy retudf Chinue.pirates have slaughtered Ivo Pfbuch garrîsons ia Tunquin. 'II neyer fuel safe tu be wiliont Hagyard's Yelluv Oil; for sure Ibrots,olds, avolien glands, &o.,"it has nul falld b give relief, and tor mvy chiltirea il is su easy luadmin- tler." Mrs. Henry 1>obhs,, BerzidalcP. O0, ont.e The Ontarlo Lagielature wiUl meet on Peb. 10. A Strangecaa.. Mar. Robert Kissick, of- Coulson, Ont.» lias roetIy recovered from 'à remanble dsaeatuinor of the spleen wlth dropsy. The tumor estimated bo weiqh about dmi 8.unda ie Medical counsel gave hlm no. oupe,but Buzdock Blood Bitters cured hîm. AYER'S PILLSal A large proportion of the dsease whlch cauis human suffering resuit f rom derange- ment of the storach, bowels, and ivUer. Am's CÂ&TIIa.TIcPILLa aet directly upon these orgaus, and are especlly designect t oure the. diseasea caused by tiacir derange- ment, including Coustipation, lindiges- tIOn, Dyspepala, Beadache, IDysmetr. anti a hast uf other aliments, for ail of wblch they are a ae, sure, prompt, andi plelsant rernedyl The extenslveuse of the»e PiLLs by emineut physioluasin reguar prao- lice, sholàs unmIstax"sby the estimation in uxhIch they are belti by the medical profes- mion. Thee ILLearo compountietiof vegetabi substance~s only,,asti are aeOlntely'free Irci. calom.lqr any othor Injwui Igretileut. "ATER'S pu.Larem invaluable tlunme.&Bd PisLamare b. oïy thig I1oid iobt foi- reliet .One doe. vil quiekly more My bovelsauaa4 free niy heati front Pain. fTey are the moat effective andth ie ealest Phyi 1 have ever fouud. It ià a pIeasure tw me to speak tu lxi etraase, Iaaydus W. U. PAGE, of W. 1,4 Page & Brc." Frankin St., lucu ondva., Jipie 3,luz112 leus Instances as recommendti by jou, Ant ha"e noyer knwiliuhm bt alt oea l the deshlsd'resuit.We couatly keep Rma 'on baud i asounr honteaipise them as a an mintC reltbleFu; iy iMedicine. e SP the an nvaliable. J. T. RAYMs" ilerle, Texas, June 17, 1w5. 1.%he Itnv. PirCIS B. HÂm.wga, rlting front iiaM694 Go.,' sas". d Fr Somue7y MmeI hvebeen subleetoucoistipation, 'bzbr » *Dî~te ut the suwel- lât fsun edets, 1 seffing lbwaovenleoce,. until corne -mnt àmg began taklng Âvzx's PiLLL Tbrl obtley orrocted tha cooives a ,à baef, vyixprovetiMY general bealul.o,' lAII tîg :o b m bove)sstimulAte the, appe- aticsmedl%êuiln, fa-i by tlibeprmpt and Utbdruuh actionUaIlve an:tdvigor lu 1h. Dr. J,9C. Ayer &Ce., LwIIÇ,Mes& etc., tb seloci from. Un~e of ÂYTWEEDS from 60 be75 -cents eer yaerd1 utab1e forluisinou s it or Boys" wear AlW&YB8 ON HAND. ýest m et price padfor ButteradEg . £.ROOKLIN, ONT.ý F1 T iN JT.U~ ~- Cottâge or. Castie, -AT- PRWCES Wl/CH WILL AS8TONI18H, YOU1- 'OALL 'ON WM. IEJL Te. Î3BOQXLIN. ~Funerals Fully 8upplied" Midway between Brooklin and. Oolumbu.#, on t&eý 7tk Concesn. WeLlare now pead t eail Goua,-sohMTwed, ui loth, BhetigShrngs L-wôool béa, Blàbketand YM.nsinalvarleties Xllit$e4 Goods kept iii stock for thé. patrons. m-- aft colors dône to or4er. - Eighestpr epid fran uatity AU orders ptôomptlyfllled. . D IOERA ,impie sud Lasa slifa . The Deiio Ogaus aR N OS, Are Butter tan Âny Other. TheBeost Judges Bay île Ton. ls the. BesI. Il ta lîuit wilh-a view t6 Durabilihy sud Tii. BesItrnrnnt ho Buy surliai vurtiai Miv! DR t. aaail, Id of WooL. t0 do muob driving by nghâ» o.rr revolver, 1he lav bto ie, o' wyiI A . ADy Wu Iewusarket wuas am"ngg ta ouà a pieu. of Dne -lewrk àfev evouga moh"lai h. did 08o" lc tbaI1he rlbbons,"Ii, ber bonnet oiver. luxng r1h. Istnhp. Smelling lfire ibe' fnrauu n ilinbut eou#la l ot ertalia T ~îa 'PI a VI for gc qE ITS, UTS, SUIT&. 19 an SQ iý --W-000

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