Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 5

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e ,- - igi -- I to Memors. 1~ I. G0I Trade. Button6', Cuf ButtoD bs), Uriderwear, Muffiez ashes, Toques, Cardiga 77 ! 12, $13, $1 . 1, $12.50 aps, $. 3plete range of Muffia unb, Baltic e Saý Rîi Ar,. &ý,cfrom $2,1 ~.Oand $7. O. And- colors from ,35c per y '0', $6.50, $7.00e7.O $. 'to to 8eleet from, BaIti* Bc and ]3eaver band with Si ~Mt. Lamb Cape, ini Grly N, WHOM Il MAY CORCERI1 ~WN8IP 0F 80806aO flCB is lernby givia n lu aom witb Section 846 of the 0Ooao .D41 4o1 of'18lm, tb*.1 tue Oou i.MunDii:i&ity ofthe .Tovea4p ., u te cubt ofOntario, Itend ng ut sgd (ounoil tlu b. e, blta1 -<rwnbip Hall, Bougog, on 4ythe l15th day of sa S ury 1887. c'look p.,-, 10pas a By-a andu sssj4theb. oliowing uilowui led for a road in the uaid Towa" og vii: od esablishied in lot 24 î& the*1 iion, formpfly R'sach, oxtandinj*& 're road in a wterly direa op CE' je herbêby further givqa' iv' por&on oiperlons uha d4 bo foreotagroad tol,» lomè. d tomaoeknown tloir ô>feetïct% 1 ae otaforesaid meeting et OoneI JOHN FOYI,. Clork Township of $ou"q o. 14th 188. vlw ?t th n- ppro* f01 * LIDAY SEASO annonco that 1 hava 10W j a faUi aud Co plet. S3took ef tehes, 131M àu gel a moud gola embisu oiîght ba dworkmanship for mly 71 wi price of oe doUai Baruard, Thislls. T ia'l HT A SSEISSML one 01 you eau -afford, te be w ,f tisas beanLtiful evidenosa cf b«ti1ip cf an Ord6r of which aked hfo ;pntoe > ho was no-i,an fe*td - 8e-' of.m. coulasunê tmu eL 'fthe meautlme, "Oohio ef1e alowHal.0ezeoute bis wfa, and T ittedfor trial ýadhid to gir, 8100 auhr. i le luterestel e bImn thal pin of t the ri- t rfrom very ~N T ofithout mom- A Are, Justly Proud. JÂNUA.RY l4th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI T 8 OING ON lu AND AROUNO TOW-A BUDGET OF LIVELI LOCAL NEWS GLEANED - 5 dIRoNiOLE REPORTERS A oWieVa amang y%, takin'noI, Au'faila ellprent xl. ,Wzo mye Whftby maY Dot have a obo9g&an lidet Toi Whitby and Baul Whitby ampi mitural aoclty mot yesteray. ;"H» Times" sociables lare the *tlst. Làadies appea iniiiMonday orninh costumes oand gentleman àis dentlfied wîthh Dot 'leu than wC Ithes -on their pents. Pris ena [ ~dd b h most diatresbed looking "W ws week's imse we nsMed KMr m.Batema neasreeve é OflBngo l ad of Mrt. W. R. Ham, Who WN lst4by tbis. of a majority. Itlu o been a- serftained that Mr. Tren ath ie reeve of Rama mintead of Mr oPherson. Tax animal Meeting of th@ e1eetOi jtrict &grieulural Society 0f bout] otarie, will b. held *t the Town MRal bitby, on Wsdagodayl January I1Oi 887, at one oolook p.M., Who* Il nual Report will b. aubmtted, ai e Election etof 'ifleers for the entuiz car will take placé. KIndy àae .eig vithout ftii Tmx brighî sunny wealbr nz" verytbing'go botter, but ou 1h. faOo. zo otrue& ldoeé ht i msh a g f ple"Mt as upon the gooamenan* *O'Briant tho photogiaphot. M aU xiimaks negatirivesequaly goo4 - ail kindo 0ot__walherbut r.qu1r, *ny day' 1tranafor 1 he' Hkenas aper. Tli~ dayeho bhvn Tzs lown au&d'towsbp oune bo hoUtheWireslmeeting ou me aymi.Thre-it .pelli t1hé.-f rsI meeting of ooiin@Ilà moMbers a»e gêneiàil) indept * tf tinègaller Ibat f«oîi thir lwenty.thOS meetinga cof -t. Y oo'ùpy theirtlime in lenît lhemelves la h.fr -position@. lu 1.last meetngof the tqwn dCo onT.uueliy igbl aMotion, aaaa d rdring a number of those,~ te Ieabilom» *g gte thetoi ut otnea.IubytWiaein d *'du hopned up. tÛouglà the Iri 9 New:] osiey ald ýGloves.é efi ~~wn FlnesadShirtingsé New Mantle TWEED"-SIJITINGS !AND OIVERCO HDLLIDAY'8 -EMPONF sman savange bas bedsk recent0ly mado u iueuRW@ srx~aiu na the g emo ral an oà4duoàt4onol iiBpil(hîh nd~ et ganmeb by a ycung lady en., gentea at u(aPbslfrbiebakt ofWashington. Thsy played ,twenty. sbopcI. ninegamea of oommoou eve.y.d&y euoh apbîs l b paefo e' Lb. other evening. 'The conditions ,,ot n b7sovrot' ilt~prc the game 'allowed bbe Young- Moa, a kies forý every game he won'and a bug Bz.fmaecohg u ovrot for, eyery encire. Tii. Young lady von for baU prioe, at the bankrupt Msore. one gatpe out of twenty-tnine. Bbe DOxT-forgot the greal clôsing sale' aI aflowed hormoît 10 be euohred with botb 'the bankropt store. bowsns and 1h. ace cf trompé lu her cail on, Campeii' and ose thoiri hand, &Pd oes ime wben she- held both dises goode. bowers7 and joker, elle deoelied il was Booôfs sud eboos and -oversboes 25 msidea.,Tiie only game she won was er cent eo- st&'thbukut bn accident. She beld lie aoe and the blwcmtaPb bnip qneen ocf trompe, bot.b bovels and lbhe s r. 'rneW éao;â joker, and the Young man-ouly lîad two Us >.Doeeid5Gaterak Iruma ad lhY vr. aait~ Hit Moge for 'baldness, gray hait, la Tii. young lady vas tlcored twsuîy- fmlsà yadugil. four limes. The. elakea seepald ilu Roilar Skating Rink-wilepenunder fail. nov, management* Salurday evening. M&*. and lirs. W. J. (iresnwocd viii ee. ad&Vertlsemfenl next veek, return from Kingston 1h18 veek te SPECIAL effors lun Snnday achool Whitby, viers lMr. @eeuvpèod viii libraries and prizes at lira. ÂlIins enter upon his dutie. s c-lasicat WbitbyBOOk and masic store. master of the High sehool bthre. Mrs. R. Broya bas 1 th largest stock- of Oreenwood's .ffeWincludiug tb. creamai siseolales,niixed candies, wany handaume and oostly premente gpapes, fige, &o., ever shova lu lowa.. riroeived before ber mm.gi46 ers O The regular meetinst ef lb. W. Ce T. ahipped te Whitby Ibis week. Whltby -9. will be ield tbis (Priday) aflenoofa je a beautitut town, and vilhin itsinluthe Fiee Beadiag Reom st hall pasî confines lier. le no more pricolesi gem tirs. -han lis. W. J. Gr.envood, if..voman- Lagsvael o!ptgrb I ly vrlu mayhumbe yrnbtfr*d. bums and plush goode ever opsed in "IThua la lthe mino berefl; a fgem etpuil wbitby at lits. Alluns. Wbitby book Io by the. handoetmmnremovedad ui soe To ohsd its naa"l boauty in a' highsr Bas? Canadiau GOAL OIL 20e per aphene."* gal., best A.merkm '. do., !250 per gai,$ -MVqcJu u i1 0 bbla. do., li very low figures. Âaothsr et Guelph's fair daaghleri Leave- your eiders. WSn. Diokie, bas entered luto 1h. boly boids of Oshawa. matrimony. On Wednesday ,vening Tîm CamooLi pjinls bilboasdat e.e lis Beitha Eatch, only maugbler of ment beads, ltIer a»d pada, and ail our ýwoll kaown and esleemet i iien snob vork aI reamonable puices. Den't Mr. Henry Hatch, vas mamred at-ber go o Tronto for vork wo0" ou fathet's rsidenos, t10 Mt. G»o. Alant dbsper adbellot. ommercial traveller, Whilby. . Smu b gsingle rounidtrip or bwedding ias p 4at, oly a fow cf the ,é»pa4d o ean aeamip tickets, aY relahiveRa d oLUntMI friends'of claa&*% oort rouan Burepean pointa, vil th. tarny being preut. The bride- ciOb".of 7 RIoyal IMail Linosgtara Mau wvus ioss l. Broggio ana h -a lo fatÀlo 1es l*0boitesé,raes. ro gromaratiMi.P. ca IN* Te o m urble frorn B. Stèphensons teleuraph * J. W. Holmea porfortned l .6c.remoDy. sd <Q. T. R. t"cet OMM$ eNWhIbl. Y The bride r.oed- manY banm ne j Ie sI i "a pissent., tee nomumtoi o0 peoifýy.. rhe 'on___ ýL4I9éàinépna 0ba#pyco)uple, .aîdlhheeon noat reat gions oPel -r14. anindî-oedel ,e et maüy frionds, l.ft f6r New York te elp g ap.nd thoir hooron-nlmM~roîtb by T. G. Big CO., Oduila cornu tbonad with the nevy.ar giet ly, nproved, both iu appeamuce u arefi oficr f th ouenerrn.dof ug at ot el lalàri 1- ., re. C -8 V.G, . . Poek;14 O U." m aie Conil Oh ibe 4 PM on'ayTusaaur- i W. lu s der b 1ht hlm0s0a mor l *=n o, çia1 the go8.N.G., A GraHndieiOMM L.8.N.G, P n"t .ute. ai uatgpl Ék, Ca Rein f;thWad.nThW. Gîbson , m . TU" *M tmsnlvethe N.O . Qonacot. WlRa on; U..8. , noe. leaiui ng . è»i. U as amber. 9At sid W,".or; ..8M. Netic e.; 1.8.0. P.M. t hwier ' llmttes.n' enw p i t thM Wilson; 8GT ellitI W.arbakei). el Uonoeêlbb Cha. Tyl rud . ibeW. VIbng Uaola a u t tohn l.Nis hoaý Coen tIOe.tW .on;Bao8,8A.90.oi thsclae Ms "i byl. baste«i Cf Wlor , 0.,Taélor, W Wioka niP-!.of mpos#pudLole Tbly ta Dî Koram ropony iuIIl-BB0. Bsu D.f lvek 8âoa ~. Oaplan, ie. . Booon Sureo - BernI iaeiof L ohnsthxe, vo tu DOm on. MBeo& W. IBtlbso A. 0614ras S leaby, by. - theK.st af esmd orse~n pbec0.TUélkïanloe.o.esvesot st uioflW vleobaU -*= ad T. lt sae ntéAt rmo h » de, BroTi.-wirawI W.R b .$ b.sy Betfi»ai rhr b.o# Zoe 1 c lis fol oeh r.vigt=,h b o m not .sayU bo w . oII4 ~ aid oltÀ,te lb.thpe iat othe wal Ihemü- W«. Bloma", hehmam éîee 1tbyolo'hoznIbe sajy *Pi s lno mai8 . le lode ropofl aim à&M e - orms er4Dot M IiN popa lotU r vas ùg_ ee*i vas e eog~t te al 4l Lvhfévaa be oe fluily OU. bemriceli AUE hU N&pkn Rngs Kni Ï7 ud3ïr,"l,7 TUgfveaasi-otE GROCERY ECake Is we fRedwith ohoice ftéshi. Grooeries déeete YuwiIl flu n toké oîenew Wencias, Nqew 0urlntLemo0i llud ùtà Citron Peels fre h, xtr cta ofth e b est 1 qu ality, Fixaii a ;je3Oranxge ,Le Choie !ca.and Uff of the bil T. 3..EonLD Y * j' vea assorted in the various departmente, and h. lIas now eïaed many Nove. Chrîstmas Trade. Beidaes mn choice artkies iiDry (Jooda, h. liae THEý -BEST QUADRUPLE PLATED 811 Il show,,. Newl TIRE 0 E Byl.,» E% P7 1 A

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