Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 4

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CI-EA P GifLA P Bru.shes of ail kinds, Combs Cha:mois AND Toilet Articles. A JOB@ LOT THE MEDICAL HALL, eODOR CASES DRESSING CASES WHISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING COMPANIONS ETC ETC SUITABLE FOR XMÂS. 0E. UIBBARD. ONLY SI co PER ANNUM. Wbitby, Friday, Jan. 14, 1887. NOTHINO definite às yet kÙOWn as to the date of the Dominion general eleo- tions there serne to be little doiubt as to the Governmet'a intention to settie the. question one way or the other at once. It is best for &Il bauds to get to, work and b. ready when the. trouble oomcs. Fiaou the resuit of ERardley's trial for bindering an officer ini bis ezeontion of a warrant W seearch the St. Charles hotel, Port Perry, it will b. soeen ihat it is d.augerous undertakiog to interfere with à constable in the, disoharge of his duty. The. Co. Attorney very properly remanked that a boy twslve year of age ahould b. so prot.cted as to enable bicu to disoharge snob official duties, were it desirable or necessary tht b. should do such work. Tiiis is the year of the Queen's Jubi- lee, and anmong the. rany ways cf celo- brating il, i@ tual cf distributing titles prorniscuouely arnong the. leading mon cf lbe cities and towns throughout Her Majesly's colonies. Ang ithe two tbousand selcclod, or about to b. seIec- ted, w. expeol W'Oe lbthenarne cf the Mayor cf Wiby,-"Sir Jeremiab" wonld sound euphonious, and*ast the sarne lime be the means cf binding tiie hearte cf lbe citizens cf Ibis oolebrai.d bnrg more closely W lite "Great Moth- or" àcroos the. water. The. fighuing editor cf Ibia journal is holding himmeelf in readinees for a coronetor something ini hhat line, se il car mayor i. ever. looked tic lowa may not b. withonl à tiiled gentlemain tW commeincrate tii year cf jabile.. IT iS aboul timo lis Toroento Maii pulled up shakos ant moved outside tue Copsorvalive ranks. Anti yeI vo dou'I knov whiioibas the botter pqsi»tiou tue journpàl whiclu tries te leah igil parly by the -nose, onrith.eue vbich lets tua panly leati il by the nose..'If il veon viii tie ma4l simply À malter cf vite is t do its inking va coula readly sympaîhizo vithi4 i, ten licugh. botb it and tue coacenvtive parîy are etrnded by ils eodut; but the malter ha.s nob a bail fae upon ilthbat fev yul believe uin h. honotsly or ancoity ot ellier. Il looks, asif bh the Mail ànd tie Tory pa$ty ba" made- aý itot eiolu'ttemph -te hold 'tue Cath1io vote îluoesbaud anti gel bold cf Protestant Befennuers with, lhe veok, Satisfiétoriy 1tI thé ParO IIO'Se wpreou Me, or w. woald bayevé r seMethjýBg W 1he oontrary before tilis. Thii j0nrnaf.does net undértake otell.11 àauy mian li@ P?5ss 4 eeth« fralchioe ho ho bÉ hoÏld vote.W tadréeady ,te diseuse the' questions uhal are before the. electors 'ad:Isav e Mr Y Man fieSý toexeroiso.the privile go conferred upon hum by'statut.. _There were no,.-ques- tions .brcugbt forwarci by ithedifferent candidates ai, thé laie municipal eleotion and w. presurne iLvas fought out, if fought staal, on peunal grounde and side issèes The new conneil Winl not diffeirneterially from thte eld, s here are but two or three nov faces and wbal their owners are capable cf doing lime and.,opportunity alone wyul tell. The concil for 87 wl bo called upon ne donbt te dIo sometbhing le show tbe loyalty of our ci' izens to Her Majesty iu tue b er year cf jubilce. The. Cana- dian Government wîll do conpiderable sas a Governmeut, but more will bder. quired than tbe Geverornt will feel dispoeed te, contribute, anddithe difféent municipalities will be called upon Wo mnake a epecial effort. Inu uat case WbiUby will, w. are sure, prove that its loyalty le wortby cf lb.e Dame. xV=Ti mach samodesi tcwn that it 4cver puaes ihsif ahé"d whon ther» is vacanoy for a hlgb office. For tbis roson w. 'neveu' have an M.P. or an M. P.P., ner a Wardcn uer any cther bigb position for pue cffonar citizens. Our hGnest liard worker@ go inW savery campaign ge work for amre candidate from lsewbere, and for ibis reacon it bas corne to be simost anu udersloaà thing tbat Wbitby tcwa je teo ccnpy a front seat 'in the canvuandm a baok seat aftervrards.. Cou.ning tht'.. thinge' over brings te caur minds tie faci ihal our çfôrthy reeve cannot be chber than 1riglitful heir tb the Warden's chair for tuis year. Ileeve Smitb's venerable appearanco, bis bigli standing both sa 1municipal man and an educationiui, his abulitymund bis perecnal popularity Rive hiM Stroag dISMS tle lpoition. Tii. tcwn is &aco ntliled tle ibis aos cf courteey, whon. cerne tle ocueider the. unselfisi mmnnot inwhieh il hau fought tho bales of mon from cther 1municipalities. The. nortieru mou have been Warden se ofteu ual ibhey b a"ve W change their representatlve î coasioiuilly le save ene man lhe iuecesaity et ocupyiug lthe positon twio. or tune.. 0f course thon is rmore ithan eue candidate -for th. position, andthbese mon have falnly .strong elaimetoshe .Wardenls chair; but W. fo~l tust neO'ereseoictive Swonld be infairùly treated ver. lbe position given tW thereeve cf Whutby lown fer Ibs >ar. ý Rev. XanIy Bensoa usLeture A. LWho heard Bey. Muuly Bosen on liouday evoning vses iighly de- ligbted viii -the ddross ho deliverod on Ibat oùtasion outhe mbjcl"11lieu Waated."1 There vers a quite a aîam- ber et young men proesai, butimoi se maay as iwe bat hoped leasM. Tii. speaker began by calling attention le eecvral -classes cf idvortis.meuts th aro ho b. soeondaüin la tue aespts aFidreedtithie unelmployeti You Dieu of ithe couatny, bult - lu s eemi ibom their oceurning se froquenuly, $0 be unansvered by lhsm. The diMoiully vas tint -the advortiseme,i as not îuswered linevery particuar. The you in ieme a-Dt sloady, or reltuble, or afcurato aMd s a &ooneequeooVas mot ievutet. Tiie a<edoee mot rýtmro extuondnary laent, -or r tlu net fou n l lteordianwry0yog min The dimfiulty lies I"lb. Young mon, themede .Thei la ,lenit ati'hein subverlehi by thoir z q.nodbabls. Il pteihimt. ce »0oeg mon inacie, unstetiylodln aim eatlvs, hwviutu ne lidproobfre tbém, but drift. lug onand79ti O iutoërrn vaut, r , Young, min shoulti maie aoolty bel tuaI b.es '1«ýh. position ho h" li.mot le fneson politi"aiputiet, built tQIhé éeomnts cf *Ume&glt Ih au r.witbl hM. mon, of purpesarMvauted Life la net a dMIO&M but ý MtapIYoaiuq mou" ibidb a"., alMun l ifeu, MO$ n oble aipure. -It wua a evam>1o a muanslPly te acoumulate vealtlu o1 Who have not- always thl>bt Jet _fa4 Ireebeat goode in the market. 'W_ u ,auctieneerà Who are notavyj~11 u# a bargeýin. -W. wanl jewelIe 0~h VOî Bot, aàyoBtreating neui fit ll' cualnpra and giurùuhg us van lg*ijana juil bocanse w. are bMu'. Se ana ýWe wauted insurance gns- 4o do not. wani aniy mrbut rahïïthèe vbo are nlretee 0 ii bt~ oaly sf compani0M dciog business. Mfen cf progrehs vere vanied anidi-men cf practical talent, aud men and, vantmon Woo Who -are noe1t gohigbly sê*diýb that they are goed' for: nodthi-og..ý"îc tîcal talent if tue it ùwhiob m ialciâ, the machinery cof 1fu nomitbIy.& TIi leoturer .nlivened hie addns4 v" ith many hurnorous and appropriatP nc dotes. Spacowlll net permit of a mers lengtbonod accouaI cf lhie exoelint ad- dros. A hearty vote of thauki on molionof Mr. G. Y. Smih and eecônded by Bey. Mr. Rlare was presenled W ithe lectuter for hie eloqucul andinauncive atidrese, Tic hope wau expreueed thl Iaio' wotuld relurn -to ne aI no distant daý4y. Ho0me from Florida ed front FYlonidaca Tilonsday.--f1erlon, afterhiving a voyage on theawivbi. full of- pIeîesit. Tii. trip vas made tVia New Yorkand lthe Atituni6e tsteam-. er for the soli. TWho voyagetouiôuhonl the. ocean wasa aked by a most extra- ordinary occurrence alon* the.Gfi Stream-& slorm listingfo rday.aud wbooping iL ,up every inute'l cf liat period. The vessel rolled tri,,,yand on -on. occasion causedMr. H rr. l perforrn a most dariug acrobateféeal that cf dosceiidin« a pair cf sas vili- ont havîng îmè teform auy slo. as ho distance or, probable fq'uIlibrwot o-n reacbiug lle loweir dk. The utorrnaIst atieugb terrifying f«r.ith# moment, is like aRl cher dingerons adventures in lesîviug a plesseint senca- tien iunlthé oind sftarwau'do. As Mr. sud lns. Harper sailed enutithe vin. ter cf aur Arcioeclitnt.sin aimereddovn icle auturnan d finally -lbê uun#UY Senth vas resched wheu'e sommet nover endiq. Flonida, viien yop viii & i. the. carne loirida'you readr a&bou- gi-oit orange-creluards, aud palm-treu. ud ater-oaks hîuaging wij mss beautifal rivere',deeked villt Vater- lufes, suiphur spiingsj-tradiio&l land- marks, mndolno, -beggary, tc.. The Southernor le lasy. and:many bundrode cf slave-ovnnôcf ocher deys iare bog. garsalmeet to-day. As i. h. e wlth every chier indolent native, pbplic ii industrious &lien or No rer i crovdlog onItute alotiful. n 1,lus ead sone day Florida i. to h. a 1oiuntry cf indusiry asud progree. It, eud b. impossible tW follew acor wortIiitises throngh their leur srnoug tue diffeet ediflo.. and places Rrbioh tell ýheoarly history cf tust chats betterthua ose any description, acng 1h. citas ý4d 6*11. huions .pringing up to-day 4uigJcMst as, plainly the brigh t r î futurze, among lie few là$ut.WCý mauyvasts wbCJigimve îâ i h $PO* c - f to-day., Th* moeury the»'s~sleMM goesbelov 500o«690% buImtbeoli- mate hu astaipembàraily. fibOlil it Ihat hie Northerner i. quité, chily stai sty, uhougi lb. native feels quité oomtôrt. ;aile et --heame lime. The . land is fust boeming a Wmter reoort, and large aumboesof good luciole » pai-nlgo /2j Gents' Ladiesl GePnts' I1l Special, for the Ioiday Tradeé. Furnishing s- -NeW Ne t, andNobby: Ties, Collars, Cuf, Sox, Braoes.,sBreastpins , Collar Buttons, Cuif Buttone Sleeve Holdors, Cuiffilolders,'$tooking Supporters, Uhederwear<i Muiflem Gloves, Mitts, 8oarfs, Toboggan" Suits, Toboggan Sashes, Toques, Cardigaa Jackets, Shirts, Jerseys, &o., & Furs! FursII. FursI11! 'Fur Coats, $25,$,30, $35, f380- Ladies' Muffs, S.S. Seal, $20, $22, $25. Caps, $12, $13, $14.. Ladies' Persianî,Lamb, Mifs, $0,50, $9M5, $10.50J,ý$'12.50.. Caps, $3.5ei $4.50e $5.509 $6,00, $6.50. M.o a large and compÈlete range of Muifs i the following: Blk coney ùk, Otte-r, .Grey Lamb,, Baltie Seal.iv Mink, Skunk, Possom, Astraohfku, Monkey, Bkea,&,&.fom $. up. Ladies Fur Capes at $5.(02 $5.50, $6.00ý,$'7.00 and $7,... And complete stock of Fur Trixnns m uail widths and, oolors from 35o Per yd tW $1.60. - c- Fur Caps--.Special L ies. $70,8. 8.83. 8em4 X X $15.0 0. Persian L am b t $4 .5 ,$ , --0, $6 9$650 1'- .0, * i O 0ý $8.50, $9.009 $9.60, $10.00.- The lsrgésl stock in 8outh*Onlario - select from, Ralle& <las, 25, $.O0 $.5O $4O0 $450.BeverOa~, 19.0, d'Besverbaud with se Top, $4.00t $4.50s $500, $6.00, $8.50. Minkbad, $0.m.Lmb(ai i Gry Blaok, 50c, 60e,. 65é, 75e, 90e, $1.O$l2,a R088 Bacs Souh Ug, TIT. PUBLCNOTIC E JOH1N S ;LARKeI f«fe mbt=nef saýMedboe fcrie Legle. IROBER JOHN GUNNý, - cithe Towntof Wbitby, fint b. Ooitly of Ontaie, zquie, mm.Y hie PI1NANCIÂL ÂGFieNT- Autin a i f Godod. 1U The. unders .8 abas rcVed in=tutin frem A. ÈY POT, Bsq: , oeil byPubic TOP THUR8DA Y 2OthiJANY, 1887, :N0T outh'& SeLb.ufot 8 M*, 6 o se c b ONUKURUID COUDS- OR MIXU» a 1m.etil 20- 009 COUD GE UMIOCR BAUX. 'au Tii.wS jooea'dry (baviug be ocu*, 1..t ýWIner, & o uvenel1y p$lo4 neau'-tbe At Onec -ro4, ndwW e oféii5co'd Iota. sipn I bt and wo'kïm of you eam ont se beauàtiful V -LiWp cf1a-&,à Are 1us eîma-Â1 Y D8Er 0F LIELY LIC A ois S. iuMng7 Au f aillahemlis one$ ~u~ao* lm.w 'I~~~~~~t motaaeivsuh~àal cee s radngthie Bible lun.Wh eau eadly gree.; lot snob noadiug lie 1lgligh, giawauirc insanes lu ibis

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