Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 2

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OORRE~PO>#DENOE. Andi Items -Stolon froni our Exehanges. i i PORT PEIEEY. Siveral extra fine thoset' habvé beez inaportedl by the fariners of Beach this fal andi vinter. Dr. Saugster's toboggan olidé je now i good ordér and is nightly uséd by bis family and frionde. There wifl b. a grand carnival on~ the rink neit Friday night wben, no donbt, knaâuy Whitsby ekaters wail be présent. Mr. Geo. Barrett of Manchester, and Messrs. Janson cf Gteenbank, have made extensive purchases in the Old Country. The Rev. Mr. Willoughby bas beén suffering for somé tii:n frein larnenes i n h13 right arm and band. As hé je unable to write, bis work àsranch de. layed. XVe trusit a epeédy réoovery will follow the mêmue now being used. The week of prayer bas been observ- éd hore in thé Methodfist ohurch. The attendance on the différent ý srvcea was large. Thé services will be conti. nued, it je expécted, for another wéek, when Rev. John Lockte will ast ouBe. Mr. Willoughby. PECTERSORO. The Méthodiste of this town have ré- oéived tbeir new organ, menufaotnred by Lyé & Sons, Toronto. It is 24 feS wide and 274 feet higli. An employée of thé Masson Mille, named itobinson, felU frein a ecaffolti. ing, erected aroand thé upper story, to thé grouud, a distance of 16 féét. Mr. Robinson wus considerably bruised by thé fait. At a trial at Peterboro of a casé of violation of thé Scott Act a witnéss namaed Warnér swore that hé asked for ginger ale, en(i that thé bar-tender said, "FL'hRive yen soinething bettcr." A glustiulI of liqcaor was ponred ont and hé drank it. la a few maintites afterwardse hé could net ses thé side walk. It wau intoxioating liquor wlioh hé drank, and hé paid for it. He had béén alied. about thé évidence hé was te give, and when hé- statéd that hé was goin to swear he was asked if $25 would b. any têtuptatien te keep Jim ay. In accordancé with thé proviffions of section 117, R. 8. 0., a récount of thé ballots ouet in West Peterboro iii thé Provincial eleotion on Déc. 28tIh, bas been demanded and grantéd, and the récount will bégin bèfore Judgé.- Wéller ah thé Court Houes on Baturday, Jan: 8th, ah 8 o'clock p.m. Thé section alladéd to providés that wbeu thé ma- jority cf 4he sucéesefal candidates je undér fifty, a recount cf thé votes may bé had. As thé récent élection there woe 29 "rejectéd" ballots, 16 d'tender. éd" ballots, and 14 "spoiled" ballots. The law provides that the greatesi car. b. takén in the rècountt o. préerve thé séorecy cf thé ballot. Miss. DilLsdale thé évangelist i. about te begin services hère. Shé cobnes highly reconlînended. Théré vas a splendid display of pon.i. try ah Ru.bottom's luet wèek. Thé farinera cf Darlington are bard to béat.1 The yonng people of Qoeéu.-st. Métho-( dist ohurch havé foroeéd themeselvés juto a singiug clase undér tbe direction cf1 Mr. W. Rusé. A. steain pipe burot in thé N6wa sanc. taux or, Monday aftér, New Yèars aud9 4he escapingz stesin madie thine lively flot on thé asseesarent roli sud hé had no voté,aând thal thé tovu treaeurer hud ej taiâd hie .for #4.80 ou b ie owa ,book. -r if the moneby lhuefraudulenîly Ob>ald10 je noS ah once returned Mte. Spei ghl p saya h lliienter sêsotion against -the tresaurer. PourT HOPE. Mr. J. 0. 'Wesléy, laI ,e cf WbIiy, ha@ purchased an extensive poavter buésn ap in Port Hop e. Friday ,fteruon a'!Ir,,, e Parsons, cf Hope; vas ga4ltiiug mnb.bis cutter ah thé -poiloffice, bis hors., a fine looking graylurned aroztnd quiàklyy throwicg Mr. Parsons sud hbiê , " g panion. eut sma rnniug. QWalln street, turned' at Ontario aretand made 'good "lim .lu lb, directipn of tb homne. Thé, hors.vue stopped near Mv.=~lvsvthouê daMbge ho pauy. thiùgorhutnmyoné. Mr. Brook PeMhick,,-whoiv»«.voa.thel laké aboié, nqar Po$ 9*ahmi, ,.w#A i P>ort Hope on i'riday, at.tn4 p* r hie hovs.e t Lake *irtiwi, v. Street. Whenurayi ,Pehhitk vuehitchiug i4ir.A p eloirh w.. hh.¼aý, t'ho.- A.t the Pane ýGrove. sohool meeting a reaoluttpnwspaueeda doplig#tte Borip. ture Béffloge In th.e chool. The.diacue. sion wae hot sudfivelýy but the résolzu. tion wus o0ie y 1rg'njit. jno. B. Clàrk, -thé boot black oratog,, is billed hère for 20th under thé aus-. pices cf Ladies Aid 8oaiety of, Metbod- iet churoh. .Jno., iB a rattling good aeakerand no -doubt wiil draw a large' bouge, A~ large lizàa i wâepamped out f c Mr. A. -M. Gilpina well aà few day. ago and is qkUsing considérable uneasineas to ownera of welle ini thé neighborhood. One would ecaroély like ta swallow a' baby lizard in thé fu vigor of life. A.n open rink bas béen atoirted hère whîeh gives promaise of being wéll patronized. 2 Fifty Candidates weré secesefuli 8passiug the entrante exanuinatton te cor Higli sehool. A lodge of Good Templars vas organ. izéd boe on Tbursday évéung Ilast by Rév. Mr. Pearson P. G. W. 0. T. cf Ontario. Thos. Waltere, mayor cf or tawn, vas wvited by a party of friénde 40 s sprea& ah Téwry's andi whilst theré v as snrprisedl by being muade- thé recipiélut of a, bandsoxu. silver water service, acconpaniéd .by a tattering addreu. Jouinna l'aroons-, relieS cf thé laIe Jas. Beali of Columbus dièd hère gn thé 2nd inet. Mrs. Beali was born on 2nd Jan. 1797 and wae jugi 90 years cf age at thé lime ocf her deâtbà. H., husbaud Jas. Beall died at Columbus about heu yéarsý ago. Mr&. Beall leavés tbreè sons snd a daughter ho, mourn bier loas. On nev year' e ve Obief of Police Bell héariug thst thé salvation army proposed ho celebrate the comiug in of, the new year by a parade dursng thé3 early heur of thé momning sent word ho thé barrack, requesting thé army te abandon thé ides, as snob action on tbeir part amountéd te, a breho of thé local by-law régarding préservation of thé pèeu. Thé arcy, however, deoidéd ho havé their parade snd appeared ou Ként-ot, about 12.80 with théeusul instruments. Offleer Bell app.aréd on thé scène, sud the armyrefusing to go baok ho thé barrack prceéded ho make soeé arreste. Ré was assitd by Officer Olunsu and spécial. constable Steve MaGrath, Wm. Âtkeus, John Short, Péter Daly sud Samuel Parsons'. Iu al hweuty-sevéu mémbers cf the. army were ésoorted to, thé lock-up sud spent the nightin l thé cella. Next morning hhey wore arraigued for trial sud th casé adjournéd until Tbureday morning...Othber arresta véré made on Mondsy niglit snd ose exoitément oooaaioned ovér 1h. malter ... ... On Tuésday nigbt thé army marched ont as usuaL sud 'stopped nearly opposite old St. Paul's hoh. On being ordered ho move on they obeyéd sud agatn halted néarthé est end cf Keut St. Refuig te obey orders given by Officer Bell hé procéeded ho make arrese, assised by Officey Cînaan A ' umb.r, o>f people Who synipathized with the armyodertook ho, pv. graitona assistance le thé police. For a fév minutes thème vsathé makinge of battle undér vsy sud a possibulity liaS heads sud limbe would b. bkokeni. Fou.r or fiée offèndérs vèré uinglod ont aud tahen ho thé look-up amidet a good déal cf threahoning language burled etthe police ...This case vau héld ovér for trial on Friday morniug. 'ORILLIA. Thirty seveý out* of sevénty-two passetithe late eutrance examinatîou. aèeverai ladies'availed theinselves of the privilegé cf votiug ah thé laie municipal eléctions,, sud .411 more on tho malter of schol truste«.They vent atml farrîber tisati.in ra avenhursl, vire tvo ladies ver. candidastes for the latter One cf the greatest vanta cf Or-illia, fer soe timeo, ha.been inadéquate banklng somommodalion. -We have Il al lait.'- àbrauch cf lte Traders Bank of Canada it ee'ili0f11,000,000 bu, beau oené hé'e.W. do not 4-ieè u on-polie«,sud foribis2 AÂoera îuby inidu bibizedflua, [ le iqùoeý Plab. ofmuuli nz ordoi-nc lu lov ,prboej Ares. e =7 ttid 1,1r Largeut B vers. - Legi Temprai*ùre. Bh Leýadi toInlés Blet -'la t8i0 etaulroaa sUgeage. yotert., Number Faimsi. Golleges, scOfr0ci Similarly you wilI fini!. olored<*mu$ <of&ea ful-page) and tttiS0>lru ing Statée, Territoriésaud Oontres *f 'hé World, iifobllows: Abysainia. Ânani. Arkansas, Afghautan. Andorra. Â's. Afios. Arabia Auatraluuja.. Alabama. Argentine Re Auoùtru 'a AIS"ka public. Aun'a t r o-1u- Algeria. Arizona. gary* ands on t1 hrough the Alphaeb. Se. sidea aSU this there je a ma'ée of frdorm- ation concerning'thé populationý,Pro. ductP (agrionitural, miuntg, 'usf. turirag, etc.),- aud commerce cfthe various gountris cf the'Word?#4 interesting compadisous gft'phioey set forth by,- lge 0 o lsooore&Ps au -this 'lna-a _hîùdýomé' ;ud' volume Of 192 PagesO. for the, 2 conts; unag ui.A B. ALDEN, Pnbl*miter, 14W rk or Chicago, for a copy of the Ibook - iei 64-page Revolution Catalolu. ofSlan. dard Books, whioh je sentIrée. on request. Mr. H. MeOaêw, Cuutom House, Torouto, writus: "My wife wau Wubled wlfbh Dys- rpas ansd Rbeumatisiffor tô ng'time, she tried many differmnt miedlnebudd not get any relief uil * ed Norho Ly a'sV ~tb1e Dic0veanaudDyp- tic Cure. s as taken iwo btle ft and now finds herseif in belheath a she hia been for Ye"r." AFE W HINT DosE. - 2b mmoe ie leu C14 gentiy, 2 L 4PiU tIaorOugisLy, 4 to 6 FUis. Erperie>zce wLL decidu 1k pinper doms ncciS oe. For Coust paau., or Co.tlvem.gs, Do remedy àu su effective as irEaefflM& They imeure regular dally action, a" i e. store th1e bovels Wo a bieathy condition For Indigestion, or Dyffpp.ia&y Ami Pliw- are invaluable, ýnd a sure cure. Heart-burz, Losse of Appetitt., Foui gtounacb, Fauec' iureHa ache, Numbueus, Nà%<aam& r U reIIetwd and cured by AYrn-3 i'?LLS. InuLiver OomapilMt, BllousDiordmrt, an~d Jaundlie, AtvE*'a PuLe sbould W. given tu doueslarge enough toiexcite he- liver and bowels, aud'rmiove cnUaln As a cleansiriginedicine ln the sprixUm~f*~e PILL' ame Uuequalled. liorne, caused*by a morbid condition o! tlje:bowels, are expelleti by ÃŽheso JLS Eruptions, Ski» Dlséaeeant Pileis' the resxilt of Iindigestio)n or CotiUstlon, am, cured by the use of A 1-&'S PILLe For Colfis, take AS&a's PrLLs t open, the ýpores, remove 1ufianindatory secretionu,- Mui aliay thé forer. fer Diarrhoea and.i »setery, causeti by sutdden c"~, indigestible food, -etc., Arzir' PILL& are the true remedy. Rheu-ats.., GoMt, Seura4la, andi fflaticaofteu remsit rom digestive démange. muent. or colds, anti <Iaape.mr on removlng the cause by thé u» et offl~ Puiis. Tumona, Dropsyl, idn.»Y COMPUpi s=d otber diSrdezz caumdt by débllity or obstruction, ar cureti by Âm's :PILLa Suppwessb>nanti PeinW 1X9 uru. tIo3, h&OAve a steand ready reniedy la AVYE R'8,P LItS. ANewand IBeau tifLAssortmnei.t i* jual the Rashnionabi Shades wth luses to ath RANGING IN PRICE FROM e1900 PflRYAD Also- another new lot of Striped i Corded Vel1voeýteans2 CHENILLE AND JET FRINGES,- NEW DRESS AND MANTLE. BUTTON Dress and..MIantie Clasps in al colorÏs -and. blacke TAILORINO FLOU-RIS-HINOSý'. lEverybody is satisfied. with our work. Lea*ve yoir orders with us and you can be sure you will 'not have to brinig thiem back for alte:rationff A NDREWM. o No~hAmoroapLii, Assurace Company,. IncoEpoiÂTED ay 5pj ouiACTor Tm DoI. 3llýoX P&m.UMWT. Pull Gover4ment Depos it. HON. ALEL MÀ XGKRNZIE, M.P., t Prime Minuster of Canada, Presideut. HON. ALEXANDER MORRIS,. ? P., and JOHN L. BLAIMI, 6Q. Pés Osa. Landed Oredit Co., vice-Preiezt. Hout. G. W. AlIlan, Selitor-._ Aiphonse DeJardins, X.sq., M., MNontreal. Ho.D. A. =Macdnld,-Lieiit.Governor Audre Robrteo, Es., P os. nutreal Harbor rs ~W. 'Ih~2qD.0LPré& s. ,ulng 1.~ ~ ~~~m L ArL G(eua ezr, -Mac- lobn Morion, ReqGovernor British A., Pire AsuncGo 3.,A. Meredith, Kuq. LL.B., Vioe-Preud.nt Toroz4o Truste Corporation. WMk I.f Ee.maumfaqturr, Quel ph. A.~ IM H.--bURe. rs British Can. L, sud In. Oom p4u D. Muacrc Esq., Manufacturer, Guelph. 3. Gurney,19q., Dimetor F.deral Bnk of canada. flL .Gook E., M P., Toroute. Edwaz4GaU.yEmi Adermn. Wu TartuEqIL ,,ed1iaDImetor. imaine ootS, sqMroatDretr Winb an, Wu. oadoa., hq., woro 74uto.« To '1h. BON.,A.KEO N IMEP.9 ROS.s0 blni h e Swe et By andBye. -Are you going to get.married this XmÉas? TýilS is 11011 of our business, we only wisl- to intimate- that ,We 6.are selling Magnificent HEanging, Lamips, Fancy Colored ýLamps,. Lamp Goods;, Dinnori Tea and Chambez Bý etts, atwhole sale prioes; Supeýrb' China Fruit, Baskets - . avreyof: Fanoy- China. Dishes. and Eleotr-plated:goods, suaitable for Xmas Preseuts, at pri«esto jiit the times. SPECIAL -FOR THE NEXT -3Ã" ýDAY$. We wil give a preïent of a Handlsomo O hina (Jup M4,n Saucer with every pound, of Our 4b), 50, 60 and ,750 TeJ!aà tm& every j2 Ibs. of oui pure fresh-ground - Cofee at 25ôe and 40c per lb. A comple.,;- asBrhment of choice Xmas Fruiýts at close figuareso.. The fanious omÉe Baking owdor put up iii. pound tins at,8Ooper lb.-. H.-I kiziofl oànned =goodm, -h,&0.. rEmh <and B1 ýlk s4ïf; àayrivin dietfroni -Baltimore, ai the Brasai n reuse. rs befre urcas-g. Wishiing>yo- aIl à app é on, Iarn yonr obedaieztt Servaànt, SIMION FIRA~ Deverell's Blook,,Brock*SBtý,Whtbon IRE REMEOIAL COMPUU uSA Por aIl thosé ints sid Weak- our boitslh Oral. D.ldbail

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