iuiSe« Wih aa «ll tao r e.s agd Suigeons for the trealuaom* au Chrouic Disesues. OUR FIELeO0F 8UCOE8Si VitroRle Naçai catarrhi, Titro&t .uig Digeaimemb Liver and g»M lI@eause, £iniuder Dineut>USCB, »l 1f Womellb iElluo<I Diqeauez and! jý de Af(eciIUltio ured bero or at 'lUi or without seefugr tho patient. Qoni cuo ei ten ientS nInsalmnh eInvaid' Guide 1100kt" W1 1l particulali. Nroi eiIy teucy, gNoetur 'al. DELICATE and ail MoiïrdVOn 1 ISEASES.L i'e@ Pdae. le'r and permnfelt CUr kdcatstg. Book, post-pald, 1 ota. iglure, or r'èacb 1 UR.wilt oidepeudencej 18 ý and wth vvryý pain. Boki sent for tegý I'JKlr TU1901OUS and STIIC"~ .a'Itt"qi with tiei'ttst s;uecees. -Book .Ir tut-cetlu intais. Addr*U5 'We )ISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, M tret, BmlffIlo,4 N. Y. ___________The trcatmnettcf Itii nnands of ctiS,5 f DISEASES OF I&astepe>ccularto Sat the Invai1d&e' lt iorded )arge exp.'ritice in adapting rei for their cure. and IR. 13PoIR C EPS Favorie Prescripiî Le tfe resuit or this vast expeieCucO.. It le, powerf il UestortLtIVO' ' an4 Il riuO, imparts vigoI' and md 0 ie e, n ures, ast If yagie, tlIui g, fpaliful nwunftruatloUa nain rai ,SpUPcsI oitouproIeaPf falling Of tire uteriSî, vwa& altteversiQla, retroverastlIb dotYn sensation, ehiron 'e Cl tion Inflamîmaioni and u10S19 of tile wonab, intiammatloit. and tenderness las ovartees, 111, hdat, and "fe maie îvinakaeol$ lit rontiy reiivvois and cures N andl 'ýeak île.. c! 'StLOMReli, I tion, linatitiug, Nervous Prostri andSteepiessuemi, lu eiiter ». ýSa1dby Diglt ceyhw teD ce9~ta In stimps for Dr. Plerce Treatise oni Dùieq of Womeu flà - Word',s Dspensary Medical À9864 683 Main Street, BUPIPALO flillouit Head »izzinoss, Cou / tiosi, Indlt* ansd BIioluU A1 « PrompteIy cred 1 PiercePu PiOI J'OH N& In Deuerell's Block for, g SFI/i U iTURAE DFAWKNO ,ROOM SUITS, ONNO ROOM S UlIT% K BNGEROTHERS, . WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importer, Dealers and MauuIa4l" indi of LEA THE!? AND. Fi? Cash paid for Riîdes, Borrk an-44 Leather stretched. oe BELTING MÂDE TO O09 EURI SAL For Punity, s'weetnssu, IDA IR Oakand':sJo , fliirof 1Boctt 68. Bt.h re ~ ~Ë<it e ï boro botei.keepsr was arreýnes-i e sibe day as the provincial were beid. on hie WSPY te lied bis vote. turday -eveuing a gentleman, fiiig lb.er viiay tract, slipped forwardi litriiUg his forebesa the edge cf te rail aud infliot- oug and painfai oCes Re made y tethe Qrand Gentral hotel, proper surgicai sltendanecc 'was lein that cousiderable mouey cd bande b4re ou the result of the> enfies for FÎsh Speaning luLan e 'ç Il be isl'ned On sud after Jan- ,,Brd 1887. Good anti1 msiy lut oný icatien te the Inspectors. .iUVntnu ath ws bld As oompbosed tf fourteau f IUW'$ - 'er,- I ;.Ot, fve law.yers,;four joiirnà isit"> Ibres p rveyore, two aootorusqdnaone. Ma.OoîWÂ,& a ai~dent cf, d .n- l10- ;, wb "à i n theb. coilnirYnoýih8aé1 oà HalibOitonlu at weelk shot B0w mooie yrlgig A The G. P. RCo. have> eonirited with aSan Fx!ancigoo firm for the building of 0, steamer of -1,000. tons, aI a oost of. $200,000. The steamer -wll b. used in' th. Pacifioa wa1ter. AN emelnimnlteNdb Iacde some--catrin t he Ibtoat of a hýree b..i 0onging 10'«r' Steadweli, cf Artemesa, proved toc) strong aud tbe *nii»al diOd ns cf Robt. Muuro,cfot Scot, w drioking the PDmp aI 'No. 8S'eohool, when &uother boy' threW a1 ho struck young Mure ou the bal Of the' eye, cmp1etely rnining the sight. Ti altrain slruck a wagon st, f3tayn.rton Thursday. One Of the 004 cupaÛts had a i",ahead ride on thi cowcatcbe; the cîher was oaugbt be4 tween the snow.ploW and the rail an<l thwnbrised. rsday lu the fiata, brnging o~a R jv. Mu». AaXsTIto)i-, cf Mefoibe e numbet - Of cur sportsmensu lives on the fat of the' land asmtenii' so cmszn Bo0me gond shootiflg WSS mczd iu the shape Of ehiecen. Twc ab e. bargiars who knew tbis, rsided hi.l broi bebuinsscfIb eek bas been residence sud go$ seme jelUies aud oeok- bott , suad the holiday seasson se far, bas ed obieken. cor1 n fairly well srstained. The finse Its anecent sermon Rcv.'T. J. Me. o f enOW iset Friday did mach t.o- Glelland, of Sheîburne, cxpressed hié do uain l. oliaY peaart.dialike cf ministerial exemptions by tee ho followiuig pupils cf Beavertoîl sîatiuig that il was 41ton, mué îbIl lkse - bcol tied for the enîrarice examInn- iag a peneiolier on tbe'C generosity cf oe, miss Hettie Cockbun ansd the pablic.", of aggie Grant wont 10 Port Perry, Bvnsu fM.JoebSfoworer ille Tompou ud .ngs Cineenresides on the old Coyue farm, Danwich. the 'ut te Uxbridge. were lu St. Thomas Monday and had ofti ITRBIDE.their photographe taken lu a group. ta The now sehool tiutees are A. T. Saven brothers whcso total weiglýt ne- Vaý allen, T.> W. Chapple, and Win. presented 1,400 poands, au average cf sec ih. 200 ponndiseaoso, sud their united hpigbt be Thirty-iVO, pupils pased the necent being 42 feet six juches, an average ci hlrancie eý aminati~ on.r with two six feet one inch e'ich. ecemnin4od. few days agos man named ]Javidsoi3, > The nau r cf pa[iis on the Mclh- of Norton, N. B., weut imb a grpcevy dist 8nSnd y echool negistens je 426. store ai St. John, told the propnietoir ho venage atondance 227. was going 10 the aîyium sud thon lefI. The ebat anonnod Bole ime gO.Soon after a ounilon f Kingston par- Th ebiarne a utnod50y theYon e'aeish entend the place, isud whilo making ,jberal sud Conservative clubs cf the purchases was "nambbed" by twe po- ewn, le take place alter the election, licemen, who had been -told Davideen !iil Le held sbortly. The discussion fors ihene, sdthokek b eucle 11LU b. ou thet- pelicy cf Sir Aloi.fohiub ntke ~lcHenzie sas against the Protection A NoRTK C&toLmtA bean made a oiicy cf Sir John A. Macdonald. qacer mistake lb. other day. ffotmc à lynx lia rcponted te have becu seen acress a Mrs. Burchard wbo waa out sar EltrettonllG of i.to. 'One suday choppiig, sud lhe îackled ber fer a poor ight Mn. P. Whitney, wîth bis wlýfc sud cld defenoeloss shecp Ww'ould lay bila, was driving te Uxbridge ucar the fdo'w' her bandIt> with ont> blcat. She lace à neferned tu wbeu the cries cf the sp't onliber bande, wbooed 's few timcs bymuet have atîrsot lhe lynx asil le naie> er courage, sudlb. bear wai i :hs u olwdteele eut te places iu two rounds. Hurrah eadge cf th. îowu. * n.Brhr ho Gardan sys:Ther ii noMu. PETER QuERE, of th. eerve near TheGudaloofmnoay w s: Thorin y-Deseronto, waa aurprased when h. went uiâthe lot f mny od lue bayr-Cte t>well liaelStitday imoruing tefind g uit tht> voles o mandcf 1h.svoera alarge suake moviug about. When ebig odwo o a n cuu, th.e oder tosensible cf Mn. *Greene presonce it ee. ein tke9te hning hiey sblin g slanled off op thesucnw, but with a blow stie. fel U nd dg mnyt Cay olg f bis axe Mr'. Grqen aeved the> head * ttere frool sd an inlb. d Sayp from tbe body. Wben messurcd il was na John Sornrilie wre arreslted by fouud te be 2 ft 10 in. ;i engtb. Lt s arrant for using rmoncj lu bribing esomctbing very usastial te 6usd a enake cotns ud case thers te lese their giiding about at Ibis tim»ocf year. otes. The trial bas been postponed to IHeuryTboionasnsd Thomaas David- is aftoruoou. sou have for seine lime past been man. CANNINGTON. ufaoinug wbiskey witboattheb.pnivîl- Mr. Geald gave du cyst.er supper ou ege cf the Goverument, at Essex Gcn- Ire. Tabey wcre arresed by Goliector eduesday ulght as the MoIntyne of Intcmuai Revenue John Davis aud case le bis politicai friende. The bronght le Windsor oulFriday.- Thent> 4tlî Bath. Band was ou band sud play was not sufficent evideuce to held a sevoral excellent stdctiouis. D avidoon sund be was -dîehargi>d. A. pigeon shcetiug match was held Thompecn ua fiued $250 sud 06 cste n Weducsday aftprpoon aset ou the sud- threo-montb5 lu the. ceunI> jail. 1saec track, under the, management cf Lu case tie fine is net paid inside cf Mn. W. J. Simpson. _M zr Bowmaui thie >menthe, the term 6f impnWoument aplur>d finit mcuey, SndMt>8'sR. F. will be exlcnded another mcuth. iilaly, Ted Halwsrd anci W. Latimer lvîded seond sund third m>uity. - Bikies Auti-Couuurflptive fyrap lu aeom- Bome idiots scaied Mr. 'cter'a feuee binsticu cf sevensi medicinal herbe which Tueuda>' nigbta Mosl vouderful influence lu curlug abou el~eu'cl>t> evn cnanpin sd &aUother ndstalange bonfire gi9 in afr'fi te ! h>lngcc tsu broat. Il i. ous, nd scnepoison. up lcwn, po atts.sfret> sud - eas apêou'i S may have beeu fan te tht e rPetatons Coughusieo1dai chortu;essa cf b*csth, ,mad *io fae affections-of th. choit, atteuaed witb weùk- tbe tnicit, but wben a pend~nes of lte digt>tivceng-u:,ronwth g=>eUJ P aht midnight wilb sa big reflieticu debilIt>, soecm t vaniah under ils u»e. No tarinq hlm lu 1h. face iltakes .11 the other nemedy scts n0 readil>' lu allaying sway. infûanmmtiou or braking up a severe cold, - - - eventhie Mcos ecU6lieO!t>cïne b"lfy.flve -pupilispaesed Ibe entrance iuinalilShere. Miss Hiatie M. Pingle. of titis teuru, ubq receeutly passeda ahi gbily sueesaul izminalicu aet theToronto Normal chboci.Bite.reoeived su honorable usubonhavng taken over 70 per cent. n ail subjecea. A fe w a yfis unce. , ~W Beynoids Met with tbe mis<Ortuhatejambhis loft bau bteintht ruok" uda ,nt ih- station, sud r>evda~hijiO üa so necesitalste .oeý-vPut tionof ýth iiefinger naItlb 0eou" eit DIBTRIOT IT1EMO- Piekering hm.piokpockots. ~uocu~vni.u tale b sgt4 biyeb dioity ST und i uranstmue&I* *Y Payppen. - ' Wben children are -afetedw cidem, coughal inaamation of lte lungu, croup, qlsey1,sud soi r»14 *'0'tit. S ïs a0c vast importand e. -,Tht> nuùmber it ieatbs Ihalt iii M 14 t>ud lb. polir frscm ils noe t s. i b m to -W H.Eki wu ai noie! mayoz L:Tffl. A! .4rV-bi a iDà ozty et 00 t > 0. o , 'New Year'sDay 'ôt thé,~~tèî av.ry>f~PoOtWMÎ am'aseutraiiO duëed to try Dr. T ,bl à o& ' ectio Oil for a 1me~sswhoh rcbleé =-étor .Ireo four years, sud fouud it 1he. bet arficle 1'I ever inied. It han been e~ grait blessimg Lord Randolph hurChill wouid ha!e- dued the army aud navy estimates by 85,- a0000 asdthe civil service estizualos $,- James Gidien, PÇOo1sIsand, Il. F? writs: I have been wîtchiug the; progrles of Dr. Thoma' Blectrie Oil silce ils inlrquctiôn *te this place, ad wlth macoh pleasure staté that my antcipations f ite succes have beên fully relzed, il having ot'red me of bnonchitia smd sorenesof nosî.; while not a le*-cf my rhbeumatio neighibors (eU lady in partionlari prononce it telb. th. best article f is kizd that hue ever been ~brought before the public. Your medicine dcci not require any longer a sponfor, but i ou wih me toet as such, I shahl only DO ilh&OA MP 3aMe Aonnecte- TI hiei fron 'he Marquioa f Bath has ofered te s611 tiutate lu Monaghs a 0heavy zeducion &Mos Hudgin, Toronto# writes: "I ha.VO n a sufferer from Dys psa for th> Past years. Althe remedes i trie proved leas, until Northrp & LymanYee- le Discovery a à Dyspepio Cr a aUght tuiler my notice. I havé uscd twO ties wlth he Lest rellts. nd - ca.u with nfidenco recornmefld ilt tothos. aMioted like mnanDûer."1 Lod Duffenin bas Prouounced agaluat ýonganizatioll of a nativre Indipan volais- er corps. Peope who reuide on fojonn rging conry where fevonr and ague aud bilions mittent lever are prevAlcut, shojnld be axtlcalarly caref ni to regulate digestion, le liver and the bowels, boe the approeh f te soaîon for th«peiodio malady. The [tuely use cf Northrop & Lymau's Vge. bic Dicovery sad Dyspeptic Cure is a lubie safeguard agant te malaria1 ourge. Il le acknowidged 10 be te est blood purifier iu the ma.rket. A arge' proportion of the diseusesâ whiCb cauffe humai Snffering re-Suit f rom derange- ment of the stouacli, bowes, and livor. AYER'5 CATHARTIC PILLS aIt direCtly upon these organns, and are esp)ecia liy désigned to cure the disewuses caused by their deraî4e- ment, includitig Coutipion, Indigs- tMon, DyspepoiS. ileadacho, Dysentet7. and a host ut other ailieuts, for ail of whieh they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pieasazit reniedly. Vie extensive use of tilese PILLS by en-lexit 1uyiia.slhf regular prac- tieo, shows uniistakabythe etiitioïinu w.icli uhey are ibid, by tie uîedcal pr9fe84- sion. The"e Pl LLs are cooniided ol vegetabl substances only, and are abspièl.V free trot. calomel or auy uther injurions ingrei-eut. A Sasferer ffrom *eadadi:e writes: AVERS fiPLJ.. are isîvafiuable tu me and wae my constant cornpaalon. -1 Lave i;;en a severo sufferer from ieadacleaud yu PILLS are the only tbing i c6ald 1lo6kte for relie6f. Ont> dose W¶Il quiekiy inove m y bewels ,and frocmy bie d ronb, pain. -T%y,ý are the most effective snd île eiesi physie 1 have ever found. lu la a pleusure te me to :pek iutheir pris, ad 1ialways do se, U enoccasion ofors. NY. L. PAGF, Of W. L. Page & l3ro.*' ?ralikliîî cf. lRichmîond, %il..,J une a, 1b82 Ilhave useti AYEýR'sPti Ieli nuniber- lems instances as recoummeîîded by you, sud have neyer known thSin to fail to acco iW~ tic desired resuit. W contantli keep temu on and at oui hone aîîd re them as a licasant safe aud reliable faMlly niedfcîie. rit )ïsp.Ni the aninvaluabie. DII~'IA hey J. T. lUAYEa" Ne i.Tea, Jupe 17, f13l. The ItEv. ItRAýcis B. HMLOWE, writiý;j from 4t[aWa' aO,, says. IlFor some yeanr ptaiI have l>en subjeet te 'couîitIpatIiô, ~rom wich, ln spîte cf te use f medi- blnes cf varions kinds, 1 sufforod ltncneasslng inconvenlelice, mmtiiisome montin ýa 0 begazi taklg AY FeRls 1I>îj. T ht>y v cutlreiy cretd(oeei ebt.i Lave vastiy lmpreved nmy generSi iesltb.91 AYES's CXiIrH.IC Pu.x.a correct irresa- larities cf the' bowels, etimulate, thc appe- (lie and digesotion, and by timeir prompt simd thorough action girothtandam vigor le tho viole phyaical economy. FEEPARD BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowe1,Maîtýe Sold by aU DruggltP. ~ t)Ayer'8 S saparlaS.. MIDDLE- lfdo ihSr ya O >GED. Ears,-or , collfion ,-,Pl, lUtte lieai, =eq b. ea ry andstnoizg nomd by ai, Drngatg i, ix bttles for 0& A G4od itu&detOiadeYOY- 1 -9, ,&large o&cqf Sotich, Enlish an (sn.dia4n Ted,~ woýste speca luofHAYTeÉpiI> frein150 tb 75 cents per -yad,I suitable for Business Suits Or BOYS' Wear- A FJLLSTOCK 0OF GROCERIES Hlighèst market price paid for Butter and E.ggs. oRta; BBOOKLI-N, 014T. ~AiW8y lU lZUDX. The Ugornio 0FaI adPa Are flotter than Âny Other. The Bust Judgces Y Ils Toue is the Beat. Il le bult with w view to Durà ability sud Beauty. FOR- Oottage orCastie,, PR1 ALL OHC WL. STNSHY Wm, ià BBOOB -000- LIT Funerals FulIy Supplie 1" H. W. FOX,-AGENT.ý BRaOOK SrI..- - . W IR. vertil DR. hgBUZean (10 Spzuce St.), wher.*d mg contracte may'be maà de for ilb w oux. -18 *DORENWEND'S Midwy eWee roinan o luim s 7th Concession. We are now prepared 'to make ail kinds of Wooileu Goodes, sueh as Tweeds, Full Oloth,,Uponl Flannels Sheetiug, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed BJlà nkets)',']Élozse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties. andai1kdsf Knitted Goods kept ini stock for the accommnodation of I patron7 wï ~ihest pni.e\ paad for anyqu&itity ~'11rdrsPromptlyled D.BOWERMA N cf Wool . - SON, HA h lite oui>' g Bald2le6s, j Aoea~ I ~j yîu.r U55M A W.B. HCl AROADE, tTORONTO.0, A Bohool ThorougblY Igquippod- for BusinessZ ]31381NEj88 ý OORPSPONIDEN( 81HOBTHA»' A1D TYP.F-WMITING,,R~IA FIEST ROOIYS: IN- GCAN. sena for Circulu aa- dress. BBOôKLI-Ni Ost 1 The Best Insà -ûMént toý.tuYi -. ' call and Soe Our Gooas. 1: \ CALL ON patrons, mi 11