Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 1

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m E With aloe Prlnte4 worda1. gmt :hoiights, and uuthin< IM ir~ropjÃŽi -- j'- '14< ~M'7 4 , , b.- m&ke ~nioo '4 ~ 's. h h 'S '4 a a~id Muifs, g" ican Manties, Qloths, &o. ~rey and BLk Robes. ~, Gloveu, ~~hi9Ji S GOODS, "aS, Mitts, ôrsteds, Ove S]~xaw1s, sho~n. t I. * - ~sweextdidi )f Tif E $E/ ~ishes for ~ 3 ~NEW Y~A k COR WLA ~T BY~ I ÇIITARIO B~SINESS' ~UewiUe, ?IV~ THOU8AI'~1~ YO~ a fi I i .4 TC~T. X7~XI.. WIJITBY, o1NTjU~iu, RIGGS & 1V04Y5 NE W Est&bhshed 1856. S. E. cor. King and Yonge SluvL orento. GOOD8 I he LeadIn~ Weekly In ~ntau1o ~ou~ty1 ~ ~ e NVSE Thouuande et perDons, abeolutely palulees by the use ot Yitalized .AIr. 46 Bteam equipment and beet furniehed eok and Job printing PI~t lu Basteru ~ OHEMIBT ÂND DBUGQIBT1 utarlo, capable cf ezeeuting aU classes of 4 V7~IITBY, ooek from the large poster b 1h. emalleit aIe with Lau ley, Langley & Burke, andbill. Spocial mention is inade o! the _ eronto,) naurpassea prose laciities o! TuE Ointew- A R c H i T E& T. ~ averylarge aud select utc. .a, with Ite celebrated Y. Cottre ylinder p resu sud other modem conveni- cf Obristme.u goodi, comprilflg uces. Bvery ord~er receives pro~npt, care- Desigos for- Oburches, Villas aud dot- ai attention. 5PB~1~gDT&W ~repared for Ladies' W ork Boxes, structureS. TBBMS 0F ÂDVER'~IlSING. 0ryioz-Fi3~5t fiat 'ov~r Howse'e Drug Firet insertion, per Une, 10 cents; eaoh Store ~. ~. ~ ~, ~ W hisk Holders, ubeequent insertion, 5 centl. _____________________________________ Displayed A.dverti8ement~î ~d~~ SEBERT B~OS., . Odor Caso~ a scale o! eoli4 Nonpar& , a ar iccordin~lY. ÂdvertuemOnt~ sent vithout .written LI VERY and SALE 8 TABLES, Mirrors in PIu&h, netruetone inserted until forbiddcn, and BROCK 8T~BET, WHITB ~fln'stbeinWriting, advertisements Good Rige sud Gocd Herses. Terme rea- - Toile t Cases, otherwise t.he publish. sonable. ere will net be responsible. SEBEET EBOS. A. liberal discount for conîrsot advertise- 19 mente by the year. Copy for ~ SE LLIN G OUT I Large Vase contract advertise~SntS shou in net later than Wêdnesdafl a d netîne ef any intsnded changes eborild e given Ând an aseertreont cf chier articles mitai bel ore T~esd&y noon. 0~her vertise- , mente received uP te Thursday ne n. G~qqnP R,,jQjflp.Q~Q fer presente. Busin~5s notices lu local or nows olumne Up firut liteertion 15 cents p~r Une o Noupa- CoU and Examine Our Stock Be~ roi1; 10 cents per hue e ch subsequent insertion. Five cuits per ~1neperanKIUIiL M iss FIT Z~ATRICK Purcharrng Elaewk.re. Correspendence eelicited et the Oounty or neighhoring tewnships. Correspondente are roquestcd te sendin Be~ te inform hêr trier du sud custemers their communications as promptly as that her stock et goode muet be seld by possible, January lut, 1587. lu erder te do HENDERSON & GRAHÂM, 50, each et' the fellowing wiil be sold at ceet prico. ors. ES~ GOODS! LAMPE IO~N STANTON, DR Meehanloal Dep't. k Cashmeres,~ Costume Clol)is, Ottomans, F~lannels, Plaids, e9Cd. Winoeys, L~rinls, 4Muslins, Plushes.. Veiveteens, Linens, 'eE~ÂL. ~l.... Osil and sec h. large aseortmsiul IIoneycomD KLS.n14e ~uuiio~ JOUN E. F&REWELL, LL.B., Trimminge, Buttons, Steels, ÂRRISTEB, Oounty Ore'wn Attorney, ' s1~irl Improvers, B and Oounty Solicitor. Ofilce,- Squth ings, HouSe, Whitby .48 Ornaments, Claspa, wlng, Court Ready-made Clothing, Quille, JAMES RUTLEDGE, Ro1t~no 14 hxinchee for Si, g>ÂRRISTEB, b. Office form.rly oc- Dcupied by Farewell & Uritledgo, next I Ce loyal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DÂVID ORNISTON, BS., I TTORNEY.ÂT.LÂW, SOLICITOR IN ~~ha~eeryoonvyance~&o lie Peut Office, lu McMiilan's Block, Br~ck Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITK, L L. B., D Â~BI8TER, &o., &o.-Money te Loan suer cf arriage Licenses. - OurIcE~Smith'e Bbook, soulli et M.arket, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (11.5 JOHN BALL DOW, ÂBBISTEB~A.T-LAW, SOLIOlTOB B lu Ohsueery, Oonveyaner, &c. Office-Deverili'5 Bbook, Brook StreeP, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-PrlVStS Punds1j- lneumsup te 8000, aI a 1ev rate et in. brouI. (ly-5~ LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B,, ÂRBISTEB ÂT-LÂW, SOLIGITOR I~ B Oha~icery, Convyaflcer, &o., &c. SUn co. Street, Oshava. MELDl~UM, MB. (TOBOWO tmnivoreity,> L.B.C.P. sndL.M.~Hdifl- bnrghL, &c. No. 8, THE "TEBRÂCE,", BYRON-8T., WUITBY. Wm. MoBRIEN. ~ ZiONDOtI, EEG:' Â.ndotherWles hi Bibroider Lace8, etc., too nuxncrouB mentiwi. Ail lobe SOLDAT 005 N& MORE~ BETML PRICE Miss F~tzpatrick D1RTD~8 ST., WHITBY. Dec. 9th, 188& WOL?2~ E~WDER8. I Are-piLa .$*t te tke. ~oxitein tbe~rowfl Purgat'~ e. Te ~ ,ifc-, s,~re, ai*d effectnBI deatroyer e~' w-arma iii Ohildren@rA4UIU. r THE te T. ~, JAINIJ4IRY 7, I887.~ mOLE doms LETTERSU ~poudeuce E. - cf 'r c' T] k ail ~has been lu Torouto bargasus for bis c~islo'n- E. Lavreupe have gotAe sir frieude ai- a distance. lu i f.w veeka. Walter Bo~ers had hie 6w clava aao bv lb. uit- NO.4. malien. Dnring the course cf 1h. t 4 public ezaw. vas beld luth, B..- meeting a vote of thanko was lendered I ond Division of our~puhlicvBchooI on lii. te oui! Bohool Bo~rc~ for 1h. very efficient I 28rd uit. Quite a. number attended manDer lu which they have dascbarged showing ual a keen intereat b taben 1h. duties devolving npou Iheir office. lu lie work et tic echool. Tii. teache*' The follewing liet cf names shows 1h. Miss NeUf. De Lury, whoislo~be teaci- standiogof iii. fixst tire. pupils lu their *~ lu 1h. Vallentyn. echool for 1h. respective classes cf iii. S~nior depart- coming year wss preseuied by her pu.- ment cf t~lè (Il4remont Pib~io Bohool P~ with a oliver butter opoler, a purs, for lb. mo~ithof Decembe~i, isse. 51h and a plueli satchel. clase-lel B6bt. Bu1b, 2etd Edith Bimp- The entertainment annonnce& by lie son, Srd Ells~ Gentie. 8r. 4h oIas~- choir cf là. Methodiot churci, for Nov lut Ethel Bimuson1 2nd ~eJIa Paterson, Xoar's eve. vas a greal - siieccas. Tii. a 'I o a t Brass aud Bronze IIANGJIJ8' S s, IQw:~': 52 LAIP1~ AT i~it~ ~b~urt. ~-WUL ~I~O5~ ~OEIW Miller, Srd Walt.r~M~Fi~l~be. clarienet solo of Mr. Ueo. ~ tii lilut oouveyed ~y their mav~.m. very fine. The repitatie~s.a? Martin, and Meuurs~Qoon ani irions .pplied for admission Oold enongi, 20 below zero, ~anuary vere veil receivcd. Mr. ~as e.Kiln 0mb cf thus-village, a. Brd. formed lie duties of'tbe -chai mgo. Their initiation WM Mrs. W. W. Alvord i~s gone 110 Miii- usual oheerfal vsy. r the prpsent. Âta meeting forê, Que., ta liv. vith her dau~hler. I là. subjeci cf " Tobacco- T!i. romains cf Mrs. Samuel ~3lmbury Twonhy-liree ~risoners arc ~ wer0 brougit âcre ftom 'Uzbri~Ige sud Don 8unday.î~ i nouons we.d. burlcd lie 28tb met. Tii. ~bddist Sunday4.iocl beld ~ On January laI-lie suow ple* paseed, demonstration on Salurday nu lertalumenl on Wednesday,' over Ibis section of lb. 0.P.B.,~ and lie ~ Tii. thermome~er regishered i. The eveniug vas a cold m~ing ipreuî from the Bail s'as ~' loy on Mondiy mcrnlngihtiri here vasa very good attend- hoWIi!s laie. Tho Goverument House' i. progr*mme vas .~ioellect. W. oommend our echool trushees for Home" Nov Yearu Day; an~ ~me ~rc~s eonta¶xiixsg Inany Iheir wise action in-securiog ~be serviceil Mr. and Mrs. Mayorfl!~ovlane~ was eue et Ibe attractions cf cf our bighly esheemsd tesoher, Mr. H. Ther. v~as an incroiSe b ug. Mr. 8. H. Jeffery vas 8impson for tii. year 1887. duties over lasI jear, dnring t by lie s*helare cf hie Public BEOOKLIN- - December ah ~hi5 tort, 0f 175 lb a large album ana a nicely.. Tic Meibodiets have speciel services & warrant vas ls~ùe,~ Tin ddrus. He mmd, a suitablo, lu Ibeir churci Ibis week. lie meut cf-W. 'H. Tliomaqa kuowledging lb. kindueis cf - Sain Bemerville le. s mtding hie 15, of Il ~ fpr.a a lu lie Section, tic intel»- 4 good l~ehavior cf hi. ~ vaca$i~>u vihi bis parents. ~ returni te .rhoiually as~at4t -a '9.y. i. hi. agreemble disposition <,~ b Peterboro hile week. vie lives ~l 7<~lark.5l~6~h, mi. Bine. ceming amcng us, Our sobeel bas over 120 pupils c~i merniuj Thbmw purrend~rt i~y bas ~nade many friende, hie roil already. Tii. staff' c~nsists cf and lu lb> Pbiica dourêhe .:w ,afer Tcroutd Normal Sobeol -Mr. Spence, sud -Misses P.a~son aud dedtiilT~e5da7<0r~hS~i»K beet visies o! lie maj~>rity Kuapp. ~dmille4 le bail ~ opl.luhil~ section. The smiliug -tic. o! Jue. liFranUlu Mi<~ $c U~$e~e5e 6f i GaIES axvaa. Dale, stenographer ~or~ 0si~.ipbell & hote~ w~ snrrountled N~ê~ ~ Graham, et Réciester, bas ieen~ seen' by iii gueits aI *OAIbiOCI ~ poigh* preached lu lie hall led witka dc~4~h~d45~ Buu'êy ev.ning, te a large amengsh ni dur ng hie helid%~, . ~ phi. 1h. ~ ,~u4 Rcv, Wr Cross ah ~, Cor eÃ"b#.l nieeting vas largoly did hi. bon6!5 -as~ snolê* flfl~ Baptiet ehurci. atleuded sud very iut.restiimg. Wr. ~ iii. àc~ae, Jtnmei. ~. $e~up& te seb ont .youug J ~~jd~a~Oed ti~t.elu hi. u. ~ ~qpes, ~re*~ L. »oleulak&suoh a bigi ~ pe~sons v ho fcuù~ Y lb. gniole, thgfbr0~i ree~ hie ~oanl .uanmiqaticn ~ hI au4 vihi hvc- moud stnd/.nhi-Iatle~i Tî~a i "'e' !."~ - ~ can.. Theli ~61t~ieute*1aIn~ I~s& vers folloved trom tisse persons Ibat I moe cf Mr A. F'erster, ou Iruetees lu bohi caqE ~ lii. Methodiet ioth Lin. and ffr Ti. me~jori yalarg.numberofSOrrOW~~~ Tii. aspirants for I relatives, have been adcrnlug Gre~u River le a omail place nomination 4ay. C 'lb. ch.~npien Beaver cf hie Mathewsen vas relu I-ou acepunt. cf liS flue f~fl' lieu, but .tb. otie 4asninln~ but on acceunt O~ bi&lerly conlested~ te Mcli; W. refer le Mr. B. downe4 1fr. Willcoz cf 1h. Beaver Pocîbuli Club, Boeveship, hie figni rh heP a~q Idcked an Asso- 820, W~.u.oz 175. F t-bail ~)6 ted 9 luches. ~À çounoîller five o! n s mgo lb. Termite GVobo pub. offered lieU' service' ehan~pion long-kick cf lie poil tht resulh slood 0 feal, 8.iuohem; se 1fr. 0. ~ Kdlaud 278, O $ luches ahead. The extra- Kt<~h.n 219, T. au b.t la lb be r.cord*4. ce~incil for nerV y~ 'WUT'1!EVALE. - Mqssra. .litahhews@t SOLE AGENT XOB TEE CELI3iBRÂTED HARVEY LAUF W.-R. I OEEMIBT »TD carOeSO,5iD¶~ I~W W B. t~O~l~ J. W. J0I~Sî Send for clrc~li TQA G TJY'S HOSPITAL tic ey, B. O. H. 1: Dru W&.BRUE O - P. WÂftREN, M.D W4 OTJTHEERT8O~ MD., 0.11., (Victoria.) OYFIOE. /4~ __ (E WtoInss s ~ood.

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