Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1885, p. 2

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large circulation thQlUgo up tb aI 15MtB ,0ooounaer hu offer. Addess- J, S.. ROBERTSON ~8W, wHiTB, 'ONT. ONLY S oc PER AJNNUM. Whltby, Frldayl Alust 7, 1885. <hô<rnteei cirulation OnRnIomLE, Telephone Your Orders. Tm iatOiuoKxoou e cted wlth the TéI.phous Exchange, which eou b. weetilu seeding nt aidera for th.ep.pr, advrtsmeute, item. of useOr AS WELOOME As A LETTzK."-This là he kinti compliment paid ne by a correspondeut Ibis weék wbsu apsaklog ofe Tus OEoNicLic: IlYour shatty per. menaiOolumu, tb. local colnune, si- wapa fuit ef luterestlug hoe. uwe, tb. letters. temu:our strairai apte1.cicese pondents, desacriptive cf aconse cf travol and laces r!151t.andi a bsalthy sdi, boitoe 1hé whoe :pari takes' Tii OaiuL#z i ui blluru boum.~" Thauku.' Our susîgies fer tb. futurs welfar of Tai CHRONIoLR ahal net abats oet vhit boosn.e ofyoar klud words. EIULAND OCtUI-JUDOR O'CONUOL ....an ........ Meudayj sept. 14. ...... ,......... moudap, Sspt. 21. Wbltby ...........TbuMmdy, Sept. 24. Llnuay..........Thur.day, Oct 1. Poletoe..... Turuday, Ot \8: 2BtUslville .... Tbursday, Oct. 15.. Cobourg ...... ..:Thursday, Oct. 29. A Suggetttn for Whitby mo<u aer oDlUM * ve -publith a sonim:Unlic from a leading mer. Chao n t n vir. th.Ciels holiday. Tht~eluts ýmèa» r worthy of cou- tdajft.. Il la8 rus, that oen psu Ouiritortsaudmaks the daý oetfor geugabuttase, »nd tht holiday vil! mot tbaoiday'to uiauy. But as ws uuderoand _r orr eitapntut hin u Dot th* o ito e t $ .ammpliah. As b. u ibis...wiUtl; ery mer. basl, .bolleve Il liteo, h.(t»l4 iruonS " W ihv'u atest a eaol eue ~ 4V ozstt i2ht tChe0ir uluLbe ht ht laa "cauk, Ne a uiliywqak-hâaded diiank but a -vory gnainand augoront crauk. Anti herine nos the sîtreset probabillty hat tht sentmosoetthtiav yulnevs b. carrilsd lteeicutien. It canuet b. dsnisd haitthorbsin u b. publie mind an sitremes repugnancetotevieit- iug witb capital puulehmsci criminels that ars kuevu Ce o ba t battballhre eaU "off Iheir baie." At h. trial Dr. Clark et Toroute gavp Il t àhie opinion that Fiel vas nndoubtelp insane. No. donbt an opinion trôse au expert like Dr. Clark wiii bavs groal wslght wlth the public and viii go tai te tistermine h gevorument te recommendthetb pioner te th. msîcy eftChe Creva. Ou %hi£ grounti vs are et opinion that Riel viii not swing for bis crimes. Thon &gain there ila h. question of races anti religion. Il jas moit remaikabis that.the people ot Qusbe are largelp in tavrrf et ialiog gsntiy vith s prieuner. Bightly or wrongiy lhsp voniti look upon bis execution s nus- ssivsd by hlm. Th.y are carrieti cvap by sympathp for a menfetbtoir own race antireligion andt tby ait net lu a moodt u .se ev wtake ite course.. Ths situation i. puzaliog le the politi- ciena suti il dosa ual requirs .nueh U rpb etle vision te. ee hoair John acdonaid'e governmsut viii taks tthe sasiest al aont et lb. dimeiuity. The probabiliip thon le that Ris! viii b. cunsignedta u nseylum unas lunette. From hie owo rasebling, exciteti, aud iulsns.ly egotistical utterana.. in tb. court it voulti seem hat Ibis le vbat ho expeos. History may pet ilear Chat h. vwu adrisatlethie fins of action. Thorearae maup people readp te gay hat if h.oges tethe aspinruh. bcd butter slap he. A Chance for the Y. 0. Nev York sun.- An élection for a champion liaris la bel t, aiGlise, Arizona, sant he eue. ettful candidate le to gel a modal anti a ersuati,. Towni Ceunci "Ew RENflES, AltO LMTLE Bu51NEtl. A mesting et the Tovn Council vas held ou Monda y evenling vhsu Ibere vers priest, Mayor Beart inlu be chair), Bove long anti Connilloîs Foz, Smith, aunes, llotlon, J. Long and Ws.lp.1 Muteg oieth priviens meetingrtaid Prom 1. B. Parevéli.Ibw oUScdifer. inu releve se t. t*0daM egainst the 1 üMd Tmk hlWny OoCZÊ.ita tira "a b",'40» au,.11 uw 0(ani.iih" 7.- OWsAn ÂKdo. Letteru èornthe PeOPle.ý_ The Editàrdosanot hold hlinslfrspou- sible for the opinioneimi e erepoudmnts. Woolng BuéTnuest., 97o theEdim r of the VVAUiJ (heu. Bm :- i udeantimd onda> 111hoet Angual te bu Cie HolIday for tht ovu et Whitby isBlepar. W.exeo on hat dey te bave lulo aw a li*e excursien Party oetChO SontsetfsoClïid, (rom Toronto. Thei r reord for put Yoara bas hutu hai$t g riovdt-et Toronto otistue bavs ozougaonsi vlth. Che te diffée ontpinte vbfon holding Choir tunl games. Tbi. yýar peeminiss te b. ne , oqon. Denýbt-ý lei. many viiib. bers*honoVer vida dWhitby bafoïe. Zxsnse, I beliore, iraise 'te ho rin m Bons., ville ou lheBu tt, anti cavàrtea on the north, c on dy nlpbsi1gl9gMac> fr.nr pointe n anti sait. - - Ceuld tiior oteCb soine arrange. ment mcdo by vhlch Oui marchante mighl show both thehr stock et geode anti Stoesteôchose vieltlug nm hai day ? if, for instance, theestores vere Open from 10 o'olock &.m., untkil 1 P.m., vonisi il netbe an aivantagefor oui merehanle? It ile quit, probable Chai- trom thse norîhein section et oui evu oounîp ,naay vOl h la Ccvi vho seldom, if ever, do butiness vlCh ns, buat whe de considérable tWaiig lu Toronto. Have net oui marchante lu tove, assoilment, quality, aid pilout tisaI wonld give equal Satisfaction vulb thtis to b. obtainsti in Toronto? (han vo ouI, tlrifors. gir. an eppertunitp tor oui merohanta te open tradiuk viCh oui northbsn citixon.Who gsnemafl cheose seme large suesfer heir -tuping 2 Thoîs are othor reasous Cai see oint point te benefioW a oulte, vihtohlvlfl. net mention et prueeeta. 1 am afraiti 1 have airsatiy takou up toc much o Kindi>' place C.malter beleroour People toi Chir sonsderation. Whitbpl ,0n. 51 '8. The American Oapital arigs r rra irnre =mu vaR ixooltix ou ma, so MXi 'rpe ts 1ý draw pesr, but ha neffe made a firéé aunt. Nain. ,Hatm ho-ion plg -footi mit de - limtîb*e"keom ebtrik. uL dha b LtwtI de growd 8p8r c"d 90s, ub gts, und t detptllgc op*, "ceip, cep, nu, en soesdcvi, levu 40, evntt.delbands cfsft.ptili. miu la rigb und -loft fie1d, de is mpi. ea"Ydot pop Hanst gt0cv" mit a fty ou hlm." >Au sxhibltiou gains cf larotte wvie pwin u ntal siturday afleinee1 beiveen Ch. Shamiclitasud th& Te. routese, aMdon lb. grends cf Ch. fermer. Tht match iteCin lu, strigh #âes.tecktby Chie. minutes r.sPéctrr2iy. Tht Toronto $tà= va. ocopsel almeet onCtiy cf "colt.," th# cal> ' e wlv met h piayudbtlu, ftiu, goec,-Bn am h&. « Shm «oopre"usd ir Liutîs- factonvib h.Tea .lclutht itrengeet te o tg.ndhtuc vsaktaux C0 mueot Cle. Ha9launaid Le.rove a" M litc raus ovsi a twv4nUe secr eu Sanad. violi on Friday, Hanlaà Lolng tht dis- tance lu 14.5& -W. W. Boid, itu*s gentleman orlcetlr, bAi a reeS.dChly*aietIbo' rmeMna" alu 2,,#iYinUbIi a avrtas 01 et Iu& WIdlièd fims l Theug hr vera. teral other gooti trotsoCh. 'pr,«grammo. ail Interost ceaIre.! cuie rosarkabls' mars anti Tvo y.ai ;,trotwad amile cu the "ams traoýk2f, aid soon siter made.hsrofatnoiod of 2-.09 j ln au exhibition mile Lo Ixlngten, K>'. To- day'. perforinice wvu a mile iu 2:081. About ô5 ololskCh. mars tt udriveu opon the Ciok -i,WlUam Bau. she valketi alomug the stretch past ilb. granÜd stad alCh besi sais luthe air, anti bebblig bsr boati lu iteguitien .of ÎCh. tht multitude. Bair. wbo;o.aalir in blaskbovot iebis complImente âne nrqeii on moreti hI.bat. Main! S. drw a t. nieyibrt slky. Al «rxibi"lg hersoit, anti maWS ga ým in2*, te*mars wasrotunnet t heatable. OSe fterf$8oe",tur1Ùg o CeLions 'aiIbet-voeubotheoi vil 1ou10oMIs foi Menti, anti ast 6j sh4 again appeareti th BaIn ezniling ýpudIhi at l hie baud, 8h. wut jogged onc uot trethe trak luncose- pou> vitb aYoung- runeg-mat#, osit~b'W4. Godon anti triven b>' mati>frr "ce behind vat gave "Mt will e came dovu se Word. witb'] WÂeuwvro, 1), 0 Aieuo Thelt t o wtit mofttoI ds f SirLngPrihits, Ginghams, Muàlins, -Embroideries,&.at -Merit -Proven. Dollar upon dollar iutrequenuly apMt on the th o reommedatins or articles oî'e spestiy urs yen arcnot ashe toi prlaoIt, until ^ils meile are proven. Va~aV~ ~. o>'sedruig store sud gel a fie trial boChle, abtiif nome son;ineod ti lwS Liver Cozmplint. ste,, no mater e bo long standing,t caste yon notbiny, SolO in 0E. anti 100 battis.. Se telotI nwai fem persans in your own luwn.- Whlch le th. lungest word ini tb. inglish langnsge P "Smle," because lhere te s "al betwesue f. rsti nd'last letter. Laà ré nerai t"engladies who make ny * 9rt=nians ltra uenient Oestre b-have sait white bande. W. believe that there le nothin wvii tend more tlu Jroducb Ibis an lb ,,thconstantuse ofM'm'Ay& Là.sxnî'e FLoBDa W&Trm mixed wîth hie o water in lbe baýsin. Il remaves redn.ea anud rouglinee. Tho ladies of 'Cuba andi Southi Amerlea vwer. the Oral lu discover lb. emb-aordinarp virtues oethIis floral vater as a cmondio anti bavs long oince dIsceeste u se o e t.ers. How eau pou s a nov est of teeth In- setIaigratis 1? Qintor eumebodp's garien, whexe a big dog in kept, anti kiek hlm. Fluici Lghtnipg. Ther. a»e but 6w*Chat have neror enfler- ea almost hntolerable pain from Toothache, Neuralgla or U1k.saute p ainq. To tbsm snob an inesuntrelief as Plaid Llshaning e dlqneun tic fesive nmodicits tu b. aken Tiret ladies aaaiiy,.arn to play lb. rielin M à ot * r gvn hen their experienet lu udL anbtaksn imb ,ConeWidon. Pabi. XMer_-Th*eotetimniuale borné ta the 5O*Oy ofthCiIfrraIUbI. medicunt are *Dowan ta lurant trs Aeuci.e-h.n WHITBY iIYGOODSImpoRitiJ *CONSUMPTION CURRD. An aid, physicien, retineti frein practîsoe, baring b.d placet inluhis banda hy anEstl Iutta mitsioaey the turmula et a simple vegotabîs remeiy ftoithue speedy andi perm- anent aur.etofConsumptian, Brouchitis, Catar.>., Asthme, andi al Ibroalî andi Lung Aflectians, aiseae positive anti radical cure ioNeves Detillty anti anl Nrveu Oom. 'Plainte, aller baving teselt ils ntierful curative pavera linbaoýIssaofsaicases, han lelt it bis duty Ca make il kno wn tehie suffeing fellovre. Acînafaet by Ibis motive anti a désire I* rellevo human sufoering, I will senti frieof charge, lu ail whedesire il, Chie recipeIluGerman,leh or inglieh. lIth in directions for preparing anaduelng, 1Sent by mail by atidresslng vlth elamp, natin thtspaper,W.Â. NovIs, 14 pute- or', - r&skBoesew. Y.. *What are Ihe muet unsociable thinge lu Iho vorîti? Mile-stones; toi yoenviii never ftd tva of Ihem tagellier. CÂTAERHCURD, beallh andi eveet brealh secured by Shiiob's Catarrb Remetiy. Puice 50 conte. Nesal Injecter iree. 'W. IL *Hobe. . Tratis vind-A tirnmmer>s talk. aEILOH'S VIPÂLITZRiR le 2aî t nE nord for Constipatipn, Lune ut Appetite, Dizeunees ant ilUaymûptoma et Dyspepsia. *Prieo 10 and. 75 cents per bolie. ILR Fair subjeots for dtessiadn-Women. WIIL FTOU BUFFER with Dyspepsie atidLverComplint? Shiiab's Vitalizer la gnarsnleed benre pou. W. B. Hove. Brouches et contraol-Thoso tisat sbrink- *COJWHOOPING COUGH anti Bronebitte immedtatelp reHlov.tiby iitih.' cnre. W. 1%. Havas Hon'Cate asàweU-Snub a dudle or lancé a beill 'aril vb*o arm aufferlng tram the ero ta inItertlmofetyen Lb, nerrous n'est epu T. JZXAmStaction D., A NUO YETr GMEs st oi lh., qd Society.. Tho othsî day, hat, vtry eprightl Tornîto dall' eveppar, TheoWor&, lainat iing article, shovel ýratber *starlliagl>', vhat medlu ha.te do wtb Cmaatihapliica. Tho plCh cf tht malter e Chatmeadn' bas Cc do witli ht health et publo ipen, aud thtrfffl W'site lh h.fateetfpartie. Upon the heath et oui 6lwtda leaders., on boul tse repeculi>, thé esuailt bàtties. sýocu te th ae ma ry larel Our sonataeprary hogina vlC Bit5f J)obn M&socnald, h. load t h. "RIUcod4itionof ; hit asbefoit -givma gueistSieus te ids fidsd adnov, ovlug t. the OOseilpe-oe eerrai of his plogues, b. eeoitaluy - elryluÈs a ar er fbÎrtieu of gâte cm«rno agbt t. be borne hi a maiý of hsqieje. lit aris Il ail rer> bravai', auvoer bs an>' day he bLos mna>'proie toc much. -Bus fer Che bliahissof bis oppouente Is vouiti *ptmbabl.p bave preodti tee suqbe e Io New Brunicktine eIla houeattor osbi.p,,buttth h a likely eeriagaite to siýbuler te ur et finaacieriug for'te omnin n ôtsoeaiëatyu da gsi ming vseeuawus ma., Fox healaho eva. iois Itabe -oso f himeolfiMd iould aflovoti egg te hËol vhors ha a bosu- orthe puét 1ev menî&Es H ruled Chait Il vas ent et order t. roté. an *evais. in cash lu Chis emnier *ad th. motter droWp~d hèes. from SBu aetre qtuutlu Cat na une b. allovedtin terfère vlCh he papoue btlonglng othe .lais Ja. r'ene »at Chathbille for Ifueîtal expeuses be torvaatilo ber. Town apicUETi, Beevo. Long hrought in a report freon the Ojmmitt onouTowu Pre- psrty. Mrî A. H. Jamson hati matie thisse p cfer t. rout' thte North store lun Maikat blook for a tereI of -os.., troer ire pear e e notai ef $125 para&nnuse, iunidng gai, for the South etoeat airent etf$6 a ypsu vthout gat, or b. veulti tata ibe Cwo t.rser-qoe, tlrq or ire peare at $2010 a pesi, -inluding gas. On Che section et MI;,, tobertson h report, va. aniendeil #y addicg "Yenr Coin- milles rseemw.nd' thai ithe offer o! Mi. Jarpesen toi lb. Ivo eterts :et ai iot* tal,#f$200bov acptpotsudanti thetr ovu Oolicitot b. lnsCr!cleti ledrav Beport adopted as am udsd. Conuci tjanud Editors Ex= rimuig. Annual Meeting Ca4 dian Prese iEOUTION OF oFFIRcIeS-4cvW !xMIKUOB- (Etiltorlalcorresponde-e Wbitby (hîmou. Toiui, Ag~5tb.-Tb T-an froin Whltby i16 Toron té Tùuày uiorulng thoved ",at jialmage li s sen doens. Che--giýaln crpe 7 the t an.oelngdae'sCores of whnd a 111h>' anudPick Lament, vlli.all1tO FII8 T -CL A 88.FAIM For Sale. There viilb. sold by polie auction at F.ennett's Hol a the Village of Manches. ter, br L. Fairbanks, auctianeér, on, ?ffonday, tAe 24th day of August, ai tva o'clock in thé afternoon, Ihat valu. able iarm et eue huudred acres otfiarat-cilas lsnd, being thé uorth baif oailot No. 15 su the 2n4d concession of thre towuship of Zeach. There le a good brick ho-use andi large frame barn anti drivtuig houe on thé pr.. mises. The teuces are lu fai condition, anti there is plenty of vater. Tht. toue ai thé béat ferma lu Beach, anti thé titi. la aniptble; but thé vendar viii only pru uc cbtiti. deeis as are lu ber poE- session anti a copy of thé Registrar's ah'- stract. The prepeity viii be eoiti subjeci la Ivo martgages, upon visici Ibère fjenov due about the eum ai $4,000, a correct etats- ment ot vhich wil ho provideit on thé day oi sale. Terme-Tse purchaser viii bé requtreti to pay dovu et lthe lime of sale 10 per cent. ai bis purchase money, anti thé balance arer anti aboe.thé saiti nortgagevithin thlrty das thereaiter, anti upon sncb psy. .ment thé purciseset vili be sllowéd lu mnter anti plough bisésaditilande al ter bar-relt aud lu enter into possession un thé 21tt af Oclober nexI. 'For turtber particulare apply ta Mre. VERNON, On saxi prernises. Or te Q. Y. SM.ITH, etWbitby, 38 Heu solicitor. Sheep Strayed. Strayetiabout tva vééke agu trratise prmies of thé subecriher, Lot No. 84, lu th dEt concession ai Whitby, 9 shee"- oves anti5 amSountbdown)o 2 ai dark calot, anti S white# artacs An yperan' girtng suc influormation as vii la d o their ieeovery viii hé suitably 7lvardei. JAMES WILSON, Tul Lot 34, 2m cen., Whltby. HOM E FOR A. BOY.ý A LAD ut 13 yeare ai age vents e place vits a tarmer. WiHling te wordc, ana lies larm vert. Apply ta 82-4a THIS OFFICE. MAN, LOST. 'Wm. Bon'tin, Idpeas e e, anti of un.- »a;t uin,-tredfÉoin home et Wite- tPoi vhen hante t i l l. Intormation. at j bs vhoreabouts vilî b. thanidUvirreélveti If d'byGEORGEBStIE, >' '8a2Wiievais. FarmIFor Sale, I Tir rarall o! LaotSI ini the 91t cors- ai ~ ~ ~ ~ o ili ese iWhilbp, cnaig98- amaï imeor es", dneliungbons., ban, anti outh -uildinge enlthe premlse,iiigooti aider, loclety viiimu t" Fo~ar Eau prcard. Wfn sII airi. C. lsy on. above1 at pply to the lular sl em.&. Îra anti Hig thlaver ber. &n'usçxnsnts - JAMESWALKER,- ri theOn thé puemtes.- RAVE YOU Het sud dry eltin 9 &a"tingsensations ? Swelhing etfthe subies? Vague feelings et unsetP Froîhy or bîick-tiuet fluide? 2 LAid etamaeb ? Aobing laine ? Crampe, grovlug norrounsa? Strange eorenesoft tie bavele? Unaccounts.bleý'nuiti feelings? Short breebat anti plenritie peine? Que-aidé beadaceob2?Bacliecho ? Fréquent shtéoke af thé 1,bines" ? Flulîering sud dietrese of the beart? Albumen aud tubé cae inlathe valér? Fitfal rbeumetic peas anti neuraîgle? Loser ot appétit., fleais anti etrenglhP Conetipalien elternating witb iooee- nees of lise buvele ? Drovetnees by day, vakefuines a Abondant pae,or scanty floetdeit water ? Chili.sud forer ? Burnng patebhes of ekin ? Then YOu HAVE BRIGHT'S IJISEASE 0F THE KIDNEYS. The abuve symploms arm nul developed in eny order, but appear, dusappear anti reap:- pear nil lhe disease grsdl£Y gels a firm grasp on the constitution, the kidney-puis- oued bluati breaks dawn the nervane syetem anti fimlly pneumonie, tiiarrhosa, blaudiesa- nees, beart tisesse, apuplexy, paralysie, or, convulsions enene andti ben death'ie unevit- able' This f esiful disesse la nat a rare one -il te an every-day disorder, and dasims more victime tben any otber complaint. Il muet te treateti in lime or il viii gain the mastery. Don'l negleal iti Warser's SAPE Cure bas cnred thousande af cases ufth lbworst type, and ti iwviicure pan il you viiiuse il promptly andi as directeti XI te the only epeoiflo for the univereal SUMMEE-,1885.' Alla n L ine. 4 I i Tw, Tofot vich are passa an the ceini ,waters ani amatsguCtte.besutic, souiùy o! 1b0l St. Larenco. - 111.ý-ý Tise lest train, cunnecttng et 'Qeeoc, leavet Wbitby on Fuitiyap I9.483.m Betlfingaron QUÉBEC.. P.amues - - - -251h July SaunuiiAit . - - lth kuguàt Ver 10 wn» G ra :AnMe it g= ist, io hei The malter le, b perseaneul> saIm moeot hat bcdy'i lbe poplOr doms ask the fasily to sie, se .liaeti oiroAnsetancevh vWeightu; cg f 1 enitering lt. thesc lirî,e 11461 inlerma rouis ats -trm Wbtby - <abin- Steetsg l't1. esautickets $88-00. i us r dg e or yau r fiente yencan * btain EPAID IASSACE9-TICETS -AT.LOWBST RATES

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