JOF S.IRN~DS MR. ROSS JOIINOTON hs Codiltor antd OanussevfoeTnu Wmv sv CuosicLl, andtin sau"hrlae& $e exact rfflipté for auburptons, etc.,Mdat ransaci NOVEMBER 28th, 1884. LOJAL AND) OTHERWISE8 wHiAT i8608 OifN ouIffTOWN kA14 *IjA BUDGET 0F LIVELI NEWS <ATTIII OIiAbOp CHRONICLE REPORTERS AUÇIBOIlt8 "A luel'.amang Ye, tdduu actes, tue f aitb hem lprenti t. Town Gonil Tuesdaeeubg. Ovr iCeatinge, fullitçteb aS O. 1 Stwart'&. ýýï' Ladies' bib ÂAtraelvzs Jpa.Ss. M. Rosa. two hundreti volutmes e u bi ,rb hoeonmatde te the library of 9t. Â drews oaroh Sonday seb"so. Ululter loShs of spé.cial patterns and extra vlue ai .?F. ci6*W'. Ladies' ohildreu's and sgeni'd Under- Wear qll ise$. Adrew M. Rose. Winter esaiber s1 luinon Moudsy. and sevaral inobsesof 'suoir vhlah tell on Tuesdayle sau eophatic varuai ci what may le expeateti. Our Dieu Gonds departo is ila let to overtiowlag wtb ew goodle vblal anreflo aciec Po~o~au ». Seo ., Y stewat'. DreGo et.dul od8.'vlSb brer*a4 tfo Qewee'~yaIedag~ Ç*r~n pe by rail & anwagole tFLeo4tIqne*gb Qarpete, Lai e Wwqnsasd Lambre ui 4 DeewteotWé "peo.t'labor Young and Ompbll et thé iber vuifl ae iela, Jaeu '*awmng; 4lltoi bnullng Paribles More. " pwFareubr aM à etmeru f'caloh vi do We.l uu teuebt Qabe City 011 oe'f nelebrateti Paaxis MUanbu 011, go sle by aIl .Ie4l" e~~o b L% Baw.-A~j.'preent ratu Ui Great ~muit 1Their losa, htbwevr, i mot ourgain. Tb5à ' éreoo, ctraieui Ladies' and oiltirns Oushmer Ã"lossbi ~a olord.Andrcv 'N ,4AImu4L Oeu ro9> a Te 8utl Ontario Snnd*3 sobeol Asmsocia and WedDeuday Eeeuber 16 anti I Au interestig programmc bas but pretpareti. * Ps.avsi.-Youterday aS nOB inc DeWaeW" oelved by frn4q i u e The dsees. d1 4g4i ouly becsmi bnxld aboua& a r Tux.amost.-Mr. G. B. 'Gbbu *WblSby, yeettvday ha*l erotétila fre of bis druljstore in tb. Wasom bai loe, eu$aide cf Droeh S.#, Bat ais eis, oue ou a pole oÉIc "¶iIe , S eaef' tge4 p 21100K ST., WEMTY. The boit paetia.ju smr foi a go"d mis. Andrav M. use. TudyDée. 9, vii have a larg are alroady ab lesalsea toases ai Ib" 13m on, Win' y$ 5iII e They are extra saue. Autre, M. ecurte Doit Sabbath by B1ey. J.4t. bapllscd a l he.oreckm. $bu aesotnuent e>of, ' a ut andi ter lb.or Te-o âmcam*aMttbcjiiad thbeshm&i eslambe, wap Who avirressl ic va ,Ouuelan is xir.. vesha"t abher a. eu »We4Ur ~bl1e .7 suaW'leela foc tïutat*a Ourstook off&aiDUyGocdu t. Dov actuplet. spedalies Ire mfrm the maaufaaîurers. No muildd profil butbefeit given te aur esusiese iau Blankesud ara. v. ave ofe0 a 9Show s holueseleprioce. Look lu sat»0 ethen ai O. F. 8icwsrt's. laTau1ov Azaa».-&elive prepaasatlau à oe belngmaisb th e Seberaand offcrs of.rb et=jt~'p sahool for aen uerWsnnultobal giron ta et Xmas, 'andi Saken part lect -lybi )r th. acb&0rs. Mue a 00u 1 so eott 0y aborpueu, et*., dialogues asd reow l1 vili foins the programme. , Tb _X o.mntertainoentu tgirçe by l1 4jon former owaîons, vii1 ne deuU iWr tuembIereti by msnavof eur rad>e ma tbe aomng ac lo "*ad teîvatlb WI M mach luteissi. re Tuxsmu-Lissa Tou Kaaat-MEWl or ortbs "Hibelo"inu lb. bva Rd Doeit TI&emdavecng. 1>ea'h Ib tis ,'a lim. 8S5boh.P ý other new etrevi sWIh iv îT*n Jarveyà " ti it. firet appeavance w evoninff'u entertannaL ms oi'ptable depsilure I.IM hb i duap« Somaesolipeclay.eopesl MW claemedy fls. Tîvý »aa, ve r~ee iwilb enthuelastle approbation.I D ute .soa n 0bad tbsp eds Tam Voux» DBtmDa&s-Â lamine p, 1provea to he a '" fultegmi h 0136~tlaa n, vas deli1velcI m en Iolg, n .van IMjJ 17. jetS....misd BelItetsý %hobc u su moadae thfa e egepeople wb Md lise Ohio "ant mu i$ Ys, rg ef-whom Iberela ne -teorortc k4c. eulebedatob41casldlc# .i Ud. in>10*giiwsupphh10 te ues& I of SU o.pivtlc tl.- Oui etock üihmmn". -or ES19âi qq pl bq ob*O s iSya buavw ous. Âudrev M. d uit. ailmes ma." "Audbst as Iat .oid ia esi ban, Jue' <', «wby it meut base 411TiU ' a be d * adb,f 'e b»w î jQýwdà mt$utbethn, M >~~r bas gme ta liapsn 10s~E4Jt.nWednesday for a taip tg fs,~ ,4umberof ma tus*oaIa cg em, m it SWhuSh, N oi. g28,8leu PaRI tndea Iooa1du. ÂA bther wsa Smucate flbuahimprovisg. In pm&um th bswuk wtue a bdter taen .aest 1 :2~ JOII-Spçf4',SU v nie? ' Lad1ed Bi3hk Fnr A J. A Tavne, o stat he rfaiMc Dr.,is hv bm" lslfegetbatbpasn "0 luta is Srosamsf. Md sa&O~ ate tix~# &,Ud JRS ..! ~j w & J~ CUAMn Git'P"etsïanLamb-and 'S .Sal Gap Children's Pe'rsi au Lamb.,Caps. and Muff~ -sz E~O~B. ?BEJLL, mifacturer's stock. O~T RU OATS JL.0WejtffColors, Qualities, Styles, and F it, * exctlytQ met; your ideas. -BOYS' sUIS YOTHS' SUITS, MEN'$ SUITS.- *B<oys, Youths', anudMeWs OvercoatJs. J s LTLING OrTT ISELLING OUT!1 on.- 1A FÇLL TREASURER'S8SALE 0F LANDS ýFOR- TAXES.' BTvirtue of s Warrat undor the handi cf the Warx et 1eOounny et Ontario, dite w PIh ~aï ýlev mrp n Itméiadsmeiià oied in tbè ioflowmsg H 'b»o," asherein set forth - I liureb7 g#ire notie tht saosepldI hall lu complange *ith the Asâsameý AUCTIM, themaaà idaxia, mcîl' hereot as ans Court RBeuse, lis the Toia cf WHITBY, on TUBSD. TOWNSHII> OF BEACH., Aînonni OesasisToWiI. Part Lot Cou. Âcres of Taxes Comma!n Amount Unet North hall 21 8 - iGO 1089 286 -1758 . -i NotbaPut NO.l1on Plan 14 9 086491100 9919 2SB__ý'02> ».I S.Paut B. hall o. 8'on plan all6 70871100 4588 824 48 65 ,Pl S.pat.W.Part N.leýn p'n 15 9) 181/itS 10 55 f-I1--P no, 8 liEpate OnÙ'n1 9 18241100ý9 8W 2 85 A"3Si8 *TOWNSE11P 0F PICKEBING. vib.thwmscorner ofS8,1hall 24 7 tar i Y, 99 s. le 45 'Part Southqarter 28 B F, 1 sis4 S19 '.8B 82, FiIÈFIOBT IN PIOKEBlNýG. WairleRNo. 8part S. half 23. B I 8 * 211 242 Water lot Bit 4Paut .baitf 28 at aI29 TOWNSHIIP 0F BOT._ Souh west angle part 19 ,8 21 -568 224 792 P VILLAGE OF CâîNNIN;G'TON*ý ,camrn strect 12 1/a 241 271 26 9t .2 Lalilaw sreei 7, iP 01 246 16,86 '. TOWNSIIIP- 0F THORAH. PartSoeuth alf i '980 8 70 , 220 5 90 P TOWNSHIP 0? ,RAMA. -~~ ~~ i. vn 5 8n Pail iiorlh.easf* ~us*lcr 14 -A 1lm 14 B 100. 15 B 100 1 B E 100 5 o E 100- 1 7 E 100 5 13 E 100 s 2 K 100-- 1 M 100 TOWNSIIP, ?O 7 14, 82 TrOWNiSHIP:OF 10 'I ' Mca. 0vs!wcIss# te 10 aca40,. I~~R bure sta a resais the nu*mber of qubeeriberu a e idylurecen. Moaef.asn ug pchIq iaêiý cutecitl su ment lb th cd s :cbsemeut ot et. ÀA*Wwtoh-.ixqMuid cf 'usat la ffkmlij @ritseý<h henn T e alluaupdcthe Mmfflinsent0 f tMp Oma' ýrielsgUs MissIo*ssq of tf bii aluni. vio give Il1ber wwxxrqpr i a au ualy gooti p >,cseyehagsoeaof the beq$qeIcal talentl "et the town% bu beau pisparet for. Bise 004M.; Our0 alîlmeus viiilad.u velwo*th thelr imt etlemake tà ier :ay leSt. inrwseuii iWdess vn yeno eeqse.uywei doonesora a shrt tlise ene eft Iose "tores"'n braui. vund't sbed a.0. Saturday dealli1 vas s a mfavorite w bIta, ap nivuedld. for tbe fatil, at Ibe oesuplt a bes Ivo menthe liègeoet Iss dougber o à te Mr. .Ta .I~Q~a~U4 ~L$'kW 'j~ k 3UT ?&~V, uy~ L,01 Oas 'gýo w W a rhouse. 1 l'l ýM-4 Ji 1 ýNorth half