Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1884, p. 1

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ESTABLISHED.] FRIDAY MORNING, the 0O8r 3,ROUuN ýfha,Brock Ira o nm: Ii 'uLà IlIU u A VA GU on goy o~ther pape ini theOeuy f0 ,8.Robertson iffBrot, TBEaU8 OF ADVBBTIBING. pirst insertion. per Une, 10 cent; eaoh gsbeq4uet insertion, 6 cents. Disi 2ed dvrtiemeteare meaaured by see t slidNopamland charged AdVrei1¶entfl sont ithutwrttn 5jrutons sr until forbidden, and sharsed for full urne. Orâers for diaoontnuing adlvirtiaementa iiut b. in writng.otherwlue ithe pubilahers viili net bc reapunatbte. A liberai discounnt for contrt Adverýta monte by the yemr. 002,yfer changea of conract sdvertisenents shenld lb. lianded ienot later than Wednesdlay;and notIce of &Dy intended change& shnuld b. glie-. fore Tueeday noon. Otheral*taeet reclived up to Thureday JIoQ. Business notices in local or nov. columis rt insertIon 16 cents per liii of, Nopa. reil- 10 cents par lino eehabseqnnt In. estIon. Five cents per ne per amnuin. Crrespoucdenot ao= lt&from I al Paria ai thé Ccnnty or neighboring tovnships Cor. ceepondents aue requesi e aisel, in their ee "uxlnat a praxnpiy as possible. JiOB PIIIJTINODEPARTMENT. 1% àDepacout lasWOU supplied viii oulable forer ies m f Job ?rlaeg spulmITite CuaowxcLule equpmeftltis i stt rs et trictly firsi- clie, sud La neo$ =e by any office i Butere Ontua. JOHN B. F&REWELL, LL.B., B ABRISBR, Oonaty Orowu Attorney. and GConty Sliciior. Office,- South vlng, Court Bouse, Wliîtby .18 MOSRSEs IITCHIE & BILLINOS DARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c . IK. RITOItIE, W. I 811NG8, Toronto. Whitby. JAMES RUiL~DE 1 >AARISTER, &o. Office formerly ce. ) c)opîed by Famreel& Ruledge, next le Royal Hoiel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNISTON, B. ., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .M CacrConveyaiioer, &o. Omo.-In ithe Office mou cf lhe Pout Office, lin Mll-'s Block, Brook Street, Wh4lby. ly-I0 ROBINSON & KENT, (.ira flusens& Roantgow.) BABRiTERSAT-LW,'A T TOR N - B leygo solw Or onieyancers, &o. OFFMUC.-Tn Victoria Ohambeie, No. 9, Victoria Street G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., heUMB, &o. o-Mortey te Loin O'neu-Oer Dominion Bink. Whtbp. Ian. 22,19l8. (tf-Bi J. RAMER GRRENWOOD, ATTORNET .ÂND SOLICITOR, CON .vyanoer. Notary Pnblie &o -Pest * Ofie Draver No. 11, Whut6y, Onut. Faine bought and solS arria. Seutle- mente, Wileisd Truste m»e 8 peeilties. Loins uegcilsied on &U kitide cf Properiy. JOHN ÃŽBALL DOW, BAR RISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR Bini Chanoery. oatveyancer. &o. Offc-D*vorili'u Blok. Brook Stret, Whîtby. MONET T lm N -rvt ud, 4llIT1-BY.U WT h clrnPr44ted vrda, great thoughts, and uitiring induatry, wo advocatd VQt~. XXYIu, TEWE -INRqBANK 0F TROUAS Dow, Wiitb7, Nov. 7lh, i18M. Mngrly.47 014TARJO BANZ, ý WHITBY BXBANOHj, Broet Street, .. wbltby.1 J. a. ADDIBON , FINANCIAL AGENT. P O. Box 114, 601Y WHITBY. MOpNEY. 1-0LOAN! ON REAL ESTATE BEOUEITY. Ai lovweut livUngrate, cf iniereet. Mfoney eeoured vithin 10 day. cf ap- Apl o plication. JOHN FARQUIHABSON. Whitby, February l6tà, 1880. 9- C. NOIJRSE, Insurauce and Gen&aI Ageint, Bcpreeenilg the fofloving ompanIer. Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, of loendon, England. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., of Edinburgii and London. British Amar/can Assurance Company, of Toronto.J London Guarantee if Accident Company, of England. à.PPRfIlSK FOR TIM Canada Permanent Loan & Savings Co MONEY TO LOAN, on Itnpraveil Parme at low rate of Interest &ac oSecretary.Tmrer cio!the %lonnty Agricutfural Sootety of South Onieulo. OFFICE : At Post Office, Brook Street- * luisceilancons. A. A. PUMT, lite wîtli L.ngley, Langley & Burke, Taronte.) A RCHITE CT. Desiqne for Churches, Vilas e.nd Cottages a s pecialty. Drawlngs prepared for re .nedeling exieling structures.' Opmcs, for the preeeni, ai ils realdence on Kingston Roa&, Pickering. P. O. Box 202 Wmara W. 0. JOH14STON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Wmn. fcHRIeN. MI.D.. N.R.CS.,j G VS HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., 1 Oaa ho found ai lie Lav Offce of J. G. thoe ye E. 0. a. L.. Oshava, Ontario.I KelEný., Wiitby or a&thie reidamceof Mr.saohusion, 'Prry sireel. c ARD DR. 1DOGARtT, Phylolsu S urgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. Wbtby, Sept,SOtb, 1874. 40 Dit W. OUTIBDBTSON. LATB AcingAseisaint Toronto e um OFFIC-Tust tately oceupiedhy 1Mr. C. Naurse. Inouraace Agent. BROOK STREET, WEITBY. Wututcd1 W. %utM8 RO 8 a VnISRJOHN FEEGUSONS ALjCioihing Eetbabehmeni, Dundas-si., Whty âIIfce hours from9 &.m. ta 12 mi., sud tron 1.80 tceS, p. ni. Realdenco-Cor. cf Byron and Glbert strete. Sultabie (er wrepngpurposes, i1% ng nuder eptt,5cnsp:hurd ti. 'LMSOFFiC QUEEN CITY it COI GOLO MEDALS Awarded et Tosootto, Loduim a" "eoPh. tln 9888%foi PEERLESS Fe Q a ra-m su Dominion Wood Work8, WHilTBY. Go . Oormàack, Lruuma MEBCHA.iTBUILDES. ings en ail ns of Tvlted PolSlags, D oc,, saa nSclB î1ildm. LUMBER videesile and relail, orby by lie car load. Planing, Mouidinge of every descrip- tioný, Ploering, Sheetlug, Shelving, Re- savhiig, Shaping, Turning. Scroil -vork, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. ici., 1878. 4 K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY. ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers snd Màaunfhurer.o ofa&U Klnde of LEA THER AND FiNDINOS, CLash paiS for Rides, Bark and Leather. Lesiher streiched. mgr BELTING MA1)E TO 081>11E ON SMORT NOTICE. May, 1879. 22 M JR J H. DATES, Nevapaper kdver.ilg Agent, 41 Park Rov (TîMes Duildleg), Nov York, ia auluaorlzed tes coutract for udrortime., monftsle the CHRONICL etaiOut beet rates.. T EIS PAPERE may be fouv,d on ile ai Geo. P. Rev& eilCosNevspaperAd- vertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), viere ad. vertiang contracta may ho aSoe for lta M4BER1 ILJMBER 1 LUMB MEROHANT,- W W 1lT-BY, Y 9M onhbondal uppyofll'ne Dora Ltumbr Beo -a&dalamu BuUà]digLuMiuitr. Feu .1 Sie ub aMd smatig, alrg tyebad Dccx, Sàbes ud salways o hanS. 84TMS f THE ;" % 0# URTý CO1JNTY OO i TAM1$. 11k. - . t -- .-.- -- - W IT YONTA]RI, F rn &N~T1JNFlD. BlO. T. GUXPRICUT, Tuner, for Messra. Manon 'h" rceoonto, Parties vlsing theirian~x~in cil peoleve tubei cre re5 bs ei. dnoeon Byon t rh desb y&mil -Adra.seSIofbsi !i hItb o0er M mon& Ph t, Toronto, vl Lev prompt attentiont. 17.16 PrT EN-T S CANADIAN.8 eau soeure patents lu the 'United Statenon tie mime ternis an Cilizens. hIt s best t10 paient firet in lhe.States, hums açurntg ai17 year. pienît ; ouhexviae rime yull b. limiteS two jeara Total cost of United Statua PaetI nly #onu makiug applicaion, the balance cnly wcm patent te alloved. Total ceai of Canadiat3 8 yws paient, 184; for $18yeixs *74. On recelpi of modal or ASisC .SNOW h Co., oppt4U.8. Soiso e te Fiee.. meto.veyou mev Ibis aSies-r -n su, ma reta i wj h elp nu titi conSd. Ail, oa i ebex, suc e rom 6 bO hein. it brens mata fortuoe opents be the. Co.. A1etâamain&. DON"TPAIL TO ALL ON We FE4 O'BRIEN, WHITBY ?husphGlay For fixai claie votk. Coying and Enlarging, SPECIALTIES. Lsarge stock ai FRAME8 ou hand at 8.11pricen. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. E. O'BRIEN.. Wbiiby, Laie, 1l8u iSnu Western -A dvertiser 1 FOR 188. $1,700 ln Prizes $1,700 t. A verages ten pages cach week ir*q=etly more 3. Betrituily prlx.ted by new Wcb fiding pife., 4. Splend.d Agileultural Lepartasent. i. lealth Hinta. by a prononent Phyniati. . Lega ýue.tiooz aiwored by W. H. Bartrsie. 7,Eur anal Depirtment by J. Dearnes. 8. Ladies'liepartmeet. 9. Youthi Deparimnent. 10i. etttr.nifTravel m Foreign Cauntrie, Il. Llghsand Sha&nen. M2 Quiet lamente. l. Preher. and Cbwiches 14. Carton, and Uef ai. - M5 Charnlng Seri.lsuie, Picture, .5. I&. Witlra aof tb.WeCI. 17. Fine, Acro.. the BSs, and the WlSc Werld. la. PerenâjalmdPoltical. 10. Caurient Opntot-aJI aorte. 20. Beadable aid polotaê E4ttorial; Eclible neffs and Commercial Reporta.; and latent Tele gramImsfrm @a vr the arid. ONLY 81 PER ANNUMI1 For the meut tardy circulazed Famiiy W..817 lu Canada. eoe8ln auly tivpaperstu CHSOICE 0OF 6 P1hKMMS: rfonrardea eut scKewýëtIMenpU are, etc. (On er .,rding ta ist. A-Portrait Gsllec, 10o. B-Home and HeelUh 150. C-Ohasea Recipea, 150.. D-Glsdetone Portrait 10c., B-Wellington and Blucher, 100. * -The Sanctuary, 100. drAiente iwtuSlenevrY secIn. Bl bse sgeete. For fre mple ppttermete quel., etc., edree- ADVERTIERPRINTING 00., LONDON, ONT. The CrOnauctdhe West.en Acvseleirwli be maffleSta 507 addr frem MWto J= ( 14let 188, on reeept cd oetly UILO. i "w Adestise'. ppul prm alerequired, the ad. ditene amoa fre m uâtmmib. emeoioedm ibove, cith I iparticulsis as to wht il h td Addre&- J. S. ROBERTSON à BROS, * NUITET, ONT. ]KING 0F ALL SEWIN G MACHINES 1 JVORY SOAF- - FOR SALE AT - W.R.HOWSE'S, DRUJG STolun, WHITBY,9 Re ONTARIO.I . JAMSON.ý PURE LIQUOIRS. WaI.ker's [ooming thro Rye] Whiskey. Dek Gin, St. Emitiion Claret, St. Estepho B. & G. Medoo Hennessy Brandy, Martel c Boucher ci 1 TAL 1A N the] Native Wine, Finest Port ham's], Fineat Sherry Wmne, Wine) [Gra- 'Gor- don'sj, Lime Juice, Also Lime Juice Cordial, Aie and Porter on draft, also bottled. WAR EHOU SE. M. O'DO-NOVAN, Carriage Works, Whitby, Ont., Offere te the. public a large stock of FPNE CARBIAGES, oonsitlg eofepenma covered Phaetons, Bugrgies, Surrey Waggons, Dextur QueenaWieohapel, Plane Box, Bide aid Elepli. Sprins, Enreka sund Tirekin Buggies. The abo estock à mnm.ufatored frorn Tho Iciu §'i Mal. t1i ho Marii and vii b. .old st 1ev prie«., fer caeh or on time t sit pqrcbl -a aeos IBefore" MI -AflXA 2 Purchasing - Eiwhire Particular attention paid to paintingand repaizing. WINTER WEA.R. JOHN FE R'OUSOM, Io BHOWING A BUPRBIOR STOCK OP ROBES & EETRS, Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Ana othor fine uineof eti011, for Wintor sens. Aulgniei made up inialat style on shorteat oio.. In UÂDY MADE 1Mens' and Boys' Suits. HATS!1 HAT S Latet stylos in Toit ana Fur goods i ý IN ai Ail styles of -Qveralls, ..'VB 0APS. JOHN FERGUBON, Dund.an St,, -Wbutbyý JO"%HNSONý in Deuerel's Block for gour opApWipo BuDiM SUITE,- .i a SORobm S3U.Tse jElftO M IT,' 7 Corne One, for' THE-WHTE»- - - G fi. i j t, NATE v lai tIAL Â llfULL 8 WR.., e0 Peace, Pragresa, Knowlcdge, Brothorhoad. Paffet-t Knives chmeg~whIte--- - Y~N VEUBER 79 1884. ' No.- 479. BesmeirGoilPan The 'lest Hand on the Parmi' "lt je lot aein an ai allb, hhfarmn. [or a flie the conversation facwed -- ~ ~ ~ nt8iid, lnxgbingly. "8h, e -'mnplea'iantly, sud I;y-and-by, as thora ED A A L Up vith tue birds in lhe early mrning- -agranoecite prettfiâ n aea iitevtatrmd The 5ew drap glown lilte n precioun gam; 'l tIweepRi, And rMost inodetio~tre69, busitîea. Beautini tinta in the skies are dawning-, ior nr met. lu f ci ehlie i tier ' r le But nie', neyer a moment lu look ai ticm.i' " n1 m ltr % ranavay yard oe The men are wanting their breakfast er 1'!"vly, But lie didn'l kîe er ine I lie suad. ,Or,,,lie added, corG E .Ë She munt nat linger, eh. most net vait; nm 1 etn islI hlwsm ad For words liai are niarp and looks Ihai are Why Leonard should have 1Wen in wa8 te bave fia( control of her utilH IT -! . su cminuob a lever of anxieîy, evenWlfmnolf rhc wa, twenty, and reesaw the anal. î are ai h o iewe e s oold not tell. Hocever, ho W4 Bnn vcra4ary nf bor birîbday two menthe_____________ te-.libe niighîened 'for the noxt ptîSotîce. ugo; and-wenloi yen believe lit2- indigeetif.u forupwards oi four yearejAnd Oh, gloriaun colore the claudsare inrîdng, aighi ho fiel lb. new orgaite. - witin a weflk fiore litat lime ne learux tank no rat! af docteo'.Medicine vithout If ehe would but look over billseand Irers; Fer n momtInt hoe feut bliùn d atS d oui-ran otl-dIisi.ppeared." tc hte t benefit, andS déclares Meiher But berrrarc ihediahes, and liera is tic dizzy. Hiè e-irt!gâve a groni boueS, "What je ber n,%me V' mid the salie. Scigel'à Svrp wioh-fe gel fi me, ban cburning- Thoe iings alwayki dlust yield to these and Ilen Atood euh. liBut he reeêvered ieor?2" Bave'1 , hife. Youra-traly, The ol ien je Oed witb the winc of branty; lieahquickly anS eta-tea fa , ard. *Crigou-i ele li ar M.Wie ie) We bb , e Il sbe couid but panne and drink it la; Impulsively lie graRed her handâ~oid- ingont" Septeîber, 8ih, 1883. But pleasuro, nie neya, muet waifor dty- la g il eas hough il beaged te hý,for eh, iii.> ,,tice rgar II "ankcd Dea R ir.-I-finS tie saice ofScigel'n Nelwe or ncmite i. i he o ew rganisî ho boheld hiî onil ithe- bot, Syrop iioadly incrcasing. Al vho have The day graws hot anS ber handn grow ofaithe wreek. -.Paytie org,atî 2" r-ipeated hie trieS it seritver highly a! lis medicinal very iurtacol erboSAn ee eone t b eualy~fet_ oea tog i.htm OO1evirtuen ,sine cutaier describes lihasaa weari Ad ab semetlta c eqall 4ff Ilas tlonh thý ljeM( çvre tc "Gudneud tl. dynpeplic people." I1 alcmys Oh, fer an hu acolbrded t. Ihue ber nofi binee ye caean big for bis voee.bulary. 'Why, -bletésa mîedil vith confidence. oui with th. bira, and winds nu cherry!1 effulgeni i igbî, and hon whole face me ["' e.%va,,bora %wi:iî inusieon the 0mod Faithfïilly yonre, But abe muni gel dianer anS make ier eemed lrani;fignred. Inlat elmient brain. )iligneSl)- Vincent A. Wilu, - bread.Il 'amnPulo Tlhe bumyunletehy il orkink, the man lcaew Ihat ha baSil 10 g "h fcn i-laOi'iaejul e.:44 ;* icnil.hni5 If~ ~ " ihy s in ttlg'i2451 an beaninul girl aine.sli"ti-tiixa-Ili Bad 'Pli -girl ie a utece ofaitine-rn chilS OfrPrstn,îtSe,,y . ~l.d&o Woud al erIaz aS cll ilnihgn borne ber la hi. armes; anS had bl i y doer. Agauha. My Doe Sir,-Tour Syrup anS PUIR 9»r snd. envrotdm themunor. enaI e edtngo pnbr Early lent spniug sIc am]i1 ve.iii' ctlii ï oplac viii rMy cuslomers, many cloqoent face, hé migbî have known it riIway emetei. p ai DiScoreh- sayingîl.y are the bail fatnily 1nie2dicines3 Bui alter lhe snife anS veary Iaie ihai hie lave lwae returned. îîuoîîun. 1 wa inluàa .mouing car " Posseile. Syacutro am v Wlth 111e isedound e S ies tic I mt, Before th. nohearsnl wan ovor, tihe lima of th. Acci-dent, anSdWitO ne oîtle. o! Sr y caSsi MotioCam e l" t The nation'. inaenS hear nnimaS cle- Loonard haîl learned liai th. latdy'. rnuobhurt. îsd aieS lise lie o! bis vif., anSi.o ISSed, esn. aSSubcaebl1a e Nii lian itte "Igat te the apoî viiere 1 sepponed "one of! lies. botles I sa. eindlug fifteeà And I îiink lie eeiont joy oh heaven, came froni Londoni. ah. Ougbt ta be as Boua a@ 1 could, andSroi es avay te a friand vbo ls veny -ill. The raes blira of eteirnal ie, Ai the clone of tle practico, ae lhe laurel Ihat smia b ibeen draggnd outhave muci fîlti in it And the fairesi crowaof Il il ie hogiven member, cof the choir coaChod the. fraiamortal danger, and cernieS off tq One sale tee n aimn-ts te -pople t Unie the vaJ-wara fmrmer'm vife. brenS stGtOa . topR Ontnjde thevestibulr, a bonne not fat àWy. ee ceaiS fag o breakmont, ian peo Leonard offoreci hiid a e orgatiiel, 641louaS the QPl lu. lionr,- n v ter being bea fa.te deanS supe idghtly Treated. anS sbocic stea n gh ooi t iconged louaS lber, Sitting up, and but litll - cannianlanS ithe atiufa'hion no Re sen an eslat ber-toot il wiiiî a frankces and hurî. A deelor rene ibère, vlie tld ai, dea rm.younn faillit ilry, H _suls esy te ie le .1, villiugness, anS à Iruelfulness th..î me liati t mighl ho better for ber, if <Sgnrd! .W.Bnvker. And rot hed wougt i wih mebsontFà brii o gldues C th yothTo A. J. WbiieLEq. A hh nSdIem carshiI viimch emi ti'îî i ga8 sIi hyub e ie wre ta ho rounovod, taIci remevoîl W. R: HosseAgent Bach lino ho penneS ho trieS te duo ill mai.at once ; sa 1 banS sacarniaue and ______ And iheugt it iiBacon's bontit igit "Oh- 1 Oi yindon't knci w 1y I t tooklier away. Empres Rugenie.' compare. vina I came imet froua tie vceck e!f ".e egged lbard ta bc.litiîwhere He ab. e iia paper's circulation anc cailway train, aller I bad givea al nie wus but 1 wanld notl helen. TISÂT ONCE BEUIM UT UNV0ETU- WouI ld v brwng il la the public ligil the help ta the auffening Ibat lay la My 441 gaI ieone a-sean as I coula, MATE wom" A XI&W z iv HeT-inT IAnd h deaS vitia aprofiat emd ctii." powver, l ouaS you gano. It m.emed fu7 persuadelai atabcveold corne ) VETI 'PRNCE UMEMIst.L It illlierea wih roft ad dli ici tames tbougb a greai blant baSonAUi il ight as soo n se e aS gai oven TO RIS DZATHBT ZUtlU But bock the editan sent lii. anerncruel : cma itO ry 111, ; and I tel Yciu a lightl optain.Bu lier. muat bave ASSEGAMS Il I find your onsay ver ilgit, ledeed- lruly, 1 bava (oltit ilanoeven ince." been a misehief cof wbiob I 1 dinet Ii'm of ligit veigit, sud wnak as waten gruol; Hern Baud trembleS opon his arm, kuoq. (Lucy H. Hcopec in tie Current.) Esy again-in tino rau May anoceed. and abc ecemed t av awmore dandoy *,Thorament bave beau ceaie blaw Sine hirty-flve, years-ago a newarud Wbi i orviShIl a m ta iii. She apoeans eeply saS on the bead,-asomeiiing liaI affeoted Ssmzîing be'nty came ta obarrali For, il Il came, ta "il git," l'Il have ta as leelinglyaM be baS Soti- ber ceason. h ann'i been the narne faabjoable varl4 aof Paria-.Jilt caathe leuj- it." "Iiipuid nethelpih, Sean Iriend. Miy girl since. Wiaî aileS ber 1 could not seasan vion the Parisian fils nced te &Amd n80 iimhps oui b a ligi rcmrt uncle came fer me, and I vas obliged fiaS out. Sie deciared-aouliing. appean nI balle and ALthe lcbern it laie heart, are iavy made, anS ligiltet go vith ii. HoeliaS bect int a "But 1 tnew baller. The nexl thing lhii tresses povdered wilh.,guI.; or miudda an. smoking comparinieni vicweu e - Ikaev, mie bail Sinappeaced, IeavIng viii ailvor, lhe brunette. woaring gald cidet happoned. I diS vanttIc ea66bobind for me a brie! note, lu vilch povdar and the blondes ailvar. 'On a BELOTD SGNAI. y,,n ,&in, Ici lbank yen loig.yaur shesaiS-I thint il vas thon - certain gala nighi ut les Itliens evecy TEM NEGECED oroio effort in my hehaîl. I kuew Yen "My Dean Unoe-I sam tveniy yearm operaglua, iu the bouts waa evelled at . TE F PSCi.atempîs r ic re n onc." nyonr cilS, and am my ove rnistrestn. Gocif- a box, vierein mat lielovelicct* irilai BY . F SPNCM atem"Y o rnov choue." met .bye for a littole nie. Dan't looke for bail be n een in Paris for m anly:.Ik 5y. An clS, olt-ernmOarwonooi, a umetnigme"me, anSdauo'l wocry. I an-sure yiu- I Tall and elender, viti au zqueiDiueiy almost auy daily pipercou asttemt. A -n wyco1" aine nepeatod, in blank Atnftis cepten t nfcce san i ormeS idst f uan b er- liekm pointeman cora ont by long bouta cof wenderment. *plîenr tneaoeaSvi iiprt tiuaboUt~ c weativaolfulnià ougleed signal, ASte éti e iib a ol* ta b en u eeeand fbrciat.liai nlite,! oAh and in au inimtant a oigîîY crash, the beon, sure that abce id 'ber censes cinder for clgaihuerd bcohé me m arat et beau-ie9., li oilqd rnding di tituber, the pierciug mhieks uffciently Iti knci w ciel wubeing ho found Mmml i 1h.thne uïof the pîcI - ,ý- eswe- b .émieaa.n 1 Of' camein migli0g cW"i-theahoarBeadons vitihoe, or vici vae belilg bar. vldov«. otagîdnbtînî0e* ~leor ries of mnf,.ane a hoviy-1oaded 4"Ah " abc aauered hlm, viti a «-Oh, Nollie I hov c.înld yau decci,.v cirgiine iahïrtct passongor train guet avoir a mleep eam- voodreus afîneas in ber vole. ~ IIknev maïeosu " > yýwa bouig ot oteu'i_Ã"ilf ost a a iankmont. ovryîîîng ' 1 conid net apeakt, I i "He-ba ve r doeived y-ou 2WaS oc panie1e uinfi Leonard Rivera ccc.vled ont froni aw yoe; i knew vbcu yau came nom If Icouâeè*led frar o iontelani pari e a Ueougfnel ~.M ameug the0 ruine, niook hirne!, and me, undchon youen saiched me fren y an, waeucu a eat alc ciîeYed onbea.lu tbeaj thanked Reaven for ie adeêy. eat esd vben-cieu-you-tok ibe nam»e that I Sared'to keep." * baS b.th-iul8Sti--of beIiïig afaetyonng Buta ci ingle moment 515 ha gîuéofein ~yoor anme, and I pillaveu My "Asnfor theoaiier item - myveat ~ ~ iS ittiu-dk8l'lh thfflgilitici19sOWc ondition ; tus bed on yeen nienidor ; and I romin-.nov liai I munietcïaaviodRe ,it, -yeu ougihiy -eir*si e - fac shr iuu deutruction co' a bat or c0at van ber clint a senso of trnsllalneae and ehal h elp m m gote uulino' tit h q t4 eooôrad,.iJt or~t¶ îcfbing. c~~eetnsfa c wumine 'lu I feit jour geetgoabohiI10acta ie&retefueri n nandS>baazardwi -ccaGÏ Bodîly lieowuAnU cigil, anS ie muet mrong arme npîoîcing me." ngr; ot e lv, ii rnfr-A'w iùébrev-ibiù b b r1he al of hic undisiuishd sirenglli te Lecooard'e beant vas ihcobbingcldygiven i1 miscîid- îovink*- - iay tehelp of ailiers lesa fenînuato. anS ha came very noir Ielliag her thon à change wucasmdc in thée plans of uteoh-hi xrididulleg as the prèaiSoniëf o! Ho rememborod a Young lady ch7o anS tiare Ihat ho Ieved ber, butla h, levers am îîey baS -beon at tiret laid thé RepDblic,- Prince LoixN-1 - 1,mt îad eccepiod à Atsa4nr ia hl c"hohld back the vonda. Scico. nteadof-beingý,marrIeS frani HiMal ong nose, .hiàshaortilegit, u corn- bc araoe h " aSbecucii oly 7 She muet have rend the désirescof hic the collage cf thé g00d'ciociby farter ihat ha vore on ccliiddya e W lf it eed, ud it slreck him Ih&abc hauent, for, viliotwaiîiug înr leadngplenied mamnma and imaer Leoline by . rùingon 'boreebackii" thm Baie,' wer,- nuit bc omwemvoro bonesti the ceusi' quemstins, cie tlId hlm lthelcicy aot br aving the ceremeny bonetlt'th' 0ol, ail fond for-bhe rnintb..maxixlie irnIpeq - d and broen musa (nomi icbha bad hife-tolS hlm impiy and frntly, anS raeî-tree of hone; bfeauno lîhe iAppily tien ofe! iboYoung Çpuoless,. ' Jiu , que hilmiell oracleS. hé kuow trulb!nily. enligilened pain-mahher anS *daugh- eeangib&gY Engenie cas pXtmnrte Ho haS becomo interaîted le ber, an Her living relatives, villi one ex- tac-iad came Ita lova aen& ta ebérie.b tu le taciluùru pîriient nt oe 'o ê satire etranger, b.pau, ai. bad bocu ceptin, ceOcpour, but ber familY-vas healiaang girl-"lblen. hon Sdent aceet bille a! - Ah. .Elysepe -'The. inprtýo&'Ipn. mupreilyansu me dt, sud becansé one lu Wiaa. record tiare van no etain. meal1 à iiscpiues pn'n e r ac bail appoared ta be Ionely and Ail tlii. sha ld bhlm in a quiet, r be cilS eerlgvehmbuda ayin JdneanSp efu.- mejOôa, . nélanchelY, as thougi useuruIng 9hi. trustiani ay, as hoegb nations lb allie anS baprleeaus ns)oé ue h aebrScao (ôit baim [cas o cfa nd usar and vorv doar. , 1--dhncLtenthi brve-- e L----ur-a a1-n-à i1t--A tO0-1' ve7a rocrr mbah endérba 1 pi, fiL> 1 1

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