OUr Towni Chu rehes. "One Moment" Trilig wfth Turpentine. KtN~STEtg lOES ~ ~RVLE ,, "ne omerit 1 "igeudithat pain cau Tho application cf spirite of turpen. Il mtmti ot u-. We ,.uffir na.omrient a i tino toiwouode on spimals iteamoommon m wtut-,, oi il, hoi,. da), t once, rnnoh pratitie-iu fieot, far too common for A.SA [NL 1Ui(i iîstoît ît a wliole )(,r. ibti gond and general -comfort of domes- - Re.A. F. leVit [tr. 1. t. ho ttîr. 11 e polir foilLoiv ast but irrapple with tic animale. The. turpentine bottle ilé iinrvicu e a t t Ir j plii- i.,jîr i. tijomuut t tîttii tqutir,whio one of ilite tbings wbiob ta usually tei b. ~ JJN é ktt te%%sIju tùat blinu îtîa e .olunwen- fonnd iun fstable, andittc onotents are a SV J vIISCIUtcilI, iPuri; % Vitty cvii:b i t4ci, t woitip w4leiishal, kînd of eneral -cure aml- with stock- ReY. W. 3. Westn.ty, M.A. Luîmitot. vtrtualir .tdur hiw in tt.nc comploto wfn and irronit. In ation spirite cf Service at 1ll:Ctl . Alsu 7:Oj put m ..rof in'tuet t, ol.ttetpentintî if a stimulant, aud in large la uwIXî Hal. n, -ti,,u.'tt ilta en t eor eux- doées or.teppiostions s poisonoua CANADA M1îuîi ULIH c iti tii.ti ju vr Lie i. uttr inid utni;. tîritatt ud narcotie Wheu npplied Io Ltsv. &. Lt. Wîiio A.g1tta,4M t .tr. y ire1114, tUdired tir. t .trilotte tIlle kin iL Causes heat, refinetot, vesioa. atruet 10i .t.i e ait 17 li. with il. Li, tutu ic ma% I. . ver a" lie. Ition, suid often ulecration, anditwhen Ill dt.-. , tt Il i. vt .c") ke-e p thoti lkiîpît-îlto e raw, opAn wolind it net six.t~aa~w~ ( Ii LtILrtoIr 'ren Wîte>î -r., ýr.'ifor t v"-ut. 1tr L. t oilscates t noctassry pain to te htV jno. rtrt.ru .e'. iî .i. lit.glit ii titir it.. atîttani ,nt ije ,ven nbrorbed and in- tTîtrctor il Lti. Ut.11nt1 htI L a ir.tslil. 'l.1 1.tt.y I t ie t r&S t hi'actituon!o ite teart. Wheu BAPIt'S 1'('ttltItt1, îîstc...nten y'î'~tOiteuluit.èsn itetise 4beten tiirupt loto te Afoot of da 11a. . . itierlcîr 'ut, r iut1.Liorise or au open wound lia been malle ri.t.t, 1 tti.u0o tu ui-1 r "i i t.. u rc 'i ti rut tl LsI cf ari'n4tt-rt ou hies tbody,~t irtto tL. (". t'li i01,î lt "11,w ii, -.l I.-- ' 'o w ro . Lt tg Fieurt.ctt' ioLd b lia tyed,nont incretse.d, by 11e Leîtîr i'C,trlPrictit..i-r tir ci uii ct' 1,filt ttLuwttî tof the application o! veiemuats cf muy nt lort. .. ii 7 t rrU'iniall r. utî* tîtrîot cîv cc, e. e jhtond. tV.,prüfl.r noothiug remedieti f. r ,, .î . t1. tr tii i'neLt accidientgansd woulun i tic.' ..-t p l prt i.tr e tn o ON 'FfiE \A.71IN G r ri. .a il-. %;: 0 wo Fpn litf Lurpn utof a -'I tlit i' t li I c aie. ILt te, awiver. au el. ~ .r\rrvî.'ui"~..iu..ut~ t, iur.'rpI-tb ct lt ti uîicte, u se fil i n m rny N r'w '. j inn-t' -. ir î ,. ite i; rticn îit geea 't, , ii , .~'fo, 1 j iiirt', î .L Fn, (tL fstvmcig i tnu se - rr. iitr. facton set.] je ES u a Lt tr rt i. .0-. . r %htV rztOfo Fu h rti *Uxnistn 5.-cr. tr. 5- ir' n a r- e. . - i<cc.u.r 1er-t-rît t er t r r. ' ut.., it.,.. ' --e r c - ~.' j' it -c. 'tir r '- - S t . t1 r'it il. . ' ' , iitt.Cra'lit...t%, ,t et i, . .- -r '- , I., - ri t'i -IL U i -r' -1 'rrS-g te.- ritri tt Zi n rnrii tnr Fcr" r,'. ' tt tri i-. r.1ý I Had Lines. In ite cli tri, ii're gtieti gtr,t' A t "trh wm ma t n .-r- a r "it ' À St.- ritte up etrien;t ii-'tr' t e She iteCtter-mai ; ir- r. kaI Th t 1io r. qit:.k Nole K.it.iuîî,iutî.c !,rtmiL TPQ iit ,taiftptintî nn Moy (to eettg lt ew'r. t. -'-" poai'n L'Att.gn-.e..gnnt ,s ""'- , t'r , r1-1 r 1 1 'F r.-.1 .\t.t r 't i.' rtr r 'e eleIit-i r 1r. rot 1ii1 l'-rrrs. 'ri ir1:1)- lrlri fl tai t tI'Cc.ttle Cfi t Ili î fî<t l Iir WA-nii arumie. n..tireP Litsing ail r1,, tuti. 'eI emit0 ti'to f s tta i at "i net ice ct.tcy :? 'iii. i fLr ll rityei- cal andul trictà i Iiii.istiro tleutiiiuîtt ced t. ' .~ R . i iii-r. rle,'t ri Yi 1tc 1--Il p- -!,t-. -r -r t: t C,..u Grains of Gold. [f we la lilî tt rrirr-fcI.e rr,-h bave lott,,et-re. Naoi uenvies thle mcrit of aur ulter who lias etneeghli@ he wu. WuVe sal aHi le perteetty vrrtuouu wlieu there is tno longer any flesit on otîr bancs. Curious Ohnese Customs, r .'r-8rr.- rt.r c 11c-:- 'rr -t I n t r Ceea , F!1r. Cctnrilr t.. ttr-î' -e C 1 t ptc-(l rt t C-,r' 't. t. t-t.. llrrsLfiît. l-r 1r. 'r l .. .hiem îritie. Th, r fer tIr îî n - Ori' 1î I!i',l- i a r ror. Iilw t iin c'n.c,-rfilnt- tr #-5,r set st'ur t,. t.. ic etr-. Titi iart, ar '1i r... - Sec.t; t 1t-i 'I it mut p r-t t i i i.ir erî rhb ihcatru e.u me e .v-% cih.c p c ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' t'i"îr.' r.S . r ts.-ttrAt th ar, nil n' i i. . r-'.' '- -r ild PU . e- rr- trîcccu 'rn cît-seIr-sire t. tient' ~ '.ircl.~. rd rtn eleenc t "'-'r .-t I. Ul 1 - 'r I . r t -ex - c,..n 't ' rr it itn -ij I..r andI -uîîIis tiie uul tire jointe crack, Whitewash. Ortinars- wbjtte arb, as trequentî1 Unedi, las - n-ty ilttile effeet except lu uinfiguce the tri-es. Ta e dLnroy the tusecîss sud eggge htd in iithe crey cet of It-le Ltce, serY rond atronger ap It ive cannot i Lisasuse teab.c happy, re4dateti tLattte eonpttaency or a lat titilice i-o an taluit e -t lc ers-e paint. NcittI tte ali-tiion«O! a E lstrpincois. - solution ot' saehiug soda, maten %Vhore a cannie in iu0,'ou au appaiofl 0! ttmot ctigasilos. A n6 ahould bu directei taLuth.. ieact ratIer cf eue poud a! cummecîspota tIen tIhesela. -froroivt-o t' ont-gallon@soet vs A t-nie lfor livitW lappily asitl culer.,&lise set-y gor. is te S'Veid Itaving sLock Bubjiete of tis- - putution. Popular Superstitions. lappînes depondeDoct 6sue ntru mettnsud opportuoîties teou the The so-caiieed isî ut'ofthe zadit cttpke4sijo utning hiîu. 1 . phLases ufîlte moon,tisve nDo effrois Our huppinoes ilupenn16Itrlae rtithetI Itaute or ai nuiaLsou titis eatt art o! pleasiug tîînn îi o tel poi ui.tlit-eeare rtill ruiny pet-sous Wh, !ori.tadisîros;itiotn tu ploe. tes-e le>' (lo, anti for ttie rotusn% Ilt yoî wnnt ta I!a ritrît. yoli tiltit hote tr tnor Rlîse npinîcro cc cigiI. Tora ne ud ttîngitti5tOi-inLoui, &c., lis weih as île proper tioiuq sprert freta woli-bLeiug. ta kilti rog@. But 'peWovIt lie ait le-tet as pole te fathor, otier, iteard of nucir nigers or psy neoctteý chl, île to ethers ;facrlîse>'are sitoce Ltt-terusuceeedjuet as weli an imporrtant ta yen thauany otiror. Mhto waînLj andt !ollow tlese a igtnr#ut aud genereun affection ieoe-r loseay. 11ave more feuyadchat-ms tiau nil ~ Otter eym tries inisthe world beirei. Another Libel on the Coal Tr S'miles fre the Iiaher and b tettar t-e-. spouses 4,$ nauire te thoecuretions A frigltfuî accident is reperîed nf tle seul.' Lot thec elidren lite the a ButialoceaI yard. As cvery benefit of tiaem. kuows Or ongît tao nss, vien e Faiti na esublime t-ttil, ieyaîty la aocf oea] ils tinced On tle acaise greni put-pose, yul mako tir -es of -w etgIù the weigîer rings a aigu 'mon ahine like ltas su,tend thîir lice driver-ont, hall meanu "&ail ri t-iment viilme tire light. f vo balla '"tlrow ceaI off,t" tht-es Men'e fortunes are efionor umade by mportcte coal en." A nov 0erà tIroir tangue titan, by ibi virtueo; sud been plmed in tire office, and fLV more fortunas overtirrowu airere'ty, isa, lirai tir. "ton" enîy velgirsi1 titan by tiroir vices. paunds, hir-ang tir. bell. tiares I à kid vie*la lake'Tire driver e! thre ceai carl (.11 del A kin vies i. 8 Lak'sangula ~tire eirock, sud tireirerse, an a& heatlband home, aid tireaWet::t hieh bhadbeau in the bueinéea, malule Lu ail the werld tloesWho lo esculo ewu vss trtd yen. IL la e thie beart virailigirt î tl veta enbmed s e etid tr e s tire ye. -kiliug a promineret citizen sud fei tWiratesr has is t inut viuhant injus ing seven oceidiefor corrupllng I ba Stai laI t hie nes: sahrinvuly. Thre sautevenitiras ci Thot lu reouus.the. dsy froun idieuea; gîeOOover tire comunuiy. The. r snd ho thut. luanoyer 1dlb will'esldom hoe hanq beon dWachrgeut. xlo lo u a . * 1 CuivaIt-y i&. uel coued te lice lu htddtug* adieu ta Atic et-ple relation of thre&asie@. Ih la. asenfiment nevadmys il la Wei le quaise' bir vhleh hou1111-1rlghlly inspire amli vio Smith% comcat adieu tia amei are hlghly fsvared, lu uuy respeclte-fin iaeglgte Africa: varda ihogéeWho Se Iau forîtunatO bye enyfuipusing -1 4 ope yen 0 "Wheu sa tt-augert- ltie me wiir disie r w Ith thé iïn *ho OtSe ït ospupor mn, -1 confor mnmot ,FOR B 2',B OMPLEXIOMt-Fpr WItIn thouggh at Il Io Dot inysJe fk.l" ,nu "dr. auoo'.mcg Ru ire bljghle, but sny'olu ebmbby cuit and *cap. .hâsi, vbich hava no patieular cdaims te ]131unkin asud hic -rlf boalbosu admitration." dulging inu1% fausly discordance, lLb&lliyUrÉ. . ,etehamed:' Thé off eoupe.8a Earmetor. Ro MYOpinion of à ny mniWvho Ila swooLoulng your- eofféee ou yà u eau kesLs l ff yon'vautt b." sI %ô the Mw u d isote wý0%I ant, eie. 1 s-. W so awfmIJy alhrwoig $à * li ald th IbWosi- afreudy that tCa -e. ~otaseduu~pua vlris.-mLieuet.ealh hnaséî..a A« The lVaden's Mistake. tet3, - v 'oInrtsbler wiudow rvcry trmi. - It'ls-t ht.sntît'ol, big, naît br '-cii i% ta,l t- 'etCitaîr brutiteci tram s 1t i .0-e,, tin1iitider bis arin lie ai- et îsrte tîcti- ti.e-tubook. Sreum erd Le kilt 1lv rril'e titit Vit-ýy uaoring sud %nt ilbn 'r Iira r.nî'î,, anuitleesently lie t -l .liniri It', tttntit eil.Iy lie bru:..: -Fir t utrr-it n-tviolets aud plniced~ ti-mrtr un t.. 'il1 t-f te trosti cnrrr'd winrtcw anti ery uoorutug )!ce ettlLie saitnt. tlîiictntil ïhe ftirly lgrew to lovehitut. butoune day uccar ttt- nid tf the nthcuItl-t- eue tb the frottelor suri preesutteti n bihllet$10.5t0 fer violets delitviroiet the hoiie es'erv tat-rin5, suid then thre luvelietc maidFin i Cotît-rl ii- es-sela greeerv cierk att.] Mc.nntThrigs r6 Ri 'rltNI'u Ai N 1i t S- irIl'fla t Ss uN A Dottnr'. Prt,. ii---ii .t iii n %v e ' .c r'r t .l'-îî c' - îlit tr, nesucet Oîd Age. - . - i r~e r' \~r -' t"' r. ru r. r...., tri, r, ni~ ~~ ~i m r~u r i ou re. i rt INVALUABLE TO EVERY LU The grear Frenoh Lotion [for Beauti(ying the Face. It cauceasn the evidence of sgt-. 'ne ap- Plication wili nmke the most stubbornly rt.d mnd rougli hande beautifully sf t snd uwhite. Remsmbor that -1MAT DE W'1h. flt a pan rpowder that will il up the pores of l.sibut a 110w and great dimevery, a ve«etable liqlid, that causes te cheek to Plaw with heslîh, the neek, arma, and hands te rival the Lily in whteusss. Imnpossible to deteot in the beiecty il contera any artifla. Li&Jcharacter. It cures ertmsy!Siain iireck les,Wrinkles, Pimpies. Blacks Eeads, C raw's Pet, Blotohea, Face Gcubs,San Bu-n, Tan, Ringworm.Chapped HlaudaSore r Chappet] Lips, Barber'. ltc,Tetters,etc. Lt frocs the pares. ccl glands, amd tubes tram the lujuri. ous effecta of powders and casmetia wase. By ita utie &11i ednes ansd rougliness le pre. veuted: et beautifies the skinansd will Malte it sott, timoth, and white,'in2pating a dolî. ente soft7R.snprodttnîng n perfecthy b althy, natucat a Id youtLtttl appearsuce. The treat face lotjno, tlat the, wirld ever produeed. We wiill aênd a liirge bottin Lu sny aîidcenn on rt.-eipf ot pric--atue dottar. Whes. or- dering rîerrttun tit piîper . Adrîrest ail jettera Lu TE MAY DEW AGENOY, L%" l'arhoursansd 1'Lception ItîRoomdfur (tir.5s Dî.rincss, Loss of AppîttieIndgc.stîuý, Liyspcp)si.n, J4zui,îc, Affcctîernof the Lit er a B~Pimples, Bkrc-h, , oils, Ilumorbt Sait Rlu Erysipî-las, anti <ti disea.sts art...ng front In felîI-2Derangr-îSomncl, or rr'fuhur action qf t/ut No Such Word as Fait r A O1!r'- lu relit te or cure étui.-fr j1 r cý nicitir-,teA var it't.l tho tritthfnliy li tec.i.io Dr. Fc'i-eEatract of' WVld h i9tra iv icrry. Ail dehera se!l iL. iurr-eCnnieuo 3 onnzuMon art-ipci.'rng itto !Ilei-Aar@cIf*tiir bu-tat grls@irerdfui tng eûeifueutattni-, but ttc. cour gOUA tiuatdrli- earetoo tbraeto Irtv rc:liti-u.d j Ilts-'rrsoenn dangzer.. Great Negligence, - L5t a ti t-et .nt-t..eet witb tiras' itrttiuttn a tetuiar action of Liu3i-c ouînil hittterg cure rou3ýi t litiLi 305 llà g S=«uceWtztTOMo e0 WLt. girl ia t-risudiug at the front R F..-& r-'aI ,t-ici riizfr lir rbreu, itc..inutea kà ,RE.B-S sscttà e suc lu- ,.htut amet rostiie; bot Curo dt.ftcr liti.omi-e, nnd te ,twu arc- ':li tî lout.- ly tti.-QFIr le'c" i inté, pietlor, au S - ocur skr1 e 1yr lIi'aiitleel. - nMEss. A. H. DîxoN &S Duer Sre-Yours uftEt Unknown te Science. CaLThi, but 1 kuose thIta -'~ ~~~~ bht ~ ave t-cd &su tny thinge t Thlt p, i iidisý.ýeer dreaie that I 1 m t-t- tii lcter htltroCntittr Dr icF,rseluur'e Ex 1 t onider'i.aî mine wa. tnat ofrl ri ciýréti'brrryfan a cnt-e fer veli ns tihe nasal passages, ar Criil'r% Me rl.e.1 -ir anrd Sutu- tv'o seni me, sud t1san Usant mer COUîIIR!nut.'. You arcetel liberty to, c Whtu %ti.rpped Lu the litteral ratining gLadly mreomndyuan of et îeword. t'romwhieh thetin tmwat; dérîved, Ilpocet- band keruieif' eans *te pooket bsand caveriug for-the head." Thre band waato ne kerchief. and wbaî Columbus' foiu-th Oentenary. Yi.- eatlld the, bandkerchief wuvont 0 madc for the pooltet. Ail o!f tiif je o Tepolef ponbvarn 6 cenfueinu it caunnt bu wonderod ai that Tgue po dieo -s e prhav etrdyo a th emil oy-refrs is leee. oelebraîing tire fourth centenolalof the. Down in Dixie. diecovery of Aiorica. Somus nein The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy, deairlere! mpaises igea bteivf Geoue. - ini druge in Diaîe, vas cured o! a bie an Gmtial odba cfocn s- chronic cough by Hagyarde Pectoral had ameo ibta ul odb.rk o l. rBt.lasm The lest thi'omt aud lnng saes POt btClmu is rd healr kcwo Otorefayoirt- e lia.eppinug over lot tom perery exb Ition in tb. Ne.wWerid l"Don't yen tiik yen have s good t he fine statue et tb. graat *nauigator mamme, tou epreaut sucd mnca largo whioh stauds o th piazadi Coombo. elicen o!fht-saut audjam for yenP" said 0 au otd lady ta a titthe boy, WhItW" an - What Wl Corne lN it.? jeyiug lia tes. 'Yes." vms lb. repl ,. t but sIte voulut stilI ho btter if ah. d Sir John Lixbbeek hb. tanglat hie ut-g lot Mo reprettuton tbe j4mmwyeif.t' d e.irsMI, aFrench -"au anf etrinîoRthe 'li [II" augh 25 .~. dameexperimaul villa bis.oekmtoo, man Ptrenscriptionu ut a Stiseton physician1 dia- Ainertoan reptile coI)e@toi ba. a nom. ectsed yeare hy ta Bsbndruggist. ONE botý ef icardo virons ho ctileta Lu bSH EnU licure auï ocde mcoagh. t mugeo, as Uerruanprofesser' taîgitt s sts aluiost n 1 1ly aB loe caeted verytbing but talk, a fer na2Z5 cent huttie ou' -' UM " COUGII BSoulady id glviug s higher educa- 4CL3LE aset]dou'tr te pt off wi.tIt ty <tbetl~r iam te a cumbur Of spiders caugbt sud Il is said that, when garmeuts vers tasaed hy bareeolt sud physiologiste sud fit-st doled eut, man gave women te vivl-seoiouiaîrapuripos the trasiuing e! petticoaf. Ho did à itot preveut ber tweoOr tht-e genertaious o! (loge in frotu runuiug sfter himx in a&t hie pIse- erder te usake thuir 4 èfscendants pro- a ras and put-mite. Hae aw that if eh. ducs at-Liulate sonna. Whatl l te once get rid of ihal article ah. wenld uexi uhing b6? Pr.eîmably ibis.: The hobis heleal. eduot.d animals viii m&.op* the manuere of thre lumaurs ae-tend its Itching Pilee-Sympbanss sud Cure. manifold reiâuiremento,> andt usv Thre eymptoma are tueisture, lilas bra nches of mnaîst-y vili springr up--a porspiralion, ienuee biug, increaued bleraslg bath te man ansu beasf. by seratohlng, vet-y distreaaing, parlicu. o -- Lsriy at nigiatiBoomes s if plu-vorme S3cigee andthe Sluoe. ver. crawinin u sda bout the rectunm; the privaie parts are agmetimes affect- Paris -trtdetimen begin le utilizo ed. Il aliowed toaonetinue vet-y serionsa science for adverting put-poses. A rearaita may foLlow. -"8WAYNE'A lete notice rTeacls: tu"Tes.anad 'effee cou- OINTMBNT" lusa pleasant, dmcurnte. titainiurA*scldthee ueîsl ,paxt of. Âl8o for Tuiler, Iteir, SaltRheusm, ea4oak 'andi hexiceký; uitkotaaîar- Head, Eryeipelae, J3irbeas' Ij4L, r isns1sand brin ii thesaie mauner a. saut by mail for 50 cens; ee,$. .n edîjnsuep, of whèh moi-particie li stampe). Adams. 5Dr-i OW,&yNp, sLa atannaise offibrin,, î',anaom o0 80-SN, P&lad#pbh-Ps. . Sod b 1eusgý ur: lun a ifetiuea an ti ths acon- t gicl. uusse'hnsdsni-pair'of -býoots, -büt ms. A usotber, lu Sveden, 1king hoe u 'mà n uti s- ooiîuumu tirte touand -with ber 11111e greue fineletarett eà .-adeetli oova xl e o Iug, seoinpg ber lîoli -îp uortsc 4d ' lhiu, 6red- sked of what hbc 4ae ibicking &Th CamioiL the ontaid of heaSenid o grnd, - J1 th'otedsetiravn a o an~ ha D'u etriýéinA.$ mo'oi 0 tuut the ilnitde bet 1 Ky, a ifirmeï *Uifî vuÀiatbwé mer - Buelenls Arnfice Salve. ,kitébaen pr.» $Dý u Yuper, landbir T1t* But Salve la t h. I4et à ---------- ft sont -lation Ssii ln lt-r, t eor r, 'tit o be abers, cetver rfltioti those signe rade. righat' belle b iad ading imes.. iiat ot l:t 'TORONTO-CANAA. nie. and get fl'al pacrticulars & eewow, Fi. A., o Ccî'gy-eiz of Canada, .bas tAo.t- iin re-g- Xezrot7;,eaee.for te l3th inaL. te haxtd. Lt sec am. i have hait ne retuen, for caarrh, seîffcrcet setmach; a3 a veey ban case. Lt ceas a, Ld 1 Lireuglet 1 wonld reruire fui ta Usii as es-ccinduccd t use tItis latter, atatnç Ltai I idy to sanie of my friends wl »~ *=ay thanks, Cw.s CompIot. 8sta,('a . *S ?ri. ?or.. i i Foe.a-V 9IL ed e NORTH AMEA L i/e A ssuran, Hiaca rCE - t23 Toro FULL GOYERNMEI HON.AL. CEZ Lieui.-Gmn'ruorof Mt JOHN L. - BhLAMKE, -El CwW OatLeded lisqW a wILLIAm MeCAiE.an GO-.OD ýDY.. $6 f a aee Sthome. $5.00O outtittfree. Psy ab sett ure. No itk.CapitailCt $ 6reqtthlred. Reniier, ifyen vant btunes olcn.at v'tich persoofetcititer ,ex 30tg or edesmate gt-eat puyaila the, -ttn'e tt ey werk, '1' witit absohutc ctrrtanty, write for particuinra te i. ~ J U.LLT Trr CO.,'Portland, M aine. MI Caarh namao-urleu sClsrgc EiSd Lt tt reecetn0dvlomn LoiEve- taEï irlsewprst a ib ntIeitrni lnn "' e3r3n o ;He O LETtsRAeIs Niy TU zddeoysre fsn-tî icunîne1tn Capartrh sRMu-uuentsadotdrp is Iaiarcgct'n.t bIine r] Lngcemnd e come f te s ii a Ctatpraite cf rt'ittrr e ci te y fît the dcoî'.rtcf rte se . fThis pacrc sie irr.chy dpeael. ied n'r fvr;.able i nru acue, ande thrr'at;Up the h ucstairn 't b- cas theg dengtirlrp. urc fton rcetiit' c r 'i poison i of syphtiglris cnecsrttm, fÎronith c îtri. tructofte c Lie tonmai trc trthe ing cip ptrintary osmpition alyni-it d s1crh MI-krrrmrnpts ndoher pbren i tarc getilcre at i-rte b icsdsTtsc da eep itr..s ierna îtlitt nt hringerno teviers irua ctentri of rratin cn île ýyo prte e gorxi t ofr.ithe pecraits arefcthcr d c ore teoup rn th headmucus:i tisc u s hrrt umte tasa vcU-koce piycanUi df"n rrsstandig firn Ic -et.der me- strti e ofhe lu dialerin ithe ng iny pIn iisrîtcoynd peeonnanendtLyrhic. n thî reftiedistenss e ,e standiguso ouf a-og ( o i haeigena.rou dc, wiit noLrne ofhee omunce dota Lirticeao gnu managr,te psites a, rc1. iXONr 50Nye or tretse (fiee bhecs stap. -f tAýc tm.e Con/i-r ein-e o xAe Md/tliato t,ril yc.,11. sdng,, & Sons epeimn min a nuotlaed tpLerucat ntly trdofn thi hrbe discase , w etet e tandiLu g floe o-e fcor ioy yea, thti se hare cyte ourt e-a tndchonican-ee ig the tbusinessa ic tectie treaunyencs, iotamfiyco-np ytt of's-e been cdo C onf rca ftetld i IrI arto A. ufIle. Dxn& o RK&U.OJ AI .E B V?2O. IAAI-IýrtltYyR WERE. St. Toronto. rUDEPOSIT r~ v, M.P E. ave&,K, m$1 $000, I fl.:te -.. praiî IN OO LINESS. 45 CENTS TO $ 1,25 EA CH, J. S. ROBEITSON 13 P, OS. -FOR THE BOYS AT- 99 CENTS! REGULAR PRICE $1.25. TWO FOR 125 Club with your Neiglibor, and pay ONLY S5 CENTS. DRIVE JuS. ROBFRTSON & BROS. Ladies' Biand Bas, AN ENTIBE NEW STOCK, VERY CIIEAF. J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS. OffE THO USANU FINE WHITE, EýNVE-LOPE --S EOR $-00. Notking to E quai tkem lin - te cntnty, Value- in CHE-AP T1CKETs Firnl hepEcric11fe DAKOTA and MANATOBA -VIA TE_ CREDIT VALLEY, anid CANADA -iSOUTjEE~ Leaves TORONTO at 1;0()N 01, ~î ot MARC-Jr. THIIS 1IOAD 177Z1'OT DLOcKJI.nWIT: Ce - P artie s i n ff W ct cii] FSv etim e sud expense hy tttitiu.,r. tîtto rouite.Fi tirtîtesud fctrtltcr ý 0m t f'îapy t, 0 JAMES lrrtilwaY f'ttsie-tr Agent, Office, oppostite liovof Ilote], D'.rdeît JOHNSON Pi Deve, el/s R/oc/c for gour FURNITURE' Et \WLNG ROOM SULTS, DNNC ]OMM. SUITS, irEDROONI SULTS, t(LTCHEN -J Urt At Prnias Itat Bety Compatitit Corna One, Con'te atl, and su~ for Your'seîves. E -J. JOHNSON.-, U CLAEIIHEALEC AFI QUEEN CITY 011 CG, COLD PMEDALS Awarded ai Torto, LDt-don and GUelph, in 13,33, for M AND "EOU ILS. nrz Salo b7- &M 1 P zt '-"lzs IDoalOrs. Every BareI Guarauteed. SÂMVUEL RBOGERS, mtanager, 20 Front St. Entet. Toroanto. S 'rstftr the it*iofu atlthLeiiP-cci.lents fthteit /A1G EN TSomIi t"S.Telest, ad .slS.T..tre-i. ttetd- sotd for tcs ,thtie oi,.. imTtc tattest setl- ing oo tn ttiiAnimerem. tomiins.. profiLstme bi An tntelli.,,etoLteriewiitlt. Aey ont.etaritttcûme asiurcesctet te405:. Tenue Irce. Utm t.rBoas Ce,, Porttand, Mente.- A Lcclure 10 Youl~ilIMer ON THF LOSS -OF MANHEOOD,9 We have rcceutly prtlieited at 11w edtton o! Dn. Ces-a WELL'S CELnarTrsrnEtccr On lte radical sud permnent cure (vitheut Medicine) ef Nervous Debility, Mental ad Physieni Ixtctpacity, Impedincents tb Max- eittgc, etc., resuling tram, excessen. 1lePricp, iLuas ealed cavelipe, on]y i ils. or twe postage staanps. The ceiebrated author, linfiais admirable Esssy, cleri'cdemonstretsn, tram thirty years succesoil lpactice,tat aiarming consequencen cunye radicaiiytcured seith- out the dttngt-ooa use o! internai Medicine& or teuse of Lthe lnife; pointipg cnl î mode of cure Pt once simple, certtain sud effectua], bynneaus cfie-Iieh e'ery mofferer, no mietter whuct hie cotîdieton may be. ntay cure hL.mseif claeuply, pniv.ateýly tnd radis- aiiy. te'This Leturesehanld be-n the hauds of every youth anul every man inutheland. Affraa, -THE CIJLVEBWELL MEtII0AL CO, di Aatn st, New -York., KING - 0F, AI-L -SEWýING MAGUINES! J yLrst ns 5OrdinM mertab nuist le 1 A Iberi4- Lates for COUÉ reso&el wnCol 'to RQy!ý G. Y Tan. 22, il A TTO iT 045oz MOM inaEmn co" Sire J. . 5~I3"ITSON & i -' . r - lt--st '-t i. - - ' . -' r - il 'r - r.. -.- I.. e~-.. - t Stt" 'rt-i-n ~~...' r r. r- r ilarri e, ' 8.' - i-i - ' r "'-'r F-- va &- BROS. IN GOOD LINES. J. S. ROBERTSON