a-loL:D. Wedding Rings,- Band Rings, Gem Rings, C ameo Rings, Children's Rings, Seal Rings, -AND - DIAMOND RINGS. W'e(ddng Rings made of any wvight in 10, 14 and 18 li. Gold to order, AT Brook St., WHITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON la Colecter and Canveaset for Tits WRIT- B,ç CirIoNicL. ,and ia authorized f0 grant reciptas for snbbrcrptions, otc., and traniiot ordinary business. .WlilptbuQJju dc LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WN>-T 18 COlINGOsN NTOWN AND ELSEWHZRE. A BUDGET 0F LIVELY NEWS flATTER GLEANEI IV CHRONIOLE REPOTERS ANDi CORRESPONDENTS -A dl e s ing ya, im&rn nites. An' fwaiLli cil reut t" mott Towu Conneil Monday Doit. Yarnasta bai ai Qt. F. StevanC'e. Tise isuxpîgliter bas resntned* fal work. New Hats,Ties sud Soek Audrew M. Rosa. Ilonest t in etisa besi paliey for a grocer. Seo tise ladies' jerseys et C. F. Stewart'@.. Tisere vase apienie f et nug peaple at Corbett'saon Friday. ilEACusNG, OuT.-The Y. M. C. Baud go te Enfield on Suuday. Falit and intor Drea' (icode te baud et C. F. Stewart'@.. Psy op your ouhacriptioso accouru for tis paper and geltishe Tenonto Weokly New@ foa yosn Famp. Evory tling proises w'dl for su ununnely flue tain, Uthe 39iis. sud 1!l0sî. tsept., a! the Soutis Ontanio ,.£grcul. lune! Society. Thse hast qussity and lowerit trice-â iu flmncols at C. F. t5etr(vans. BRETaRSxzN.-Lord Ceai! sdldresaaed a large audience s in the ou hall Sunnay evsntng. He came îeteva nFiday sud loft an Maaday, BAc: AGIN.- M ibt Hunier, tise papular milliner iu ciraru fttif <le. parisieut of C. F.. Stowu'w î- u-<-v b.. e i.turîxod ta ton mter as scouLtha vacation in the East. Annvedi-La4lies« castima n. I rrsoe, latlie' opera Slsawlp, caossrnre Bose in biack aid ulorss peo-illiy obeRAp et C. F. Siewart's. BIoxai AGIN.-htev. .1. tttnaliam and isstnily havo retnued Ihosefrein lieir stitmer vacation, aud thse pastnrwl oconpy lais avu pulp.t on Sundssy nexI et bcth services. A MANOLRD Tiiuuna.-Fniuiey mono- iag Mn. Manian Jordaliad ihie left lisnmb magled by as siaper as lie vas tuaîqbing tise lasi ot s- otcifet cair halustans in tise Dominion Wood Werka et Mr. Ueo. Cormack. BUis MrxzoMEXseER.-OD Fridmy wthiiic fspoctia nce-ina of tobognepis polos ia bis fetben's lumber yard, Mn. Oro. Cormack, Jr., hruisei but ncI seeiouely bis elneaiy maimoi loft baud. Toii.g1ixq.-Tlue polos are up ang Brook etreet nonsh in tavu and ou tise gravel raad tu Manchester, fer exteai- ing ta tise nartbienn villages tolephenfo tecilfiios. The nmv lino vil! b. open fon buinenssin e 1ev imye. DoDouas.-Mr. E. King Dodia vas aaacuaoedei stise big attractian at a Pieco bah t Highlnd Creek an Weiîemiay. For smcme reeson, boy- aven, ha diiinul tirai up. Tisa Ballon vote tisa dey préviens, vus, va fean raIson a strong dose. Newavnda beautifal makeocf Val- veleenein blk. and celons-me, tism aI C.F. Stevant's. AN ADMREtîaOF anARIT.-TisOy ver. in lise Post Office veiting for tise western mail te b. sortel. liSe vas fai r Se. yond demcripion aid ckeS, "Are yau fanS of art M.-?" *'Vory," lue anlmvorei, gftzing atetrn its undie- guiseS admniration. MIlTHOIiorIeTAJ!ERI.NIL.-RIOV. N. Bt. Willoughby, paln cof ihia chinois fa spa11ng ie Isvacation la Bradlford mai vi einity, bis native place. On Sandsy Ber. J. F. Qckiey cf Fort Ponry filîci tb, puIit snd noez$0uniey e etudeni fnom VicoreiaUniiversity, preachaa. SHETLAND PONîs.-Tise Sinacters of Southu Onterio Agiesiural Socfetly have afaco pîbiisbing tise prizm lis& Seciiei la giva pratufuma as foiiaws: Shetland pony ha aingle barnne or uin e ale, 12 baudseaidaider lot $8,2ad 02. Pair a! Shetland penies, la harassa, 12 bade aidunion. 1ot $8, 2a5 $2. OerooxsaaAu.-Anetber oeh reient hes goeer ta tise majeniiy. At bis boeaPiao simaet, opposite th. Incuber yard ef Chisiephar Johnason, EmÇ., tisae diai on Sunolmonnfag, Mn. John Colla.e eged eighty Ibm.. yoae. Tise funersi Moniay aflannoon, tate Union Cameteny vas attended bfi tuuy ofthe l egntleaamtiie. SALYATION 'AnUY Nazis. -Capt. Wnlgbt, ai Uzbnldxeanad Lieut. Broed- bail, Mount Aibent, ara the nev offleers vio have tehexi charge of lia Wilîby crs--- Myn Green. veai maies éloquent adre»ss agbtly lu tie Bao.en-The meting» are Do uek.pup se laie as frpmy.- Canifusato la w n ,leBmusla. - tbe Mid"ed division 1 êf l. ratd. Tnnnk raUllay -k,. -bêtan utad to abtain frein motiîgvhie on duty., No QUOBUui.-.The îusber ofman bora PrObeut et elgibI 'ofok Wednesday evenfng filithe iu1ohamber, Iaoked ona of Ia quonun»aithare vasCo meeting of thé. Baud of-Edueoloî Milliiery gooe aaniving d& a theb feeghionable milinery bouse. 0. Ji,. Stevart. - --- NAvIoATION. -The IJa Walker brougbî a load af coal frein Qevego, for^ John Blow thim veak and in ta o4 barley aid vheat for tht port for D. C. Dovîay. FRai THE WgEST.-Mr. W. Hannam and vif., cf Brandon, aid formerly cf Whitby, ara epanding a vaoation in tova. Mr. Hannam in laoking veli and lias prospareâ in hie zxov home. IHa hiljailer ai Brandon. Oua FiREEN.-TII. Wlitby Fire Oempany iuiend taking part i the flromen's demonetnîtion et tb. Toronto fair naiveak. If their nav uniform are conxplated intima tbay vill -parada on tho siroots Satunday avaning. A PIIKTTY PAiR.-Mr. W. H Thoip. son's team of Shetland poniee, vhiah ho bouglut cf the J.ffray Bron., make an add and pretty driving teano and are greaîly admirai wluen ont for a spin. How WOULD Ir Woai.-A nova- p aper publimhed ini the tovu cf umurhano, a emai rsort on th. Borner. setshine coami cf England, pinta et th. head of ils colunon containing a liai cf visiiors, an announcemant that the word *ELaq." ai thoe d cf a name vfii b. -charged Bd. pnopaid." NEw LIARNKC48SaSoo. - Mn. Wm. Cslverley lias fltted up ihe building next vernI of the Armstrong Bouse on Duniaa strei, for a bannes. mlop. Mr. J. K. Gordon who tonmonly ce- cnpisd it as a 1ev office bem movod iutc tbe Deverell Block, second fluor over Simon Frasera OGrocery. AN Ox.u Fcs.-Tbe B3ey. John Craig for.merly pester cf ihe Baptist aburcb hon., iii preoluneztSabbath morninu et Whicb lime a spei1 collection for foreigu missions viýi b. ten up. Mr. Craig bas been eogzaged lu mission vork in hsiai since ho left Wbitby, and ax- peooac o n oiunn. Iu the evaning thero will ho baptisment the cie.. cf the service. BstOOaiIN.-A.moug the recoextly pub- lislisai liaI ut tomoluens obtaining cetifloates ai lb.hecountdepartoeeutai examlinatieus tb. Misses, A. Luis, C. Knepp, and A. Scaes, obtainfig lutermediete and Mn,. Jas. Edvendm, second clama B., shouli ha creditei te tho BreeklijuPublic mhool of vhioh Mn. John Spenceaiba thI aleprincipal. BoiuN- o.RsEon>r-Mr. WillEt. Nonnee, eldleat son cf Pesi Muter N ourse of tbf s tovu, lues givon up bisl oscailou in the Ontario Bank ai anu pgsd joined the canadien contingent et Gen. Wolseloe's ile oxpoditien. Tise pariy cf 91 of vhieh ho is eue passel casi aven tise O. & Q. ,Raiiway yesterday mdrning. A 'Mr. Oswol, Who n-ns at on ie n uonc of tise banka isere,is alan.oeeof tise party. COLLsi,%lAna NbTTUT.-The attend- aube is langer thon usuel Ibis trs- Mr. Embra., lb. Principal, bas heen indisposci iis e ek-M J. T. Fotbcningbam, B.A., the nevly &p- poinitdciassicel master, wbe suing his course et Toronto University took final clse honora Ibrougisoui, je previngz bluuseif ta b. e deciiedly valuable acquiseiion te flue Instilute's staff ot teacers.-Fiye final clame teechera mod eaqionilcr are now comprieed in ti.te Colegiaie Inftttot staff. Livr, STQCK T11ADE RaroaRTs...uFan the valtiable reparte ofthtie Menineai caile qvarlet amitise esblei neoet of sIx' ssîAî' inanket. lu Bnilein, vbioh lise.- o1ppared in ils commercial ut su 1914for îte ai few weeks. the Ci u:' t einilebtsl el10ils enter- pri8itisL' netrpolitan catruoporary tise MuLrlrssI<hz~(e. Tixese canuot but heof ai' ea< unltuest sud value te many of aur rea.lee, ainaitoîl se voarefi the banner etooh-afiug coauty of thue Province. A -'-ruses: fi iAurtIDca. -It l a stc . ' :neraillv Lerst, tays uhe st. Loir Ài.îS lLuvr r,-eé4r¶à e t iei ' s envvi'ef u01F, iv . a irosIuody sud pro.-c ' a,:usut11 i, pgsouooa effecta; cf tsisur oant. %We lieatheiantisorsty of au cli nsident is'.corroboration of tisa slalems-nt fluai the poison ivy lent oa bo ciew&an sd saton withis i.- pnuity. Ho heand of itr effilacy as s cure for tise ronlaomu cutaneone diseaso mising tram contact viih tise vine-, ont sw su aten in pmoot of ite isarrîea oqiaities. lie aise ae tI hisselt vithoul suffaning any incen- fouce. t .hrmy hoas voil!te boy tisai tihe pisist in net paianona vison taisis inio tise stomacis, anS thet timore may he nost ruz fa tise opinion that it- funniahes au antidote fer its ovi poison.- A PECULIAR FEDIALSI CRA.-A City 0c tatlla of a peauliien peoimen cf tho genfua craul, feoxifine gonien, vbo lias for soime timo beau in the habit of pandiag Fange stroot, aitiredinlaà ameet peculiar garmnent cf tise MbIer Bah- bard stylo, visicis reac'6os aniy te ber kuocsi, a pair of huge covluida bootéI mnda itrali "*plate" bat stuok jeuutiiy en tise baek of honriseai, sbe stida. forth in seercis ef victime. Tise firet man mhoeosees vilix ebouquet inIe bultan bol. i. pounecd ou, robbed cf bis bouquet betore ho realize. vluet fe going ou. and is bold by tbf. mrenge female floyer freeboolen ihet ha hem enohanted and captnred Ibmheant c f bis essailmut. The rnasb i. eldam reciprocatad ixy Lb. rictim, vbo stnugglea franticaily îl et aI y, despite thie ssurance uhet III love pratty maxi and a uare, oh i ad pretty, aid I bolnt-urt yon," 'etc. Bemetinies sho captures sncb a numbar of bouquets (visichu eluesticks &eh crnpersan), tixet mixe looka lika a "lcarpet pattern" gar- ion plot. PERBONAL Mr. Wsn. Wallace ia baisdaying in ton-n. Mn. Joa. M*Clelle.n ha in Rochester tim Mr. Alex. Wiloon in bolidiisug lu Park ILi'- Dr. Carson Ii tonu Sidney, near Trenton, yestenday. Mn. J. E. Farewve1lislaineDetraoi aidchi- cago ibis veek. Mise Moîntyre le vlsiting friands et Ire quais, nean Monîreal. miss Wama and Mias B. Anau l left yasten.ý day tor e trip te Grenton. Mr. D. M. Deoker sund Mime Beatnice Doker are vlmtng in Oillia. 'Mra, D. Everof ai ckering, loft Tneadny fer e trip te Lanciobro Miani. Miss Aunis MeCiung ai Bovinei,is tbe guemt oi Mr. J. B. PovoîL Mno. Thou, Beugougb et Toronto is vifi- lng in t Lve, Lb.guas o ai M.ï. <Ynle. ,Mn. A. Xi. Docker, cauoty ceui reporter, la in ettendance et thb. shothai convoi- tITan lu Torenlo. Miss MadgeEppletivobt ba ast fig ln tuiai th. puSt tva ve.ielxaa e- tunned te oasiurla Mn.,Eanastia5er. son o!fu>V. A.P. YFll r etor et AU 8alitsl, le ostsenxg hie Vacation aM bornaelavisw. ý1 Ur, Davi J. Celer, o! lb. CuaosIM zle Mir. GaIdu1in rSmith- ham retinabit Toronto erre aW tva vebu' iiit elb.é liortbveat, Ire vas setir se Indion smi, MO0 Mlles bayeilippeg. Ris impres- ataie t te otiury andaubtiese appean lu ai raelyîub.rot the Wo. Mr- Brathvalte, a& L"OEaiEng. DSelle- itr aa melberaof thé aacity o! friande, le tri canada se a eonlwofer tram the heai Centre of lhe society ta Dss hat cen ha doue taesI thse unhappy dissensions amang th. brtira n tibmCauntry. ne van ba&lyin" n a ea uibvac mcient at P utn et veek and vil) balai up for avezal days. Rayv. J. H. Brooks, the oolorai pnaeher, vho died te Waehingonlust vaek vauthe champion bep hoenaiwb.ved. lt ila ne. -cûded tIsai upon oneoccasion ha immersai fifty-six persoanone ou anad sixteen minuten, and although it wu ansertait that ha iu smrneeues ouittai tbe custornx formula, and marely laid <l'mre te you an ho duckoi the couvert, hie record wu neyer baex DI13TRICT DABHESB. WEKAT 18 00100 ON INiTHE iiN"IOH BOR130O F ONTARJO OOUNTY. Several Oilliana bave applied to'oîn the Canadian contingent cfan. Wolseley'e Egyptian axpedition for tha rosona cf Gardon att Khartoum. Eighty-uine ratepayenu cf Ponatan- guisheno Petitioned the council te .11ev bulle toarmn et large. The Ontario Qovernmant lbes pur. chaaed. et Orillia, fixe preperty of Mr. Martin, kuown as the Bunkett Farmi as a site for the nev asylun-150 acrea, ai $45 par acre. A portion cf Mn. Thompson's farm vili be purchasai, ta. giv. the property e hako frot Busiess Notes. IMPORTaNT ANNOUNCKiIRNT5PRuOX WEITBY MKlCHA"fs. Nev Cleakhnga, aid Ulstanings. Auirav M. Reom. Good Valua in Navy bIne aid Grey flanuela. Audrev M. Boss Oeitlok aa that gmet big bangaf a in Tveed Suite et C. F. Stevarl'm. Fammanad ceimumersetofcil viii de weli te usa tbm Quesu City Oil Ce'.. Celebraled POUELES Maohiuory Qi). for sale by alilfrai-aan dealers. See thain mivanilsement. Valvemunos jn Plain Blaek and Colore aime Brocaies. Andrev M. Roise. Tsan CaRAPzr TYET.- genuine Waltbam lover vaicis, 7 jeveis. in a Ses. slver eaua, vith gold points, uuly $12- gmrnain 2jes. case $11; stem win ers $10 et P.Taytor'e, the practial vatelumaken. Splendid Amormeni of Drase Geois in Black andSaU the leaSing aies. Andrev M. Rom.. Toronto Exhibition - round tri p ticeta lStb te lUth Sept., inclusive, good te ratura te 22ud enly, 81.00. "Cbildransa day,' Sept. 131h, reluru tickets issuei tae hildrnaaged ô te 12. years enly 40o geai te roturu till 22ni. Buy tickets at 'Telegraph Offce' Wbiihy. GOOZ) rIIE YE.OR ROUND.-Natosai Pill are a qnd lood purifier, laver rt-qulatur, ansd ,sid purgatsn'e jor ail Practical Forestry. To the Editor cf the. Whiby Caucte- ICLE. DiaSuit : I have contnascte.l for 5,000isiack valant t,-eea, fonr feot higli, te coma tram tise Western States. Tise cecI wiii, lidi idova free in Oshava, inuindisiitribution, fnigbf, duty, d&.. not ezoci dtveuty cent& =adi, cmiug fa caricade. -I bangbt tlsetufan tise purpusa afinidncing tise nesiionia et Piekenina, East sud Wert Wiiby, Reais and Danifugien, f nemi- iag tlue tovus cul villages, se plaet tboan faand about Ibein homes. I v"I gi.tbern te eny on. wba déines ibem (ntexeeeding ton) eit actuel ceet. Tbey are-a very repid graver; makeaa beautitul ebede Iree, Sean e deliciena nul and are very vainebie fer lamban vîseneven if miigisi e dfuirable goeuct thiso owu. I baeve tixaugisi Ibt fine orn aux of tisenoplanted iu a aircle, bey 75 feet luinferneter, aid<'ne in the centre, wouid make e vory beautifal and deainaisie croup et trocs for shade for esstie. Tlxey viii aime ad lathe beauty aid caufent ci home. vhen piautid in oui ebent tise boumas aid barne;- but, I vouid suRgeel te thosa visa pleut ibsm thît îisay uirnthern vison ver3- young, hy dogeo, e e te baive tise main triai 18 or 20 tet bigîs leoeaney limbe are aliovai te branchseut. This vil! add te their veine in the filon. for lunuber. Tbrm. trees plantai uen Hamilton, 80 y.ara ago.mne said te b. uow vomIs $100 ach ta eut deo fer humban. I viii fi.e mny applications whieb are sent te me for thêta in the arder in vixicis tbey ana received sid fi1 thora te tb. saeaonder. Tbey viii coma eanly fi h fis.ng, but I vouli like te mevw, et as eenly a data as possible, via would Mei thein. I bave takan lb. treuble te gel Ibeme IneeeleIly fer tie purpoefa diug te the b.anty aid comfont 0ettlb. bores in tlUn ecmton. I amrn area uy oee viaplants tbomm vil f..l repeid vithin aà veny fev yaanm and that bis chiidren anS chiidran's ohiliren viii thank hlm for it, Oua planteS in my gardon bore nuls Lhe tLin yaar after plenting. I arn, deanr air, ura veny trniy, F. W. QLEN. Anti-ProhiUbition PiCkles. Te zTaE EIzeaor ?TEE CHROMIL.- Sir: Flouea pubimh à e racpe fer put. tlig ocumbarsanad othan pickles in elcoiel, viti tb. proportions of vator aid othen ingrediante for piciilîg. Oni Suusainom. Tisane are vrinis recipas for making vbimiey end elcahel pickles, bul a correspodont onda tba fdfloiug sas bis wey: To overy galion of alcobul une five e! vaSer. -Pid heLb.cueumbans, vealu carefuliy, and put theminuta Ithe osai fliquar and vater u asgthared. Sûr thotu up fruin the bottuin every day, andsûmr iu lb. acum LiaI gimas as they vonk. This pneceee sean mskes goo5 pickles taid eiarp riagar. If the oui ccntainxteg 4h.pickle s lekeptinlu.a venrern iethépraemse l ieubâtenéd. es n eoaxmend takixig off the en as fi rimes te the surfae but ls elrning fiL lithoformation oai acatie eddie nxeroinepld tien vefil iéïruvas. 7HZ RIONS 0P WORMS are <ei - D'X ÀT EUS. -Brou..-Dkcl allthe residpie. of~ 1884. NEW STOCK 1Nýh OUR E~TER~Y~ NEW TWVEEDS FALL 0F FAL L a G-O O DS IDE E'-- RTME 3 TT HAVE ANDREW 1888, ai inox-as.etf5,042 an enspanai viib 1W82, andan increase ai 8,018 u eouxpre vith 1881. The expert mavemeut ut sheep presentsam or uniavourable sboving. M xort let wekvere 3,147 bas, .eains 1,~I5s uring the veek previons, 8,881 duringi the saea vek lit year, ia i1481 lu 1882. TbeittÈexportesto dateanara85,228 boaS, a decreeeeof 80.9U9 heas ecomparai vltb 1888, o1 26,908 ith 1882,madai 9,2M6 vth 1881. Therewu a moaente demani ifon export caiLe toaday, shippera bolgcmel ai te lirit thalr opertione thnoagh ca= t; ai frolght raom. A festumreof tbe Cattie traie this yean steb tact that couuny huyona, uni aîied aitviLtLb. r000 abtalueblete thin mazkthava underakite sbip ou ibehr ou own" nni aua x portera look upon ibis course vwiteq. imity kiaving train expence thatiIt vil vonk fts owu cure. The manket ta-day baS a dovuvard tendeucy, anathLb hst catile n4)ered iiinet roaeuc re tibm Se, vbicb vas thé toi) price peua. slthougb smre- thlng prime mighi commani Sic. We hoear of sevaral lots chaiging banda at 4o @&e per lb, liv. weight as te qnaliiy. Lamt year ai ibis data gond teoboico sbipping cetle said at 61o054e. Cati), frelgxte are st,-ong and bigber tibm 70a ta 80a par bead. If port sheep ana duxl, veak and lever, ibere beang Do dhsposlilou te huy. A fav lota solS at i8oand va quot si 440per lb. live vefght. Lutiyean at Ibis date expert ahsep "cai t Sic, vbleh gives a clear ilustration cf boy 1Nev zeaa n unin ban afected uns traie. At Vigen Market the recelpis of cattle nuniherai3M50 baS, vbicb braught lav prices. The ganeral renom w" tram 8 ar flbl. liva vaigbi, but fev sales vere maie by velght. The supply cf sbeep and Iambewva analer, about 600 heai. DamaiS mleS tair ndu prices steaiy. Laxiba solS et 0250 to ". each an te %ality. About 40Olive he solS et Sic pern1I MONTREAL APPLE TRADE. RacelpU cof appieexhibia ieudaucy ta tucreane, and tb. lali fruit le no ving in good condition. Thora fa a tair damai fon mont valieties, wbicb about absorbe the supply. Cosumon vanletien, sa unbJeui- neitings anS Culvents bava miee t 02.5, rid Omre taie y Alexanders, &o., up te 850 par barrai. The mithipinant af any in. ptnce tiisseaffon vull ha maie by the laS. eBuenoa Ayreau ta Glengov ibis veek. TORONTO FAIIMERS' MARKET. The *recepts of grain hava been more liberal the put week, and pricen aue vith. out maLaria change. The grain recelved on the street during the week were ,a huahele of wheat, 700 buabels aofbsrie, 8,000 bushels af aate, and 100 bahele ao loadi andieraw 40 eloada. hThe mstrket ta- dayas quiet. About 200 baehelief beat told ai 88c te 88o for feul, »d Me for a lotd cf s pring. Barley steady vîth sales aof8SM bushele at 48a te 6c. Bda tteady, somn. 600 huthoeascld aet8Me for paw-and old at 40octo 41o. Pesa nominal et 70o ta 71o, ssnd nye purely nominal.- Halinfitaspply and puices ctea.dy: fonty loada ati at 810 te Si4c86 ton. sraw Seauta the extent of ten load44t $7.60 te $10 a ton. Ragefl i st S8.2e t "65. B.d, forequarten,, 4.60 te 18.5; hindqunen.87 te g9: mutton, carease, $6 to $821; Iamb, $6 50 t 7.0 WHITBY Mlà ÀT PBUCES. Fsu Whea..............1080 aO90080 Bprîng Wheat ............i100 *0i105 Goose Wheat............ 060 @o06 lou,pet cwt ... . 2 90 9*280 Banrley ..................046 O000 Rye................068 a 080 Peas...................07 @08 Peam, bl.ke.eye..........O070 *9O075 Blae Ponte................ 070 *0 75 Oata ....................0890 088 R.ay.................. 900 01000 Cloveresi............. 700 @800 Apples, per bu...........080 O050 potatoile.................: '0 * 085 sggs.................... 014 *016 Butter ....... ............ 013 018 'Oheese .................. 0 Su 015 Wood .............. ..... 400 S8 00 8hoopskins..............060 0125 .alkn .... . ...010 * 011 Hiies, parlb .. ........... 006 d* 064 Por, «o ..........6 00 dO 700 Tumie ................oi a0U Celery, pr dos .......... 080 SI 040 Chickeaperpafr ...080 a 075 -10Wte@3750 MUttoM4b th.ao 007 0 009 V«, aras 6je rt&L.006 00o8 Bécn, ...... 6o08a l ois Ierne, ..0.... 010 ois Pa!znps per bneeL. 040 O0 00 Shalet4 ar, " " 009910 050 Bediab i, il, . 0 00*000 Wo4uuuvaumé........O 0 01 et a .h.......... 015 a018 Thereo P. Keato, EdItor atPt.YayYne, uId, «'Gazette," wite:. "For thepuut fiva y»" ave a&1»78 neMiDr. Rtng% , 11ev fhwor coue ef mS evone.a- acts, am elals rothoin of a =mer type. Il neyeristal beffeet a .peei Ocra. -y filmon& ta vborn 1have rèoâmmnd iIl .peak o, Istu, meblu te'e.saln beau curai by Lt t ievm 09=1. have A0e forflve 7mau ns caierâ5h. only ralimble ma"j obe*e«M fer Oenh, Coli, etc." OaU aiG.E. Gibbari'e Dre tare and a a »VwTrigBoleIeLrgeufi»O. Sbaildfalmê:5â:ma blea hbait. avtternpere ha "a erlvrMU.- "Wltib ail ihyfales,?llova, thea euh."' Inela an, Z4Dy9rpele Radcha her IN TE MATTER OF Mary Neale sud DaviS George Nesle, infant chiidren of George Neale, tornerly n!ithe township ai Wbii'by, ite .ounty cf Ontario, Voierin- ary Surgeon, deccuai, vba 'lied on or 6boht Lb. thiri day et Novembor, 1882, in- tesiate. NOTICE 18 EBREBY GIVEN, that mter the expiration of 20 cys tram the firet publicaticu beréol, eppicatlaî vil ha maie ta thé Juige aifLb.eSurrogaeaCourt ai the Couuty cf Ontario,,aet lis Chambers lu the Court RHa ne t 1. m i et by ethse Tarante flenena) Trutet cpi: ,theb roqu estothaib. otber aifibt sae iinfant ch iri aboya nnamei, lon a grant te iba sali The Tenanto Gennal Trust. Comnpany, ai Lettersaci GuariaaMofihet L. mid infant childo-en oettheo sidGeorge Neale,Sleoeaai. Datea aiTarante ibis 10th day et Sep- tombeor, 1884. EDGAR & MALONE, Solicitons for Lb. Tarante General Trusts Co., 27 Wellington St. B., Toronto. Grand Trunk Railway and Oceati Sieams/n/' TICKET AGENCY, Telegrapli Office, Wlitby, Ont. The Grand Trunk ezîrosa peser trains run thro)ugh daily PrM Wtbvto Chicag, Detroit and Port Huron without hang eofcars. 81%= chocked tbrougb from Whitby to destination. SP=ca attention te paosenger tickets for MntaNorther i .chigan, Dakota, the Northern and Nortb Western St&tea,Britiah ColuinLaouii California, S 1 ad return tickets to &il pointa on the= =ad rm and Great Western D)ivi- mion, Chicago and Grandrunk, Detroit Grand HavS and Milwaukee, and Inter- colonial Railway. Throug sXge and retumn tickets te and from Nov yorPhilÃdelphia, Wshington, Dover, Del. Jacksonville, FIa&, a specaalty. Tickets for OtwsMontresi, Quebea, os ton, (via Montres) and aecSuspeson BidaS Blgenori gBufal,MDe- Oh for Europe. Cheaperthan ever. Yirat-clmseRà âlway Tîeket8 f rom Whutby and steerage ta LiUverpool Londonderry, eenstown, GIagw or heiat ol 2 und trip te and from Whitby, 80 Parties wiahing te sndtotheOId Cutry for their friends ccm have propaid eerg and rail tickets _f gh~e itaiwt choice of four hast oceen lines, for 8U7' In- tarmediate, 843.75. Cabin f rom SN0 toSilO, round trip M90te 817&. Aboya rates include mailay fares to aid frono Whitby. For thouh, local, foreign, sangle and round t pmralway and ocean tickets apply te EC. sTE ESON, G. T. Ry. and Omen SteaznahWhite Star Omnard, Aueeua, A.nchan Red Stà rý Ticket Agent. WHITBY, ~ONT. Londonderry, Liverpool, GIasgowl Allan Line. Royal Mail SteamutiÊs. Great Relsdoto! uN ?Alio»& ,SAX&T8 SÂLI W PN -QUEBRO. ......... fl 4.t.. * O'q bAng. .........Srd Sept. ............ -The Pmrisasa Bpt srd aadeztraetaani er, md wM'n:totp anzvlielbut $au direet e=m4ebee tLiverpa0 RATES'>F- PA8SAGE OMM* UnWh h Yfrc Mby. 9, 8$U, ont a« For tikets lu nfcrmatli, e pply te Gea. B#. Yale, Doinion Linea-,ofSteamship&ý AUCTION SALE.',, The following desirable properties belonging to Robent Campbell, mendiant, Whitby, will be offered by auction at hie bouse, on w1ilndiy, :1 . 4, li , it -;m 1 liii dweiling Rouse, groundes ad garden. 2 The largo vacant Lot, fronting on Dundas sund Contra Sts., next lot east of Al Saints' churcli. 8 The vacant Lot on Byron St., north of Newpox-t'o carxiage factory. 4 Or allue aboya will ho pot up together if desired. 6i Tho Ontario Blocki, containing three stores mnd rooms aboya, cen bloc, or separately if desired. G~ The vacant Lot on Brook St., 48 ft. 8 i. between Ontario Bank and the Ontario B3lock, with use of -walls, or will ho divid- ed if desircd. Almost opposite Poot Office. 7 Fifty acre farm under good cultivation near Greenwood. Good house,barns,stables, etc. Torms 10 per cent. at time oi sale, and onough te make 80 0 /O. within a month. The balance on mortgage yearly payments with ixterest at 6/ Title indisputable. For furtier paxticulars enquire cf J. B. Dow, barrister, etc., Robent Camipbell, and C. DAWE S, Âuctioneer. N.B-The stock of Dry Gois, Carpete-, Millirs- ery, Groeones, etc., arc beiug sali by pivate sale at and union coat prics. Now is the turne to seenro bargains. ROBI{T CAMIPBELL No. 2 and 3 Ontario Block, Whitby. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON We. Es.O'BRIEN, AT T=E WHITBY For firsl clasa van. Copying and Enlarging Large stock cf FPUMSon hand att ail pnice. A TRIAL t W., WhiSby, Juna,188. v ~fil SOLICITED. E. O'BRIEiN. FACE. ana DoTmI > Drggtethi - *ýio art @rtýd >r e HRAVE, YOU SE-EN THE KAZOO :PREPWRE FORTHIE ENEMY Ni ÂI)VIiRTISEMENTS. New Attractions! AT TEE TRY OUR 1 POUND PACEET OF In Green, Black, Japan and mixed at 50 cents per lb. a valuable prize with each pa.cket. We hav-q on handl a fresh stock of ail grades, from 20 cents per- lb. Fresh roasted, fresh -ground, pure, fine-flavored Coffee at 25 cents per lb., Co- coas, Chocolates, pure Cream Tartar, pure, Spices, -and al inds of Canned Gloods. All other lines of CHEAP A.D GOOD.' 0 We are showing the langest stock, finest varieties, and cheapest- In town, oonsisting of Handsome Dinner Sets from $1,50 per Sett New, pnetLy pattern-' China . Tea Bttu from $5.00 par Sett. New- colored Tea Sotts netailed at 'tholesatle prices. Calorc& Ohamber Botta ail new desigie wdil wonth seeing. Wa have in stock> Ladies aid GeiLs, young and old, are cnuliay invited lu ixispeot Our stock, and bc oonvinced that we have tlue -muet extensive aid cheapesi- steak ef ohoice Family Grocenies, Cnockory aid Glas6*ari,,Laips aid Lamp Goods ovor offered in the town. No trouble to show goods< Your obedfient servait, SIMON'-FRASER, Devereil's- Block, Brook Street, Whitby. snese20 re. -'Jnmes t B. LAURANOE'iS nhe followung. are the namea of corne of Çe Fer the T T 7, * WE ARE NOW IRECEIVJNG OIR ARRIVED. M 9ROSS-» z I BRAZIL IAN h WAREHO USE ! iD lRIz Tr MILA. NEW SEASON'S TEAS, FAMILY GROGERIES, CBOCKEIi'Y AND- GLASS WA PE 1 a 1