Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1884, p. 2

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RepORIl péttiton la 13aisoonuTt pacsemsou more tieoidediy a Dot then Il do.. aDY more ioci luI llon bac bein thé hatti, groi a pnabibitory ectitei ainée. fit geaut Adotgitation opene in lu vigerousiy In thoeiDominion.: iolly lias (hie been Lb.e in- roin e. i isnny o ll] N Ibe s.et bcd hoen ii operot: q anloait -calrd /qi ce olice etetOntario>, iLs ailegot fitiure aud -, q Torgoc,(2 re. are rg/a. 0,cr les iea a pnobibitary meitaut theoneua trng argument cf h quogtations for /ils o! cc/tevoer sé eantd Dodds, Boll & Ca. Sa mucb il <nt whateaur qsaîftit,< waîeil n-/il sLit ance waa ndeeti aitache Ilt eovn.( )T/era tte- piuot hef b question, thaL MI (8) het-'e tttt g v ai sîpeialby engêeet by the is the..colîî,îns of ite CHRONICLE t,, sellers ot ell bisII "ilston tony' cîcnuty ta cionnty. ThesaRget Ai 'ng tArir i/s priee ai ttii etidently feit that- the ime e~ticte ] ts'( t ste or,-acaîr f ,came- in the heîanry cf Lh. - tîý et sureforertaisier ol'a_____ trefie, vion hoveven piaeabi guceuful selle. Inilî/il/itaî îttstîin1.' question of prohiiitory legia Ottth pontill'yno diieil fi fle- tame o rgneti in Lie abstract, cccf/ii iOttitias to diti-u/ t Ibd.practical question, having a Mcit T/i. CHRONICLE ait i< /tctr &rîng apon the morale and pres etfot'ery lundividl c mmuity,it trit/t ecir'aîltit c a t/ir tttlta'tlio-n Dle ee lt viti in a vigaror 4'i-etla brf s nn.beyndtir tonçti, public opinion, in a tionsauti dii tendîtis it /,'tît - lra/ter itreotiqtisîg,,wRY(3 wimsa-i-ia, lice liquon tneffic - - nntîaîtîgated oa-iý; iLt-tas passec J'ttU, t/îirtlt,'hite t'("lt/ 01t11i , t-point when 'argument is oiodt - tt/ttti - t-li-el, <a, r-pove tLuis. Every tîtys hietory t'tiystfit(l ae ttttisti rey t- r, ils$cle.- IL ortainly inuit ho i-at and t/it, ;tt','tt/ andli,e-al l,îî <, d. Tho point etironsuesi 0 ije: Hotv eau tits beet be dc <q/ar hv< ii talI.,- is tu-tt Tho answer 0-( thetIrieuti, cf Icu ai imple' iiia t/ atjt,-o/«ah aicolinél e ,.'t, 0far ai logilatit r e xi t Ide,",the Scott Act." <tae a sel/f-i.(ttapast Iothre tillx pe,letdl iitinon î'arty have sait] "No. A - lions,.ye a ouacoompli.b M, ai t/te CHRONICLE. Canatda liaie a gooti liceose yitem kriows witit il. eau do anti vbei it <l S. I iRW RISON d- BROS, ual <la, Tii Scoit Ait vo viii PiIOPRIETOItS and ses vint ai-e Lie reanita DI Soperatione. The battis 9-a0 openoti l'Voé Adrrtisenents this Day.etiortly afLen the pcing of tb. At Y'the Domninion fliuse, anti it vaa Speclal -B. Stapheneona. i-inluthiarty-&2X ont cf fonîvîvo ci Truts@ Sali of CharichPropety.- -Tits, Lteanti citiose it-osuimitteti. Paucben. Auctioneun. Iiing val cl.anly praveu by this' SPeial-O, F. Stewart. viz : th,â tihe people von uoL in Treaurer'. Sale oi-Laudî Ifti- Taxs-J. B3 viti iici'nseaanti ver. villiug t- -Ltciu, CS. Trotse. oantiiug cise. Saaeoan aa Lie PeUMfOr Sale or Excthangý-]oiL 405, cowmeuoed to amoilto Opeation Whitby. scaevevîieivt uii Tva Excursionas ta Mineot -M,)&.Cii- eitons a hate IL it noluncharit lins, London."eonalansILi oouart Auctien Soiè-lot CampbellI. to @&y, that the friende af! lianse Pîauomr Tunod -G. T. Garnpricta t. not Ito vty Lmacha, ai citizeons, ta sIleclj-alotîe'tscsie Cura, - t mke il a cucceloi. IL vos not1 Application for Lettoesof la.lathp ,-o- rt tt-nu a ee Edigan& Maloace, Soicitors,. bforPtt-tti-e autl iebton o cmdu SPo«hol-Â. M. Rotse.a et- ol i efracmu t ho unater a goot i lcent. 1ev, tie n uin esnc ,I Lie Sott Act iProving itet-I totabe. The remadyi in rîle baude of eaoh municipal Atnd au agzitation tonr rpei w as oes ONLY Si 00 PER ANNIJM. wiu hat i lved ntan iceaeant v Whitby, Friday, SePt. 12, 1884. rba gi ttha ballot box. Wiet wberù herealu vemn"mt 1 Gur-iCdcrcUlttt 11CItrrIacLE, tai-àtet], h ham beeau ansuocesi -2250. Tnpesdye vateilu ilaiton vai a1 initier expression eft Le came tala Tiag.Tronto Globe flloly deies tthte Pree years ego Lie Act va. pesseet rumanet panctiafe ai 'te stock by Dan- tbatt county by a tuijoiiy et 81, a oa Mcîtyre of Montres!. Ouels thte on Tnosday iL vas eustainet by a tl "v isb va, fathen ta the ibanght - wtt-h joi-Y etf 18. Lie10. P. Bt. mignote aut ong'au-i "Tic koy of tie situation"- go -- -anet-be ret ufthLe Dominion is tu The Hamilton Spect atan is nuthority cei-ned ba been lu Hialton. 'I ton the mottment Liat a une wweitly, , people nov bave Ibat k.y, andi as allen the style cf tie San Francisco ontoome, vi May expeet e genej - paeeiug -cf Lb. Actthranghout t News Lelter, ih about La 1>.e trtet in Dominion ;mtand ain, fieving fi- Torono. T. A. Gnogg, igit editor, Lust in th% pnblicly expresiat apinu and S. atunter, crtouait, efthLe outhLe exécutive efthLie liquon selle Taonto Nowa, are spotoon ot as heing association in tbuî Province-the p& cancennet lan Lb. new ventai-e. Wih ing of a pi-ohiikoay loy et Ottawa1 muoli adorer teatit athLe ieat iof ît, thoeut-i-e Dominion, thore le every prospecot t-bot Lie propos. e4 paper vilI spocdily lmh te Lie bîgi- OUR TABLE. cectrang o! Lie succees lutter, Tii Probiianie o f Mine ai-a of the. Civil Wa.'BoL t,-ieaniLta na, rejoiciug aven a notolcle vIctory hegin viti Lie Novomber namber vithin lie Pami feW daye, Lieth renyuadcoiuewto probibiiiônary amentimont L t-e econ-Aepeetyucuicuin îh atteution bing caried on Montln a i ntenlisiteon, aO loi-si of separaLo papel -large mjoity.flittienta MaiDe bas Lb. obleetfwhii le ta@at forth, ouly beena prohibitionst-at-ohy logis cbear aneu graphie menuier, t-ho if0 ci lalive enasînieut, viiîi conît cf course spiritiof Lhe mosI impont-ant be rpocîti o motlle .at&Dy lime Modern rulitary conicitie cleouli lhe onL-proabiiionisae iud fan tie Union. The Main partit Ihempoivis In a tmjaiîy as vas the ca!tLie saiemo vili ha papîrs ai caae lu 1856, vhien the . mvW&@tîtu popatan cioracten ou Lie gi-oit ongag ponaily repealeti. Tbe passage o! mients cf t-lie va, y gênerai offeie thebo atitttionel amondureut makles laig lu coramand st t'le Lme, oit-b t l icnpcssble go nepami the liv vîtiont apon t-ho Union on Lie Conlederai r. amentiing Lie coni&îuhion by a 'lide.- 'lu many'isniceet-be cant ledious procas nouvîn0ok. popua u nr viii be t-be offLeer of firsI cou vole an lie question. The vota o -tt manti, aut an evei-y instance e pariaii tokin Muet bc regardet aipositive cnt in the engagem(ents antenconslidea proof glial Lie peoplesf a!icine are LiOn. Fon inKtance, Lhs baIlles t W eil actiefisti viii prohibition of tea cShilb ianti Vickuburg viii be deacniha trIi iting.tor à third att e century. by Generel U. S. Grant, vbo yl cou tribaLe fonr papens t-a Lia seres. Tih illustrations cf the sobomo yull receta The. Mowat Demonstration. t-he tuat caroful attention, andtinta&hi perticulon it is Lioughit-bel tthe seri Li ea etimotodti Lit Lie temonsîra. yl poemsa unequaiet bitorici iÇýa n luonor cf Hon. (0. Movat, ta intereit. t4ke phaco in Toronto on Tuecday noeL, viii ýbe on a magnitutie nover ydt Oùp- The Oct-nier Hsai'ira'e iii contmii proahîtiby ny smilcr gîbonngase a fronliepiece a ebarming picLure b, 8ruengt yl be' odt ar 1 t-o Lb . iMn. Abbaiy ai "Juedit-hShaespeare" 8troedhlni o Lie fot athemay Lihenoîne cf William lalck'e taoy, conservattvos svol ai reformera viii vhicb Dean ite claie, anti vili bavi LJoin baud. in doieg houai- ta Ibis pe- moe.oaithe delightfui sngraviegs froce notegeardiata Of (intan's cyn tii peucil cf Dielman anti Gibson, ighte. Mn. Movaî habu fougit no iliustrat-lug E. P. Roe'i "*N*tur.'o mntre paxiy battle; it lias beia a ver- Serial Siary." -liuFP. Zogbanm vili (afor o-tho iglite of tho cillionls o!this taoite reodon La -Te RouiePo Province a" a vbcle, b. tiey conserva. Tommy Atkins." Tomnmy Atkinesil tires or refermera. -lbhepopulan Dm.tanllirte British auitier, South Ontario vIils ent UP Ae large suntLhe bomne tioribeti im tbe grea: dilegatlon, ta do bonain taeteiiiOit oamp at Alderabat. A Mféxican mimben. A bontisome bannir bai metoîolie, Monteney, viii ho describet ben procati tonorLie occasion, unadir -an4 iltnercted inrauanarticle could "Thi vbiehs those ti procession tram thir Gât-ewoy ai t-ho Sierra idi-e," by iiniluvii rebch Frank R. Bnawn. Tva bietosicol paIpere, eue on Riog's Caliego (nov Fàuinii Lake Ontario. Columbia), Nev York, by John ' Mac- Mollen, anti the second by Rer, Troti- Yesa & go. ie il stotaÇd, by oit rosi- veil Walien, cou Westminster Rail; tant, of Whtby, salincu, vhttefisi antiandti Io biogi-aphicai -one aoei-citi- other isoful vanieiof thefatibe ecence of Mn. Darwin, villi a portrait fiuy tieof huni in Midle &Re, Lhe aLlies-th vene pientiful anti caught in gi-eau remaikable stary cf- th. aloive bôrse- quantitÎer glong Lhe o w', voter front, jockey, Chaile. Stewart, toit by bien. lu lai Ontario. sel!fcuti editeti by a Soubheru lady, vill The OuRioNaLal cf Auguit 29, pub. bu (satures efthLe numben. 'Oneocf the Iliched panticulare cf fithiig openations miscalianeous îpere, an "Maintoipol au omnnteti-un' immediatety appoeite, Finance," b7 W. rM. Ivins, pnrate Wbltby an Lie oier. aide cf lake oc- sccretany ta MaoenGtbaofe wl! ov ok, lainh, st Wilson in Nev York Skate. vilii dIret maich attention, andi thor. , oonherangfiebing ilu îîe saineviii he tlb. nsual ruet t ofetarieoi5 *,ttors, but fathor veet, Lie N-!cgra pooeR, antid OPAnl<mu. M61alu -elle sayî tbai Cà netv lilbing ground buho«.eudisooered off Font Gueon iAuaes-ue BSà.z. e tomons Niagara futher n n o hela la.ite,,anti Landanumraltsîlain cmie«, - à la Lb. @portc -are ccns.qnontîy happy. t, d aAnrcava4exuo -On Wodaestay to rnkb farttua of tttt mrc i utai nr Bualo, oa kit elercu Ianrgo' boss'anti Iecturl- g leur. It vas by Mr. Sala' pick4m.i be are.-breakfast, anti tram arce bat bic brother aifLde qulîl Mr. brebkfmc l oee 'cbeok lu the Bter- ArOWWlcitForbos lb. Ceetbrateti vý ueaol oeaeugbt thrty-fire more, mad ati oi-no,3t iaeeue mrose "tho béorting turing lte dey his catch ameunteatab pond, anlt" réturnoi with $1<atciof about 200 poqitofnt 11b. Othon flber, mou e a b.cutiibutions cf iboucas ceeu ver.e obualiy snocuitu i. one cf tLboi ooketi (àoïar 1h. account of hbu the bas e .hebmtoven five peuuds, aud marié 4eion.by Sitani c62 ceme of titi pichos-l ovrn bupoeundi,f. Sa ajem oul bcbrae for -Olci fialiensen say t-bat n ut iug drobatsu ion over ferty yeane, bul bai bie situbore ionrlthehast îventy. oscuolho eid ta b. eêhy yoi. HR- nr ie a. vil, nootâ t, ib, a ê i.tunsg toure -profitaleIo peooùhsMýc*for bc iÏ,W d' UaItozt - Opnion of au apnnt ddiions<$a.,11511>5࣠11)058 - gifv nplle léls u ueuaIing wvitien' ,t --The Toronto WorM bu ai'ovsdlY o h AnetBoatAgo» ui 1wn ndbas lb. fcliovIce - b msse tï t = *o On the ruait&eIlis v te luHaotian d Mi ý èk inb TM' ZW# onT, - -- pneci aB. OIONIO)LB ofio. *tUi T»,2ho failitieg forap nitin, bali it-ethafie . ebl tait!: ompelaor fo Ib plp&"0£ aglter. - th ru bAiret ,.. -iii.ma cnttal.. az crni lhct' 44lng th<>hae enemi2"aiPle -t-Jrô--i.-2 '1"viw-50E etofe, follove4 by Lb. atous foudatian O 050 0£  tien oftheSua vi de acvhi. I anm iiaua h -x cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~w vbtmob n îco' ag gtbprinc b ud.a eateu. "ou ttthe s-<kI brick building, bringing ne no.@labrae t m rtonig Raeeportlngoeuntnla s.aew iJ vs Tomi kbeic site cf vitousedtlo bc Joseph Bigalov'chae*trio-yoàa' boau bluceti ,nit &a oie.bre mlto oflë1ê,iW o i ot.oIta ctore oe Lb. corner of Qu.ou andi P baunila yedofvb.t, v-loh .Bo- vbicbowido a 1toc etingbaso, -ah etrete, andi ovDow ti db7 Mn. ii- <!cnub 1 hm t luausstcf .nummp. Te dat y Ineyug iapng. rn &d.gvas -ard ofRaglan, (i 1am rightly iniom è a t k* MûyviïW ob" roey-[ue Bahwa Tuoig heconr t ery-t.Igoea m t-ceil 1iif imut t tudivine, lflycoédO& ft i aebIOO litIle outb and tpini to Penny-Sit.! àunis.6m10 emrat uropean var sitoultiBaiall n &id -o wu- ý Î is votr &~ tnt-o Mn. 0's Hantait not d y' prvbable.llilg lb roi generci ator., anti fluti evosbotiy n hnoak ontavche'ni tinot MenthpoBable buy ha oi ltit- elon gan >Exept- fanmorsu lu tb.UniLi ted anbe-mtchlb'. inhu bitastu iae y t Iaim fnom tha I-o ta et fu m er an ti C an ad a, the efore , are prep os-c i > r fe d o r ôt in let-@ tb&iliet: m enthe, andt ours caustmers. Took a look- lan onlov 0wProdcOs la othanpairie of éwà'reu t te etng t ve htdu Dr. gangster in hct.pray a.vrîtita da -&ailthb.elltng, lboy bai Wreced 4.th.melÉ.aiod thal abl f heteprr itle bottmrtake fair market vlulec for th '. Il-- aa COc.ple .-lie pnUa sau- a-office, anti rcundi siveravll]e oa g*oi moIg-agon ratieuls in vaîîing, ta oneofi yiim ho vhnt, mas iery tbiag tendu>o support 1tnW. boal . Moiti ruunloga nouadr va aclg n vokntscfmd tebetf blexponl rOqnr.ute êa e fflele4tbtaiobi Wé eaigon wohne fMeiiee o eftat Ivir mnLa en b. atcbetwoeu Hant,» sud lleaeh fraie a oe;nektnd peut-ainot in ý diîgte ncext u. e onh * vouiti bearngt, Ti-be4ga- glucs puianti vasyevy7 itely bitiw;'le" . -UBS readyst81pfuiopIi9ctl.0usî tbe otbes-kind cog~cuof sweefnd 8 t----o- c1 uH*1s5vt Lwai. - -cerfdwcd. Iho dtioonevitionîiy 8porUanaid Pu-tme T, gîrle ,Y-~q»~9 veil ïmdeïotindo aait oua ns, t ttec.- a asuï.gitjIlis vwut bu dôüiauob t6 aftl ftbealing art. Istop acrom the j gg.aa»v xa vmu>1T -*I ibl teboit street ta tb. Davis pr-opt, fsud 8e4,ça G Mu,. Daviu lu penhouxa proprie, Siting 0 ipR at th. recet ipî c ntcm, andi ioobing - ' or- te ' . * O qule hes-uldU i the lb.Orillidullir- bu'liM Hi. preet buiding, 1k. neeriy au l Oa»p4np- WlJjo Ros toi g.w atbr. Lbo bu.leecplaces in--te vilflsge t mile, fcm s » fait,~ujkoIi ~*t~ê» #rosent, is a temporbry vooden affahwmeefit Pe ive pi a ima le a brick b EtblelanInmtbenlo< 0 9111, Bok lligai l crner -thp-lind~ cppoiltk lb. I>ovimpo te ortyth agide, 5 ni ~ 4ud kolbs, M. BLouas'dng oahe'p o.it q " t S4. W ab$Eüg*- mt# à-ro - cene s etr brer cor er ipcs "', 1 - ' Lvantt b. Dvte r h lb.- Ourai blc andfof bl e xt hi1k a on N ry-! .4 ' o tW - u---r-Cete., too we M «de p - - -- DIRESS GOODS AND. TRIMMINGS and the ýORTMENT 0F NEW -:AT- la B"AW tNrm WA ox MUTax DYguar oec&decec-Ouo1i T h e N E W Hîpea.- WuliTB, sept. 9, '84k-savlng in Wi ov lbait lOtter reoacbod the back borne 0f the wbere Oounîty-Bnd lookod dreamily back on th b. eoine beceath, and OU& -on LbtheI ïon iu bro.d laite bonnding the soutbgrn H O C veak. borizon; sud 1bavicg 6also wnad.r in CO C , S ý, ýrg,,vas memcory back tLu aller daya, ',ad £[ses drag'd retreatiug peclrus into lgg," w. muet nov crack wbip and b. off.; mo ýmPOrt* bore goes. The graduai ascmnt bau ýo Lhi§i nov becorne a gradual 4oent. W. r. Bell are onu the nortberu clope cf the liquor ige, and a slih bcange je via. (rom ible in th.e bade of tb, crop th&% ro.. fleman main uncut. à very short lime boy- ahad ever, litho veathor oontinue* flne, viii liquor maire àa lean svoep of thbetcandinz y tb. grain, except late cati. Hors vo go dation paetheii.site of vbat useito be known ai a as Payni's tavoru. The came recalse direct vividly ta mind a fioroi and gory set-to qp8ritY vbich took place in Whitby, on tb. t must streetjumt ini frant of Lbe site now ce- [le and onpied by 1D. . Downey'e office, be- lPu"-*t: een Mr. Payne aud aur former town fforent Constable, Alez. Camoron, Dow de- je an ceased. This muet bave beon sfar d the baok as 185i0. Hlold on, I believe there ed Co je a tuistake bore. The nam. was not teli Payne but Cliii. Thora vire soisraugh trict doinge iunthose days gene by. Bad W I T imntlýv wbiakoy ie juge a. pornicions mu iLs One 2 offace@. 0w s thon, bot the ovile resuit- fiper- ing traiL itre mare apparent ia tbae in t dy.,ovig prbaa t a iaihoathyway of socuning a goad 510cm lire on- mautb vide apen, and te ail appear- The @taLeo f public seutîmoent, cansoquontly gine and oeherwise, ce vill mako Lhe ances viadead. H oe Ianover 900d los restraint. recurrence of emcl a Calamity aimait once alter lio vas iandod.Iner l011.' Our sooial couditicn, iu Wbitby at impossible. The llgbting af tb. busi- board ofeao largo a black basa being * t locaL, haa împravod ine. thoni for nes. parts of the village wiii aima Laken beifoo. Th* vorBt cf iLe au, »0e- whicb vo bave roason ta b. Lhank(ui. doubtLIos reivi attention. Part Perry whiio avay (rom our camp vliere vo tuit, W. are nat among the croakire aebai goond nesan ta be prand cf iLs pub- bad Lb. fiah a shoritlime cftervards, a )1 j& aId as Saloman'. timi, vho say smîlli u lic.spirited citizens, and of itc beantilul young Englishomn tole him. But I , 4ery tiey said iben "Lbo (armer deys ver. and pioture.qao situation. Fîv places valked La vbere b. vai îtaying some et bY btter tban thes.- Hers vo ara et in Lbe Dominion ean begin te compar, miles aval for that flue, and cter sot- car* Mancester, farmeriy and atml a place vitb iL lu natural advantagos and at- tiiig bm out éas b. deeerred, succeeded onu- cf no littIe importance, owin gojt, tractivonees, Wbîtby always oxcepted in getLing tho bacn back &gain. I Qu wintor grain rado. Hors ta the.@eu&asa mater c ourfe. vcnldn' haveli tkm e olare for rote, se vo enter Lh. village je a plot of I vontd like to 'doat at muai groator tiaât fsh.' lave grannd once ovned by our notod ovus - lengtb, sud rofer-0. anypanta à fivo mile bicycle race for $250 a ry ma and ox-Mayor J. Hamer Gnéon- ncttced bore, buLtalas, boe.jeitLb. "ig side and tb. cbaenpicnship of Canada, Act Wood, Esq., Lhim being Lb. finit pioce cf ready S taranVithous Me un1lese1I betveen Fred. Wesîbnoh, cf Brant- Ditj real ostate ever ovo.d by hlm. l bas Mount at once. Ail aboard, and avay ford, ad Robert A. Neilcon, nav of ator- passed loto other bands now. q.. v go. No sleeping on the road this Boston, but fcrmerly cf Toronto takes ah.teo stands-an aid tram, building, point- ia ooi h od n aov place on thi Bosodalo Athletio Girounds did ing backvard in large and distinct let- are, 90 gcd night. Toronto, tomorrov afternoon, beLveen bolp terc to the ime vben R. & J. Camp- TRAVELLER. Lb. heurs of 8 and 5 ociack. long hall mode Maucheeter one of Lb. ont -O audy b Obta. r htpaîte. of their oxtensive busines. Thon Wle lninn.capo ui Inity boeleon tLb. votith e b.ommodians Winl The Faimer Befl? paier o heDoinn haan uain ai el hotel kept by W. Bonnnet witb lyro h oinoadcapo va. gond accommodation for man and montreal Journal of Oommerco. 1 ofAmeria, and Mn. Alox. Muir, ex- vas ou ha champion of theo Dominion, and ex- W&&. bessi; and furthîr onîjethe geneal Nov tlisa îgood crvp ofwhvb it@ champion cf Amenica, vil oantoud uodeY store af ur friand, S. IL Christan, en auhmoecured lu generally fjret-Olac on' againit eaoh other lu Toronto for iSe ýOdEiq., and nome other place, of busines. dition througbout Canada, Lb. queston cbampionship cf Amerlos. Distance-1 OPIe 'rhere are aiseaoine fin. Lsty r.si js pertinenîly askoi:-Wii Lb. (armer. 18 yardc; Rame, 61 points. Raies cf vho dencee &round Manchestet that court seol iMpressent loy price.?I Accnrding the Dominion Qnoiting Association te [îuld Lb. admiration oi paestre by. Qýet "Il terecent odvices fi-cm Western Ontarto, gavai-n theconteet. Mr. Andrev Hood, bas there, W. storted ont for a rn 0tehtere ie a gene-ai disposition amang Zlit Vice-Peient D. Q. A, bas heen Lun Port Peri-y, and like anuii trained fermer@ net tea aecpt proient prices for ceîectcd ta officiate nm retorse. wa. baunniwe are snufllg aietvery hallock, tLiu viciaIquite a numben of cul. and ranoing atter evory nov scout in- instanceibeing onumerated wher. Lbey Who Kiled cSk Robin? nDIY etesd ai pusbing ctraight on ai v o ~>k tbtir loardste Lb. Milnl 11Oted-- nre auld do. Weil, bei-e vo go again.-îijem home again nathîr thon BellIL&t TffE LTE LAOOOSSE ATCHETawKEN TRE d in Paaaiuil tbrough Borelia, once an im-. 80 emnta por buihul. A 1ev vould fl4DRPENýDEN'eS AiNUZBUIDOIi-AN and portant little villaRei e@ tcowan rght, Bava thoir- loads et the mill, but EXPLANATION lIOX TUE wEDita ne- havlngz a pont office aIl tOiaeut, but, refucsd te market any moe; bence nour forming Lb. gateçwey on outrance thon sacyaoRteWstr i e *oaà- far- ta Port Porry, vo prccod on the davu- milarstat cry areou b. et r boyE"JUNA. on- grade toarde vhat vas, yes, ad tillsufiet hatt bey eube ta boy -prin dia CRNI119 rhi in, Lb. bnsiness contre of telb agme. cinl bel a rathinii ARSoiue EiorCHOCE an W. digsmonni and e.* tathe intareasecf gin Tht. ia goodilinat on of LbtDh@ S 3al aur hora. flash aetthLb.hôtel et lb. font l>radox of à aroanity lu thé millet cf Lat emk a letter ind &hi cf tLeb.illI, citer vbich * &vplnty. apazt fnom tb. ccusidenatian th. Cinitxîcto (rom Lb. Seret" o f im on ivs bc cmpnio Lb ~ of vh.Leberh tueprudent on not ta holdtheLb.Uxbridgo Lai-cii.Club utateti that f 'Ou lr' ivs ie omacin hesi. anrtiggrpi inte raltreti poition the oditor cf tb. Journial nepantedthe Lb on harlvbatffson i n bok u uia« and Lb. vhesL atquestion, vo matutain thst match at WhlLby "on hi. ovn response- a round mywmm revîin n. ato1Port as-mini vitb a erop neanîy double th&$ biiity," and iedat*'no autboitîy (rom any &ran n <15 lte an lu Lb. cbmPor eIbeof lait yoarougbt ual ta compliîn of momhor cf the Uibnitlge Club for so f r a lse n n t cnfu sion v r. on the exceptionaily icv p ice s fan Ii r h ect, daing."à tun eins A doer viev dis ou- n ve cf the grest roducLion vbicb The editor cf Lb. Jou&rnial did noelà- fint improAcu orve, adis c h e cv o ur.d lu Lb. cosl Of 1necrlY ing of Lie kioti. The portialani vere tra blck a hcckdov Quen t veny thiog they are nequiredti tapur- brauglit hbai y c membee o f the Uz- ai romnt bock tegalocn d upn Quedovu ,cbai..If breadituifs are cbeap, then. bridge Club and vieeai reparteti, vatb P 'rg an-8ac&n. itard a ndthr own- certaly nover vas c peniot vben Lhe exceptiono et L.namesBvm an-u FI e-y, ao e o"fusion .v «on-bor. ari, tic, bartivari MacbinOrY and ville, vhîch, jit eomis, choulti have hein or ivn pra la e tae oninuL.sion i rail v.*arîug apparel ver. dovu ta îueh a Brampton. et ut in lay ceik tub.Ormoer, thLb. talot-e minimum et copii "as etproseuL h la i The Seerotary diti oct kuav &ii )uI waylikethegmok ofthe lat inos, therejore erident thaL if the ohaugoti vben b. vrote tte .Caowxîci.andi IM, aud vo e gnadually niminR before the condition cf thing u sreduodthe lb le !Sd i fiervordi andi rut il nighî bi mn mind's eye, andt iking definits shape, former'. lucome biti di.bunceuients are in bisl letter tu the Jottrawluat voek. Id the Pcrt Pers-y of!-thefuture, vwit e rpr iaul «. H.ecaniqutundor Youu, ,&0c ot fino brick blocks on eccb mîda cf the . e proruasteiy - -,OuuibO DTO OUN .o aer main -streotm, t-e lcrgelyiy neaued tecsifr Dot snee ofn abi uici eoel EIORpUR on toclti.. for al kintis ai buainoés., sud xcuSb@foruaifcion bf holtdigxor mptSpt ,ý.F iet iera,Ibusiness ve hope in pro t> h rtfiainooodngfrrhig, oI ,'4 roraonprie.. vbich cppeas-cto b. a fading raeR*VB"lRAPi ;e n~;~ Lbort. rAnd acm v oioai oeLb. itb tb. former &a.t la ulmpIy nucc: A arneso eptc a SOIf ans y iingot 9prspct cnt b u erabAtanoFaniso. But àva coula net t-arn -oves-lu boj clone. -She u s ed t v a B W ot i o B l oc t s - h c B i t t o ns , a h d i nl -làua i i- m r e v i t h the b . i n a b i, n o v t o doalier owe vork," Blec Lis Bittts sWinido-au "i ai c oiud for hem. Rondrs .CI teslumon" n at btls gnoencrati4le poe. . Ony fily ent s a baILle ut . . Gubbazte. T U T E ' S L A St. Louis doctai- mye th ot st v e tsà, o îobuiee cm, etc.. MU". indignaione,O ='daho cogestbalin of the Uier, anti ani.1 à ges- a o n c o f t be-il sun di p im pcu. R i The rume of frhhyeiId fo1 Oi à gitifi-gru of ai i yi & SLMUNra' Thm wiyll b. moitiby PUBLIC AUO- FLOaO& Wura. None rejecl it, noue dis- TION on Lie i. Prom t-hotropientt lfnigiti sane, t~~~~~~ is ic nvrsfaoieo .hdkor o ýbic!, te t o ilet, anti in the bath. lfe esaOctbe 1884, MyDmnghter pain te," i Iaeof aàraov The. ioiiwing vainoble pnoporty: ovel, Anti atbe probobly povdrt<)%pci~aih :ust i n la e mg ty m ean minsu bo vu dI n c p m d cd t e aten nhaff aivil. ýve the girl cvey lu thststyle. 1690 ot Db~<a Z erl , i he vllage 0 Pickeing.o!Ume i e 0tco e siohn There are many cogh mixture, but onpartOl ot LD umber ouree aiuth le Toun: m e M I e n '. L n u g B a i m n ; l u s I . S zo J s b p o a i P c k O J i D . P a s c i m S b e o n t Tho prosnt trengl, nnmeiaoly, f ontains àcofamare of ]and,vlithilkia, ýr»màcur thrngtout he wrla n 1andi shetherson. '1 s e a t a I 188,0 5 ictg es i, a t i i O,i tow ,tow P src ol lu m b e r t v a c o n t e n ts j a n a is-o ai uàm tees. and, vtb P essonage anti stable thoron. Aine BIOUSERH0LD FtTRIMITRE-con. in the Ho1ur Of Necd. taîmng Boe. Chairs, Tables, Scia, Steve. Yn do otl vot te ty openmont. but sud PiPes, aothaer tbngs 100 fUmeros ort t*4b«e Oit on4l toitet meaus titt te metion. t-eSrelief it the. s-mt. Wl- yen-r Te-ms mode knowab etdey o! sale. Dros ache daai't taire tlb.tiretarticle effer- te y u for-the pu po sé vi.,* ot a rm ve Ti3oi-m CARTER, 1 troublenomcorna ndmtoedo bis witi- 's" .,BIpl lt Pain, cdt ei t alPromnptl'. I'IAM's -jolm i sisý Imuyyav. asnver ben nowa Bîzsson Bux~iTi,) E f i . P tn tam 'i E x irrm t an m a kia n e0 td eep T HO S . P O U C II ER , A n tio n e in. td S O lela heifiushlasd to e ineaanti more,__________ iublecome t-han t-ho original tilucomlonls. vo-ka nloy andi effliintly. T O-E O RStIONa8- l! e eo me m b ersof lhe Coln neticut T W E X U î à w y < - ---OÜ t bbc5th-iàd -SM BëPteR.: 1mr, te the losiuseta tmet lb.vanta ofei Êg x t i e n 0 1 o u n -p oo p e v i s e a u .e ii r t e 8 o t P p t orte employ a piiyiie, or are Mr a- onr tavit toe Aily 9*1Lee, sdsa till langr 0 OTHNMNEO hr x dicai atvie, tauti yet ci-e autDfaeeto ut a & b ow or>a e ti aà m e t l o n a e t u l a t t m u p . i v a a mtql e c t oaffppltito, Punlly, lbolr blooti, and RÉt8Raonbw L ttla~lbolbe ~ - , -GOODSI TAILORING DEPARTMENT NEW CANADJAN TWEEDS, NEW SCOTCH TWEEDS, > em R Cameo î'Chuldre, I -e DIA" Weddmng f weight in ]'GO R. & J, CAMPBELL Hlave 10W 1in stock a very attractive and stylish CI-oth Tweesndenuiingf IALUE AND NEWEST, DESIGNS. R. & Ja Camnpbell, GLASGOW WAIREHOUSE. - GOOD ' tknaa For 8aIe 'Or- 'xohai .m u- OSE &CIRE 0F I t Patent mat fro Bituoteo lte e ï iasie cf Brook ' oi you te# centre o! the To-vu or WR] )cosmb.s- hlcb.are De" tkii ' % ' -a--- ie - ' nns we lrný,e .Building,t I n o ty f o i 2 1 t r l e s i g , u i b l e f a s - a vu le, or bievanY.- -A-itotun iplane T -0 F011 0OIE YEAR TO EVEgY UBSC8 WHIITBY CHJUONïCLE" te Culs Pap a fuil tedate, oad ono ocs i e tvnc, NEWS P'.»W dusrpàon t TE OEN& pauses là u ei hi~ur;i 0 cnr N lElWjo.a u SpC t heii ïm n h oaln,,. t mmN, ONT-, Wx85, :ErY- GOOJDS DR~Y~ E JlEE' O RIIm: MR. -ROI. 13r CIaonzcLX., ai roceipts for subw crdinsry mîmes SEPFMI LOCAL A? WHATla 0186 ONx o BUDaEt 0F LIti - HRONIOLE REPU "A hials HEol L Town Cou.nci a sta bam work. - New HatsTif Honest te& i gi-ces. SSeo - t.elad Ther. vtad o at GorbitVs on Paynupyc - 114. papes-Ma Noe -foaa -Sept.,--o% jl Yflennola ai LI vvý dopaitmont Mn. Drydien looks cuntfor th Lb ut vether it ain luhLb.lineocf stock, machiuny, or sed grain.. Ho Iant ie ivoigtbar, Mn. Samuel Holman, Ipurnobaefota beir ova nu, this yecr, machine of tho Hall Company, enti Mn. Dryden'a opinion vo Rive belcv. Eves-y eue vbo ie acquaintedti ihm knovc Ibal ho voulti net put his nne te any statemeul vhloh te net correct in every pertienbor; tberefore hi. opinion cf tLb. New Madel le of' greai vaine to Lbaie vho diaire ta porchismo a tbneahing machin.: Brooklin, Ontario Cony, Dec. 181h, 1888 The Jcîeph Hall Manefaettaring Com- pany, Oshazwa- GErnLVzN-We ore higbly deligbî- eti vitb lb. 16 Hom Power anti New Modal Vibrator purehaseti tram yen ti ceason. lu rua s mcoîb anti as: Ibnesho. perect-y; moparates Lborcngbiy; ante ofanning mili do« isi-vo-k 50 completoiy t-bat iL cannct ho oxoolboti. IL i. juil L.b. machine for Lb. fermera ta buy beeause il in no oasy to control. IL te comparativoly fi-se (nom duel, thon. can b. no vaste cf grain, sud it li bountilta do gooti vork noter every ciroumitanco. Wî heu-tii7 cangratu - loto ycu n oLb.hintroduction cf no complote a soparetor, a groat bcon botb ta thi-eshor. anti fermer-. Vei-y troly yanu. JoIN DiDzN, MP.P., SsntEL HOLIWS. Ver Remas-kable Recovery. Mr. Gao. V. Wiliing, of Mancosten, Brook 1 L - Oý V'-Eý,ý.,L 7 Y ]DU-7E- cýr-oo:IDS 188-91-

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