QESRVIlIE EaA Flate.B.., - fRo'Ler, Servce I Ieon a-stpan~. SF ON' lUllOl, (Port tVilby,, 51?W , W s aey. M. A. lnauiselet. Setie. a14I L:H) a. . Alsi7:00 p.m. - lnTownil ali. CsANADA 5MiTîiODIST Clii U il LOV. N. RWîlIecoibY,M .-l su sir. cOifutilil trtl3lra 13ev. Jno.tAbrelîsiuit - iet Service mti1 c. aud 7.lt 11IITiII'I UICiI Ites. J3iF. lssnlti-u. - st- r. ~ - 1 ti:011s su tt i liais lîîer .m. b ON THE \AING. Time or Arrivai itend l)ivtmn I Traiins, Mt-is Uciii i01 STiANDARDiiTilNi i: <J ,-,,,ad rscsk Ieilta,, El S I75 ' E .S 73 ti-Ie. lit Junetioli. Town. mai 0.40a&lu. W &.u. Exr 3W ). i L320e5,M. Leave fur 0-stevemet 10110cm- sid 4.00Zà .m. Bliu i t 9.30 a&. Whltby Post Office. Oa vus vasi CLOSE s-o mcii11Es-rT 7:46 a ; (X) e 1w Seor the e. rti10 p.îii . -ýr isîiic ARRiIVE. FRaceramtas, rt--aU,% ell e T 900.1.. - s 15 a is 111.00pi. II, reNoMrth i eu. 5s-.iiî iii--t i4 (l)p e OsanMaisleclose tu.is 7 V.. Moeeday lut e-Ib i Pestea-e tsi treat B talîî r.--es jssuese 1 maCht fite. terisls-e il-, i t - Muais tORse-s 1 aîîsl'sillà i -sri sresr4. Boss elei asstUite Staîce. (irsltre Iiiss Princs ie arst I-sIiesi. Sessîs-e lnsiO si. Dlm t-sreevtnde r vls-wi r- "fst-ii Putt Oîtt s4-iiiKs iarsk itecssicis là i5- c - Itsuiitertsi Losteors hi i lt- st, ii us5 itI. -befere lte cssiofucacli iil Oifice hurt s Um. uil6i3o tu ssiî - coptol. Ibmnath aving bees ineitte-uI ii' tise lista Utisuii ere lie aree&rati-s-ià iIt- f tisss i- Bat eiievs: - Fer Asîtria,, assi-suv, iseni lisI i-d s -s I- France, AMgeela, tiesistss'i%, sibrl~iuii . 55-à li âtre muidI,-stnd.O<resý.ai. %.uis - l i ergssssi jl Mttegire, Netiîerieusd, 7iirte i -lir-î si-rtu 111.Alcrse, lteumautta, IttSisaSt Pie-ru-e-.iiet eunthebmCanuy ary an(It, swedtss en, irîs. anud Turkey. And v-i ttnited SttIns. livirsîieie Baaam. Cuba, L5euish Ciilliseiee.1tSt. rt,,isu., 5.St siJohn S. Croix, Jataits.jusmetd Pssst. Riun. (1<ewteussliatul la nom- t*thi Pet leuiie but tbe sl étsi Ia.romain se beisire.) Lette-ru fi o012t, par -j ance. P1 08t Cas-s- 2tcent. cassi. liaipapors 2 ceneu for 4 cuasiex ittli Ytpm Adore, AMget.ie Csuctdrtien, umisl, BrIit Guag e.,Cylan, Groenland., French sCutis- aiele nAst14 Aidés., Omeanca ca" Aulorlc.exceo 8st.SPierrep sud Mt1umia, tPerac, via Pentan Oui!, pitCulo.s es In eaAsbiAtrise, oceanteca Tetided, pantali Cotontees uAttiea, oSantea and Anaser[a, oacpt Cuba sud PeMRteico. Staits m lemetéia Sgnapoiu0, FPeansi alri: etrM1I3t-per j os. itflsle&c_ 4Seta. fusic4 oet ~>theRslmtueton ees10ceu wsetlada lalsds 11iatlaltmsi, saonsrat, a. rmerly. l'repay-eeut Dysteywnep i t att oses Âeustemtie (scepi New South Weles. Victoria), aQULsten 15et.paers c.aes Balie, papers 4 cent&. C. NOUIISE, Posinester. Silence. 0 golden Silence, bac! Our aoula te till, And an lte foelisIt frettg tof or Icare Lay tb7 sofit tuch of hoche5 unawa&re 1 Once,forah&U hour,even in beaven lte tirili 0f the ccisar hevpine censed the air te il Il Wit soit reverberatiene. Thonua-ert tere And a&l th. shluing seraphs owned tec tait - A White, Luahed Presence un thie eavenly hitU, Bring nethy &ea0 Silence' Song is ssot; Tiefulita baby laugbter, an te lose Marmur of dying wînda amoug lte trees, And dar lte muit ef Leve' brya fest; Yel euiybho ho keosstes lea eknm e The secret sel of loleut harmtonies. _Ju1ÃŽae0. B. Dorr,în Attantiic Mussidlyl (Sept. Imar Me, Darlint, To-Night. me darUn.it's auin' they are That I gaea tote .an le bo kilt, An' came bock vid an ilgant shkar, An' a sabre hung au la a hilt. They anan promotion ta Ihose Whto die Ie defina.01ethle righi. IM tejoff lu lte mrin-ao ppose Y. mars-y me, das-itet, to-nght ? ?ther'a notItie snasses a man Intse ee s ofthe wurrid mt ait Plerced. lhroagh viti abilaif a bail. An' vItin I1a&m kilt ye oeu eas- SOM e ligatorape on yir bonntet. Moat tick boy tae mon il sbhtare Wîd lnvy vbiniver y. don il ! Oh, f val a p rond viddy yell ho Whin they brlng Me.dara._Iame é-oIlt Borneof the now dheviats ven ln blrd'&*eyo affa@Isare -callati Floren-. Itou arut ra-d velvet is Comibinea sescfeolai At ollve.eolored voeU in fan .mU.. Thse plain vvteiau i ii asert -tluoo as1 M101 fashiens ae &ù. MW 'à k t b I mlltwy st! sahdby r esrtcI ders et Who" lava tonaisMnti eobqua1 ca-e auob plaed th. jesy la s&a-e te h. PuuaInm lrpa l Ilaneoeen. We o adrnfme roe(ostylus "4 "ame.1 tubaes aPr m 10An-IlvOi,* brsb -ui of #*01Ipoutations of arouo tisaso star Provins iln Hon. Alexander Mackenmde. Mr. Mackenziem ancestors, bot paternel and maternai, sas vol as bim self, vers natives etf tble ndlof the heaiber ant i et5; fer lte suljelt our sketch vas bora oià the 27th etf Jaeuary, 1822, ie a eane collage pnct- tily siîeated near the confluence et the hivers Ta-y anud Tstm ell-oneofethLie tîlosl beantifut spoloi in tise sonthere U4tgllanda. Witin a fewM- iles efthLie enoîrul calts irai cily et Dusakelsi on lte seuth, ansi the lamons îîaoe oet l- liernulis-onthu othe t, l fef]cl ctdîtivm-- lion un liie tiroasi valley ceutralUeé t-tren:pY setilu u-r moîsetitu cenirp, ltsý t t r.Is tce- (u- jct tno 1I'(.i; cels-tui-i fur îs.tslialsuI-s iO-tut ifil, s fon îs ls î- ivrie lu)5CitS Nlr. M.I rktiui Ii the li le: cotf thse euèe Nlr. A i auds.r Mîi ofiu. e ' ogtie-ces, P crtiuhirs-, Sst-si y .ac5, sucsît:îi iluglter o r . Dn ofu- su. tiilis- isatut e is l) iIti l>ax-nusuul ieudifietervs Mr. lairi Mz.i-iu-i - o f StrIà ih;uîuuuI l.luih lslllcisss Oui ktîs In «ut.hlu d s thc-y etili Isi- uoas ssCtIO ilg the recîteut faills-e util;tlu cIr -iu district. Mnr. Maîckenziie, Sr., i1- t 1sPvve-n SOnsIsho cetîls-tiin a;.lu, of thein eacos-esfel cmen ausi ri-sxserk able ftalulity san! forcis sf claracler. The late NMc. Hope F-. .ackee M.P. for Lamubtomu, od aftcrm-erdis for North Oxford, svsea inetofics- tiaguishsd capecity, anud beloveti snd seapocted hy al vho Isîese bim. lic. to, hauI ho ived, wofià ld ouittlesm bave ecoapieti a mes-y IigIt potuon in Can «idian public lite. Mr. iMackenzie wm-s eîlrated at lte p ublie chcloef Moulin, Dssnbeld, and Posth ; ant ieis ather haviag tiesi earîy in lite, hos bad frein the age et foarteen le vin hie ova vay in lte -osId. AI lisough thus deprived te ieadvatage et a University education, lie bas bee a bard etudeut aIl bis lite ; andti ibas acqeis-et net oely a vory vide anti in- tellient keovietige of general literaturs- but an accerats, andtii tli-îgb masteryu sncb a8 ev pess.ss, of te loliîicel Constitutjotsal, leilastrssI ands!Sectai bistorym-ud prsext condiion of the- preusîneunt natiuns ofetih momît. 13v continus'ýid dilh et udt-lie Ieepe himsîf abreasitif the* liwes ;anid bis ready comîïutstd of the tacts niltuiîstrations buci acquilreii. tlis-e-e ý,lyif fntqeiîntly in Peniiauiu-iiry utsbile euth elling offet. Mn. M:Ià cie in Yoîî5.î sus-us-si tIte businessonia Liîlser tandtiArcittect and le the minter of'l842 lie emigrateti to Canette; %Yhere ite sone io<sk up bis. esidence et Sarein, tiieu a rieleg vil- lage on the banksa of te beaut-iful river St. Clair, and etruck out for hit:141f ai; a contractor. Thonn m--n the days efthLie long anti bitter conlest belveon Lord Molcait ani .his Adviaers on lte one handi, andi ltse greal mas. eft he people et Uppar sud Lover Canada (as il vas thon aalled) op the other, in regard b m-bal vas las-met *1Respcansibla Goverameet." Early in tbia loug anti earneat econesl for publia rigbta, Mm. Mackenxie began bie polilical carosr. Rearet in atlb LiteraI sohool, h. obà aen intmes-est in tbe progreof ethte populor cause ; , anti by his osmeesl vies-anti ahIe con- tnibutions b the presa in te Western district, be titi mucb to croate anti sna- Lin ltes.e souna sentiments on public affairaeltaI t 1hon, ati have ever aines, exieotd Ihene. Tbs-ongbout a-il the sxciting acense of tbose yoare Ms-. Mackenzie vas te Swordzamen of the Deep. Imagine mhales fencing mIt one enoîben for amusementl! It seeme ms itfenui a lhiig coulti Det be; eut yet thons are m-ba1e to f e r- taie species m-iicîs net ouly feues witb one anothsr, but use Ibeir tot for sm-rts. Lt is tIse nervhal ltaI fonces. Oae et thc Iseth of the males oabl elvisys grem-s brouglu lte upper 1hp eut stans eut like a apear, streigbt in front of the animnAI. It seems as if al lte stiterlailtaI ulotild have zone o te 11tise nerwlual'si meisth viii teetls bat cane tbth b.eue Lti ltaI âgrava on i t imongb hlit p; ton sonsotimes tItis tooth is eighit eet long. The animal itsls oît uoseadtot tail, isesldet mars tItan siiteen feol lu lengt. Of vIta nue sud an enermous teolt ia tg te nas-vial no ane knova. Saine pes-ona sey itis la eetifor epearing fdol; allers, lIai Ite use la Loeteir up lte mut in ihe bIlans aifte ocoan in rerol un «t à *oui Bh liaI May b idn îlee-;sti eue mantaaythle loti l lot brukingboIesa in the ice in vinler: for tisa narvl l 1e cl ial.,H obligeti Wecame la the oîtaesai inter- valster hesîle. sinede é e Wlatvsr lath Asendiot le l serviaà l a1k. uloti, and awiay tey o0119t.dok otL" M hie long 10011- lirin, fearleaadvoaîofaithb.papular cause. For soine lime lie vau tb. acknowleîtgededitor of a Liberal west eru aewspapsr, wbicb imtaediately comanaded geaeral attention by the force and abiiy of ils edilorial articles and lthe soand common sena« andi arm- est patriotisinu that pervaded itacolumas. In Jane 1861, Mr. Mackenzie Who relurned 'te Parliament as anember for thie oeunly of Lambten. Frein hi# f6maI appearance ie the Logislalîvo hall te the prosent litas, b. bas beid a very prm.inent position in Lb. debatesand legielation of Parîtanient. lOn the aaaensbieg ie 1867 ef lb. finIt Dominion Parliament Mm. Mackenzie bi-came de fato leader of the Ontario se-ctio oethlIe ILibera] parly in tbe IlouesA of Cotemon@, aed indeed of Ber MeeîaLoyal Opposition ie Ibal lioase, aind when in 1873, came the slownfall of bir Jolie A. Macdonald and .lis colegues, thore was Do eue jastly Io ds-:ty Mr. Msckenzie*s tille te the, P>reanîert;lhîp of Canada, by vinas e o the pocîirli- éalready held ia Lh. leure, and hi@ undonbted msanifold qaifirtî'us for the office. Q1 his fie Yesrý tif eh e dmiuie¶ ration of Cartadiati ait;Lrs i-erv-one us familiar, ns Wel as 'lie wey lu wLic!î on Seplemnber lt3th, 1-1714, Sir John Macdonald again cames siic lsacir. Ous o!the most notable incidente in Mr. Mackenzie's career va. bis YeOp- Lien in Britain in the, sommer ef 1876. Thon fOret miniater of Canada, relura- îng te bis a-tivel lalod aller a long abeence, and simply for th. porpos. ai se-curing a brief repose frei lte labor and anzîety ci bis bigh officiai position, hba eno ides et tho receptien Ltat aweite-d hum. Be va. veloomed vber- e verbe wenl,, andi by persensetofail racks, witb marketidistinction andi cordialiîy. His receptiea ai Win4sor Cashs by Ber Majes'îy muai bave bs.n Most gratifying te Mr. Mackenzie ; andi the opportnaîly sel f0117 afferded ti i et becoming peraonally known o he 1 ai ' suilesmen et tbe Empire coulti n"ltet te b. bigbly inlerestung and agre 1lbe. but wben hoe vent Norlth te bis native bille,tLbe enlibsm of the Scola ivas îbnmoughly eciieti, anti Iley came nut t0 weicome their diatin- guiiihed countryman in Iruc Highland &-yle. Aizais, but a couple of yeare ago, Mr. Maeiýi<.ewas Malle substantiaily awne-rsotf th t sentinents eriherlainetil te ward litte by Canadiens wlien ho vas preeeid euh $10<l,IXS as a mark efthlIe tî; siicin n which lie is beli, and et bi is ttuguisbed eervie,e 1the landi et his ndo;îtion. la privutte lile Mr. Mackenzie is et tht illet kindly disposition, without th.-i-.z :liteSt ostentation or assomption. Ht- le; a tboroughly aprigbi man, ab drus f rind, a pleasan empanion, and foul oif toin, anecdote and plesat hanter wen lie unlienda at bis own timeide or tha t of a frieud, Ha loves. chuldren, aend ejea insaly aromnp ylh thelm anti cilciltrea 11k. bina. ne is a menaber oftihe Baptis o dard, cudi halide bis religiosa opinions ocsiolitl. ously and i fely ; but ne *kueil eo bigotry or unebaritctsle apirli tovards clbers dwelis ln bita. Mr. Mackenzie bliceu vica mat-' ried. Ri.t Èrat'i itewa. elen, danth, ter offilie lIeoWtn. Nail, Esq.,of Irrià e, Sotaod$, - ebo - disti on ted Juay 1852; sant h.eaetimable anti sauclies. teemeti lady vile nov preeldea ovo bis bouseheld is aJcae, ae as aghier ofet Ibele Robert Bynse, Esq%.ýlot "Partbshira, Sootaarc, te Who= Mr. Mackenzie Wei espousseton 1ÃœtiJunse, SingBunward. vTstg AND COSu- OF- A TRIP rOeUR LUMINARY. As ta the distane ef ineîy-tbreo millien talles, a cinuen-baeIl oulti travel il in about fiftsen ceas-,, Il me. beîp us te rembor ltaI t t speeti a ellineil by te Lmmted Exprefts on ans- railtodssx train vhittis ad lsfî the una for lte oas-L beon Lie Mayflower. salle-t fs-esDeltiaveavilt Ite Plgrim Fathero, cuti vbich s-an ai Iai ra te day and ulgbtsI, -woolti fl 84 tili be e I iurney of came yeara avaIt rot» lis tenrestnicîstation. Te tare, aethîe customes-y rates, il may le remarbst,. wotidho saltes-oves- Ive millions fdve Isundret theuicuti dollars, e taI il le alear haliai s ln neet loti maney anti lisu r i te journey. Panhape lthe m"et aîvklng Alelo of t leeaadsee t i by7expre -sing it-lu ans o btîe hepo glse owoulti ecl veloetlyofnerve trans ission. Il ibubasa foun titauns- atà tal n ane belulely stnaoa b", lSit éëeom BSna-.e*,.eias- Life 40--ÃŽr-ce Co. BhÂn Oprac: 23 Tes-auto St. Toronto. FULI GOVEONMENT DEPOS IT- BON. ALEX. MACKENZIE, M.P. Ex. Prlme Minlaler cf Canada. VICE PRESIDENTS: HON. ALEX. -MORRIS, ILP.P., Ex.- Llout.-Governor et Mansitoba. :OHN L. BLÂIXIE, Esq., Prsient Cgtnada Landet Cretit Company. MANAGING DIRECTOFI: WILLIAM MCÂB, ell., LL.B., F.LA. TItis Company turelases inanrance snit5ed to th. dstaeds ad nscemities o et inl- enzing public. Special attention is calile te Cont- pany's popuier plans ct insuranco, m-blet m-se meet.ing velti groat eiiprovel wherever presented. (1) The Tontine aet semi-Tontineplans combinth e advantages et Lite Ineurance witIt profitable invetelntn. The lnsured bas the option et vithdrawing Lb. entire roses-vomndl accunnîmted profits, aI lIte e-es efthe Tontie period-1O, 15, or 20 yeans- seuected by himeoî. By titis meaus te two tinge moat desirable in Lite lasurance m-s-scembined, via: certaInty of Protection In [ariï Oeath .Ul,4VAL4JUABLE To EVERY LADY. The-ï g4eqt ýFrencb Lotion for euiiîyîn tȎFace. It eaunceals the ,;ideuce of a&p. One ap. plicatian will make the mout stnbbornly yod and rugtbande beautifnally sotteil!hte. Rsnbr ltat «IMAT DB W"'-l ý - Peit or pïowder ltat wfll ail up l'..of- tIc skiaý,but a new andi great dis a Vegietal quid, that causasth bIc h t6,d RlOW'Ãwlîh ealtb, the neck,.arms, andVhandu te rival the Lily ln wbitenema. Imposaible te deteet iluth. ean"j tj lcn.ayri Ffet, loilaths, Face Giu ebaenBurn. Tan, lliugir.nhapped Hauds, SoreorChapped Lips. l3,rber'a itcti,Tettcrs,etc. It trees the jPtore8i, 01l glands, and tubes fron thLe inajuri- ons e-Sects cf powdt-rs and cesmetig wamhes. 13v its time 411 redusses and roagliinas is pro- vented. il beautifiet the skia and will maltoh Ilsit f, saîomihand wbite,imparting a doit- rats ofttsee proslnîà ng a per totly haitby, naturel nild youîhful appearanco. Thte test f..ee t.sii.tit te world ecartprodaced. Wo wzti be-n l aiesbottie ta mny address an reti-ipt of price-one dollar. Whou or- dering metntion tht. paper. Address al lettere tsi -TEE MAY DEW AGENOY, 71 ratas -ST., TOROiNTO. Lf' Parlours oand Reception Roent.-for I ~ C~WSS ýWbizzîness, Lof & . etite, Indigestion, Bliousness, Dyspepaia, Jaumdice, Affectiond of the Liver and Kidic, * êg a FimPles, BlOtcae, Bous, HwnOr, Sait Rheum, Srofula, -Pryttpe&a8, and ail diasase arisixg from hnýmreBlod, DewgdStomach, or ®v&dtion of the BowCls. A Obg&s Remark. Mmet. Bympeneco in quite a yoong voman, aD n thLe mother et a pra- eeciooa -git«rl. Thers vas oompaay ai ths lieuse a fier svaninga &go. WIten bsd lime amireti Mrs. Sympea'son sait : *'comta nov, Mamie, it*e lima e foryen to ge te b.d." I Ian't vant te go le bed."5 "Bot yen muet. Den't yen knov & t i téoi1ecikens have «ene bo bsd ? "TIles, bottheIl. tben vent te be.sl itI t îem.us Mens and Thîngu OLEÂstINGSOs WtM &NY SOUaciKS ON A VARSETu-OF 5UIUECTB.. A Rare plant The Wild Stravborry Plant possosses rame vis-Lus as a cîeanieg, coiagt astringent, e aeplie, anti Iealinu Me-dicine, and vhen combineti vitis isîhes velum-hi. ve-etable extracte, ce in Dr. Fowitr's Extract et WVild Stnav- bsrry. il is an neteiling nemsdy in al Bovel complainte. PînaIt broche is a thing et the past; in ils place came tari-y and curleti pile velvaîs, cut and uneut, and vilb cispe ableelloti pile et varions leagils, ta mmi- tata ths clisellinir feton10e lu es-ate Gothia architectur-e. A Btrong Endorsoment Ths Clas-gy, tise Medical Faoully. ltae Proua and lise People aIl endoss Bnrdeck Blood Bittera s utis e lsalsys- tam renovatiag blond pus-fylag tenia knava. Ic varka beou «tst h a ést recomment. "Colati Bock," i tha tille et a nev melovirema. It la pobaly a aequel ta **Fergot te pcy for r ink.D" Respect A» Âge shoulti alvaya cooeuund respect, ia lbe case et Dr. Fovise'%Eractaof a Wild Stravbes-ry il eosstainly does, fer 25 yeare that ha. beauntlis tandard witl te people, for Chualera dmrlus, Dysentes-y, Diarrlioe, Coln anti aU Bovasi Ooplalts. As they paassd a gentlemnan vioe option vere tarsibly on th. lias.lilîlo Dot muraumo: u"Ma, le'& geL eue eye ltaIt donî go." A a" Neglot Neglectiag a constipationaoet1he boy. ae is, aune go bsing iii Iseaith anti greal, suffering. Burdo BIotd Bilteraesegu- late thbo heelu ina naluval mannr, j>urifing the bloati and preniate a healthy a"tienonfethle tomach, livAr, kitnsyu ati Boeols. A ibcéllnbl yanng 1lady-in Nev Yerk bas bati ben lais-tinteti a heaull. chesînut color ta matcIhan-erctitile- btorae'& mane. A'CureFor oblora Nobu. A poati.s cuna for "ia de»&*rom CUnsL Md $cai fr lct* e oret re f=rofetBavel eeniplalnts leidaui si Bumar aýtiti letona ie Dr. Psw. lee ExtractfWIld Btmrberry te-la proom i rons aY drugsn Thse a4 uetn f i0p twO bll al gobtooh Idéh ,ttl urvivait-ia mcny New nln lisbenu bý introduco taOlndCaiorl Aun Ex-Aldran TalodIt, retuetiea ad fait *. "EsMas I cBA=sep "lea h1 tile aifcà iDow sont. Iuih wak s-gîtt Au orn li lwuly us right np- Prescription et a Bstnpitieta, dis- j a edY" nby a atn d -gxt,1"1 Tliecondtor ofiîhe e -..ud -l mers anatrylug tie au»n.-gma ous lias userriet mon.- Iving Pilea-OYinPoa -and 'Cue Tis syplons omîs clî reul Te Aaymt.i tne 'auaSe' oiu, ie. If vemen vers allove theb.riglsi ai suffrage, net enae ofIhena voulti @eIl ber vote fer a plate et ice-cemn. Ne- emphatsoaîly ne; theyd waaî ah least a quart. Anaver TItis Question. WIty do go meny peeple w. eaearoaud us, séean lopreter le suffar and te mades miser- abla by Indigestion, Consatipation, Dltsinesa, La f aiAppetite, oamlng op a01lise Food. Volley SkIa, vWhoufor 76 cIa., W*e vIi mai thsenSbiloh'a Vitalisr. guarstee t ecure Ihei. W. R. Boys., tholesale andi rlali agent, Wbltby, ont, Be éboajual ltinted that lieo ulaDont- $para the. tint t te b r ontebpc nie. "Oht, I ses," abs reaponded, Oooly I*tmms i.n eaey.", SBILOH'S CATARRB REMIEDY. A tnarvollous cure for Catavrb, Dlp- thonis, Canker mentis, and flood Ache. With.teaob betle Ibere ilauaningeajons cnal in3jectas- ferlise' mare eaaaesaful treatîent af Lisecomplainte vitisout extra charge, W. R. Bavase, Wbele- sale anti Retail agent, Whiîby, Ont. Tht% youngvemen et Schenectady have reselseti gb 6. girlent " any youog man tai emrokes or gops out of tb. tissaIs-obetvoen lte cets. Shilehsa Consumptien Came. Tiinlabayant question 1h. mont succesafaiCougb Medicine vo have 'ever sold, a lev does.. lnvariably cure thse va-t cs etfCeagitCroup, anti Bi-o»Moits, *bie île vndes-tel ,coceua la lb. cure et Consumption in witbouî a parlel in the hiatus-y etfesdicins. Bine iiifini dîiseovevy il bas been solti on a6nra-nte., a lesi wlîichltne alber medicine ea stand. It yen have a Coogli vo eamneptly saityoa to try it. Pries li et&. 50 eta. aud $1.00. Il yonv lue ngar@er, ebesî on back lame, use Shilobs Faon. sPlaters. W. R. Bovse, vbeleece and retail agent, Wbiîby. Thes Ausîs-iamilitary jacket et vbita eloîli, goltbraid and buttons, anti collai andi catis cf pas-pIe velvet, in lte bieb uoely at Rurop.au seasido resors. It vas ints-odueed by lte PrineesMet- tes-nicl. AYEf'S PILLS. A large propertion of t1he dbue ebch 3suse husa sufferlat eatittrain des-sage. ment cf tbe ossutsadbbowel, ced limer. Au-s aCÂrtravate ILLa set dtrey upon Ileese organa, seat amspocly deslgned ta eus-mltdm se=sa sMd iby ltoir desange. moent, tneldhqug (letlpstcua. 'SaUge- tIsta, Ityepela, Meedaclue, »yaeutery, and a bhast etther a frca, as- cofa m-hlte-y are samale, sur, prompt, and pleaat romedy. vit. extenssive Uof t lite -PILUa by e entmlplysita ne regialar pras- lie, absoya stmtstaabty tise estimation fln whlei la Ur an amlldby tise modlsiprotes- -. ThoeoILa s.nar opu.d,«ee-, st.b anlusaecea offly, antd aret blely ree5rron are my consttat cqagalais,1 bav Fs-, e' '-s Profits in Long Life. (2) The Commercial Endosement plan yields maximnm insurlence tor minintunm outley5 m-est m-nEndosment aethUe ed et 20 Thtis plan place. reliable Life Inaurance witiathse reacb et ail at an estisnated ceosI af aboat 60 per cent. of the lovesl lite rates. Atlter admnission ha. besu btained te Ibia close, peyïseela oely are required -te be made wheta called tfs- te met eL othlasses. (8) Tii. Reduoed Endowmont plan fus-- "sof mi insurauce for 1h. perlada et 10, 15, or 2f0 years, vit an Endovinent aI the end ofthlie tintetfs- a 1ev rate et premium. (4) Theto Cmpany ienues al lte appravoti farte of policies and annuitie.. Ail os-dia- as-y policies are non-torteiteblo alter tItre. anueaipaymenta have teemade. (5) Uns policles are printed la ciear, las-go -type, it plaJi, simple lanu age undonstood by any peimon ahIblea oroat. TIey are trou frein lise ugual onorous candlitions se oflee teund in Lito Insa-eopoliciez. AUl palicios leaued are indiaputablo a&fis- lisvee years ram date oaisliae. 'Circule»m glvlng ftuilexplanstlans oethte Oompaay'a varIons plans of Insurance vili bc turnisliet on application la the MARAGING DIRECTOR, Tor-onto. SHAKER crsComploely eona Blod liciaume et cvery erp S-O ewarsi te 5.uvy bemea iste vo il Std nanalysîs tof 1tsboulesiofShaker Pelcestuxu.P= , or -w minerai sb SOLD EVERYWHERE.- it - 8199ru #8t orlautI sa osâXt.U , For sasie by W. R. Hotrse, WItilty. -01E FINE GaGa DRIVES i -FOR THE BOYS AT- 99 CENTS i REGULAR PRICE $1.25. TWO FOR $12T5. Club with your Neighbor and pay ONLY 85 CENTS. J a4c~ Iand Bags OHEAP. TIfMNDoslN- ENVELOPE-S - Au-Uts larlIlos 5c1 11t ced il hitoronglt viola pis~ ai s Dr.J0 yOw~ JL~MW GUL.IJMEDLJPL. Awanded et Tenonte, Lendon andi Guelph, in 1883, fer_ PEERLESS- AND 07H1ER MACHINE OILS. Fr Bal.by aLUil Pla-t-la OaLaU. Evcy Barrel Guarnteet. SAMUEL ROGERS: Manage. m PTranS St. muat, Tarate.- $ k eitIhome. et.oeoutltf ree. Pay abslael sus-o. No rlsk. Captt s roqulveil. Reader, If -at aalbols aIitit persans oi t ter sexyaeng or oll, oean ako great pay al lbhne titey onl, viitt abselute certalety, vrtofor psX& tr lia uH. uà LLEIT & 0ePeliad, Matas. ALecture Io Youftg Mens OR THE LOSS OF ne, dtiiona'f Di u. yi W v 's Cm5marun- sr- medicino) -ef Rervou DSbliEtye MKental-ced Pisysteal lcxeiy meun-t eMai- riage, oic... resulting frorn excoases, anPs-lce, iuen sti envelope, anly 6 cia. or tva postage atetapa, Tise elebratet iuather, in Ibis admirable Esmay, alesrly detuanstratefroua ýtltir years' -u esn= racie,.tbj&t ae m n consequceea-'y bteaiolycrevi- eut lise a gerous nus etinterni-medlcins os- -tsoe et o the kalle; pping -ont c moe oet ii.aionce'stznpipcerisi n cd ectuaI, by mean ofi viich aevey maoor ne&t m a t r *at l a e diiOn m &y o b . a cure himaelf chaply, privately andI radie- ally. - WrTisasLecîurehould bsin lu i n Of every ycmt1lc t vrrs-n in h etI THËEI RWELLt VEMICAL dé,, 41A tua ,lievYok. pont Office Box 4Mo. ]KING 0F -A-L-L ing to IN GOOD U.NES. 830 "y WHEELB-ARROWS 45 CENT6 TO $ 1,25 EACH, lawi'oe ..aud 3D2Âà 3 HON, ALEXANDER MACKENZIE. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK. VERY J J.S. OBERSON& BROS., ý eiýî-- ffoktff -- AMÊRICAff' -F IRýjom & BROS. & BROS. CHEAP TICKETS. -Fixa heap Excursion for DAKOTA and MANATOBA -VIA TEE- (JREDIT VALLEY9 and CANADA 6BOUTHEEN. Leaves TORONTO at NOON on th'e 27t], cf MABOR. THIS BOA» 18 ROT BLOOKBDW12'a gr Partiee going West wil save time and expense by takngthis' route. For tickets and further mfration spply te JAMES LONG, Ba.ilway Peaseuger Agent, Omfceô-ppouite llay's Hotel, Dundas.gt. 111-tfWbitby. C-AMjL (DIT JLOHNSON in DeuereII>8 Block for gour FURNI TUBEI DRAWING BOOM SUITS, DNNG ROOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KITCHEN SUITS, At Puces that Defy Conipetition Corne One, Corne ail, and see for Yourselves. E. J. JOHNSON. UNDZRTÂZING. Â,LBQ AFRB ~QEEN C ITY -011 CDi 6:zunLz;mYC 1 J. S. ROBERTSON J. S. ROBERTSON