Wedding Rings, -Band Rings, Gem Rings, Cameo Rings, Children's Rings, Seul Rings, DIAMOND RINGS. 'Weddingy Ringys ruade of any weig7ht in510, 14 and 1S K. GoId to order, Brock St., WEITBY. MR. ROSS JOMN8TON la Collecter and Cauv«aser for Tes Warr- ny Cnauisîcim, sud ie authoriied te grant receipte for subscriptions, @e, and transact ordhnary busineiss. ÀUL(W -ST ~9ù 84 LOCAL AND OIHERWISE. CHAT lb lIONG ON IN TOW'4 AND ELSESHERE. i BUDGElT 0F iLI ELIt-W3 CATTEîR iiLESti f .1 A -issis.uisng y-' taiisi asst-c, Xu Issus b- C te-et t. - Rogilar meeting of tise love Caucil Mecday eveîeg. Novwfsil Dry Gouda annîs-ed ai C. F. Ste aarum. - NEW -Bt.ACa'eISn.-llead bis "Vrer- tiseenot in ouher colone. Sooctai bar-gainâ ju Tovels, Table Limns, 1flose Fnrniolunses&a C. F. SotI00L.-Tbe Cotlogiate Ieît asd public echsote of the tovu îe Openl on Meislaf, Sept. I. Gode flue ordored Clot-htug, cebby Tar-ols 1vpuices;,perftect Si aiC. F. Stewart'&. 'aita NantIOCai. GAma-Thc Inde pendent uf Wssitiby asol Boas-eu-s e Cabos-g pley a lacruessa maîci aI tise latoer tovu Tharsslay nett, Sept. ish. Jus% u bohnd-Bioatiug bSha-le, sa w-btt% rean, nary. caîdînai, grenat, liaibt- bIe, s&a., su tle PeopLes 'Store. C. F. Steaat,, Wbsuhy. -Tits ToRoNTuO WEs-s-rvNmvu--upub bioeuts adverttsemeei. Il n.ises *nts-clý'on ie subieersefor ltîs ctvenue. BotisTise Neyesud th@ CHeacICL orn oeeyean for t$1. Farinons soi! ceusumersi oI cil a-ut do veli ta tuse tise Queee City drI Ces@. celebraici! Prtsas Machicutry dil, fer salt by aIl fir-t-clis dosisîs. zSac tiseir ailvmtiemenî. ARTi CL-asuus.-Thaee a-ho are ais sn citees! vîli do veli te roasithe as isouncemeni cf Mr. E. S. Stîrapeiel, A.RC.&.. a-biaisappear u in ancailsen. tîeing eolumani. TaCaz*s-r snYrr.-sA geanine Walihsus lover valais, 7 jeveis, len a 8oz. silvon case., vus gaIs1points, ocîîy $12; came in 4oz. case $1l; ts-ni nunders $18 et PTayIer's, the piactical vatobtmaker. Tut BLu Opss-&. -On Tneoeiay9i h Sept., the popular kight ut uhe ban- mer, Xiovi Fairbanks, hballe oui of lise frtisales of tiese uagou iiiBrooklu, a-ethe b.valuabîs fasru propes-ty of Il. H, Spencer, Esq., a-itll e pus up for &ationeu. The piopoity is keovu as one of the muet desîrabie in tii. county. Descriptive panienlara yull b. foandinl Oui adrnieing coltines. TuE To8oXTa WIEILV NEW@ lea&Il nesu. no vins! ai gisai. l le content te sîste fauta. loaving taoOthe" tlie mancpoly of nerbon vritingsuddtir- suosplatitudes. "Thse isutittethé cheapâsl' bocomes literally Inné vise spsaking ef-tise Toonto Woskly Nons. Avasil joaramî f coar premion aoffer vîthout dlay, aud gel tbe Toronto Woekly Neye eue jear free. ERsunCuaerora-Afier Sept--1I iaoreinlutbhe village of Brookle vl close aI S p.m. The Time. remar-its:1 "Itisle ery trying on Ibm constitnt-ian t-u ho kept clos..! in mery nigbt unt-li cic sud ion Ocaot, basides being a grual 'injuetîse ta lise ycueg mec engages!as erka by depriviug them 'af îveiy Op- parlunity for sef impronsment." HOMEcS FOsR THEPRAsIRIE Cas'rna. - Ms-. Jas. Austin, formerly Secroia-.y cf the W., P. P. &i L. B.,'sad a nesîdent af Wbiiay, consinnes bis obsy lu tenu as ho le purcbaaiug boises for uneonouthe Wiouip»g streel railvsy lunvisîcb ho ie interoales!. Mr. Austin ih vilil es-o membrcdi l a gentlemen cf commnand- icg appearaue ans! Iots nov an Ihougb Manitoba'& chumtasgeed ailshlm. CaxasTruaor#asuDg-it oraiCà a.- Thon. va asrinslry bia-cen Ivo sac- sage decalers lu a certain tava not a Ibansann idn!les fsrn Whiiby, ans! metboda a-en omplayos! lu tle wvarse nbicb vers net exacily lu tise lino cf feir business competilieu. th.efaloving hein« an instance. Aesaise c tisa deale,. vas atteoding ta tise vante af s large cravi! otfcneomsr% ans aflernoon, s ragged tramsp emplayos! by lb. ailier enlsred tise establshment Caiylu)g a log decêaeid féljns, wbhcbheo s-cv dova an tise block yutiste remark:* bt mskee the raund damia. l'il colt for pay xexisi Misday." Ibmlin fueta eour etin lO.sQ 1-1. ---Gln Mjo. Husaisva ail colSre emaewoy adeum. oa OCOGE*&nÇ...JpJ. uaerioei BneedaycfWM. 0. HEaud.ous or 1he aid reuidmuée of the tovu, and who vwu in bi Igl.f *. ,va ery largeoau.. *CRICIT.-Ou ?riday *a tc" vu' eIaed hoîween the Eteit Torouto snd Whiby club& Thora ual be4n lima I play out in fill th. match vu docid.d au the lot inninge, the.figure beiq Whitby 82, Eà at Toranto 52. .TEL£ NEW TOWN< BELL vaU bang inplace Tnesday afternoon, asud-Ist il a'clock muade ite boy tu Whftby burgher. -'tbe toue of the Dow insrument ile fot nâe. ly 80 cleaà r, seveet and erong ase tlia cf 1he aid, sud snude 11k 1he harhfire alarru belle af the ity., No bogue uelling out, but va ilways ane ready tu show the tinef.9 quality of choice Dry Gouda .a&a.Lw prices ase haneet destiug vill ashow. Our goude are correct in style auï L 1h priese tb. loweet. C. F. Stewart. PoCERMunaConz.ra.-Tis papâlar inettî an Monday Dcxt, with bright prospecte before il for another yeare vwork. Tbe enccoes cf Pickering College, under the manage.- ment cf Whitby'asoea, W. II. Hluston, Ml.A., in a matter cf extreme pleaure tu Wbitby Citizen@. CHAtxGt 0F FIR3.-AS annon.nceu in the CHTRONICLgi a dVertierug colUzune tbis weelethe firni cf Taylor & Garfat, mzmcfýcturer@ cf Cronk beer bas beau ended ' 'Mr. Garfat yl continue the business in Whitby; aud Mr. Taylor goes to O)wen Sounud t embas-k in 1h. same basejuese for himpeIlf Nâvcîio-i. -The Freema.n left for Prescott, batnrday, vbeat ladeu.--. Tîies have hean very duli thiesommer a& the barbor, but yulll oon be lively enugh handling 1the greai crop now harveeîed. Alreedy loade cf uev grain are daîly being recivd.-Thsre it mauch old vbeat yet lanstore at th. elevatare. S.t-vanîriosAnierNor.-Inc:ree inerest is mauseeted lu tise &ii a-oîk fson lisee psking igbtly ci puontulJ2 t ieri&n.-C&det Williams lia. been lransferred tlanaralier- station. ---Tse lady meutianea in llest veekes CUR(sONICLE se haVîeg gratnîtoueiy fau,1 isbied the. bouse acaapîed by thse officer se chsarge bore vîmbes it etateu t-bat sise bas ceuled la -tise Ainuy ber prcpecty refer-sed ta. REIigp-i-y0Bsvnness.-TrafRec n Dan- dasnsota- est vas an Maeday and Taeeday dnrîng tise layiug cf s nov flaor on ticebbridge aven Lyndes ore"t. di, lected ta au oud- i ime circuibaus rosi - vay throngb Use Jetfrey Bics.' praper. t-s. Tbe bridge os-en île vatercaurme aditeiniz Mi. D. L. Reedo nrestîlene an tise Kingston road le being ncbns.u tht. veek, and! maffia crusses Ibis dnied ap areet on the sentis ide of the bridge. A 13AD INDItS. r-Hlensy Porter, the fedian a-ha ta-o eeke &go vas secn t-nîed te six meetls*in the cntri P1rimon for bouse breskineg snd cacryin,z ire aurna bas iur'aed ont lu have a bad rt-ecr. At bis triasl itis week fer 1lac c-,n-,yif a piato fson Davsid u N ets.. l'ickercz,. tr visîcti lee-aëSptnenct-- wetedsiay. te lis-o uarc su tb- Prr rîncilpeaetentiary aLt ksnb;sen il a-sa elicti dt-hi loi aimai effences Le- bal servai a terceisu'7.4 si the Centra: Prison. 'and ite sfai or SfiCl aijusu e otipietesd s terni of foui Veas ti tht- Kigzten penéetiîssy. A.N Acc-rucNTÂs. Yorril.-Mike Fol @ y, secaond sou tof John Foley, foceman 0 & tiesecetiîons men havieg charge et tise Mlidîasi railwvsy iracka vitite .can peu-chou of Wisutisy. t in Îg about chic w-t-k nis ts-sloti an sun s ling lui Ilitlpiauv er a burdi- on Saturday b" bru. îctiat mnisi-c This ta baita'- of a i-nir se t % sar-isluutwhici has ti. r tii-n tise VOUs . Net long ago tic hi î -srierht as-ni.befoiet- t bI fi- e. tu-i ow sisru -i rce aud bu-eais a--- su--r n4 i,- is*,ver bt-an fuIl ;t - i î5iîis tuas t,-u-. . lutile l eme-Ini I rsuti-irs i et-. ii o i. fs-t-ni-aaMan- V - t --li- lotieo 'itntiltW tot 1s, ckiL ij etwt t-aeIl iiiers-ii tnats-V.e - - s-- --e- '-i-hats tanding f-'uiei i ti rsu ltaiment- an- ils - ns /s-lt,' \u *-Met-t- i114Ztzisa c ii'Mr, L.. -rncis, tise ciéeru- ,ir i:îisuasshaq a palaIs otcaos, ibe ýrf)ngl te M r 1). C. De -1' es-v M zcsce@1:1 ea-la w1licssusosgael lo75 -rainn ai t frlea :-1 lies-st2.15 izais-r2 titi-e i-sIi, ltae.i elt -as ceii the t btà 15d i6-a1 rlegaiy Hiotu- or is Diii-:.- rua modes-n WlIItîy young guI isla mkhctutenefer a sbaspely foin . ns in jeer intaimprare lie szm f ef bt-i bni tbs exorcises vigurouely.Lir methoi! te te stand eu-ecansd thêtnasse bht-s-slf nt-il ber heeL, louà vetise fluer, leaviug bir ful] v eîghu ounlte balle t-f tise femLI.nA- ciher niebedes-doping marc ln a bond tise kuses as fac as pae.ible WU-is ont lifting the. beole fran heIls. ir. A uird metbod sa te gel Op 'and db lhe family marketing îor thte s-rvonked mot-her, cuaotise seviug nmachine an bear or tvoas day. mind the baby, ans! trot up uni!duoa stairuinorde t-o mare tise mot-hec stops. Thete lut are sosne- boa- cci popular vit th ie girls. POLIC OrItt.-Sattuîday @eninÊ,a féta- minetesi btfe.ix o'clock, 8Mr. J- Hl. Adisoe, boak-keepes- fan lb, Pal- ilsîanWcrkc, ani! Mi. Eliott Bave, a-be are brother-s m-ian, met aI the cîsîner of Bceck sud Duedai sîreets, and eirectîy cnes vende voie fiying tîic sanad fasi. Tise van of varia vas qtuickly folloned by a pereocal collent batwaesc t-he ta-a meu, li n eeavbntng ta stop a-biais, Mr. Wood, the gasdoner,5? bai! ihe skin on hie nase hîoku, tise' claret floaieg fneely fs-cmlise i!smaged i cgan. Parîed for a tino, th. baille Isoce mrags!fieneely again, adiibonsl vusztgbtLtavteg been addei! la oeeoaithe combatante by Là four pet-td edvigbt, wbiab, in tise liormisusion,ho ba i procunci! in Lavbeî's gToracy. Wbeu ieably t-he enconuer bad b basr hrau& les a, lose by t-hein friseede partîog 1h. vctel-be apissîlesecf John A. SoUiran. Hlie Presocc, the C. C., came apan thm scoensd safely veyes! the gare at"i- -. I -~~--~ -y - I lf~n.mwv a.. yuwueesu. .tt w~... I .-- -..-.~----- I s-7uïïz .w paW0049.< ybs vin eiziibit Ilera aIloadliain1 iu tisai elt" Tbsesne goiug teanich à amen cisidrain co n U. 5css anc a 1nutial or Provincial xiiitiane af aur oava P-. Mies Minnle Cran le vieitlng in Landau. Mi. Win. Cee, Madua, vau in tavu thie week. Mr. Frank Browu, Toaate, wvan 'n ow Monday. Mr. T. G. Whitfl elI isceversi daje of thie week st home in tovu. Mmre.Bd. sud Mise Leech, lef t on Frlday for a trip ta Grimsby Camp. Mr. Gea. W. Wilson, je holdaying aI horne, near Bleville, thie week. Thte Miss Notruens of Toronto are vsiting in town, cthe <nesasof A. C. Wilseon, Esq. MiesCIsypole im doing the Thonssud Islands and Montreai 110e veer. sud retura ta Whibby on Monday. Mr. W. P. Ronch bas been acIdes ta thse list of candidates foin PîckeringCollege that obtaned second tIsse grade A. Ieachsr's certificates. Mr. H. B. Taylor, manager of thse Domin- ion Biank left titiswe.k for a tnip tls;esgh New York State andi a short saouruaI te icajide. Mi. L. G. Cansuels i acting mana- ger during lir. Tayior'u vacation. Mur. Matthew Gold, sailed tram New York Thuraday vifli the Bedeon party ut Mlyrt.le, mentioned in laet week's CIsauxicLI, by lbe.%%'bite Star Ad-isusc, for Eugtisud, whiere lie wil. remainunotil June Ultra-Miie. Aimait every one bac an just feel. ug et antereat in the doinge ai thone vbo live 'lover the bill." Manneresud customs, vsrying even froru village ta villagZe, are often widely vhieu commuekities are seprr- ahui! by the nual barriere cf Mun- bain sud ses, Th&&thiis in seme messure intIrai eveu cf thq poaîs vhclive ou th. oppocite chr.. of that -Uusslted Ses,'* lake Onlaria. vitb the ighl of vhas. bIne vatere ve are sa familiar, viii hi learued fram readiug ihe snbjoined el- tract froru the Wilson Star. Wilson, a may by vay of explanation be veilita tatf, i. a village as nearly an possible theepepalatîcu cf liroaklit sud jes iîuaîed ie N iagara Couty, Nw York, ce the shore cf lake Ontario sud directly opposite us. , Il We fisb vith lines tva miles long in aid Ontario, audue 6,0W) books ou every line," said a Wilson fleberman te a Star reporter the allier dlay. '*and if ve dau't baril op tventy or nunety iali ev.ry time ve cail il indifferent Luth. A.nd evsry fisb al veigb from sixteen ta oue hnudred pocndo. Thate the vay a-e fiah for starizeon dlo-wu hee.' 'One of these line. eeemto ta1he oye ta reach balh way acroîs the lake. I9 ie a rope anuinch in dismeter. itlaI. ct'.rîied ont ta the laksi, bacys being aI- taches! to it ai inters-à ait keep il on the surface. The 6.ffl0 book@. bailes! wiîh pieces of meat or 6ei. are lovered ta the bm totri cf thse Lake by "onoode" of thse proper lemetih. atiaceed ta the ;tue, it itnseefonr boats, vîth ta-o mien inu ascii. to look after thue big finh uine. Escli boat bas 1,0W hooks in île charge. Vie licoku are p aceigi.e tacbes ar,,sud la hait aIl the bocks once requirps net lyse thon 3W0 poatnds of meat ar fisb. Lt takes tie eight monl and four baic ie re bonis ta set tise "ue for li s fini ie. After that the fluber- mou asr" constantdy einpioyed in gainit ta sud fira aven tise lin., lsauiing in the. iturireon tisat lbanevenes anght an the beokÉq. aud rebailing vbene il la ne- cees-srv. Ta Utini na à eeveaty Pound pturgleun fsoui the- bottom of the lkaite i$ suex- citing pîe.- ct'a-ou-k, but requît--t more etrengîirt tu ,kilse tise fisis lwaYs boa the Lhoà iseveral indie dowu hie thinaIbovin.- ucied bail sud &Il dowu wythout auj regard ta conaeqencefs. Tht-rn ie ne danger et h'eiug the 6mb onjee the snood or tlie book breaks. Wiseu the- is in Ih!auied to th a srface, 16 gaiff, lii., a book., i. tibrat ino t-le aide tof its hesil, sud the stun idl drawnilut-o the boat and! keocked in the ht-ai vith aamot. The bock te Cnt cuit of ils ibroat. rebaitedlland Irovu bockith ie laes. Tht-aves-age on cf sinîgeon le &bout uone ta eveîy 2oi> books. Wheu a boat is los-lel i ih&itilli carry cf à turgepon, the fishermen row back ta mhoie, * wber.e mas takes the ais end sumkes tht-m. The fieierinen knew th. particular sections cf tiselin. on whicb tlsey work by thie arrange- mout cf thbe baya 'The Lake Ontarie sturgeen ie !iglsy pu-zed ameug Lbe citizen& of Lackpant, Buffitlo an,!ailier cities. lis lisa is i 9--uerAn- .- ttrfa-t- bau- the.-sait The receipti a&U veek of the fariner ver. 3uO bushele, sud of lb. latter 860 bishele. There vere about 100 baie ai lha andl a dozen loada of strav.Thm.abttdy van quiet, -viblia sale ai a a a fsud in- ter wheat at8ac. Sprilu le no-mal ahSt c la WSC. Obte Sm, a-ih ain cf bure. bais of aid et 45e sud 46e ; newan ae vrth Oc. Peusansd harley parely nominal. Ray in hetter suppi-,; enoe thirby lus-de cli at $Il ta $45Osatau. Strawfi=, vith a sale ott&s bai at se. Hogenominal et $a. Beef, fonequarters, 1"50ta 11.500; li- quastors, VS> tc,19; mctons, ccaiare, ISba 60;lanti, #6.M0ta $8 50. ESITISE AND) KONTREAL CATTLB MAmKT& Th* Britieh markets for liv. stock have oaeud e k a-Aa f air deret c sulsuattn, sithougI. vuthentmsactn ~j~decisledlY e stures. Aà eet Lal =Iiverpaci os Tumdeeisy a tiret athueolt . aofdeba a4d.mtic sà # ~ S~5O~DI We lb.ted 'rlipeu (d u t. -wM fair. Tb f~ Qe~sla-1d meian vwvu sud ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 soWeiancrîin a uc&b.'aa 1- h a & il 1884. FAL NEW per Ili. liv, veiglit. Mr. MaShan. bonght eevers.i choies.Ita e t t-be entais!. figure. Theme pricet are loy compared i vbliformer years bt there le ocet much ho ai n- pu-vemeul. Liv. hoge vere mcarce sud lu active, a-hich resulsi lu a good advance. Sal« e mre mad etai7e per _lb. Reculpte of butchere'ce"ttaIVigerMatet ver. ighti sud baraiy oqual tadusdbc a-a mare actve.Gaad ltoiseu a 4tta4jper lb. lighl velgit; eocainn ta fuir ai 3 e lnei. About MoOsalepsand Iambe vare affermi, for wbicb demanil va goos!. Lamb@ brought $2 te $4M 0 och, sud slieep $8 tc$8eaheh uta quality. Calmes vars e&"ari-niandw tai, niling roadily at 03 ta 810 oaci se la quaity. MONTREAL APPLE TREADE. Tise markt continue. over-supplel vlth inter-tifruit. vdcbiu anta lie vkeul cffas rer-y loy prie«. On Saturday a canic etc puer stock aold aItSMc pir barre!. Tusada cher. ver. sale a 75o ta $1 per bar rafn eanty haxvest sud avor-ripe Astracan sd aunes-eu eotier vanutîes, vhicl are 11111 herber than natural truSt. Uaad veR-peck- .eI lots sli at $.50 ta $S% sud 1at.v choie brouaglil 2.50 par barreh Mbhe laie gin af apples iw beiug gradnaiiy vos-tedoff, sud t-le msarket ile suunng a bettonrshape. Au inspioved @tateacffaffaira ius tcaed for Itler in the iweek. WHITBT MAIKET PRIORS. Pau Who"i.......... .09 Sprin.g Wheat........... 1 OO GOoeueWheat ...........O0 73 Fleur, per ca-I............ 2 80 Banley ...................>055 SYe--------------.....- 0 58 Peau.................. 070 Peau. blakt..yed .........O090 Blue Pesu ............... 07M Osae................... 040 EaY .....................900u Ciover scd--------------..7 00 bpi. usn.........1 00 &Pblnma..............O 60 R..................0 14 Bottr... ............O0 13 Chiot.................O0 là Wood .......... .... ..... 400 shee ......... o06 affid e ............. 010 Port, poewl............ 6 Ca Turnipe-----------------..O0là Celer-y, per bo-----------..0 80 Chiekeus, ppair r.O. 80 Tnr-keys, per lb ...........O0 13 Bet. by t-le t-arcane... 6 0O Resai-la t-o124-a. Ifujttoa, by the care».... O007 'est auem c,7c. retwil.. c ce Bacon, Fumers&..........O0 O6 Baisis, ......O u1 Parsuips, pur bueli..-O 40 Cabbge, perbe....0 00 Shalet, " «".O... 0 Radiahes, '1 0 *C .*00 r-wasod.............. 015 01300 O070 2 260 *078 O074 01000a *800 *() 16 *017 4 00 1 125 *0o1i a 064 *70 *026 04c0 *075 0 01 *750 *cou A Lawyer'u O of In tEerest J. A. T;=na,JEs, sleiu tony morei ban thim poaraI tbe p gimu ur in estating that i regard DÉ.Kinga Nov DiScovery for Cousumpticu, se be bot remedy in tbc worM foi Coughs sud Cocde. t h" Dnever failed 10 cure btenmou »cer. colds 1 have liedasd invauiably relibvec the pain ln theochoit" Trial Bttin af i hueur, cure fur a&B Tbrcat sud Long Disuse may b. bai Fiee et G. E. liibbard's Ding Store. Larg A edgirlbegau t» ine "Lietan ta lb ta fInd saroching bird te7ieteu to. Don,* S'T'OC K lmv UR-Yý OUR NEW TWEEDS Grand Trank Railway and Ocean Si<amskip TICKET AGENOY, Telegrapli Office, Whitby, Ont. The Grand mt = oum brsd rmstbraogb 8s ech suc t hrcag f . 'W it Tt Meaitob, Noihuru thoememand u d Greet Wotanu Dlvi- e-an Chcgod Grand Trunk, Detrot GradC haveOnsd Milvuke., sud lInter- colonialRallw. Thrughcinlesudretrutickettansd trous New Yrk PTe elbiWcbtu Driver, Del Jackasevlfle FI&. a specwaty. Twckea for btsv, m» ;e'Bn ton, (vis anuma da upg au t pont f yimprtne in= an sd the United state.. Oh for Europe. Oheaperthan ecer. Frt-da. Rulafly " beSnaWbhy PatiMra;vCee S cuito theOld*metr fom terrid.oabave sud oeil tckets If sreh = t7 ehoc f moaOt oq es, fa SM.In- mtmd ip M a #MAboe ,raesuclude mallay farceta amitram Wbitsy. ro thiro kt ta IL STPESONO 1icket Agent WmTYONT. ?M the tMaing cd TmoMe, WILL RE-OPEN TMESDAYT. SP. th. 18U. at am Au Ataiomviiiho promidth"at" Priblglm"y deou tehme fat l w"r sud eu"rvim ou f lth crtu -lrlung Iulmdin sà mta eu ar.quswmlli olf Tise Pub& Scubi.Deportmt ute . -Pen MoadySt.lit. D. OEMIZTON, Fuimict Anlimal You Er Saw. am Ir AT J. S. ROBERTSON& BROUII *cftautni~u Damtaia- wprjuicete msaiin thVay LUlIUUIIUlli l LI iycur ystmaedbmm" .iyi~r~Al bodtis, I 7a mâsueA la gsnrsitJbw iGreat 1 plesaq lsuhd l t be i MdP«The fs-eut~»M lbe[veMadavus.TlmseObt t*sam mbadb&ATES OF Goatbanbesu a m tieuTh o . ladies T tut=UG1,0G m Md Uot te Bumadas disy -wM&Uym"m Ksis. nlslsmj 6emv-cL cià r . bà Tcsz= fer g Bm .i urlypu*.odteaoee»,m rS-Lvlml knoim to imik hou bbt s2m » RATES Ol taigi~sevs- aebllmtl *tu ~ a remadaunaI.«1* it WaU pâeofete an fmrMau l mt ov ceR- ai tese iais Tà ziS motte f tise - f It mu se Md oooudne ma" dom- wSdom al pas Ucore&dl DIarbs~a6 IralolawaDAMgau G m. i Lin, Fi PASA GEalaium 0F ROBUT. CIIPBELL Offers for sale cheap and on liberal ternis 50 ACRE FARM Near Greenwood, uzrder good cuIti- vation. - Conifortable flouse, barn, stables, sheds, or- chard,firewood,etc. 154 Acres of Bush, good land near Southampton. Two-storey Brick flouse, 2j- acres iiice garden, grounds, etc. One of the most desirable residenees i Whitby. 3 Stores in the Ontario Block, 1 va.cant lot adjoining. ALSO IHIS STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Carbets, CloÉhts, MiUinery, Groceries, etc. Ame being offered at and under cost, ini order to effect a speedy sale. ROBERT -CUIPBELL. No. 2 and 3 Ontario Block, Whitby. DO" 'T amLTO CALL OM W. E. O'BRIEN, WHITBY Copying and Enlarging fl age so f 7RAM on baud . St anl prime .. A TRIAL 80L101 TED. 'Wb$8~y> J5~ W. E. O'rnaBN. hi..., 1~U TOIJIF APPLE8I, FPEARFOR TUEff ami T 1.*?vf q ra, «JT aI* Oit 'libuea FALL HAVE ARRJVE.D. M N E'~e A L) S É M EISri EN S. New Attractions! AT TE. TEY OUR 1 POUND PÂCRET 0F In Green, Black, Japan and mixed at 50 cents per 11Y." a va1uable prize with each packet. We -have on hand. a fresh stock of NEW ai grades, froni 20 cents per lb. Fresh roasted, freiri ground, pure, fine-fiavored Coffee at 25 cents per lb., -Go- coas, Chocoates, pure Oreani Tartar, pure Spic8, and- al Inds of Canned Goods. Ail other limes of . CHEA.P AND GOOD. 0 We are showing tise largest stock, fixuest varieties, snd oheapest 'CIiOCKER Y In tavu, cansting of Hanrdsome DinneSets from $MjGý li New, pretty pattent China Tea SetiS frt %O$M.r lim- îMNew colored Tea Betta retaled st visalesale prices. ColaneCbamiwBoe otia ail nov designs veil worth seeig. We haveim stock Laies suMGuI, e ounsdd l, azr ccrdisily imiteilt d-o , o stock, snd be convincdtiaI vu g whave 1h. moM04eztenciv a s ,cheaoa stock of choice Family Groceries, (Jrockernud Olaseae, -Lanqnand Lamp Geedoeever offeredithie tovu.. Ne mtro wgodal - - Your obedient servant, SION FRA SER!.. . DevereWls Btoek, Biroc te, WEARE~ NOW IRECEIVING OUIR 1884. ]JEE:Arr M:ffllT,,rU- G ODS- ANDRE.W 1ROSS BRAZ/LiAII - Il WARE/IUSE e! TELrvUAS, FAMILY GROCERIECE I4ND GLAS8ýWAE - i aBý e., B. lz: SEASONIS 11 nildanduffu- 1