27 YEARS ESTABLi8S"ÉD-, THÉ WBIJDY CHROII L ]FRIDAY MORNINQ, Frm 1thé OffioCieu a t Thé CInsaseCLE hie a largeolrolatlon than 55y other paper in 1h. Oonty o! On- tarte. J. RIobertson d Bros., PROPRIETORS. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISI1NG. Pirlt Iseiton, par lino, 10 cents; oaci subeequent inerto% & cents. AdverleOtU sauýt wltheest wrtte te a truct!oa isserte ti tl torblddos, anti chaied for tf a i re. i48for dýb4otuisafrg 8 gotisames*ub most ho is.writing,otberwise the puhila ,hers will net bc respossible. e liborai discount for contract .dvertisee teats hy tue yw. O9py fox 04pese onutract advrtlsemsnte chnl, b. s.ea. in sot Ist"r tIsa Wetieadj; and sotie. of any intesded changes s hoo bcgWpvu be- f ore Tsesdmy ceas. Othar &avertis emessts rsceed sp te Thursuby sean. rirt lurtà ç)o i Ces C as lisUe fN.si roil; 10 casta parIlasablaso .ei sarton. Five caste per lins par annnm. the Cousnty or solgbbortnq townships. Cor- reepoudnes sararequesteat ta@end in tbir oostsousictlqss asprnsptly au possible. Lrisi Departesent la weUl supplieti with ise Siewest anti Handeomest StWles o! T"'0O sultahia for every clate af Job ark. ina l'rlnttng a specialty. The Ca»Nos'u eqeipmasut u t" irespect la stricély tirnt- CI"*sand te sot excall4 by any office in Easetern On"" 1 ý joUN E. FARlEWELL, LLUI., I3 ARIIISTER, Cousty Crown Attorney, and Couuty "oicitor. Office- Souths wîog, Court liesse, Whlttby -48 1M/ESSIIS RITCE& BILLII«iS BÀRRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT L1AW.SOLITORSTf ~lOI wv n2 :1. t bY, C.H. RITCHIE, Teosato. -W. H. BILLINaS, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, I AIIRISTEB, &o. Offin. !orusarly oc- ) cupl.d by Paroweii & lustiedgo, ccxl ta Royal ilotol, Broek St., Withy. DAVID ORMIISTON, Bl.A., A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN~ Obasscery, Conveyancer, &c. Orrsz-In the On 44 10-t" ePeo" office, inta cuillawso ,lae te ROBINSON & KENT, (LArx Duoaâ.s. tii osixson.) B à RRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTO RN. eya, Solicitors, Oonveyancera, &o. OFPICB.-InVà isra basn.us, No. g, V1ctri seet. G. YOUNG SMITK, LUL. 0-, B ARRISTER, &oc., &c.-Money te Loan lascar et lhftbage Licenam. Ovs'c-Ovtr Dominion Bansk, Wilby. Tau. 22, 1878. OIE~ astI untlrlssg lamat,, we idyocate Peace. Prowreesî. iCnra,,5,,Ac-. ~ ~Ti~T V V TT Ti '. v J-I-j 're £Uunttarg.-AT EN S ONTBIO CQ A DIANS THOMAS ]DOW, cas sur=pt n the eunitoti States an tirh a e r m s ttena. Iis boat te WbibyNo. 7ir~182. yer-patent o nthras limeug111 tlin leti ___by Nov.____1882 1 y pate.n t ; the i, lmeina seulssgmiti. î e y 7f.. Totalcoul of!'United OsUtes ýk it 0 f 20ui on maà lngapplialoir, WHIBYB BR HC2ia0iet m n ear pt.4 WHITDY JBÂI~OH, for 8,5 y $i.74.On mrecasutt mdS, Brock Street, Wbýb. .1 .ADDIRr FINANCIAL AGENT. P 0.Box 114, WHITBY. MONEY To LOAN! SIOOOO 40&,JIIKTMENÇT. ON UEÂL EST1TE SEÇIJBITY. Money seenrad wflhin 10 days of ap- Apl o plication. Whltby, Fabruary lth, 1880. 9. C. NOUIRSE, CHACER & c 1I nsurance and Geneîal Agent, Reproeulltng tire foUlowing oompanlas. Phoenix Fire insurance Company, et Lendon, Engianci. North British and Mercantile Insurance Cc., cf Eblinisurgîs and Londoes. Briti-sh American Assurance London Guarantee d~ Accident 1Compeusy, cf Engiand. -APPSAISEa FOi nUEt Canad Permnanent Loin & Savings Co MONEY TO LOAN, On [usprovie IParoatine aha' rtso! Intst Aleso 9ettry-Ioesuer o!nise Conuiy - - - IOFFICE : At Poil Office. Brook Street. J. IIAXgftGREENWOOD, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON .joyancer, Notsry Public, &.--posi O0 ze Drawer No. 1l, Withy, Ont. Ferma boupt and solti Marriage Settle- mens, rWl!! sud Trusets matie Specalties. Loase egotiatéen osail kinde of 7Iroperty. 42.1y eRUN BALL DOW, B IRRISTRII-AT-LAW. SOLICiTOR inta cbseary, 0onveyaescer, &o. Offic-D.veriise Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LýEND-Prve.te Fand,- fnsoumasup te $9000, at a low rate aoflen. teret.. ly& LYIRAN ENGLISII, L L.,B., B13A.RITER AT LAW, SOLIOF*OR I oaa sét5t Oohgà wa WM. menfiIIN. N.D., M.Recoe., fluy's 4l08PrrAL, LÃ"NDON, ENtI., the dsB. 0 . H. L., Ouhavi, Ontarlo. c à - D DR. BOGART, t'tysctîs, -Bureacu, Aeoucher, &os., &e. Wli tby, Sept, 8010, 1874. 40 DuS. W. <uiTIB51TSO0N. T 4tE ing Asistant Toronto Aeylssn L forýcssaae. OlPIORB--That lately occupted by Mr,. C. Nonnse, Ineuranca ARent. BROOK STREEET, - WIIITBY. Me1ntal1 W.ADAMS$ Wbltby. 'îifce bour" &cm 9a&.ZKtol12M., ati tram 1.80 te U . u.Eesdeuca-oer. ot Byr9n sud Gllb etéreet Esitablo for wnits lsg purposas, lsylng setier cowpets, etc., caste per hnnltti Applytqo 100 Colosinnd mo l0Engruveg ineéecl taMsi., 43rd YEAR. *i.OOÀA YEzAR Rendt Irea 20. tiesulor Simple Oopy lEnglisir or Garman) of the 0zLsusr à » Se ÂOSiCULTUUAeIMbW4 h~'w~ ORANtâmuou o,, lai*i ,Ms~ 1751 Broadtway, New York. tZe, 0 tuet tem re, sad wwtll ma l. ase! mamie WEi TBl Ynco . A.- A. POBST, aIte wttb Lacgiey, Langley & Burke, A RCHITRCT. Dosles ton Churebos, Villes anti Collages a epocaety. Dravwinga prepareti for r.- madteling oxist.ing Structures. Ouicu, fur the proeet, aI hlm reaidence on Klngatou.Road. Plok.rlng. P. O. BOX 22 WeUTer W. 0. JOIINSTONe, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Caho bud ai lb. La inOfce o . G. KOEsIl . , Whllhy, or il lia reaidence ai Mr. Ros" ohniton, Per,'striaI. Dominion Wood Works, WH ITBY. Geo.--.Oormack, LUfBER MERCHANT k 1UILIPER. Dooni, s8mhana ii.49à LUDI13R virolteale mat retatl, or bi bey tir. car laid. Plasslng, Mouldiesg.oI 4veny deacrap- tien, Floasbng, aheotlug, ahelv*ng, Re- @swing, ShaPlslg, Tuzona. Soroll-wo-k' etc., etc. Whîthy, Oct. Otir, 1878.-8 KNO BROTHBRS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importons, Deerà andsui&t uiicuree1c&UI Kini o! LEA TUER AND FINDINOS, cashr paid for Eitios, ark anti LatRuez. Lat'eretzolcbod. sO BBLTfIG MADE TO OLiDERON SHORT NOTICE. Ka,', 18t72. sa - 8 ILJ- Il. DATES, Ne par ai ,nevTek, la anthorimed 9-0 constoici for advcrtse. MeSaIstuth ie CIRONICLE ai est 0 !ISPAPER my ths fouestion file ai J.(a.P. HeoaU & Co'& Nen'spa&Pe Ad. vuztislg BuâracsMybufnjeiu (10 Spruscaet;vsa'.md LUMBER 1LIJ MBER' f,,' e "eW 1 TB Y, ]Mo * UhpiefWhad DgMmlMese- dies, wtsd;sclpti4n of inventionn'a will sent i ce, reforences anaticrcuiartfree. Atidre, C. A. SNOW & C0., COPORpeitt IL.. Solicî tore cf patenta, --steni Offie, Waatngtos, D. 0. Pl«»e.menties whore yos Iaw' liii dror- lisement. -61 PIANOS TUNED. c EO. T. GUMPRICUTe Tuners, xfor Messrs.Maacs & Eiucb, Tarante, will be whltby about tira mile o! May. Paxiteawismtelgtiroir Pianop properlytunoti ll~aee bâiq$ea wlth Mes.m IL -à " f1- otpies. Win1 kinuon'. EBiftr, i.aolies ,Teroma. &a14uu te Meura &cona Àbhss'èit . te, VI reoiva prompt attentioen 17-16 Chronicie Chronicle Clarorsicle Chrosîcle Cliroicle Chrosnicle Chronicle Chronicie chronielei Chroniotei Chroniclei Chroniolel Chronicle -chrosasclei Cisronicle Obroniclo Chroice Walker's {coîuing titro Ryd' Whiskey. Dek Gin,- St. Emilion. Claret, St. Estephe ' B. & G. Mcdoo Hennessy Brandy, Martel tdi Boucher ci 1ITA L1A N Offerute lb.hépublie a cevereti Pisateni, Bff Box, Si&* land: ($1~ (1) ( 1> (1) (1) ( 1~ aud Wootdy Globe ($1) sud Weekly MaO ($1) . andI Weekty Advertiser ($1) aud Weckly Witness <$1) aud Weekiy Star ($1I) and Rural Csuiadiaîi ($1) and Leisure Hour ($1.50) amd Sueday aI HOMe ($1.50) aud Boys' Own raper ($1 .50) aud Girls' Own Paper ($1.60) . andi Americitn Agriculturalist ($1.60) snd Thse Honseliold ($1.10) aud Grip ($2) . andI Soiotific Ameicas ($8.20) ana American Farmor ($1) andi Soottisi American Journal ($2.60) and Truth . . sud any tve Dollar Woeldios or Montiues-tire' periedica.la - sud any tliree Dollar poriodlicals-tour penodiceis andti Iv Montisties publisised at $1.b0_8 porioicals o stock c.,.... the Native Wine, Finest Port ham'sj, Finest Sherry Wi-ne, dont'1]y, Lime Jice, Also Lime Juice Cordial, Aie anld Porter on drafti o bottled. [Gra.. WRIITI3Y, ONT-ARIOI FRIDAY, AITGIST e - -7 - r- I -- Distrust. Frou, The< Currc-- ftrust ÃŽatfr 4aeeliyoe t âs rauths tie , a r14Ã* large,. H Wh O! J=ansenature's basenese ad deceit, Lrk "'n'bc zmrro, of Ida heaft and $ces Hi mdt.eeqiu reflect4d. Or poxohs.ece Hie hosoyed wine aif hie iws turnoti ta gal By Sorrow's band, wbich briturned hie oul witb tsars à td mati ail tbju gs bitter te hie taste. IehtneamPassion 1 hut hocui2mafrali Of sootared love or Friestishipes streegtl osing draugbt, Nor thlsktaoisons usdorlico their sweets. Lookthrogh tucye, YOo wilI disaoy trutb. Suspect Suspicion, and doubt only Doubt. ELLA WHEELEM 1ndaPortiere. Away tis tha crawl etdmocere The, youth loves thin aid, 'tiiplain Ite l And sbe-had ho oys e. &wonld keow Tirat she's long been platiouitly waitissg tii chance ýI Her heart ce bIsa to heatow. To-eîht, kas 'tie-qUet enlise one le soar, j. Ils bensltng low cor bar chair, Cthelove, oandti ipatieuîly write hor repi: Bobiîna tho portieeo. As8 thcy wander forth tram the ekeoraiu1~ Anti joie In the mazy wht rl, Li fe look& te ber tWiba ai hrlght Ms it diti. 1 kew, for-I wu thie gi! N ÂME LES S. 15E O. UER. libe 6toot LenlIse stormy tvviliglt, the m'oee waters uneinig sn'ittly benenilà bier bar. foot. lier tinsky eyeî woro fired i ltentI:y uponsBorne objeol lower dewu the streaus. A ltle atray lamb wn'a closoly clasp- ot inl ber armie. TIsey calleti bot Kolpie; eothing else, for tira shm, lilbe-limnsed, naetneue-cyet maidoe Isad no dlaim le any other naine. Ose miti-vinter nigisl, n'i thels @Do0w lay wIsita andi heavy on this ur- roussdieg iilleandi a bitter ibas wbiatled tlirough tise valcle nwIiei Mapletborp seatieti, the witiow Buck- atone, sitbisg comfortably in hor oimey coruer, waa ebartIeti by a obar ra sttho4oor. s1hmtçiWho =îî so eon sncb t nigisi?:' cniedtâlev isow, puslsing iber epeolmoies op on ber forobeadt. "Ru to the door qnick, Tom 1' Tom obeyed. -Wbo's tbises?2"bcodemandeti. Only tie ioirse noir cf tise. iniry bimet aesewer.sl . "TIsere»s someosie iurkisg about,' aasitiTQm. 11,1lcse a t iaIliey 'ru aften." Dutho etumbled over aomotiiet a hit f001. It vas a basket covereti vilS s coiensti blankal. **WIsat'a this ?' lieo rici. Thse coorot blmisket vas -owovsti, anti auderneatis, allfoltiedintsi tanls, si.y tona a little mita cf a baby. Tom!'& sachet hall up te tvo de- Frcatiugbanda. It'oa a"me," asicroieti,l"asti I a Ions wislew. I won't keGEit; I won'é; il alhII go te lthe poor bouse in the moreing; nov thore." Tom via aient. ]3ù1 vies tise.morron' came, aèd th ie ova elabroasi,'anti ailMaple- tbcrp cume fgScl'L in f bave a teck st be i" fonà g, -tom gel be- hlnd bîe jnclir'a ,chair, âù-à pincieti 4$ b Rie ho.visaperedi, whon ae lainaI toui,5'ol titise mitigeS away; I.baltb.aà ,bitetlow aoon,axsd l'Ji wrk for you. both."- RIs motisar sodtiet i atiemiloti, but ,tars u»mete ber que. Whou Ur. TIsozÃresyt, tfe minister, sain* it is ruoï and ç0W to.make Sin., proyawslPZA forIlbe obilti, aise Bo te lslt a âsn1eVtt ise amiSees~ia's luts ea4i -ms w err iAL CeTu» ve 2 00 6i5 2 00 105 2 00 105 200 15 0 10 150 S0 125 seN-T 5 5 5 5 50 40 50 40 50 65 50 50 50 10 75 VALUABLE PREM IUM eonrjting of large lithograph lile.like Portrait--Size 22128-of Lord Lasasowne, -<Canada's new Governor Generà l,) Hou. Oliver Mowat, Rt. Bon.. 8ir John AÂ. Maedonald, or Roy. Dr. Wild, wiIl bc presentod free te, every subacriber te the Oaomrcrx, whether thie paper je sent alono or clubbed *ith any other periodical. (When portraits are sent by mail 10 cents extra muet be ad- ddate cover cost of postage and pretectors.) It is yours to take advantage of these liberal terms before it is too lte. je se Cisrenîcle Building, ROB ERTSON Denerell'a BlocR, WHITBY, wmTBY, Union Block, TIORONTOO 99 1QQ1I FOSTEIR'~ 1- st "tWhee you aeketi me beforo, I1n'as esmelet. 1 couidnni hoar te t4ink I migisi brieg yen shiae some day-but, tbsnk Goi, Pail that la past-I am-" "Yen are wbat yen alwaye hava been te me, Rose, tho s1eeîest, pureel creatnre Goti ever male; but you for- gel, chilti, yotsr moîbor cornes te- rnorrow, andi yossare an heres-" ..I forgot eotb!rsg, Tom; il I wora th queon on ber tbrone, I shoul iy tbe saie thing. I amn yonrs, if you realiy n'ont me." Why thse' Earth Quakes. FORCES TISAT ARSE PENT UP UNDER US ANDO.VoULD SMASH US IF THE'f OOT - LOOSE. IfYen lbink eo0, well aeti'gooti," ah. matie answer, andi turnieg from«lhim, Io1Iowod ber Iambe te pasture. Years camne end went. Yousng willow. There wss mot s youeg man se Mapletborp wbo wouidfl ot isave rieked liÃŽte snd limh fer a emile from ber eby, ,preti lips, or a glanos cf favor from ber Isusillous sinek eyes. But eba kept theus ail aI a distanceo, aven yosesg Talcott. Therc. came, as 5105e spot on, a oprieg mftes-eou wild mithb idron n r raie. md~omat Thse vmlley n'as delegeti, sud theba a winde tosseti asti bît the pines, anti L. tors Off the branches of tIsa maples. 111 muAt se ths helambs are folti- eti," said Kelpie, nathse twiligblt rsw noar. "You'd bettor stay le doote, anti lai1 thecstus ist for thoeelvo4". sai ,> - cwfrm hcimny corder,. ,wdefo h ' beBut Kelpie hati a wiIi of bier OWn), anti weut otit mbib te storm. A littie later sbe looket inj. 1 le "Thse bouse lamab le missing," she saia ; "l'us goissg te tend it." "Nay, say 1 " cried tIse widow, "Yen must not bhiuk of if. Tes b one it bas ey trayed beyoed tbe creek. Lot il "Thse wabc o iig rapidly, astd it May pericb.it ea oruil tray .a lamb, Ion," saiotIe"grirbrigMit ye doftenieg. "I rais dil esyseifnI ct Dot leave it t, die.'1 Maplotborp was fattcloseti ogainst tiseStorm, eut a crO5sure to be seau iu the streete. Boyond, in the ravine isnwLticb tIse croek rau, the gale hati be tearful. Kelpie wenî resoluîely on, cailing ber lest lamb je a clear, Isigli voice,t lthat rang eVOi above the clamor cf the yAndst a Ft, sway up amidth Ie laurel clifle, a plaintive cry asgered ber ; t anti aItIse foot of an oit pisse she fouet L ber lamb.c She caugbî il up wiîb a bushed cry ef deligbt, and turnee ber face home- dwarti. r wlgh a fallng, and the risingt she went ou carefunhy, picking ber iway Ieaping ligbtly from rock te rock, ttbowist tssing heruneboceti bair. h oundotcf tramping boofs, andi e -directly a man'.i voie, je imperative ft Scommand, reacbed. ber trom belon', t Standing on the aiippery rocks, thre I swift-ilowing waters beneath her, cne abantireaîlng upon a rongb houlder, tIse r oibsr grîapleg ber lamb, abs peereti dwthoe urgieg Streams. U Thora n'as a boresman ai tbe lowcru ford, making vais offerts te cross. Thse berme reareti anti baoked, oni- t - tentiy frigbsensd t thie swoelen b etream.0 *But hie rider arget i hm on, with ti whlp anti spur, anti mi last ha wnt le, b witb a wilti bnp.1 t Plssging furionsfly, ho gainedth ie 9 oposite shore, but witik snob a frantia tbeOunti, tisat bis rider -wsi tbrows from I the sadtilp. I Tisa hersa galiepeti off le thse &lirec- il tion eof&faploîlsorp, but bis master iay tI motiosiese. 1« Relpie, looking ce breathlessly, tl uttareti a ln' cry, and ti eu claapingr ber lamis, darted -over the rock@, antid down the shore cf tIse oreek. Beor.e h. reaciod bim, or looked tl imb bis tisatir-like face, some enhilo i" voice within told ber il n'as Tom. ti Thare ho lay# hie riglit atm tiouble& iO under hlm, tho- sharp'ige cf a rock bi pieroing hie tempîe. bq Reli ralaed hie headto teronbeos' A- 1ýnd beld Il lbere for an insat, Me at fInnd motiser migbt; hold -ber baise; q thons-witb an uusapoken prayor on ber St saboùIli ths, aticgit np be, lamb, eý 1anti dtteol cff through the fmlllng tisrk. rti nouswitb tie spooti cf a ewallow. Holp came la a vory Short time, aasd or snd -borne -acroo see và uoy toe et, mother's coitage. '-N "Réis nol deadi"' sid iKel, conî bo frontltfg Dootoi'talcots, when lisiorlef gr eÂâniliatlont waa cnet. c TIayonn agsn l oü~ed stthe lovlyia ut ifa ces pallU , w lt h 'Ssape nsse mn J T i mgey; asi ls Ria l 0tp ho ieU 1deter u0 ONTA1RIO. .5 - DRLtIGS! -AŽ~iY- TOZLIT £~ICLU NO., 36.i1At the 'MEOICAL HA -LL WHITBY. G. E. GIBBARD. The Art of Swiiming. 110W A 1'OFESSOU TEACXES I2OUNOSTEIIa TO SMINE OUT LIKE FMOUS. "It 4a Olten 8truck Mo ats ingular," eaid the iiFîtructor, "1that the majority of pteople whic begin te take swioeming lessons imagine-they will nover be abije to leare. 1 amn epeaking particularly of mon anti boys. An a raie. thay'bave little faith in the inaîrnator, aud ooem to be a 1iffle snepicious cf hie goot in- tentios. Ladie,> on the contrary, are donflidiug. They follow -instructions closoly, without questions, andi learn- course tbey douit Passos a manss s(rength andi endurance, but they eem te untisrstand what tboy, wiIllhavte ta do and persevoroutil the purpose is se- omplishAld. The average- boy andi youth wiIl insist npen'remaiuing in the water longer tban je boneficiai-very few cf thora reaulze that tee minutes je the water le je the msjority of cses a far better time to produoe a vigaorous reaction than a half heur. On a warm day, however, a persos is very much tempted to rermain in longer than in gotifor hlm." «"What causes Ibis Iaok ci confidence in se many perpone ?" was askod. "lIt je rather difficull tae eaplain,*' was the reply. "'Yeu oie taie a dozee boys and set thoea te etutiyieg las- guages or mathemnatice, or in learnibg a naw physical ezercise-suci as rowing. The chances are ton te une thnt every. bodiy will feel that hae can lesae more quiokly andi perfectly than every eth r boy. h le differenvt-when it cernes-te siwimmieg. A.lmoet every pupil -will exclaim: -'I know there ienen use try- ing, beoaue1 can nover learu if I trjed a hundrei Yeats.," .* "1WeII, how Msny years dloes It re- quiro 2" ý"Years!oc.imdM.1inmri sstoeishment, t"why it deesn'Et'le- even mendie or weeks.- Firom throe te six lessons wll malte the meet timid, persen confiqont., This is tho wsy we tesceh," and', leuding the way te tho tank, the inairucter explained hew -tho motion with thé hands énd feet-woe firet tanght in an ante4o'm.' "6Thea pupil jg plao-d in aparaot, fid@h, "wbiob'tipporta hie bodiy antiivà s big arme and legs 1-*afreq ,swing. ,Then S torcer onpfà slowly3que, two, Lhreu', until"the-1earnor- aà kick ent like a fraet ari, tarnteî-s-.-- Âfter-thit he je lacd l thla'kanabls head kebt liéth coiný;.Whon the -mion ias b'naqsrdthe b .ana-4e taken off, andi thie it thlog the, PupiI dosa is te gulpAlesa monithfl cf water and bob munder thie surface. A' lng poIele i reaà y ifi the teaohe'al handu, and the etrugling sputsrlgyeth' rais thse endo cf Iti and nearly conglehe is unge np.' 'ths"t isailloveroomo in a few more lesens; ,and-thseeMarner les sur- prisea te findti hal ho. eucas ily swic from ou nd,o f the~ tank te the o(bheir. "t11;la 1)little surprteiag," continued tho-ietructor, "to ses how many, mfn thie are over 40 years of' ago Who antwm any more than an dyster. W.e had one pupil hèe.à afèwsretsfo a. ro -, wfeebis ýeN- pi-wsst! Au i sii Wh=UPTOR Pi TRie above eteek fi mau«ui ant viiie ho .tdà t 1ev prkusfoi cashor e t TÂL717 T BëfoËe ÉXA "Pu] prtieu1ar attentioll> '<aIb~3UiIp ~t4m ci s I,'-mi -, --'z, - -~ Whth calm Prinîtd words, Cmet thouibti, ~I4 y- SJ± 'f - ~oq~ p0 ITS, i. sm' Prof. George H. Morriwan of Rut- gars Coilege, Nov .Brsanwick, N. J., bi matiethe eruqtoethlie arýh,*,stpdy. ,an4-haê w ritten osnlise senbict. ' - ek. ik ofef beasrtbquake wiioia fto n'i- utes after two o'etock os tIse afiarsocu cf Suntiay Angust lb. lOth wss ox- perisustceur, ngtise Atlantie soaboard. seutb fromn Mains, ho saiti: 1Whijla factoeonongi regsrduisg tise orIent of thea cartsquake cf Bnnday hsave uel ýbbmù ete lant toenable me te seak on e îdirection cf tise eartb wavs or ils peculiar features as compareti n'it1% other oartbquakes, 701 semnetbieg may bo saiti as te tise labesI convictions cf stndenîs of science ou tisa satura ot bIsa oartb belon' tbe point aey man cas peustrate. TIsai may.,1cad ne le gnose inelligently aI tbe cause ef saris- quelles. "lYeun on tbe long receiveti theory of tIsa saturaeof the iclerion cf lIse oarh n'as Ihat 111es a moton mess@, andti ta we move &rondt on a cruel anveleping the earth anti osuseti by the cooling off of Ibis mass on tbe oubside. Il i. us- tionbtetily brus tisaI about lbirty miles belon' tbe eartb's surface lise lampera- turc le se isigli Ihat everythieg is in a usaltati condition. Wa hnowe Ibis, ho- cause we bave learnedti tIse very filty rosI n'apenetrate jute tis esaillithora is an incresetoftamporature of aboutî 1 0, anti ai a distance cf thirty mnils the beat je se grest thal aey substance a'e knon cf wn'old mout. Perbape lise usitet mss l lis i h aim o f a liquiti. rbat wontidho certain but for tise im- mense pressure on il. Tirs pressure le eslimatad est 10,000 tees on -a. square foot. 0f course sentitio mos caunet siperiment with matter at a higs loi- peratnre witli.s pfrossurae o 10,000 bons eo a square foot, se vo cos oely gnosse tIssé may baclia condtion. In tatking about ibis melteci mass iity -miles setier us tIse terreu"valet substaece"' le sietiby gotogista. "Honatgreat la tho distance threugs hi atrsubstance vo do sol Risc,, but it is certain ébat lit density e.- creases more asti more, gradumlly, ns- til thse isterior cf lise earth lsesoliti, pro- bably freis lhis nconcetivable presiure 1,000, 2,000, or 8,000 miles trois lbe surface. Sit William Thom peon haa iemostratad tisé 15e earti muet have t core muais denier tien tise lanti andi water we lire on. Ho points dnt the mct Ibat if a aboli only tiity miles Isiek surrosnedia moites liquii'a"e extestieg Item Bide cf tise sarthtsrougb th centre tte sher eidetlies tise. nooujuthroug tise Ian cf gr-avitation, wositi dispiace e h iuiti or gainsthse sterior cf tis e at te, suob an exteet Chal tbe eartb's cruel would bü1gc' est n, the direction cf the, moon, msking a!k ide in tic soili cruel cf tise caris,s artainly sthe skis cf mn orange bulges out vison you r-quesse the fruit beeen thse palme of yen>- bande. à sd Ibis voulti be evidentà nus because sfe océan tlido. vouli b. almost, if nost suie, imperceptible te, us. To vith- tend tise atthation cof the Mrec, lie 3artb, Sr Wiliatayu, -Muet be as IBO v bm-re- tise 'tbeîory tIsaIbise muet che sati foata on anai imposes a immene n'igRit 'osa 7viwte,' euhbý ancoe, ý,viehla. sinocncivab ~bot. on', as jo, theway.au ertiquRisMay, s causeti. Suppose moieture- Iriekleti radually,,year sftctryear, ttroi3gi t ibs -ruetitte- beated-masso. :.IaOur at- aphore seésam vout b. , produedt.' - lirti mile' belon'- us the n,-ame-al KIB) LLOVE-LEINUER -FOR SALE BY - W. R. HOW"'SE, CMIST,,AND DR )N.e WHITÇ$Yy Special Clubbing Offer Whitby CHIiONICLEI Money' in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Magaz ine Reader. COOBINATION ]RATES. .1 *-1 * i i-I R. H. JAMESONO PURE LIQUEORS. W AR EH QUS E. Me. O'DONOVAN,9' c -i~g ork., Whitby, Ont. 64 untidng bWantry, we advocate Peace, Progress, Xnowledre. Émý the-rh-.A 91 . 9,- 1 RRII à -&& à ýnYV, Qui 1 1 1