Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1884, p. 4

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SOrv00eab il .m. aîîd 7 p.m. ST. JOHNS OlIGRO, (Port Whitbyl. Rev. W. 8. Watay, M.A. Incumbeet. service âaI1Lc imC .sAhmo 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall. e'CANADA MRT90DIST OHT3EOH. Rev. X. B. WillooghbybM.A. - Pastor. service ut 10.80 a.m. anud 7 p.. ST. ANDREWS CIIUROR (Prabyterian Roy. Jno. Abrahame, -Paator. * Service atIil a. m. and 7 p. IA.PTIST CHURCE, Itev. J. F. Barker, - Pastor. Service aI 11:00 &.m. andi 7:00 p.ns. R. 0. OHUROR, (St. Jlohn's). Rov. Fatiser MeCaut, - Priest. Service at 10:80 asai. andi7 p.m. ON THE WING. 'rime or Arrivai andiDepnrture or Traiîns, Mails and Singes Graend T,-,ok lRaiue, 001N1 W"T. Exlîce .1(7 a 1e lini t 4.4(1M)uî tee Il40 ' Eî'ii'-i 1 Expreqî 9.2b ai.. l.its iîxe i1 i3.Wi,.lm. 1Eiîresr 1 Satidax, .51 i ut Milotn l Hau.eay. 7.00 ie rien. Joq1etow Ex reni 7:30 a., 7 40 arnu Mil i 12 i0 1'. 12.20 1'.rn. Expres .44) 1*au. I .s0lpin. Jonction. Towrn. mal 6. 40 ain. I60 ate. K tircaa 3.1.10 1 u. i o. 3 r1. M Expreu tAb41 i.u 1 I 0.55 P.n Leate fotrOIîawa et 10.X)&marn sd 4.OO.p.n BIroughamn ai9. 30 a&. Whftby Post Office. osl nul WaST. CLOSE Mia THE SAIT. 7. U p..i. 1 7 i1.5p m. Fur the Northi 10 Ii.lFur Ilruughanî OUar. FrOm TUB waar. rtoiTira lait. 9.OOla.,. 9. 15 ai. 1.00pie. 10.001p- . Fremrn thiAiIl). 'relu llrougliîari.00 l. m. OcossuMaim close Frilan 71.0ua.uî. Due Mueday 10.80 a.rn. Postago ti) Oreat liritaine- c jet j iunce by eavh Rotîe. RIistieratiol lee, fbc. Moui asr Cmi, >raited u ail MoieyOrdet ui. nets in tianeIa, Utird Oh-iaes, Great lirilain, P'rinceo Edeati llaeeli.Newtonndiaiid and huila. Daisierrreotvulv d îî he isr,îuaos of the Peut ice6 8SVlt ieg auI t beitthe outri of 8 &.In. andS 6.30 p. su. ltegiteroti Letiets 1011,1 I)e pouted 15 minuties be1orete lseiîme cdi ihal Office hour, i a. se. W ôO 30 pie Suedays ex. cepted. llbr.egnPe,«tae~. Canada hmving betiiadittedI ntri the.Pestai Vuiuiî thora aa& ruartaligeacliof Peiai ll.ai.e aifollows: For Auitria, ODel , 1)eueîark, Iealaiîd, Itgvt, Vranue, Agvria, Geneae,*y, (ibraltar. Or&tiritr- aie and lrsiaî,d. Once., i.aly, Luxoubstie. Mata, Noutiteicegmi, Nt-tieriand, Norvay, lceia, Pî,riu. : i, Aoejoisia Ituguia, ii. Pierre, Servila puain. the Oaear Iaads, Swoiloe, lsîtanrI&nd and Tutkey. Aed Ia Ueitted States: -Bler,,uda, liallalai4U Cuba, Dânlîsh Cldnles cd Si. Tiaurna, St. Jolis89.tCroix, laJana, JJe nand 1rtu Ilto.. îdîwteuudlaeýd e uew Il e i iestaUnion butth. Polai Rates Tornale as betere.> Lettets ô mils lier joîaîîeo. Pootl>Carde 2 cents cath. Nespapert 2 cente for é ounces. RoIfistratioîî Fat Ados, Argetne cofcderatiai, ltall, Britishi oulnia, Osylont Goenlansd, Frenchi Colo. ai le iuâLa, Jttica, Oeeaaica andS Armerna, except et, Pierre and iuelon, lera, vis Pendait(Gulf, Piotiuguue Ceionlas tui AisAttra, Ooctîza Ttlild, OSpla Cooies ln Af tIa, Orauiesafaid Anertea, araapt Cuba and Partio Rie, Straits Sattliwr neu u lguapeîe, Penangaud Malacea- Letersfo. pr joz Boksac, 4et» r ft Cas. West Iodsa itlauda I&ati#,%.miesrie au f oreerly. Prepaymnt by etsian & U cames. Australia except New Souilh Waloa, %VictorIla> aid Qmseulnd -.-Letters 7c., Papersde. Ausitrala, Ntew South, Wae, Victaria, Q usons- lnid, Letters1lIais., paisrs 4. New fitaland, via banu litn:e-Les là1 cents. paperta4 conte. C. ROUlSiERPestrnator. A Hebetudinons rank. Théa New York SBe în iasapplied to tise editor of thse Cleveland Leader, a Mr. 0iwles by namne, thia uîw and ter- rible eplîhet. What às tie sapyesoiogîeat explana. lion of hebetndinoatYP %Vis je Cowiaa * not merely a erank of soins ordinaa-y patterns but a isebtudicona crank ? We do not Yet knoW,' but lave bopée tisat persistent inqniry aud cenacien- lions Investigation wil onner or Jter deveiop thse lacIs. Iow dos it (sel to bc a habeludinoua rak-lba only iseis etudinona crack on lise face of the carh ? Tisatilt a fascinatiug tiseme for imagination@a tilova 1e cultivai. the f(aniaatic and tise bizarre. Already ona pret pousaaa of rare insight sud an extraordiuary voc6bulary bas aetzad the situation viltiste gpap of gentus. -We quota (rom -Onr eslaeaed conteM- porary, Pu,rorne vereses deeorihtng vus nucommon power thése epposedl sensations of Cowles upon mÀktng the horrible discovery : "O11, put me away In a graveyard cî)ol Ainid verdure damp and denr - For I ame thsemIn whom Tau Suzi bhai calld A'Hebetudtuous Crank. '*h tain would I lie on morne deaoiate b"at, * Where the tack raisiit gayty bounds, By tise aide of the gond mai weighlng about * 2510 poundil. "But 1 know that 1 neverjno naver on .0!rtha Can rival thal awtaît word- The meaneat and usest and cussedeot cusa Tbat a inrtat buaever heard. 01 l IF aa nSpan deep, Ân ieae hattoII iicaver myzLd Witis aIrats of ceai ou top. "6AnS savant# to cons, as they dlg une out Prom f«ze oUage tank, Witt exp tain te tise worid whati gta stei h A IHebeindinous Crank.'" Grains of Gold.- Hatrati ls blind as vals love. 'A good beginunng ta hall tise work. 4old la ùo bsim tb a wounded spirt. Etary 11111e frog le great in 1sa- ova bog. When fiais are rare, even a crab la a Most *1of ur gooforte pcv np be- tween crou8e4. .4 ltlI.pralseid gcod for a shy teom. per. Iltaachae 1à1go rely ou the kind. nae of others. I lemore dflouit todissiasulale tise euimotia ~w. 111, tbua s IiIate " oitlse joamaessive aiictp It trits 1111e thisugeu ai 1111. linp, sud lenot'hud byýthem.' Tb nYof dota t Sgr, htitega ' liilg,'£à masreestves m'0' o- $lk.an bee Ande ore inpro»orum o1 is4mb4o es i -s aa tule rePiI e aiuiay Mtid dx»i0m It Ji enarally true tsI bat ejdie too bfd[is hie é*6do st uries 'bold Uprighsin, S5uovMîdow4ae vtth ont an.tbéïli bàa pno$ of horas oonv"aiase, but of divine reqatre- met. whs, .s.a .a&S...a .- Tholt Aue OYTACt Itlta quit. possible ifiat onea may bavi ail thse virînes, anti posoees li tisean. dovosnts visici comrnerm tise be»lgu accidenta of vealtis ant i iluage$ and yai vant thseons thing vihiol il'mahî hi. Uta ihappy antiouecceseful. H. le a man cf business, va vili enp. pose, ant is tesriotly trutistul andi up. rigisi; ho fulfiha il ieîsengagements o tise very letter -;is ponctuai, and not ovar-oxatng; but ho driosoct isave tise art 10 plasma. He,'tecks, Iunsort, tact. Tho stranger viso cornes tb lrstiî vtth hla, ilfh ist a merchenut, ifiay tike lise q uatity of bie goode, and Miay Dot dislik a bis pricea; but tiese ituatioc vill .nevertbeiess become ucconifortable ir due tme; aod, befote ho knows il, tse caaual customer, vistia adealer vitS a litile tact vomiS bava eaiîy tetatuod, «oes acrose the stroomîte f011 bis msue- quet lorders. We ahItkoov thse preaciser viso lechi ibis lcbrioaîîcg qnaliiy, anSdviso rante about matters tisat irritato persona ratisor tissu etabltiisprinciptos, ced wbo very acon cornes to grief in bis pariais. Ile bsobeeu scxltericog dynamite in thueinosi carelebe possible way, and vouderuss7 yacybody in burt, and doseu't isar aoytisîg but the, reboun from tisa explosioo. To tise politician, tact ineansofoten a poitive anS indispensable capital in trado. Ih far auperoodes taleteen e it stands alone by itsell. It in oct probable tisaItisero is a ain. gt. profossion se dependent apte s knovledgm tof liman nature as isnlise politician'e. Ho mcmt knov lhier ds. potâions as volt. AnS the very eue- ceusfut one manages te do Ibis, aed to enter mb tiste vritous (terets viicis engage iterent mon wiv u ane ansd alacrily tisai reacistise very sptnimit cf art, visils tise absence o! art isnover daubted, or tise skill oif tbi tling-is fot suspecteS. Tise pnlitiotau visa lias tact dosa ual let it dssert hui the day aller lbe alection. Tise vant of tact in a lavyer vill often loase ita a case, ne matter boy good t inior boy volt renSdiso inin tise tuer pettticieg ta tt. Befote a jurytie gift ci adî'oitiy put. tiog tisings so as te cime vilS tise fcelitngsanS projudicea tof tweîve Siffer. ont men tsaait important. It gives tise lavyer visa atide 10respectable talents ibis paver, ccasummate influence. Tact te olullying tise leeîiegis cnd peculiaritiesetfisepatients e toee of tise prime roquisites of a physicien. He cannot euccesefulivy minieter ho tisoir silenents unIes. ho thraugisly un- Serohanda tiseir iinost mentlIpeculian- ittes, aed enceoede ie hîîmoriungthein. Hoeu ite ow tIie Enzlistî of! jîle-oba, and tise value of bread pille atîl], te certatincce, tetact, bc euh keep the lisonuchlo! danger in atîvyauce. But, afler ati, there te nonplace werre tact ta not needed. liteuso(ulu'iiîin inte iiy, generai relations of lite in paramout. Ilcarniest; rits pbi;eeer us gentle, lllionIioui persuasion eut> "No vanî&Il retnoiederonue porson aller acoitier eriso is atilicted eush an almosi ludliecus absence eft iis quality, anS vhis iperpetually le Mrs. pani. ingtoe'a dilomma-viso suid she nover apecod ber menth is vlout puttioig ber ber foot in Il. If @Ooe visiter arrives visa Sas lately bcd a naa rehative bung, tise subject of tis a «511e. viiihb.At once inirotinoed, anti exputtated poc vitis pecultar une- tion cpd persistence. Tise vrong toptc te atvaye introdot. eti by tisa ill-ctraeg-ed individusu, ans il sure to ho discuss>ed in tise montill.I limaS anti oalapropos wv. A Leap-y.ar Episode. "My dear Julia." ha saiS, lit la Tory nice of yon ta came andS ee me no oftecu, but papa, you itnov, dosea't lite 700 very wat." 1itnovitl," reptied tise girl. "Andi lo telle me I mutul loet yen caîl anry mare." G'ood for hua."' "Andt ta ho yl ueven consent to our union." "Wo'11 sec about th&a$." saiS Julis, "Herio cuis ta liremosuse tusElmoto- MRg,*' veet (onGeorge cetvoosty, --and, if I cm not mistaken, I isear hSm nov out in tise seS untytng tise cov anS brella anS SleS. Camcra and Comedy. Tise stry of-a uev play sean ta ho produced it eweYork Soevs in- stantaneons pistagraphy. Tva gentle- men are gsted in à ari-visontva ladiea entei-. The car staris auddecly. and tise ladies are precipiteteil mb lise laps aftie gentlemen. A pisotograpb.- ar is taking an instantaneaus vtev of a building cipposite, ati catches tise un- fartunate people in lise position Men- lianeS. Upon diaeorering ibis 1a mates soparsa pîctutes o! tise couples, scîd ien proceede to biackmai &Ili the parties concerneS, aveil as their- 'bas. bauds anS wivss. Thse tun ofthtîe play and lise motié ara tho. fui-nisheS. Of course, aIl différences ara sktraigislened lu tise ed anSdlise vioked pisolagrapis' or punisSeS. An Upight Judge. An auctioneei-.isao beou artoatet for abesait anti baller>'. "Tour Houar,"' saisibis aniyer, 1'amy clitent plead. guitty ta knocktng btha mon Savu. Thî ev,uder hi&e h. cose, grauts bia tise pirilege of knocking Sowo. I move for - iiadis- charge." Tise Jutige, ebo ta a vory mera mac, vil blie' gra>' symbrowa and aà ri* spect, bit juet vilisal, anSdvisa ventS racognize lav if ho aboulS me" îtIlun- expaeiqdiy*evonaàq for *Way- ' the marktl pace luConsîsatinople. im- meiàtiilly seat tbm prisoneraup for tisir- ty tisys andtinduoSlie lavyer 120 lai- caniempt of court. To Squar the ShIoulders Hoktisa fingera oetihe hanS 10. gatisen; raieelise aibovac gs as lis te shonlîlars, anS pull like àa shom*ker,' Tise musceles about lise shoultien blàaS.. to ksep tlisa uplace, -are'tus strengtlsenet, andi ikA>mixonS lime' es- ableti 10 fulfi thalrarofficeaa Wb4q rlvfft onlise'bsot p he, l ho",cdonI t1i cow oas'-tor dis echatop rom 1tbe bcd: on wviiciycuare recllWo log. 11!bla strngliseuithtisa mucles tisai shoulti bolS tise iead ereal, Whoa sband4 gor cltig; gLane lbhe etasm' the opanation. BY a 1111tl boaügbi Otonl iar t o'i", taolb seae ith* 4lMcpItysulky bo eo'ro!que TU &Zof the .Sh1tbt Thu tollovlng igular caloulatîon cf theniinbuofak5éoina 5plais 5h14t se Thse Bosrlingtove Hawlwe8pnblitse4 tla great deas of neesu ouiiè u in iii amustng vay it states iadieput- i ahlc faels. Tise folloving is from à al r.ceut issue : -Wisab voula i4ê dwoe eil not torÏl. cracks P How slovly tise tireti olti wortd voulti move, did nottisa cracks skeep it rusbing aloeg i Columbus vie il a crack on the subjeot of Amarican dis- '0 coiery and cicnnvia 4 , anSa tlas ise met tise fate of Masl oranke, vas throioe mprison, santi ded in povcrty se and diegrace. Qreatly venevateti nov 1 'e Ob., yen, Telemachust, va uaually It estecin a crauk muaIt prolonundy aller Il we starve litaste Sentis. Earvay vas n- a crack on tise subjeot of tise circula. ae tico of tise isood; <lalico vas aq'astro- a nomtcal crack; Fulton vas a crakkon 1, ties actoif steam navigation; Morne i- wa. a telegrapis crack. Alil theo Id abotitionisisvere cracks. Tise Pilgrlm aFaituers vert craits ;John i3nuyaaà, s vas a crack; any mac wiso den't-- s îbink as you do,.any son, is a cranit. cl AnS by and b7 tise crack you despise vîwi litbavo hienamin a very mac's înouthand a hait completeS moument a lblte biemory crumbting dove te a à >ozen cities, visilo nobody outaide of a your native village utîl knov that You I evor tived. Deal gentl iyvtiste crack, lny boy. Ã"t course, soin. oranke are> acraukier ihan othero, but do lie very i slow toecuer aI a mac becausolise 2 tuiler onty one tising and 700 eau'& underatand him. A crank,Telemacisns, te a titg tisaittusesomotiig, il roakes the viseels go round, it tomues 9progrese. True, ilttusetise asme visool allishe time, aed il can't do AD7. tbing else, but tisai7. visaI keepa ise' ehstgotog aised. Tisa tiing tisai goei iinforr vurioty, veraatility, tisat changes 1Un position a buradred timas a day, tisaI fis no crack ; thsat is tise eatiser vans, rmy soc. WVia 2 You cevsrthelesm ibank heaven yen are nol a crackP iDon't do lhat, my con. May b.e yon coutdu'î ho a craek, if yen voulti. Hleavon ie not very partionlar visen il v ante a veather Vane ; almost any mac ertîl do for tisat. But visen il vante a crack, my boy, it looksabniout ery cars- futly for thie est mac in tise commun- ily. Bciforc sou tisantiseaven yon are Dlot acerquk, examnine yourvelfcearefully. anS ose tbat erlîchie tise great Selliccy tisaI iehars you (roui suob au electitie. à Wild Goose's Nest. Wisilc> I vas in tihe Terriones tht, eOmmt, tooking for tise best place te put a railrond tougis aye a -corres- pondent. wo campeS on tise banka of a river tisat runa unto tise Yellowstone. Tisore wertpiigistroc. growing att ,aloog the baneuo, a a &on voe au largo neet inte sebranclit;, built tif sticks, acd theolul lrdo flyingc about feeding lise youuit, onpe-Tory noie7 and bue gry vourg nuvs, too, and Dot Very po lite atwiays tb tisir parente, about wbat vas Ruven tisai. I nticdthcî ie otlbirds. -Tisey lok o.], to nielike valS gé-ose, anSdI1n'ocid Dot1 lut erlybtidy shoot thoin. I have s rospect lorthetisevad goose. Hle kecvs liesectrets tof tise Polem. No milot ever gti<uo fsr contnt tsat tise vilS gnose event etill tariller. No Souht some of tsoe docke we ses flying soutisvsrd tn tise autunîn bave boiee iatched and taiseS eritian tho Archie circle. If1 lboy mI.gbt tisvy coutd teluselise icy, secret tisaI lie Polar Soa bas kept eso lonir. Ever'rhody laugista me fori syiug tisai ibis boiteS like àaspecies of1 Rooan, and one day I chiseS up as looked loto a ceci. Whoeu I came Soya tise olisors asited visat I baSds»on, and I saiS goatinge. Tisey &Il laugiset. Non@ oft tisernbeliaved mec; sano aked me if I had cm-or aveu a dock of1 visales in a claver. fldt. Tise noit day ve vent a mile or Ivo dowc tise river in our bouta; ands asve vers «rowing atong, ve saw severat docks of yo=ng vater-birds paddltug about. Tisey verà ptetiy, ittte,yollov. fluffy tiings, anS serei spleedidly, andi o»e of the men Baia: "I gnose btsm are your oslîegs, .Pute." Wa baS not aven any mother birds vut teir broods; but as ve wve.om. iîg baek vo eav o big bird isveriag over tise vater, sud looking ai us vilS tise grect*tea imtust. SbsebaS acia- tbtcg large te ber beait, sud te sevisat ehle youdSdo, vo pusised bacit amoegl the rushes anS tay stîl. Tise le camen ciose dovn to tise vater, and, A pLSASA CsIt <oSTIU u GRoOWN Iro Bu imlXObT UVESALlt wu* toux. [N. y u.] Tise big- biooin t a siubsavue buicher oeàip.vw"a bsoat overed vils roes on Betnàrday 1mcralug. Tbey aven klsaitosamoe baket on 5, oiseir beaid, tie blosik., To evMr vcm ' or gil qstomer4ba bntb ehe ,gvea'rdP anti avisita rose vilS lise pmc#egepf mea thmis.r«oeved. -Esoh' eusntOçý6ri accepteS lse w fovwesifi1kethé <Itis My treat to-d y," ÃŽmd is buicaer te'a.veýpotar. "H o lfba*e i béez,. doin#i, p Bo loiyg t, t targottes vhel2 I oommenoeti. IVÏ part; e ôf thse trabnow. -EovdlAl.op, I'Cm i>B begin it 9 WeI,.1 noëleto0dss13 .placo np wvilS.91# flwerg. on BallMmla. w the great French Lotion for Beautifylngthe Face, Il conceels tise eviSeunj cf1age. One ap- plic «al In W ithIe "ts sibborniy ted an Iagaad ttlymatI anS vbtte. em steltJc9. T DW"lenotA. IDl5wl]kftlt up tise pores cf V8960oleselquti, tiaI ecames lb. cieek to ghov vitishhli e saneck, ai-ms, cuShantis tuléSllhbe Yi vitu»I mp Seosibye lÏsWrtcll, POmpies. Black eade, Otov's Fel, Bletches, Face GrubaRa Buru, Tai RingormhiLpd irator cthsapp Lip, Barbees I ,etteretc. Iltisres tisa venteS: *Il heentifies tisa sktn ant i viimake il aoftî,smoctis, anti vhite,'lsp"tig a deM. cale sattuesu produelng a peitctly heathy, caturai and youiisful apposacoee. The beat tacs lotion ttaI the vorîti ver prodaceti. We yl ent i lagebole to aiy atitrem on raceipl of price--ona dollar. Wboî or- Serlng mention this peper. AStsgas u letters ta THE MAY DEW AGENCY, 71 Youeoa-S'r., TORONTO. te'~ Pareora anti Reception Booms for Dyspepsia, Jauidice, 'Affecuions o the Liter and Kidney;, IiT~~ Pompies, BIotche.s, Bodls, Ilumors, Sot Rheumý &roful,I Brysu>elas, and all dssacaoeuaa .rm y Jbo I1~nr Deranged 8lomaclo, or frgaràto of tkcloes Menanad Thtngs OLEAM>I 150fMAift SOURCESsON A VAITI o0W IJEO.. Oloslng Up Business Early. Lalord of S-ammer Resori Hoel- Tise insurance papors mn in tisa sais, ara tisey? Laudiord-And tise guepovder andi keroséeeeailare alh i-eadyf (Ibief Clek-Yes, sir. LaeSlorS-Well. I gàse ve isati bal- ter attike a matcis. I cse't afford ta eaut uctil the end oi the e sson. Prescription %ut c B3ostoc pisysiciai, dis- Vecid el iare tîy a Iketon Srsîggtdt. ONE l)()Sii viii cure ccv ordinar i wuh. Il .,i ale.Itunagicahly. Ast).-V. R. }Iowus fnia 25 crni hode ioi * BlUB ', 0 CIH CURE anS Sdont ho put off viti s ay other. "RHave you gaI the et ready et luit ?" 'No. eir; me vent out vashing, anS forgot 10 put tÀ ouI for you befcre mbe loftI."'*Hov Se 700 knov she -for- gai?'" -Weil aise tld me se." htching Pilca-Symplomsanad Cura. Tiese ymptoma are moisture, like perspiration. intense llehingt, uncroese by scrctchieg, vsry disireseing, particu. larty at i ugit, seema se il pin-Worms vote crevling tn and &bout tiserectum ; lh. prtvste parti aré sometlsss affect- eS. If ahovad 10 continue very sentons neI. msy oliov. "'SWAYNES OINTMENT"at a plasent sure cure. Aloo for Toiler, Ibis, Salt Riseux, Scalti Head, Erysipehas, Barber%' Iteis, Seul b7 mail fat 50 cents; 8 boxes,Sh.25 lu &tampe). Atidrete, Dr. SWÂYNE.& SON, Pisiladalpisia. Pa. Bold bpDnug- gâtle. le nome parts o! Afica brîdes on very close. Tls» are le e h-1'socfly for thse protection ot buabantis in ibis country. Buctenla Arnica salve. Tise Ikat Salve ilu tigr4 for renta, BruiseaSoie, loi Pete Bores,, Ter, Ohapped HanSe, hUlblaiu4 Cotuu, anS auitel naptionu, cuti positive- Iy cures Pirea., hta !gneranleed a fie per- fect satisfactio or mnoney refundet. Pnice 2U cents par box. Fer Sale by G. B. Gibiserd. In leit, g1is eeet olmariy outil iise are M5.Ths-I..lepabhhalaeimraiy to show tue dean arsatures of Ibio tavontiad is ov veny ihankfaltlhey ougist 10 be tlsdthely csose A=e"c lot a hI-lb-place, 111t msois messeiy,.#o fIet t bas thse sipmçr." a«Y& J, JY.Bcitla daglt ber-. 'The grasi remedy for Bummerl Ihai la Seairedti 10 iisarp lseIsd' gootilese as lb. moltit Suetage ta dasa5ap@nhtoà,Pouse1i.-: 1 Mn. ÃŽJas More autiwi4e0wonl kaovn in Leamisglon, venebotW aistocie snuartirpm tMte beal eiatcS 0 eiv. Tisree Iseliasof Burdoat Blood i"-" to-a best bs9m anMdit, seans lise leut Inpa ~ Oou~)jah bhPôve' é>oplé ed. pise aed ridicule ivl4s, ie aboie lise reacIs of îiseii"*wn iMleîtisau ia wi'bic là beloy ils standa&rd. Bofore and After "(Ilara, Wbat makes 701 ait go close to Georgo visen» he calias atnrday night *? 1 hope yon wiii not forget tise proprieties, my eild." *iOb', but ma, George is dreadfolly "'Ys, I remnember yonr father was tronbied vith ibm same comptaint be- fore veweresàigrisdi but- àweI cap- nol go £roiilgb LiseohI nls ob ing without wakiag bim U"p." Answer Thtis Question. Wby do seom-y people wva se. arocnd us, 8ee0M to prOter ta sifaér aid be made miser- tSle b4 indigetion Constipation, Diazinesm, LsoSAppetile, Somine up oftht8e Food, Yehiov 8kml, -hmnfor 76 cia.. ve vit) Cdll themn Shiloh's Vitaliser. gusranteed tu cure tUmem-.W. B- HO'&ws iolesale and rotait agent, wlitby, ont. A& certain magistrat.saeked a prieoner if, ho was marrieS. -"No," repliad thea man.'"Thosn," said i bhonor, amiS peals of Isughter, ua ~agooel tiing foryour vjfe" 8l11WES CÂTÂIRE RE1MEDY. A riaretlon-, cure for Catarris, Dip- thari, Cacher mouts, and Horud Ache. With .achbobttis tiser. te an ingeuiona assa] injecîci- for the -more uccesefuli llmutinzoî oaithug ecasllainte vithout autra charge.. W. R. Hoe, Wisole. sàe aid saS liiagent, Wisttby, Ont. wre aueùte a èýtil ligoopbea-,. Bines thon pvise bas been so fer improved ntisaI noibing but M3(10 grofs grain satiefles ber. Shitoh's Consumpiion Cure. Tis in teisyood question ise maa% succefl Cougli Medicine vo bave *ver mota, a few Soee onvariably cure the woret case of Cougis, Croup, and BrOucisitie, virile its vonderfb ut Soes ite Oure of Couauapton te vithout a pasallel in thse bistor of medicine. Smno. us firat discovm-y tI ba»besu aol on a guarante>e, a test vbioh no other madicine cao stand.- Il you have a Cougts veoearnestysoit you 10 lry it. Price 10 ets. 50 ets.. ad 1.-00. If your lan w amr, chant or btck lame, use Shioils'. Posons Pfrsers. W. R. Hovse, vboaelsaml ttai getWbitby. restorea, vlth the glossanad treaumes ot youth, fadeS or gray haïr 10 a Maturairi" bloun coor, or degackisi, saunay badestrel, By lt# s. t14M orietblru1aybe dàrk«eet la bis tiIhaw es,( ,and bailuesof&"n, .1 bon aggt of the bat e, i* o. Z CU>SWsa d~e s*maiSsert4 u Lufe As8urance Co. Hgà issa Osnom: 0 Toronto St. Toronto. fUIL GOOEBNMENT DEOSiT, PIRESIDENT . H AEX. MAORPligIE, MP. -Rx- Puma eMinister cet.Canada. VICE PIESID)ENTS: N.. ALEX.MRI,*I.PE. o1Èit L. BLAI1khe, Eq'.; Prdàitiênt yCanada LandeS Credut Company. MANAINCO DIloECTOFt: WILLIAM MoCABE, Eaq., LL.B., P.I.A. Tis Company furnishos inaurance uited to the dcrcandoi anS necessities af theo in- snring publie. Speciai attention ta caleS totise0Com- 's p plphans cf imourante, vb.icb tàfeUisEwlthigrmst epprovel erberever (1) Tise Tontine and semi-Tontino plais combine the ativantages cf Lite Insurance vitis profitable inveoimcent. The Inaci-ed hes the option et vithdravwieg tise entiro reservo sud accumuhated profits, aitishe euS et the Tontine period-10, 15, or 20 yers- soecîred by btmseot. By Ibis uencs the Ivo thinge mont deairable te Lite Insurance are combieed, viz: I:.. CertaIntï of Protection in [arly Ocath Profits in Long Ucf. (2) The CoUMOTCoriat Endovint plan ytelds maximum inautance for micimnsp ontlay, and an Entiovrent et tise end et 20 Thsis plan places teltable Lite Insuranco ,FIt1iii the reecis et alilai an estimateti cast ot about6 Ot cept, of th. lovent lie rates. After dmsion Las beeu obtaine t tetis clie, peyments anly are requtre tct be maSo vhen catieS fa-f b moot death tasses. (8) Tise Beticeti Endawmnent plan fur- nislaes full insuracc for tise pertoda of 10, 15, or 20 years i, vua Endeermeni ai the ed ofth1e lime tor alow rate et promiore. (4) Tise Comspany issues ahi the approvod 'terme of poticies andi anuities. AUi ordin- ary policies are nan.tcrtcitable altter threo analosipyents have beau maSs. (à) ise poticeo are prirsied in ctaar, largo type, in plaint simple tangua e understood by any porion able to ru"d. Thy an reae tramn ise noual onereus cocnditions .0 ofien tonS iu Lite Insurence petiotes. AiU policiez isseS are fadimfpufashe alter iisree yeers rom date et issue. Circulara gîing full explamationa aft he Compaey'a venions plans ot inssurance viii ho tureisised on application ta thse MÂXNAGING DIREOTOR, Toronto. SHAKRER eu« oevplotoly eoug syp hls n Cau n, Sleuniaitauun, Ct rr leecuad iakia andl Illad iea c f oves-y deueî-ip. $M eadta an&y e"oit Wovis. ii tend, o nlsso!fl1i)bottra of Shaaker blocS Syruup, oee incleocf Rierru>- elo ! tPâtMOsssiwnor &Dy minerai ub SOLO EVIÉRYWKERE. lItes, il.QFr rBut»i. tarlas fop $5.0. Fer site by W. IF-htowae, Wiiiy. QOOD D IN GO~?D I LINES 80 CD8 FR&ElA 111Wls - Mr bO0 - 45 CENTS TO $1#25 FA.CH. 8~RO~ ~oh -FOR THE BOYS AT- 99 CENTS!., REGULAR PRICE, $1.25. TWO FOR $1275.e Club with your Neighbor and pay O-NLtY 85 CENTS. J. S. RIOBERTSON- & BROS. I~~ LaianItdHapj'S AN ENTIIE NEW .STOCK.f VIRYsp v OHEÂP. CRUP --CKETS,* DAKOTA and, MANATOQA VUA TE- CRXDI Yr Uyand CANAASOUTUUR. Leaves TOIONTO ai NOON on the 27th gr Parties golInâjest viii' agie time and expense hby-gZ lis route.Fe ticket& and furtber information apply to --JAURE'LONG, Bàiway ?asbenger Agent, Offce, opposite Bars Hotel, Dundae.ss JO-HNSON ln Deuerell'a-B!ock for your DNNG ROOM s UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KITCHEN SUITS Corne One, CQmne ail1 and see for Yourýselves. E. J. JOHNSON. QUEEN .CITY 01CD. GOLO -MEPAI8ý Awardad at Toronto, -London and Guelph, tlni 1883,,,,for AND 0714ER Every .Barre&t Gusrantà". ulîli absolule crtlty, witaj rp,.D A -Lél Youn Me 'ex tv.o FRID4 Prom lise O ti=sy Ott tis Riyo Fiai i suhoague viiino e hrn Alibersi a in ual later tl &Duy itend.et fore Tnea«ay receiveti np b serian. Ertfc resonepoot Tis Depai tise Neveai a utable tolr ei Pluinaig 1 oqulpmnt fim alsa, saS Ia ateiOnt, ving, Court Il 13ARRISTE AT LJ Tox B ARRiSTm ta Bu Ei.ità PÂVID Omcwz-frn Off icenu Whiis.-"-e Jeu. 22,1878. Loans negotta 42-17 Js Ss BROSeJ IROBERT SON & -~1 '4: .. , .7 ,7 .0.1 1 J. S. IROBEIRTSON BROS. 1

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