CH-RONICLE To the lst Dec. next. lv8'_ Send in the money and the names at once. Ali Subscriptiona 10 bé addrased to Je S. ROBERTSON & BROSI, PROPRIETORS, QIIUONICLE BUILDING, -WHITBY. New Advertisoments this Day. special.-C. IF. stettttt. Sttwk con;ltt,- t l'E(Gibliarl. 1"ariii for Sie t . ILam rtrtce. Wettt On tartît Elect t m 'i: l;tigar. The Eî,îp ritimf Vl½,loon k l lrtos ;,eî iI ri v.t4 11(;1. i Ltnu,-1.S.R ivr,ît & lirom liloutItin -f - ( ti . il. , \ gt'Itt Ahiainl ,11. ~Vltitiy tti1t'gtî tittîL E. huître., ONLY Si oo ?ER ANNLJM. Whlîb>, Frlday, Aug. 15, 1884. Guaranteeci circulation CIIkONICLE, 'CUOLIIAblas broken outi the Alps. *LL, -theRoforti candidate, lias be oicialIy declared electsd for Mus- koka by 127 majority. Tut- proclamaion for tie IWest Oc tana eleation ha@ besu issued. Thn Daoination tatas place at it-ouffnili, on Fniticy, 22nd, and ths laction,i sny, an Lie 29i. "A Cironiale,' bine psaalhi. ie us publiabin lu iis issus, relaies is allagariccal stylaeiii' poasibIs'-snd manj ihini-tkprobabe-ocoma aif Lie Northi West troubles. THE -Part Parry Stadodq e t camae lengtb lie CcitoNCecLr editarial or lins Part Pet-ny ire, éusys Th'Tbie ipet- titocul an o thic point., aud aur coîsun pot-sty le entiiled La tins tiants cf tii cammunity for ise genat-ous Oterancec. Tina extent ai aur safugring, and oui need ef &id,seesm nov ta be uhorouginly uoderîtoed, aud mthe uhole eouîty car very usAi afford te grant some relief. That Lie sense. aitAie coulty ay hi obtaleuelupan lie sabject, voali IL uat -be yul! ion tins corporation go put in ctrcltion s petieu ta thes Wardeu, asklug ior a specisi meeting aifLthé County Council, Lo be held in Pari Pet-ny, aI Mu osriy date 1? TinsReens ai Port Perry voli b. a gond mani te caest-y lu, He coli cmli apon tAiheee sud Dspaginla day or Ivo, and Lhe expeuse veudb. bat tnlflig." Sncb a petillan vs Isaru la nov lu circala- tien sud s speal sioccln viii liksîy ho l ivthin lis asît tva vsoe. Mr. Edgar'u Meetings. In, aur aivertisiag cobamus viii is fond tic annoncemeut ai s ceries af * meetings teahob. el et Uxbrldga, Pick- sniug, BronginmndoiStouffnilbe, cern- mencing Moudsy next, by Mr. J. D- Edgar, Lins Reforcu standard- beaurrin West Ontario. Ut-. Edgar'@ uhrogi acqosiniance uit-b ail publie quessions, cowbiud wîtuie il siilities sud pleatiug adiressa a splatierun speaker, incert-- tain t e ccre a large attendance et ssci meeting. Torouito's Toztuous Tricks. Iu aur local cebumos appeara an se- onunt of an unfortunata Onîsrionu vin basc cffered (rom tine ssverity ai lb. Manitobisua cimatesudje 0o bie vay 8e Lb. Capital, sseking aid fnc tie G0esameul in bua affliction. A fas, neat aIHailesitable ta tics greal cîty af vicioa . ioli bs thne nouaj-saibet mmgist-mte, eliited feraimtIbis sadly striekei Yei vit-hal aiserial sufft-rer, ce Liai Le Mejor of Teronto gaeshlm s peu e taWhiby; or, -la atier Worde, dunupsithie poor man upon oar cher- iy. ..-Wers tiistins firsi particalar insaeseer t-se wbitby la concerasi. oisuai s bai praetieni for tins large aud vestiiy corporation af Toronto te as ernaiig commultite, iL Weald liai be s-bei ; bat uon enqniry iL vas iouad ta ho but ans et a long sud longtiening liel. De". Toroniaovisin ta be bah uop for Provincisl scoru lu UmLea acting viii deteeming-poot-? The Franchse Strug-le. Tii.e onfliat heLveen tue Lords aud Commeus over Mn. Gladmtones& Froa- chie. Bill sf111 goes an. Thue fan Lie etraggle îla only one oai vardeien the praosesud ou tins plifn. Mauster nmise meeting@ have been heud by tie Lhbarale ; sud Lie Larde have beeu de- nuneed luneomeasursi termes lorthem ujectian ai tue Bili. Tii. Conserva- ---tinta Ia tut-n have aileot-rganlzed mou umseting@ sud denonued tins Libenais t, for Dot Lsklug the ceuseaif te country - uponthiesoion t a gensrel siection. They are o batuuiLe icapu .for nie. tory in the distanisi state of tAie-pub- l'Io mIni ovai Lie Goyerccnent's apparent fallane Ila Egypt. 'Hovever finrLith* uale, mmy b. pwroqm«d, ,w. May =l p#y sistI lb. in nat bis bliid la oé.doy. Theîrin. '11e9.., laip*le 01ii) the rblftdelogt îl ImmnseBatt bey bà vaet alvsys blumeisesimand Liereift lies s geai par- tion of1th*etengtb. Thoy vii n. donhbtbsx'irefoim Lb.mscvssor euh. IDU o roforuinta gwool ime. The presamt ggls vi do Mouneges. Il ,Wffl bthe ofmem.m , Il iiibrocqbt ou s *roferue .1homm 'Swalibasliau o' ueuta o o culai vai viiour (Joneervati oatemporaries. Pailg lu thêl, mpî ta Create disseunsin l uiform ranku lu.- Wes% Oulsno-l eindy aid Bfletcimof albs ridlagl t ta be caugbt vitn&auj$M ch i hesiai by théce Ohava Vindieaii eyaenov clrcnlatia2g abs folbovii contemptibis story: "Before Mrt. J. D. Edgar ceiemplei afiaiununfor one eoftics Ont-arie, hoabosino for decenez alie, psy the. lit-île bille, iL reportai edloft uupald in South Ontarioa 1876. WYs unetlacd tt ias mritine b in unapai lun Oshawa. Figini yeascecia lei LMetstu wsit-. James David alcould ruâe au expîa." Iliireportsi"; I"W. unieretad -tbe leuguage ai insinuation, th meassl t ail veapons. Our rendsr will rememben Lhe Vndicatar'à "Hesar il vas so" stan-y of Mat-db laul, ainargia, Mfr.<Gion vit-b bavng receinai fins t six liuccroi dollar@scessional indemnit for tinhe suien of '83, (ho being abssu the larger part oaithe session)i uben aaoe tins signature aif1Mr. Hariney socooniani aift-be Dominion Houss,i wsept-aveu tuiai fifiy-iwo dollars ani îuauîy cents for expanses wae tbe eni' mauey oor member tceiai. Who; - brinegint-ae book " on t-be maLter, t-t axîlauian aoct-urcoten use abat b -neanrd ckiwasu@o', .snd on Ulis piot "t-ook back watt-r. " bat-e e anouinero t-ils saune gentlemans's ard i wao se - st-oriss. Tins two iolewiug latters lite M.Ht.lartnsy's talegrana, teal linh taie caunplately. Mr. Samnei Lua uwt-o: " iuR, In rtferene at-o altr )rîîtin il: lait E,titettor, tt te t-la»ct ti -r..i Etgat- tili .îwesas t-ltine bil lu iniaueoý. b-eg to utaie t-lat- 1diti ail t-ht- îtnctinet t-lia contast, auj ticat Mr. Eigar dace ut t.we lme one single rn"sotltr t-elis ae. Lsinwa, Aug. 14n, 18M. G. Youog Smnithin uteo: Sat. ec by t-le 0Oshaw-a 1rtotdwt,tr tihe It-h instant tai Mr. a. 1) tEdgar it litat-inoi yti »- ihai otr uwith uatîpaylcg hli eiect-i,,n bittiteite oSont-h On)tariot elec-tit, ie i87dt i boag i.. gay t-t- I wasm Nr. E-igar'M ficancial agenat dtcrinc t-lai election, mail t-lai ho peu ail laitfuW illsc. restetted t-ttne am $eil aagent-. Wiitby, SI n Ag., 1884. Ws recsr t-o tins matt-er ot- pstie lst-Iy aies a fne aiMrEdgar. Ev-t-- one actbuiut-d vilin Lus geutletman utrîl kuaus ihat iha couli c netba tpale ai sucin cieanueas. Tino CuROictcai . Loncinas ou t-in malter as an est-oea prt-st- againsi uinîe ases of iolitnalid.n politîcu eutirely oct- ai tinsqueston,. t-hat- iuprepart-to pt-tnt- ail sott-sf statsments agaicet- aur publie cen, baai on not-iing incter t-isulatiadi, geesip af the st-t-et- cornet- or lina wart of saune professioual landarer. The Meeting of tAie Biitisi Association. On tbo 27tb nest. tharo s-il naveti n fatroal a body of loarnieti cn n c vinose daiberabions tht- viole voriti ai intellect tatas a profoud lnietesî-îinr Briishl Association for tins Adant-e. t-meut ai Science. Tisieinteresi ai yubicinve ehaili baveoaccasion ta noie ilmany plentant indications dinugtine I-sessions cf bine Association scarcely re- aqalres an explaustion. Science ta-day ýtoccupies lhe attention of tiie greatest alintelects of tine &ge and exocisea preiouud influence over snery dspurt- ment af human licagit. Tii. ime lu t net-y remot*s vin Science vas con- siiersi an ill-omeued ucrd, sud bsn vatanles mon il lae vith Satan sud no botethan aitrolagers, uccreme. n- censand ooticeaea.BaltLice patient S neeesof raLi, for is aura ake, bai in 1a vorld ai Nature, ai slas of op«c- alation, produeai sen lu thie century timaziag resait..Science hbu net tarusi Lie vorli apside doun; but amuply renlatiouised il. 111le short of the t-amte e aate Liat mis average idurahion et incusu lits bas beautun- Screassi, sud lie happines ai individu- &a aoi communlîlasimumsssrably augmented hy tins recuitsetfecientifia >investigation. And tuis is viy tise ese cf Lins vori tut-n tovards Canada-tha bonored cineetug place etftins foremost thinleacofuet iacge. Va may reascu- sbby liepe Liat thinltellectul lite ai the ceunt-y wiII ho greatly lesterai iny Lie meeting ai t-inaAssociation. Tie Ln. direct banefi ote nsIoiniuiou iiont- relations to tine Motiner Country viii b. eimpy incalculableo. What of the Wheat? Tino Report af the Bureau of Indus- tries for- Anguet gines e cieeing se- aount of tbe visai crop of Lino Province. Tins fal ubeam appeers to have maie elsady imprevemautthuiegnont mine seseon, sud lu lecalitis vinnsit vas rsgrediai bat-dl7 vorth saviug lu May, gond binenete bave issu reses. Ths moderateby cool veember and ce- esiional rain-overe fanoned continu- ana grovt n sd ieaLtiy metun-lty, sud Lie grain [s an excellent temple, being plamp, bard and iriglit. lu s (su la calitiese iLvas, attacasi by tins midge and veevil, bat Lie exteut of injuny by Liosepeteois uci apprecisinle on Lie aggregats crap. RespinR began in thie spouti-vesten counnues cf Lie Pt-ovinces about Lbe midiie of July, sud iv Lie lot ai AngueL Lins bnlk oethle crep vas cul and muain of iL saiely ines. Tic hannivoainen hr eing net-y favorable, Lie grain bui beau estinerai in firts-rate condition. Acaeons cf tins spt-ip vineat are equaily Zaod, oxceptiug fri lie noriineru soi uort.h-eastern aouo- tics, uhere lUn gt-ctb vas cine.ked by Lie drougit ci Jue. But aeuinlutinsse district@ [t promiseos a fuir yuli, vinile in Lie Laks Ontario, West Mîdiani,"anBay and Lake Huron canae-. ies iL le repanted te bc better tLieuorio miny jegra. IL vili be iully ripe1 aboutii. middle of tic manti, sudi vinh a cotinuance ci the prenent1 veather Lie qushity vilI ýat laiL equsl1 Ibal ai Lie (ail vinent. The i 1owu table gins Lieares sud production oai tins0 crpucf tîle yeur sni lasi year-1 Li production af Lie preat bat-veuti beins baeel on tice eiimates ai 1,15o0 correspondants:t- Act-ss. Beiiel.. Acres. Busbnele Thu bai barot' a f51 viat liu ycar and Lthe aomgrmti*ely gond'han- Tet =of w vest secouaI-for tc. S assfitiaone enap sud this increaa e& csof Lb. olbth tiyer.t glva b nay 5Yuibl vee uatsetLb whsatosan Bim h ain vs In l tiie omzim d- luit veek neier- lve suce vas maie te the formation af a At* peozpsy sud lis-onnmeniug -ta mdill tLes fioà taral gin luthe nslghbOrhood cf Lis Hamilton. We no- wpreeut iterieetifig 'KR velopeà vealli .beusauh aur fint., a?,9 Natural gao, or canburelsi bydrogea, ing le Il cemponnai ofcarban sud bydrogen. lit à adounlesie vien purs, and le iauud lu ingreAi quéutitifelu a belLtcof erritory Id, exteniing souti.vestvsrdly from fiak. ba inOtario ta Pitlsburg. In Ibis belL sud A b.youd [t, may citiesud tovus use cit e~ xclnsineiy (or ligil snd fuel, sud lu Splaces like Bradford sud Eset Linon. Pool the Street lampa are neyer -exiu. guisied. Il vouli out money ta hure ah man tae elinguish sud ro-ligint the lamsupe el'ery day, vile il conte uatbiug ir e alst them humn. rd Tino use ai nalurai gas i. no longer Dgan sxperiment. AI Isastiâ160 owns cd dcities intheStBaies of New Yark, ot- Pensylvaula, sud Obm, an-slitisud e&Y supplisi wti fuel from naturel Ras Liut wl,. Amoug Ibsun are Bradford, Pa., in, ubere naneanstsick ai kindliug woodiei 'y used;, Titue-ille, Pa.; Esst Liverpool, iL 0. -, OCity; Fradonia, N.Y.; Olean, id N.Y. ; sud a large part et Pitsburg. Y IunLthe latter place lina use of gas in in - nc crpasing tb suchau aecxtent tmat oon il te can no ouger bc aalied thes1" Soioky b'- Cit.v. AJy oue lino itii. ppd 28 miles Da La 'atburg, and ailier linos faa ii.20 ofmiles ta line City. Wells ara aise being ne tîtecovera i utiin the City limita of S., PitatburR. George Wesiingibnc,tbe iu- e venter ai thes railway air-braite, lias foua nseibis bacit yard, ubicla Rive@ oui gas worti $500 a day. The firtsia uo anturel gas inuths manufacture s of iran useai the Sibarian Iron Works ai etLecinhurg, Pa., ln 1874. IL is .1111 i ui ued tiare, sud tin sasving ÃŽu fuel bis as aomparaid ultintienstso f cealinis about $20,000 a ysar. The plat.. glaie wot-ke at i îtsborg saa $560.000 in ticsa fuel bills iiy usang gas Tihs Besemerç stsal vorkin uPiîisborg. tinslarReci Ii > manuf 5ciuring establisinunent of aujIE *i kindi.m tinsst-att- ai Pannsyîvanis. psyV 80120,000 ai yfar for gas for fuel. Tine quliîty aiflins iroan sd sisal made withc gue ta auperiar lt-btat made uiib cosi, a angtitic. pt-acoos je ofcours et-ey mach fi *Cinnaper bot in Iithbs firut- Coet ai thbsfuelg Pn uinautins aboatsvadiluinsndling. p Tinscombuaiion aI nalursi Ras in per--lt nfoot antI thora jane ennake. 1 maires E *a tremendans hoat, whicb eau b. kepi a ai tin sCanindegre f-ar an indefinits E period, sud as tLiarefors uaqualled as asel -fuel for the nunnaturs of iran. O@ tionsani iaat af Ras ce Lina eqoîvaleut ps aineatuite af four incabels aofiituncin- si eun coal. The prqpssure aet-tha moulinec ai uile rue 1012501 poundo e t Li square incin.iornishcuR etnfilcient carbon D ta take Lina plaeaoaI1000 tons ai cosi nr The oesas lafinnil in tine biiominous Pl Utic% §;aiea, iWiiet ndrîas t-he Town Ci of \Vnî,anti an octerop ai uhici- ai on lina propercy af Mr. Satin arez ilu s the Sti arl-asworiied as au n îuarry (or baliastiig tiens ew raibuay Bd wleontino Grand Trunk use but near- hi BlI inrty- yeare ega. hi uwse iougitnt i .tlieta t coal mati beau strock, as t-beas f eaoe poaaeeed1te property af buruinjiz m for aa bri urne. Thon re at-oaler a place@ aiea n -acîin tins corpoat-ion bwbsra titeformatinuoutat-opa, sud duriag tAhe latst few yeat-s-ucce obd sud shallour walls bave besa fsiling in tunhir eopply of usier-iinsu surceem- uIly bins bot-ad loto in the. sean-ch fer a more abondant supply, andinluenery instance thie gaz bas basa encooutered beiveeunseasame of tins rock. Tinere ta every maison to suppope Linal if ex. plot-si by tie drill t-o asenilacient deptin il vu b b ond i0 quaniity, sud as viii probably h. tiie resul i viitheb.El testie nov baing maie ai Hamilton, in, prove s source of cnbauudsd veaith te Wbauby. Ob Mfr. Georite Diekeon, Princpal Oet tineF Hamilton Colaglais Insltit, and Dr. Pi Re-, now of the. Ontario Agrieulturai College, Guslph, sud bramber of Prof.. w Hare. Principal of the Ontarito Ladi' ' Collage of thie louai, bave cmade ex. peninente uith tue gRas, vhich la varionaly caaleil mat-eh gas, hydro- carbon, carbct-eted bydrogen sud fine Pi daonp. a mne for the samne tiong. en le rsnuly fonnd in Peneylvania th, ubare Liere in no aigu of ail or coat. Lb, Tistinsse wall-known Canadiens state, tt ise ins gai ivn e avaluabîs, soi bel at- nie fri' et. __le .1nd-n ms Our Town aid comnte MEtTHOIoSvTîneaSvarS c TRU I WMyPIO '59 Te '69--M<NsXpoaagr pASTOSe IN 'SI-AU TERUEL? AS XElie, TRAPIL- rEa" axmsuMxzs TalI Ofiunica STOIT aF TUEi TON. demi off tote .st. Frsueie Valley tu My hast, I mttat nov retrace m-y atae sud star-t ai teeh viti tins histaoalt sikteliefi aieLia thodiat ehurc in l WiLby. LA aresdy stawte i building vasterctedl uniepeueifor publia e inlhp darlag ie ime tatý Rsn. 1fr. maii a i n*Ucircit empt,, ha being Lie fintL resideaut MoLioist minlatorit' lu Uc. oaIWitîy. tics circuit .urss thon aiu.eae in ia, I. Troa 'J g t il J J s t be better rsmsmbered than 1uy or those &lready mentioued tfrom tus (actaO is second ierm af servie boers à arseuen date aud the. touchlug and melancboi1 incadents conneaisi viii bis family. retain a very distinct recollecian oa Mir. Shawr durlng hie fiet Wbitby pastorale. Mie fiue, robust trame, sa open, manly countenanas stand out pruminently te viev vii.I peu Lissa tuesf. Ese bail more tisa ttie esieem, i. bai ithe love ofihi£ people, anof AU who knew him. His influence vas for good in ail Lhe vaike af lii., and tie chut-chuder bis cars marchai tsadiiy and proaperouatly ouward. H. wu followedsin 1888 by Eev. 1. C. Siaier, a gentlemuan o loe physical vigor, bat >ouseeau rare qualities of mini sud besart wbicb cndsar.d hi= ta hi» fBock. Ele i good service in the ififoesu lopartmeuie of cha-ci vark and ini Bible Society, sud otier goerai bhiatianueffort. Es instili heu in plessin-e remembrae«, as la aiea his encceaor Bey. Thoe. Couaord, vie as. naned the pastoral orereilgit of th. hut-ch in 1889, sud in urbase heart sud on wbose lipe vas "th. lsv ai kind- segs." Hmfins, intelligent face viii nvi soon b. forgotten. gs dii loyal srvics iu tsecanasecf the Master sud pueed forvard Lb. interesis aifLthe bot-ch viLh vigar. 1 bebaeve it vas uriccg hi@ tortuofaiservices uat the Ehoolboue wvas rected, bat I must make this a malter of tartner suqutry. My Lime for wviing LbtessaI I citter se bssu se muci occupiei in ioklug p dates, Liai 1 muet nov close, uat ai ân sarlier heur, butai viiihatkr neasure iban usuai. Kinffly accepi cf n7 gaod intentions, sud believo me. TRAVELLER. Board of Education. Rfi[NGtsa ow* Trz »Dan5?-AuDfDas TO TRE TIAOU.IG OSTA F FTas COLLZ@LLotTE INsTffTitIAN1D NODKL SCROOL. Thes regular meeting ai ths Board of .doation v" ild Woid"y even. mg in the. Conucil Chamber. Thers vers pressa Mr. D. Ormistos, ýamsu. sud Nmss. Bau.lay, Do, Prgaso, Janeso, King, MeLella, 'ovell sud Smitha. Tb@ minutes ai luit mestiug, he vo monthes ago,,vers resd and con.' xmcd. WML as IRLIV. Mnr. Fsrguaou chairmasuofLb. Seooul operty comucittes tatsi in »eply ta nqnory (eancmemmbers iof thé ar ait the repairéand Incprovemenute ta à différent sehool prenm se e tier vay sud vauli b. camploes efore vacation saisi. OXUNIoÂTaUQs.1 A communication vas rua franc th. liieter ai Edacaticu toushlug ebsagme Lb th yatem ci osadanlg souîy tdel seboole for tb. training ai "chema Mir. A. G. Eeniereou, of the OUagiats. sinats telaid on tb. tablea a aiploma Mn isihm by the. Pbonti. Boelsty of iglani. sertfing as te bis fitims as toaeher oi phanograpby. a" rasitsLSohao.-Ju. av*. %att. X, ou rail 187; Jtljr ave. aut. li, o oi 140. Ducffernu StmoesiSeo.-Zum à avt .&-64, on rouet; Jo>, srnaMt 6Oi MoiadSebnol.-Jas. aven. Mt, rall 147; JuIy *ver. atLen »; ADIIITONAL ?"amH Mrn. G. Y. SmîlIA, la Ibi-a Icvlag ruilat vith Wsa&~ L. Xoar ceennagea eMW MeMetany pt h# g< Iiiêenvs IilouaI't.aohs in onder to a ineipa ai tLb. Moitsieisa tq vicaols attento istheL tee mentis te Misi -&o td saonoriaMgy.reeorneaÇ-. ývrtlssui.cei g fo *k luausi luinte Touante 4sUjy t. Your oMmtsepq np-of ieesruy l ilAe tchge as ets -the atILai - -n&a à " au aid più bie &i b. iOow nc vieumý varia. nauuDese u vue a veau IRE EMPORJUM A Obromicle. lt Winnipeg Siftingn.] 1 Nov it came b peu that I ssv s fvision in My $6PaIs p si LI iresmed a dream. d Ând I stocdinl ths Centre of a great 4 eity, a ehy th&s% bai may thousand People, sud great fsctoris sud vare- iosa n mauy elevators snd stores, aanâthe anme ofthe City vas Oujuhi. Ad neI i sood aud gazed about me vondsring at aIl that 1 saw, a stranger, sven su oadman vi&bh psy hair, came op aunto me &Bd enqulred oi me my &Bd I spoke uio the oid sud sn- trsated of hlm tta u me the. msaning t f au tual I 55V Insémemne as wu a etranger in th. landi-and vouli learu (rom hum. Lui the aid man opensd hie mouth and psbe uito me msyinR. "Behcld ibis in the City of Ouinhipeg and Lb. chiai City af the grest Repubic ocf Be it kuown auto the 0O etranger, that vo sc»re peare sud ton #ago ibis 1eity sud ail it containe , yes even ail i M4 lsnd aroud about it, even Lhs pro- vince af Msnitobab, belauge uto a people via dwsll in the saie& and were called Kanucias. And thesepeople oaslsi Kanucke,were an ujuet people sud fuil of vanity. Au cydd that vhicb vas ovil unte the People of Mlauitobab, sud the peo. pls vha divelt vitbi he it îy of Ouinhi- peg, insemuah sa they cLaie from them their inieritance, even their lands, snd they parcllei thcm ou& among icbem- selvea. Ad they dld even more. For Lhey gird0i ai Lb. people ai Mauitabah say- iug 'W. b. stroager than ye, go ta nov sud pull dowu Lby veste for verily vs viil stesi (rom and y. cannai bielp Ad ilcaMe ta pousthat au. cf the bans.hoodîncos smong Lt.eKanucemvas à asnam.d John A. Nov John A. vas lias auto a fox vha etealeih aci- susi by an' ht. Abd v h su the chioi man of Man itobab, even Norkey, apake unto John A. sud eutresued biuta dsal jueily vith tb. peaple af Maaitoas, il came os c paosa haseJohn A. vept upon hie saulder sud mat. promises noa hm, set vins befors hum éao tok hlm go asé tii. slephant.' Ad they baciaci the tiger togetiie. Havwbelt John A. urimiasithe vinA ai th. angodly, sud il came ta paua q visa Norltey roeuud uto hie ovu peopie uhat John A. stol$ more chiciasus, 755 even mars ot the inheritsuce ai the. people of Manltobab. And after mauy moane had pausi Lis Peopls ai Maioblaibecamoe irong s»d waxsd szceediugly great. And = bus7 maisW« upC the. Kanuceiùd i 1rakemadnutse ibonda vith vbich Lb. Kanusi sbaaI banni theco sud -be-ü asm sgreat peoPi. Li itcamce go pe at taheb.people la the. scaUries ond about Msutobhb Jolasi tberae1ves unto her, even tis people oa i mnesatean sd'Dakot&, sud éidAsiniola sud Jrit, hCoWumbîa, sud LubaeeasaiBasktebo asud0. 04maithemeivea ag «t al«bu 7 Ad tbey, med* Ouiuilegti 'h 'Aud r4bold "lida imMl.ulou mdiu the las ia uhe à .1 of e.d ca int$beo~setOIuWla.eult. the John Dryden, M. P. P. on the "NTew Mode]. (Fr'em thce "Ontacrio Reformer-," De- cameret21sf, 1888.> Our reaiere are, proisily &aaar Liai John Dryden, M.P.P., Presideat ai tins Canadian aet-Hem Breeders' Asaociaion,.-occnpieseue ai tinsfineat terme in the Dominion of Canada, sud le anseofthLb boat fat-mers. eculti- nmies someihiug over fins huudred acres oi baud, sud tiers e searcely an acre baitvina isisnluas igin iLsis of ongton, tîM the wbole faim is frée frein aIt eeds or plante vhich are iu- jtesteo &ps. Not oenly do., ho ouai dis of the finet. sud boat ilisi £arme in ibhe cauntry, but hie stock ÃŽbruoaut, vihethe herses, caiile, or eieep, ars afllie very buat bresis, sud aai f hem fine animals. Iu .very depantanent tMr. Dr-yden bocks ont ion the besat.viethor it ein tinstlianet stock, maciinery, er sied graine. -Be sud bis neigihor, Mir. Samuel Hoiman, put-cbased (or their ovu usb, thie yesr, s Nev Model Vibratiug Tir.shiug machine cf the Hall Company, sni Mn. Dryien's epinion us gins bslov. Every one vina is acqoinis ithiiihm knoos t b. hovoali uaL put hie name 10 sny siat-omaut ubichisienet correct lu avery paiticular; biierefors hie opinion of tins Nov Moal je cf greal veaebos t hose via o do ta tput-chusea iirsshtng machine: idroakl, Ontario Couîy, Dec. lut-i. 1883 The Joaieph HaU Manufactaîriug Cam- GE-';TLEEN.-We are iighly doligit-. e it tiheLis10 Haras Paver sud Nov» Moiel Vibratot- purcbased lt-rm yei mbie season. It nana emooti n d easy: lin.sbenerfectl7; sspealee thoroaghly; sud Lie anning Mili dae il. vork so completely tmieL h caunat b. exceiled. It in jasitinob machine fer Lie fermera ta bu7 because i[mie se easy La coutral. lu len comparativoly fres (rom duel, uinsno cau b. ne veste of grain, sud it in baunnita do gooi varia uder eveny airnumetauce. We héatily congnata laie yoaon thLe introduction coi no comnploe a sepanstan, a greet beau bcti le iresiiersansd farinera. Veny tnaby jours. Joim DDtc, MP.P., à gcnansd TAinaga GL"i.cnGscsraouM actv euaciirONO A TAlIMTT OF SUaJECTS., MoetteaifLthe gardene-Lettace plant. Young, <li, sud nilddbu-ags. experte once thie voadertal heneiol ete ai Ayet-'s Samrsaeila. Youg cinidren suifer- iug tram sue yse acreers, scald-inssi, or: ultin %ayuj eoua or qplîlli ta tint, m&y b. m-as hmsbty satroscb,' Lt Whatinlamouei ley le become saurounau I'eÃa6"s-tbes ppttIte sud gle-eheu QE 1884. FASH0ONa 18849 WE ARE NOW PREPARING TO RECEIVE THE Largest and bcst. Assorted Stock ol StapI.e and Faocy Dry Gooôds FOR FALL AND WINTEIR WEAIR we have ever had the pleasure of placing before the people of Whitby and -v1C1fl1ty. Look out for day and date of Grand, Opeming., OUR TAJLORING DEPARTMENT under the mantagemeint Of MR. J. B. PIRINGLE, will, in the future, as in the past, be ever on the alert to give the latest American eut in perfect-fitting suits at the G-OOJDS EMPORIITMJ GLASGOW, STEM~ BEST J u WAREHOUSE' Summier Goods Reduced ln' Price : S1ICH GOODS AS Parasols, Summer Ties, Ladies' Coflars, Straw Rats, Sumnmer Gloves, Cotton Stockings, Friliings, Dress Goods,- Embossed Lustres, Ottoman Cord Silks, Ottoman Cord Dresses, Buntings, Nunn's Veilings, Dress Serges, Debeiges, Shawls, Fans, Cotton Pants, Linen Coats, Lustre Coats, Summer Shirts, Summer Drawers, 77-ED I PIE Caxrnage Diasters, Lenos, - Fanoy Sateons, Muslis, Cashmeres, Lustre Skirts, Cricket Caps, Summer Flannels, Boy's Linen Suitinge, iRegatta Stnipes, Sun Umbrellas. A cbeckcusle-A ricin bumband. Mutray & tsnumn'e lot-is W4ten- l probabiy the. mnpiesu sud parnt pet-mme oven maie e ing alcoolately noting moe pn-.aerireld ideie eraentansoi tla doubtlss tt Lnispnnty et composition tinat ita immense popuiarity la in e greal mosa- urs ta o c lrbed, A caînpentereasu seldeun be o as nsma as ins vite, becene. ho lu gouereily e deal planer. The Mighty Dolla Ie ion g disunesiby sa10 cenI hottle ai Pol- son'@eNm m Lb.thenoeosansudbesi pein remady. IL cnt-os colis, crampe. colic, pain lu tinhe ad, teistica, Pain -ltsheat; lu tact [is inequulhy sfficiciona se au externe! et- internal remedy. Try a 10 cent &le baiLle of Ltho grest pain remody Nerviline. Soud by drngglota. Lange bottes culr 25 cent&. Tija &mnple bcttleocf N ..y oniy 10 cent.. Tae sne substituts. Sm:okingt doee net eeem toasgt-e nitý same poplat nnialvays seemu ta soot Lbe Dcn't 111labohesyztein urih quinine lu the effettgt preveul or cure Fuvrt-asd Ague. Aysre Ague Cure las a «more poteut preventivo sud rencsiy, ciLtteiadntage cf 1.evlg lu Lie -body- no poisons ta pc-- duce 'ilaacassdsasis s, dache, sud aileriordes TAie propriehans varrant Wby s à neuseprlike t*0sblood ai e IeeUltl lmac? &7nmach déensd# an T4 smette ai Lia pnopnletors ai Dr -Hu Bxs' undiis Btera a,-thie t8 na tsst 9004 ta-W UM gla te t nî mb « , " sud MUsi aIr lea efa luabbs, »Smsy for theema rce cf 2U cent., and vnet avn,1bile s i»u tsfactlon. or ineoy rued bev.cua 'Iméfvaion fliuMa nanth um> ansa âvo atian. wndxI !h p -p Aie, h - O4it nmetlavt- cs, piis4t»MScha -1 MR. Sniuanybus LOCAL' wS mTI MmU muD&TOI Y.ow-IIO Porti F08 ONE YEAR TO EVERY ,,UBOSC.RI8En WIIITBY' JHIRONIÇLE.'- oi f aur subscribe s'ho vri g py thcir ausupto aco s ta this Pape u in ta atensd e osftsdae.v leus. sented w lr one yea a'e e b ec npti ou ~ E O I N O W E L NEWS FIEE. e z -," TRE TOaONTo WEEKLY NEWS. là in fluetiapeum paDe a U abs soreteLiians eplauousurmau- -s- * - 8ke1ete~ uliIefor Pc "WEE r1BY ]DR'Y- in REDUCED IN PRICE. nel GrOOIDS -T-"fi ýPOUI m