_I i o 0 oo 0 000 O OO'Oý OoQ 0 0 0 0 0 Q 10 CENTS 15 CENTS 20 CENTS 25 CENTS CENTS -AT-- 0C 0 00 0 0 00 0 WA TCHMAKFR & JEWELLER, Brock St., WRIITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON te Codlactor and CenveaseT for TZWM- DY CEIONICLE, sud La euthorised to Mrat recolptu for subeorlptions, etc., and transaci ordinary business. - JtLY 18th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTIIERWISE, WHAT 18 G01MB ON IN TOWN AND EL8EWIIERE. A BUDGET 0f IIVELY NEWB NdATTER GLEANED SY CHRONICLE REPORTERS AND OORRESPONDENT8 "A zhio1 s amang ye, takin' notes, An' faith bell prent st" Cool. Green ps. Balyyharveot commenced. Firât lake o:curslon of the mason, Tuesday, JoIy 29tb. Toronto oouncîl bas voted 82,000 la thé Port Ferry sufferers. "'Navy bine" Serge Tweed Soite made leo rder in boit style ai 0. F. Stewart'&.. Tue Twm.rra.-1No rioting in WhiLby, the clabration passing off withoni bloodshoed. Do't forgot the excursion by steamer Jiaatinga 10 Victoria Park and Toronto. on Tueeday, JuIy 29th. Pîc.i-St. John'@, Roman Cath. olou cbocld a pienie ai thé Driil Sbed,Doeit Wédnésday the ?Ord 106t. Thé Sacrament cf the Lard'a Supper wiilhé dlepensed in Si. Andrew's Churale Sunday moroing oeil. FirîEcTauu'.-Judge Dartnoil abowea in thé ONCasuoLa offeWadnesday ai seckled heanîy w*igbing 21b. los. It we a éght in ibe Muekoke river. Génie Cotion Som 5a, extra good and! eirong alaiSe, fine balbriggen ai 20c, gente mernue shirts at 80c, fine under- clothing frein 45c, nobby Tics 25c, strong Bise.. for 15e, Grossi bar- gainseta C. F. Stewazt'#. Exouaaxou.-The techers of the Mêthod&si Bnndey school givo an oi- euniontid Toronto snd Victoria Park, on Tussday, Juiy 29th foot., by thé steamer Hauiinga, eaving Whiiby ai 7:130 a.m. Fane 75 cents, ehildren under 15 veare 50 Coute. Tà i.z Tocu DY TUE WBUroCKEDENorNx. -When the engins whiah wae so badly- .damaged in thé collisotr on the Ontario & Quobe section cf thé Can"ain Pacifié railvsy néar Mytie a fow weeke ago,wan ovérbanbod et thé C. P,.sape at West Toronto junotion, thé body of oe cf ihose who venu killpd vas found eruehed inio the emoke-boi and ao mangled aseto bo unnooognijzable. Bargains for Jone-Ladies Cotton Hase for 8o, Lise lGoves for 10c, good peints for Se, epeially gns ai 80, 10e, 12c, a epeially good lot cf Drose Goode ai 10c, 12e, 1Me, gond parasol ai 25c. sxta good 75e, a:nd the beel parasol in thée onnly for 1 1.00 ât C. F. Siewari'a. CxvîcRo H-o.mÂvNO'ra.-Boand ta hé a big day cf sport.-S0O cah in F nzes-Fremene' parade a good ne ,--Band competton-Mr. and Mre. Obrey cf Boston, have béen en- geged to, t e abed'n prt ln thé cocerttin thé Town Hall i ngbt. "Mr. Obrsy," aaye th Providence Journal,'là a men cf greal vrateliiy cf 'talent, bing Doct ony 6 pîcyecf high eîeeuiive ekili, on a nomber cf Instru. mente, but alec a singer cf excellent abliIy.-All through tire programme for thé dey le one cf thé beoat ove presented ta. Whltby people.-Tues- 'day, Augtasi Sth, le ibe day. PaISENTATION TO Ma, F. G. Gru*ne. nî.-À large meeting vas held ei- tlp. téigréve, ia thé towneblp cf Mare,' lest Tbnreday evéniog for ihm purpose cf pré.éntiog Mr. F. G. Gillespie wilh an eddreee sud a bandsome gold waich, in recognition cf hie services in promcting théeagitatio vhich hba s.tewd in the Ontario onveramoent mbkpittho appro. prietia-n ibis yés of 85,000-for thé pu r-. posé cof nepciating -theé watesof Lakee Siimca. and Couolbinï-, mad thereby reelling saine 25.000 acres cf choie. lend. Concilbr Tomp .. rAri thé 8,Jehn'a ehureliM tl.he spécfialb fo .4wi value ie- ai 17e. Boatirs valne of.teia mibe r nualUtDry Gooda House. C. y, tev' ,.- "I Micnuenze'rT Tà eraaêl.-4Lïh re mc ing esnvlee, amui Sumiay, viiibrave aeiaI mt eaanas i hot" b iamma 50 tondeS by »en 10,000 peme. The Goeralt in stnong, languags, doabéd ibat heand hie family hed biefited by thé funda cf thé army; hé bai nai bail s sbibifug oui cf thoin for hie ova pan. pose sinco fi vwu siesteS, Héorai tiret de y reoeivéd intelligence thal coevbo beli a bigb PositionIau an ipariun Sin baS decided ta give up an lucomé cf 18,000 % yéar te hécome q capteain tb».army, wviclh voul y ieli hlm 27o s- veek. RH oeu iravlo begle s leutenant et 18,. Ilvas reportedl thai the atm y ilSnov 590 corps et home ad254 br'ced, and 1,411 offteer AS bomé-ani 587 ahecai. Tai- r unnGB 'aW on.Bha aboyer. vece frequsot Frlday aftamooen anrd sbently athée-O ooloâ quom fe- ti-ecedi -any eaW#4mviién. uOh. servS by many clileée, 'te b. psler sasîv*aremile ntir of thé leva. Flabter flash oa icélal bof.5 fonkedI lgirmalng paies fr= a -tu sentir"bdiihadér nolsd al bou&.i m ear. Oase o - -d dlisbievas sesa o dLit anw~ooa -th. ~autaidu MbMiodeT O the pbisyielubsd ___ Atk . At h.e k(a "siie '*MMhinafaome1 aMtkswbo1 -ktith i- own théibr Tbeblq6sgueplngfavalue more thsé IT,,ODO *re hhoked fa the sable. ,~s Benar,fang $in& ua.diagth ion anta-M*u phlcpapheîstli sprita for evcatelwhsre lbey vers #90 pau lhe nlgbi. PMBONA Id Me. Soiloy's a oely. sud the e fng services viilb. for. y»'mg =me relative thMesaime éenot. 1 Oa'eaMoOKOOL orn Âc.-Tiee epeelel Bummer a»Wson foc Higir ud Publie Sehol tçacY»es b"faatcs draviur padusaiali tas tetisEuealiota Iaalou 9O ibrougirout tire Peoviace vers preesal and manifestai gruet inieree lnfathe proceediage. Ma.,A. G. Rsadsnsoa of ibe Colleglete Instiut la fa ain attn- suce. ,. FÉm1&ÂT'S6Si'oa.-The semé atorin wbieb imade snobhihvoaac rSoiys did damae esIa..hre la th ownsvahip. à Alog building onaWm. Baron & Soasà Delmore Fenr ai Asibain, vasettek by llgbtnlng asdvib a adjolnîngý freine building oonWafnng 18 vatuable Shropshire shêep bélng ps'sparod for sxhibition, vas banni. ,Only by siren. uotti efforts the laro bun valoed at 89,000 vas saved froin destruction- Tire boas, ~ Ocui 80 *'uU overed by isurac. Mn.r. LBurrouügi'sibarn, noril01 BDiochla, vws elnuck, tbm fine Wus put out. AÀ aiu tà udlng loseto vbore the igblning struok .eeaped aairjurod. Along tb. foucili sd fib concéesione nartb and éet cf the tovu, hall foi, and seroas damage -bas ns- eulied t e m rape. SB&YrnxDue juapa Tauà L, nn thre suspico f he S. O. Agrlcubtural Saclty viii lako Place neul Woiaes- day, July 28rd , oomnrsnclag c 10 eau. on th@ farina of Mersa. Thron. MaBrien sud Wm. Fovlo, Iota 84 sud 85 lu the 6Mb con. cf Wilb7. A ré- spoosibbee ormîitiee bas irseaae.cftoi ta tiet themrite of the. mÂeno ibm tdilovlag pointe: draft, ovennéese cf oui, and sheef, sud iying. Lsedlng manfeoturera viiicompoe, and as thé trial vl lie one cf get ingist sud valué to agriculuralieia, it la probable 1h. geiheeiag of apotalors vii lie.. vény lerge one. QUarerua AoCulzrT.-Tuedy efier- accu gamma vitIr juoata vure bifg played in a yard ettced Mo tire On- iro Hotel on Beceka»Lcem. ith t*o comaninone. Wilié Armstrong, shortly &fier S o'0100k, joinod the ombooken, and a et tseonolusion cf a «ces iegen pltohing the hsavy iron rings, Through oup cf thonse nfortnsté, w .oento, ofién occurrurg, hé stmppod forvend ta th. oonthhstaemand eoopsi ta pick op a quoi jusi as onu*vas piiched trams tbe cihér endi by Mr. Ale%. Baith, cf tbis tova, The quait struek vfth ful forces on ibm ight aide cf the hmmd. abovo the sar, sud tbe bey fol! avec vith blood tréaming dovo hie face tram thé vonul. HRevascarrisd io T. Mesono bilimni lrooni and thé bloS etanobéd by Dra. Estwood, Canon as Cnthbertsan. vho, foiunaelelyvse nemi ai hand. Dr. Eastwood, aftor ex- aination, pronornced tibm&auil ae fraciuréd, and tbe bay vas tekea ta bis ho-e, the Armstrong Haire., of vhicbhbis fathe le tue proprieter.] Wéd néaday Dra. Aikens cf Taranto sud Eaatvood dresed tirevonuaS, lb. patient being unSeîles lafluenes cf olloroforin. Profound "Ompals tit for tbe parete, bçiames 86 E rottrated by lb.e eladpy w bu ie efalbmn theen. Brok'aib m ' sîreete, opposite the Armuinoag; havé ebenu treva vith - ud thre side-waL l? ibsirevioga Ie leesea the noie*suanSeverytming posiblile in beiog donc for thé suffering patient within. SÂLVATION AaRay No'ru.-Tbe pmrad- iog in tle. shoots tile euk bas besu vithont drume or inging, in aide nolta disturb Wiliie Armntrong, the suffére frein ths laie quait acci- dento bcf hperticulan art givenas'- vbre.- Interest in thé Army le teirby maintaiusd and tho Bernacebas beere coiafortably filled et thre publie meetings ibre wek.-Circus Bain" ie f' a attraction in Oahea.-The .,hwi.u onuncil of Welland asséin- bled onà puasé a by-lsv Manday evon- fng to prahibi thé army frein pîmylua drume, singiog, or disturbiag ibm pesoé on thé streéte. The army appear de- termineS te realet, and ae hvely figbt le eupctod.-A deputation froin the Sl- vetion Amy cf London vois upon Inspecter O'Rielly on Wsdneiay yulh a vlev cf seeuring more lenient treet' ment for the meinhes of thée Amy niov lu prison, 50 thsithoir friénda migbt bé ailovêd ta furieh them it ib botter board than tbe reguber prison fare. Il vasol heMtt tey shoulA b. cl..AseSAnu.r setion 5 cf l.4isns' F~S1TIVEY ýosI L FINE Mer Jas. Cron i.ai home. Ur. Fred aidi le ta "gBéEls. Miss Diis cf London là e ibm guesi cf Ur. aén Fraier. Ur. Go. Shaw, b hoe.for holîday. Ircin Mss. Jas, Butledgs in vileihtn aCua.- daigneN.Y. <~~~-D~5 e Ifes Btapk, c are nvdSe r Mr. Bobi. Campbell bas returaed tram bis trito nbraoka. à es. D. 0. l)cwiiey bas rsmemach boeéflimOby ber scîcuutinOslifoçna Nias CbïUdee who hbu bmeu ioutiof day. Mnr. 0. W. Sili, HainraoU ldse brother cf $ho Wardeb, J. L. 8mitL, Esq., caffesion lut Tmesy. Tvalai ,Miss J.Ji. le a andMiss L Vji.ps the b.receat i O iSevice Mn. E. RBlow luteltNa)ng et haome. Thé 0. P. i, station et Petavea, c f vhieh h hat 4avu buut nbho i tbave r mt Mn. Iýarevef, Saokla miishrapnel, ad8.unlmu McDonald by name, freinmbr~imr, N. TY,sted ont Weub. ni -Ê fhnacnfeore Ot ockburn, t the bon Mekkaite fer a fortalgbi's camping. Mn. A. Wý B«ulof tbs Wblty OolISIa Instituts blm breagh* hocar uvoé blel end the. lava by i goff the81W0 Woholer ir generel prafllcy in thé Mr. GoeÃLPres,.1Pries aKnicker. booke, the *eU-keovn mod irmnnof Albany, N.Y.,Ale inlctingbua»crop ci M00&ares of fauoy pea, gow foteehlm hy Z =;b1 for home rester- day. ?beenepite the -mcii ;= lIe B. Lsuurâncs, optidmen t Gibbsvd'e MedicalHal -au Y (PulAy) LAUadis'nd latents' Wou resdy'inade »di to otite. WM is tpetrk. Farmerqand cenaumene cf cil vi do vOU tu aee thre Qaeen Cii OUt Ce's. olbabed u~eMachlnur Od4 or aulvertileenlnt. IRatse 604Bonnets colored sud shape. renewed. Alec plues dyed -et Misa Fitzpatrick's.- Until 6 e.m. to.diy7 (Fniday) Mr. B. Lenreno, 'opticien, vil ble ai thé "Modiéel ail."Don't noglecita eaubI o tfims. Yjour op irtuihty. tike dvaniage cf theOeu~ b advW sof a *0t aises op" t o cwe by allniai No 3un*zm'x-P. TayWi .Cor- r.eted speeecele olb. lbars in lb. nuret le ay W" O= osa o ree by iboneande Of 9teimeaials foin Pemua vhe have eied thein fer 1h. pat igbi yers in Whulby, Oshawa, and aller place. Fît guarenteesi veny tins Orna0 charge. P. Taylbor, preetiosi viatch. maekrehdjewlb e. Ove or ty year' eqipefs, try hlm. D.LOW'8 WORM SYBUF WMeu- Mefe au k&rÀ@ocf Woras fro u CSIes« aduit& PiMncian sd Commer<iAL Office cf Whitby Cumaozu, Whitby. Jil il, 1884 j WHITBY MABKBT PEICES. Pel réet ...........1096 04100 Se ing W hee.........100 *107 Whet........... 078O 075 Plour, p e c........280 *2 00 Baley .......... ...,055 070 Ryo............-..ois O 000, Pès ...,............ 070 *'078 Peas, bback-eyo....... '00 C0dé Blue Pea.............. 070 *0 75 Obe ................... 0 0d * 0 a ga . e..........900 go210W Cbcv«er......à -..700 8 00 ,âoplu, prbuo..ï.......1000 1 rotat.os............... 080 078 xggs ..................01it * 016 Butter................. 013 a 014 Chames................. 015 (g017 W c.........d...400-080 Rids, pe M. ».......... 006 90,0051 Perk, percw .............. Ã600 a 7 W er aedo............ Ca0 040 ObchaaeLan. 080 a0075 I=UkY.Jrè018a 015 Btai-le tO 11. Muatton, by thecarces.... 007O 009 GOLDSMITH'8 HALL, NEW 000DBINi Awedcau Goled - Plate Bracelets, Bar-Pins, N ecklets,- Lockets,, Eardirops, .Etc. WÂLTIIAM WÂTCIIES- 1- CLOCÈýB, -SPE CT4 CLES JAMES JODNSTON, Peac1béa1Wmtdbmakfl~ llredi'sL, Wbnby cati 8EPEMERlOtk TO '-2Othe Th rla"?dest la tbDIuft. t~aLhanEtPSfi5ie GRA.NDEST EVEN.I! 1 0f wc% oSowW o mL~ a ~-. Wel have deeided- to olose'out our busines-in ýWhitby, but before closing our doors we purpose havin A MO NSTER 1 When everything G1VINI~ -'Tp will be redueed to wholesale figures. Our' doors will be closëd FIRIDAY, JUNE -13THR, to mari downm goods. Every article to be marked in plain red figures.- E'QR= Corne in the forenoon and avoid the rush. Not only wil' we sel] the Dry Go'ods at great reductions, but our Boots and Shois Land Grocerieis-to be sacrificed. Country merchants and hotel keepers mftke a note of this great gale. ODDFE'LLOWS) HALL, WHITBY. RHJ CE I~TE D rTJIIS p ~ s ,New Carpets, Lace N EW, ÂDV ERTISEM ENTS. Ne w S8pring d Summer, Goods ni iEEÂ ARIr TY, M - TE BROOKLi Ohoice goodé sndle b. ot Talus' iu evry deparimeat, comprisng Staple k Faà o ,y Zr iliey 'hmL.. fro:ii the b tmýkers, Oroçkey, flTO., eTC.,EC 0ECL0T HÃŽIN G- A- 8P EO lALT Y. WeU nade, pqefttgrmoumts guaratme4 I May, 1884. fi. . IOLIAY NOTHING v LAURA NCE'-S P 'foflwig are thc aimes of icoeeof' be viïclitY- w1ha ha-fe purchascaan&ud Iebr ated Spectai.es and, For, tbe meiti of geea, lu Dr. Bogart. Dr. w~Oi. -- À WEL GIVING Heaith & 1I,%piness for':aL. WILCURE-OR REUEVE, Billouenees,1-ladache, -Dys- ppse, * l'n, Dizzineee Up I~EA~TI2STG~ BUUSINJI EITOW aBýUSI1NE-SS SALE :B R GrAI -,WTs r SINGER BROI se WE-J"FI Curtains, ÂBSORTMET ANDA Parasol 0F SUITINGS aminti AND PANTINGS. ANDREW m q ROSS :' s~ EIIrPORflUit, Thie Cel LEATH. apoualu rui"vuou m Wou" ý-4j