Mid'-Summer ffer. TOPS E lRTiNG. WHITBY OHRONICLSý ]rrom pruscu date le Jan. lit, 1885, for 50 CENTS!1 Ansimah subsoniber vu he prmased rame ou 054105 wlth muy cee of te ,Ollwng r vrtrmltaaise 22MB, Lord La-,sdowni, (Osnadas nOv Governor-Geueral, Sir John A. 4..oplI o~ Oliver Mowat, or Boy. Dr. Wird, Mdor uwp>iuni bock. "Tho Art cfD1sM"akiegandFany Vork.~ Or FOR 25 CENTS. CHRONICLE 4 monthe f inf3luaing choie. 0fonee of our four portraits) for 25 cents-as a trial trip tu tho.. flot uow suhooribers. AIU Subacriptions Io be addresteid to Je S. ROBERTSON & BROSI, PUOPRIETORS, 01RONIOLE BUILDING, -WEITnY. New Advert/sements this Daty. Tri.paiers Notice-Jancob Bryan, C bief PpcasMm ritzpatrick. Special-G. B. Gîlbîrd. Spicial-C. P. Stewart. %ts grcatIr ruducou-ti. 13, lulut, Ajgt Allie Lino. Waitng Stickc-J. S. Biarnard. t Choice Stock Vârm far S44-11. il, pl.o Brooklini. B. Lauranc-At Modical GUai. galiUng ot-1tobert Campbell. q Servant girl vauted-Mr%. Cron. ONLY Si ce PER ANNUM. Whitby, Friday, JsIy 18, 1884. [1Giaarsided dirCwLaiOn CORONICLE, 2250. q Tac Dirnocrats bave sîlîcted Gev- eror leveland of New York as Ibeir candidate for the Prisidecy. Clive. lande itrngbold is bis uubloaisbîd t' baracter aud weti knowu warfare * agétinet political coruption. Finit as Mayor-ocf Buffilc, and second as ice. er c f New York State be bas showu h is courage lenIbîe respects. Ho will chtiieb support cf man>' net peliti. cal>le nsympathy witb bis party. Tbe light btweîuB. aud C. le cerlaîn te be bitter. Tur Bribery cammisiion openîd ln Toronto ce Moeday. Some intercetiug revelatIens may h. ixpectid. The Mail and othor Ooeiervstive ergans are féojovng outteir old lin, cf obstruo- tLieuand crcatieg aIl sorts cf imaginary objection& oteb commistice. This is unvîse polio>' Le put cin lu-Lb.mildost. Justice Preudfoot aed the ether judgis assiýolatd with hlm are nc oing 10 pue, their signatures te n'flde othar than thst bssîd on tbe facosand figures eomiug before tham. And the ui.uaorally, vill Iheept that Sud- eceItýt odeme vbem il May. Brook Street Improvemeifts. Au old ime nsideel was ie teve the other day sud gremi waa bis atoeilh. ment sud admiration aI Lhe improve- ment tbha basai made in Wbitby'i appsanance hy the bansosme stores and * due residonees bilît ince b. vas a citizen, sed net leot ln the luxuriant grovtb of tbe tries liuieg sImuLas, now beittr kepI, aide vlkid, acd ligbted than vhen bis homo vas here. Brook striet north pmticularly pleamed hlm. New stores and old ocees brigbtened Up, tbe 1ev vacant lot, formeni>' a dîposi. Lory' of cld oaci sud rnbbish, traesform- .id trom a coespionous eye.eore 'te the site cf a tasteful residence frocted by flover.bordoed lave acd mdjaiuinR a commedices aud convieenti>' appictid * llvsmy establshment tho propsrty cf Set>. o rt Bics. Mr.Blaok bas,by tasteful paint Ticg, ion balcony, ptmnting additional large maple tries mcd grass pioîted,eom. * pleley vejavenmtsd bis bandiôms prôporty. Lb. Royal Hotol. Bouleuarda of endcrîng construetion sud kept semnill nilorcder enhanes vith emermld heaut>' the embovsred vmlk lu front cf Mr. Ohmz. Nori'@ resideeoe. Takan aItle il , Brook streot ncrth nov proests mu appiaance.that some ime ago iL vcnid baie ssemed futile 1v hoe.fer; but, Ibaeks te the ate sud enterprise shovu b>' eitizen@ vbo -bave thusa s& a vorthy exemple fer Lb. rost cf tbéc6eom.unity, bas bain brought te pais, sud Ibis part cf tha ove, fer soelSid sprevemsut, ma>' falnly la>' clat lbar@ attalned an enviable em-, West Outarlo. As ouir eadori are aware, a Cocevn. tion et tbbcLiberala cf WestOnearioe ovwu salled Io mie& on Weducesdmy cf 1ai wek te nominale a suecesser to Ur. George Wbelar viii> bas mocpted s position e the bîOctarie Gcvern. ment. The Conviction ssemksled miid *IL vas -disoverd Ihst cwiug te the vaY tu vbich the maleare distribetesi thrngh PicIerng, sait t10 s 111e coon. fusion cxialing as ge Who ve rethe offlouisof the Âuoeiation ile .tevu. shipa (il bsing a nov riding), uetices voie not ricelv.d sas prmptly smight be dosed, snd, Iberefore, loveral poli. in£ divison; vesnet reprosented. Long hefors tb. Meeting ass.mblid il vas deeldedthat It would bu unwise le atteupi te nominale a cstuidmto. A verbal Motion- vas efiérad b>' 1fr. Robailse of Nevmtrket, pnopomig dWjowummntfor- two voiks. Anothsî motiSn was ffercd by Mr. Smitb cf UibrUdi, propola odoumrgqent for thiso eskz and tmbo iglu bis Mo. umucahdiviensaoùM haoi seu-d asé de~tesoLLneOonyeuldon l. In aà brief pasgraph lut vsck vi ucticeil that Lb, dnsadfu.l 'courgc, obolora, baid bicon oit lu Ibo sutb o! Fiancesd vas îmvmglng ou cof the larger eltise, snob sTonLlo&, sud Ma. seilles. Thé câblce s a itîelforaed us, that vltb frtgbtýfù1 4eaps the pouti. leece bas reached -Pari. and-rray dà ily b. expootsd te appes, lun Londoný Thcusands lu Franco are Joaving Ibeir homne@ in abject terrer and mare burrylug Le distant places le hope of eseaping tb. flagno, bet 'or>' possibi>' witb -the coemalty cf oarryfeg tbe gemme of tb. fell disoase vitb beru. Dr. Koch, eu eminunt Gerrme savant, Who bai bien sent te France te vatcb the pregresof the dissaisgir.. il se-bit opinion that the obolira yl sproad ever CIurope and that possibl>' t ili reaoh Amoinci. An may be snpposîd, thbe promulgation of tbis opinion bas prouluoîd a panie ln mac>' parIs of France. 19 i.s tmted <bat net lie than 120,000 peoplo bave loft Marseilhês atone, sud that in Parise>' cy f tho woaltbier claises are prepariug fer figbt. Iflok@ aI prisent as if the de- parlue.of the wealtby and tlmnld would grow iqto an exodus of thelrong and bislitby, udieig te a stampideocf the vbole population able te gel avay. The moral consequeucis cf the panic aro net slow i» revealung tbeuiselvea. Tb(ore are, ae uenal in timîs of plague, the (liesolving of &Il fiee, intense selfisb. aiste, uuhoundeid reoklessneasand fier.. hate agniuet <the ricli, vbo, having Lb. mnai etO muisttheir lisfortunafe neigliboré, tepeud their moue>'ilu ssoap ieg danger sud leaving the poor te Lbir fate. Already lu Marailîles thora 1 mach muer>' and duspain ce the part of Iioe <bat cîunot escape, sud there j e au gry demand thaf the preperty et the beartlese vialthobugiveneeteb poor. Thora are net vantfng signs" that tbe pestilence that vmsteth iL noon dey rnay iu France loase &Bi moral lies. The. moral barroeaof Lb. plague st Atticus long bîfore tbe Christian ira may,iL la greatl>' te ho feanîd,be epeat- od ln France-in tho full ligbt of tbe eioeteeetb century. Ie viev cf those dreadful possihilitie. the moîl cnligbtenud portion cf the Englisb probe is busi>' endeaveuring te echool the public mind int.o lessions cf sobriet>' sud courage lu the faoe et the counuon danger. The Spectator pelnte eut witb admirable ferae thal thb. fiigt from an iefeoîed district cf even a umal portion cf lbe population i. the sBanal way cf spreading tb. discase, sud thst it je not in the leas Iruesthat Ibese wL.e connelwork diroctle aI the cure cf disease add * nethieg Le Ibu paver cf reasotance, notbing te theoberiaes mcd hope of thoîs vbo do verk diricîl>' at if. If je meet important te kPop in the striction ciL>' s reservo fund cf lite and resaurai. It ià Lb. det> cf the communit>' uuitedîy te resiet the ccm- mon dangers from Ibo. rit et disasue juel s-mach asit itje Ibeir dut>' ta reasut tb. activity cf political or social or moral dangers. The man vbo diserts bis evc couet>', or ovu, cm village vbonu il speiaîll>' es ebi&id Je none Lho les. a contemtepible covard than tb. man Wbo diserts bis famil>' le ime of need. It je a mùeLake. to, fer the healthy men Le fi'. The. menvbhobas telerahhs b.altb, respectable meass acd respectahles'jndgment, Who je cap. ahIe cf et onceoe - in order<s and ae- cnîing tbem vîtb intellgence ihan le- ficitely gisater addition te the moins cf figbticg snob au enemy ua dead!y epidemie than h. in te Lb. danger cf îpmeding Lbe ares of tho ditease. In ipit. cf Dr. Koob'& gloomy pmog- nosticatiene tbe pestlence after al May b. cenfinid ytbin narnov limits. Lait year vo LboulgbL Lho plague.vs. almoit upon us, but happil>' it came net nîgb us. It tsjeali, boever, te t>. on the aIent, te adopt propen imnltar>' pr.- cautions and te make up our minds calmlzal a d intclligently ge face Lb. pestilence If iL dose corne. We sboeld take The Bpectator's lissons tb heart aud h>' te ixhibit lu timus of gniat danger chistian courage and u.igbcr- 1>' regard fer tb. genenai velfame. Whitby Colegiate Institut.en- trancoe xamin tion. The folleviug candidates ba"s bien prviioually adruitted by tb'. Board cf Examtnerp. Section 5 E. & W. Whitby, J. Bar- chiliiteaober-Annis, Mervin B., marks 857. Section 1 Whitby and Pickes4ng, J. Gale teachr-Brovu, Myron, marks section à Pickering, A. H. Helhida>' liebe-Hclliday, G. A., marka 895. Section 1 Pickenlng, P. Trac>' teaeh ii-Kennedy, Marinl, marks 822. Moel sabool, Wbiiby, James Brovn teacher-Murray, Edith, marks 511; King, Adam, 888; Molutyre, I& I., 826; Priegli, Mai>' E., 829. Section 1 Reach, N. C. Brovn teach. en-Parnett, William, marhs 801. Duffein St. scoel, Wbith>', John Woodhoaso tAor-White, William, marks 8.8 Henr>' St. echool, WhlLh>',IR. Willia t.soboi-Warrnm,Albemt E., marks 883. Secion 2 Pickering, Mn. G(rW sy leachor-Larii, Aunis, marks 818. Mincie Forster frese Wîvmle aud ClmaaKetchru efrom Lb. Heur>' Bt. scool bave beau ricommeded. Seroral cf thée cadidates vioc bave benupuai.! b>' Ibeexaminer, taille.! L chtileb requin.! perceelage in Die- taIi6m, but tbe examiners comaidcred tbe diqtation piper t10o diffionît. IXlii possible Ibsi soma eft Ibse candidates mna>'berej"ed byihe bCentrai Board. f gbt>' pacent. o et b a=diat$ tal. nDiOton asixI>' pin ceuL. lu Aishetie. Bcoharabips, altldgL.boldirsLe' a fris course lu tb. Collogiste Insttuts, have heen sarded te Mise EdiIb Murray, G. A. Hellida>' suiklAbarl B. Warren. Mise Murray, vioclh cely 18 ar ah.!, deservea speisi, meetion, ha-v2ýg chiae.!470 markseut of 560 -in Lb. obligatoy subjaota, or measnl 84 pr cent, Iu me subjeol didi begel leui th&& 70 pin cent. Model Sohool PootoEz - finaltbEddiesOhmaul nbPi4, 0z U oc M roya. Herbet .Cmpisoi, I Frmnh Hal. LesolMFran uh r Bussin Raia*e. ia. W..J xî Âna4mumpt obée om mde by th. tory «P»«,au e10 se te i.mpression thât lIt1. Bluiïltrytig 10 foto. upu th. uhti West Ontario- a e0"d dall tsoalu..t Io 1 PW*Let. 17 ~ b novu' bIre B I. J1ke'lu. #ma M t!06m 1 Voml w hon os f thé ibrlpu i, but te ahow thst Mr. Blake bas no'diu.to diotat. ta th. O*atarlo Lbumli, v publlsh & letter whleh wus addressed te Mr. Jos. Gould, President cf tb. Bsform Association for West Ontario eud remd by hlm as Obairman cf the lits. onv.ntlou held et stouffîilie, whiob eompletoly vindi. catis Mr. Blake fromt an>' attempt te diotato te thb. oectors cf West Ontario. 1Torento, Juiy 2, 1884. My désir fr :-I have th. plissue.of aoknowiedgîug the receipt cf yonr lit- ter cf 8tb Jans. Thé vacano>' in West Ontario bas bien occasioned by théeasocîcptance by Mr. Wbeler cf an effioe 'of émolument wbich rendors It becoîsary fer hlm te resigu bisa Beat. It Witt b. for tbe 8s* formere cf West Octarioe t heose the canddats. I have ne right te diotate te tbà em sud my cci>' acliot> ie that the boit choie. may b. made in the intereutethebwholéLibéral party cf Canada. Te these who have floue me the boner cf conulting me ce 1he sut>. jeot I bave replied that I bave ne hesitation je sayîng that they oe render te tb. pmrty and its unnvrtby standard bearer, great and signal ser- vic. by eiecting te Parliame Mr. J. D. EdRar, cf wbcss services we are' urgently ln ueed during tbe period b.. tveen tbis time sud the nnit diction, odc4r te complets th. party organi. zalnand parlismentar>' arrangement@ vhich are esseetial te s vigorcus sud I bepc seccestifol stroggle at tb. polIs. Trustieg that Ibis suggestion yl ho iesetivad in tbe apirit si b i 11 made, aed with every gond vish for Lb. cause and yourself peronal>' I amn, faiîhfùlly yours, EDWÂRD BLAKE. Josupa GouL», sa., Uibridge. A Quufr'u Sales to Uncle Samn Mr. eeo. B.- Yale, tb. U. S. censur agent for tbé district cf Wbitby, bas furnisbîd us Lb. following statement sbewing thé value cf declared exports te tbe neighbbrieg republie. Thé moit neîioîahlo item on Lbe list in that cf egge, raekieg win mportance.as il dots ceaI te Lb. loadicg cîreal, harle>', snd taking préelleece cf lamber and &ui. mals. The tabla te:- Ail Barbe>' ... Bmigrant Bas... - Lamben Miseltani let Value. for breeding purposes. .8 000 00 .i ........... 2m5 4 @ seffeets ............. 2901 00 ..... ........ 10746 86 ... ... .. ... .. ... .. 9974 6b loal ....... .......... 2m719 6 08L Our Table. Faaaoe Lma's S' u»inÂTMÂo&znr fer Auguet, ahonding vitb edifying and pleasaul neading, la alreadj mpom oui table, se.!lh alwa>'. veloome, "~New Zealmes d lbt.eCanterbury> Settlomeul" fa Lb. opeuing article, b>' Rer. F. Pamber, B.A_, vith mumercus illustratons. Ths late Lady Blanche Murphy, Rer. B. L Raund, F. B. Weatbrlj, James Croil, Jamesa Buch. hem, Altneten Hers>', Mis. Alexander, J. Aiea. Patton, and other favorite viters, bars coutnibuteil te tht. nuse- ber. The ediLor, T. De Witt Talmsge, D.D., givez tome excelaent "Adn..e te Young people," and the Home PulpiL bai a sermonu et bis, s'Iolits Worth] Living ?" Thonare ntva interestieg à emals. and ahetces, *"as>', poèe, etc._; a miacellse>', letoestig mcd te- structive. and the usual recrd cf important ovints, editerlal commente, ahituamies. etc. etc. Pris. 25 oints a numben, 82.50 s yeaî, postpaod. Mus. Faix LiaLtit, Pchliabem, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, Nsw York. MIsticTTA ftonrIcI>' aven exoes Ite usuat exceltence. The nov and beauli- fnuly desiqued ooverintewblch It camue vnapped las i mcLh is bet a fittiug cex- tenion ho snob a mouth!y maisscf enter- taîinng - maten ai Ibis iMagauine turuisthea;-tbo motte IlEx Lit4rie Luxr," ih moaLappropriaIt..Them til. pioce hi a 'ducel>' enrva.! portrait cf Lord Dufferle. laIe Goveirm-Gemel- of Cinadaamd mev the British Ambass- ador mI Constantinople, Tb* elosfng awl.denardduI, by vho beesme. soendearci le Canadisa during bis terzuetofcifica haro, is:- «Whsl bis nt' &phaeof et ieu es>' b,, it isuctfor us le guie. Wheo"e ha ecutiome 1 bol.! Lb. tangle4 *absn et Bassemupolitios, or undhtskIlb. gevemment cf thé- Indian Empire, or returnç to ,csmme bis work lu hoe politis . Ibs. ca-be lilel.doubî 1h11, vith bis onaptameus shioa imai the ripe experience vbloh Ivent>' yesns' publie servies bas siene.! bis, ha vil! eue day houlb.thehlgbest raak lu lh. couneili of bis eouuttjr." Otbor attraol- Ivrayi> llustratie.! itures ofthlb. uiubc arn "Pair Vmo," "Lite sud WonkS cf Arthur O'Shmagbouae'l" thc pool; "Ruverside Park," eue cf Gotbau'a elysian broatbing places; IlWs.r Reds,' as'peau cf tour sdanse.,a' tain>' rceklmg vltba séeocf .sit sea; TM_8bterrame m Palescf oQ. ahanlfuepl" "IlRetropeo"ieofethéb Ameniosun g.;a.,"amguL An initeluint oetIl Tisja," san9à cousttutes thectoin *,'BbalI vs ~u Bbk"sesr'p grve," osWbitaehl.. phants,' "Becoînt Llherature,", sud, l'Towni Tal," coupîséte b.ebarmug catgo>'et cusee.The MuIttau.î 'Us lut C.,.Temple Court, Ney Yorh, are lb. publlabsra. The palse# NEW GOO0DS TO 1-HAND the village cf Msrkbam S hoadquantèe. Theru voiere m nishors on the oai- cuit, Rer. B. Adamsud amibye sistanlu, oee ci cîhor cf vbotn genenal>'cee- dnct. Lb.e»rv ie. uth.e o.! uSeo boum. rafeenci 1. Pros"lnpservice vas h.ld Lhias Sundîyu lin ciie thon mu interval cf one Suuia>'. 'he oins. meL at thecelese cf the servierani vas geceral>' eudestad y ""'lts. piemsiferbor heday, 'mud lu "Lb. abseoe cf Lb. presobe, hby Mn. Welten. Baia John Weîbcer sud Yeo- man Gibson voie Lb. parties vho ln- vite.! Rev. Ur. Adam@a 10 en> le WbiLby sud organise à clsea. Mr. Weileu's bouse vp lu these ia>'s a sert cf headquusrte1 for Mctbedit minisLers. Mr. '**Iton wvill ho wsi rememboed b>' alf4b@ lder lnbabLmuli et Whitb>' sud snrienndmg csntry., and b>' many cîbîs Illrcugb Lb. Iîngb and bremdth of Ibis onby. His position ai care-laher eaItbecCourt Houo v hich be heldI b.lieefrom Lb. date cf iLs crectlon op 10 imse t bis dealb, brenghî bise ie ocontact dimioti>' or indirect!>' vitb Judgis, Lavyeis, Jurais, Ceumeilbers, Couer- tiers, and lhe genieral publie, and if sorns cf tbeoe ooally poked fou eta btm, Ithe>' sedcm if even. tatdin. l goîting bmok principal sud teterest, for John althcngh mvkvard le manner basi a sharp ongue mmd ns..!>' it. 'Se vas a large, rav-boeed, ungaiml>' lock- teg man, coesld.rmhly bent orer lu bis doolining ycane, but Inéide thons vua vers, kiud, sympalbelie beart. He. vas cary inquisUiive, and kmev su Ibat wus gcing on m-onu.!Levaw. Travellen bba a!mm>'Oa chat witb old John, sud ouMeting hlm, ha.! g.nausrf'ta stad a rnznm areisof lote&oSa tories. Thse rowmiugg ler> cf h obarmter hoverrwvasthal ho vas a good SarmeoaChristian man, Who Irnit- cd iu God sud trie.! to do bis dut>' BulImaet haste. imter om, le tb. falI cf sm e an (164)lseJaob Bijan mer. an.! faseil>'(fathir Bryme as hs vas o mellau Uedi mcvi.! ul P froux BrechlI. sud smaIlea.!etIWbitby Bs>' (Wndo"BmBs' uil tu,o sim"&, s Hvus a oimipnsmber in he ieýoà W ýbody' aud!aftnIa ocselng, usad tg10 te i the .absono. cf Ur.à dum« r pbeiregular mieitera. serviceas rtbhoube.! er>' Lord's dey. Mr. aud Mrs. Bryso, mmd thei oldest daugbter (cv M. Bosch) bcing a&lU embers of th. M.tbcdlst body Unit..! Ibemsclsvlbb t hlb.l)> foime.!cIams, sud helpi. er>' ymater- fila>'tesavame. Iê ofer thle yonng csuse. The fine, stalvarl, gentiemaul>' form cof tbe lât. Mr. Brysu wli beshill familir to lb. m.mory of seau>'peoplein WhItby. Il ases but like >'st.rday dm o .alki oui setua.n&l Lb.majeet>'iethLb.au*ns ld Irsh Reb gauti sth"t ho risil>' vas. l. bus beau des now vsme25 psr or opvavosuî d oui>a'a«tsudsYS a9 bîtis tscmd partner vas laid b>' bis aide etbhe ripe old &gosof 92 yesr Througb Ieir'eamnt. ueeful,Obnlstian lire., Lb.>' helg d.ad jet spak X vil! b. Weil foirlb.ésous mad daugbers cf the nov nmrnron sudi mprlu Methodist chureb leIn iby,-to, Sep i bosueud a.!ielng re nsbrs 2116Lb fathers and mothera lu; Lb. Lord vbc bore tb.e au>' bronI M«the atrail. for haber lite. Tih.e tmrmsrk Wiin appl i>' vLb qual tarces 10the other dsnmiusttcniei v !mi the)Mbodlsb. Quit. a number cf bencred fafe. in contecllon villa- thé dhffea<or huos eomâ premnlmIy lemimd White -1pin thae u. ii>' Seaum t4 eome péer- in# eut Ibrougb lb.énitetliysars, ami., boy sMd aletly' wltbdrw. But ouvert1 nimsIl buthé voSd, or "bi nover, Pt b,.ogb. ?k.éIle OMaus e .Bs"' ieurtibsiA-9' 01! 1fr. -mbJ a sd ufpw ]Baptlsteéau.!die tis u tec 0hli n.!bele. wih a vil la lt n lb. ge*e chariot along, sas.! eon "théeio bon" W» glllcdlteIau tuoit 0*im ây 'In lhé spring of 184t h a"hmu béing abt obe hreid t> ii4 site aorois the .rosi t4svls tie 'anis cli Séheel bouse lui w Ȉ l mftswav thése& ir cetr) pMrmiss i vaobtaltro m lteà PaterPér>'y. 10 bol.! se v iee ',*a ohd "gmwual nnee"bidn rlit treetn h.orth 40doote bafcrenef.raadp "rblav,5i&er di flnnwrs.alnsa1m ckoh musaislebit THIS WEEK. Sateen Prints, tinished on both sides. Plain and figured Light Dress Muslijs; Heavy Black Mantle Silk; Mantie Ornaments; New Fril- Iings; New Laces; New Gîoves; Ladies' Beits; Ladies' Rub- ber Circulars for $1,25,. A job- lot ot Children's Faney Sun Hats, at haif price. ROSS REODS-, Dry Goods Emporium. pIUk1 8; A. B. Lehman,piank,128.97; WInd Sadien, terppiking and giavel- lnt heLvoon Leti à and 5. Otb Cou., #480; At>ijab Jonc., veîk on nonthire tevulino, 14.25; e:. LUddleton, rep. bimlon ?Lh Ooh. ant Ii iin, $25.80, l* as. Calvevt, vork ocM 8 Cmn. epposlit. Lot 11, $25; J. W. Saffler, gravsling ce O1b con. opposite Lot 6, $80-50 ; 6Wm. Emyles, gravellng Gieenvocd iesd, 0100; lne. Mitcell, tcsmlng plmck for Grceuveci bridge, 8; 0. P. Ponrier, gravel, 16.40 ; Jno.EUis, hridge mnd mppnoces on tevu lin* epposite 7&b Con., WbiLhy paig a lihs mmnt., $87; R. Rodd,graveling Kingaton romd, 1#40.85 -,Wm. MeOanslad, building colvert snd dlggine d"Ichus belveen 1Lots 10 and Il. B. P., and opposlite Lot il mange lins#- $41 ; I.COunor, gravel. img Brook road in Srd Con., $54; N. L. Stevenson, tnz-plking and gravsling Brook road mortb ef Brougham, 181 D. R. Beston, pestage sud siaLienor>', $10.48; Wm. Harbion, grading sud graviling bolee Lots 4 and 5, 7&h Con., 140; R. R. Mevbray, gradimg sud gisveltug botveen Lots 2 and 8,Oth cen., $40; o. Wilson, sopplsmoua" grau$ betvesn Lots 10 and, 11, 6th Cen. $96; Casper Stette, gravai and vcîk ce Diaie bit!, 04; N. L. Stevenson, supple- monta>' gîmel, sidivalks, Bmougham, 65.25 ; Levi Maokuy, ,ngiuieeis tees, re Tbompson vs. McQuay, 18.75; B. G. Barolay', giavolieg on Brook romd le tb. 7Lh Con., 175. .On motion cf Mn. Forresten the ripert vasw adopted, sud ce motion cf Mn. Mach.>' tbe Reeve grtat.. bis eider ou th. Tiss. in faver cf the parties me- cemmeedi Ibsiin. Mr. Maoey, seoudsd b>' Mr. Mltcb- .11, smovsd Ibat J. M.Gerov b. appoint ad te place railings on wast aide cf Grsenvood iosd lunbtceSt1b Con., and te examine sud reasir Dii bridge. Ommied. Mr. Porc>' introduce.! à By-lav, vbicb vas pès..!, te rmchsLb.efollov- lng mppmoprntoae:-100 for mspairingz b adg nsd gmavclipg belveen Lots 82 and 38, 2e.! Lon., las. MoOreigbt, ote.; 076 fer grading sud mravoliug ce 2ed Cen. frmn ot 27 Le 82, inclusive, S. Hcllioge. cern. ; 120 for gavesig bîtveem Let4 82 aud 88, lot Cen., H. Graham. cern.; $50 for repairieg Applsby'e bill on 9th Con., A. Tracy, om. Mn. Pirey', seced!b> Mr.Mitcheil, more.! that Cameper Stetta b. instinct..! toe.xp.ed $50 ce siderea! belvesu Lots 24 Mud 25. 2ed Cou., sal.! amount boleg a re-grmnt. *flamid. Mr.Peroy, ised by Mr.Forreeter, move.! Lbat Lb. Clark motif>' lb. Man- ager cf tbe G.T.R. Co. Ibaf tb. Connoil viii salisb tb. soad sonth cf Lb. rail- va>' acia Lot 24, lit Con., an.! vomI 1b téoriginal rom.! silevano. ln sai.! Ce. providsd msail Co. porceas*pro- posd !rad sud deed the samo te Lb. muLnielpahi>',othervis.thceconditions 1a nîlure.! ln formes isieoluttons viii be, efflebly mdbercd te. Carnied. Mr.Perey. asooued b>' Mr.Forrester. mcv..! tbat the Connoil vasolvc itsaif lI sn commtie oethé vbels go exam- ine h lb.boalit> b.re iL in propos..! te islabliahb a roïd north cf Clarcucut leadiug te Lb. réfiva>' staion, te amou- tain th. prohable4est cf building sai rom.!; éod Ibal 4h. eid oommlttemus aI Clarsmcntconsturdy 101h lest.. et eu& o'eloe p.m. aud t uthe Clark ba dirule!te âah Mesus. lue. Bair mad e.h*lmPaloer, 8gr, 10 metetsld, ocfliit te. e t lia.. COule.. iffr. 1guehyooonoded b>_ Mr. Peey. mal thaliiobs" qs=r and Ales Broyai b. appoint..!00s,.te repais hvUg6ppolle oI? u l i o, mai o 0CeunilCaMaie. . eÀsU.by Mi. NitebIl sue. bI1. SE. 0mv w a Imrucle 10ë negelIm.r's bridgerévaid sud re por to-o e Comi Cimi On mttnuOf Ur., Msehqthe Oeaie- ei ijorusd unta mouds>,Ag 1h aithe hebur eoftete'eleck a a«p"dimoa idis. De.- «Ubo i..a -W.) Meu sud Thingi rARnaiT OP sUBJECTS..., Sounid inivotmenit-Punchaeleg s plana- forte. Allen'. Lung Balsam ta tbe standard cure for Ccughs sud Cc!ds ie th. States, Sou Adv. The immller the Striai ci a fiih the b.lgger Lh. lie. WHAT'S Ef à A NÀ.-As Lb. nainesf mp!ies Golden Fruit Bittersanmd Fruit Pill. are made fronie L.expriasesi juices cf ripe fruits. Benssi ovin tons nov trialLait yean's sprtegamet, -Phoognabycan give us ce!>' Lb. im- agsc b owera, but te Mvaax& Lu.x- nae:Is Po.sxnuWA&TE, chemistn>' bas prese ltheir aromtc essence. Itlah litensilly the bottiesi bneatb of the mont fragmnt producta et the nichoat floral nogion Connecticut Sirotes 90,000ares te Lb. cultivalian et the oyoter. A Startling Discovery. Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Hain, Dak. vilLas that bie vife basi benu roubled wf 1h ante Breechi is for mmm>' jeans, and Ibat ail nomesites trio gare ne permanent relief, entil hi procurd a botte et Dr. Kioig'» New Df screr>'foi Oonsamption, Caugbs, ced Colas, which ha a magical iDioct, sud prodecesi s permanent cure. It i. gusnan- teed te cure mIl Dîsoases cf Throst, Luege, or B3ranchial Tubes. Tria! Boitles Fro. at G. B. Gibbmnd's Drug Store. Large Sizi #1.00. Bear meat in a negulin dssh it al the ho- tets sud restarants le Ruse". To RaBST Malaria, Agne. Ferîrs, Head- acbo,Colds, Kidue>' Disease, Paie in tihi Bide on Back. Constipation or Costirenes, keep ZO-PE-SA baud>', sud lte a dose twioe s yack. IL acta upon théeLirer and Stomah 1k. magie. Ta whozn mech te giron much hn equired in nelure. A mlsstep n-iI often roake a cipple for lite. A bcttle of Henry & Jobnions Ar- nica and OUl Liniment et baud, wiiln"s p revent lb. misatpbatned immediatel>' I illi sari being à a cripple. Glove-rcakimg in Euglaud pia zemplo>'- meont te 26.000.vonen. Ife re tmaouIoblisi itb c "bcckiug cogh 'Dovnes' Bilvii ilgiro yenrelief at euce. Wannaul.d ai recemmended or In onuudesng, sman beilesb>' Laking off hie shoes; and a veman generaiiy bigles b>' Laing cff hsnhslr. At aul tb. Geansu hLb, DR. VAN BURENI8 KIDEY CUBE la the cul>' tremîimeul felloeved lutcmi e bmduReront forme cf kd diss.Thonsands have attostesis-Rso,âtsnjeytlty nol-'t ing te thbelnsufeuiig frtends boy ispeedil>' iL rellives the pales cf thia. dustnssiicg complainte. IL eau uev bo basi Lt an>' irug store. A Becbeilea- paper bu oensd ils cl- nmue for opinions and suggestions on pro- tecting wves fa-cmdrunken hushanda. tien, Resu Bum <lostvenssi mmd au malaria!diases. frweiri en-,Cts par hot-Us 1. ->1 I , t Nm À= B Eekvith 'viii aItem$p la s. ste Mglah Channel! maiL month. The délyje thei b.defloato rmnts. Wbo e b.ocenance ta pale, Lb.Im bbdousf-uugs l rpttciison the tucepprtcetirniIsLithie ther il deblhjNo ieuuoY viliso qnlcklyr. steo elr .e h.*s stg.uth -otho. MUso!ss, 4ew ty e . i*à gb.,r nýback h «pptté andm*ake'sa*rv m an Pifogstà neausus, vieihisLiusetl but arocM.Foasie y 1 aldruggte. Wby ais oranges lIk- obumcb.bollaBe- caus, vobave pý5uhtem thetu. à Aelerirpehon barsôuonket . onotu- lons poiso lasten luies ries.'-Wbn is dsr.lhpsu i crofelous $sons, nieni, ai iruptiona, or tmjes the form ef rbiuratismi or onganio usasse, the suffsnlng tbst misais graitue »'W0-glov Roce l8 anis i.srl.*do, thît Aje.'à arsp&dilla*iUi ibcrugb~ erdict Iis evuit trouIbe Veron scoo-Lecbnsare prebi bitea hiyla* rem Ibe nseo toIbacà . Durîeg 1883,460 lires vire oared cenlthe Bnitiib coul b>' momni otthe rookol appa. Pix.-Get >'oun molâ ull hfe u"b'et "Tzà nmz,"ll.he vee den fon lbe Teel sud Brut.. Bnasb rgoncuai>'. Se. direetleqi, 1 lau Sasorntaub. neotclownai apair et rid drivers 1' A Bziun¶rm zi ED cr HAm.--Thb oih nctbleg more pleaieg ite entonnlai:p ~ance ofomen or mon tbma as beautif ci reud"1 air ad t ispossible for eren pua-son topcsaesulît b> ' tob long an viii keevu nCingaieEeiretner. .SolS Mt60 out#a bottle. What paýrt-'of th.eaaph gsly r.- aýven>' cer part? The eeuterp Ait.- Time, it4 Value N-o .4ay la ours, vby abeuld *6e ai?- For le tbe gode belong tomeriez-. Theofare for to-day, chez- Gold Coin9 Tobae»ii la 0lb. 'vTyp-tgiabeeu iniroduced iletl». cbioago pubiocichltin u nexpoimeummi' GLASGOW New Black Ottoman Dress Goods, New Silk Parasols with ring in handie, NewlloopSkirts,Cromp- ton's manufacture. New Busties, New New WAREHOUSE New Carniage Dusters, New Cretonnes, New Drab Waterproof Cir-culars, Young Ladies' Corsets, New Stockings, New Gloves, New Ottoman Silks. E?~~ & J CAMEDBELIj -NE W MILLINER Y ci' OPENINU. Infsnt: 9 I Groey and Whito Cottons, LinenÈ, Flannels, Muslins, Prnt, Towelings, Corsets, Mantie Bille and ornamcnts Enabroideries, Laces, Hose4(Ilovos, Buttons, Parasols, Shouldor Capes, Skirt Imprevers, Fa-Uilq ~l.I. Satin Cre88 Skia-ta, ready made, ALSO AGENCY FOR RA YMOND SEWING MVACHINE AND DOMESTIC-PAPEI? PATTERNS.,. 9000ý 10 15 20 50 Stylish Prints, Dress Musliins, 00 00 WA TCHMA MRO RC BT CIONZeixoa receipts for sube ordinar>' basinei LOCAL AI WIIAT 18s OINs ON cHiRONIIIL! itv "A abies 1ai cool. Gneen peua. Tni.sy, Toly' Týonte deuxn Lb. Pont Pertyï &SN&vy blue"- Le crdeinbÃs Tas Twza the ouhobratiei bloodabed. Haafingè 10 vit on Tnesday, Ju chie chna-ch -The Basin vin! ho di bcb h-Sur nmTue1 inle - Cxi MISS HAYES DRESS & MANTLE MAHEI R$ AT MISS, .FITZPA1RIOKý' SELL1-NG OIJý'T! SýELLIItG,, OUT, ,ROBERT CAMPBELL, -, WHLB 1 iielqin Là il'o:'; Chi'liron:'9