27 YEARS ESVABt-ISIHEO. THE WHIBIDÃtHRONIC[[ zg POaUI MmD V» FRIDAY MOeNING, tà rtom bOfie.u051Lz Bunin.Brock 8ir*il, WhlSbr. TB">f5- #1 Pa» ANNuISl AVAC 1%, OmeoICt uOm, a rger circulation ~any ciii.: Papertunthe Oonny of On- 7S. Robe rtsond. Bros., PROPRIETORS. TBEM8 '0F ADVRBTIBING. pi insertion, per linos 10 conte;6,each sabueqiiOnt insentiou, 5 conte. iplayod Ativortismmnta aromeasurmd ~Y& s, sle of soid Noopareil, sud chargodl Idver "Mnts mont without V(f1oncte etrortions insortod entil font ona ,bured for funl l ime. 0r CI sfor diuonunln dvertisomonts mus b. inwrting, othorwiso the publimbors VMi nat b. re.pons1b1o.' A librai discounnt for contrset adrertime- ,cenIg by the. year. Oopy for changes of tontract adverttsoeontms honid b. handed îe not lat-r than Wodneedsyanud notice of spy intedmd changes abould bc tivon b.- fr:Tuosday ncu. Othor advr moments receivo'l up te Thursdz.y noon. Business notices tu local or nova colutmes drst insertion lb conta per linemcf Nonpa. re.i) 10 conta per lino each sebsequent in- sertion. Pive cents per lino per snnnm. Correpondonci) soltcitodfrom ail parts cf the. Couty or notg'iboring townships Cor- reospndonft sanre ronstod ttoi enu in thei eunmeaca aon Saprcimptl i.&potisible. JOB PRIiMTNO DEPAIRFMINT. 'tht.Deparimont Ia vol! supplieS with tii, tboweat aud Handsomest Stylos 0f Type juitable for evory -cimes cf Job Work. Finte prnting &a .pecîaity. The ioNcuaas equlpinent l this romspeoct la strictly finit- cime, and in nnt excsloed by seny office tn Emaiera Ontario. BRISTER, Couety Crown Attorney, Band CoentySlitcttor. 0Olc,- -South wig, Court Hoome, Wltbr .48 M[ESSRS RITCIE BBILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 8OLICITOlI8 IN CHANCELRY &c w >v 26 :t b T C.M. RITCHIE, >Toronto. '~W. H. BILLIiNa8, WhiIby. JAMES §RUTLEDGE, 1>'IRISTER, &o, O~ffice fcrtnerly nc- 1 cupleti by Farewel& Rebiecige, noît te Royal Rolel. Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ObINISTON, B.A., ATTORNE*Y-AT-LAW , SOLICITO R IN ACioncèry,Conreysncer, i&a. Orrc-lu thoeOffce souli eft1h. Post Offrce, inu Mcldillin's Block, Brock Stnreet, Whiuby. iy-hO R013INSON & KIENT,, (LAre Duoo.m i& Rosnum4oN.4 DARRISTERS.AT-LÂW, A TTOURNo BDeys, Soltetors, Ceeroyapor, ire. OFFIC.-In Vicori Chimbois, No. 9, Victoria Street. 3..Remsses w.a Ha-mmiA.E. Rau r. G.YOU!(G StelTi, L L. B., B ARISTE=R, -ire., &c-Mà oney te Lama 3Issuor o) Mirnagol Licensos. Opricmt-Over Daminion Bank, Whitbt. Ja. 22, 1878. (tf-5 J. U41En GREE NIOOD, ATTORNEY A.ND SOLICITORI, CON ,jveyaesn Notary Public, ire-Pout Ofce Dnawer Nn.o. ,Wlîtiay, Ont. Fermasbougbt adsoiS Marriage Settle- meuta, Wienimsud Trusts madie S pBctaitiesi. Lo&ns negotsted on ail kinde of P noperhy. JORN HALL DO IV, B ARRISTRII-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR te Chaney, Conroyancer, &oe. Offo-Derni's Block. Brock Street, Whittby. UONhiTB TO LEND-Ptvato Fends,- te sema eup te tof0O, at a iow raIe of iu- Srst. (ly-62 LYMAN BENGLIIi, L L. 0., B ABRISTBR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohaocr, Oonroyancor, i&o., ire.SAn es Street, Osiava. W.. lieDRIEN, .D.,ER.,, GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, XNG., the eyo R. O. H. L, Dehva, Ontanto.- C A RD. OR. BOGART, Physicien, Surgeon, Accoucber, ire., &0,. WhitIby, Sept. BOt, 1874. 440 DU. W CUTHBERTSON, ATHAcingAziztntToronto Asylnm OFFICE-Tait lialy ecccupimd'by Mr. 0. Noure.. Insuence Agent. BRIOCH SIlIKET, .WHTBY. W.AD AM8,S R WE OVER JOHN FERGUBON'S 1jCiotbîng Establshmet, DenSes-st., Whitby. Iffice heurs tram 9 .m. ho12 m., sud f nom LW80 Ic 6, p. m. hhsdco-Cor. of Byron sud OGibert stretes. fo ii orkieg oluue. Boud 10 ceais for esud as miSmai, YODufre.,-a royal, vlasbox et9sampis suode 1h51 vil] jaub m'eu Inlihe mmm' cf UIsk mors mifubey lu %ii mort i. s rlieraIm'adapteS te bull seia Yoeug &Md ad. You ma «esly m' am tm 50 seuts lUi lhe business vo mile Ibis fulluo upanal b,15 .fev lte m;ÃŽ1vWhoarenet mWi ualidad me Mli Pgnkoanm drectiqus, et.10état01re& t=mles WU, le mmd. b1 Ilos Who vie is cir mboestlint e "' M4tnw drss now s&sirCo l'or tià [. __ms- '_1-E. Ica 4&d 1 VOL. XII - i T UR WESTERN 13ANK 0r WHITBYu NTRO THOMMSDOW. Maager. Whlbby. Nov. 7th 1882. I Y-47 ONTARIO fBANK, WHITBY BRÂNOR, 1Brock Street, - Wbitby.1 J. Il. ADDISON, FINANCIAL AGENT. P O. Box 114, BIly HT . MONEY ro LOAN! 0100ODO FUIt INVEUTRET<T. ON REAL ESTAtE sEouRrry. At lovear iving at6eofi ntersl. Money emnrd ithin 10 doa of p plication. Apl o JOHN FARQUHAIISON. Whltby, Febuuary 151h, 1880. 9- C. NO1JRS]E, Insuîance and GeneraI Agent1 Roprosunting the foiowing companies Phoenix Fire Insurance Compa.ny, of London, England. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., of Edinburgh anîd Londoni. British American Assurance Company, of Torouto. London l3uarantee d Accident Company, cof England. APPRA3sa R 5Tza Canada Pemanent Loan & Savng Co' MONEY TO LOAN, On Imnprov.. 1 P..nnî ai low rate oet erest AI... St,.cretary-Teessuernafite Coeely Agrîcultu rai Society oet Sonuta Ontario. OFFICE.; AI Post Office, Brock Street A. A. PU NT, (lâte wfth Laugley, Langley & Bui'ke, Toronto.) A4J? C II I TE C T. Desigua for Cherches, Villas snd Cottages sspmcilty. Dr4wings propared for ne, mmdelling oilsttng arertores. Ornesu, for th"p rosent, et hie rosidee on K.tngston Roud, Pickering. P. O. Boix22 Wmur W. O. JOlINSTONd, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORQ Con ho toundet atheiLaw Offce cf J. G. Kelly, Esq., Witby, or et ths rosidonce cf Mr. Loss3Jabumbon, Porry streat. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cormacok,' YLUMBBRMERCHA"T & oaDER: ine, and &H ki o Tîte.Moîdina, Doore, Ssii and BileS. LUMDEII vicole anS reiai, or by by theocar icad. Planing, Moudingu cf ovcry dca rrp- tion, Fiooningi Sbetlîug, Sbalving, Re.- *awleg, Shapieg, Turnleg. Scroll-wcrk# etc., etc. Whty, Oct. 151h. 1878. -a8 K ING BIlOTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importors, Dealers and Manufactuerr of a&i Kinde cf LEA THER AND FINDIN08,1 Cash piA for IRides, Bark anS Loathar. Leathur atrotchad 95 BLTING MAIiR TO 0OBDEB ON SHORT NOTIOz. mal. 187. M I. J. Il. DATES, Noeapepr LU4,vntîslmgAmt, 41 Part Xov (Tîmes eigIt ~NewvYonko te auîlsret e cs>ootrasct for udverîu.o mete. la the CHIRON-ICJE et ont #net raies. v*rUdn*umý(10WSprnueSt.) vliéo il rgtm- gcontrà aterway b.ae for> Mt LTJMBR1_LIMBER ......... TBiY, ~IE 1 JTL'Y 18,e184 PATE4 NT*S CANADIANS ban seciarpatel nhe1.1. iSsp $ie~me trse lioa 5l eI te *atoufnt; In l&BiSe, huailgsI > ,aoet thervisetenm iE b. limiteS Total coolm ailutes BSest Paten S016014ylO Washi1ngtpslon, -. PIbsmne.ntiy hasu plenawt hi o&dr -C or T sn. $'4. MsR.eIplTi uer, d r Mg llescn ton c inenTirontov Pates int ffice, f Wpialngo.O ion. mo elonthriio es um thairn LYOemnt. , .51père WÃŽ Pties 'wldibprot rPanmos po 17_18ee - FOR SALE BY- Sf. R9-HOWS-É,i CHE MIST AND DRUtV1¶' WHITBY,Ç ONTARIO.I 8peia Clubbing Offor' Whitby CHRNLI Money Every . NeiVspaper and Magazinie Reacler. A -VALUABLE PREMIUM oreu phlife4iîke t 222ý-dI Lansidowne, (Canitda's new Govem Iwo. ,) ou lver 1aowm et4 on£Momad, Boy. tDr. Wild, viii ho promenled fre 4S e to u the »1hgOoxom<vbbs l.-pa or-.' alono or clubbed with any othor poriodiomi.(Whon porteit. Smsent by Munl10 seut. etr uet bb. dLa to couer ocot of postaeoana protoolos.) It is yotirs Vo take advantfgo of tubese ibes1tem efr i stoo bý.d lie s. Chroniclo Building, a DevoeaWe mo.k,, wI78y, Plant at nome. e Xbn dnnliss froe Or hiibmtbmiwyagay %avd tidm athon the dollar, <,%np onotb as you noani- Yov, tbe, whn bave babes areend you, Ooing up te takm yoor place. 01v. tbom aomthleff to roinenubor, Homsahoad meincres lot thein trace. Wouid y >o foolt ho pindcf manhncd, Lot thé son y cor dorllief gmetb Bresiho Ibm blsssd air cf reedom, Own the mail beabb yoer foot.ý k oit, toc aiho penhsbavue squpudoed Lite'. fair morn-'tla not toc late 1 st at ag ne te o n brigbt Fortune, Rail notnioo Atgo-caimd fat.. %owIn Iden " snetnsarn Fobeav. s tm0i. Mi" -0 h YM bhuodhmr TWao ivs 'Dmi verhbine? Wbclanu of Mé Usve No. on ue d 1%4 lpcIlove Ce 01 th or Row, or ride,' ceÃŽ' ibr, Qareleos of a&s Yon muay dui, v ncoe «'OyCouss, <donl yne ,Èburnlccnsp, in, Chilc ord us, a uan mn. Cousinabsas b like . Axld lb. onu wo co It»enot To ey hbout M a thei bmdarn~ rlype cf 'wbaêMy l"o v mi ie, cnsn, waîlUycnamiabe? "Close wilditgb lh b emn, msît i'whai tii tl si a suf utb?' bb lb.», as i os. tell yoti;13any oi *emdi 'fo bslsyggea is tru wa *4 lu "'Bepolabll *bauà $l hie o do tb. pet W"acred tirant. " wnes &Il te aileooted au bneýth.. nK ehteb i sa. ime b n "'Omu~ia'*IdGrant, ooelu bis t verp.;b ryou mot. ail pmsttiy "We hingh dia D 1 otnot deny lb otlnpisschnanî@0 e .mocueu- ciTu tam b. ni ime vo noticsi Kittpcibg uop teoOur houpe wlh bu,'~ 44w. e no Oiîu vo culcl bsn. saiS cr don, èotId hbave ravenWeiber;7 bot mare not quît, gose rebiout Rla.. loch, Who, aorn mo, luit litus episode; bi wsnduaed &boutli1ke a etteaed- ,lover. 41000 a oemetl~ l n o ii "The"!le. bim"di pmyý mme mr v no 1 et hiiiel Sbgsur 1 fo "Tsody PU@@e on, aud Riaoeb, Who bsd beêf6r. beocutl ireof 0eux ex% psdltloas, ore nov gauenally eabsent. "iWhere hha adbeenà msvidenit, for va ouaoi omsa i mpte of cislna hît sluugtbru*î l9 itbemsriblor,;lb. 0;4 piltuneeque ehawl dîaped ocrcRit' rocia."dild aff-;1e4W s .tlj 7a "KIalocb'e regtmeni baSilion orSon. ta îuiîy tb atoîothr part i ot huaS; sud one uicnnag, a few laya heore ha vato ge, vo ligç.5 for bié eompany lplueebu. arraaged ho bavé witSb en on re olber tom lie.. il'Thanke vriy muebj beo s6a, 'butlI aafral d lIl hb. toc buoey.1 - "l'Oh. but you musetotme 1i' te ail oHmSd, 'W. oonule4 upeis yen.' "'vl1- aese many Ihiog el do to.Smty.l "Haqre h. stoppaS saS bluahad. "lW. girls vota iooklng vrtpInquiet. tir., saiSnsma cf tlb. men bu#3 &per- llj>lbeeeron Ihaîr iou. 'U&1bs1go6hieis ldy4ove te bld a-o"b tôtI' arsi,'.:mnggemtti "loe hlà tund on hltub thblaslng 0pe. W. &Il kepI bsek. They voe 11mglobes oftre 1'onoud &,srV 1' li de; 'and obp oeîhavei wliilsf.biîlo yen?' $Wiito d ïlflsntnly. u8uel fibrboreit tuum. r*pId1,Y AOIl bail Mees. a44 a onky bdI1ppoint jeu, 'Y JE* - .) 8. Le oyat vers dia-imd, aud Ià Do otrength t reut the (ftal tesoi- Pslhmrr, umil tbm gti, alooplug a snd kîiung bis gray icke, 'pou 1ma tutme.'"I ire Anul ýBel stoppod. s l Iuiresllog PB64111 go ou?"l >hdol1 Dldbho omehbook p ImalS elliiyesrsmmsi ou «au e. Cas jo ta asud eomed ana bail many s OP aiatgo: but eh. vas 5mwi lcut Ibuio to 110110.égro -y fiÛthei olîleaattesnpte ab Iove- itt'itu4 tbm poiler pari loft ber ifev, mert enkinat, woeald aek i ah. expeolmd liei'Young mentie' Jim, n annted lier la cutitg îie#a md rirsnoailns. fioi yeaneiventIlsy, andi théra the #- -b t ose f Watteloo, ,mwiau iitt un.vïol.lso, u u "Stttilllà ,wocl -from Rialooh, amd liIy'i bhei ,wihiî lnover fîioti in isè lIRbtnêu8 non beretu li Is apeedi. now saab andi faitned for. tbm Orsi "Esnrly lu Ibm unui per-la fai on New Yestî'ê âilgt-I4be omore gave a, f 116 m &e rou nd vus lurîteli C"Glrlewotin lugrémi démenS, o.nd 'v entdb# t MI lo oey aun 's houe. s iiuly foribal tnlgbl. sud le Sud eut i ovIbtheteaâd, pimd à oébabehad. "to'n tbiu, perhspi, twmntly Ixtam ral,è ler olS10b. alled aaflH-do yen, *"Wai, 1 fOttsimoal bbc aieas 1 did wbaui v1 as sliteeu5 aud qplte am reidyle enjoy a dauee or ajusations I eau msure Yeu. ,1 'Z*K alo ay-laà trwm bot namoe- w -t b epbe ladm esuil-ihcu sve, à suS lt'b eâli dy*i JIsodisud Ibrua i bmn su uh»abpy,damtml vih tota mktn* or Sonne. should nequine hem' "$Sbo.vas Shan lvmaty.elght, suri Ibm oang gi'imh biiy baS Sevilopod lu.* t e .moit lorely cf' tomen. Ooly whon beiarfos twmuab rei, soS"na o eaugbt lb. suspicion à f an, ana-Ons vifi ore a piela.sefu govielhluflei 1lace, of bot ou. mà aking et the uamok »-anS ma. 1- 5075 vas avSanS elonu, wSy iehi LOND1 ON,> ýENG G. E. GIBBARDi.. Ré. wà m only tbe Dow loutonbnt, after éll; but ho dIti ot, lok, the, wbippor-snapper lier &un# b.d pro. CT ' U r4re, o lulooh?" elle wbiti lu ail&maintlt us. ,qui mufi p atmtelc e&htii l t e o n u t 1 ling , ib ru m ,itih ber Ofier.21 Wlt?4Ssoiyon the sêoôry morns dayIf jûti llkè but- yo Caméa lno t toub roejui s ait s~ your pairos a<, drmela n marn"e V!ey &nad. veryiblng. Dott, tb*ro ,t I sin1pos..yo ie Dot, aveu a relation P' èna.,qnlmily. "l8ù oo 6&rw tosn.oting .11ko." * h vis ov hirtura 10 emylna sdIi. nobidoe,:"Dot yonr nas eliqDo d'yse, là udlCIlaiiy, eagoïly. Thon abs mioppod;-a m, inden om flosbh tnmbed cier ber face. t'At leseî, 1But '@bo Cooulane dony 11, Worit Wam WrIte Que Dames bolaw ihoam, litiy 1Pl' Every obild livin lbh, ourntry ha mood, and wa1ohed ib4is mlUe operas. hou su woderd wai bmlutu wat whloh . saw mo p; tu, tlb. oui' ibroîti and Iht-godoua $aineafIer à eh a: eheSh fourtraîn Iemgt of ti=e.And --perbape ,ho rnay. bave méne, oibmauloy sd sroi odnoed ou aarm b b. iâre'pom'ilhaImoù-me orne or tb# oowmbsd"lloei hem' eu," and ae tberemuli 9of m1"uleei.emay 'have amen Ibm absurd elleopt le"make a uawieuS,> la lb. 'hope Ibalîbthe cw &UCuI bysnbmainM -ha ret'ored:Le'o cVu'f 4 aage pmtrifonof m'aiders mo -hUnie eaUd on. girl. Inluorplu. UzzionP1ooJ~ ~TO R a'HJÂ: PURE LIQ1IJORS. Wakrs[ooýmg tubro Bye] Whiskey. Dok Gin, St. Emilion Ciaret, St. Eatophe - « B. &G. medoo Hennessy Brandy, Marteill c Boucher di thej Native Mine,. Finest Port VI .%nest Sherry Wî ,don'sJ ' Lime Juioe, Abo Là ùîe Juide Ale and Porter ort bottled. - .11. 1ITA LIA N W AREIOU SE NI. oeDON< Carxieige 0fn.o t h*.publies lelu covarcd Phammons, Boni Box, eiS Md Me M Worksi, 'n-us. WiI saen *iaéd ~çid~,g~eIbOI~1 su unlune ldutm,tve idmomate Pua, Pore.Koldu rte1ê I in the Pocket of COMBINATION asMATOU Chroniclo ($1) and Wookly Globe ($1) . ', .$2 00 $16 $8 Chroniclo il1) andi Woekly Mail ($1) . . . 20 ~ 8 el eico 1)and Weckly Âdvertieor ($1>) . . 2 00 05-o 8 Chronicio(1) andi Woohiy Witncss ($1) . . 2 (0 i 05 85 Chroniclo <1) andi Weekly Star ($1) . . 2 00 1 76 25 Chrniýclo 1) and Beral Canadian ($1) . .20(0. i so. Cheio 1) andi Loisnro Heur ($1JO) . 2 6O 0 50, Chroniclo 1,- andi Sunday at Home ($1.50) . . 2 60 £20 ý6o Chronicle 1) ana1 Boy.' Own Papor ($1.50) . . . 2 50 200u 50 Chronicle 1) and Girls' Own Papor ($1.60) . . 2 50 2L OC> 50 Chronilo 1) andi kmericn Âgrion1twuaist ($1.50) . 2 50 2 10 do Chroniclo 1) and The Honsoholi ($1.10) . 2 10 1i 60 5 Coie 1)andGrip ($2>) .8 (0 'âoo 40d Chronie o1) and Scientific Âmerican ($8.20) a a 42 0 8 Chroniclo 1) sud Âmerican Fitrmer ($1) .2100 1 85 05 Ch1ronicle -I) ad Sttieli American om-al(9.0 . 8 60 8 0 50 Chronicle 1)and Truih260 00 0 Chronielo 1) aud auj Ivo DllrWueaor Muathhia-three 0 2 0 5 peroficals a 8 0 2 50 50 Chromel(1i md auj thrco Dollar proieh-oPerci" ol . 4 00 800 100o Chroniclo (1) and two Monthliea pub= à , .5- ~rode 4 00 25 75 ROBE Nom Il J Ný«J m amm 1 art 1