't ------------ ,hdw*6mmrrOffer- *~FfrY CIIONICLE Au 9ïsýonptioni to b. addressed ta PROPBIETORS, 013BONIOLII BUILDING, -WHITRIY New., Advertiaementa this Day. Fiue GaiS Sutes-Jno. S. B3arnard. Keusl'ugeu Pokintlng-Kies FarquIlà .rson. :Lain'iSpectacles-G. B. Gibbard. Fou efIqi id Glovo O laner-W. R. Howae. Uchedlo cf Roturus of Convictions-Jno. 8..eelolrk af thm Pesoe. Oqna CiumlugI-B. I;auranoe. Tk=ftssalndutrial air-Il. J. Hill1, Min. q.orente. sc4 G:R Gbbard. Bpo*.E tephonson. O1LY Il uo0IPER ANNUM. WWbYl rFrId&y, JIy 4, 168. tQ"rgn.od ocirculationa CHROSIOLS, TdMiais *iksoesoya Public Opin- lau la#1uat!ly. n«laooalg againet lb. llqajPlffielu *ve r (v nud iii. 1ma&.i'ù ol Duw' bote... thome- Who diffir .sqqmsstlg the principle of th. Sent: 4i ,bitl bstv.u temporance *top Prospect.. A>drive ai tme miles on Dominion Dat, thbrough the township of Picker. lug by 0OUBONICLE reprosentativu, tsk - lu glu abWrdseye view.axuongstothere,of sucb veôti moa ant I lighly pro. ductive ferme ai the Wub8ter, Irving, David»»., Buaeel, John Miller, De Long, Serons sud otheru, tulle the tale sofr asutue promeut eau forouami tbe fa. tara,, libp pispects af the harvuat for I. Haying bai alruady cern- mesed, -and! lunot a fev camus rapid progrebs baunmade. The jicîd le airbapis eomawbat light« Ithan eai anllclpated.,,The bsrley harveel le like'tua ab ontesl>'. Iru many p p sue qumIÃÃtLansd tlis yls lie g1od;ilu cher., oss. !K" ebw 1s, e b ehbuy "'Te b.aq IlM ge a lla e, tlet "We% agvellSd avurxt là h ai, t bal vs rite as tbiugs Dow euiit ani escnuraanwby ny ans *hoýM ? ramas berigountil h. cornes la uLT.iiceu 7t-dyloche Weul sud -Whftby>u ivic Holiday. Theatay, August 5111, ce nnderstaud, la lb. day fiued for Wbitby'a Civic Hol- iday. Good I'rilay, Queun' -Blthbdsy sud Domunion Day have beuau clebrat. eat u a "erquiet mauner lu the Goun- ty Towen. It i.lb.h intention of the citizen, bhaver, Ibat th. Civie Hol. 'day shalLb. hbir owu dsy, aud active preparsllons for a big day's amuse. ment, eeýb nov belng made. Tho t!sulaslrllaa viiib. a joint effort on tbes'it o Pe ircinen sud tb. Whitby su ,su lndite-mauapeunent bas beUJ1medfi 1h, bauds af a union 00 Mee (n lb.he rs cowpauy, lhe bead ýi t!t Sovu nsi. A euh rlow e at a ulsa 1800 v ettoel Lfoss aw nlg oareamber1 tra0a lls O.lavisil Wlby Ihat d Ã~-ialg r'r c ampm S »le etcx- seWffw o1.lost!lng tavus bathî ssastudLt.-6 leor6se taaoh mop. Q %sq *adut!oompeltlon, ltsefatounwm là WSgrant VOasusslin tbhé lq M.. îMagsw.t. bva bS 8s4fr Md' , st Bbc. verbe rpoil op =4t *wl fateî.,etinesj4a> un pu là larg Toronto. Semni-centennlsl 1 ci lsnowon foid, an, Y""~r arte ponrlug ilu by thausaudai la asast Our motroPolitan neighboae k usiebrle thei. fttlth hlrtbday p ol of e*-bli# lb. c hoie provinu.-»y I1'*0sWhole Meay' b.incllucd te anc*'-, 0**.s bibuteuir chîib tgwâwm elv" le-s deler &mon*m mem.p.- v11inal, o-mpare lb ielhus,deetee- Ute veainomseknao a et h deu, tie Uin sad-thi ui eddlug; býl fat tl*1aslloe an ie (IlpI>luenm t lu~,A&ttefý 1he mut of nset su&t affôsd ho *'à l i4>'Yeats to celebrat. cross lises four haudret! ycaftsb. as.>' ispeat lbe exparimeul mode ' 011 Simpleton lu sucieul limoansubte la try the experiment; but ho viii le only langbéd atlasr hie pains. Tumao*o lîl daubtmme live for one bnudrut! su for four huudred yeara, sud thèe *Wcil 11e loyal meu and comén ta celebrate ber birtbday, chioh ce hope wili be ai happy one; but then we. aithe présent cili ual ho thon 10 verif>' any.olsis- mente about ber age sud groetb. Ant! so aur Toronto coinsino ely say, Lot ns celebrate the esîl>' birtbday of, our beautiful proîperane it>', aud lett bes. eho ina> crawn ilse&go cith hOus! Thore is lu Ibis eager, rusbiug,l New World tao mncb looking 0liard, 100 Uitile lookiug bsokcard ; too maih atrivingfoc -. uie rssting; to -zeeh doinig, 10o Ul ,reflscling. Onos ilt>' years lis miel>' not oa allfen 14su> hait snd vioc 1the situation. ~m suroly ta s le t 515011< 5ts.1 tout bearta have sammpikulmd,1. ta consider chat cisee tà ps have"isa9 Laken sud lu amortau ebst blunt!cr1 have been cammlttcd. Thse ity ciii1 tae stock of ilseli, sud ehiiI o ob il cull fludamp fle reasan for 1uiain ht ciu also ant!goot! cause ilaeing beed ta lb. future. Aut! ehat goot! ruason bad 1ýoronto for celsbsating ber Ouà bli hrtbt!ay I Fityaoago su coeurs trsdJo&.pool on le>vergse fy u& fores-the honz ,oi lie avae, to-day a city of 0ou hon. drcd thoumaut! inhabilants, la vbom the Indien le elmoat e curlaaiely.No. choe.excepI on Ibis 0autinen boas lie wort! ever soeensnchbruarvellan. groclb eha. marked, 1the devolapinent ai aur. Capital City. And! ce take pride lu dwelling ou Ibis grocth as il hs typioal ai the growtb and duvelopmuunt of the choie country. This la, of course, the reason we h>' lb cu].Provinceunulles lu celebratiug Toraul' lestai dé>'. Belote theae linos are lu priaI thé- Rrand evént wili be acar il, conclusion; bat stliithore ciii ho lima tor pêupl, au Ihia part of the cotaary ta see tii. c'!y in tls holid.ay attiro and iLLwjîatlita evauts of Frilay anI Salua day. If Gtl- fine wa-tter contnes it wili b- wtXnLii1 lt trip t Ina 'Othe sehool childreu on Eiaaionail Day. WVé hope thé yoaag people will be noué thé coreof their rathar long mzarch fracs thé Park throngh the principal troctu. To ho prapitiane 10the ieiinin oeralion aid Sol augbt t10 tempes hie raye for lb. occasion sud uat blazse e les h has lise.dong loi the ps e ocdaye. But, ai an>' retelhc day clii ý one long ta lie eme.beoet. clmcgleaubeeDa l-et mwaw Uies. perlodial oa i hhbametes, vhiéb cli belicoo ilaluly b>' V»iPabbhim'et lie f-fs.cd Won AvAismaffls, D. Luthrop à Oc, Bosto,.vis elil sendt! Ifree for two moutha la su>'ofai aur ssedfflebo May' requemt il. Fatix Lxaun'PoFULAR MONTIYL! for Jul>' is seahly chat its naine caims for il, ant! eob hnumber aboul nit! mse iea popularit>' for tha pui'lisbur I. cou. etanîl>' adt!lng ta ils atractive features. The contribulars 10 Ibis aumber are:t J. N. Ingram. Evert A. Duyakinck, Dr.1 Robert Brown, Hurman Merisas, M"s. m'i. ctaadaBdaeesait owh4vi +lbigQmu Taa , 1.0 1e~lp ho em m>' bu metiondJ>De. eIbaseairéubl4dne aÙ 'W',.. -libÃŽmubeW'- Um ise refu's biighftud' instructisve"I&inte on Tesbing 19-érs- attire to Junior Papis" isud Mi. Unc- Mnrcby'î boantiful prose idyl 41bru. lng"-the prile. esay at Toronto Ulni- versil>'. Thé piece d.s regisf.ancé, bawevcr, le Mr. Inspectai Dearuci' abl1e sud lime>'psper an #«The sanilur>' condition ai Public Schoals." Nor aboa e omit ta mention Miess dalhe' IOu Co-educaîion," non Principal Harper'a fiue posinon IlThe -Is, a*, lthe S.$.StRate of.Faid-Theo 'Uni- versity aud School Deparmienlo ace replet* wlth matterfull of limai>' blp to leesers. NMerasî,Im urobyt.Shîtb, Spollond 'tBoyale euî t e aruos ,44 t1oa Y ubtomeum lmgSue.i ose lanunage vas severely chaute but, ausy, > ,and hie nuide a£ thoaghl logicai H eldam loak.fIrc, bat wbcn ho did bis utteranocs vert rod bat. He gave, greal attention t0 education3al malterae, aud 10o thet.luloreets of the lova; mnd wua-on télb.hoIe âa urnu t umfùud'ut by xsp.ot,4 m s ud! is usslg o#M owaeniynp-S wu oblhe bomme aiM" WUvina lm o«Ubelp, Uklug hM., 5e vauafgglaatsiy vblich inter,1rd euh is us.Mau&i H.f vas lb.lust of th0 "ait iwi"u ., cf bis msoiri *a.uniona oai &U Presbytsvla n n Ou& w u a- n summmad; aln d "é, sr.f.rd ve4r. rqgd listoe . L. Bcohil Ohbamzbwmoowlu a is, became lb. Ont chois o f . nIw dbur.h, sudmme e s.oral oversbe in the summer of 1876. On the union being effected, St. Andrewsm Ohnrch be. came s beor. etated the place of worehip of tbe unit.d body, and tbe building previonély ooonpied by the Fres Cburchbranoh eas îold to Mr. Dryden,-and beoame thé. Baptiet meet- ing bonse. The "Kirk" manse was sold in 1877 to W. H. Billinge, Eeg.. and va rions important improvemente ver. made in connectlon vith the cburch Property. The Poatorate of Mr. Chambers continuait outil lb. and of 1878 or beglnning of 1879, Whou h. reslgud his charge, sud subssquently vont as a mlsonary to AsieI"ior, ehers le etmliicontinu«e la labor masa soldier of lb. cro s aid smesesoa oneollelglu7sadi eZscuded by 1h. litaitlid. o ibm et ofI ohan- )Er. Chambonrwuvaansoflmssk and g.utle spirit. "The law 0f kiod- noms vusoot only on hie lips, but lu his hoart. The Y.KE.O. sud hludred lusllutioua rso.l s hmfaU sudusa- lion and ready b.lp; sand »etvinlà far off bhum. ln lb.&nue&t but spirit- u"Ily ebtghd Eu4t, amnalà mut oul ofhi& aid Bob, but oai ewho kuse hlm buoc. <aounttovasds hlmu ln Joospg xm.mbsanos sud mice s e 'la ;uly 1879à unanlmous eaul vas fbruams, wi. ehigaý ee hob vas shossly tsrward Induetiet!, a" .111 ocatlnues, oual e l huisl own euh heb.people, but la groe lu the estimation of aIl eho' knoe hlm. 1 will not add more, only to express 1h. hope that the. day May bu far distant chou t ili eutb.necoeearj 10 record either hie resignation or suy other termination oi hie pastorate. As to theb6o&finslV position of the Church I arn gla t l learn thas evbry- thiog denote good management andI great proaperity. It i. olso most pleas. ing to note that a large aliaru of Ibis jra.p)ritr is owing LO the zealons andI prai, -a rtlhy 2rtîo f the Yonug Pétipicé ;Ar,&câtion. ilu existence for sorne ycar'. pat in uoonectiofwith the oburclI. lu addition ta the purchaae of a landsomoe andI valuable new organ, and a fineot af chandbliors, tbey haye carpeted the churab. and givun mater- l aid ta the Sonday Sohool <ehici, by lb. way le in a ohmg condition mnder th. abl. up.rutd.ae. t.1 > Onzmis1n ins .,l pln ele lomaug à .lbbe i ýt t me thoap bsbl. Mm. o 4Ms yhktbo u s lo. as e hum. abt al * i About tva yewm ns 5a. Beu cft Management am«msnet msui" meemusefor lb. tedustisa mo i p. litg ont et lb... élobl1 a, amsasm luformsd, Ithos la ot odésusta believe tbatthe1h. viilodbiil, b. cluedioff bythoetoai1the ouvrent, yaav. laavlne themrb in th.e viable position of havà * g MIedt! b. siie injuncêtun 'f)>e no man anytbiug, but ta lovea bs atrother." Towards Ibis hapel py staté of hblugs tii. Young Peoplea Association have by means of au auto- gsaph quili &ail other sahemes, gives Dominion Day, Demnnsiratlon 'at GREAT $*TgUINIG or- TRZ ES Tî K&NO 0F TRI COUMT-1500 TO 2M00Pbofl.E puxESENTraE ARMING COKKT1IITT à aS AUNIT POILtTRE SCOTT ACT- OUR 'LOCAL MEUESoccupisTEEz cHAZli-STinaiNG ÂDDRESIES ET RE.. OL. 1DICTHOUR OF DAaLTOw aouSTr, wu. BURGESlS, EBq., 0F ToRonTo, ma. FLIT TRONTO, AND omsug&> NEW; GOO T ADTI WEEK. Sateèen Prints,1 fini'shed, on- both sideÉr. Plainl* and figured Lighit Dres s Muslins; Heavy Black Mantie Silk; Mantie Ornaments';- New Frila lings; New Laces; New Gloves; Ladies' Beits; Ladies' Rub-q ber Circulars. for $1.25.,A job lot.of Chidren' s more espelehi> Of ils tvo arsua'hiatar> la 3a»Son0oot>,b.ovms Prouset la crime. Il vas g bose b.revertes cao dme omue, besues ame aideenaeed ant! llquasir bohIs vu Isuonot-aot W*7Ms>'mateucul maie b' bs heqmshr vas b""et!op b>' slallstleefrom the a jaller, lie oroca a teis>, UI bedslff siis ebasontablssaf*lb. ent>-tet t snob extuseiasaeffcrts Vers la-day t belug put forth b>' the lquor selersla Mas esé a of lie Asta lailla aeuty. Tbes eW"ete b.eonl> là besslng lb.eetalsceeste moe!.b>'Ms.a Dodds. Ur. Be* sot! Kw. 7abo lie P put! aivaeues et b. Damlnlosréee st Win* oud EpWsiti mefbalsPro- teolive Associlaton, wsth ils speeba"> soulsibutsi utai of1000,0, clhhbout knoelug lie olisi sideofai liestosy, mnighh bcedeeived; but eu a residcntofai tbe counl>'. ith a seputation at etake. l thie speaker conld emphaticelly deuy înch stalements. He eaid unbesitaîiugly that the seutiment ai Ibe people af 1the coanîy cas etronger 10-t!ayin lavas afi thé Scott Act than il ever cas before. Ati &e far as the mnch talket! of nepeal ' petitioa cas concornneth1e I"tru in- warcineRq " ai hie document conit! be madIe public befoup man>' tays. Mn. Bargesei addressedthitbl large assemblageC of people far neanl>' tee hours.eoveriug in dlean sud lueit! mauner thevarions phasesoaithie tempenance.sud psobi- billon question. Huobat! spont Most oft lut week lu Simca. oounlt sMd O eic goDUW"k al.interest b>'bis assonut oai diflercut sllenpts mdcb>' lie appon-1 enu tae MieU» ta bseak op lbet SeolIAstm Mel in e laluaty. iThe ýpop%ýo 0 esMgfl ablpte pprvoi lanmte$1Wmmet voe - vs. IL s - & e4ip à lit s 1 J 9«"" e-m sjet" ied"$ms .a Mlmesl i . sa> ue am i vria Orb ev.iag ~isleltu sut!ln sos ioli oosl' petl.0 r, sd the dayy'. prouda l a ne o«»malimoure, tac Mucb uredft sast b. gles o <o M. "apse0 Ose.nl i.lbored, mc sut! z tha siemeiua b e a. EnsIt m .. Notes. M es>lau m4!"onm se *§à li *4 atéa Ilil USee'aueZl eill a le-t MM the h mmlta = Mdh.@v,4E. Gleisu . J imse esthe P1v temlil. ble mmdm teNaton,, D4s4 ntu& lsuns. skes ivseu butychas ail t ona& luleph esb-lme. ha wsila its. Wl«b cî,ldb au>'dvLys. Applynter. Se- mi» Est. Oronis home for vacationf. Mr. Rbb, Cssobeimesciani, loi ton amoui fox à Uinp a"Lol, ileb. Dr. Bon», n aittfsut .vei lmmu Mi. N. F. Em»ah«ofOrllm, and! a farmer rouldent ina WMtby, vu Ia tacu on u&t! Ur. Oea. Wbes, M for West On- tarte, bavlag scoupleet! s office freinls Onario Govesumout a nec election ln Ibis osuntlluen>cliWin taisplace au mery day. 1ev. J. F. Beshes cf the Baplisi ehui, buc sunounee!bus subjeocte foi Sunda'et es faoa: .m.: 0Looiaug ato esua -.m.AScptalWws>. Mn. W. 0». TbnasSesP.Z S., bell hie ceikitoAgm ieb«sserbe sbuMr- veyc a tu- sil John Eemtedu Lmurm Tesaubamaheop lic Ils W.H eeileavea la-day, <Plda>'), fas Halifax. N.B., as a delegate frans Ibis Piavance te Ihm Natianal Division Sens ef Tezuperance. Mr.À. G. Heudenion in at Pickeng ta-day as entrancé examiner. Nmxt week bu ciii bold a' hke positiou lu counoction with thé Oshawa Scioals. Tic Ban aofLLichifioltI,father of Hau. Mn. A.nson and Lady Florence Asison, ai lie Gavertor-Gencnai's bausobold, bas juinét! the bine ribaon army. Mré. Halley', laie aiflthe Ontario Ladies' Cotiege ilafi, asileai froua Quebec b>' the Domiioan Lin, S.S.PSarnsi aon Saturdsylor itz home lu Landau, Rua. Mr. Jas. Willis, for nome lime backin Gibbard's Modica HaOl basn taken a situa- tion lu Toronto ciiiTommi & ooki, Seul- euins lu ' tn utss nudnles, sut! te mucceed Tom f, thle Linam tionsd, vas ah oue 0lm iLWbilI,u»d« th liaelag UrM. T. 7G.«WlSl! _ Tml% ils valu ToaisMru&, ehabu ivu cas. T%.aisms, vy .besM W*e lest? mIs li e thbee~s Té....,lt. 1.6e blm M a PM»" eluie m f i hogele this dc eutet Minaithant ia. Tbse esucetrebtM pous anS umive Visa i Av.'slespeqmfll tender Il lie lia unb. omet. là Xi ols aa angèeon aill to atns 01 saiAUl 0=, Wiss 7Mo& reluk, tibe."Imdae can be étadla Imoue tee goot!, sut!is lie cieap- est, Wh**ev. i CLcot Thue = fem u mmi usouallisse cisic Ucevéacoasoin, but lhom cilch rie. ont3 cuubappy huarts sud ssii livus. The TestimonLy Of hundredaut d Uritm bes Wltuess ta lthe effise> aif olsou' Ilx'vuMMBas lie mout patent peaun emady' in Ibmhent! dfor ail hinds ai paisse, lrvil»ce ie composest ai necl>' Stacoeret! gredilet, suit t equaly gatfus Internai or exleruanu. Purise a t entsaiample baIlle, sud lest bi anous.T. Lb eiiliePrasoti les «My coalomoeà Weohav MMoued islu»e C. . éï4dIa î= l lemads. beot lo"TryP12oseg~uulne for~ t!raists sudoutr Otuhez m nes lea matte eslh!.pud naasoa 9lit*Mdb'ci i lbut sot z"IW mcveIeclite tMYc% met y enlisa aetSs alar=su Rui-iésu Em t vuie ut!beeé Niduay'Mdt!Lim ergà "ec - 'e s ot tb us à » eïm, gi TakSl ut the Elght En& - P. Keilin aiAlla. ont., ha!ls firvuà hast u on behlm a lana lime LwaI don h.o asi Faney Sun Hats, -at haif. price. ROSSBR8 Dry Goods Emporium. Mes snd Tiangu e Vs*swes o MrY IU E5 ON 1 Tho e Rviset!vrsic of lie .1 Testa mMn iii h. pubhoetmarli>luautumu. 15*fi aoc near>' campleled. Tous. Max.-Shol! ailbear lu oin! thaI thse bout lama 1in Golden Fruit Bittes. saiu b>' ail t!ruggisls. Il lusaetimatet! liaI abaul 40A00 are dmlvaling or akm satêmutou culture lu:lse Oitet! Bates. EvM ybaolle cf Arnica & (M1LUnimme. solitn casmnte! b>'the Proprmtors ta give satid"oclanocimomey wîcl i .roiu=&ed , % xmillion dollas ' ortaicl!laaeab à e»o .@xblh ets theb.Pagisan ludmbWa Bxisblhlon,icis pcne! isPxierecoasi>. bSusé tstiblc et. Dà a uf a died thure leél day a ouge on. the bruin, caused by excessive rope-jnmp- lus. -1 More people, adulte mund childrou, m5 troubled with castavenese than wih ny olier alment. Dr. Heur>' Baxler's Men- dmke Bitterscll cure oetivenee aut pevent the dises chicec uit from il. Tier. are 209 tareties of cherries, 60 ai apnicoli. 228 ai peaches. , 078 of peai, sut 297 of plume, a pomologicai criez mye, GotD-Ie excellent ftutlllug decye! Teeti; but "*TEnurhat" pruveat. lie du- cs>', maies thm wcite., sud juaisapcaple la-sabwe A police Justice gays thal vive. loigive thuir huibasud.bucIhuaibaude do a»4 for- give unives, -KILL THRE BLUES, eat lie boutsloop sont, kuep se>' Hudaciks i es»>' Laver active. diguS >our foc&'0 = s ud bloat!, bhobcessini ailde>' b>' bspleg a s lsohle uf ZO-PE-SA la pu tenu, Md take a Sou tIde a cse& Nai.liha tvaw mls maut!tl- fise tiosant!pasens samigmihe! loiglugu inParis. " cl om -" Da. VAN la from hn iéo.wab for Itli Way ieve lt *.e Tb* ddteo0tslaesl. # ,i00. la Tas ton as"i Sec xsus.-.iseine lie Mtvs ovaasglut taka, b.- becoem ous- goer- 51. >' ii oahi wmwtIokscag-once mas eu. lisais!dns.ea colas sudt!hIe bals = beoe tisd Is lslaul as uver'- citlla lAal.csa saade*y lie change ol yeami esllug asasordt! tat no gre>'huis sis su>' rate clii oam la sot!t!.u&s. sta 60 cents per battis. . Josquin Miller s leoni lbf uacist compelltosfoi lhe OOpeteyplea i BaiatMm viite "leph"ul. - Paouasxs.-a iosl ael. n=fos P. »ua'OcmeP"laat dl au', ,hrcuic sut! eaetlagr dmetusl'h' ma uqt qla»yaIS. tas ai es'u" WM'um use u s U wasm«t, te tlidedlm. QGLASGOW New Black Ottoman Dress Goods, NW' Silk Parasols with ring in- hanife, NeW lopS kirts,Cromp- tones manufacture. New Busties, New Stylish Prints, New Dress Musis, WAREHOUSIE 'New Carrnage Dusters, New Cretonnes, New Drab Waterproof -Circulars, Young Ladies' Corsets,. New Stocekings,. New Glove's,,. New Ottoman! Silks. MR. I receipta fas mu LOCAL, WIIAT l8 Boula i BUDaEr OF L 'Anfaehi .Jnly. Mooquitoasi Ente'lié Ohickun jýû yanngotermlu Tii. Cole ho aides lah OPENiNU. - w In -Osa>' and White Caltons, Linens, Flaiinele, Muslins, Print, Towelings, Corsets, Mangle Silks jadornemente Embroideriee, Laces, Hase, Gioves, Buttons, Parasols, Shoulder Capes, Shirt Improvers, Frilling, E. I. Satin Cross Skints, ready macle. AL80' AGENCY FOR RAYMOND SEWlNO MACHINE" AND DOMES TIC PAPER PATTERNS, 1- QI ', O ' 1P 0 ' -op F as aeol grov 4t] Wm. Bisc poin eOo la the lurtpue excellent1 Di t!, &,t SAI PLAI 1 Br :R -& zCBE L IVE W MILL1NERY Chi1~ran:', an~ MIfSS RAYES.DRESS- & MANTLE MATRa, AT MISS FIT-ZPATý il 'f'l - 1 ýý Z