'-t-. -' t'-. -"-.'--. T oz~~ri.i/rm p.,Iadat vu wi0 dy ll., 1884, iouùgp / U fRo. D'p. IV<d) for 1 a 0a - 8 sS0 d t hutmeli(ïaie ,wu M "M" prta wm * dat* Unu*i .Jan. jl , (includin'g Por* trait qf Lord L<pudowe, Sir John A. Meedonald or Hon. Oliver Mloivat, to- gother wtoilur s*eit DmsuakiiV1J're. minai lBook) for 75 centa. Ail Subacrjt-w*ns to bea-à direated 1 Je S. RIISERTSISO BROSSI New Adverfl$omonts th18 Dey B. Ls 8a' etui-O. B. Gîbbard, Oha. gooa-ShgarBros. Oatmo Liqace [Li="nsa&Ob-Jbb Fuegu- spudalt-o. P. Blewurl. $0 eh-I. taphoLOono t OUig]L? Sai» *PîgtANNUM. WhiIyF1417 Aril$,1884 gueranglwd cirotdation cui -Ir 'locha veny mmli su Ihot IloanilcaLicesulsActWOU' througb sntUely. Eienlr Tas 0. P.-B. Syndicate have os» o6n Ibe Dominion Qovernu an saddltnal ,o.0,OO. We ltey vil gat .Iris alvays ta realI tue olalams of tl b*osn "Elouou freinte Grand Jur vrlles by lte CiRoNICLIEs in Msotie, " 'riav wdl uni taýtels bougs ï ad tIuggestil vogbr lie ain detstiN»eQ Brtias arlehm-gy* a meeInit jbau A ml.oly ,a W9ie lww ad iâ ntd c itilas ofteýpower of, ma'th e oii loua se allumpt tc kop " tepul ounltea Eytian titrons.l ' wllbout =ngih iutlaonty an' sud lunlime Opinion of cge.'4 potiées il vculd be better fai aulbanlty antI aigbl la e b ni.rectiy, sud net through a me ma aled by bis ovn ubu snpcted by bis allies and at Tu d"Oalcf I& Royal Pnrino. Leepold. youugeat sei )[J$4$7 Qu itee Voiavoh" sud@aaly stICoausaon tue ' bua t4eWai a vary tender cbic Enl*lM d cant a"nadlaisbat ta"., ndm& UmIseka i ii foo tllb Is ci à lbaithé 'Pof "sados he saIiO ad aW to à bOnà u')' rs 1 uoq imateLteoh training umm cf *0 a*" èeeri AsD&somduuaGxa the k6sgmermcfi acindy ab obaga vlSe wêâllaf the laiu <bkPlizgA" i11iati1l on ct lb. sc,,an tifv eIa smb .bei* m~the.1ahir.i'a.*- The ConaipiracY Came. v8 - et Argument& ln thi b gin puýon. ai Wednemday afln; ore é rI Denimon lu the pelles ott =, o- c route. MayoT Bo"ow4 qýpied &at seat béside bis vershl>e Dr. ~i ( spoke mm heoparun ±1 idu ' eveniugn T e (oie r aarguments I vers in behÃŽal! cf Kirkland, and ho teck 0O the line that if there was a real con-.01 spîraey,-Ilsm lient baed ne reau nwhat. C ever ini onpiing aginsi the Mowat 0o Goverument. EHt. bâil-bonda vers re. 0 nslwe&- -1 w .mlh-adMr. Msôk'-by EËdwsi±dGegg md 1ohmum Graham. The "m o lagolug on asa w. go to PeM. 0 - 4'I<ard i lWas 8. The Oshawa Viadwcator eeaaye further exiplanatian thie weeh cff<taunu- founded tttement that Mf.' Glen ne- coiveadfivo or six lhuudrad dollars fur souionel a11owatioes_1 a.ut sesiloi cf parhtueet. Beidam it la that tbe man wbc endeavors ta tell "Iîow h. Put bis foot iu it,*' holpi bis case; sud a pal illustration W'e bave before ;xs ini the attempted eoxplatiation of the Vistdi- caor- Our coteon> enys : "Ae hoard Mr. Glen recoaîved five or six h.undred dollars, for gessoul. allowancaa liet aesi *of PariaXit nsd simply ask- ~ed: (Tan itbe trn ? EXAUotY ueigh- ber. Simply-Yes sample Simon like eperhap&--Mked: Cou i4bc trua) Mr. G ons opfbloi lu ut a tiiovsaud miles frein tb. Vindicaiar. building. Wity net find Dut w4ether truc or not before pub1ihn the'luainnation ,Uat il vas at Mek,4cw ocfewevuasuer uses tl which pdblic journal. are semelimea Put tih" lte on a cf inîuunon e. soural b. Vigdior (la',1<1 as I1T 019 had re=VO ie aesien 1al lowAlýce ..14,, Mni î; iinuabts& tuat b. badgicived l t, wviLioli t Uicbasmt 1'- wat- an dqyof'makiuD aa tatemnt- 14We ard fr, Glen had recQiVed dive or s@à htiaredY-On >pcesteat coru- e ?rs we di, 2 ? Do" our eî u in Printal£Mat it ileratwtýto " i !!wletheatlhe 4îiîg,tted lu tru*ý or 210%?, Fq> the sa le of lis raers. vs hodpe net. lu polis sud in jouirnal' iffliii. custo f of ntînsptwhe Jnsia- natin cnnot to iaeealy reproha- ýbC.Nypsb& beglai te loaru that eurt otrn nlbereafter drop titsinua- tiens and gel 1 atfacts-eapecially wheu a div fnthttes walk vou nire, titea obtainabre-thu iwill il bueou; pleaure IONICLX, I O ugh the id fma tiPONIdI OIetueuc- f bpbtg a paper fand sdjust lin.,wiig - Our Table. bas*Or r*od 14 ad savamtentb iuns, and la progesoig a made a seadly lu publie faveur. Sevunat -nov 8( ment fer feallmram helately besu atideti- Tua Pl dfiating" nDotes, ato.1,4ad' the popiesors P noiuo. Ie tb-rBgententa have bienu-i - mati for ocîtue sby able pu, ou art, CI 7y ir the medieul and légal professtions, coin-p n relulir Oenciai aud social subjecte. The iï >nbÙùhted r - *Maotded* sur Iomiateon-o.. ,at 01- o t e rcnami uaJustifiedthe lb eof ils V nes viii ffljeSboO-kat a feld fanramas aéi tb,4nklng Journl las the WgSK, don. exut. f Fm LSutius'SInDiT Kusznm-1 Thb April 'mbaih ba.snob aaunr ?panlly dam acf geo tietuitat Our apaca l ~ Tse-mo pemitne tepaicliaeThe motTe 614dlrSRi.T Dv Wlt Tlgog bi bud litab aratidéaapffltieas],igim <ll~ petT," ilà 't e bt ePli a ~*iT0k. ?~' "S R i ,utle." -eqdti <tawo aîilêr:tNa laYehlcvslue De 1ttg PâVk" Jobtaeb Woifaang von Goetho,'" pqarleu bp 1. B. ffanvey: "-Bater Falovitias1 iv. Iut et St. Petersbur," 4'Ph. Fotudlu " an* use yÂmof Naew'York Ciy," ad chier 9 ýppt ki-ut articles, Emacys, ESketobou. etc., hy a notbing Afrelon Rarvep, Lsigb Net-val, Be.. id miglit, Z. UBa, ire. A. E. Alszandar, Rv. un f,ail J. P. 1ty.t4sIu, J. Alaxander Patton, 'r Engilli aetis. Tta mrial anti short edonesais ezercuaad -by Resîs W. Piaruon, T. L. Meade, 6re place. Joséphine B. Wiliama, etc. Thé jacte sud poemi are of great menst, andtIhte mis- LIPPOelotacellany la moal coempreb»aive inter- - ssing and entartalning.' Prie. 25 Highue et st a single aumber, or 82 50 a pear, an of Han PosptP. f u. FsRtse Lxitiîa, Pub. à occured lishun 58, 55 andi 57 Park Place, Nev nt me Ycrk, t" Talc Y@u'aii'a Ceitpaoi<. - Ai soiin rcear aIo profitable etanuaibumont for alithe ftel 0napapar axceeda lin teresa isuww*qM t u4oaemouiois. ll Hg" of r "ibt Ib .,erme 0"nm>abe 'boit aimes la 55~ ~ ~m bOt.p1cjjllralgtréan sd Ulbla videntîy itS 0SI Us-ie tele. btIha butl atiales tout ie4p~q peu ..' »mol a ani ble 15~ ~~~~~ meeac.c ley antd briWtIl llt t<e. ~aiJmpisntiou.lae llb.i alise iry r W* =t» , po5 gismental, moWaIand retlgou *ria peQia buta- s" rn pi lrus5I, ythé'ms u e 4nu t8rbq~ea e, Nta eut l g'W d vyub'4uitna in er bit- 0, tatI bogp p1$cd, Vair F41. r=1fa 4tièbm.itqoils4a'e lice cou* ,Autlbt ' a1-gbpurpoesla Ib1.. 49 eue 09 dtiqpio lie Iial à ctyýtî ajl . ~l~uls'd satbi tTy Yw d- Or' of'-ot"Beyoi te vitha* *l sn pbilis es 5 poâ applil gnu,. tWéa Nmug.Iuui,1th i.ecab ,de -î raidù I.ttieýo .seky uIl-aun by ltse at a dao i as.e Mstel,. o Asbsa*e 1I4gives noa!lte verking cf ltae ~tt At vbo.ea4 o alion mladacf n bs a proparasoeengon ten- tP)aievmee11svid pn 04 itilea crlap antikoala, ne ovage u0l rlteti Ub p ie,bimllebitnubsontI 04e t tà e gilpo*efot ui a hoipris lma, ,90cei#f oaiyoP-lt IeSm4eu e beeen If0 0iSf r-I..pU thueble se poasible, lb. COaMIrttee srnaîiy 8uolioitt lte oQ-nPai-tiOO ti meti y onjltbçlgit, S,914yoOIct-l , or.iamnland observer of ieturqlp l h.brc. ~d4 arge oiu )#s*era î luy .elt te. m4juesssofie Ndarl.kiu4 .00dthe .i~mI*etop5 roe~4s a m nl an o nmiersiby those failiervilh uly eur commoueml binda, andti he lomoeitee viii gladly- aabept tuu con- beng ay of the vel-kuovis pie. linonlera o! information mspieeli- ainsi1 b-y - .n4ug eddrest.l,to.- H art erran, M.L1D., Ohairmin cf0Com cistea ounMigation, Loaul Grve, aovis Ca., N. Y. Baivalrba Atm)' Nota. rus voue UtEWHEEAOE TCOiS- caNITINUKu !INTRRT IN 'W - ay- î'IKtNDLY sCOGEaTIeMS ON WRÂK PotIiTS OF >IAGEN&NT-CAi'TAIN PlATS A»IDTEIUTENAIT FISHER5 TEE tilItT MEN FOit WHITBY-KINTS TO TÛE OVER ZEAL6 tI. of tait no, bet pri cl thtt roi va i in 81 a ft ru el il fa fa )nr ototuporà ry the Biatesman ssYA the salvsiion Arrny Wcik in Bow- soville: "lNo sueb revival 1196 ever ken place in thie town se the Oee )w in Iiogroe by the A.rmy. They ,gan te hcld services here on Sunday eek, ân-i up to Wednuday 142 adulte id about 60 ohildreu bave eoughta»d rofes te havefouud Christ. Wbal ta lre remnarkable.'the majorlty of tb... )nVertî vare perlons Who @s1old tattend ýe churobsaanmd tbey luolude menY ho have beau th@ inost opealy wjobed 1 th tova. OblelConà ttble 0019e013 )iarkèd Ibis wsek that uaarly evar7 DMag-an u n ova wo bas requirad liprofesional sanioe.during the put et i.nov a meuiber Of tbermysand laj redl7lî«rue.' Tba work lu Bow, maviii. la under Ithefiacagement of ipeain Ad. liind front Ln4lOn.- Wbte ilemme mà 'isd i*tersst CA inft inl& bis work nigbt ?lter nÃŽotht. ý.ei&l.attention meema to b'ave beb reoled tbh v.eek -towaidthelb. oelk anO- of th* town, and l#ith the ha ie*et quo.-Hr,nder tîe jual.ioue nangement Of Civptain -Pente nd ,bifl Fisher there are noue cf those Mwei aua 1 mmcons edefamauffa thal Xe bometiiýee reprted froin othet ids and tblat tend ta bring the move. nent iuto ridicule. 'Everything, lu car irly bwe aid.,'lu oonduetdfilun hn erder- Y'ad Mostt arnest manner. There ib 1weveý5 eue pain t, te, wbic1x'iaepublie ounaliste vo tbink it aur dety ilu US nterleet of the ptlblie te refer, net h xsyý.of dictation, but semply b hy !ol rriendly wuqe8tioee. That je the late. mau q> 1he'hoevr tWwhieh ths meetingi we kbpt up. We know that good tea tMe itat be, 'a1eg . whyt t,-Bhouli lmefimes happen, bnt as a regulal practice vo believe t eho itetrimnenta w the ý1bic good dflthe more en c1 accoutt f the'large numt.ers of ycnuu people whc, fîtmn varions motives ar ttraetedj, te the. 'meetings -Thi chiidreu'ts xtnmlr aBtuday, nt1 p.m aud Weduesday et' 4 p m. wer reli ftttfnded, and sixty ittle cuer lias gone forftrd te, the pénitent boach aD testified-Every nîght the Barisci el flled to olterklwing. Mlny Ccmiug il from thie country. lfeut cf the till-gt withirs ten sÉiih range ofethe town ai repraà enW tede eelimeetihg. -Up t date the nuxuber cf couaertaîts ahet tWO ligtdted, and of thee, eigty b&i mlit tbe An*.-M0flae7-evenaîng temeetiname foi counvert.nUe ée being aAm4ée éïxept pecPle vit bai; eoate lu frôm a diztanc,.-Wïth th gro'wth of the Artuy andth te inereai intereat lu itu wcrk taken by outuider the Persoa lethottation te 'elom4 ont extenâed te those Who frequant Qi Barracha. in beoemiug znetgenerala assiduons in ia characler. Baif dozen salvationigsa xay frequently1 "veu worting away with aIl their migi at soenea made "miaerabl&' by beau 4"ahxict persauded."-Very teat the way a tedoiculy oxtsuded oraticu' esperieure in brougbt te a terminatiei Wbeu speakers talk or pray tac 1cn an Officer cf the &rMy very pWDs.in dicetes sud> by Preperlug to siag bymu. Many whc etberwise aregret 1; pleased wîth the Àxny and ias woj are we-aried aimost beycnd enduraný by the long'-winded supplications zealotsand tlîink thet the clilcersa q ite rig hi n u eofig lbtiug sszeLust 1 lixiîy.-Guelph, 'which wus ctt sixnnîtaýneous1l' vith Whitby by t] Armyv, numbera 180 in its carps. Echots Prom the Grand jury Roci TeAVRîLLU 0038014TEEvisGAND JUail Tiu JUDO U mraugrs TM&TOtt.o arome q'41MGRAND sUe? QUMIIN WESX TOXAL» KE&»-AN OPINIONm £LL 111?EPUON AQl J..Bwdin-to hav*rng î%so00100f th* fAedii 01M,13a aceW uihie Vua ema 'u Tonldft7ermyen neat -htql 15 surg#eImgtlb'vtlgtbflm aidvaatm an"lJ* e el f-*hd aPu4%tolU 1"" ba %Mt to sdt tl'o"ofirbli e going'odin tw.'Grae u ay teroa almaonr. 4- Itiierefrie Propose,- fW's abW j ( 4 ~PINTS, NEWFGOOýDS. xc EMER~ TON NWS* ~N A TO mJY k NEW G OlODS. T 'w -500 PATTERNSiIW PRITt& TO ELYR Consisting oïf ail ti-e lateà t novett1eg"ofe*the Seasou. ' Du'css.Ioods, Ri'bbuns, Lace~ liu r ~ u tc rriringllau MEN'S FELT HATS---New anidq*Tbby Gooédf& juÊt received< -A1are assortmeiit of ýTweelsa<udWrtd Coatings 'are piled Ã"n oui' counters and ready for inspection,-41-Arlminiied Jarrs era ing tîh)a.firuooles,of course av* the batsSmon ae artn eeoied.5 -e $.un a)' opinion, sayu another voice. roau viicit vevi oe. 4,."lit vbo à jury sytem vents to ho recunsttncted, ii or doueaaa)' ith *ltogdtber. Tb@ du i@uncrn xmai have anevored aogod'pur- -lut pose ia thbe pis., but tha là laDnt a suffi- edti oi reuson Jor il. coutinnanes. W. Ires live nlu anige cf proeve, a&Bd Our Te-.e qairemeat té ae vMy difféenst lu i.y tua)' reRpeote la thosa cf our fore- lut tfturs seveAtl catuniieçsge. Theins a t ,s.efaslaase of the jury eyutem is mach Tb# 9 lmpii-d, if net #ocn., andI M abanîd of 1gise pias e s metbiDeglouesctambar fait D csoe auj mit oraaJtt0e." Ani t (Tcuîalda s et spants 1k. a pa eOf cf r aied éponge lu a ,a.h.b&stu.) uTtTie 1b -. opinion aà itardlyleinoordinee'Wli"e t tits viavu expressadl by lte learned ro -Jutige, andi otharu uhoie long experi- Oui Stue neud ebsrvatiotis entigie hein log ijudRmeut te respect,-" {comesee hoiug aP tfrein a voie@ not (sn frointTonaldasart) Vc -, sud,wvile wvo uont l bindly id. t, f botre te any ytein iiwply en litaWb &rud of-natI. f 5.antiquty aud pout sme. gn '1 fuinesu. jet as cite proesaijury syq mnm - baidoubtlsama-py Sund1.pointaien~ i sîîîî auseere a iSd ps ab t~1m 0 ts e rthe apprevai of man>' m Of cf ued ti il jt.tkment ou n ob uatters. iet ue stick cit M toit1 untii-wo ara prepared ta recom in lg Uent îomcthilîg beller." tic ve *4That's it -9let s n aick Io e ii.octi l - nidkjlatiti <e gel sbett4"r. chlina. F, 8~ si-voTaiV oices N t oce. "Canît e t alPC re abbere le it iu principle,.uth devis M 'O tiuqa asta. practiee ?- (a ys another) n *-For initince, chaI about thea1Proe ka viacial 881,, viîh ils reductions 'of , in Grand J rors fni= 94lta 15 ?- OF es *,IÃŽt varktble ou thît rsdocti*i' Il re <am&ys anolher) au aitnantsof Ktl ' t toust 12 là a bacluel)' n.qnited. antio nt cenid net b.e saured eut cf a total of i vi là . If " 18vQwon dledtb&t 9 or 10 f5 1 m-eld go fer Ilifa nov bill. Se . -LIn ngmtaeuoinfront S40 lie "Tb@ bled wvei Dotuibi Stlh la Id pwevdr »anthot,' ecue oeboing baek, M, andi tha ache meetith"général ap- L'proval. - i ho Il la my iew te ssa ", (5" <calie id vl.. rontthé nortlisuanti) eb.Grand aJturermauîiglt jté,as waIiho .dispenned ho viit, a uey anaver ne purpoe t t .ht euuld net be meIt lu a simplan vu)' anti Dg st mnoh test urpens sdtha sthe -petit jury mieit ho St:nuatheoed.. anti o uriobed wvitifer blood. sacte spoal." n. -'Wbat would you substitt. ton g, thein?- -1- A bbiç eiay thi-es .udgci, s&av@ a - -1 Nsither btter non leu. ezpeuive,' rk replies anotiet'.1 We A à beneit cf hall(adozen tmagiîs Of trates," agliets saine anc aise. I m "MAGiSTRTlIcs1Why. amy of thon ao are* theaclouunfitmmn lutise Oonly Ldto dactda a nything. Tlîey are gêner- lie glly_.appplilael onavblypitci ïiais d frequly i)' ut 4i' lhéis ,m. semar essas Banbandly V#Se issu' Dammes"ecuies nllieg do" i is Arn!, aidaià vols. a- -#ble =fqo aerd,; a eBrs . e ptnion e sald algimi M inlerpresed tuae elmos) tIsta am ION timOflaI ha inqrted le itaau e ilentaient 0teiithele*tniep4 JudfaseUli MO jng a propar Pteis."dcà mtîyOf giurw 1 W t i . h l a g . p p e f . t 6 a J o i d o f Iqlck Wi< ppilietiJ~detri 1 Jualthon, "d ltae volaés bï o tu$u5 îtia n osa f grfat *01ï 4tti*'ïNP midInt b qsçpa lernt'h u. g i thé. Grand î 7'tc<of ali- à May M&8 Ad. w Tnld ielugà Oeïcnlalsl'mi.O t t smtie,,k li# 4b _1 sm ý igon ee ofn -10 lue kot, mou 'lu- Ibeumanti dollars a yaat, but vitu tii Th.f. atafiavi lu diarnonda, fias lu arn- thictnd dlrsal ene t ihai buandi finit. l =au mn.PerMls4tgi t t i t o h t t h e osp i A o t a p P o i n t t n-& W a d o l y b j 1 1t b é m r g i s D y « . T h O W# âtuyau te Positions th thoir courit& Thaat5u5 iedt vhlay bihl ailed te pau the Route colalm ie rai)' SutlfiiI. 10c. ý Ibmdvoes ndte dutlcual A furnace qbuld >,shko a gond singer, AUi a voU anla raad.Oclif tihn -tha - E few days bus thst body beoem*iutsr5l s<tot D. d., altb, 'l88 tainIthelatter moare snd proaoded te Gubeem-'E ag saauffoe or ta eaIitt aeusly. As toitsauegnrapufpose 10 %5O seo&roi'ieP. ire cau be but one opinion--bâît itin eppos- =enaldabllt a'a4meth Et ab .1- 1 u seversi grenade. The ceusîttln-nal- tort. Ihbave takan oea botl, andI have yao thie meuri- eqstioned, an luvoiv- been nepidly getting boterever sune, andI lbth. nigt ofethe Qevernuient te intentoe.tltirit lhe atstb aicntI ape s, hIlam k ny way vitb the seheolsa ofthe State. nov 1¶paning stan vslud peie hc bnth i aety in a business point of viev, vu a eosadIw nde@Wr n ntil I aarauâs.srs-ane t eof eti.tried p itter. 1am now vali. ahlé te ass ave ry eymr, noîy0g6oîy o l i dI uOuru 1 W ft'-' e e?~ mlfrth fi= raaon ttal t!b *mits "Y AT byteSutbp.n ',J.oenlna ibabiy ha ebvisted -by ameudmeul bnut Te c~cm ffp nueeélo Tthie he uecUioaidimfcnlty in net se aul1y 'n"aa ingusnt be stoppai, thim ntIer muet ha ted Ãway. Tho vhola country' knovm th»$ turov off, &*ne membrnnsuanti tsunas, efOatio u » a.nver beauai.t v ablete nt I m sitm invigened.Dwm prejoe.te vbeh has.oce etd its ~ E~rvi alIi.T' :very bot- iegnablcullinattc varranted. Italîat every Meinher of the Heu..e con- -- ributed te tthe tivety debateenutthe bonded Hore te . itkey bill. tMr. Baudail &Mdid l vaë of H re'trs 'uaver ceneequeuca than an, ceneidarod Kt Alycur ovu tuait biu session. JutIg Kelly vho bas net epoti- -'if on romain ud ien ouvoneau i Kt ienghbelons Binca the bsgluning of Get hep bitters limat never-Ffil. ia Congrus vas iacited by vhMky te anu [b iaatvuau uulu bli tack on the. internai reveue 's)'storn h i-k« aan raletci Wheu the venerabîs Peniaylvnm bad nn- sud elekest ingili usme hop bItOns adt Mir. Long, of Ma&s, arome tu make witli esfety sud gi-est oti. les debut in Houe debtevwiti a presutu -0W tmen îotteriug &round froin on of the ovii. of iutempersace, deciaring Rbetimatiswn. kidney trouble on sny 'hiskey ta be lhe dynamite of civilizatton wsas iib uma s i Rit re.iarku vere varinly apîsuded. -Mr'n " et wL e lot e yuig 'ollet ptthe ably ini avorni tthe bill.. Mr. hep bitter. 'ors. bicei ýplsined bis advocacy of it. -MIy elfe and duughtora vire matie Mr .iord.n à deil upnn the immense reven- bealiîiç b)'the uniee ofhep bitte» and 1 ae which tiL.tai u whiaiey bronght imb rcoawmenîi theux te rny people-Mmtb the, Tresaury. tMr. IBurd tatore&th e buti C eguîu ia nue e1 bis tapîuest. offerte. Mn. Joues cf ds lryun o-imes. spoke on the otheraide Mn.R&teii Ask any gnod docton If hep opposedl'&%a principia ai tua Govurmeut Bitters ane Dot the hast (fuuily icrM c -nding moey te auj oý u.spsolally te On earth. -t nhiakay iteru , simlUdtM. Puas e ofwm- -Malarîal feyer, Agite aoM lios consin obectedte it ou bolimin a . m 0Wiea es iiluv vr.t.g~toda ironndi. Mn. Dinb hngh i@gbî O m e@&, he i esa arrM. ie. -w bai gens tustheutinallitamitaiday for @)s e bp in au&d" tha vbislsey inter"sI, hlî Mn. BRut --My moliii drove Iile Pà arulp Conn., havoeaitushe su aeà visa buminesand nanruilais& i ocf bea' ojam nauure aid iW sdtbeze ceuti b.' ne cou- watt hep bles'-d'?Vg4l stltîcuel objectonte il. Benstor-elaco Kaoietkdcsbalb iils Blackbunoifuventckyimad. i -losing -.e..éu-..i hannbalti intb aoi%s wXme% nfaeroftiebil.bner@hcanti revivlag villi epbtteal ascii dusateinrnd .. sM Ã4i C. P. R. Sîockheidcrm. The gtacirbaldens cf the. Canadiin Pacific Railvuy. eocording te ea report laid baera parliainent on Tuesday lest, ara: DB.Angua3------------........ i J. J. 7111-----------...oca John Csa"il .................... - 2 2,10 Baron o. de Rluadit utf Paria. -.... -110,00 Rati et EiIuhinstinae. -' ..... 545,30 F. Grinioitr rai Paria----------.. 4I00 Jue. S Kenned 1,New York .. * . 1,000,000 J. S. Ketîaady 00 C............. 950300 H. F. Kea------------------3.... ,00000D Kuhu, Loch & Co-------------.... rSlw M'aacBli & o.,Ne- York-. 3,199,Mo0 MUutcha~ & Co., Anuterdam 5,310,1000 , .S tbu& o. (iLeani.. 2,7357 C. J. Omberco, &ev'!onl 2. Mi C. J. Osbiorne & Co ............ 185,000 a-, Outeater. New _nk,. 8o7,eOe P. RoU~ilb.. Yk............. 5,12900 JL &aw G W. 45,G10 W. O. van Hors ..... ...... Sir G. Warrnunder, Edinbuwyl. ... «»I»0 bo# o u " Cost te'ua luvini« iute&. * nom 1siseItltPnsêvai mýsa -The Tig"rof tt th ie &Woni il-t n hebp bittae. - Card té W/iibyCitizèns. T EUndersigneti bg toeat that tieY Tcntinue as sole proprielens of the Omnibus Li.Unningbelntraa â G. T.K i st0an d limhl -v. h'ba ae tathank tue clllenu nar=liyfor Ii. varY sicanin on. ain idly nisane n LeWbi"litua *1etuck ta the ld .hip " turing the raJout, thouigltehor'-lved compelitiets. Tie fane ta citizonu vi romuiu ai 115 Centa pet uc. Caelul, prompt and ceurteo= attentionl Win aivaja b. a lecture of thés %us manag- Ment, AntIdliwiths-?m et'Ie n homsa, anti ample accsscmodutie, .ehicit tueur extendtititit l~m fur ic-at-, ing e'tcCr acîeg5t long, a trus matit speu h L 0 . SEBERT. Wlitby, Apnil 2, 188& , ,-t,. -i. NEW sPeiNGoQs --Hve reooved - New Goods fr thim Spig- -Tradr u eah deparlainm - XLMBN%4 mdvited to look à zrou the stock of Particularly taking patterns and mod4.to pripesrOvIQ z ew Oà nadriu Tw.eda are from the ùdt~IOU~d MiÙl1u,anA wehave peélace no p s i'tock but a".ir<omzdd sound goods, free from ahoddy., The jten are excellent. ARi abme& of 'goods ane New Styles ini Fel Hats, Christie% a rdin si. Yout a,Feit ~kiUaIi&sf feit. Boysll' it as'in haï~anâ soh feit. ' NewCreonns, New Prints, New Shirtinga, ew apts Ne' Lace Fichu's, New fSatchelNe èleLnes rompton s Coraline Corsets.' bas had added to it many novelties ig Japcy Drese odbaks'a8!l!~fn wf 5erges, Nun's Veîling, etc. We hvbfdnd btT a a &v&ieâtoolk wul ~et with s&tisfaction from purchasemsIor à styl,'uait n qa~.. R..~J..eu - --t ~~W ~i-tQ A 'IT WILL hY K -T-0GET - MR. -ROOSJ44N -y enau insuai utm -î~~4 48~t~ LOI "At autbhall pneu TOvu 'z' - -'~;~ j.4I.r lannels, Grey ad White Cottous, Linens M ln, -4 TcvelingsDm "ÃLnan d Callars, Corseta, Tics, Skite, Yciling, FilnE bo4roLcs ria LAýDiES' AND ý_MISSFS' NDREAR , DRES -AND, MAJNTLE MAI'IJ Impred satin Dress Skirts; readly made. INFANTS' ATTII w&Weil SeoectedStook of tt CPN LAST O MARCIR. Apbwentite Weted-' &boyabotis or 16 c- f ssasapprenSNlo te oMMAÈbie - W'anted. a - Armee beman OCf mi&ls1sqe1me »Me% d &0hùý» gmkl-y- îIPI - - -t in.__________«_____ hà %I 1 - Xýjry DIS 'e Qoas Eà 9 oriume 1 IL-- il 4 -, ', y il l »D,