Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Feb 1884, p. 3

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Wltand llioke CLODC:KS! NEiW PÂTTEUNS -AT- a. sa mares, tp 1WIIITBY. f", Coooqm mOu tu frTua Wmu. i u omumna, «d Atestboriaod tyu iý :1~BRUABY2lthi 1684. LOCAL AANO ýQTHERWISES- WHIT le 161111 ONIlu 0811 mil ELSEWIIERE.A 11>00Eof 114W N!Ws NATER GLZANE0 84 -A0It, '0t pt i ORRAPIl M Lsibai ieseW.duseiay.r 1Bpulsg Aseies open 174b Mari. Town.Cocuil bMouday oesng neut. Potenbgm ÃŽsle trestenet! viLh anee. trio Iloi ctimpanay. Tiie. m*i twe uty.fomw firos in Lied' 8067 duriaq lbhe9mai peai'. H»wý SluM' oake du ijon est lait Tb*hA Bday of Pebruaàry, aut! cniy Do oi lib ea sai eu u guli Broi,iBib~siWdeSocigobintheF »uo. . u * irduoe'o ,o l*qcil eain"ab s do' q largeÏ. rdisse.U~ara.. Asosi 1is ireddioht e orie tireron brandaof f Btu intif n eues bykev trgoa b rubî e cet f Is M *'i ëet, tt ik Go aeu. UTii. ove bd MlW&fani sl onden te.od li.e*bog b uese eu e m OÏiLs u bsq b.e tbnutismu Be t . hs ârd e . . Fwsf orens ua sao-Tbe Wbiiby »ud5MiWbtiby ;Ueitagriclture[ sodieiy cu àbew! lus prlng Grailsandi Fst Cà" . shw ai Colembma.'én oeusu dey,Kgeomt& 0&b. The ",prlsa Jis àlas Meo" 6"d epmsuio.lice .Dominion. t' peged oubrsat! ou Baturtaay, batlf le sý i f rod' set! be. cou m6 ;Oblef Bryan bro2 thtâ tebie .worehipths ]poiles M"isubzs1sWho gar0 tbv3a jail brea!d M ia@ton eascilag: fr t lectures$u ,su olae;sebjet: *1Bac0V ceosre Gferet."' Ws uset bsrdiy uy thbsthueturir cWiit noceuse a busapsr bouse; liWbltby iizoso could e belksbp <Wtb& O potuuity I y li a " eteru, Villague. YO 0, owe cdlc-- sîso bu e îrà buts1 Mn'.squar,otci CoPa loe; ,M.th Ligisialîve nAse Bn S. B3.Blake, puti he»O. W. Rase, M.P.P. Tb@. sttre coure li fris. W1O casra ? tu mail fneMmwt'biby ebo liati comie bear* ii . 8 ËZlsaiil dog* te sel4, urcae4up LS tbé.'e0rDer 'Di Kiag audi Berkeeyteef "ksurday 131141t, sd ancese cuciesuble ams. maet. HEt4aY-* a dti uitebei!le0. craille oce r9sinp*. ewliicb, W9 d eass4did âa 'ahalier cfci a aésll the dcg, vidait trinug, uumpe t oi ucoapasi eont on, bis terca" it. satud .1 ths e o.. .or.vmu.' te sï.yïs-40rtoo 2'engc. Ses eur Nic w, et!, udruwM. Ptta Geoui Vale la coticu.. Audreu M. Foc", é$'amuiîe1islà ~ra. e* ai il i la ni th i ci 'i lu i g u d lit. Van Wctdnr« <-mü*àhm Ws buylog thé QIlobe hohW of àM. Thos. Chiné, for #45m. Tii. Atbietic a soaeitam, icii ve a conaert Frtiey eveniug Msrcb * tii lu À slsigb Listi of villagers banni! for a io"ai et bMr. J. A. Delong1a the. alter lir. RcadMoehs pnt *iugin luin lethe Town Hall: IHope be ell bavaesuoeu. '-Mr. EU Sherman. loft Taaatay for Br4cebridge, ehm erebbu chiainet a MIuaio. i irim iaprosperlty. the rcii upyanîby '1«6. 'orporation cf Rama, year ecdinc De- sumber 818t, haro been respeoouvely #4.174,85sued 08,445,95: 1lsm.icg bel. amce of $72840. A gooti situdbrowa bearwasaseen l town lait IrYd.le.y At a public meetiug lust week bêtter are proteotion cas adrocateti aud tbe C)ounoil autbcrised ta, ascertain coltcf *egineu ema aphiaretuo; Mr. John Leareyaiour nift vas des. tayet! by fire cn thé OeÃŽntlgof thel5sth inst. togetber viti a largo qnantity ai wheat, Tii. mlisud saebinery Wall Ienreel fcrût 900.Osi t ympathy la fait for Mr. Learey aud bis fasaîly se Iluir lolu s ahe&ty cne. Dasaili Coliegs giras a concert M aroh Board o! 3doation v*ý t Wi 00for hbe eaieponsus., Z 0 iàa*pont aouth Oshbaablpsft! oeéday $t' caek eice n ad cf hay vhda Mir. H.Eb mu'B blilugft mnarket. Thé. lotto lte SimGo. hm' 1, aru lu bptsi thlau Vas- 'f .1t Thé" se*sou'is ws lgous,,teiéla 6000topapimbati me t reè~t Uli clainu Ààgit8ISte 7y4 um.fum b*tW-,I -the vob*fiWl bé e sbu1i r t. Mr. Wsm. Cottes'. them twis o"smbua drlne<. Vbo vwu nceStly P"&slif4, ct &l ., " >M - y tebe-buuleas mon u p4 s us rooIllostof. bi lé 1'ý tel o the travulling pui>liuto su rie t d uiseV(B;g la sWhiby yquiug moay và*l""m" i t omaaa Catidite brtbby btce »W.,,-Fee FIimUo, î 5%ft# &b1 ÃŽkd 8é suis o ouroq1t 14tolt #5,1111s r bof Bri",Nonh Amodo&s. C Kr. ueo. Biaffort i at la stilsudance Uh .K.Q . gatbsrlng la Toronto. 0~P. Stwwu le b e took-aklugR md té;vivîagdwuilgivm big, [arkbam,, sella bi amtites at Wanke., %îsafi.nbAlt1of Uinestock ',oono)stimug4 f 60 be*4 impor rit ol.d Augus attise 10 catVnin'.. a ObS hore ami ustay moraiug tram Seing coatet! nea coveret wlth a sait!. cf tihe eay enow wbiob fell doriag ihe preccdicg niglt. The ospoolsole isatêt but a iew MEr Wu.s. Foy, formuer;y cf Whuîby, .0w proprietor aofithe Brunswick Re-t vent, Port Porry, was unitidl I cang.by' Rer. Father MoOaul,1 'uds aternoon ta Misa Mar D anâsli sîdo dangIter aiMr. oas.f lsnIeI'-tb4gsuial bout citii.e Whitby Routs. Ilg-Gm-rToayut CLvn. -At ithe ths discussion on Mr. Bmbrespie "Oorernnt by Pârty," wau continu- sa. -Di: Bckart, Mayor,,BMaJWr.mer,1 Polios Magistrats aud Messrs. BnslI, a nev rusîdant cf Whutby ind Haw. bhorne were inacguratsd.- Mesure. lisrpsr sud Bushl partiolpatutila the lubate. ObLLsouia lscui xa. Soioxa.-htthes reguier smsetng ais fteron, bMr. Esabre ln the. chall, the fcilowlcg pragruimmi ces itii.' - diîgeby Veusées. A 0 Hsudersoi., J. A. Jchnston. Q. Camp- il, e»jâ àJames andi Misa il. Bamies. Clî~u scias by Miss J. Gordou, WMO = -, -B. Bsaîb aBOIM. Ke.1 Elousi Bauix.-Thongh ecesid het!b. drali meson," tLb.aomuaLuaOfice bas sl. domn beu toojerovt!et! wlth lob4pit- ing than i t theproentssaIlI. 0cr largesaff, sId ,.ll poua fie e=rc a position, and faclitiea fer the. ieun of cotk,rcot eit! bl W otber office* lu thic ounty . Eleven bauds lbd e.mployment -lunlb. CEJitouIGL gaT S ~ve a saceesmnfilseortaîn menot tu Ai Saints' sobool bouse Mon :ura ereciug.a&l the, pýriorme.rs Sein *îoung Hapefuls" ande iai'charade., dialognes, readinge udt!muçia Cure mus uredtably done. Tii. amount reulîzeti, admission ton cents, w"s orer fifuien dollars. Forepsugb's great circus le te risit Ontario ceuit tmulmer, and i viiine doubt taksein Wimby. Adama Fore- paug buorlezsque'. UsBaumuby msking hie ciii end gavinig 122.50.00 lu abnimcd putilic beqîeoto ni varice. kinda. VTse oelet.rat"ýd 61OUJMan," otberwise Jaoquos. is Forcpaugh'o ad- rance agent. l. wean. ta Iiow' vrthet ire are ni wdoter gacota, Purs, W.'olpcs, Dre-., ,Goals. &o., de cacaot cor grillont b.- luadergold. W.p are nnt eiring goodA sway, or proies. 10 ssPii Wanmuret, for I thick ibat impasitible tfor &ny busines Mao to douïcd psy bis Wey. We bure a large stock. benglîl et loresi prices snd lu positionta gîre YOD tii.br.t rainue. gocA beit quitlLý'. sad -low,'st pria... Honeat .leling andi cirility te &IL. C. F. Stewart. PERSON&i. M,!. iFrank 13 Voicra. w'le lIeina Lnndan lue odire, vas holîdayîcg inte th isi Ufr. 'John Smith. mou of G. Y. Smith# Exq , loft à,.i, wm.k fur Tarousc, cher. b.e enter. tue 0 fatée of* lemdiug lac tan. Mr D>. . Googlu, headmaster-oftiihe Port nope niodel asud publitcanaole, ha.. reigned witb in. ies et tsking a mue luîcratire Ul rý1@pccsihie position le Manitoba. lahn Ricn, Peterborn a. sinlatown (lis o,cek i einbis lnwtiou ta butil, tu tua O ge&Sou, ab iteamiVe AMMa~OU te the liots ia oniilatoiy acquxireti Palier prnperty. Maers. Franand si lton Palmier wsre ie toma (bil we. boing rmuid bomes by tii. seieuiilliissif rotu iz tiamatory nr.na'2* tiai ui!pacamacieof ibeir br, lier Jerry elco lat, boweve,,ow considoreti outi of PICKKBflt. Tii. assooiation for restricting the liqucrtiare si gain actirely engageai la furtberlug heur causaeanti pu Mou. day saitet! on the Councu l ihthe vuer ci rednaing the. cumbeof a lenses ie the tovnebip. Lait ceek chule a nuomber of boys erIre plsying ihasu u ntaldiag belon,-. ecgz to B. Butin.. E'q., Georgo Pt-art va. raiber sericuely biteu th ei.aum r iy àdcg. WblaWosnen Baya. %,'il n sn acacVa. Jan. SI, 188.' E. 87. Jonxt 0. T a:P. A.. l ý - i> Cul"AaGo, ILL, 'Your raînabla Cookt Bock casaste, buandi, for ebich acacept My tiauko. c: l'. as treauure, for its rOipet are plain. andl Lbe ok ila eeli cottea cip jis ty- poezr4pbical and agererrsiemalte upi @-Peak$ cuilleor yonr Jeperîment iu do.' tua ge ncicfor tiithe aon cf Aoues 1 iea." May ycur [Let! b. au susesuol as eer'y demie will ha Who folcewa yonr Ceok Bock, and e.ery mnseWhocesie 1herea(tîn. Yonrte Trîîlv, M"s. M. . Et aîRBaîs. Thit beaunilibhock aoctaiu198 pagea 511h iluaminete! cnqears. Bosu on réceipi ef (su cents In ampa or E. &r. JO IlN, 0. T. & P. A., C. R. 1. à P. Bp, Obicaga Ii Advrtrlîng Logic. i An oebange ieyo: Wbavejajsthsade a bricf iiiIK villa a urcbas bvi a logicat lai ieseof s.tvenulsg, 71,ý if oconpyiocza actter' .piicçstht"n 1h5' of MAUR berabip in a. proulingol berfsu titî fIra andi appratnt n ta be geiboe. an adrrtisaels ob*avasser, bu' co0ultx prbl lau acy Wciaoolt islputem las i~fiand, turc ,a dcci eau tgiis e««- lu pstwadio 444lpiytta ecoare sud ce. @,bneu eetipoinit, an eAtvert»mieut' joiluuly tatits-4ad exbbtet! as »M caibaainn fueintityilafa moment, or as lestean whiob bas te takoe itm * t,». e produciug reenîts. Bezupèeo t me ta, trov,-hb raine cf aau operisuciut' Uccd bat e go trealize tu îaejns(orate a se lesunesasof sputng.... Ibusines mon pot on àaIltbinkiag cap" co esider. >n tute sntject of adrertisinh a el lemiiy iarooune. ce beleve tiistbir , rasouiis coulti laon(lis ew uîe:pect. et! onclations au te c=ae batifféet. 'Woetienilia nolie aonys an'oystei Thcusandi Bey So. 4r. T. W. Atkins, Kani cres' " 1 creer haustiate ta roacanîee youir Zieciol fitiers ta my anstainen, they gtra~u"l esatisfaction andi are rapit i us. *1...e sie Bittersa arte b par"sideuibe knace sud will postixely sure smd Liveîcomplainte, pil t ,It the iêwalo6 s. t ièmaor 4d ed d t!Qa ers ,bM ýev¶T ; year - Sold a.S flityeontà a bottl«by(1 . Gibrd:.. A nec pisca, inventet! by If. Wilbelai Fuiecier, bsheu b in ' t ot 04, Leipeo. ' 'ageplétc, anti it as. b othe 'fieiw 0 tion., but in lion. of the fii*sing tuuing forks are sabtituicdlar uspurges of procaripg pure as "uil Uas.nit@sou. Asi:w )9. 4î 4edyodisolve partuershipWê are' obl ggdtoede toktholywyodo s st EL4 COST A0 ND,- JR' for a short time t~l ô e Ã"ur o iolmake .money ut osel offý'stoek, A 1-ion e il b e s ol W4ich wMJloug1t at 40 CENTS ON TUEIB DOLLAR., Tremndu8bar"'i will be givenso aslto ean ot b~ branch oft ebuinss DR~SsaQ4 8TAPLES, CENT11 FRrSiNsB T*SHEAco Do.nt uy adola twrh ni yuse htwe.ndofryou. Corne early and-get ypur choi-e -"~ SINGER SPRIýNýG 1884!' N EW TWEE MDS,) NEW uITNS i usTr New REJ CE IWE Il Prinis and Elubroliteries. Dr. Uuraua lrcccb Bout»s., J.1EE ComS= umemeidy for tie.at JLcf 'Anorrh0e, Gleet. Sperumarnrahco& 1a. au (1) Oum 0Goacrhitfor dsje o ses U<o twa Oumee"-y O"0of e=5 Na. tibres 8 0715lt7ft ia Soal iî qe e 9.wbtby', W . H «ose Bali' oreCdsumiiig. seercfor aondilng Ansver Thbis Question. Wby do » mmy pemple 'w.e.meround lu, mon ta, profor ta e i« »d e uttm miser. ble byIdgeutoa CMahstsion, Dissieas. l'o.- f Appetite, Comalng op af Lb. Faod, Ieilow SkiWbec for 76atm., we vil .»Il tbas Sbilob'm Vl.talizor. guurmatsd ta cure thou. W IL.Eawme4,wlmle and rerai *<Out, Wbhy, O0.. Iletter tlrae bonu".toee coa tia ona moin. à*au esure ruewdy for Sick Headeche, Sour Stomucb. Dyspapl.indigeitian. Con- tipation, 'ompiti ler. iiibcumnmp Aus. Do me"Is é qesl ta Dr. Baxtéeuis b k Bitters. 25cents per bottls. A Boston caroontinctorcevsrnsay llny col", It onld beoctréry ta culture. i elegnt pms lad'Rxerima liAiso.lerity Tbyo mse.learyalhs ou is nsbe of tie, fr ,uaàuly ea#mous paeatle taotUwsieri ,but misa the. net 0:ra lia arlC=~~tY chang chue tha dtrbi ii ôolar.By *e ueo et Clnatie. iair Eeué*eon ho oo1raly. 146 oorof the 'air tdorsdua*nedsud *flys seuUfl,sgltsyud a vouri4o Ousquso.a O yivz, F.b. Ose 180. 5pgi sa. . 00*00 Vi.ourpu'eit.........280 * 200tUé ..... lv. 4.... 000<a 0 es .....ea..... ........ 07a 0 078 ...... 080 085 ...... .., ............ 900 ro1000 ese, p*ruln....... 0 IR 10on ..........060<8010 ~a...... ...024 025 Butn........... 018 *020 S012 là016 Uldeper ........ 0100 oi 'Ptiu ............. 020 'a 04 Obiokeunp,,psrPau... ,0 0 7O5 Trkespr ~ 0-18 5016 itmtonbyi~ad*ea Our07 009 To /Iu H-oielSaloon andShop Keq5ers of t/te County of Ontario. Yonu ar rqured by the Liquor Litsie Aci ai 1888.(Dominion), ta apply 90to th andndssgced Liconse inspector for the oV of iOntarto, on orT cicr. thé Firs daIY of lMarb, cext, for Lirenos under the m.i &et for lthe curreni 7mai' By orier of thé Board. J. R. "pEILP, Chiai Inopector, Ccnnty ()0"0l. Whitby, Feb. ltiGllu,188. l-lO LAiM ANI) LAkRG.E DWEMLLfl 14IOUSE FOR SALE IN TEEf TOWN 0F WBITdY. Tihe mobscr" 0er ttii'41 a er rantagmous tone Ah SIXTY ACRES, Bs341,fa rlof lot numnhor t*wtve in cm rt ociuca" ofthe. tawn ai tby, bingt the fana sud rusidw'.of tii luie JAMES UOýLDEN4, Thffrelaua large bick dwellicg Hanse weth mi tbe mdmi m uhraad largo Di Sbed snJtlrlon marn ruicirs muidiuagcd sa of cultiration, mila uppliemici Mutslstssd utbe la oiie Fo pfuieprt*Iula am - *y tu jams Prktes. . Lswrm Nht1!e Facfory CoUon~-spIoeiiM su AT TIIM BRAZILIAN WAREQJE Thetuhoe f ntimmense stock of CROCKERY 4' - GLASS WAREI AT 'IEDUOTION IN~ 'PRICE. llandsiome China Te& Selitsfrom -$,0pe et oloïed Tea Sotte, white granite Tes Sfittas, colored Toilet Sette white .granite ToiletBetts,,100 dozen white grite Plates, Bowls, Napie6s,-and Pitehers . Glass Settts fro m 40 cents per sât. -Glass Bowls,'gloos Pitchers, glass Nâppres and' Comports, glus Cake StiazÏds and 4 Plates, Pile B]3oýleai,, Dav riGass nrnbMm MI,~w~~ ~u~ I9eýv-M'b!ýî àto' m NE w A- 1) SPEOIAL PR I BLANKETS--white and coowd. FLA~NEE-rdbine, 'white..grey andfi FURS-Mink sets, Coney '-sets, 1Persian La chan dog sets, and, hie.ladieg,(JapeMý O3LOUD--WooI Squares, wool,Çaioès1 an' in LadieesDolmànis, izuportediom DRESS GOQJS-AII qu4lities:Àin garûe ,rebrouzeiprune südjbçL gree",,- I] -- - -"'n Whet t idt!for se 01<1 Lady. qitom mmcmiJ: 0. xi#4l, d. e O-Aafas Pwlol BROS., SPRING '.1 ODDFELLOWS' HALL, WHITBY. 1884 NEWTWJ~S <i EW A T iii 'I A2EJSO ANDREW M. ViuusaO. The o ntisci or builig theésec PreobyteriaChurci b l ou adai tow Mr. W, Walker. Tho.e. at-£1. sualanchrobhf-tIAe nailedt! auenieg servies aud! Suat!y Soolc. .., ý 1 ýJ

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