Ã"ur'~Town Churches-9ij 1W. A. y. Vidime a. A stur. Seoloelll.m,"47e .. O&A4&>A MTUOXIST CUURGI. luib B. W llcughbyM A. - Pester. SestioaetaIil a.=.. EAPTISrCRCUBOCHt Mot. Mt. Noble, - ÇPester, pro MM.. % ~O1030 A. ad 47W p.M. lsm. FatherMOCAul pritest. Suet.80 .m. and 7 p.ni. VH WING.4, 1Dýpa4u" e 4 dStages eT&2gD:RD TINs. 74mn7a> .41e 4.5.. Sonda. . 5531V5m <spc 5.5 a. 9,01pre 91 p Whitby P out O .i ver 6i ou .1là a. For Brougbm a.L BS mm s m- mo. vns tas 5Un. "@*m . b. j 0.00 P D Ite dS5EILSpu. V*iIrssh-4.0p mote s M O Sg n nos etmime N U E. Tise lit Id N C T 'XI dsrlag bopes L M N S iby bealtà MLU aIt sfcrts wiiilL RK8, à aaslways 0 a D4NC, lortheart my YN E T 1 hW thoeai My D aVI £0l1tIo"swhh N a0, E. QitMoment&. I~Ud4dl~1~fltboUiaà rude kateo ecia ovws longer Ibma Âpdmih aes a aout hb"r À &W l uy-make inomny, bi~te. aman 14a 0o cu i 80 MM voesbating s tm»dretitial.oe 4 <li e iii. iîliu& vsain il fr..sa etOrct anme op, sud a 7000< gentleuman vbc vu ont tua! vill bts certaul teck rqlag. l in inbrsb dqor. Betcg il, c> o4Il'sle- dl4r 1wtih l bêâ e 4 Coins, Lord, cocne; ut robes are reabdy. Coes.Lord, Cerne," etled thé. presober, vilu il préent gave a locd 6Amen."b .ng blé lu*nt« ber. , bit t0euîb, ,"lot Puitlorc'b*ToWahtfbrdsk jour bsad," -pted the master, in a shisper. Tii. bor dropmed by Caty'e .1ide, vd om e are atires yor Oy owing. Comae, Lord, ces. ,Do, MHeseGab-do jist lemme gli 'eux istonelifluotiebt," plooded iûltevesttng bis lhpe snd iash1Uloa e If yon dol drop thal blorà , Cacdy, l'Il whip 700 yitbin seui c f jour ti@," vbiaperpd théexaqmetatd muter S- low, Gibrlh, Bov; ve aesready for Hie ccming. Blow, Gabrisl, blov," plesdadthes micister. Ouffy ceahd ne longer repilet.te op- tation, and snt a vild 1eaI rsnglng frein sud toensd of the oburci; bât long bator. ibe letsobo dled .vay bie mott- ertand kieslf thelb bly occuanst@ cfe lbWsidina. '1I'à t.mdy fur de lioing, Menas Gais,"isait Cuffy, ehovtng susry teotti in bis boead, 1 for I'clire to gracions s verft O lichingsoo see de way common br at cilekm go> char de <round vît ekesred 'Sosusiecista beicd dem." 16la belteasy te reei» etht tobses sud pottose vers nehuosu oc lh. oir- SUsd wvend afoethélis dsovsry cf Amree. 0ev stran e t tnh of lrelaad vitboal "Ipraies," or et a Ger- man vihhout bie inserushuin. Ys& Untlle tt, î di vtb o»me friends ar*o pised on ber pista. Net dét. lug te à tuitakl, thé quletiy valbe the other perwes th.alwii Iboy ste. Ou VrI4 - w ' u4Lh Dev vZgtablel ah* : - "TheirMusuer cf alnle a. orne Ohini lihe playlug où a delta." lu. ýpoeîloal but moeb boîter wes 'tiasIrltht.bne bist. Bnc oduction #0 <rese * .0à as Bost facretnst. *bÃŽrAn boer tboe 5about bu man- sged, he qut.kly follovedthoir ex ample,.lie foue thOe tugetabîs tory paicasble. cnt vbeu ho bail finisild oue oas ho eadw* îi te vaiteni, kaad bin Ie eh. eaa$ag.- "Sors, au' 1l1 telle coin emorseboues ou the ullch. If yu~ac~ Soep Rubhle Psrit« ýoap bubble partos.ar thel lateot. for as 0tyran eryuom ldi. sn sle Mm.be, i elsou cf digèret esier for overy toenart stceparste.d in elLual »pDls, frein vhiabeuh sipeuset cele eoee, anl. by rnatobing éclons. à à j iit for the ri# jI itedt labip études h bocf sosp and vster. Tbî fartObnliurv bowl u buAvhbiles, tu'yhuî tbr.e limes,a&Mid oie efforte of thu some. oli priesare palutd pins stiatln d bsudeobiet cees,puicoeu pliTue freamas, Ruasiau leeliet toilet quse@, bioers, pinaboxes of vuitinx piper 1ct others an-etacteul ud vnos cul m.eeutots. At a roo panty ail boçesth date 01 tb. evânhiu ln 4111 letters. Ths prixeeereconietirnas ei gniejeveli.rj. Tiare t. alwaje pslipri* «lve tle ontVeuerai 61Wbhltai 4thse lougeet et aIl.à jodgeseloetl"dbeloftte b.loving aet upauoeu lie dent'ions. Ater ail have hievu thali bubMdi t h. prise r * tssu by unambees.Thon ens l usuel dauîoeus andeasupper. a ry i Lawbini uieev èwLwLg " ot.» urieaUho., toerly »er Um »oaau~9~fut tonue ~ rsPOsêytïi KI Mey,' etf1101 ou Umtelmce wby yesre 1k. Mae sanete go. Ihmeie efp.scutdo'. - Il emo of di b boita bd bea Tt reooîery bad been sOanioned, ; dM«terd mneud ta oblt i WM ri'ihs SuS.W tbal tbey mtgbt bd publiehsd îhrough ne your journal, for the bouefit eofany whc in mg e »ictd-wth hist "1la aile deota ir, Ameds OhartW, loi gals mne lb.fciilowing (sOls Afier a vory cù asvers attack cf Ibis dreaded disease,« su lbog eeivin% ebilfulmMoeimeaolel so bad hso ouid cot swallov, vheu bis iié pbysaitauabandoulg il hop#* of bis ir reootety, it vas deotded, as a lat resort, sa to OnY Kendall'@ Spavin Cure. This vi nIlo . y v» spp!,âezoerul%à tohe.bd witii voter, vas us.d as a gargie. Con- Rg tiintfg obis treatuent, h. fonud, to lisceo griat tey. tiiot ai oh. ted aUtwo doyo fin b: vs. b>tter, sud tu leis@ Ihan as vek th be vas permanentiy rlievd-indeed er cured,. Bsaving bad oousiderable otexperlece with Ibis rerne.y as a familient.uiO en4 tbiow4Dg it w bevsryvalwebW,-1er li wanq «,,theseldtoend alimente te oc wbitObum lle oi itu"e0#elili T1vos O wooêgWi W eil' se grâtifted iteb land e seli autbeulioated ase&»cf the fo cure of ciptberia by its use, sa.ltsease tbsa is baffitcg the chili cf tii. ebiest si phbysiotans, asud carrytiaR co many of or dt .biidome-Y.oe eeet.u o ttmoiy grave. - Etgeviug eomethtng of thee engin. bulory sp4 psomesoef Iendail'. Bpavin Carscin Uio United States, I vasitat». nscted tl learbow 101e beiug received in Cnada. 1Iwvas leas o fie Bd lu tory hi b.1s a fphoo msried be o iffotlsos wberever uod, t eoo lmtd si,*1 a recasa f est for rbeomadim, ésd a Iecding droggist Pl W «otresI gave su iustauce vbef lit a' sffkal qeeteda auru for »Mue (crncf tht. M Or.li. Thotuas Duoephey. bond P ý -raittoh. Abion Rotul. Meutrosi, 1 i (bondd llbeeau arly l1psd wthh a troublesome Ouo. u ei t Zten- dall'*Spauin Ours eso gaod for snob cern vse removed, sud b. iu awady to speak a good word for lb. smous cf sore vinve oasicn efero. 1.v Mc. la.t,.riest cu4 r*ltpr cf tbo$nhEtf *uSU stautI b. lii btsî. ti4sute usicgKedel'14%biuC reyr. îag a epvia sud n.dieally euringe4 il haesuo ise rse, sud that hova cui onvinoe4 eft h.egreat valu, cf lieà reu*e& ' . dtilIksop fieb~ulya ÂwlRI «blaOedU la reo*S4J fr.I spauias, riagboues and dtceasecpeoiutar ta bersas, yet exper4sceeas villIll.eeuo ibteesstetellecta giron, i t. o- straà tfig th fe tc l inillaas effleaclouisc .for Manuas bes..c Wbilb e vul Fol baw 1 »,a huberc -bclonaing Io Mn. <0. B. Dion liet vas s 6belcg treated fer cpaviu. The loenesse avas goe sud neiber iycJE.fnoer ,J»e 4 eitlw.uccc vitb mO e..nuld d<iim egaup <niargement. WrnRt o C. f Ui 1 e e~lIAbb tao.d *14 Km.u-* pes . .L rîy e an' i rs eo o bir sbltvsO 1 0 s à a" gaua aan ne uesu pote a lu tIsaI vtuiitt. c. f suns prestieeperlense reisting te h the diseaso f horses. atsd 1h51buh d- bai ed tblsresuudy suesofnuin tu b. bt reatmeut of epa*ins, ocbcadplas 'qQu' On s rlîu en praadd hieankie, sud lb. apIea0L" à (tobà it t 0 'tigchly of î10fcr bris.gb a=nicain, K produoed by lb. bernles.. a Tho.. csiong Dr. , endal'# Spavio' Fa Cure are pbnosculariy pleaied wilh obe à facO 1 b itdoes nes iieter Dc~rde Facoreneca. Thts lç indeed eu suprat Sadiautege la ust*îg oievb"47. ma fin re 1 be rouesai t wpb cIdy sud tins -106% W MW W reskefor! 1iste lou4rnaAo! ront pubâtitn lAut, he nue0cfarsnic as a cosmeti a 1at- lininga 0elas popular$rt lu fii. b.are, inny wcsiur idler rs4eatumé li(soan offer, and one te s ,bts std >lovlany cool. lis mo scret Ohal lbh@ poison, vhsutaken à specileo doses or quantilie, as tie 45et of -rIq ii <ia. t à R It 80 ý à ;,, b y citas.oU, îngte i4duc s e, a 'io Lder.d, for Ibsyste cuffloieulywelgh&y ni aiarnelg to deter sven tLi grealk .0t asprt ft;i oebuesarfror- a ;. erina it"'sa iadlý à t9"acoiurV is présuma ltbal ce vQman vould he asb ewaugb t. doliberately svaliov resale ezespl coder professicual super- vieton and h te said tbat toms médical Rive arsenic un copulouuly in the fotn f prescription§, vioblhe unsospeet. igièbelsI sà k$au p. ucocuidioos 6< bse objeotfor vho tche.dsugsronîmin- tsil is adinistersd. This iu vety lamnentablo declaration, 'et if lO is Once, as su outapoken but veu-y sensible Ipbysician cf exprence elyemred, -These fait <csvi pe oîypily their compiumjp,bn hs viii evsniuaily purity thefrs vqi by *t t u f it heyv 8lcee ,lw corever aIt est fUon al the vanilles cf thi. vorid.wvtb coactenace s wbite si th. most fastidicus couid poasibiy Issir."-New York Rcening Pott. A Cetain Recuit. If jour blood te impure lt-yu nt 'cru ia blobes, pimples ibnd e leslertcg and ucstgbily. . Bu=-o Bicod Bitters yUl »ietonghiy oeuase, the biood and eu-a e &Hailfoui humera Lumincus harns.c lathe IMet de- vies used ln Eugiand te ince heOe dark borse visible sot uigbt. A pbcephorie peint appied toe u hucet, collat, and other prominent parts ci the trap pie lu sed tgobring *boutlthisrmait, sud the trotter, Iasptph e,«ai te resembîs obst"4 tafg~ aide. 1 - W .i Gr-eat aExement- iee. .ddmn aooà det- %cal eury. rnrlVInf.II W Telldvý Oin lisé rohiable ft-tnd in neet ; s lefor in- ternai nl ee&oral use, eurlng Bons, Scalde, Bu-gses.L"unusée, Croup, Sors 'Ibrost, .lhUmeim sud 'paluf te tesonthet se .lipelug anytbiag in tise line eter bait, aud t. clsty font long. & yhite exteuior, inirru bordered viii eryoWandutpreolous étend. heavy esrvings îhoeh viti beaten sgoid. manIes 'iu tht sito-relievoeasud metai verha fine asélt.eAsyrian, Egyptico, or Greecinu art can faion metel $ y@. Tiie ecirptured gaze in tben 1ia4ensil open a Wsallh of thaftoelicbe îfd' mnagso eeleriug. suienced by the ~otnglighî pontiu* tirough lb.e tazdgla"s vindows. A cultiwaied inignati'.u yullb. Itîu-ly lest iluto. *iap.51iouc afferdet mintthé obsaeter frimu Xlsls..Baby Ion, and Nicevai. To uthrôls6t endlresu- cf ii. car are beeouors voth.OnutAw 7lvm foi Baruum. elogî, lise eecrstlotse driet up sud the, gstein peisouet viti fauitgises Bu-Jek Blond Bittere.nre consIfpation by unlockiug, s 7ôà ctions &Bt raeu- aue leg 1Esosuse bis ucdorsauding Hope tn Hopettilu. unr. >Ioarllase .f Repl, declare .Àe.e l ais ot eae a ceeues visiebqe$ s.l m su lu hopoîsue cou Pfeet Positive ià 4wg . 1 gicu peeb, eiau, esk tomaoh, tad*abi & uOb&tale nthue.mainths Md 140V tsiemycer liter ant exhbWtbeuuBoumealaSey, the #ti of guUaStNou f508 *1581 iOula VAI1ITT Or 85855015. OU 21.} Fiuding lb. uscs. ,,Sau boe, air," suit a pbianthrepsil loia edy.locklu t tramp, "Ibis -isOh third lime yen have eshet fer belp tbjs F "lir.io 3usa,ýà ed ef sir on. gettiq se 1ev dovu as jou SMernte bave à eaeied. 1Iwuvas seful in early lite te beep vlomelig laid lsy for a raiey day. 1 don't Se. vby etier Peeple oac'l do tho came "hig, and lite vithin thoir. moins.,. ér oal tramnp, "but tbé troublole Otu-&d th iensete )ive vitliu. ThtuViiel tI'm efter nov.', The Progressive Age. Bvon ee icuit now for bimsif Ibal "Goit Coin" ithlb.boo Cbovtug Tohuwc nov mcdo lu Canaa. Thé nuprecoet utd denafr tf-1, since 10 bus. beau iu Ihe maruket, etteilsb. f"ct.Fer sale i y &W Wholéocie Groees ansd- Tebaco Deà lea.« Mate by ADAMS TOBACCO COMPANY, Moutel 6al MRa. 0'Rà uarv DaxoemmuWoan, Mà uxo."-Mrs. O'Bahetty sud Mrs. O'Fiabsrty vere on their vsy houas ire. churci. *Faitb sud liaI vas s gresl sero n the prayeber maede, Mrsl. O'Fisbsrîv." "Arrai nsuere an' 1 niver eard.Ar beott euoe; but I ocidn't nderetoid iî haif lthe lime, lie spoke snob big word." iYen oouidn'0 ? Treli su I could nuderctaut itou-y vord hoaspoke an' more, toc. if necearj." "4Au' pbvaO did lie ma@ner, O'Rab. -irty, bj saylu' 'je cannot serve Qed snd insmnul"1Ikcevs phvsGod t. but I-dneu'okuc. pivat insiua à ." 2,40 Itau' I tbiuk momtweu mut blManiât Motburs 1 Metiers ! i Motburs l11 Are jeu dietunbet at cigit acd broken of your temt by a scok câilîl euD.rug. Iud -:ryîag <lb0thé excu-lating paiLn ot Pauocgea f so, go st-coca sud'1 Rot a bottri of MitS. witW'8s SOOTHING SYRUP. ILXi viiroetsv A". PMc4it oufleer mnV le of a Mo sar w oS4ïeve -Qusd it, voii.eu nes tell yoe coeetisit viiltegut lhe bovsis, *d iglus raitesutbe mo- hiier,.eod reliefd sud sh theO l.chlld. opeitfg l4kc Magie.. b is per<eoty esiSli ti ail-c"es, dpienacul le the taste, eud lu lb. 1prescription cf eue ot th. oldeeî sud botat tomais phydilas sud curace n the United States. Soit eycryvbtre., Twonty.Oive ceute c bot. Ian inua acloeping et venllhrengli a terrible accident, i b vh tte est rolled dovu an ombauhimnu, whto vahinp iu. IL vas noiet. bovever. that te Ohe car stuuck ii.bebo e murrnured, "Don'tjace; don't. I'11 geO op sud start the ùlu-odinsctiy." Tic symptoins ae-eoistore, lihe perupirslion, l-suteeotbicg, tuoea4 by scrtctiùsgtory doeteiug, panoicu. larly nt nîght, seeins es if pic ver.. vertu oravling lhansd *bot th uernumi; tie puivat.' parts ae-ocoeleimes affect- ed. If attoved t o continus teu-y seriWxi. reenits $P1y filo. -8W'AYNE'S OINTMENTtr.i-a epleasant, eure ours. Alco for Tettar, Ioda, Salit Rhaeci, Sald Head Erysipelas, Barberti*' tîc. 41 eoaijcrusty Skia Disesses EttspassiIffor 50 Ogata; 8 botee,$1.2l0 etap .Atdreos, Dr. SWAYNE & B ,Piudelpbis, Pt. Soit by Ding- A eoutalescarii umsl.pox patiant iooked la lie mineor, and exclaieind : "I uset gocbe booagil a cooilu feihow, but viiarnmI1gocul for neu-1'" "*I don't hnov." reptiodthéb.sympa- thdleienod, "uclm yon eau h. ioù 8H1ILOH'8 CATABRElIBEMBDY. A unarvelîcue te 1er >'Oalartb, Dtp cim, Ceuker thuli et Hed Ache, Watb ssci botis atise,à t.au icî,xiius ucsi ijecterfor th. Moreo.ooesfui Ireatunent cf tlise. omplaInte vithent extra cbarge, W. I. Hooe., Whole. scie aet Reualgeul, Whuîby, Ont. A Boeleui girlW",vas agut gitgllug. Tits le a iey r tp«eis. - 8h. vas am toft lia Bostn ple netr glu1.; lhy merely, iprietîir d«gbi by a "reMy"fatirvsY, Aouar o iei.. nmbd ye5N 0 a es, DE cossU. Pipcrptcu f Eelu ypiN, is acte m4 fer a 25sa bc . t -' UE" COUGH Md dm,44et4a. put ofu vmms au rbe¶ viii cure d" 4h'.pherthuru, ia. Laris, ksdn e M. iacs, er cout- pWca nsd other v.stlng disesses SUIPHUR AND -BITTERS e âls ie blood aî<l purifies the 5750cm . cures veakhoalack ci eeug, &c. Tny s boulie. Sut PR -AND ION BITTERS W h..cniqy itou prmprcii hat. doesoi t ixlui the tuceth, ent viii, met cause huadachu on constipation, aodhur [inspreparations val!, SULPHUR AND ït hstbserià 4ami so ,ir ia coin- ,,ts&wilifilut ios tb.thtan «quai. A PRIZE a~ Sale f [ads, ,oî lax-es4 8QLDSMT8HLL W tcthes1 Clocks, Jewellexty, p i . 4 ' A GREÂTL-Y REDUCED!1 For the neit 80 duoysf prier to STOCK -TAKIN'O. Personal Attention to *'Re- JAMES JORNIqTON, Preclical Walcixuaker, Brook-st., Wbltby T IlcfWiti, y virtue of a wur- _%e. aspa " t~fis Counh y etonfc21. ant cndrtho ie nMuee (Mr$ei ToWt inte l.Myor, auwes.ee besyen aS sud the Sual cf the Curponstln of tieTov esedAuplblS.ve bPn, et Wbitbr, datai thi.eigiilocnlh dey of!W L Meeebeu, o. bbuvud-ihtul isumle-e.d A, a rsuide usasum en Unt undsruieaed à m herb ~ tisiT~her*-suu m tlé tisW.NeLU .utb bl or eau*ispettiomseolssiasll b..OU onT' 0 1 oi ViIi 1 U¶K- a 5 lm 1 o 87 ut u 14 09 4*abe&SbfefrCleaniagkTel lIM 2 38 1M514 » . T Ù à _Ctýo 141 581i ii0 7 40 142 581 150 140 FRICS n2CENTS. 1493 81 54 522 P*efl PLUi 310-1243#1 14 17 m3 '11-96 g 8 58 1m us 4 598-15»614: 3U 4 58- 158 Ol 8 268812128 97 R 1 >213175 CE Grand Trunk Ratyqff TOKCT AOIENY, BBOI 8EET, ICHEAP TSKETSý Tickets-W, OttssmuatEm Qsle pHloIa~ <yla. MoaresAt- ewOk iiiooaheluCanadasumd th iedtl tug Cars, and du-t chas Ictonnodaton l' eor ese a p o t a t u , t I s , m a p a , s ud i i m e t" ! i n , appjte ---" ExprUu Offce, Er6ci St. Aiso Agent Ail.- LUn.Se. Sadyt. i an other part of paper. 2,000,000o Su bsoribers- Went it for M00. The Am.,ican .Lgricui. ,terfù te4Y.s bettur thau oeflaIs. Iwo have lncrest mou orps c Eitese mil ArUtite els1et Ud eded' o&C aruiDe- partments nunthe b.Pià rodial la uoOb ei WutaIcns lOs to bthe iresi cf. ever7ý on. whose subsoripticn u sempt-dre, bc 94it has for the Urne bolng droppe& eut Ic. Our G4 bbierto 'edaep ifu U,raUh ODseet= ei~e4,#.0 eldoi ~.&E0.PAGEÃ)GTIMëi, li'71 rodwyl 0 mtskaiu. LIOHNSLJ'N Ink DMW B)ooW , Corné OrieCorn#, ait :and ue liraI bnp sEzonim for. 'DAKOTA and MANA1rOËÀ iml.swro]Wr[TO et 1001 ounb 71 %or Part"e MtngiWM t vilime< sud xpese b talngthis route. ]For tickets snd fuuther informatIon pply to JAMSLONG,' 02Ofopposite Rs"%sIlote], Iwandssut AIlIan iLuéS. Royal Mail SteamsÇhz).. Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. 'Every 'Thurday frorn Portland. Every Sed, Coiif8à I siîet n:uîpa:edi sa-, -lmsa ,lc tijêitlnof #W. Betum eïut irened drtes in for Mends u Odw* &, O> AvnRà ox or0,-,.-PAYS. Item rertisaJalu. 17, IlA-Jeu. 19. Frem Po26 su9. FrotII rom Portmal Feb-4, H 70alo1 wmt NT CL» AN» E~1 GRAY'8 SPECIFlC TRADE MARK I iter. ~ -t.' wr0pmlovl j . DAM 4 U ' msoh Wblug~1ks.-te germe; II 26 Y1 '1M., FRIDAN Trom b. OU t= My o: Ta. uo RbOIycb leise J,&RoM Accordlugir., fore sue. reiWl cemm unt wîng, Court R Tà ruv sr-