Dl ivre.la Che TiaOosulame snge ii s75or1e Ibîi usiie, oue,10 smte sai ssbms.,êlaseisi go%*&s = o4 Agi v«W»mmtiic e & m la. f »U Ucmui leM hw, Mi viSn= AAWL, L aiO.eHiat tMma i Oha-oniele1 Obronicle Chronicle Chronicie chronicle chronicis Obrniaci 250 20 4 2= 4 Md i SW Ju e.u>.2 10 1200 50 Olruce1> Md Amisai gr(8 tuals)($508.. 00 .2 60 40 Ob 4il 1)UMd 8ie Afl merioan *820 4 20 8 70 50 Crnos1) ad AmoeicsaPâmer ($1) .2 00 185 85 Ordoe1) atd Bettiah Âmeriesp Journal ($2.50) . . 8 50 80oo 60 Obronick 1 tuaTt*Ua . .2 50 2 00 50 chrmdti mamy ît*DoarW ýelie or Mothlies-three- p.îdsle ..8 00 2 50 50 Chrasil. 1a M aY thre.Dollar pero&IFdel-.our pôoedas. 4 00 8 0 io (~onej ~) nt oMhies publishe& at i l.50--8peuiodficals 4 00 8 2U 76 VALUALE PRMIUM nùs2tn ofugsiihogm lifef-like portrit-_Size 22z28-of Lord là à iê"fý. Cà »U'amw ovýr Gn sn. Oive Mwt, t. on.SirJoh A.Macdonald, or Bey. Dr. Wâ , w epreenutioe ery subecriber t te i Juo?îa, wheà tb hepaper is $eMt uIc..-or elubbed wth ay 6ther pPme odieil h aPortraits are dent by muil 10 cents catamMuai bc, ad dtc o«« costeo f postage anai proecetore.) -il t ours to take advautage,2ftboso l beralterms before it is too late. (1 and 5Weekly kdrit ser ($1) (1) and Weekly Star ($1>) 1) aud Bural Canadian ($I) 1) aud Leisure Heur (i'O 11 sud Sunday ai Home ($1.50) su ad oys' Owa pr ($1.50) J s EasWESnsRANI or TE CANADA, Birok Semo,. Je ne ADDISON$ Pli~flL*~N~ 04P O.8.aU. à à &0 m m hvm MW fum'au I AT L4Wo SOmCTiIýj "IM~FI DAVID> OEEISTNB.&.. Oses-Za ibo la i YLasOU jr, saL"muê,ms~x7e7 Ç»rt uo. hyi ls,1ui! CompM7, ofLomdeg, England "02.oýrtb*q*-e7 eratl cO., oldaburb Md iLmdon. Bi'IUsh Aqplcan AI,Pance Loodnu ate d Acolden t -L» À* er eà Iieiýp~ ks~ ~IONY TOlOubw A R cHTC T. aiui ffie. Wh lngton-DO. 8an . 1 -5 f aene PIMNOO TUIED. Toronito$ wm ttwhiby aout m aof MsY. L * EUmBET Piaepaph.e, WLiU 4, CIN; ~êbicam: 'rlt~d*osa, res th~ugt~ and' untirlnt lndustry, w advocaîs e so.c, Proposé, Knowledge, Brotberheod. __ W]I~iKY, à NTÉARIO, FRIIDAY, Hub Cough Cure, Price 25 Cents. FOR SALE AT R e FIWSESl DRLIG STORE, - WHI TB Y. kANOTET4ER MONTH I I 8~pboà I 6fd~bin 1Offer Whitby CH/lON/CL E GOOD UNTIL JAIiUARY 3lst, 1884. $ &KOVLÂS r PIC RT. Ri l t ,,iO 2 00 $1 65 2 00 1 65 2 00 1 65 2 00 1 75 2 00 175 20 150j 2 60 2 00 2 60 2 00 :" '~1 $ 85 85 -j tRIOS"' 'les. -Obrosiel. Building, DeveaBoeeWs wmTEY, & Union Block, FEBRUARy 1, 1884. Valentine te a Mun cf Worth. *"I have reosived ne evideosBave - ber bluahes and apparent timidi$y EDW-ÀRD A. CEuxRCinl Febrnary Century. xvben I appbut-" Fair Sir 1 te ye¶xZamsalden intuitions- "Do net misinteirt those ; tbéyj Shy bot sincere-lngenuonsîy incline. May arise fromi aknoovetige cof *et' g Ad i I in ye sererth onndittona, sentiments 5anda isb net te euocurfgq SIII tala. ydur bld and b. yonr Valentitie. te2 1 kaew yonr u'orth-that tn, yonr gênerai "Se gaadmv mothes-, ad ehesd meit ; more, TUnce e llis, de net ooià er rp But, wben your nionrred and wealthy impertinentj lb. question I e father died,on lDt1 Prsy tola simple girl, did yon tuberit prospted by ifle curlosity, but trotq'gb nie vîrtues only-oar-a bit beside ? wieh te -know the trutla I Was My T, 1adirîo:rlty reputatieri, rnothe: right we h bale 'oas Dtifeie Buttel e tis Boetll m repiatin-terelaie MiesEditb in pour fomiýiY,' Are yen an ewner in Bl eehn net au yen? dangb ters' -eovers'iess, but1 Tour learnlug,-too, bas beund ru>'bearl a oin brte?" Unla d ouq fetters- lvbefcp'1 For yea are ais, i sareet report be true; Nom @aslistaesd 1 nov ahe raià 6d I, tee, a cbtldtmb fane>' bave for 1ettçrs- thelb.eavy bande of bair that cevered, I hoPo yore solid ou "0., B., & Q.,, ber oa- and bonI fervards te catch thé Your noble proeeee-"«dgnibed ana stute- reply. But &ah. kow it atioady;', obe' ]y - kuew, netwithatandinO 'ais distant Withtoexperîenced ardor 1 adore; Ifei mnnor, Ibut h leoUive ber, boad jW Jl But thoes Villard stocks 1Iflave yen t lb sthe ile ef cenfidono.that fparied lier,j 'ose istely 9 pAnd weeo e long or short oe thal Lake lips Ibère mlugled a sbadew cf a regret , Shor-e ? at Ibe pang vbiebfi red muai feel ahon Sogéitl Si, f yu rigt ut ea ni, ho beard the confirmation cf bis motb- And wviii aitb ail yeur Bonds and Stocksora wordo, She hourd Mr. EBuis'. bc mine, step in a distant part of lb. room,1 Then ittaMutuel Union yen shalli leattune, béai,à il roteru,and thon theo varda-t And I ai- "Frederick. abus 'Miss Editb re-1 Tour bocrusng VALENTINZ. mains in my, houes, 1 ai ' Ùl pon.- - ber as my weard, and sà , oedacientioe'1 SUN8HINE AND SHADE or THE gual-disnbaving be apihnees l visal' 1 haro quoalioned yeee ii.' initient- GOVERNESS. ing te tbe Bluff; and, boleavlnq -1 ta ber bsppiee vould.z oi b.. premeaed' Dy FiENtE WARNER by becoýmiuga rpe,4ber 41 peur father'a- fsily,- boili on scâôenat et Ithtbllght, - CEAPTEB XII. iesueaity, wbieh eriglit po«ibi7 riaiit, "tib 'tn the curse lu love, sud atili appro'd, You, mD& mîke bai mcrp ibsu n, vide, Wben venmu cenci love aber. Lhe>'re aud oce unut cf. Ihejarideocf Yeux bêle-ted." moiber aed aistes', vbisb would ferbid "'Bye., loch ycur lu their receiviog pour ifit' viila cordial-a Arme, tto yezur Ilut ombracel1 and, lips, 0 itY lle h. aS previouaip edtpiod a » Yeu, position one grade below theirs, I bavea The doore cf breatb, si vlib s rghteonasî@rivon te ae yen sud provent,i A SaIsIes. bargalu te en;roselng dêath aP' easabi, urifabat ropca flll "EDoathilUson lber like ha uuiol>'frosi Bt rdnci bat a Upen tbhe oetellover ci althb.5.14." kaowledge of Wal lb. trà foia m'a mîy ho calledtc pas 4hreuagb, vitlinly coea'y Weeks pasa a sy quietiy; the sante te become peur aife,tc sbihre your. i round cf sechel dutlea n i interrupted joyo sud sorrews, to a o for a day b>' Mr. Ellis's roterai frem hie ype"to a e jounuy, vhiobh proveS un tuisaioey, s8e!h. hord no more; eneugh 'adC for Gîvelli laid managea r Ioufot bis raseihobr esc, and, saas s raght cf f tescape te bis eau country. air closeS lb. deor, abs arocend, ailli Essier came., aud alLb IlFred, ah. a facea" wbite :à the drien80v Jbrooglat tho intelligence thal Nor&swais disoSber celatiband a, and, -with ad quit'e imlancholy, aeeiig 1ev viitoe, lbock cf agony, seod for a moment like an md eldom goleg oue. Hec riens.oee pen walicua baS allen - a uiti vere becomng slarmed, and vers plan- bliglil; thon ber ahito-;llps parted, anda ing ecbames to draw ber froua home, the verds "bis waà r i1" vor utîe;edô ln the hope that ne v wucenes and fresb in a betsou se Feu o aet misery lia> bfaces$ aould resertor he toue f ber te ber llay eem d te, coutaîn te y 4r mind, sud lead ber te forge&t b irabo eape of nappinees' '"86 i*e&Ûe le' à for setfieh and vickei parpoec, 'asi ber boved head upen the deeulanîd'aes trnfled aitîb eraffootioes, Ilammeot nmed Pe metienlesu thut ehà seemeti cf confidence. Noru badl rovealed te bier a perfect statue. The shadea cf' cran, mether that Cirelli buS proposeia aieg liaS gatbered -snd-düieo the b. . privatI.msrriage. urging il en tb. plea roe abusa , ileSd ber hBosS sud ýC tbal ber parents wcnl4 neyer gir murmurod, . "Xeep3 pormlesfo 1 ibeir cousentoeil, lu the oeeniOf hi,. iSdolii." Hei fc e ,atiliclleesasnti beng caloS te Itaiy by hie father, 5'acthe lock ?of suffèrlng u9i9i tbér.', but éë7 miglat, datieg bis issence, bô petvtaaded Ne4ted, - 1'KOm p ureîavà . rt te marry autber. But if they voe.i<SP14; 1' and, *akmng 5afihav, t'aida M marrieoomaerely, ho! believeati at fer oser ber shoulders,liste a'timsnt 'ý a brnieleS oclf alinbulo $11S vo'tiS bO st the eoor, Iben1o Bdnetil, and, 'pase- ' tergivoaby berparante, andi ho voult ilng thru enlasliopen' t~pd n beesmalled'a upon the piaza. Long slie passd 'e, ' Fred seno VaTry Ejiief ave etS antidewn, beetilcu. liai berrbila-antid li os. ahea Mat>". exuberant epirit« elelias vore bêeoming dump aitb th - 1 1 W-oubd roua. im, sud togotber -hlie&bpv soiîtbern dsw, -and ' fcrgetf14 uî vouldfi0 t'rougb the bouse, miaking il lhe sount of tb. tes bell bail talion on'bl obaorvo ie mimage rule of conduot ibut *ooul door; lotig she' vaiket, ao,4r' bail Severned ber actions durnug t'e as.bh. a nti ort1à , witla- the ms1 bligit-th, tihe latit Io *.eka tof ler 'clat st 'is pla>'ixg on ber droopià g,- figure, anti ,p fsthe' hous. Withect making ber vison tii prayer-tsouî asimmoed - th'a.p f motive apparent, 80nas te attxaci tbe foui>' le eveelgvrll liaitl ob ervatije f b er papil. she coata-iveti as if w 'kened f r a dep' she u. iIed : Ia c Io inbis uociety'on lyvha, theyor latingi a second, as'c wenl lainà P" go .-lier Ur. Bibis, vers presse. Siut 0ev"taroom for a foi' moments viaie "tiia wl linaes, nS elvîys ut- the. plane, ablie sevani&'Wr5memun,_u hs' <incisa ia hevoe asaumeS a tondsar "Q0 God 1 à 4And ibis heart wsssoleill -of Aoe.,dn~-. " t'ablet cfn. utterable: thôuimà e" paased over big caS, anDI.exà biniz bon handbe le-e edi* 'SaateM akaîtetehie ioy lips ,ana, without ber mrddropped le. te a c4ir âtme qeiv0rieg.,sed -bie hesd bee; kkhno AsI elteriy orusbed. Ed4 lhvbad expérience& the ame aeguith«ýbùî sfÀeýw heue beforo, Mnd she ke bQw' lilasa. wîlhorteg blight oee.tbiknowIedge that 1Me Dee for wb.Gin-yesît of love. lias been garnered pýzSadyýîe beIviuhde le- different ;:tIj thusidol, wboe 'every, look, word,&64,,toee bas been: cbersh. d, ed 1 ,st eîe cf lb wership- ped cee, î0lioh.-and dreamed on, is oold, un l d~ ho bad'i eperienoed that 0 agoy a !don learng D- that- -the love n o oieiog, sud vital ~ u anhtpefnl, lui n a g t e l b je c t; a n d -t1 zo u g b h- e .e liÉ i d frvenfyt1 . 8 se' eartbtlrbsppiea. Sbeexpeienceda -etr.og sens. cf Rgeltin jeavieg ruade âno heraelf aeotberged ;se'!, repent-, ineg ber own, sinfalnespe, sud Pityie Frodts disîresa, abs bseus berhélad, sûd' breatbed intol s'ee târ*at ehobsid been secnually repeatIng te lier Feeeeik, a bs aidK.q Ffour*eveg ýWit h- qeliksteýfpeadles f '-the fb, ibrry ,fier oa -crn sd 1l'owlrgn svaap per, setewif- eelIfI -e adà a'w'M'ncre wôrds te, ber mo.i- 61088s0 cfhébbrossaI year > 111#ai sond îe pbusaod vilh-yth ô lot, o I 4tb haoytth B fauli te ficdù,'t ,wltth ibesaîifu n. b duepesi reégret j, but f de0«net tbi I 1-of ld'ce happy-if 1I weré oi em&in seoier op; yen zhsy salp .ot me bernie vbee t b.fdlisqe sa-oued tbe litholê'm bau 0,09F % osauobîsitu leur. -6< abseoi froua. ba rveelers te, domo for iùîeA**" 4*Wh by, isEden,hboue, l u nias o'louk, aiud bros yer beart if yi dii't îlebp i e r.ia-wun t Am ye sIék ony " ce idAiît cilla a sonnda loep. -AarMed rt,à he latenees et thehoLur, she rnprang frrnzahpe.uabi s n t i . ' I i t h i e g r o a t e i : jiý - 1 t u a5NOwoned t g~ru WOman ceulnà l -..IL mà Oiy ; boa pale, deocoii eam I'? What sim.de, rmalter ? 'êeOtfiMr 1 Geais, unS iev 1dot 0ewI ti . U~itt 'ta siu I i b l'dn'a let' "J' J, B Everlastingly, inarlced dow in. Prie. MXDIGAL HALL Tmm TERItILE UNDEEôTaO TIU q~ BWEEP[NG AW&Y go XMY-WNÂT WE3L KNOWN CAI<ADWIN HLVE TO !UT. It is an tmquestionable filtm'~ ihousandsof people are to-dynr. ine, the Most intense-,rturrar affited b. lbtheutiuaomal symptoms for wich'.hey -ban aWsguno reason. wbatever. Theylihâte -,fxequowi headaches ; are strangell -u- 4Jn a'tawenous appetitO oe aadoe whà tever Othe nexi, anilfeeldull Pai in và ricesparts cf thebodyî buýt they people ainMe roVMue e iani valuable. Bey illiamJI Hendersni 1the Metà à xt 4 st- Bispel :.c bereofyears=iMdxn f been gradually,butst -y lu- ihoau1 h .wag ' nou of_ breath pisiio heurt, ioau dieit.emsng ballai I cQnultcd pbysi -iu-n e informeS me ttI-aadboen- me " bongfar d iili*a'î à ûdS eeling tthet'sluti end h 1I commenceS a. ceuoe oTiIb withont, 'aewever, myboeij 'at I vas geing dvli 1y grea uomewliat,,ob n a -_ tpagne& jm sltoasn early-4 f. Cuz:e, I' 1 nt i4jy ulmosl irnmeiedaato-~1è -nerlyas eUas éver1 i tuain Shave ma-a>'. been semeiatý te prejudfice againsi empret9 iaen mAt f Led L t' Pf a-set , MTExu 01RtCEGRANUIkr-ED VNET Sev New Red,. N ~ v ~ o r.t d . & t z o i , N e w Oj u s b c rr c ,9 Newnvixnw p un , Neor Oa. >ZWE Nw ~uIju~ Or~ut* tNew Ios, ~ ~ Brwn 1Bgcuio, i ApoNaew Wir "Nep~<w uaamci<Wh ITALIAN s msatby hia WARE H( * i. Ne -7 acit j alLas mittot own at COHEIMJLTION RATES. 91 FEBIRUAIRY 1, 1884. -NO, 1