Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1883, p. 6

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at et OUA mi c olghla mini i." Ani 1 lobitured Oc i i. st tlers itll- t ouial a mouthul sua tlmed hlm kil. ho pitforkse,.ýfrythlgvwithin eh lt, lis tomach.-Detroit Fra A Great Pe4aitslsu Foat. Oo@iglal lu B-, vlaeri a walkimag oomptltion hsd juil taken Plaue, a oaippe tailcr .msrgod (rom sa averas et lbe top oftIhe laîglastreet,and vlth oon- aierable difficulty vmndsd bis vay - ..4awmuaitW b. arved et anothor pyblio, boI»s i lb boltoin cf lb. Iborougla. fors. florse ha solvedto 0 <'a.n Ila." lattas ho bosme oeeof a oauîol audienoe, te vhom a oappe»titor 'lbtheday'. aports, btsa itranger te lb. tovu, vas dilsllug on bis padestnisu aclhar.ments. "MebeI,Ie paas groat lhings au onyy.brsg o"MMIldha taller aI legtla. *Yo cen-,vhat have yen doue ?" wes lb. tamptacuna iterregatory. IWoolf mun," raplied the knigbt cf *b thblible, te bis qoationer's bevil. dorment, 11,juat th. niclat, for Instanoe, I've wslkedý frae the Biig Sun tte th. Nortle la luaboot ton minutesI11 8nékw4e te . nas o,,e "t . v a aiesho Wsdvisllsd. Ovamous NoTio.-Thoseanoepaper odilori vise onstoc prend or too obsîlu. sMe te rrlst suylhingsoppesting iuthair ceclaua vliob do.. not axtiy uis PlO 01 an edîtor v o givéesnotic, asà f.«e.v:It a ubudnber findsas uneaes tPe tbàà officemot wleî off.adlug lie@, tha aditos viltala, lil *eose sà" eut il cut for hlm.", Oses lapon a lime peopleonteullttera Mua papous sud bocks Ibmogla the maîl, sud thou cnly, but nov Ihia dopait. saoultcftlth. Grtrumeul appears ta b. a"dfoa mesS mieeflnous purposa. Aordlngto à r.pc>rt (rom w Wsa p 1h. rtiles wlalob w#ai dÃŽed*oi«n~ ' ltmothvoreIsBclwm aestop a éml mel nus. Aamacg theb. oeutias ilb.th*dad ltter departapeub are ahi. ,ro tMrsalasakos, cent pdea, hoç,a.d go, haimakulha, vlueabîe minerais, Ilao$isof et ma'a aqr, su asrmaul cf Obristmas candi paiuted b-y baud, s ploooacfbrideà caka 11.8 wilh a vhite slbbou, bsebalansd bats, athea frein lb. Ura lu whlch vore plsced lbé re. mA1ola! L hI.Fnsna-lu12M., Indien, weapoa lilasmrible maluqe an- SUs Wasnmn QU93T.-A matimmu- tel ycnug lady, v ho ta very paricular wbarse h. hlaid to reet, bas vniltan - ibs roques& :-"Do- net lsy me dowu ythe rlpphiasg brpok', aide, hst Ib. bMingiloyersmay iyak 'mert',freina my dyaama ; s4w in the hoantiful e.metqrîas lu thée vdlel, letsigbt-seaîug oies opitapeplsdîstnact me ; but let my tamiAdFIaqa- . ucd.stho-o»eurof lb machant sud tLeb bisnu Mau gouar- eliy ér no e 4xrls, s bere 1Je lada 6d..p soeop ou vhicl oitlaar tlb buysmat fot-falt cf yotb nor th. sua ad drag cf old eaviii Kbug. Bombons, cf Italy, vho là treubici by obycosai sd ue. le e frindi:-0 Te me oes91fthtucôt >tan. rible thiopganthe.venid uIo e to, musot oasgers; sud juil 5m. imylot lu let ouapalu me t. d ooo se eesl;1 t , The important luormation la ie by aBouton papes tisaI' ddasies are foe:iloe pis. The genéral Impression lmva the b.yvers smoalpartial tle mutanad MiL. 8#ave Ycu Tisut4t About Il? Why auffr asîsigle -moement. visas Y«cug t imodie. nllo (rm %bl IoM Jan1sd externat pain. by lths ue cf Feloon'. Nussqmw, themgral ,pain tomare, Nerviline bibo never homo kaovu W0 (ai la sinlglecos to;Il-casuapt (ail, fer Itlas onbu&o u lan4&av - cali p*nals*b4olag remeodîes kuovu. Try s-if0 cout ssmpio botl. of Nervi- If» y0q 1111 ýIad.i ovdill W,SoiM À 1 Wpamhman- h.." i ?tePOt15 îs uad te smed, lr e, .u*sud s uta t t Bioaanù Ioy Jolh edispute ar le ivod linthliuenïa . wi À vsg,. Who thongt ÏO baie s aO aitlthe : puse of au Irishprvso deler;,Raid tOsa ou au e jii'tagent la shr.e plgis.fe#P' Dipbtleria-tbsl terrible soourge cfý the promeut day-attacha oblpfly tlaç>e vlan' vi~lt fi ov bloepd lpurç.. Theà t feltuse 'f BurdokBod li tare forastalls the evila cf Impure blood, sud cases doctor'. bille. Sampi. bot. Il. 10 eetgk" Spring larnb luowlike certain vines -Il inaprovo vtie. * Never Allow IL Neyer shlow th. boweir-to romain in a opdcnition,a itleoda te sorious remid iii hoalth ie sure te follov. Burdook Piood Bittersa thelb.Mostper- fect reguistor cf lhe boyau, sund thé boat blood purifier kuovu. Claloken croquettes iu vhic a hum i introduoed are net fillo erue. The oditor of 1he Grand River Sach.m Say@a-* W. ara uaually aparlng in Our euooiume towards patent medlolnu, but obaervatien sud enquiry bas salis. fied ide that the preparslien cf Mesurs. T. Milburn o., utyled 'Bardock Blood Bittera,' ausa blood punifylog tonic is wortby of lh. bigh reputatlon -Ilhas astahliabed among the people." Joab Biliugs givas Bsrea dvice to, a Young lady as tobmhovho shallreçove a grog osai -Il Yen onglal te tako it kind, looking dowu wilb an axpresion., about half.tickled sua half.smart. Afler the pop is over, if jour ic!e vanta to esmayen, I don't lhlnk I wenid' sey yes orn mo, bot lat the tliag taes ils osee fSnuy O&Uaee diaeesee ityaWu OZ. ',p'ittére, as tley vii pr'enansd cna'è the vunat cases, sven vhen yen bave beu made vorse by smrn great pufted op protendsd cure. 6Whua etyonr kida?" . oit ma àaed, looking et the basehand of s poor but deaenvinq oditon aI Van. dsrbtlt's party. IlAt home in bed," la. tha indignant reply. IlDo yen .¶opmN Idbrnug my oblidren to apar- Mn. Sotbelad Jebuaton, a Barnie dnogtgisl. bal sold an euormnoi qostily cf DË. Carsos's Blernascl iutra.ne Soys thoy give aploudid satiafaction. They sot prornptly lu roliaviug ahi dis- ordara cf lb. Blomeçia, Livex on Kid-, ueys sud ara the 4 Best Blond Puni. fier." For sale by ail drnggîl aut 50 cente a boîlle. Gentleman te Waiter:- "1Bniug me "dôme grammatical sud lypegraphicai *errers." Wailea (leokiug pnzzied at firat, bot recoeaing iluasmmentlbis aarenaly): &*W. are juait ont cf illem, ir " Gentlemen : IlTheu wbal <edono weas by keeping, thern on yonr bih cof RXClîed 'Ybousauda. AU over tbolsâd aare coing jute se- stacy ever Dr. King@ Nav Diacoveny for O6uI IID. Tair timiIÃ"oeg.fon rscevery by the timoly ue cf bia grasi hé ' yil iità p=-sl. It -i ena.' tard t poulitlvely, cure Soee Couglas, Colis,kAthme, Hsy Faver-, Bronchîii, Bâae.es, laes of Voico, or suy asffc- gblq'cf tb. Throsî sud Lugs. oni bouls, fros*etG. ~PwPDo store. Large ais. $1. .FIna4 üqlzlud-- Bonledyes1& vife, lbat Yon' îiuov 4s "WeillIf!11o0.1 ilaslvl wdov. Tbey unly bueeUonut.,, uclen's Arniçe Salve. 7 The .lBeat sir a luthe wIr fr ts lyn ouepiles. I ila gusrnteitmvee fotsatisfaction or =oa"e~daL* 26 conite par bozs. For aeaT.GW Tva dudles hât ua îhed thair oboce. lote n etlb.Café Brunsvick, Nevwok wbeu noucf lbem Ithon addnaoa.d Ils. vaiter: a'Wltsh i hcwla mnch 1. aie.. Ilabtlul?-" eFÃŽfty eantg, ir.', "as yavu; but the *Svount Il IIWby fifty Il Weare receiving this week a large's tne umrGod usti -ffe rs oos na ck ins and ol' Nun's Yeiling, a dblack and col'd C'Iers;new «Gloy#es, "-in Xid081 i ii;nwLcefnyIns a and ilk Parasorsý Em-broideries . and flosieýy, a large aàssorMme 't n st'rîpes and soldoor.Asnw oue, Rlats, Flower's, Euihrs'hae, àd i]ibbons, for our- Millinery'Departnet We are continuingour business ini ail departments and offer our customers -special Bari Cor. Brook & Dundias Bts, )muadesickby oultf- food ? Isthere aduldrag- ging pain your-right ide?- Do your boelssuddenly cas? Aethe 'whiteaof your cyes tinged wàith yellew? ie your âkiiwvan, tlaosy and mneth liste badly i-i the xuoruig? Are you cestive? Do you have itching piles? A"e yur bowels irregular? Are yen dîzzy sud dim-sight- cd at times ? Are you gloomny snd despondent ? Is your urine hihly colored? Arc you nervous ind full of bad feelings in ail parts cf your body P If se, b. adviscd before yomr casegSets more serous- before yen are seized by some form of low fever or becomne otherwise hopelessly sick. Talce Stu.m'HUR M<D IRo,; flmrruRs. The trouble with )-OU is thrit your liver is out of ordur nnd needs regulating immrediately. SULPHUR AN7d) 11toN BiT&~Rs will help you * as notliing eue in tha shape of medlne cara, Rcgulated, stimulatd and prl>eP iii.. C 1-1 SJLPrUR -4p' b-iBf-ttkS the Liver *à rýýL*es iaural func- t,- tmand aith1C6bove yMp- toms will disappear and lm a orgouten. But do net neglcit ýhem. Use thec remedy at ençe Sold everyviiee prie. Udton Tvil.: sila lb. vorsl daIr 01 Borne the- oomplsinl W»a thslt te iloanan grdeeq edmiîted glu4Mcx4t thair feà& Not many y" rgo muy, & Bnitiea noblemen vas prend cf being nnmbored ameong the fiendi <if a prise. ~aawda7.~oh0s eom to A Fair Exchange. - Willyou smhange a elrocule cic Dnpula,-r agrée. lebre"kup s Bil- ions apéramet-lo give your lor- pid Liver actlvity, sud thua trengthan Ur digestion, regain euergy, comfert, esth aud spirits, ail fer 756? A inge bottie cf ZOErSA viiide this. A fev doeseasurprises those vlae r7 Zepeas. For Biliooueanud Dy&,pepeis sa their many formst'Zopeawfiapanaissd ila werrpat*d te cure thein. hecsp.d il7 aud pleaeautly. Try a 10 ent% To'aucceed, b. reticiaut 1 amrson ad h othalableare bU 8HILOH18 MAARR E v, Y. à marelleti, mure- for .O ieu . I bm.. alsu le"ribu eutra champ W. IL Wbol. zsr peaâuww1is lw 1az odal Itue ~fow*s$eetakaug the 9fto G INA? OBMA, INVIGOR. t" So- iayVel cf lha Moeali MWI. Ilt ueW. étala e omplst.y «-,e«, vpm e Dabity, Irnpoteney. 1) u , qmon, aad' iiidum ~ fpuimuseae.The teslimy et iouesdo cn h bei by wrsiug F. 3. OEliE,~o*do, Ohie, sole agent fer tic U 'Ba4its. Prîce 01.00 Per [bu, i: boxes for $5.00. If yqur drug. m Liicuiru sud teellmouialsou application.* *Pcld by W. S B rw Orbeclas ti« dion oue h lb. utjeet cf 0l1 iQesor viaci . iopnboasi a soi vlanenver quarrlled. nover gaIt asfigat, neyer GOLDSMITHY8 HALL.1-10~a~g -o-s NEW ENGLISH JEWELLERY JUST BEEIVED. Coloreâ Gold Setis, Colored GoId- Bar Drops, Colored Gold Brooches, Colored OMCais ekes Lockets,' Colorçê GoId Xoepers and Rieugo, Colored Gold Searf Pins, Gem Silven Jevellery, English Plated Jewellery, Walthara,Elgin & Swiss Watches, \Valnut, Niekie and Gilt Clooka. 811 vr PIated Gâobds! 3amlButter Coulant, Koires, Fr spous, etc. R E P AiR 1NOG týr Carefuuly .Attended to. ..ýzs JAMES JOHNSTON, Janry 9Lb, 1883. For Oid and Yomngp Maie sud Feal2e. Piieycuit SeNrvonanesu i l ils loe.ilfepi <emvus i ste. Rejuly enatos the%% add- t setm segîhens th. enfeeblad Buta tdaibiesnne toua sudvigon tou s ehu.t dgenerative organe u iner an. IrWithi«ehlorder for mi r eLv pkago., somp=Mld villa yse d4llars*e vii S'ad oui- 5rt. cm ays.rthe us ongy I Ulastraa*Oeat amixî Besec$MOdiolual li*Me Iaa*ksi. Pampblamar im ms Iltéo-a sisse Eee*k!t JSatmOtIO qMlctlae lasold'byi, dO rgst slO ta-ie, os#-taxsesno 50,wvlIh mlla,*ao *-pctsga, ,ont Cmde Gaamla ls yG lu d 0~. Que«Yo,,cf -àvd M E.Ue8, ru? OT SAI8AOIII- SARANTEEO OR-NuE~ Omste r" te Cus viE tona- bçd _b maplob on i, lae iot Oa 0SB« =ig, by duilu< tbq, I~ont WLk.U r«altlu< i tom inmpa5t peszib9%- ý»c! -d7 Os oT"e oVmz ii urmn nmy ;kend)r Maile Ciothing of first class quality ini Ladies-' and Çhildren's Underwear, Aprons, -Pinafores, Sunrhats and Bonnets, and Infant attire complete. Also DRES- TRMMJi~SLIN-EN, Bleachoc ana, Unbleached Cotton, -Buttons, Laces, m- broidery, Ladies' ,and Ohildren's HOSE ANDI GLOV-EU«ý *Mine ]IL, itzpatriokr, Egtore-for Uicï present, Mary St., 2nd dpor south of Foundry. Tho Ragina andi âpIo irI THE FARMING LANDS --0F TH- Pro4d3i~t& ommlciiLand Cou Stuated in th is district are now offered for sasie on most fiaroable terme.q Tha rimity to the capita~l, wlth its permanence defittely selt 'e by a ecent Order in Coulmaltes ibis tract a very desiale ome, snd ensre sedy rs nviel addition 10 other obvions advsntages. r TE L1DS0 TEE -OUMPA" f orni part of an exceedingiy large snd fine agr- c1rsizcof whieh Regina ia the centre.Poranrwi icnnteecild 'FN ~IS. GOOD WÂTBR, FMINEUT bMeàDOWB. The Waaeanaiver pasea Thte lande %re in rau g a 16 and 17, sud--aiont Blevan MUnes Esat of egins,, and on the lineafthe C. P.RPLBAL4IO1IE STÂ.TIÃ"U1bas beau eeteain the -mit of thisCom- pany's lands, sand u at RALWÂY FACMff=gES ar lima sfdei Âddltional Information snd terma may b. obtaluf from the follovlng agents, who have the Field Notas snd Maps oen for Inupeetion. WATT ROSS, Wlnnipeg. -F. R. HESSON. Brandon. J. M THOMPSON, Qu'Appelle Station. J. S. LYTLE. Begna. EDWÂRD C. BARXER% Ottawa. anid'JOHN GOSS,.1 ',. ;1 GeeaÀgent. -20Wellnm St., Est, TORONTO. Carnage Workj,*Wiby On oferel 10 lb, publi" lrostock of INCRRA eS, Ouitiaig ôfopen snd 60Oared Phastou., Bgge, Surrey Wafg#ô1q. Dexter Qoeunu. Wbitdapei, Piano Box, Bide anti Eleptie Springo. iEurekaand isuklýinBgis The ebove atýock le s nfàtured'frowý li BlDot XIIeri'- .<ts M ùl snd -viii b. sold sI 1ev prie«, forcash or on trne te sunit pnrlbaaeï.-" B.Pfore-,.Pure ai4Esewh:e é SITTINGS 0F THE DIVISION -COURTS, COUNTY 0F ONTAXIO, 1883. 1. Whitby... 2r1 21 1 8 1 21 1 2. Broughm.... 2 4 2 Duffln'a Crsek 8 2 2 S- PortPFerry.... 1219 7.188,1 38610 i Uxbrldge ... 1820 8 19 4 611 5. Canninelon.. 14 21 92 5 12 6. Besverten..15 22 121 6 .18 7. Uptergrove... .28 22 '7 _14 By*Order. 3.ME. 7A1lWlQ 2-lyCaretl.es. 1%oe Great AmericqnRctclf- CO UGHS, COLD9s 4TB4 BRONCHI72IS LOSS 0Ft VOICE, HOARBSENVE$ À. D THROA T .FFEQTION. 1 Preparetfrm ithse fet (~G55 DeM- of he on-t,&fN* -'c<litt odi haoes ntsat osepGsssjor g pies tei. peur-t - SYRUPo hse:deà Spees oftbaiamo sait <ho SYPr& gag;. ave >7RED clane carun, ftise v .s o,ct.m ilseSPRUCEIpQýn 1 Qrerth . at,.rnade Gr ta top. lie remas-kable paser in felitD$fg cerýtain Jarme of Bronchit.is, aid ifs almost speci"Tc efect -ina crirag eS Zmomon to the publie ai large. detit bp cait.-Mmapao<aaemiWa. P>*iM25 a-6 M0 cetu a loUi.M oat. #.msa ouare a -ctaseritoreit XR YWAT8off c-&(CO., ,soleIo peosoi esohe KRIDAY FrThe CsM=cs th= su othier pap di. .Roue, PROFE TEBMS l0F ',gains. iin e -bye a eofsomua imecoraingly. Âdvertmsementu - K~J0 fordic - ~vilL net b. epea A liberaldis nienta thl. ea ex, 00 mc> ý-r it.incotatader tiam Havig th utmst ouliencein s gy lntended chum Havug heulmatconidncelu tiupsl.~. -fore Tnsdy noon oriyear aflothars, sud alter thoouseCf receiva up to Tha test othe most complicsead Bsinssnotce caaes vu conldfudwe teel justfied ian offerig usnes otc to forlait One Thenssnd Dollars for euy ce-Ç-' &tinlserton -1& of congbe.cDoldo, soretbroat, Influenza, hon. - rail; 10 centa jpar nasa, bronclitie, consu-ption, min is sai7 sertion.Fivecent 113 eswhoplg cougix . ud sEdiseasesai lj Cresodac Ioat im lngeaeapt Asthana, f or wb thelb.county or ne vae eulai relief, thut vu can't curs **tl Wes'aCong rSrup when ts.ken acoding rspnatt aen dirctions. 8apIO'6,ottlas 2. ud80di; ofltiltioo i balsoeedolla. Ganuina ipa1ppars 1%yl bine. Sold by a&Hrt, ssor seýnt bv expressJO PRIKi u recelpli of pnIe. EN . WUST & col Ta Depsnlmp sole proprietors,S1*hUKIng-s. eat4Toonto. 7.4ba Nïvest andE * iuîtab1e for aérn GRÂY'8SPECfi O cm MEDICINE. ~* ~ --~i TRADE MARK. TEZ Gaxat TRADE MARK., Unail lu g hefore Tkn.ee a After Tak equno.o! aitAbue;as l10.5 ofemSya, J iarLudstude,Paln lthlb.Back,Dln. ,asafVision, Pnxaitureo (>14 ge, sud msuy otdiaesaalltaït ial"410 Insanity or Cesa- jumption sud aàPraualure Grava. cw pullparlcului ÎÉ-our pampkIat, vbiel Wbedslrelo-uiutfe lym ail te evmrjcus lffl Th ~cA aie lI oafflaby s&U dg. i.laatUSper.msokage,er six packsgasofoa s &vib.etfabymal on receiit cf tihé noney lyaddrasalng THE -GRAY NEDICINE CO., 18 Toronto, Omt. Canada T. G. 'WHITFIELD, ioalun, Whitby- EARS. FOR MILLION! Foo Choo't Baisaw ofSharks 011 ['-dsitveiy Bostones the Heanaog, oui-_ in the Oniy Absolnte Curc for This Dilina bslracteE (rom pecuar ea! aies ofamaill White -Shark, canghit he~ Yellow Ses, kuevu a, Ca-ciaaredos Bond' toliU. _very Cie. hem n owxL. lsvtesaarestoralive of iesxing vera a<coeril eBnddhilsl Piasî about it4s yoga 1410.- -1.curas-vexe so umerons fsu mssy go eesnilymst(meulons ththema r neyEs officilly procaxmd avar lhe rie mPr.Ia se -bacame an vaisit- tafie over 3SOTeaiisnoî'deafnem at existeailamcag the Chmnes'e peoplu. snd, thagasprepsld, ilo aasdress, oai' 010n~boule. Wlitby, NOV. 711' -WHIITB-" Brock Sfruat, BARRISTE.Rd * AT .LAVI Toraz JORN E.1 B sud nilCTonutl seing, QonrIe Ba =a bT -te oyaoe4 dento ao su. 92 -'-t b Uf To t. M id lu vorths #210; a hoons i 1 f Up Mtions i 1 1 vslulugIl 51 1 clur rut b ~a uuacal aps thr a uthe g Ifh euéo es sd Bheu t. Thon. lup ne t s itae o i-Eulued iarth vehie avoévr udIl, Whe Wiin r cusespeciuv aue»jaset ones oibttjoui resaisie 1 eOf tie usu. the-beaan sd gir reit te =o.me epBiml térondes, oteUsnuse u inas ,sd Pissant le ia-t , llh have 10h.le testa, tLuisla b. ré aplnc-n smingmaslil, of the oldoostad hat amaObyan usutlla ind th ansd nons se lu the UnitSatem. sold iris absorbad. At Whou gàs vouas ladys a n a ma S i Gr4nd ,,,Trunak il110 SiÀL ,,DRU Ticket Office. . sroile Si 1 aa4 Beturo TiobaSa t Chics eidr lran=41,1Dh. fýesi, Pot Buren,=ra Igaup Lp i Lcndcpg Ramllire,.Susnemsic>Bridge ,aV mi- 1R.1 HALL'S ONUINTRNA CUETORCAAR îdfor i il Tan ut O"ie faieid ca. sit vau iy maabsndt& haW. IL a" imd. umt:a?=C risites m dutia aeu le wui ush lng a u & no a in% 75 Cet& a Ot. $H.00 ALEDU ~~~t Cur otn xssO rs.an leim. à efc. IL ., 11#. WJboNDmoggIeê R imagnalzacK "Zaiîzel. I-i

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