Verm P1atodi SPOONS, FOv"RKS, AND KNIVES,ý AT BARNARDS Watclsnieor aud Jowchcr, là rock Street, Whitby. tt1hitb Qronictc. JUNE Sth, 18 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAT 18 GOIisG ON IN TOWN AND ELSE.WHEIIE. A BUDGET 0F LIVELY NEWS MATTER 6LEANED BT CHRONICLE REPORTERS ANDO CORRESPONDENTS. "A -bîe's amng ye, takin' notes, An' f aith he'll pieut it" New geooda arrived tlsis week. A. M. Thse camping seson bas begun ai Corbett'. Pinît. New MusiIOS arrived this week. A. M. Rloi. ENIGNATIC.-Will crusheti egg hc a faphlionable colour ? Bout value in general dry gzools at C. P. Stewart'&. Another intereeting bi ter lrote "Tiro O'Day" ln this veeke CCO'IGLE. Ladlies' Itubber Circulae from $1.50O ssp, Androw M. Rosa. The montb of roses,the most deligbt- Ilii of the Yeax, je with us. Confirmation will ho held i Al Saints' Church about the last week iu June. Silk Parasols, satin Paosalis, &c., loweet pricos ai C. P. Stewart'&. Tihe "Merryweather" wag out yester- day afternoan lushing ont a drain at thc Court Houge.. The annual pienic oi the Catbelie Chnrcb, Pickering, takeil place nt Gar- don'* Grave Wedueiday nut, illli mat. Thse lacroasse match Tuetsday eveniug between the Independents au ibeh Colsigiato Institule resulted in a drew. remuaà nts of Tapesntry Carpets suit- able for mats for sale cha4,. A. M. Rose. ZMr. Wm. Molor »nd Il. Celolicott havo ut lmportedl soute fine Shrop- shire -*dawn îbeep (nom .Shrcw6bury, Englanti. 44Troasury ai Sang,' clseapeat andi boit collection af muaje. should bc in cvsry home. Thse agent i. now in wVitby. A splendid programme ai ont door sports hs euonprepareti for the Catha- lic piaeet Gardon'. Grave Wednes- day noit. Gent.' bard and soit Feu RBats, and lateit styles lu Straw lRaté et C. F. Stewart'#.. An itinerant baud 'ai musiciana, coin- poseti of a barper andt tv fiddlere, ane of the latter a blaok-aed dameel, were playîug on the strists on Tuezday to gooti business. ,'Customner ealling, early in the day wilI recei emore attention than lu the ateruocu. Plese eall eanly. Singer Bros. & Law. Two new famitieo haye came ta tawn titis week, andi are loaking libout for houssa andi a suitable building for the manufacture an a large acale ai temP pjerence baverages. Ladies' andi chiltiren'o IRose in bik andi coloré, large variety, low price. Large stock of Gloves ai every kind. Se them et C. F. Stewart'.. Dominion Day le ta Le celebratet i e Brooktiu by racea, garnis, etc., and a grand concert iu the evening Ly the Glee Club. Juat reoe'd this week another sLip. ment ai Tapestry Carpets at 45 cents per yard. Splendid vaue. A. M. Bosu. Mr. Farewell, Ca. Attorney, lha se- curedt trongb the Bengough Ohorthand bureau, the services ai a type.writer, Mn. Daniel M. Docker, son ai Mfr. Declierjailer. This I.thé first use in the Ca. 0o06ces a aproenaient au one af thoeéinstruments. Our blk. Cashmere. aiwaya toek the lead, but now the pices arn marvel. lously low. Singor Bras. & Law. A. cake compotition wiit hé an attrac- tive icature nit the programmé préparéti for thse Cattioho picuje et Gordon'sgarove Piokerinit, on ýWotnesd&y neit. Dine at 10 o'clock. Tickets 80 centý.. 011- tiren hall lîrice. LAntpg'.-Our Dre Goi r cr ILe follewlug cbanges lus tht zo 84h ".Ocn""Batillon ef 1nà 5&n. No. 1 Co.> Whitby-To Le lieteai, sua lieutenant John Pelbsm Tl W'- Is.S ,vic . FErovurced.T b 2a lleutnat.Edward rp moted. Drese otis ansi Trbmlislga asto et Singer Becs, & Lav's glvng up b=«'. in@"aspale. Butar Ar, ovnq-I y o'cloek on Tu"siaymennbug bq0jý eniereti Mn. Eollldsyb' êes ý b fromthe oL vld mégi oetbçw efr o, hep woreevuaty«eë7îrt bat. orae&ô«s. Tbecaé oa beu rilel rom dmetop andi blovc epen byP *der. PonlussI - for hlm, Mn, Hohld&y bedot latLe h sale Lut about thirty odit dollars xnesty lu small euvreno-Y pLIoL vas ail that the burglen toi.. Oc.etEthé Moai dieg lsiglt it. t neeset on Our stréets for a long lime va. a travelling band i etforeign4es-la ragil &uý latters, etsbracing meis,, vo., mec and ehidreunuumbeing ategtiýr tvelvé or Bfteen-persosacoompanie by about as mani hanses, jaqkus., ber andi mankeys.' The yacegenehll. drén, aeéd tram tva ta four years, wve strappedaon lise backs af tise herses, vith faces ta tise buning scun, atlime. eryiug aud sleeping, wisliehévoren euL Lad au infant itrappeti te tbi hacka. Thé men andthie altier chiltirs oollected le cappers. PR RSONAL. Miss Bîllings la visutlng bu Torat3. Mn. John Willilà ahome this wook. Mr. &W. B. Similis vas ý stw. lrday Mr. Hensry Adams le la Revu, tise gueil ai Mr. Nacrsé, Peitanatén. Mis a eie Waodruff Norvici a b sisiting friends in-Wlitby sud iik ring. Sir Charle. Tuppon beaves for Engand ou thesa 101 list. Mn. Ths. MeB ien hly pl1 to Frriday for e trip tZ le Nrlofet.o Mm H. B. Taylor la vsiting bu Chatham sud Détroit. Mr. Henry Jeffroy, an Salurday left for Landau sud Detroit. Mn. Rasa af Port Ferry, vas marriedt bi week te Miss TinsaScnona saine place. Mr. John Hovdeu, who Las Leeu serions. ly W i bo Ltton. Mn. Robent Eastou snd vife ocf Coboung, are the gueste of Dr. Bogart, Mn. Hi 'sloftthis week ta oisin tise Inaves ofiis usbaud in Irelsud. B.s vage. Mn. sud Mns. E. &Sh irapnell ettended tise procoings cf tva Art Socleies In To- SirnA. T. Gaît vas a pasieuger hy tise SS. Fori-ano, vhich annived t, Queé Snnday. Mies Scott sud hon niecé Mies Mary Hop- gr lft ast eekto pénd thetséau-ner et Mrs. Hay and daugritér, nturned homeoan Satorday troinaa isit of several véeko iu Toîrontio, Air. John Bull Dowc, vi are pléasedt ta é i. ouît agnin, liaving recovered frian bis bu- diss"isxâiitn. Rîui. J. lierbent Stai-n, of thé Tabernacle, avllithy), va. maried lu Toronto on Wed- ce îy tnNTieElizbeth Eleanci Lawscu, foi-si-nly ot ai-kisan. !tis a-lri.4 Belleville, vue cf theé Ritt-isîrar of Il . UJ.,Hfaltings cý, bas heem theîle-get <f AMn. i. S., latéran the put tw -i k. MnI. V1unkiu Mcflonsd, Divsionu Court Clet k, bl, en coulburd to his hanse vith su cf bnfiiunnietoy rheumatiein. Wé are pleaseil tu ec eim arounti egein. MNi.hIenry Marrisau aId Wbitby Loy, wsx in t,îwn anuTaeda. Heasureceneil liain ;I-comated ta th e epansiblo position cf travelingeudituon fer tise ?Md a Riay. Mni.%W. H. Burike, ex-M.P. for West Dnrhant va.- sintau-n an Thnnsday. Mr. Burke is coniidenbng thé malter sud la lbkaly ta *à cept the Shrévalîy ai Narths- unîbeanitand Durhama Mi-. %V. 0. Johuetein. PLS., leaes in a fe-w -laye, iccusapaisied by Meurs. Theo.Mc- ;illiviay andi James Jahustan, t* sunive tise tiîwnsl1i1,-at Graham, on Vansillion River, ini the Nipisuing Dis.nbcl. Mrs. L. P. Embraie sud elsiid sled on Sitai-day fà porYainoneîth, Nava Scolia, han native tiawn, vhereoibi s aends teliniiunm accampeuWetm efer sa. Hinîtotn b hon hua- band, tise Principal cf thse Colz-egiate.u stitute. Tise ('ovenr-General sud PiineseLouise i-ea-Si-1tttiwa Eunday iaoingreturning tr - i Torante visit. Tléy villI bue fé dab . ,-fur Quebe,whenî thiey viii n e mainiî S,i. ne terne befî,na gcsng np thse Sag- uenay oni a sasîsuo shiug on podition Thîe grand meusien of (eneStpin president of the Canada Pace -vY Campany, la baing -rapidly diised et liu- treal fire- oaccupation ot Lia fainîg, vise ani veti this veek frm Europe. It la& modil of Vsuderbilt'@bse, Ne orak, sud là fltted sud furnished i vtL regal manfcce Whou campleted it vIii ceet sit81,000,. 000. Mn. T. G. Wlstfleld vill lm" eteve ment veesi ta aceept a lucrative positton 0ae ciel trevellen for a short lime foaeleasn Monuréal Drug Rouse. MIr. Whaldeî'a route viii ha prncnepelgy fraie Ottawa te WIndsor. Witis the many frieuis of "Tmos" thse tovu aven ve shall hope te I1«= tisatin thse nov position ho may Le enaisiot te thorocghlg necup=erate ais alIla. Mossra Wm. Madillsud Wesleg Hoar, tWPald Whithy 'beys,' La"e Purchaseti thé véiléstsbliaed dru&ghanse etrG. B. Smithb & Co.,-Yongo St., Taousnto. We mev Ithe business te Le nue of tise Lest m te tclynd cagrtulate 1'Wes' sud ,'Will' on thier enter p iseon lakiaigLolti. Botbls 'bA " r aid clônks af Mr. Sifutis, Lavlnggcam hm WitaiSoMédicai lHalle ta m ITýrme- ta, soeo eans ego. Suce.s, a onsi« limes aven, aid 'Leps.' Carry tise Neva. Ncar Tilsanburg, Ont. Doe. 148 1881. I have bée &i»g fer Yom e itb Billoums ud Dppdsiu ani& n- dued go amere ukenomm. rettt wélgiset only elgitysin penu 1 vwu lndnced ta tnp ZopEau by Nr. ai no (ftise hrm ci O Thoiosi& Co., dr la, tî Ibis"paIsé.,and# mn thenke te hlm, 1 am nov u an en. noewvmman sd veigb 124 o-.1e thhragb thse nue cf ibi nevaemp- sn - MES. CABOLINE F023, Wbfe of Mn,$E. GFePre. FOU TES THE BEST BLOOD PU1IXFIHR use cen beSocurod, sud tis".by rmnvln thé causé--whatéver it mag La Thé great esedical autisorities ai tise day dechar tise kiny orver. Te redore tises or iltheon0 yy w b seits eauLese- cuet.Hèe awhore WaÃRa' ci ut bassschievod ita great reputation. It acte diety upn hekldnT and ier end*.by tho ina eïlbycondii'drv and pain f rm tise systein. Feal Ridney, Livér snd Urlnary troublas - or the distrsssig disorders af vomen; for*Ma laia,,and hslysical troublas oenerafly, Ii greet rom y hms no equal. Beweeof 1M. pnstems.mitatos aned conooctions sld ta Le justeasgod. Fo 1etol ask for W a's ,Sia DuABrrà Cuaz For asie by a&l dealers. - H. H. WARNER & Co., TorantoOnt,,Bochuote,N.Y., LoudSo,Xeug Th eaeage liair bee.oit bise ou inslgnifteane visn Le look@ upon the oircos poster. CAIUTION-PRUDENCE,-CABE,. Baer. ai thi e tileine reprseutei asjest the »ame, or fnlly as gaod, as Dr. SmltL's Gréât Gerùm Worm Bémedy by dealers wba sel! th.e rtiele tissà s butregrdleasof msrit. Dr. 9real German Worm Bomedy il beinndorsedby &as à sPleasan, sae boele atiprompi& remedy for tise reioval of stemeeli andi sest or pin worme frein ehulior adaît It is esy toa ake, neyer tucila, abeolutely hermieus, and requines no after pbyale. Solti cvérywhcre. Prioe.25 conts. Greeh pacte vitis oil! y," >Lybe h. debebebut yen ce as elyour bools sâ 4ie Grcek pactsev er po' eteti eeud't reati Jey Gould ; no, mol one obepter cf hlm. 1HDSNBEEYN-PW0O R D T urntar ourla fo L -a Ime 0b!* or a E - Laiseossvrm Mttwm "Prm$a Otl ttwOoigl rinut g s hie boy é e roudix.Iatoins t an yC, Lady fte ho ground inta pint andye- fuse te die. Triesîgle Package Dyee. Thé gen-. nice are h> tire. ocreaipackagles te go disîlnuiib themn irem thée lti fab. ioned ecmmon côloreinsu m naenzvol- opea. 80 colora. Perfect in ail thcbr "«de. Satisfaction guà rautecil. Prtoe 10 centii. For sale by &Hl dmgista. WL.n tise cock strihes 1 there la ne redirese. Cleans eut rae, mios, rosais, fise, anto. Led-bnpe, skunks. slipmunks, gopbera. 15c. DrcggiÃi. A man asketi another I Whiob s e Leaviest, a quart ef gin er a quart of wat.r ?"* I"Gin, most asnredly, fer 1 iaw a men vho velgisa tvoa de ponutis staggering coder e qunart cf on, wiin he voulti bave cerrietia gallon af wateir vith c"ae" 1 ia bird1»tthcband us ortiît» in the bua, leà moleeon îLe face vorti tva bu tbe grecssd slIoh' Conauseptian Cum. This ia beyoed neette .zueu ouoeeal COeug vs ewehave ever oIti. afe icedom nvaiably oam thé voet casecoe.b, roupandi Bronebitis, vhil te vonderfu nee ln the cure et Ceusmptlen le vmutm atarllel laeb LIof etmetilis. Stucs ts But dimemcy fi bas ben solti on e guareutée, safuta i » n otie metiiiq eau e4m. lIl>é bha"e a congli va enesly ssù Y"en0. lry . ?duc 10 c.10 et&.sandi#1.00. If 70,ù Inegu are soro, élieS or baé& lameuse sLilobs Parons PlacIers. W. IL.Bévse, viiolciale asud retail agent, WbiIby. - A-" ,fy eesinlet lûi raso Iirengli lov." B :-ilTbat "itnisy Ing t m Ali frientiof mine beem à pritmen enllieieritegol bsleter fres bià s evetheant seenr." Wp WV.ry7 eOlr Oetl» eDWDamontI Dy e. 0tise usmp of. thl celrei busaItie dugius.Un. oqualled for billinoy. -TAYLO.-Dleti mdaen1 b.tbit lobers vesidnos, lt he ro6twge" Whtsvs-le., on Sun#ry, lOtI mm ,- F=mk HemmlnWiay, beloveti sasloe Mn cf Jame&suantiCariune Taylorl "là lndiacrotbos, set youtls ovu ek nffl, oanly deciýî,1eesoai mann&0 ho WMIlsud *are iplnr o» s, 12111 SINO) RURBER AND Our GretGivingoeixp I3is sal ny a MON'ýTH- ýLONC 0F DR~Y GOODSO WE ARE 'POSITIVELY ELLINO AT, OO'GST. BIH.BR ose A ' *RCIIC I D.1 -i i -i. -2ii-; Secure one before they are ail sold, as we cannot replace them. We have thèe a low as ,'$1.50, New Assortment this week at 45 centsý peryard. PLNDD ALUE R&J. CAMPBELL have received instockthis week Pin Stripe9 mer Sfks, Des Siuça in ai tihe leadiug colora. Extra 'vauelu isaIS 81k.. BlackS B"i deIyo. aiadWtef0Dê Gients' white .am' Clreishirts New Paktterua intaa1 01Où tus, Fu t. colon Black Stecidugi i SIS locI,, The ew Jçm sy 81k O el u Oruabeti5txs*w b & nye T er ra C o lla, etc. BlacIS Thread tkbg, B g Steelduge Thred Siovu, bisets lid col"rc, GM' 51 TÃM brIl The Grocery is thorougbly 48 Paittirsm A314 1-O, eYi", -Serval te Waated a ldya étLWllby,. LOST, a E'io~cets I ~à ~IWÂT A~D -oiDs O~NE ~ER. .0DDF]3~LJ~OWB' (IRCIUt.ARS hALLWHI¶tY. Reduced o f'r-]BII WARRANTEDý FÉ 0m" $a~o to $2~2 G]flNUINE - OR MONEY uaed 1h I. Iii aman' annoybnegý NTl. Applpy OUN8TON. ERS. sec Thcndsay, -i Fnain Fm.- suMd Butter s tilapoue& of 4U ta UB1. 0, pielta take rogt. Be' nel ibmIpoS- msed ta e ýWILL. 4,.- ~8M, bago, Ciioles, t P.o, scc 1 ctt, i ituatiti,.Cw ûl, and 1 »d andin s remalnui W. petre coz e,obesds, Au ANDREW M. BECT!OWAL VIKW O~ NILLRWB i i ~sqm.~ e- 1- --i 't itie GLASGIOW 1