Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1883, p. 4

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* .usuus.pm.O ur weu at ý #.26witha ny yenhave al*as P".! chasad ai $#100 ta $8.50, sud if moi '7 kood lw ii maieO ée ntyou. ômw :»ot ÂnAidrev M. Bois. èstnrdey's Canada ýG&zeLtt the following changea$lth.hea of, 84th"IlOntario " Bataion of Infinta'y. No. 1 Co., WhLby-To b. lieutenant, ilnd lieutenant John Pelham Traylor, M.S., vice F. Braonrasigned. To ha' iut) lieutenant, Edward Sorôpa Bhrap. Lntil.u,âentlss±nn. 1EMA., Ve P.pla. *-- spoo] nFO1 iiir~ n I_______________ ______________________ I i 15 usyu.55ag.uUuflV ka.w~ Se w reedesa 8hs5 Iba UEU1>U~ UUftANU!& BARNi WVatlinîtar l-ai Brucit Street, JUNE tli, LOCAL AND 01 WHAT 18 GOINN IN iTW4 A BUDGET OF IEL) tNtWSiM îHRONICLE REPORTERS AND A Atielainaaîamg 3e, li Anma taith hbull ;at %t New gootis arrivei thls noms The camnping seaton Curbistto PPoint. New Mualiais arn'. cil t M. 1ues. ErilgtiNlmiTu.-Willi rUta-a tsaieauialle colt-ur? Boast vaitlu a eteri C. F. ttearart'ia. Anoîiîer iraereeti-it1.11 O'Day h ialis wtt-las liit Lais' llaa!,ler Camata'., ara up, Acalrow M. bas.t4 Tlaceutonlb ut roos'e,tiila- flaifuthtie year, le araîla us. Confirmation vilii l salts aClurch aboaut ie 1 J une, 811k Parasiole, estan ra lowast pricer.at C. P". Stea Thes Merrrywenîlaer" va day afthroon floshing ou tho Court House. Tlae anuual jiacut o f t Churclu, Pickering, lt e p lo's Groveil mtâîcds"t n Tlîo lecroasarmatcha TreF. tistwoeu thae Indiapenaient Colîsîgiate Inscattxît' reerîltet) Revenntof utTaptsatry ( ablet for mis ofor sale î'hm Robe,. Mr. Vn. MAltior antI Bt haro jo-ah inaparlet sonie 1 sbire cown ea fi rom Sl Esaglanal. ITreusury ut Sonag,'"cli boat colection of mutýc, ab evsry humne. The agent Whliîby. A. splendid programmea sports lias licou propareal for lie pinnie aI Qorduris Grovs day Dot. Oeuf' bard anal scît lt lateet stylo. iu Straw iEuta Stewart'@. Au itinoritlbaud ut namsic poseal ut a hanter anal two fia ufth tlîoatter a black.eyet) tla) pleyiug un the streets un T gqod business. Cetomer calIing early Ik will reuxieo mre attention t afternucun. Piemse caileairli Bras. & Law. Two nov familles have com flue wsaei, and) are louciuag boues aund a suilahîle buildi manufacture ou a large scal perauco beverages. Ladies' andl childrens Hos anal colora, large variety, Il: Large stock cf Gloves ut cri See theu ait C. F. Stevurîso. Dominion Day lo to bocncea Brooklin by races, gemoes, etc grand concert in the eenici Olea Club. Just roeived thie week anot ment ot Tapestry Carpets uat por yard.8 ploudtivalue. A. Mr. Farewell, o. Attorney,- curnal througla the Beugougha il Bureau, the services ut a typ Mr. Daniel M. Denker, sou Dockeer, jailer. Thtis is the firs tle C0. offices ut a profaient o these instrumaents. Our blk. Cuolimeres always i load, but now the, prices are lou8ly low. Singer Brus. & La A nil e zauimapition wiil bc ai ive fare ut the programmé 1 fer the Caîholin picaie lit Gordou Pickeringi, on Wodneetlay isett. ut 10) 'oluck. Ticiteis180 ciota dren hait urine. LiDEi.-Our Drr'se Goule et in stylei, quelily, anud P pliîeciîlly chalice stoc k ut BliS narres, Nune Cloîtho m, rocaila Buatio, Butaeo Clotho,&, Ç. F. ltevar's. Chiot Constable Bryan and 1) Sh Euelis outhtIe Grand Trunk ,,B arrestoal tîreYoung rmen naàlt Ham Roberts, Frunnk Solder se Grevy ou Wedneaday mening gtd vitI larceucy trous tbe >C b ceas ar Cobourg. They ver jsusalanal overtukan haro sud 1 belote Major Harper, Police Mai who remanded thoea until ths lest. Tbay are <lres ut a gan .unulsTom.. ThesIlotley F ool" I dthse DetOitWI %Ms the foltowing lterotang reminiacene of th. ete v. J oaah a Hson, wvhome death a t Drestlen vAS s rcetlYC ohoUicled a "Five 7es a go une 0 jaobc r night at. &U iltheough a&performance ofi Unule Toms Caban'uad rtally esjoyeti il. The exijymenmt came throughmgn eal. We occupied a box et Wltîtaey'. le comapany vas Gottlaold ai Riais and muy gteet vwu tha- 1ev. Joeia.h Renson-the usly original " Utacle Tom. "1 Learnaug Ihat thie uIt clorot)praclaer vas i the oty visial.ag one of bLD marriet) dangh ters, 1 inter, i 'wed lm for one of the dallesanal in the 'fllowing week La sataeedot) in inducing Laiui tu riait the Ilacatre for the dm1 l ime inlis flue to W 'traUuele loins Cahan. fil- ktuw tttthiiig of the dramxatil aîî,aa i M sa ,we's novsel exce, t wataIlie w ba)teeu toi), eat) luis iatert'st in thse per forniaiart' tia i il forrnie sumcllaaug huIl railetcla.asat) amurag. l ln theacoues viLla bIie Eta a is a.3ts wOtal'lglusten aU they brouiltrî i lýis majut evetitîs in tbis lite on the kja at .tataou of Amas RaLey in Davris county, Kentuc'ky, wboes ;'rop"rtada-i joineitti t il a ,Massa' St. Cair, lu isîtint uejal Uenosoraor 'cde Si' vau lian'l out.ticaist il the time. ltLe Ev-a va ina rvea1it' S i:ait St. Cair, an,l Mr. Henslot ioll rut.ltat site taet) lurend foe laimnd ai)lie wou otlg faaag iear, an'l that'one lime viten be wa: r- -as114, ler acruai Blackfortl'a Creet., ahmnall etreauta lit I eprâted the two plant- atîaus. ahe tell ouI an d le reacueti ber-suad an &rosethie greal stoaruboat acene of the butait andlte plîay, Dararag the performance îlie ,% Mr. i enaon gave veut lu hie del ight and surprase b3 remarkini a tond toue mucha sa Ta.riat'sa1t',' *Jt't raght.','Oh, that's uat'ral. andl wlaen UncieTom s .sbelng beaten lit groaneel aadably asélac remnomber- et) low hiryce Lvttuu, a Mtaryland uverseer, "d 'ipouut)srtl lina yiars hefore su tlaat lac bat) nover beau able lu mraie bis baudseaghh enougla lu tee) 'ohde aroul dat Frew ou de top oh lis boa'!.' ' Unele Si dicdtias Blirday on lis farin %h Dresdan. Ont.,.in the adrancel age 0fni etytfoor lis vaso Onue l'aking, iutelLgent olti darkoy, vit.h a shiny black in u, keen, sparkling oyes, a full cil% er gr.'y beard, anti lis home! va' oovered for thae nant part wilh thicit, Bo y ool He lad ivisiet)Eaaglasad amo bat)Isctare and preahet) au Lréanils, vIere hé wvasra* cèle e by Qýieen Victoria. Tha Rev. Joahh Uciason bas loit blahind bina forty-four grini.children anti tan or a dome grOlât grandîl-chialdre'. andl wbat vath thal horrible puece of stage iernîcre know as' Uncle lia's Cehan' there ne et)b.lîttie fnCt but that tlae memmorf o! Heet B5eclaer Stoveas item wil l e porpeattL" nOUSErLa FOR SUNDAT CONTEUMLA- TION. Tiaey vlau orgive omaIat all ha mas) for- Esrly sud proridott 1 llà taematise of mefsy. à leorful faoe ianaarly as gX"dfor an lavald A ealaelhyv eallae. The beou tiatian lu tise vorî as intat gat hy struggling ta gel a tiving. If stan aveclangis l ni haetai is ypç-; esites . thoy are thae cheapesi dupas h. ba4. Tisa oWmisofaihabit are gmustuly 0 mail to he faIt ailI îiey ame toa setog Co ho broken. W. aeldam Sud Moaule ungiSetl se long ai ve are luconition te rentier lissa sr- AUl otJer know.ledge lahurdfl te hi. visa bas ual tiescienca af hSumaeyad Socd nu- Uf tIera ha suy tgnes messure 1a m iSh y visaiho do@eil àmuai ha by vbcl ho givai. Theligiteof Iriandaiipia 115, théatight of gbmoic55i-4eemaplanut vitaaI anti Feithle hé efrian d thîie gaed, the gUtd et the visa, the tyratof ls. eiah, iheb .ueny of hé isbd Wae omeuum s moa sorigl g autl man, who, if mimai W au îùtodw vosd bae sinveuw tUam. If idlonoaoha lie moc t a ovE Ibmtho matrlmouy ia geud for sOs.lhng, for I it t euys poarwomai 10 ver Modaity is e gfaus vih ianeloockiug Young issu of large vitara ao ta ugisi Dy some sevace oezpewie l à IfIl h ar WsXUÇ4, Whou yon riait or lbave Now York 0417 May BgaEztisF sag sud Garriage Rire, sude stBUIlIN> ON ROTELý. oppost Grand Centr'al Depul. 410 elegant rooms, hthed up at a cash oos million dollars, re- t5ioed to $1 aad npvarda per da'. Kuropesu =là1 Eleva&Wr. Reaauraut aulsyaed wtth thea !et hIorse cars, stage nsda lovaleti rail- ruade to a&U depuIs. Famleosm lire botter for leus monaereai the Grand Union Rota than et any clise Iso-lasu ta lu inte oily. The dresisat sGlk veaps are dolmen vistes anti mautles of riah Otton silk. plain or lrooat)od A Rutcs FoR Lrva-8itlanmille vere coer- ai tu two heurs sud ian minutes by a lad sent for a hottle of Braggal ElOgUinOU. Good ime. but poourpollcy lu bso Wta rom s drug store vitholli it. LouitDotnstîiafnl)y juta tte past, it con nût corne back aiiu; viely iuirrues the jresenl, for It is thiue; go forth lu meet the mladtow' jours vithout fear and vill aa m-anly haart. DAN-fi 'tovuam?-It5, TOU cnutesllfy telu e marvellous powers af heallatgand recom- moud i.mn noise friands- We reser le Brlggs' Ma04n0IRelief lte groalotls -e Isummner gonîplaita. dîarrhaeac ,aa obat'.dysemal- er, cramiatcollec, i ess-of lte stomairl andl tauvel coplainta. -A' Riedaville, N. C., Frank Ap:ple. beiug attac'tet ly four negro rohisers, iilie t w"rîtM thena outright atid serionaly inuiredt) w uthar Ivo. soe people yull maintain tua' Ibis is a pummel-lugicalinacident, Many in itit an early grave by nut gllÏng Imineamte atentlin o a olighal nough t vitl -e~oose siraap of ip-ip-ip--ip-"' "Hur- rah! " rojilied the yuuug pharmacist on the ollaur aide outhlIe nter. of1 TRIi WÂTBT IOBUI i6 5bam et mO ma Slsetgl M __ me, sS. g euh Street_<Ilerobsute lKunhaugalMonresl. aide St,a. Toronto. rPRRWILL£MgS RVAÂPORA'[Ot»-FOR LlTer eev i,,. fl e&UI iinde OC traitsa ad reeaLe &.. J. V_ SIIIOUT. Hamilton. Caniaala.Bad for ciroular. A IE ND BCIiOOLMÂETEýRS-WHy net dd >tsi$lIiOOSp k v ois Four » as a1 Mc ALIbTER. Dreyer M 0.TorSo nt P ARKERt& IVANV IN'rERn ITIONAL 17 olier Coaupsuud eradloalmacele trou, bail- ers tuatnt. One otenislte let doam prevente future incrstsation. Perte utsfoei»d seves 25 prcutafuel. Baud fo>r cular le 5Md St PaCi eta'ee M RE Meaat. àlrR MM M. DOANE la nev prapared te sup- Sy Peterted Fs5uet ua pnevost sud .1test desagns Thae Frencah LhIrd Iotlaod af eaempini en roîral anti darit gootis augit. N.B-Mma.L L Wtleoiu RSureka Drese Cit Cer ual e, vialole and cotai).'Agents wantesI. MILS. IL ). DOÂNK. 10 Isabsîla St.. Tcronto. IItDIA RUBBBLIIR GOODS T>RTLÂND OEMENTS-TRME EPJ01L% P7 ie 2M Sewcr PEInbokOArS at-clm ends. N 0i., ImporteaMonteui.Q ÇQ~2 SToF,.K Ii~ Bar m.ey kyalag 1 h. oelebrated Wslker Butter .e aisle u took; pitees Ou SPlea- tif on AXTÂES PARE & SON, 41 lae47 Bt. L.avre Market, Toronto. AITmFoiAL LIIIES LgÂTHEI). Dur- abhlhtstîs nd Cheap. Flrst pere At tonLondon. Testimonial& cm application. BaiQuaon1urned ...axem. ..DOAN àa nu,Drstytou. O LSTITNÂTIONALL EMPWOYMKRNT LANID mu EniizaionBureau. Raaura1h -7W Tronto. RtalelcoCS Mo@tvesl, ânfla. Detroit ami Winnipeg. w find emplm ;am nlclasses. Eictoflet L Mantob an th wet eerytwo veaka lspa riebe lreepte go 51b 705 for veanbBIC aycc .The est ru" .,so nd land O5inhhia teD l'e.aitoha reading roouainucoaneli i Manitoba paperson fie. Âddzee. EP6 R SCOBELL & CO., 111 ki tt W. To oto. TilE SUNMILLIONS~ Double III To peenseut h ene lsia.d- eale ahane,sMd W tell lte trit hougI Ihe heavons falU, are lte tva great purposba Of THE SUN. It la a nevupapar for evo7rylOy a friend ta avewi'body. barring th1e roues and fraude. SubscriptAon: Daur (4 page"sjla ail, aIe. Amonth. or $&»a. aXOA; UwtAY(8 1*1e). $8.S per ye w;îe8xKLY <( a »Cai t. W EN G.LAND. Pubiheer. Nev Yodt City. KIrENSIVESALE 0Fr -Ai,- FARM STOCK hTam1 of Bexley. Oo. of Vctora, And aiso Str. "'Coboconk." rb. Execialers at thse le Wm.. t3rbain &id th.exgenlors of ltse laie Jeanes Goder- hae Wamsa. sud Me George Goodorbana bave lsssruelcd me le sell hi Public Su;tlan, Kt euta'5 ~,aiuOon lte Toroxia and t'lisiu ava, on au TrgAta, 1e 1Lis saetjmne, 5. mcomemeun ai 11I solock ,,0,n promapt lte folLvlapFarts Stock anti 1 mpýemaisU ousstlfll of 12 norseandi - l1«" oumuter tof titarUugý,.bed adalgrade caLUe', oaml 1theM -cu dbul.5n neold; 1 thorongh-bi'dbuM . 8 tniîhsisi i 1tisougit breti bull, Oveakm Oldu 9 ytmrtiiOga.9 salves,10 ltorcugb.itred noW8, là grade nova. à sIen. 21 ebeep s qustti et lanlwus, p aa, 2 sarcoa, ttrpsi maclabiss. graiss etiseer. mts wcutter, teswung machina,à jarres vagf'ona. gdamoraI vaistas.1Ibueri. 1 backhoai d 2 Ms e gb& 1s, radginteg ..1b.lhgstndlgsigtn oa iover steamenglue. sudnev&ruty cI citer cornpm p'!eê' f »L C KàMIaýS TUOLB. Te,,,s for ta@ fera slock and Imulemnts: Os ail amonuataunuier SM ";saitnsd crcLita aUoneceoit &t ina inbie. ltescuresi w ,he miba"ci te dam , y JoIt notes bmyul mis lptéeret. fac one about t o'olock. Dît, doule d"-ed. (tarVel bolh itt h sieda vissle launcite tu Ir, 6. niregls*erpd et PortI Br. Lenslt uor keelnteeL. r,* Ceefa. deut ut ioldt4ted., groas tonnaelO1i13rns. propse!ed ay oua bigla arassure englueet1 to bora. pmveri. otroke 4 et .jlsmetee of nîliq,r .e14 eqsaam uye,,c uvpeu men iit M gert a. Noflling&t (lamceake, .o~F.iLTKPuesCàam en WeIiteaday,te 550of0! .ieadm su Thneada, the ntiaorcfjane, 1las. Tae follovlug IAsad ut es.lcla barc MSeaof 1th st l ints ?'ovuisp e of e-xe. "tun be ad ferIor et hé hBEuley Ratait ysaayet cria Roi, on shîplsslaarail- eitr&esgncit Lte'2. Is 210 ,. aseraià, Ét¶oula e 0 &trueleb Goai dogUa Ufmi amM or xUtout. Les]mon A 14MLi Xunliii. ib on" U fa pwcM . 1= , kib lu inse 415 Cou- PsoudlLet r ctnaing abouitas Ur#% 00S 'M',lMr*& %;" sFr5155 Rous S" aAM parcel 3. PartSe-lot 1l3eaasIo 0f ! eMalo as su cimo& menue %Md , !:M, M 5f). x1mit PareaiL 4-Pter of Let1 b-1v çîo1àDCeex ,M bvuam'O b WI*,5E7tU5 41"5.M *pupassqm8P tu 5Rg =%IaJASil" EU - msstathaa«a.efenAU0 sage. bwWbava r ersi ElmI sUU r L"»a yiM Ne aPofvssr¶s e Trade mark eemm" Ue 87 UGEOIS108AI « ginl e.Aw Wuro «Cà a Ir &e% 187 ROERSBROS. XII. ~-CARNPETS -NOW G01KG ON AT- Owing to the delay in the Completion of oui INew Build- ing, we have been unable to open oui large importation of NTew Carpets until a few days since We are therefore compelled to offer them et Greatly BRe- duced Prices, in order to olear out oui immense Stock. Par- .3011 funiishing, or intendling purchasers of Carpets, should take advantage of the great sale now going on st 128 TO 132 KING ST., EAST, TORONTO. AN EXCELLENT STEM-WINDIN WATCH FOR $23815 filE (IREATEST OFFER YET MADE, 't Waterbary Watch & 'Truth' for oie ypar fer $3 'TRUTRI"A2-AEWIKIIGZIE Thée ounaqiua DasSsesM A oréb t j Esi na busbe.au taly ropmslei, awtise 'am uoyex&minallal aiasesbai boss sho hi. Thtis lé counit , te womea, s and Wm morl ts h. appeer«Z1 suas cf givtn« euoourigsf l iné c. oetod offvithit.EBtheiiivsag bath vos-o deati, hauglug clothespin tfaim unC42 s.- «ve lval. The pentsas's treoks te L.Jà a seau toli tisastury. -a & T1«M sEaseaab et LulleNW, vS.Msted- sur gsores duint(h 51 ee vas e s» eanov prelstiusandl dise 1011-sit. by *ver A la oe 5elU7saafp vere mare <bau aurprtftset ai t. ry 0ew Portable Baller aTî7il1ISWtO pslea-s et whieu ve are se -,ur&aem ta onsa.,RHU0DINlil aek er rick &%amuloheabma aitretiM10&NOOdm alsel Aete t Ralta~C eseMsiCIe4 aiea . iâtesMiShnsToronto, àtevaas, Tourr ereO.~Lu coIspmmc Oareerg«s. Faty aihde.,# don, JohpTà or Po-,àrile5, .Kcvty moudsit v th Z5 *ulas ipiaF efie' e- t.Jb,.R.-Mxand aSs P o'ET.1!'e', lua."a Pl 55oe< Tbe cause cf Iroland vil)nover hea&s.G N U P I I vanceti hy mime, 'sud thé vioation o h ai 1h.M [0 hsghest lave cf cîvillztion. Rer ndeiOuSAt, rtcîlTraDS Must ha ocnstitatioaaA adber remedeehirl , a, h*of aite mane chasacter. We hope tIsai tise [ris NationalLigu of lià*eUnited Ui55 lttes viii stes a t tI"s tseir roeutly kw fem Sint ociety vWarka ouiy along lta.. es &Bd op ut bu titias. dyxnieavss a"' oef lea b t aT i matbdac IL M IC W & lX. il inar sit 4 flsrsbao, Iaelulg hts u sss c, àbyMhct115 CSIIIIrT5-A New Truelment vieraby a ranedies. Over AM000Cam atddan it Pornianant ure inoffectod lu frona anale Impoashihatooal pana1fofr sau ae tistes appllcelions. Pertiulsessud Iets uio.Wiefrlsa QoOisafi oi>! or fret on reîelp of 5Gt,,as A.e. Bis nusuavedleWTeeetha reONTA1I[O @ou, aOBKing-st. WasZ Troo T PMt<o. ùtgàINSTTUTS, 81 -uris 1. H1ý tnig asaOur faal mnO a une Ihat il of inarrow a sadjeaS3i laut h;tai rhraght it fia sýtalw-, it. Tu i daxk uil ble, curai, Tu a few we nlimb iteaven- ly ---il il han b" nu! h -rc atli iri i longang.' luche i Il( Ibat lie thattycvt igauL 'e, e.ymplatii tallerC'.' ceralura, ahove a] nut a f- To lae, wh(n li 'at Ic allter ..- my tai 1cea.. Ilat l lc lu E iri me no or tu day ht wiliit n1ver ter thet the 1, itara Froua vou! lu la' long licol: auola nuis' Peri cerf n oftllt un h slae B lier lt ing wra wit » all at pi] i aou ht' e p n ar LIA BL E a , - GR S1JPPLY 0OOSTu' i.',. hope. iu lu1 neine

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