,UE' ni ooz.oaus> IQLD RIIUI ~ LOOEI!L BARNÂRDSI Watobm4~r sud Jprclcr, Brdk Sirnet, Wbillby. MAY lmt, 1888. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. UIUT le SINoNlmeM mTOWN ANS V.8L8 A UDGETOf UVU.? NEWS NATTIS OLIANs u- OUNONIOI.! BEFOUTEAS REPOONS "A tiuî'ssma ~ys, lakin' notes, Au, fatml lProut 10. Tburuday ei, Qusen'a Blirhday. Oonuly Couzeil, Tszesay Joue bth. Town Cousil MUa4y veloignezi. Rond aaseeeM'a mev %'ad' lunasouher Bdt ivaine te puerai dry gooaai C. F. Ottsr'. Thse Hoi sud Sbort building., on Brock isi lare progre4sing ropldly. Grsaitse"sof ttumurs t iloyal Hetel lcay (PrldY> smaSo.amv». Geas' ordans sot F B1%&i, sud laisii~rsul Brav Hais ai O. P. The SMuibah> suid frsi fmepsper bors ai moses Javappearesi smultan. eoculyc«aIKsy4. Aus seow eaaey orstd a somn. metion lu the tloiv ft cf ii. us office tie ti any. ý Som*s tasbou! t, ls veers ebipped- taes Fridlde4 M 1r., IUe:. O8:cosel vas the prie* olg Do'i $ il ht he l. eather. Ton May be %ble io, ', taloug viliont boylng aà mlrav hat Ibo yar. The lutsilor cf Lawlerm uarocsry Mmorolu hoisg ily palulesi. The stare vii Ie opend ù tsi usuesmto.mor- 1Bahr ëA Fprre isopportod by Ilîsîr OWui oompoy of metropollîa alst aerl is e Towvu1Hal1 on Frlday Law d esosichlrmu'. Roue lu blk snoi scier, largo varlely, loy prisa. LmMe mstock .1 o,.of o! ery kinsi. bo,tbem ai C. P. Bovra. Attentio lsdizrelt tise programme cf tise Dosrit o ,glven l ie hovw Hall on, 1ttiby h* posnimd4.eachý. @ta cf tise Qailo Ladies oiiaiï.' Ussvdenêstés sfor tise grand socrt lu Ibs Town Hall this Prlday *"inug are. belag ropldly eecnred. "Plan as How.s'edrirg str. A, otti nislaumeiteudèeesby Iti. O.F.rttvrt, la. aid cf la ns ths hanaentsiof Als sifisaos n~ a Nauivglie Jubilée, Blugers lu tb. *0cm HBU# dondby etenlug sOulust. 4 us th ie . 2,5* m tlsa do elt 'Mm Pese or T»DUE srw, a&.- Qal of ciie Wiliby Uisepubilsois l a sruusl issue, oanuiarlè Vmou0lt ios na" %,a nslgbortng ec"à %*sîor "ry, uevali'ot tions «W egleaiescOUI t. ode-"' sthe cerna Tho m~oloemgy veuimi t te vu -tom" se fuIesifou. veet, vhs ail plats aof bIélsemewU vil o loses ai O.OÃ" p.m., Bstnruley exceplosi. Thie dmng. gista, by arleent, viiikeep'open un: 111 8 p.in Là »xus.,-.Op DJis e 4 ae er taosin tluoi, qui~a dprnlilwA mpe.lilshcoWe t2scv f B ç«beh Imea p02à DsiBow "04 e blo bnli Wge, BMeano "carif fb. str i tAni for 5Athe S5AUTUê.'th Tva a no< eso a he "e "Mgu ofe 110 for 'ht re ls cf lb,î 46t.u*,eartfor "t "e na pse. o Ou ctisossbave 1ppreviou para soi out a nunmhoi cf amiadarem. jet ibers la rocin foi Ssuy î*.reandir c tb* tius to estldm out. Il,&, 'S'i . i. IaOrvjw-M amiu it dut eDOM EsvMr.114cr as SsLindsOysuser visit XMus. angy in New -k .1W0 wai, flo i7 vemin Ianý, .A butltlanid val i mem suiko oroike amiil $ ervare taireesfr. 1mai of Mr. Rh the isformur $d1ï of tbé "W .. swlllet mousr open,.Aihe asi 0 cis dqtulsa-as VpolatImmIgrai a, agenti1forIb silmo Fras, 'cf lhe Br*alaWre houas, la cff.rlng bargaius lu lemda limes cf Orser a nsiGlsmars. e ad. The Camoinozafoîr - ls wesk. reaasu liwn» rser amIn pl=l-eà * »MW lai h&ctheiCoage cce lu thé, Thwu RIlU, tlia Pnday etlrcng. Pe scms sd go. ilsslo h8e tc. G.. IaS bas 00 puire taLi s 1. onn o itamli vitiu1~. of coea. De nDolt ail 10 cel sud sese lien. 'Das!a m th le streel mpdalnllim oPéae4li te bailWedossiay. Tht ',kali" la isreaploeisafi hlsnev ceai cof peint sud lteéamouunemeul c1 Mr. Hovm ocf a IlPounttii o f Heali.' Tierea bce mbmikea la Domuls aquêocua g* betala hoslhfu l fultals. As the trottm cf ivinior vanieh under lie Icituence of lie snn'm raya, en dore the amie brigiten the lacs of the yono Mau WobedInsilua jisew ansitylla si cf oloihesu moaul etaItise "Ouet lohintSg ouas"e.rfpari Mds flrml.clas vork ai C. F.Slyar's SBaoR-HouBsa Mr. james I Dasideon md ois a stooma'l lov, Md sw t hbpo i e" hfilu&frpWi on' beoas. A bull 18 Slou l for #7«1- tvo balera, tee Yomrs citai#M 0 ss Mr. Davilsio, jr..aise mild ote iemu levaos bocrma. Oau*f et mmiimportent anoul ont#riaumsnl slimplod i lova for maayjserm.iaiespiseaslithe 1 fou ' t fav., saéà he apii!.and leacierfeef isOnaioLe"w'Ollcou clilpreasu4 ' is heTown RaU apro- gramme ecsudul billes,.. Aié isL. tek~$ srOaego, Ilgis; Brio- Quar sahawa, ighsi; Flore Eoma, Daulimcuigh#;sips#eps, PortiHope, llgii; F.bi&a, Cbarlotteï lil lstard 1 Fuons,mmd Fabic% pose, Bre uassa md Amuei* L Pecoi or$ viesti fer Ulgaton 1 Ariadus.and 4p fl opstomber for Oseego. «"Bus: Mà v*ou s Paane"-Ta tics. cf oux, nadir. reuldng cul cf loin, soi yel aoqnaluted vils lis fai, fi *1é ho goosi aevi for lieuxt mote bcc liit1h medmis for best abagesi farin, given anonaly by lis Agussultural ud Arts Asmio~liouars tifesr a .b. couapet. ead for lu* the diflslobcloui Co yfrea part. The.lime toi en- 151. BEnlulem may hoé maie, thucugi lbe eoreisiy of the Conly Soclely or dlrecitaoMu. Wadp, Ses. Agrlcullural sud "artmssoolellon. Ontario Vo. tarmers vilidonhislai akà front p:. iieu lu Ahe compeltlon. FIaIt vx air TEE Busoi.-- Tis Wansi.rers' Bicyold Club met 4 lie ,,once," QuotsuPari. ons Balday, mumberlug alonitceay bicycles. cuder qiarge cf Liant. Cooper. it vas tise lewuoau l gota Brampten, but lb. vomi clusi preeton sAoc iioufor aMy :a87 rldiug. so obiy Ico meuniers tari. sd cash, clii lhe Intention of -sk il Springfield. The balamuceeles Ilp, arulvlnug ai lie Woel4 b olil inutes afiseres R erlisLio iennsu a smmberor f odlierête adio te oe it.4Tb@remslador, Measua. Carllom sud Haruy Daies, Orr. Dan. lel, Bonsl. sud Mascu, rau pâatS lie Halfeav Houte.-and dois tise Se~bc grade holHilthlausi Orsois, chers aolt iras made for rofresmiats. Leaing Lha Crook,-thoy roidalise moitsîgisi milee citionu immcuutlug elcepI ai Aie Rouge 9111. Tatln lb. seddls gia hepart! p'aseed oots' aboul oins mi«o! thebéabt ef gravel eosde. as" sirrived s i aitbye'boelng apltslie lie distance oet tbrty mulsa lu lres heuresud iOftmcu minutesastusoinse vithnutl0110nu tugaoppages. lu Lb.h chl . trip thon woers ne 1ts or mi* hapà . ~ f ny kind, club tie oxceplion cf alec &. es cho %cors friitnsi b tis noise.s illîssi(reintliebbugle oper. aloi by Prof. Daniel. Aftér bSvip. teas andia calia&reund tocs, fou eto A SPLENDID AND s INGE R ODDFELLOWSY" LADIES, 'ont StOd~ is WHITrBY. a * - ~' - C0rnp1tLc lu Eîcry SEE OUR-,-- ASS'ýORTMENT:t0F OLACE ALL THE BILST BLOOD ?URI'IEiL There ol ou i ay by vw"oh&*y-,dh sale van bo curd, sud thatis by remoWvîîg the cauue-whatevà r it may b.. The. great mediced authotities of the. day devin,. that usarly oe disem s.. causod by drus kidusys wrv« ro-raore ii.ties r là atb,.eryay byvblii hslthvam be see bau avhlêred Ite great reputaticu. It acte direct y uou lthkiducyansd liver andby pla mg inhà là bycondition drivas d an.,sd pain fInsu tiyse..For su XdeLiver and tTrinary troubles;- for, thie distresalng disorders of women; for Wa le. and phyuival troubles ucnera]ly, Ibis gresi reniedy ha.snaequsi. Bcwar. of in. te îmsiutaione and conoctions s"d 10b. For Diaboto, ami for WÂuzoeIeSaIE For sals by a&U dealers. a. IL WARN" fi CO.. 11ou m os by ma slok child sufferlng Sud ngvltb the o:oruoatiug pain ofcWugetof, Un. iaLound lii.poor Jiu. mnferer lumerdally- depe4 up Il;th.rg Il no mitak@ otihph bs ta = Zas& *,ho WMi n ot u snat meot$lwil wttregulmie thé bovele, aud gi vs rest 10 lie Mo- tier, sud relief aunebeali ,iMWciiuId, cperallmg«ilke mÃŽwLs. U p ewfestI safe to use, l U .11 csend *pieeaul 10 the Saab, Wud lslie prescriptio f ue of the oldest aud bout fomals phylclans audaurss .u i.inb UM4 BiaIs. SOMd evarywh.r. Tvouti4v. cunia abol. 4,1 ade S'eMfmade mien. are &Pt to w be.;,& IetolI if Driet trougieul the soulr aIl $pet hl 0lycfDr. Can'.BI lo:. -Thie guer0opni »zread l isAt il gives thieut -esadtion cf' any mediclua ihey ..ll, sud noter heate to recomnsud luit maIl casetcfDis- ordersd lowsch Biioususor luI. digesion. Prisa154 cenws aBotWe Porvb.-Thers lea ayoutb ln levu Whov*s wbýü'is ah" oos sarp pointsd tiai h. os Us e etoas to abat* hies. self viii. 1fr. Suiherlad Jobustou, a Barula drugli1ias sold au surinonh qubully cf Dr.-eamso's Boniaci ÈiU;W .Be' maya ihsy gite splendid saWaotiotu. Theysoi rmptly lu r.lsviug a&ldis- cidars c'thtSiomc. Lier or K.ld- neyea iare the 41 "ssBlQod Pari, li." For sais by aIl drngglstsa a 50 cents a botl. Failtros cf tbht -'oek" shocisiho mors ccuvrectliy ; Palursof the Nover 01v, Up. If ye ne suffering with 1ev and de. proeÙ&spirits, Ion cf appollu., gecral atilullon, headache, or any diseaeof cure aboUle cf1Ulgmo .Bittais.You *i11 b. sutrprlsed té ms the rapisi l». p.immel Ibat wilifolio, ; yo viii %ho ii.prails, cf-Eleolsio Dittere. ftfty os- s sbotte. by 0. A. Wheu Amiabasmas*salos, *an l ho s8Msd iBit ho bs oeefor good. htbiu "etAbe mesbehomas beot EdlsousW.a o"LIibaM vuaoder. fudlesovy, bu ot o i wouderffl as %asCatarri Olare. ScIA _by W. ]ý. A GALL GLA8O WÂEOUE LARGE NEBW B'0 ~ÇEIVXt~ op1 M OI -1.0 ç Ti ur objet isto V~LtJ~E for the moueY. ~TIII8 In- Embroideries, Ptaraso1s, -Mue1ins, Prinls a vnd e Laces. WH RAVE LIN, IEOSIEReY 'F' TO CHOOSE BROS G LOVES FIROM. HA LL, LA w s'. P IRIOE MS ini ev&ry parlileular,. and omr .reput RESPEOTFUL'LY,,_SOLICITEDE'ý Â,NDREW.- 8EOT~ONAL VIEW @~ WU~3VB m~j~yi j 7777777 GENTLMENOur Assortmehit of Tweedis is first elus GENWTL EN tylisk Suits; cannot be aUr9 s-seêd.