Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1883, p. 4

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ittery, boy patent is thby y *qw wîw4rà .boinde*1 îyplsau ', 1adiolotiou l-Crvmanss. Thers l tiu religion usthout wcrïibipo ~ad Lhoe.im ne wormblp witioat the à, rés may ponspeoVle reemble the.o ctblfrsln une paricuar, vis., tbair <iai religions lghi, Re liai te i ýS4wlinfallîtly heoame botteasd -obetat Io b.d viii asucertain- ly bcoomt worse; for vice, viriiansd timto are tbree tinge %bat neyer stand The religions observances of the Lord'. Day moly legitimaîùly ha ne- gartlad as tatsenlial lutaie Christian llîa.-Prof. Plumpire. k good- consience -ju te palace of Chaisii ; the temple o01ttheHaIy .Lhost; Ii-..paradise dolighî ;ithestanding Sbtlb tfheiente51.- A ugubtine. t am, tmore- ati tmore alîre by ex- purience, thist thu remiçnuIor the ob. liervunce oltlthe Sabbath lies deep in tiii tvernlating uecî'eîîLll'5 of mans n,i tire', &u1 that sm long ai man is man, Ibm llessedunes of kesping il flot as a day of ramI only, but as a day of s pirit. ual rami, will usai r loianaalled.- I V. Robé ritt 011 l is comnion tu talk about the work cf lb. maboul in msking good cisons. Tha maboul eau aid in Ibis wôrk, but tbe bomnes of a country, Ian more than ils ëchouls, delermine tbe chai-acter of ils citiztue. h t imn tbe bomne lmaI thm fouadations of chsr'aeler are laid-Geo. Macdonald. Endeavor to bc slways patient of tht alis sud impqrfeelionemofaiterse;for thon hast Xis Iulteasnd împenfec. lionu ofilby own tuat require s ecipro- caion of forbearauce. If thon art not abic ta malte thyseif liai s.hicb thon uisheél ta bbe ouscanal thonaexpecite amoalil another lu confonmity to lby wiii ?-Thomans A. Kompis. Tho doctorlue of eteruai puniaminu le proolaiuaad with increaeiug clearness un seue advance tbrougb tbe OACI Tests. by Christ.' If liera worm ope L.eoond the grave, us eshould espeially look l'or ihe mildest aud mosi Ioviult of ail men talu iodify the sermiçgly hansb teachingia o? Bim predoasmor, inoteati of making tbem more iBevere.-Prof. Park. 1 rbst goeus e tUasi availahie usblcb is basai on roasoaably good ense, lndumry, mil pereversoce. Déttermined ishor, careful observation for tuseuiy yesrs uilI produce a geuine from in sat would ha n-garded ne in.- lerior mtock. The iaitgiusry and the artificltli g'ninî lies young, perhaps hc coie ibmr. îtaîno e uhetantiml liais for tlip unaq' <Inu i ,tînalanelefforts Iî'ait-îi- t; îfrolite, inevilableansd * ul-cdetl, a<tber fur goal or evii. 'PlaI vt the igood le lîke te g-iibeasaof tb.ï glorioum u, flung off ai an ineon- *o'lvuîble velocily, wiîb blessingm as fan. e>eaching asegenerai, or itas the letrie tongue -maateoitbe autrora beicalis, 'dir.,tcteszi tangible.,ushilu that of tbm vilie it s amdr-dly as lita uitha-riug, blig'itîng tiseaio? the a;îas, destroying ail hfe.. Titeî grêat lijudurrio(f Chiristian pro- greis ii îinclînî-îiin Christianity - Chribtisu lucîia pwiboal Christian practicii. The ciiief prieste, scribet andl a.1le,'nmws'rua roligioa'îlifter an irrehîgiona kiai. The-.,-aionled <lie tight wordiq, blittheby diiti otlire teriglit lifeor %laî-lop Illi,'rî,lhi-1'nlrt. It usas rla ligion *Rve saur-Ibm uine of [iety mcidiito ltheîiuezar of rpenttmat. ?osrephPakr Peupla amy childi-un otnnolunuder. stand. We greasîy anderate thair cap)acily ta onderstni ansd le reamon. Willie, aged tan. andi Jemmy, agai six. usara plmying together. oaa of Ibem usas einutely axaïining s fly. 11I uscader hou God maie hlm 1"' (That ha"t beau a uonier ta many. Huxley 'cannotaisser thsi question.) 'Goti dion%î make files se carpeutere make Ibinga,'" obserredIbmheother boy. 1"0ai ey, 'Laitliere -ba fles. ' andthere t. fiie."-Gough Ignorance Je tbe tmoîber ofla vast family of usorthble6a chili-eu, as barses lete lla ibir ignorAnce as usenihiasa. Tiiose bave beta eeverslly unae,- coceil, superstition, wilfulaemmi, arro- Rance, !aul.finîlar, pride. salf-ammaurace, poeseculor, sensualist, euvy, etc. Thees are ual aur hast cilizaus, non in bar- mony wilh the progressive sutd good. but quarrell uith their ucigimbons, envy The BSell ad thc Caterpiluar. Ou a fine, brighl, auna ydey, a oplen. di redanad-dblack bainy 91terplllar sud n Suailcarr»nghan beautifahly tripai bouse on berbacek, met legethen ou a cabbage-laaf. At final tbe o sie bath go inteut ou ealiug a haarty dinuer tiai siel.tler of Ihein tok mach noetice ot tht olier. ButaaIlest the Caterpillar IlYa u et mars Ibsu yoar aham, Mrm. Suil, sud you pick outalnl the tender, jaicy greeu b"le" 'l<Thera ho no harm in lîaving a gond appalite, I supp ose," ausneild Damne linaïl, 1,1sud,,besides, liera is pleuîy for us bth." IlParbape s," grambleil tbm Caler- pillar, "but I ouglil le bavaelIhe "Wh ,' saI Calerpllar ? ' aaked "h nâéWhmy? Beicause if I nourith myseif well I s all cîang e itl a beauliful red. and-lalck butueY, ushoq beauly vWin châianieverybody. vlîilsl yoauwili ai.- ussys ho a lack, ugly, limysai" "Tliaak you fur the couimntc," said lime suai, Ilbut gooti oLs ai-e not o veryltlu.g in tîia vorli; beias, yen may not bye lu o b îlterfly at ail. I amn of as mach use as you." Il 1i-ove il," oucereil Misa Caterpil- lai-, il'Wcli in the fiznal place, I sud imy brothers and -siuiens are the favorite [Wo of blackbirds and thi-asiies. And I suppose yon wil admit ihat uvry. bodý' likte h ai- them os'.g; e adt hen agaiu, I amn a dainly moisel foen a «A file minnion, truly, le wishlu be awallowed u live," aî hie Caler. pillai< sareautica ly. 1 lWa are al eppointl differeut loto. "i tibluwoid," answersd Oh. SeaU-; Il if1 1 . Iera aslen b y a dack, that dubI pighrbb cation by some grant persox. oge-thiuk cf t/set 2What s gcrions lot, tgo lelp tg make a dliii for a a*"w)- Idon'i see an * u~At al glaionse ibeig paule," Wsalid ls CaierpillAr. Just look aitue, Whoeu Iam as butter,, fI èall Ifi>' irntfloear to floyer, en.- 7 joygtheswe$of au, aa prbaps I r- al 'be aiLiughtby nome cive; -,a an p nIs a go m o ok&t x PRUAD4E&, Pt., sept. 6ai'- Bop DButin vo. - 1 amu 74 yeasaodliîsv, lved é4 yieri lu Pbiadalpbla, sud utl l kno a Qernpsus. 4 have - ;beuen -qZ 2 yesrs '#ih Aàubite"'-ussllfug 'on j' rigbl foot, anti geltnag wus perass'iy year, and. very i!ainfal, sud breakinig outin huot uWstber. I conitnîteti meral doclora, sudîthey tld ut it via lucur. able sud- I ýûruldI&,v# te take it uih une la tbe grave. boreéliais ago 1 loît My sppette5 usse cuelive, bail btadacbe 4n0 leve'r, inaet aduas very sick. I 55w ia theo Germnan Dermat tmai Hep Bit' ta-re u-a. tubaIt I neeîled. I got aboitie ouok it oeeansd vas as usaîl fgalu sêev avnd cl lamy greateat surpris. iglit (rom telime -s, my aseoltii vent ilnWU gradually andi1 taklng banotbtîr' bottle gui euîiraly useil o!f i. The uife of aiy acighboreinad hwa osuselilog on lier legs sand îbrme batllas curéd ber. I tit;k Ibie le a giesttrinu(!plà fgr yoar JOHN STOLL, NU. 4 YuUngs Alley, ave Willous St. STSrz-ssnLLIN.l., Nov. la, 1881. DIrAR titR-I hava rsd e mach about Uap Bittaiesud alussys hiug af. flictud uitlt nearalgia, ueakunso.diuse- ail etomacsoh, neyer haring mach health I hri-ld a couple of botilées; h .bas teirengthened andi belpieti retmors iban any ruadiciua or doctor. I amn nov ou my tiird holile sud am a bkful thati h bas haiptil me. I uifI sinise ail liai are afflicetat l give il s trial. Lucy Vin.. BEAT THE WORLDr eOaCKv.LZ, CoNN., Msrch 6,'82.* Hep Bitters Co. i have been takina your Hop Bittera for sevursi veeks, sud thoy lboat tht Ltrsvom1 PA., Apnil 28, 1882 ifopBittersCou. rbave netbeauuei o beaysm triaigaimaitt eacy kind of paient Sedi- ainsi sud no lees Ibasevea doelors,one o! Elmirs, N.Y., noue have doue me suy goed. I fiuaiiy lried your Hep Bittersansd fAunaithetu jaml thet ibm;. I have praisei theut sohigmly ibere iu a great aumnbar bere umo ue Ihom uitho, rat henefit sudstisfaction. -Vary Ilaspectfally Yu IL. HUNT. 01aTLaaN-Tlie "IlHop Bitters" muet with large salas and Rive general satisfAtioti, oeecas iu parlicillar you sionulî tnuo? o. Mn. John B. Green, 728 SprinR Gardetns. Phila., Ps., liasi bee-u sufferng tram kiduey affection, ushîci eupernuced rhesemati8m. He triei physiias ansd rtmi-dies in vain. Ha wam obligui te taka morphine la lu- diûca <eep; bis trouble aussomcgreai. hleadiug yocr seivertisemaunt la Ibm '*Clîniaiaa at Work," bh aeaspreasilai apon l'y oae of bis iaaghuens 10 i-y il. Tulrce hattîcu affacledtucansd nous ha e s u euthuolaeîfor "IlHop Bittaru." Ha ise of o îiî oldelit rogidouls in tht localiiy naiîcîl ; sni kueun sua sgea- îlewo unonsual probiy. Haauv To-rrxa, 072 Northî 10.b S&., Philadeiphis, Ps. OFFICe JELLOWAY MU. A AdiSOCIsvîON. J ELLowA,O., Mar. 18. '82. .Hop Jiler 3Maeufoc!àrîtg Co. Ikhava bien nsitig youn flop Bittera anl ad themus hat yo cecoaimtnded theai 1telte fon kidr'ay disease, (vit., su. periar tua ah othara.> J.- L HniLnwztswn. VERTGODZIVJ8 AND BLINDII OFFICEt UTECA MouNto RSL, Uyuot. Faim. 18, 188L I bave beau troublai uitb vertigo since lait Juiy, sud hava uffreti greal- iy every nigbi aller any considerable ezaction tram dizzinea adblininasu. I tried tue batIes otf Hop Billons, sud ines iban bavc" basa ooirely rlievod Rumpeci.lly Yonns. J. J. Fx.amxrni. HnP BUitera Co. Jane 15. 1881. 1 have beau suffaing ire years puat ivlth nanraigia, livri- ennplaint,&dyspep-. ais sud kîdney oompiainl, snd I liave ioctored uith fourteen different dacters usho diti me nu good. Ait 1st I tria flop Bittera, sund aflan I aued a feus baItlle I recinti a giest benafil (rom tIbeansd if I bail asti Hap Biit rfflasly I usoulti have b*eî wusel bte fore. I kueus Ibein ho bethe t m ntt icine ia Ibe usorlt for narrons dîeses of ail kindu. - JAMEsa Coxirs, Bealiaglon, Barber Ce. W. Va. * WIOK ED FOR OLERGYMEN.- I b he ieti lubiaIlvDog sD cran ulotti for lenymen orwothar pu. lia inuta b. led inte giving ihm - isha te quack dociors or patent nei inet, but ushen a res1ly terilrl aricle cotuposeti cf raluahît reunnila kuovu la aIl, sud thst ail physielffl- ue antitrust lu daily, wus uohifssp comment I iheore obeerfalyaud, beartily commend Hfop Bters for Uit good tbey have doue mantudmyfrini firtumy bsliîerlugtbey have ne equel for family use, I viU net -b. vibout Bzv. B. 11-, Wasbiugtau, D. 0. A geeti. Bapils clergyman o! Ber- geua, if. Y., a stroug tempérancesm»., enfered vih ildney trouble, utanrsigis sud dittoieuii amoal b blinduest., lor tuso yesrs afiar h. usas adnimadI bsO flop Bitters usoulti cure hlm, beesese h aP a anid Of andi prejudict i gamt lime vend "bitens," Bioco hi, cane h. itsys noua neet feai-battrtin cifop Biltons. My uife anaidaagbter usera maie heaslîy by the us.e t fBop Bitters sud 1 racommeni thein ta My peopi. - MoîbeodisI Cîcry'man, MeueO, N. Y. I bai levers ataéhs of Gravel sud Kidney trouble; wua unabia te get auy mediclua or iocter la cane me antil ueeil fop Bitters, beni hhy cnreâ me la a short tiaie.-A disîlnuisheil lau. yen sud temperace ni-tanet f-WsY"s County, N. «Y. Squitrel-Talk. '- hi lu vonderfal bous tbt kuow sta once ushen suy one hom lo li t.ýýwooS. Lot Ihq intu $Ver;e-qnaiei..iu sjminnu'tw"t if au spprobabiug *1 bip-obip-,î clattering do"vn leose bartf s cf ozuebody whoso bêo4 do Vary velta sd tue sOM&I A*iil re sing àa il iquWtivsoly madman. unotedDutceh pqrtrafl.painter. Vandayci w.npt t a ao, but, anus1. HaI!s hlma, mayiag that a.gtraugêr wislied bis ,portrait paintod, ana hsd but two hoars tostay for it.Hasmsedaa canvasand flpiished the picturo wiili éÏrsgven trne. Vandavck praÎsedfit warrnly, snd, md: Painting seerns mach an easy' thig IWOICIUete rywhmt 1caui do ati t.1,HRob cbangod places wthhim, snd thâ vi itar paaied the. ueconà por- trait as qucly as the first had been rude. e.When a18 Iaw the pioture ho embraced the painter anad ca -d you are Vmnidpk I No other "dul do*7what Yeu have doel"-Prom MAr*. COZesen'. "Art and Artit " paper, in thei May ST. Nrc.&8. FORITNEPESMAINTCUREGOF CONSTIPATION. Séetacdw hume » vevalat l WOT m àeum. Wsmvthêe ..e C su il h ou4m lut JWorteahntswukndiu u 6 P 1tt 7UbV55ih%0e0M . Oeul!- 2p.îosî 1>E 0astsi Is a home institutIon »ad'one that bar doue muoh te make the naine of Whitby fayonably kueuwn, abroad, the outerlo Ladise'Collage abouta bave a bumpes' hoie et ibeir oomlg cancan in the ¶'owa Hal on l8îh mmi. ATOR is the inarvel- cf thé MeaIcal Wcrld. It nevmr faits to eomplesily cure Nervous Debility, Impotenoy, 'Mental Deprsien, aud ail disessie *uted froni *:eouse. TheiM*ha1 ait housanda ibl bb.d by 7'. OHENEY, Teledao, Ohio, e..ga for the Unittd States. price e1.00Per box, six boxes for $5.00. If your drng- gis& dousnet keep tht remedy, end ta headquartpeansd get the medicine by maL. Oireularm aud it"moulslaou aplication. S old by W. IL Howas eomisi and drouigst, Whitby. camping ouIt ie hèplue uWoods bas beau recommamided ta cousumptive patents, sud tbe Rev. Dr. 1urray, ln hlm I konu"tht Adrondackm, mentions a reinaable cure fIm the treaimeni of ibis nature. hlvery one aMiicttti uslh pulmouary diseaso can- not aambe it couveisut toccaip out, nor in it ueceesry, ushen a&H the benefitm cf tht treatment are procurabla b, nalug Gsaor's Bxurp or Rau Seisuca <lai, a scieutifie preparation, ushiph preseuta lu a coucen- tratad aud agreeablm forazi, àl tht iýrlso tht. native inedical guin. A.s &curs for Cougbe, Coide, BoreThroat and lioaese- nees It i. invalvable. Sld by &il chemàists. Pries 25 and 50 cents per botîle. Buciene Armies Salve. Tii. Beat Salve lu the vendi for "uta. BlemmesSores, UMars Sat lueuin, Fever Bates, et RCapeiKude, hlan, Corna, antialskI irmptionssud-positive- ly ca.Pie. Il lagusrsteed logive per- fect satsfacion -or Mcney refudeti. Pict 29 cette pet box. For Pae by T. G. Wbit- Rcsl and CoMfort tn lthe Suffering. ebhaowN'e HouexaoLD, Puuàcx" basno equal for rsltaving pain. botb internal-and exierusi. Ihcues pain la th&; aide, bêck or -boues!,'Bore TArct, P ebstim Tcoothg6he, Lumbago, su d an &Dy d Pan oIctachs. "h lU inMost surely guinenid th. Blooti and fResala s ettng powser la, voderfulv *'Brown,@ Honubuld Par%- os," beiug ckziowltded4a the geêai Pean Bellever, sud ci doublethe stins-th ofsu otier Bllrdr or ticument tu ft bsxi.,U isb.la every famlly rady for use sbs veiti#Às il rsU ali Itheale remedv la thteusorld for Crm lu tAi SiOraci, sud Pesas Md dc aOfcl1 kin&.,"»a s s at Il aiu ggim ta COL D8MITH'6 HALL. NEW ENGLISH JEWELLERY 1 JUST .ECEIVED. Colored Gold Sette, Colored Gold Bar Drops, Colored Gold Brooches, Colored Gold Chains, Neldets & .Loekets, Colored Gold Keepers and Gem Rigo, Colored Gold Seanf Pins, - Silver Jewellery, Engla i ". IIa e ewllry WathakEIgin,&,SwiaaWatchea, Walnut, ike n 1it lcs RE PAI R1tIG SWe- CSrefUhlýr Âttended to. Bne-t., Wbitby, Jsuuary Sih, 1888 rTTT-tT~= lot fer th IMI I~' Il'L Lne r chanes VW ISE-l, inaorfm.tbel oorsmu. wwsthy;, ihwomedhQi. lo l -aoe hir opporutlie. roaini l pevelt.We cher a geaisa hnce tociM&W inayi. We usamn mum,vomeubos sud etristo mwrk<for us rlght l hir 1eusi iclte.auj ne eau do 111e veal prop ely froin tht ert stad;.-Tht tages wU p'y mon. Il*nuten fm..rlsr __ Expasie entiSi foril*dd frt. 'NOone li o esaeiimAê aube rEbV Way MI Our First. The large Bonnets, Our Stock petition. L' I - NI Millinery Ope.nitgormeodýËL.'1_t ,clw i k ul stcf tb abinbeG; V~ bteseason. uumerof ades hoat ud&fh~ 9"nngWer_ bt snrprisedan ~h~e~wÎt tbç aipLdy-e of ry oos i 11W ompete ad wlbo s old atrces that defy comf- The balance of -our old stock will be S-old at coat and under. AlresokfCrpet e nod APIRIL 26e 1888. HALL'S1 SATAR-R H UR es eU% h Tht (WLEe DILTIIERA oisHE f ITrB b.~TEMÂKT. $10 lu 10 leuot i#I»sCUBE sRrh Ar"h.t. so shon 19 IMM. W. T. KOSE Wa~Ont, m e. issu. *b =Ohmet'atubiior ~1'~CsiJh titsa m obop SnUnsd forsa rmssuabm lagUi W*. I ELLrmiL lut irgo. "d i Hals Oat&rh Cure la ffl b! I yoeaesdEti rult thie United sBltde.asiaa. PMCE: 715 Cents a Bottie. $8.00 a Duoz al3.warSet lmituomm SOM" d en l*6 Oadtiai.by IL W OSN .ImLa North British and Mercantile Ma eo INSURANCE Do. -:VUE ' Ready Made Clothing of first class quality in Ladies' and TRE Diractars have appalinted Mr. C. .TNOURSE, Ageant, aitWbuiy, fer tht abore nameti Cempsny. D. LORE MscDOUGALL 1H05. »*vumsO, Mansging Droau Moatras, Msrob 7911, 1889. lti ln Deverel/'s Blook for gour FU#II TUBE Il - DRAWVING ROOM SIITS, DNNG ROOM S UIlTS, BEDHOOM s13 ITS KITCHEIS SUITS Corne One, Corna ail, andi aee for Yourselves. E. J.. JOHNSON. UI~3TZf~GAL~ÂFIMST CLSS =£RWE. e,.. I : <'~~ ÎIII 'IUIl A"S àsIZ petla in1 Nebraek*.Mb "aM 5»4 Te» CD Mx Çhildren's Underwear, Aprons, Pinafores, §un-hats and Bonnets, and Infant at#tre comîpleo A]~o DRESS TRIMMINOS', -,L'NE.N, Blacedau h~1eohdCo tton, Buttone, Laces, Em- broidkry' Ladies' and Childzren's III0SE AND GLOVES.ë: Niés N.Fitzpatriokr, Store for the presont, Mary St., 2nd door south of Feandry.- Tho~oin_ _a:00A0lu(lIrc THE FAIRMING LANDS -0F TEE- Prov4dent & gormicii1 lLand Co$" Bituated in WBt district arc. nous offered for male on =ost favorable teme. The~,oxuity a iecaital, wlthit1.permaeuceilednitely settled bya recent Order in Conimksthtrac a very deaizable one, andi ensaxes s peedy yriso in valu, la. addiint te bvioas advantages. culturel tract, 0f which Reginale ie0etre. orMai91 M oii =csiino haC=c1Id FINE FÂRMS, GOOD WATRE, FINE HÂRAD eO*einWS.Tie Wiscahaniver pe" rhFughIre lande.. T# ïMd izeU M-16and 17, andabeut.Ee s a istf egina n ntt iinéiof thé ; ;~7A~ NIE STATION hheen u reelci nrit ia of isin.0m paay'a adan thesboaut RAILWAY FÂCILITIS aiiusaiffero1J additional lnformationansd tarins may bo obWsneà frdn-t tIfoilôwiagente, usho' hava thePvial Note.sud Mapa open for inspiectIon WATT 110SS, Wnnipeg..~EWO!Brndn J.MTHOMPSON9, QU'Appelle Station J.7. -T11 '3eak andJOI'OS Genaral Agent, 20 Welliî LARSTHE MIL LION! Fou Chuo's lalsain of Sbarks 011 flotlstl'y -saitht Hesussg, snd la ab* Vals' Absolate Cure for * feteaK.owe. r. QUICKE8? su Le gao et Joupi Dis i, U (pk ga- _TMD MAK. ýý QUiTs.TRADE. MARK. curefor' SITTING8 0F THE DVBO-OOIJRTS, cOUJTY 0F OXTARIO, 1883. I.by 2 1 1 2 1 1i3121 1 2. Boagam.... 2 42 DuffinuCreek 8 2 2 ilpazPaey., 12 19 7 1881 8 5 10 &'eaota_..15 22 21 '6 - 1 1. UpteWeovs&-.. 28 22 7 14 2.Y Ciark of the Pee. ivèe Great -Âmerzean Remedy for COUG0F81 OOLDS jISTHM, THROA T.AF.E0I'IrON.zs etar fýo me Flseor i a m né <154 Teste. .lsp.rior te esy ,mdtneufe-la alitAsabuom 7MbstL Astsf~cntIt otu es lathea 'GRAýY'S anda the TTTb em p$nkes ta SYR Ur fe=o at canses c C -batsamie raft# Le prujertte3 en&"' ara m-e thephezi R D Thi Sm etesa con- u cre- t~~~ttr~ eu-V>ri f a.mp tiW -,- S P---,-E ictee.- erdO tAistt tu drinkolAJfiS lIs r man/èablepower in reliering eertaisforms 0f Brommeii-, and ite cdmost sp&ifZc effeot in ouririg ob- Scemu e"., i. - i. ats a091w, t.'tfrd KasOur erspper XERR~ WI'Sf2N Cf o., '-I from present date UINTIL JAÀN. 1,y188, FOR 65-CE-NT TOGETER WITHr, A~S laectiesum ota ai1 i rs dia - _ Io U~ . s j . i POTTE 94Vie e Cu~o'u e.ltul, embraces, tenuo1fth are given tha e t niavela 26 N TH1E Froni ttffin01 TiTRAS: 41 .The CasOin th-n =y alli Di'a an Wii net ha M A ihoali# meue y til iny latenuda fore Tnay receivai pt, rail; 10 cents setian. Fis Sautera Vil WHhTII Wbitby. Nos W HI!] Breck Bleui Extra -O ffer! W1jitb~ ~thr~uick W.i& Ca 9,_Vil -'-g Oic Tan-P 2% lm - jacum

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