Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1883, p. 1

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6 <EARS tSTABLISItDr F'RJDAY MORNING, Tb = ej: t~a wxt= uau kmu, ,i'berso t1Bon. TBRUS OP ADVRTIsMG. Vire insertion, pur UOe,p b ente; each ltsequnt InsertioSou nts DipaeiAtvertÃŽielntâ are moasuret 6y ë suacfcliii Noupffuil, aud Charged Advutîiaemute cent wtheut wrtten in- etrutionsis nertutâ ni!fcrbmdden aud chergutifoi fulimeu. Ordure for ducotinun avertlsomunte muet b. lu writlng. othervice the publiuor wilU nul ho reuponcible. A liberal discoonut for cotract adventice- monts by the. yoan. Cep, fer chawngof c ('ontrect advertlc.moepts cboula b. hauduti- in, not ltetonthan Wedussday; and n.'ticeocf any lneneed dchanges etentd bu qîveu bu- for. Tuecdzy unoue. Otisur advetsements t receivoti up te Thuraday ixeen. t Buiceness notices&le local or eewe comues tret insertion 16i conte petn tof Noenss-c reil; 10 conte pur lino ucaci ubsuqueut mte sertioli. Vive cents peor Une per annuin. C ormtepoudenco sullclted frein &Ulparts et « Lb. Coeuuy or n.lghbene townchips Cor- Ireepondeuns are roqueuîteits end inl tholr comuaunctiomm aspr.'mptly'aa pssibl. JOB PRINTING DEPARTUENT. Priuting a ecalty.Te O N Umm e equipinont i laise suct tntrictly dZwi clame, andisl ooral4by psy à in l .li. t- UU~lnu lui VOL. XXVII. HO RUE.--TOIONTOO ONT. Lu b Hlvao, 4uhiuhtaG . Kulrcc 111a1 tefo v4~O SE o TABIO TIOTEL, k) Baoc.BTozur, 'ETT JOHN LESLIEB, . Peri (Lite ofîhe imeca Bue ,ot. Havlug thoieughly renovatet ie ionue tht. &U ai terpared toenotrtatuhic eu- tomera. Tho bar is clookel vlLbtbtqý cholouat brandis o Llîjuorebuposteti,.als choice Oci"r. Gobt abilbuz nt a-f tl P013T OFFICE SALOON#, Toe"ouve T T. BEST AOCUMUODITIOI JO for GneU. (l)47) Busin e s3 D i recvt gry.- ':tr b4 târ PLtÂASUILE.SEKERS lunummor - ili b. providot i vth bestat a ieeualu T IE W ESI'RUN BAN K 0F iotas. MriiI GEORGE BROW1" CANADA, hty abl,1M WJHITDY, -- ONTARIIO. __________ DO, BROUGHAM HOTEL, 0 N'iTA R 0 B ANK, WHIITBY BBÂNOHI, Break Street, WVhitby.1 MJESSRS RITCÃŽIIE & BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN4 CHANCERY tc vW bU i t 1».>yà EIl. RITCIE, W. H. BILUINOS, Toronto. Whitby. JOHN e. FAREWELL, LLB., 3 ARRISTER, Couney CrownAttiuy, aud Couuity Sltîitor. Office'- South -wiug, Court Blouse, Wiby- -48 1) ARtIISTEII, &c. Office formcrly c- 1> ou ped by Farewell & fluiletige, nuit 'l to yalHotel, Irock St., Whitby. D*VID ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNET.ÀT-LAW, SOLICITORIN t ÀCbiucery, Couveysncor. &.0- Omeit-In the Office south of the Poil Office, inu Mtliuns iock, Brook hirect, Whitby. 17.10 ROBINSON & KENT, -(LvaTzDuooÂiç & Itenzyeoom.) B kBRISTEhlS-AT-LAW, ATTOUN- o ye. Solicitorc, Conveyaneer., &o. OFFICE-lu Victoria Chambois, No. I, Victoria Street. J,G. Roeîisgon, M. à,HRaTiA- B. Kaur. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., AItIISTIIa, &-, &c.-Moeey tu Loan B isesi o linnogaLicanses. Oruc-Ovçr Dominion Banik, Whitby. Jo1. 22, 1878. It-6 JItO. G. KELLEY, BARISTEL.AT -LAW SOLICITOR lu nchancarsudanti suivaucy. Couvay SflOOi, &C. Office,- Devenulls Block, l3cock Street, Whitby, Ont. J. HAMElI (,REENWOOD), TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON- A veyancur. Netary Publie, &c.-Post Office Drawer No. 11, Wbitby. Ont. Paras bonght asni colt ; marriago Saille- moule, Wile sud Trusts maes S pociliea. Loass egetieled ce aU kintis etf'jropuitp - 42-17 L. T. BARCLAY, TOCAL I4EGISTRAR OF TUEHIGH L Court of Justice -,Registtus i o!hé Surrogala Court ; Clrk o! tise Couety Court, &c. Office in Court House, Whitby. JOIE ALL DOW, B &RRISTBIt-.ATjLW. SOLIChTOR Offico-Dovtll's Block, Break Street, WhlLby. MONEY TO LEND-Prtvalbe Fundu - tu smoe pte $800, ai a loy rote o! 6. tarest. (LY-.'8 LYMKAN ENGLIBU, L L. il., 1 &RRISTER AT LÂ'W, SOLICITOR IIN 3 bnoy Cneamct&..Sm- ce Streot, Oshava. R. J. GUNN, il. D., IUIENTO THE COUNT'Y G&04 Blyron Struot, Wbilby. Win. M IIIBIEN, ,ai,..9 ,,C5 -1 Uy's HOiag'ITAL LoNDON, liNG.. lthe oye U. O. R.L.,.. shava, Ctaric. W'itby, Eept. 501h, 1874.- 4 PROVINCrAL LAND 8URVEYOI'ý, Can h. ond at Iho ,L&aW' Off ttJ. Gi« Kelly, Eu q-' bitby, aor al Lie rusttence of, noWtbogtT u ut 4'4t4û menui t. the oiifOMIC e t oit best r-t*co' - VV W &-DAMS$' - R0ous OýVER JOBS P1GVs«tW clotita -Bâiablibmmt Duei.t * tb.îtl M e ua r 9 tmlaia e12 an 1lm .80to6, P. M. EsitiUsoë-Ce!i o! Bybon. sud Gilbiert clro'es. PIANOS T"fD. Coinon Brook mdanti sa S«o0te, lu *b Village ei BroUgbsný Fhrdt-olidsa oezBodti i" 4cl htu anti Clgarc.Goo<,bUl<mati atal b THOMAS POUCHEP.,POPRZTiDR. Ontario. Auctien soles of regi ostatusr stock, oie., atîtenist amlodie"rafl e Atitroa, T. POUCR, 60-ly lie147, BîcughemDut. U,'AK1NEGIE BOUSE PICKEEI *XG. 4 JAM1ES CÂRNEGIR, Pvepsnot r. Tbte Bome abu eottWtsi plu irsI- elascsitle, andthie propritou'ýwiU -ve bis percenal attention te gpeste. Liquoru anti Ctgsraci tbe bout b dea. Excellent Stâbi- ing and Sheds. B LACk HBOREE OTZL, Cea. FZouT & Gno STs, TORONTO. ALFRELD OXFORD, - PUOPBIB2'OR. (LateofaiWellington Hotli.Markham.) TEIIMS. $1.00 PB 'DAY. Good ti cli iug for over 800. boisa.. Nàr.L.elam maco- medtitàn or fier. nA " trpul publice ta ra.tl- THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Lats Timothy 'eir'a) DIFFINS CREEK-PICKERiIG. The abutepromnise.liv. borna iake by tb. underoigued, anti are huw beiug newil fittod ep for the roeption et gueta, anti tbe travelling public. Best Wins, tiqur., ctgar., &c. Me"lata ail heure- GO etabtiug, sised roem, anti au atten- live ostior. Wtt. fltjDGSON. 0- DAWES, LICENSED ÂUCTIONEMl PORT FERRY. H TAVINO takon out Lîceus for the 'aboie Oed un$ c Oteloales viUr. Abopnr e,t eiaTa5iY 1. ,and 611 arrangements b=, Tu ainsaosmatisvitb "W Februars lu.%.i59 - LUrnB.Lm«I -- -- anti Sa"k, A. as P08T ARCHITECT. Degso cbhiSVhimea Outtagos a .sIaky.Daeinga po#s&odC ». on King eehEadlkef P. . Box 3su WXMT NorsvT,u .a 6a Ï41 - ---~-~A j (beM ai Drlgit WHIITBY, ONTAIUIO'. 'LDJui -~ ~""'Z ' DothinkhWodW»k8 LiUIEPER vbnlscli antrbotr iby by lb. hÙ Ud1a. i'lani*sg, mouldiàgaef evexy tieacisp- doni, Pleerlng, Sbotlug, Sbut'vlng, Re- cawlng, sbaplug, Turalng. Scroi-work, ,etc., etc. Wbltby, Oct. l8th, 1878. .48 KING BROTHEES, WIIITBY, ONTARIO, - ImporteraDmenr.a nobeuuaurmorcf aul Hzindi 01 and~d& tet: 4 r -~---E 1AMWER AND FINDINOS, Watcbes 1 Watches 1 LestastreleoI. at VTN ADE TU, -OBDBB ON - HOÙT NOTICE. "ly, lem, 22 CAN-ADIANqS t1seuu5U e k lesn pateîuiggfa5#ame AiruC. A.SIIOWaOS., Ogs,.tee17.8 I olcitcrs 09 Pitls Patsut Office. WlgI.C RÂTH 18 WEJALTHl CIckSe, jewelleryl 4~nd Silverware. Thé' ~Bee&~ and CH~APE8T CIRUET lbr ~L!H~ M4R.~ EE~ ?or $4 and*4.~ -ÂT- <AVEU D. ~ A,» B4.inJPwm~1Ip 4UBàêIL ', wu sdvocate Poacu, Progreus, KnoWiédgc~ Brothcrh~od, -i NO. 21. rery lakadaisimal nd nse luse manuel.' I- A Minitcr'es Escape. he bc nover eau&d for no.dlswo1i ind ah.e hutdtécnet f1.10 E BLETO TEBOSOM OP RIS braMer as faut as hey werpredflod. ]OME-EOW IT WAS DOE. bue fonud WL very dull .d4"j~ bu1 ilune, or in Company wth bei iether A preminunt miuter reeiding j 'ho s. entim e ts hadnover talie&weII- 'Vérm ot m de tb foliowing tatem ant, with hore; -but ii aWu l ulu os,,jchj eoihrurnu oie i in doore by hurueif. Aho mied,1~h dtro h ead oer huband's usooety more, hon Oh,'p-,LeE io fteH r 3houe te ackowledge,, epeially inuthe.-;rThave alwayc .bruk frein appoaring veningu, and &y lady friend whO .drOý- pto*ninuntly bofo th e public, but W ed ini toeuse ber ater ber eolitry i. ý d of d nty I owo bumauity ad h. or wau alway vury eiueeroly wolconzti #bu»1 prompte me te auk thie oppor. y Mn. Vivian Chasemre. Ameuget, 4a for makdng a brief etotment in boeo acquintancue who bad thus rty4*papor. etabliubud a n inimacy vitz her Wi5 ,- lW huther tbu tru c with oChere 1 eau- lie. SlesFaîhigal, ho oun ti~ Ã"V~ybut durin; my niu f oueo in Premier Streta very p1oia1ý hbefot quuntly been necioue bat zunge in the eveningu, upoillycino c hwclhMing v . dûy u il er fatburbd talin to euu dng lhu -z yïp ki o u doîm ino nmy ealb and vay ï fre i m . Lady W lim tU t hâ-iî vas Icoud-bot tl, but tluhip , w u. ne t se f çju !Dti VSIà I oizO eu m of My.béizg wa e - flurdsrh enoe hcMey eu@4 ig meè'witbiu I v asà ôurtoîu. At uîvitatio. lunute aogil t'u&oo oiaaieywI a id e , a n d .*ru f au é d ' l e b ' rq ý _ o I ' b Id . '~ té k d î h th e un'red.-o ba hrU~bÛ~~4 4itucMihs tom.1 *Ã"ÙW î ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i viwomc4,w$>Tea ulWpis~i oln al > K COMES. linos.,ma'am, I eau go toeoaud fetch St 'um,' ruplioti' Rit Maters, uulleuly. an But eheà my Wifé, surae eougb, aud -hi I might add, meîe'e the pity, for PLai a 8I 'ard.verkiug man, and I 'aven't got ai tb. ime te go ekyiug ovur tb.eeuntry wl arter a woMjnu vittakea it jutoe'r 'ead ws Le eut from 'omne for nothiuk at ail.' n 'Bat 'thore' muet have boon some be roacon-fer ber ruuniug away, Rfad Oc eh.o any trouble? Wo have beun quite ev unablu te make ber speak te us.' pe 'W « l i ber graudmother died. if 'n tha'. te b.e alio. trouble, mum,' re- b3 plioti Kit, Who fuit ho muet bu ou hie th gond bebavieur ln un publie a place. es 'Peer girl i perbapu se.fuit il more M than yen suspeeted. Shu le auot Vary hb utrong, yen know, eund yeu muet lake Io great cars of bor. Mauy vomen go off bt thoir headu à%bit at limes.'e Oh 1IFI' take caro of 'or, mum, nover 1 soia. Cerne on, Bonie,' bu coutinued as te hie vife ; 1'tbe' carl'aet ahlbcior', i aud vo mut& ge 'orne nov. Thank ce lb. lady for takie' se muoh car. cf yen, B and proinieo'r yeu on't play, se Ho took ber baud as b.epoke, and' uhu followvuti hm, meek andti liIut au a iambit but vîth a1 ook4 fefuarsud dis. el tact. upon ber-fac.b, vhici htuMâtrou T declared hauntoti ber momory for iayc'oi 'That man'. a brute, il e!ror 1 -0e& onu.' eh. deoided ineron ev mind aa chu gave poor Benulu a fereveil emilea and net]. E Thse 'brute>' nover spoke a Word 1he.t] vholu vay.batik te London, andi hie c vifo,, infouing th. veryverl e M is hM ominene silence, iras in à,stcaIe cf larC tbat rendoeod her more doati than clive Whou ho lifted ber dovu frein tb. cart l before the door of thoir ovu house.. M a HeULb. e ighbors voeson the asu i te vitusathein arrivaI, aud tb. Bulle, t vith caverai ether frionds, ci'ovded C round Boeuiu, as chu reaehed the pave-a ameut, vith many exprssans cf sym- palhy and unquiries au toi herue h. had beau and bow lchu hait fareit. But Kit puchot] the crovd 10 onu side. 1Levu e'or &loue!1 'ho cuiperomp. l ti vnd ithout ihyme or reascu'as d:Otey;asaggo 'a: ruuîtvafor 'ort t vor. Iavant taîkeàt l Bonnie my- y elf ye . YO n'l pl ou .to e a e .'or sIens Li tilI'vo fiuieboed. fl AndbuopullatI the girl imb the ubope ,, ftrMm as bu epoke.1l 'y 4 'Meleru-mnateru i tait. cb"e vhtt i you'ro atiing oit ' crioti Mie.BuIl. la & 1 vainc you sau aa't oveî-stiong, ,0 aud you'l1 rue the heur au peu touches '. The o ly Ausivr Mr. M acera vo uibt. 19 wd to claS ho door tu bx 1"ac.7 Ii.> #0, as a.wiît k bis vif ét 014atiithoa W68va17011ou1 in4qoro. b.Lwo.n pIliono SBut Mis. Biil ,kup i hmme .4a the lboutcide oet Lb. ti oci LL voeucu Y, oncnh«,orli ons. thêsrthé pldt y oulre notaà mac-youre a brut. I andi #Ye & ifodsso toueh thaI gail i as" w ; inoch lasone ngor, l'Il go inoe uit d1w ni Oevu it Igen en o, au aura as my Ls nazps's Jan.tull. LolmOin,I1ssy I 1j Bbe in'tfit tobotrusLeto yonr 'auda V.withlt ~ a vtu,iiand 1proinisei er tg i=dmothar s ts..by 'or, anti 1 C v flI1 , o y p li ' si v lat 1 S ay , 'R it blte ?aetlva ,.uminat ta tll ntin Re if oudco' t Open th. door toi me., lM sa gotcighboir e te t i lti' The noise eh. matie hati môre efect' a' lapon Kit thon »ea uuent of Ilireata. « va teribly aiai t lbhe terfr. ele nces of tlb pol ic atithuy pacýd the et _1tl!. hak stroot lxiDinry Lanu prolLy _Ià ~ îY. . Bo ha unlookedt h.etoor a- "d, wi a doggud air, sahot! th. ,f a a a i - t h e 5 mother vas juit,lI .iiig ;robehili of "rLà Atisinlu 'toto». ct- iherint utu st rm ,hin lufor Novu roozuia- I tbuibc Anid think of sdom Wu foget tig wa !t î;oumbotter,~ Ti i) Ibetroublai Wl»' ubould wecdo Wb.n 1th. daylc otter t= aig Aud bid th. bird il Prom thoco her Wbhat wasthe cul if nol lo ukàun We are doing miot lb rupinng,lidle We arm doiujg r In forubodiug thal Thea sky may b. TeI ra ei hIsun. bzOher; iuehino ad clear, ait uns? Latku vxog. ide for, tet il d. ;U"hm utterrev, w borrsvtrobig 4 broumrfoi 1'7liig -- TjIE î~oo'r OP ALL EV! L itOtt U.L OBIR&-? x. -R. E. MxON IT IEIi AtN ELAIS1T." WhounàML Mulis rotumui itb the funeualParty from ueeing lb. olt vo- monW lin tber grave, anti fount iei vifs absent vithout leste, is annoy- suce va% net e»eneelin b ic cvi breadt. Ho believot istILat Bon- Die bu oniy "lepe y#ot"tevieil a a.ighbour. anti publWiY Sfer"eihsl ention cf giving ber la bit ef his mind,' as o sea a chtcLppedthohe.again. -Mms Bull, vho, lu retmr for ber dl cale attentions te, theg.tiied, bas been invite te, 0pa" of het .fiueral 4b"eotimaa.is.nti bo vas a very goa.tiunetiomis, baged Fit not to put bimsulf ot, as she voult de *JI Ibal 'vaameutmsin lupropanng thb maal tbat aiigbt te have boen set reat: 'ler Ibefr hu. tloiieol .ciuilgh oCa'le 'caithis mmnis vlla- troub-Is asP.iorccanti poU MuM'be ar Oler If a.aege off tp 'ave a goati 1.1k vllh Son» oui 'flura'.nalbin' e m 'lI~44V :p doath as to bae Y oa k ll it1h lier ms eau fefr y "Ai it dMiMasters vl&hb î.vlg a t,' i h.e .bof or'et bltorfip ii' or 4»,#ii.li bf' ybat'e , e. te her Ilk.bbt. te, bmnwcve bail bi& Ulm iobfoihlbiseioutgrand ~anuie, .ras lb. girl chou bermeli lit b every peusib mithotit efes 'If you vaut 10 eue tb. marriage f v il byxýnakuquu ac niat fMs l~aitbigalu.- Afl éai, thpëvi nc e gruat injury sund lunînt, sud ahe ceuld-' ,nit forbeat ùhûpartlug ber" feelings ors tbe cubjeel ta Salins! Thusliho original canse cf tbé quarrol vas >briught for- wàrd, antd the naine cf Mis. Gonerai Obasemore came ou the '*tapis?' -Mie Ferîhigale apppared te sympa- thie ntinely vith berfried'u aunce of wnong. sud the absent Vivian came lu for no cmali cais c f blame bulvuen tbeai. Satina vas ruady ta belioveMie. Gênerai Chasambro te bo a mnùcb injuor- ut] vouie, sud ceuncelleti Regina ta Sund ont tb. uights. and vrougs of tbe vholo maLter for barself. Ceecuquuutiy. vhau iL happe t hat Lbe lavyor's daughtur an thLb.Gounal's vidov met by accident in Bogina'5 houce, il vsonly noterai that oeu chouiti introduce them, te oue anothor. 8h. finooi that te older lady loollad starilati wbon chu tiret pronouneetiSel- ina'u naine, but ueniluded che Muet bave beu mistaken, as they bal evi- dently nover isul bofàeo. Friendahipe hevovyer,,eeming toa spriug.up bulveen thum a if by magie. M»s. tGeneral Chioeru avtovrselinàaappeai- ancs, mauiero"'Iktli ccompl.c1mliout1' 7Yeu viii Sud aU thu e-d9'. ,AT NT MEDIOflMS I1.l, ppru Droîge and Ohemicals, antia à ll Ail 1h. latuetandi bout odoru Price are right.. T. G. WEHITPIELD'S O-L»STAND. wae Lb. meut ruuxarkablu I evur vit- neuuud.>1 (Poster of Lb. Preebyterion Chutah.) lu view, thureforo, oëf thece fabte and - wîth a hope that aU Who reail Ibis May toke timely warong, 'l mae Ibis epon etotemnt freel-y and for tho gond cf rny iellow men. Snuey (BEYV.) B. D. HOPRINS. Ra8iLBickaford, 1W, Nov. 7, 1882.- Curing ConeumptiOfl. BOT WÂTER RIRD As À MEOINME, FORDl- SEASES OF TIE LUNG'si AR 'FO i.~ The New-Yoik Sun eayu thae:* Young igai0-f vomM te l4ittltn j(, 1e eppareuýtproupoot ef vôrld'.feL~Àry vtheu exetiou 6r7 wae eneounlereti e sr da v4ud bulne î.oy 1 mti'ay in!a Broadway ieetanraitt.- L roatecetaý,i nf yet bî. a'nti' d e."bu siï t],ibat yeue[ $realiig settti -~Octsioail myprietit my improvod« appearanc heurtéâ""d ly douht yen woûer _eiwhat ëould timea ilt iôiild pâlpi tate vioîenly î oaeet-impeis o chaynb WiI',ic t'îhoeght theca troubles wratbe resuittver."iipuieéiuohg ofmalaria, santi tratuti thuin accord-.'lair.wte ? ingiy.. but 1 gel ne boller. Sbortîy «- T &Vsail. Yen0u £embor n afierward' my utemach beco-me de-.n o btIhi fesl0fh rauguti" rMy foodi failedti ledigest, sud îg en ths.oa ant eti sonio cf l fleida ? passet ver, of a peceliar oderremde. i cneuhuetisoin.of lb anti celer. Aund pal I titi net ealiz, e 'fg eciliotsud aluotleuéeI lb that thon. Ihingu asnt anything iii thys city, sud patieeham larW ions. Finaliy 1 conculteti onnîmbeof expThuy wnt bi'ougb th mo nuac eminent physiciaus, esalh onu cf ujiom o eiinitOt1Ouwth mu under toek s different viev au le tho cause ef dc mBin e s Inerunto i my trouble.One eaid I was uffrig thdacks i bunoueoant eéi frein brain diseus. ;anoîbers 1hal violmer; sbtanne cf tosa diffleuty ; eohu art spéton id-al odit uauy enhotontu eoti n'dioeu'e t. afctokt.goudeedigro1w t ae uuy aeet.My0eymptorne weiO ekeleton, antidail si he werul terrible, anti ie the hope cf relief I vas tome cf a coneumptivu vbhose cauteriseti, cupput], blistoeed anti 'euh- neoraut bond. At that jnnctUfe a jectot] le aImont every ke1 owe foraicf toit me that hb a i;hoad- of oui treatinet. Derneg oneocf the attacks ing effuoleti by drinking hot vai *hile at Roed -Bankt, N. J'., a physccîsu4 1 conentet oa physicisaw vas calieti anti left. a prescription. &f a s pucial attention to Lb.e hc ter he bad gene, 1Ierquestet a friendt te cure, anti ve as ng it iih' ui go anti aak hlm wbat lbe theeght cf :miliente. Holesait: " IThero le noth trouble. The ruply w"s:. "Oh, ho w1iikuow, It t mdru licitl t tsail b. alil ight inaslow daye ;-itle 8only àn touc eviiedp halo, atiacit cf deliriuin* réme.~" 'evas çeicparicularly if itiLla a si -a èise iformuti that %bs W05 iin i n. animt kaat ,1h. iooof or "i', sI hua nver u oupiu f - sadpeu ieý hst bav aetoezieating dinks;- wheru po ha l'- be îish -trnti mt eqdriu ad hag tiîone ru bava trieti 1cr poaras b . Pr o ipton" . u e mli' lb.he o rs cf 'o, m zu tiun-utt e r as~ '»lhluWg.- :,1, giv»W'e0tuo ictst at i sstLlosudeoluly istional'.epJ iatiÊ inoSt- torrIlhi teéalmnk'of',-I titi- f cuuptionle thatit rtiuul not kuoz.-vs il'mnor côuit'd oe-1 ontit à t ,wy tin aipioe vo dii. " tpaniud by mal-aasùiiitio f Ic di. .,~am ..R iVofIsé5t nea e Verv Càe-uh sol0144 s. vea uae z. parpes.- jastYsu main e TWELI dolli mit t. v xDIJ.Zý ~UUFIRIPAY, MAY IL -1883*: 1 1 EVIL and Ameri«m. ,-- 1 1 . Elgiilý Swies NOýý 1

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