Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1883, p. 4

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- .ýw BigIMMSU [Pll1s4lphL. Times) " ii.o s vTry silmauit insîter lu r 'o5ia k etry lale qululme aen- Iflsora efo(deUosîm-y inîed obd..sud ulsemuy abrios arranged tlu g lseulng , «idubaiito fe sud htrion z d wih »4 thý,ým u d km g*ne reclu lp vliwth. l0e p !mtincl. Igllu or diitA' fierays, clute or- on <anda o edldi aud gartduon ut-vru, --undoune enuaitlu e ssily cresiîtnIeo assertion ihm 1 then.ile more poetry lu Ob tighi drees la lu crluolbue," pro.- vidsd ltoe-r.se ne nopisaaunt nguier defiehe lu Ibfonin cf thie arer, suil e certain respect-la due esie instinetive feoinie fsliuj 'ledrap.elte body li th lb.6usd d hinnt textures sud vrop it rounad vîit lace, n if te soIt esubrb. sud lace conld be seen$hrouihl the elicgiug robe abone. 19 fa aise Mnost Rtati(yinig te leuru tibe h.fauhion f olored sllk under- e iptblel' drà d entireiy by sIc- gins drege anultm ery voinsu of Iole, vtb'suiyaillo teingg in ber, la encbsnîed tbat it te. Instoad, there- tors, of red, pick, bînie, green, yellow, andi bisait chenisea tiers ae.chemisues (ifttse fines$ linons or caurtie, wiieh 'iotxk liku lhe foacu o£tIhe ses front wirhl Venus was botu.' Tbey are 1lriiutned witb lav* e asitci sever, It11 bis ait!u beûulY le tie vhetnie, £"r the"e le uothmnïïgosebeautiful scnd becomn A »,ot uuderecthiug a a laca. ml ucnMT~tEtor cMARS. \n aulsi,;i3 lun altions, Wvie vury luncih týt«jttecolored uudoerspt tuetIc <is, es in Le Josurnazl du Modei ths underoloîbing alould bc a repose %eo eey@e itehli e lais veoluis h noteraIlroue. I9 should b.c olm. and Wlilîs ondrlotlilog la Le pe.lry -cf drame. If yeu <cake 10 blaok. bbuai or nid yeu deprive drem a , itle jeu- noy sud punty ibat àw.~ed eoqid wmt Uadeneobu# le.'Wwom160 ".tioslsoicu, lfou viii, but a voman Who enrobu beraélf 01er a loud of vLit lloulteter pleaiseâ with berself mfore liaitvbeu hsite ns harof cc. ereil vlth ieeored underoiothiug Home o et D ovw uderga'meata Iovely. lu e troseau rocenlly pro î r- ediana of the ulgths dresses cd the e. titr. (trntfocusd cf elîarnating rc-ce.of finî,sFrench nueedbe vont ou, linon cala Vrie, ieud au inaertiug et it>leu lue.. viOls s 1<111 off lace do, l Us Ai-ol lac sd ud cota lm<atch front. Atiotijer bcd e luced front, ahi jabot oI lace dowu front, aud a fiii of tis e raon * le4 and jeM In9 whl c bacli of boit ef ths robes. à nov Cheisels o ut in Princes@ èhsape ' ad la fltted hote lrun h tiarti as lu orsage@. The yoke ta o! laceansd inerting, thhslaite: bc-in.g os and! îhaWoed e aatiy fil cnert us bet. aud iligliîly drswn tu by narrow atin ribbou lu thé itubhesof th., lava; tise slesven are formei lt Ii@e wîdslace. whiclî_10 also urrangeil about the ,neek. Auot4ý« stibo la ine4ueu .battiat fi - Ieuiîe viicisale eatlgtl itbersac belov'escit shoolder, mIutalsvo tise ho, b ot I n lteé book aud front, forin. 0îl bc, vii. isgonally cruss e o are On - in ud ace witth. e wer oe la tucked Sud fn lavs ormtit gergament wvioi * eau be uMed8.a. ocuesover sud coder.- shirt,.If a"Me anderislnt.Use oru. un. der orcet. th iltSsang thé aolicjïa bain' is t~oi V~sê,lt s~ e 'uary ef Ee-i'.-.sij .pau& suseons. ThlZèr.' jm*x" , igai lac.cutIy'1tlmm l. t lcettd igalai*c p1tu, %e* isolesio tie sel Long t hi0 \ aklit;, or o*tar.vl onge sd09g* irb-4oeî re w oru coder a esu sdtise *. chemi a te b, vote vilsthee&so trae l10g elud biJb0o iii ¾elth Conu, fin leoIesl lb. 4lots, l1k. lie ment ebeçace nigiti rbes. Tii. utatuing dresa itflowIla xitsle wbile, ol ssoi, mlkyvlorp 511r.5 ade ad Ceri auqr areafter ma s'ang lu the foin et l ia errbot luthIe corset.Thse.comse sare made Item th <l.variguis fabrios use.l for oach Puot Po"e. vah inaterlals belag meut lu taver, buti'aometl"utsey are mae ocf vilsitalnaul bhdwwýà vidi bthe ut *daittty 4aces~, , Tlie bru"# dof the boues lus. been s source of_ gseri,à complainsi, spd lest, -seasi * ores. pposa-ad macle uson p tué of vibonea, vitioS wsru lt l be tibreWm-.ble, Ho, a ouut vich vIii ouvcq* By ..f ordnls uels bau ostmwer**bules t~guîn oepa oosrtat, tmade et iblm ov meti Frencht ~en là lapa.4d oý4 -luic .a Àý4tw e« lita 11,4lUt 4à,ý As A gCnlI, aiilY nedolene bave -Bitters,veî?lutono h tno.,t init a great demned for a pure, uate'anAl perfmét famuli>-minlclne, the! lha"e replly morts.. -841U lavoeotlte'Eth*4~oh iii. Most ppua = ý-»àdezý ko It. world.wlde reonvu uot due tie advertitug ig ha. reoeliad ; l la taons leause of itslay ul reinL virtue.U oseaul gî~t te olalmtsl 't iIt. îhlé' hbg. en Îls curative powera vithont any of the. 0,11 affecta of ohe: bittera or medicine, beil aprtectly saie and heraie..for lte mois frai! wommi, tbtFtmualbét obld, Mds wekeA invehd tou one. Few àre the. homes indeed wvite the great dis covary bas not alresely bac-n h&it-.l au a deliverer and wel.. nomï,d ah -à- f rîoîd. Il loesa vitt cers aI. flet t, .do. CU.>0,sd ut aimptc maltertoe-i Itisa a mer vof 4dellqote and uccesal coinbiuation. Nothint la wautàng. lvery ingrédient goeu strelgizt tote iaark at whlch it i. aimod, and nover faila. Piela- ant b 1the palets, agroeble ho the soaache and thoroughly effective aisa cure, iliteu vibaufor lt e i.cuntidence et all.-7Tùaoa, Lnxcion, EDO. A FEW UNSOLICITEO LETTERS FRON TIIOUUNUS REOEIVED.* Feb. 6,.I18M I hae t rtosi cxperims o n nysolt.Mds oticra with ilop itter*, and catieaslly ne- oommnd the S au e plana.t and emfc"ac modicine. 1 have ond hern epell nueful in cases of Congestison of the. kWq,ý &4 wol aiin ilice. eterangeoonn. Rav. J. bMuss MAx Rector te lte DukeetJdbog. Ul. 8. (Consclate. Manchster afi Gentlemen -Bince. wilrg you of the great boeia ft I itad drived <from laklng "Salt~Igave e*Ideud e bottlevls.. it ofn unit roum dyapepslaý 2s9;agglait14-*r, sud Oischange vwa togeter. 0 tri"several ocher terne- des wfitouisny benel. I could name eer e doze~o4 «er miriculoua curas A*ruox, C. H,&". Consulat Cicrk. Loncdon. int Sept. 10,e et your l'Hep Bitter." Bave Le2 sufer- lug long lime vitit evere pain lu the. loft aid.e atd situsthe loin., sud. bsving tried a numuber of ao-calied romedias watt- »Out any beneât, I1eam glati te acknowledge the'e-t seat ei I have obtiail rom 7oux uzemeia. uanieWÀra C(lciester, Eràg., Aug 18, 1882. Gentlemenc: -I was troubleil witb e very bail (unit ut iztigkoUstfur a long Iim, sud frd tuiy tillu tivaint uqtl 1 f u e 'l2uo bitter$." aoc-.un taking vas qulte cuu.tâ, s ud rrmain autibi tlijie ime. 1: ia nu., tir.,. itmthe&a t ocle I wam Lad. F. I3rLL. Freinla, Ji C. Dcyce, Is. Oc. 0t.01,9 Dear Slrt-I bave IataIy lulsiteS .ny firet batt1ý of"Il t> Bitters." Alter haèving for inany yacssau cred ac-otely snd oie,.- rnaf.c gouet <îxteited) b beel so mmci better and cau "ak go rmuci more freely; aiteubd lite wlu qtuue th - Usa of 11. i write to sk yoUýcw inay bot)le, y«uvilii et nie baefr1, otiet 1 mer lvys have anme iu stock. TitO 0-noeud olitude- divine rotreat- "n- , wi-ouhuhi. Therelae plenaure in the pathisia wood, There la rapture on the lonely shore, There ia aociety where noue intrudes, By the deep e, sud isuo in e~ou~ oh forS d luon âVut âfdcrn'eë 4j Borne bfix¶a c ontlguitv of slie. Wbeireror of oppreaaiou mandeetý 0f unauocenut oroèsuct fn.war,. Tb* malkin saque dies hard. bue iae dayoýfor t esecnýa uaaaIl nnoebered. on Ar l of page DcotU1m JIMOW bau hdy depurianea Th FORRION NE"S sothiees .,ohiânpsibu Lpiziauiquo> tu» 1 $iwx5bs, -deýt4bw 01dc1 "0 RniImOUte Teqpblde U o Every week la gvt a fun report.of POL.ITIOAI. NEWS, esbrcng com'4eteâesah eeuitwa LOOAL NEWS 0F THE PROVINCE. compriatng lettera f rom corpndent. froin e"p ato i.NrhWs. A speiaI Mud everYîhiig ielating to the latent phrases of lte business nmarket-- in cacfnUlyreeorded. Send lor Simple Copy to A. ROWE à ce., JPubliiher% %Winnipeg. GOLDSMITHI'8 HALL. noRO - EUD.ENGLI Gentlemen -Teu may be iuteuW tedt on tl rt bu bncit (a cualcseet ofminie>Colored ( ilhy approves 1 et Ho p Bittera, Iaving Coorei G veceived greet benefll (rom thoir u»e. T. T. RoLeua., Chemial. Coloied-G Lenden, Bus., April 1%, leu f1 Cooed< r &4 lci.B4&mz a meut weaderful.s..od. 14in lealý "MUstle, ul thfxi, biced.purty- ilcafta iy- ColOr.d( Ils-mdt menowo - BuiaWaus.ci Gildxiau, Sur-Exgui LensteiBug., #eb. 1, 18lut a"u Getlpc:.,Po e- Ih g -, SbeffiailUdE".. lune lm 68. Cinetb,.1 Sir :-Huîmng uered (rom axtreme neendbsf for Jour yeaes, sudIsbvlat lu-led al kind a of medtcicnmd iagcf R scous sud air vititont detlving s b RlI * E lry Hep lilîter., ad ltse effeet, 1amm hppy iâ Car- boM nsin mut marvei4fleU4r4lts.e ruy ay amas- cuweentClrenml; Ihesstone -U «.q4iitanduet"s a- caihaion-te - Y un e .0ipou Jacuars-9tlý Nqve~nclune 9,1081 èelimoc-~-avagmuarsfr"* mèe h" ui futilule t i «ùco mpmà iti - uli4 a up dodelhssl.-e~ vipik.,tbaeseU sucli ben *elslcffscts t b.ulU liascicr,1-bor alsencop or asidbra sans!il au su Ineamparsia ane.Foi c -. .-. baiix1ng C, tt. clous cisenItisHop Bitters-acd 1 cn i. ready, afler nshmitn t ime5 ear o iig- ours lit same, lu eomeqtle. of WUItI D wulnr" W saoinacb get tocî y *e fooed. 1 eterAdu a (rom~~~~ï eoospenbas! tu heargreal Ion.lse -10 loua nigita, but noue cf lte medlcln.w" cf a c-ood ulitt. tstori'ammuéit sÙmtrehenad for vcrk, irOle 1 alwaysIL r bu 4ioý Imam sur 1cinnot tissu tise ons!h #l * i adesercesa v;Ua sass iluss' - - U 11 L- NEW - - ISI JEWELLERY TUST rEcrTvED; noe4 -, 1. --:' -~ î - --Il n r p The' 1srge number of ~,yJas; aud e w=llbe fully r~z~ theseason.- lefing were both :,surprised and B~flici, liis,- o~ FfaLtr-, 'Lat's lwr,&. n~Iiïio Our Stock of Dry Good misuo 0cMpl- ,ad l-et oda rie ia 4~ On petition. The- balance of,-our old'stoc'k will be sold atcsad idr ag tc f(apt e od b tcot a ndi lA s - fC lesyeiunod APRIL 26e 1883. 1',-. i- i s Lit R- lie~~~~~ 4nVHieCtriOr". t. uey rses 1esil Cdsi t clime. Hal' atarrh Cure tis unit" ab"« des u&"Cnas 75 Cents a i3oWe. $8.00 a DO&. e onl y mnn RV. auaorem Bwewu et lîsuaim&s IL W. 1101801,WlIaudi, U North British and Mercantile INSURANCE Co. D. LOIRN lWcD0JGALL -k THOS. DÂVIDBN, Moss b 104 1601-li. 34 ln Devere//'s Stock for your FURIII TUBEI DRAWING ROOM SIJITS, DtN40ROM S OUITS, - - --- - M. - - , - - --:- Z!ý9 -old Setta, Go1 Ear Drops, Clold Brooiuhee,- 'rol Chaun,' Neckl$m 'Ni, an i Ws ,ý:flted *eller1. -.PAIR ING G Covks PUflly AttOnded? t c IITCHEN SUITS woý»*. Onu, CôlM* 0a1, and »à $ON. 9 il*S îâ28R ULWff K .V- - * BITTIN68OF' TUEWV801 OR »P jusCOVwTY 0OlNTAÎMEIO, 888 -Rendy Made Clothing of -fltist clats quality in Ladies' and Ghildren's Underwear, Aprons, Pi-nafoIrés, Sun-hats and Bonnets, and Infant attire çomplete.*» Also Bleoche& a-'nd Ufibleaohedd Cottoni, Buttons, Laces, Bm- broidery, Ladies' and <Jhillren's luOSE Â-N D GLOVES. Store for the present, Mary -8L, 2Ë9 do'oi fFonndry. THE FABMING LANDS -OF TEE- Pioido &Com.ro&1Lid Cou Situated in titis district arc novw offered for mi on mout fvrbetr Î, Couut ae ii tatsvr oli eea sdenuras sa peedy rinhivaîUeý w. dd4itLmo te otî robvions datga TE LANDS 0F TRI COIfFANT brui mPM e=Waieelngly iarp eartfieg 1 w cuion] rat.ofwhchflgls a t teentte. -Per pfr«!Wlgicait eeclfd Flednd(at0 ZFARM8, OD" TFINE AB EDW.Ti Wmaàmaltver 4eafre u a an~15sd 17. andl about levait Kilos let cfaina nA nt" Uin. nt the 0.. . LBALGONISSTATION h« bou etud ii 1 UdM i t bis Cern. Pm%ay'u 0Md an i. etIIJWYFACILIBSaksfu4. bave the Pla t ies a an!Hpo opefo r iaecf WATT 13013 Wilnnpog. P .E60sdu I.rwuH0psox. Qu'ApptiieStation. J. S. LXTLl,~ela anid JO H~ 08 Ganoral Agent. 20 We1bingtoaAt.Ikt, TWOITO. -- c-o. ~ 05<5. UR.V e~ w il j reî Choeo'idBam d ifShaik à Sa as Cas- A uesimis aloi I- 25 le.,, Ia. Utrobarn. 28;.. a 7 1 -u5-R 0 c Hi L - £ LUnRld0e.A. 1890 819ü.'W- *ae Pof deff Luno DAR pro, ITaeGrtA eie eWqH UQLI- = 8%NcHi17~LB' ref, e aw8Hâ4.Zfz OMM il $xtra Offert bDIitbp c- from. present date 4' Il ft~ GT' *iÈK, cie E~C ..uD~i ~ -L-i. t. TOGETHRER; WiTI JAISES Ma S1'O*t~ Prachical Watchrnikan, ~roôk.skÇ U1i*~,s- ion. c ~ - VEARS ESTÂBLI '~IDAY MORI "The- S, Robertsond -CEBMS 0F ADYZUTIE oqent insertion, 5 cen>m DIspIayed ÂAdverlitemine a s ofsoldNoupare *dvertiementa senl vithoul - ~~ltlios laereduntil br gA or.bul ime Orer for discontinuug ai hs e in writing, otittwiietÜ A l iterai dhiscoont for contras uts by le year. Copy fuis tlract aderisemnl s itoti in nt il lthat Wodnesdiyi' y ntouded changes ehoulil ne Tuesdn noon. Otiterils yod up leTmursasynoon. c uiosnotice in local cr m insttorlou15 ceula perilù ,-zïUt 10 cents per liuo esch asu 'ïe ntlon. Fi-e conta poerlUns p -th Connty or neigiulu' low isondenla arcrequeste! hi -communicationa s ;prernpl JOB PIOINS DEPAPI Thtis Depârxýtj4 ve weUa las., sand,.. UUtiieSls.-1" HE WESTBlErN IB CAN4DAc-ý WEITBY, - 0G Wiihhby, Npv. 7th, 1882. OfiT AR lO 9À WHIITBY BBi ýBroc'k Strcet,-- ýMESSBS BITCHIE ,ARRISTERA ATTCý -AT LAW, SOLICI 'V .it Ik IlI.RITOHIE, WM 1 Toronto. ý-ARRISTEIL,'Coüùty,,Cr BU anta onty Sâctr ;vc- ~ug, CuH ous, WitlbY ' ,, cco- DAVID 01108TO] A hc.uery, covaiv Omcr-In lie Offtoc-o c-, in MeMill aeIo ýtby. ROINSON Z AREIsTBRS-AT-L -A'W 15 oymr, solioiloti, Con G. YOUNG SMITfl A2R% TR,&c. h.- Isurs-aulgL user ni.a Z. 6 1 ý' Il 1

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