Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1883, p. 2

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Ibelow .o.-4, 11 4. M. eî% saoul. oea-Jl, a&ent 6L.Y çcI' M& ANNUNd. *~WbThU*sy, Mar. 15,1883. Iè Musitoka BloctIon. Them*rosuilof lia. polling ln Miuioba Sou Tumeda>',foa u ai hard froin, aires .*mftJorlty of about elghty for Mr. ?aiasl.Couervative osadiate. 411 ~a oeidrable ares of lthe Para7Sou.ad sud Nipiaing distriots li nos repioouWina. theratures 'giveu, abult birt>'.ix olliog pisoes romain. 1 -to ha oard. (mm. Prom vher. tii. w.laros bave beau rso.ived thora ln tah.gese a largo falling off in thé vol. for Mr. Bttis as compareu q*111b. xélate by.,,ooilon. The peoii AIIIÊy eot kt work by tlhe.Doinion Govioremenu avlianluolli. localities proved ornlai10o oeo.uful, ehils la et*ers the. Libral insiority bhssbeau The. Flsherles -Kxhibition. 'Canada promiseo 0b.' voll ropre- -toi shina ~ ~'eês&1P Und"h, England, ou. tko kat of Ma>' àot., T4 .Provinoe of r<>s,#ý~ bae.%s proostuut pis.., _e , WUIMsl t 1evoetbovhinea Mia.Aise oellootiton M lb.préduoio ont Mu uad oatmm& . lMu Bbrap. nel. "isIo t bis lovu, bas for somn. t4,9. Pest borna aolg im lun mi"g a4 4PnOibîng theibmbibit, sud, l » ý4nýu ompe eaait..I asne041palet- i, &va lest b>' bros test, abowlug th. laa4i <iqw, ponde, buildings, sud sur- *roaàde oliate'. Thio viii b. eut to 1 n pd tua fowdeys. hIt isa nmm 41*tibb lliouseocf ithe pis..,snd blu ýa44IÙoc a ânBe vork of art, vhioh vill luvirter laauoo Mr. Birapiele repu. 4alion asou artilt of no mesu abillimo. Tl4e p*lin iJlugviibe on eiblbltiou in the.Ïviudow of Mr.Earusril's jowolry .1wo>aFrieal n d daturds>' of ibis A: Mouds>' U2rning Mail for Toronàto. Port Hopo, sas VIII boseon froan th. woloviug vbloh vo bavo oipped frein the report of the. Couacil proeedingo of th&%st ovu, aspubllsod lu the Tints, le movlng for ý Mouds>' morulug mail "RIs ,Woroblp taird tliai ll.in Ott,»va, b. bad badl uen ioruew vilia Bon. Jobahn UUg, osi Master. Goue. ait »ud boittb*t~fgy rg.d upon hlmn là*. gr«b oev.Ai.uo* of a MuýIds> S#*jh"s4otug W@114U* R vs. bd * * buIOW swssvmo vu, v Illlug te 46 sla ai opwer <o "%»ed t.the puleflsee,%*d If a péttion vero »sut to OtSaw4, vo bat ab strou« osée lu *j .êsoe. ?. Iisu0d4the.folloviug lloved b' am. Stevoeon, oouded r ~ b>' GoS. Eoo-Tbsa petîicu b. Prm" tslanb.buIt of Ibis conusil go th eseloPIaiug $bat samanl eleihi ho sMashati e 56 Mods>'worm- log eSlmttruon teb. .T. IB., oug V4t, "à hâ. i'tb. Mayr, &sua Clarki. of " is eoul, Prevasi. od ptiou. "dbttuuusaii the oprl soal umbereo*" dforvard theo arme ta thém member'oet bis rldinc for proton- #4 uthe o llaiitter ai Ottava. r S3o=i'time mNo a more in ibat dire.- t n Wvs e .bor e ut uothing reauli. 04 frOus k. Would it mt b. veli for lasutoagae taàke op tlb. atier sud joiu vlth Port Hopo in preasing on tia. Gov.vouoqteut . uo of t bismach moe.de acoommodstion. à Town Druaoi te bslng publelà. .4 ai th lo oBte.b>'Nomsi.. Charles aiimssud Bavard Walsh, vialolison- tel inoUgolaàgrosi eaof uefal sud ufoa uor»xýt«m"o, the.unmes of ail atlb bcaeboiderukla ova sMd Io mirre* tbéy ire ut *nad à &pa b ièboeor- eues eau b. ed*I., tuain".Of aIl l a.Boynsd Ioouutyoffees, th. looai minhisor PasIamteeal l.diffot ..b..lesud tb.fr leaohero, sud lb. pub-. J. pullg. Tho timmotho serviose latbh. i&iaÎotoliutob.o arée 1.1, lb. et. Ptrick ay. Soiu'usaI viii b. Si. PatrI Do>', lbe f»« lor <h. patoU usasud r~~~~~~oi aaýIn tasi"W I iavar %çLaw Couurl a " t _"s£' -1 ý W. bave teakb. fromin ueoýhankèilis followlug tîumsuary of the isv rpatius lu sirs>' catine, ttts p guiremoutsor whicb, cannot bu 10o filiy uuder.tood îwubithoe mwaully., 1 P rop.-riy peakiu'g ail! aira>' nubuasi séold b. lskexa tu the * nelirost pOUJO4 lllep- r, but stra>' horse btllls, ogoc'I Covo, camp, go0als, pige or éthier osîtis, mi>' b. retalid b>' au> potion, provid. lngt nô cîlainfor dam&ges lu made, sudd due uîiceo of thoîr leo.uio. te giveni Theowe ovs f knoovu, tmst .b. njoUllt writt.n UoîlCo, unslin a d.sorlp- to t caattle. The. Curk ln reqoir. ed go etler tbe code. in a book u 10 h luspt by hlm for bast purpos., sud leè Peil a laOtcpin s couspicueus piac., or uear the door of bis oilice, for one voal. If liae animaàl au Worth more Ibsu $10, tho distrainoa' muât &tao. publîh *-n o? lice lua acount>' newupaper one@ a verni for lare.e oku. -The diairaînor muet foed the. animaîl. sud eau reoov.r tavlus iortae u§&ae, as voit ae for <ine, trouble sud attendauce. Il thes '$uliy" ho nol lalmed vitain lhe lItu te ntiou.w od lu thes notices, àu affidavit te that effect musetho inade beforo s Justico of. the Peaée, aud notices ef sule given. The siloe au b. conducred b>' au> pound-keeper, but not by privato ludi. viduais, aut the animal muet b. soW, b>' auction. Notices et silo for pige, geste or slieep, mi>' b. givon one mouîb ifîor th. aulmsl lte lakenup; ibongi for horion sud éthor CaIie. lé. 'uotioos~iay not b. issued until afler two maota.. Ail charges ire deduotod fromn lia.amuont reiized by the es0., aud tb.eurplus, if Say, muetIhé,.-pai over tu tbe Treaureir of lthe uuluieW., t>'. Il thocharges of lb. sîralor aro dispuled, au>' hhreo fsoneyeer. aue empbwered ta sot as srbltrsloro. VIsIt îo' Whitby. Prom the-International Tbreat mcd Ltng InsItute. 178 Oberah.st., Toronto, viii b. et lbe loyal Moel, Wbitby, bye days, IMarcl ha l hIbsud t6tb. Th. surgeonse viiibine vitb &hem s suppi>' cf splromîlers, th. invention et MEr. Sonsille. cf Parliexaide surgeon of ias Preuob army, frtaielb. ureoe sstarrh, salarbal diaf tisu, broniutis, asailma sud- consumption. Consulta- 'lion astriai of 1he $pirecer trai.. Don'% fai la ue o li.urgeons vhilî br, as lbeyiuake s speelaity cf dis' esses ef the ied, tiar8sasnd lne, slla are curibag thausandi of cagosAery' year thast bave beeu givén tup te die b>' douta-s lan éenasl practice. Crevda are vsi4lg tlem uin er>' lovnansd eli' 97i proof oft bieir veunlerfrxi cure@, va vould roter yen bo UMi. Spîke, Har- revsmilha P. . usar bere, consump. lion; . u. n, Kingston, asibuus; Mi. DeBaohervilie, Ottawa, calarrt, Ehi. Caveu>', Ayirn er, Oui., consump tien; J. D. ArmAironR,. 'Pronale carrhn si desfneOmoG.. Ax'ar, New Erlîn burgia, brouchitîs ennitlIung ditecae sud lbausaadis et jual osnewtadertail enrea viaiih vecoutil refer la. For Information write la 173 Ohurcla street, Taranto, or Pliiip'a squanre, 'LITTELL8S LIVING &GE. Tihe uumb.r. et The.-Living Age for the veeko eudlmg Msreb 6S-sud 10, coutaiu Tbo Brothers Hiry aud Thoinas ar.-' hies, IIeWfnstr ; The.Frisse' cf Arebhlslaop Uat. Brititi Quastery; à Farevell Apposi'aucs. Loaguseai a Dr. John Brovu et Ediaburgh, sud Churcayard Peeti>', Macmiliavs; 1Mr. Gladetoui's Sobooldays. T.ssspt.Bar; lu Alisace, Mr. Gladmut a aardes, sud The, PirsI ofthlb.White Montb, Lieor. Bor ; 8cm. Curions tom- missions, AU fte Yccr Rowsai-; 'The Hlumer. ef Examiuatlon., sud A nm- mbnimceuc ot Sir Walter Scott, Chsam br' ; wiftbthe oeceinuet -A sin guaar Cas" sud anstalmoul. of "For Ruiseif AMoue," and ýtNo Nev Thing," sud Ibm nouai sincniof poetryiz A nov volume begunuvitltheb. fnl uuauber et Januar>'. Par fifty-lvc nambers of sixl>-foûr lsrga pagea èel (or more &iaa8,8m0 pagem a year> the subecription pria. (CG> inla e; vwhito for <1.5) th: pubiohr. offer la send au>' one oethlb.Ameriomu <4.00 menth. lieu or weeklies vilh Thte Living Age for a yeaî, bath poslpaid. Litteil & Co., Boston, are the pubhjibers. Wanned inamediatll> by Yeomnan Gibsen, Aisiko aud Red Clover Sed. Aise Goose 'Wbcnt, Poa.i, Bosus, sud Driod Appîca. Couuty sud -District Nova. Omhawa Board cf Educallotasi. mate tb. amoeut et moue' ey qaWeb>' them for sebool purpese. Iis ymw s $8,670, cf vblch &Mount Ibm tovn furnîshes 66,895. Ihm bslAa&e o blu Made up o et b.<ouaI>' sudiGormn-, mnt lgrauts. Tii. lovnu nucilof Oubava basap-, polnlod a eommlitteeho couider thm adnlsabllit>' cf esalabing a ires Tbeir di"i et Baverlcu, tl*a.eri>' Part of IbisMoaib, &a ema uMmd ]Kr& Boruird. At t*bo dge1Mi4 ryars, 86e vas ._g'usdcrlng tbm y.sr 1769, la ti. S"alidetVermot.'- Mir. Thos. Wiliimsou ham beau eleot.. cid reeva oft 'Msrkham tovuship. b>' a tusjorI>' cf ixty aine over bMr. Crosby. Tii. position vas madie vacant b>' ibe1 roignatiau ot Mr. Bakin, vnh agolne; te the North West. Port Hope le le -baie a cooker>' The Paa bnitlin a ior>' "àiiof- tira t remave ta Port Hope lf'thast leva y"l giveIbein a boueof 910,00 Port Hlope lbas pe gtiu.d tf&, Gev., rmmuaat te baves e at4y mmilg mail le Toeto. Wàulcd imxmoiaîely b>' Yeomn Gibson, Aisikaudn e loeao "0loeeWbcatPe", e;'Ecns, and DjiadApples. Wo, atdeesar earosuin loe M.,ý Pfrl asel f ia sene 'iýri'ved ia -l tsbo at vco%. poolal a ntion w . I he nini, Mx' trmuiStObua, tsuhochair n ai qysie 'sudBmiht'erm Pwellt '~Butl Theii. aattesof iblbbIt meeting vow DaWb resd -aud spprovoth, IZàUt A ominwioaîion freinM' r, ,B. éc Roblisn, reulniiug bie OIlab Priclpsi of Ibe Oleglats istitt, lb. Public echeelo. mov.d -He19012V* ss& oa thé roli 214 , versa-go "Ittaudsuee onc 180;- Doffevi-st., u onWiIl", vwaeilba atîeudause Gd; bMedel soeool, ou 4. r u roll 65, averago sttendauee lSL * gIla, SCuoLABanIPrAT T» rE OLaEOaAC a nain. Mar. 1Dow gave nolise tist be u'ould MOrOMdeE e a b .lmeting 0of th. blipa rsgardnig tahedeuiabilit> cf Oestablisht- Ing schalarsblpe luctu o Io u vitii.h Cellogle IntiltUte, tlb. vlnuers of sncb eobolarshlpe go be enitled t eta- tend without pa>'aenl cff«te&. Mo tbalt it i.,desirable to Maté provision for instructinn phcuegrspb>' l thé colegiate insîllulte. - That thbe Commit. tee ou sctaoçi management b. inetroel- ed fortlavith le prepare sud report a machree b cari>' ont tIs risoilion. RE ENGAGEUMNTOF ML uinaei. Uir. Farieel bronglit ln a report recommeuding that hMi. A.G.' euIu' son be r.engag.d aI aàslaryOf 1850 a 'y.sr, fromeinIb lit of Maoli. Theo report vas adopted. Judge Dartzem eouded b>' Mr. Farewell, inorsai" iblb board la s- opllng lbe ealguto aoetPrlip.si libsu, ior'tbé put ta e yoas.ila hoad mastei of tbe Wbibhy Kl Sobocl and i (logis$e Institut%, de"ir to pluapon recor oir~ s~psl allon Ot r.Beblusou'm 005 au <b.i posoncuIh.ou abi>' Iied., Swos soi ho gentlemen vbo bave laigl>' rals.d lb. olalus cf telb.ooclaud ou lesing Ihave stald dposllloas W"ae uolllg but thelu .mlu.t abwillio vof uld tll* bse <p, Mr*, bebum buataioi o o m vsifati féoo Whltby CollgtaImautean - oudur Ing namo..>' elfmi upwrtlgviWU hui, l,> ess»a aitbfaI,.egehiaMd~ bigla mindeai Publice sivaunt. sud deslre lu caproea hir arnest goed.vwisbes for bis futurs velfar.-Oarrlsd. Boardi adourind. Itiètén Mcen Burned ta Dealla et Dosd- woed. à wfifruv nOv vneUOnv .0 n111 AMONO DrATWnt, 1). T. March'l.-HocA &seet"t'innIlainti t.b.l ai Browvvilse ,Wood Camp, terminus et ta. Blauhi 1iIFatid Fort Pierre railroad. us. bnnnrr! a!t mtduiglal. James Chalmoru, lar'xPeler- Hameau, A. Toneech liUt., flrvo>' Wood, W. H. andrewé, Chas. Hantontra, Fred T. retors. sud Samuel Ha>'. ve buru.d te 4,ath. FouroaIlers vero erloul> lu jured. The iliUng vU aoustore>, vitb a icI, **l'h. àId ht e- ml4htoui>"dftes v.r oui 'fourbadl>' busedingersavo IonI I- U»Iaie 1s Mirl*aepteh <dob.' thaï «d'Sîou *tt"blah.fetuib .bon, hout ila ' , " ' -; add~ 'btb ulmoi espe."'Me els ai leven rielins vers ciauavod hejremt Dàxova, March IIg-Th mms vo bc: dlg-oue sy tlb,,.>' vas avakoud la> thiebl 41ig the ba.e motive vblsthe about »ýos olock os ýSada>' morulg. 'Ths eenMvas l11. with saok# tem bolova&MdOh. Sm vas lespiug up arouud Ibm ubem tovcpipe. Tbe mon woe dase& ,but four vont dovu the lsddir and .mesped vill ausoreo ljuri. 'fre*q "bn hr rph a sMinshli s ino leadingr from ltas front t. ibm roof of au adjoiuiug building- 01t algbt..u por. sons lu Ibe boume elermu p«oelbd. Iv boes a..big'buimd gosabes.Tb*,mou bath sareaiop himir euui« ugstsudil l supposed ,ndeavored to etel lberm-. losé I Ohm opprlaUli' TheJasies Obaub.rsutmUm.d as baxube,àM bis h town.,l té 1SONL Who vhw >lai euiù frou asId', Daa< Ifflnatin. i novaurro MsaatAuz scron 'qp<eeO gcod sd alOiausir . 'avY froua the thé-1 lae b.'bid fled te sompl i>' vthelb frmî.il. Ibfor b>' ibm »aiurllatio lai. 'lacbOl lie mbmltts t*ndâ l- l.mthé et ilistac oti ube put tsé- opya oueni Comugahpola, n t i rogular for. rp uma od luthe resdii - 1. Mr. iai. noyrd for memorwal'aad na-blt o tbWe"ma ot=t001 li ju9-1 a rets usemw Lrti.» pvol fori toeau dmiw tun nl .O.-1.,umlboars ueiin<-m eseds ses>', foushe appw. t qtaoc 1i s o umes eb A. ~ ~ l" asoa o rsas l si a- - wMre* S Tho 6p.aker oolochIeho*-r's$'IiO of the dtoitPe*&*4d, prayngfot su sti of iëoerporloms" b Iso P"o08ng ompaau, b. ruesie Atter imie loonm, lb. MWoto Several cher petîhouî for privaI. bis, pisuanteul yeshrduy, voe ase nr- Senci-si* nev bâstireilou sud r.ad a firet tlm.. bEr. Yeo sabed vbeîber thé Goveru int hsdyetobtaiued a site feortii. ecutemplswedpat ofice suad custeni bouse building inlu amWlde, Prime. PAivard IcisuA, aAif @o., viieretitu- *a.ti, frm'.bm~prhsts'a JErb anc u""- W SUUWm $;ep base insîltulic aire <lOt>Sp r baLeu inil.bill, lbe arge 'dénoUuced Main dei ýbjst cf sou- aismeo e lm ôv.14U i a' rite <dot 42.- patlmaupct.me he Iebill gavev palaiàt 0 c ou,lIover thIbm oi a puy>, leavug <the IlelolaIaure toi regiaate tIla la oti 'oss. gHm Ihouglal lb suuùjrd ït thelcb l . t mer-thd Doublentz Sir Leouard Tille>' .xplalued ibai tbe bill onlu pust lb. ompa' on ibeéa"mei footing as ôtb.iw - -oaahio as imil. or ebauacter, ý The biliel výàeA 1.ueoud risdng,i but vii b. foriber opposed, Dr. Orlona baring giriu uoila. té riduce.the Per1 Coulage te u"r0.- The Ml eo r.eelrluig privai. bille vas exteudeil natil MAlrcl19., lu emuoer #> lMi. Sutherland (Sel-1 kirk) the Hou. Mr. Bovoli mad lran- don voOld b. »Ade a cuotôeaotport1 ai» a ly da>'. A ulmilar epl>'wvas gin.. o Mr. Watmoulu :regard tuthe Ie estibliuanl t fan uporét aPortagei la Priiel. .'Tii. débsisounl.the gsdont', P. B. I1, elsctlom « s ureumed, Mr. 1169« Ounoh u aag the floci. He spoke for oser su heur, startlag out vlIIa lb. e ri tha" ho viaho&o .11. 6M Sthe. 06890fro0, uu.aImmiaaiS eSaA plut 5. lavîsi, or-on da-, ralpeddisega4 fr lis landabi. de. sire, sud omuhud t viimuoh nigor lm IMl.~PUorMe t o take linsviof lUn dvlrepuo aiost had boon ex pieasd& thé s Imsedoute-guot- al#* n lout né .10,n-'nusêemluXthe 'et W l, *",fi$. bwd hanA ,lu ias. Ing.' The th i -à-a iusulug ofimiè, ~ePl*. aebad teo im opep aInd -dular' eleW tth. oaindid" 1 mïeelrd - tbi'-I fostl nuimberoéf'votsefour -dluysàM e b uugMr. 11O1>OtIod, vite bad â.mÏ4orfty~ of 60 -cr#u' t. u. MasIem iseted. Thé at <Ste b" offtoesi*Ëàô 'Jidlcla povwer vhalevor, lbis dîs'ver@ oisi>' ibsudatot>" 'fe boi. niemzber;'cou- ing te the houot sud conscience cf mom. bers to isetfI' the'ý -mviog donci- Dr. Reheasmon. Thore vais aiabgber tatut. Ibsu th.e ue b. quoted, erd<Iai stw lu do nté. oltos-rd',> u votey- ameudiet I 'o 1lbé. tanIdneît"cu dhaiog the iuilou of li. elub et fts.tacadw"xelîyrfLI b<ou dul> -I 4lif a AIda maoul va>' s1 &ru ka8q- mp=e the inés business. poudbut Sir Leonard Tille>' ob. eid atlb.>'vers prie. Mi. Blake hltad tat the cbartered bauks naigbt hava uemsthlug te do vitb the measare,.vblch Mr. Rou aaster- laid s nothu' dlep iitt t* bdolopOlle ing propoiesot à è'ioY btnat. à' insesi a criminel offênce vas thb. mb. jeet of mueli dialsicuon' 1he minud- ment b>' Mr. Ives, thal lthe triais cf sucl cas e s i tly pirats. Thé majorit>" cf , oFrencha mimbers slreu.uulyoppemed tbe bill, srging ihalitrvoud bi botter forb Mh Ml>~ mo«sisté take no'aiotlinabdl4 pat e tes, lh ia ulf oui osm.pod death b>' the casting rote cf the chairman, but in tb. houg. a môtian for the six naonthe, hoiut met vitb a disaetrions defeat au a non-psrty vote, and the bill vas rosi! a second limne. Tiae boue *.dourdst 10 ceclob. An Ailogeil Plot ta Assassinate the princoas. veei ago _t» von envisar rmted behm ou enspiclon of hatlng come eut <rom Nev York villa lie expresinteniion of ehootiug et, sud presuznblyhiltlung, Men ou agi.n accouabý i h#m-ý asîra. Tbougb 1 h.>' vsat srasid au.4 withrvlestrs'hd'i- dauil4m abou8thmîsua& "thle ubspe of afairM.t<rigijestay in Be. mails, MortoesNov York p ohRW bahesiou hei.aiml.amer 'lib lia. q.v-r>durýotry rmieebiason, tpise obaaser A;lthe. - ai.Last veek, fer example, ab i cy eption waa giren beriluet. Mipo«si!ztoaleuru b>' vch bîc eoouic eîahier go or ireltr. lodeed, abe re. iurnn.d by neitLý,,u but munideuly eoui barki-d on a ýguabout that bail been sont reunil. and ctne back b>' vater. A Jeion'PamerShoots His Unfanth' fui Vjifc. DuggaimLL, Marcia 9.,-A young mnan by'thae nDa.e of J304,6Hyiea, W4vis vif.sd"aal'amy, ba beiving lblatoe#' ~Tpfau~be6ug.lesma# the,, lqvuslap et Moultou, vhoi& b.olIU.or, -sud vbom 1108Vas1 voih SInoioMor. "d.Hy »L : lled r., 5 nef vcctd angigsstbm lsbi4a 0omm*u m -on Bliva>'. su4 Wo& a-pmm 'w -' . Bit Job*, â&Memold et tbat4b*i bIu otrd*0tbe I Couuuitw«SWi ad&bo *lV" olyta I4 (FrOM Our Beguasv crre9ud~~ Washin3gton, M5>'oî10, 18# D' *-g lias fou'daym Ihat 1have 018P- cd mnle t'bo adjourumneult o Gi!,ut Wsbigtou lias socoly, bailtu», <p-J reslité ber ji 1b it> lootï't i slfàiihru.,hére la iable dllnuUgà tpi44m zauîber f «us>' Z promnadron lite Avenue. a lur- -ev hbeoburobus sre full Of 0 5wîtlan sd fiauhlouble, the evîn ti rhleW aibigtou 0uj i bving Con- il g Àsa ji.long;mi"c0bel amO5d b 1 b.JIfliuttpcllaiOSmsudbas atm mo beresved sud bave-tuutfod id th. market vil bouses. The in- b sO ri enic "F ruis ea ro is for - roue " till a tsor>' of rsent desertion. If one uîeds preof &bat Congroe.bis oeviOIg. The' lIn ~uelbdoms hbas, bee' etinuihed lb Bansd Stripeso ne longer fleai frin'tahesastern, Aude western vinge, and once vithin the.- marbis portsaeIbhedrea-rinoe a acom- t pat, sud in striking centrant te theo buetie sud turSeil thal bave reiguod Il there for tbmeart su' vmswokm. . , r ' * Ou of tb'eulso4 ,'Ak~v troasaror oW ëM tUJBOL1 btli& i. Gilfilisu bas bien troamuror ine Jol>. BiruI, 1871, sud yen vill find bis eig- ýi nature taa1Il bank notes issued ince' ý that day. Ris reaignation canscdî much surprise, sud h. bas beeu se ef. 6 laeûixe !i4schrpmcf is respons- . letss 'ud JO OUr n sd obllg- ang té l'w vbo"a veaapproscbîd hum,i t heholeavreshi" p*atien vih aregrets. aud boat vishe of ever>' one. Ho vaà a friaud aud schoelmatce ofPresideul Garfiold, sud duriug -.Gsfiîld'i brilf &dmlissieu v*n as promiunljy m 1 D- tires froipublic 'moie b becemb* ireasurer and manager of tbe Matual tTrust Company' of Nevw'York Oit>'..1 Ris sniai>' viiib. ivice thsl of U. 8. a slrong effort, af viiiIhal h. gaes ébrouglite* lb ll*iàoout f busines. It infifeelew own'entirly' uudwiesrOboa-ui blworktb uew tarif liv viii Impea. upo hn , niahi It nice gor>'for"bu"he oritar>' té cflo an, usbjeot wiri>' paragrapli ta Stbousnd point. iuvolviug va ,.prive 1 aýnd public inlavmïo.*!B51 na mn Il viii, vaut tb* lav iulrprcted iÉeir ovn -way sud vili h>' bard le mîke black wpea hite sud' i.versa. 5ocre- lsry PaFoi et ' s~nybill bo. cone a ' lbioulso . rieane ioai ff. y taeda e vishi o u9iië' slen.wihutd Vigihedrikuii s di itorL- Te i aI pemet 'ic ~ng herilenà hotol a pairt fapsosoiciale vhose sole objeeti 4hs cun r>'r.rcreation, of theue sbi*0 :be»pat> comprises Ifour mume irtheveimnieler cf the S iinprisylquebolil, -'depiilinent, tue a, morotqsjM - ifij)tflo.and Ive ,à atahs & ~ a*aa e thq là fate :'à àée"-aêIslande. * T ~ lp4, culand f~~~ sudr 0,se x Zfhr*mDOUT rm gTEi FÂRMÊO Co jýos williams, an olid (rdrimet iaffable pcraaa l- lbé Broad ahreet * reOb, Ai Pli IaePh n, uMonda>' ýà frealg, Who sa m t<ake sdrn -oîacl u e.t, onubemd S ram. Whaa be rtured is 'Valide ibÉU ragaa. or, t hép'ua "lt'mlê01à,X t, Sbôwerî,- lefIluM, 68 u old >sn~ri ,rth b ,a'tementinu PoWLreogI9xi rtre.t, 2vher. she hived, i'àitD- tti;;, McGnire' sud Parley--'h o ob ont foi(nlzci .M, ati 'fi,_b=kbýý Tle 4ve Latter oau2ght ber lu 1he abt cf trYa0tagh lîuv ont bei 'dePot;Inlith on cOF bille, wh*lp tvhey shi .6> ré coguaed' as' 'br husbandl and a coul.- MO -cr cli lukl. vie idcîi 'a agou v*at*iaii'lIbl, lateà In"Dý asêopWie'1d"[ r tbé dciiclivewiîh the aid cf Capi. WliWa, m dapéO ý 'ob lrdi w the_ nt* of lb.n e<sd balk --oo ilondiffe oa iten baie,' dtit'mâ.ô », 'w nob ,r bzi ql f 1o y p 4 îl tda p o t n i e m >' e i l coinsud b an hfis ou Bf~oi sudLong weick. sid bat laabi sud o gl.ube ,00mu tohe,! iol Roia.$ deposii YaIâl'al'IP me ofng sudw wllb Log kreicn 1idy.hieday b> nanas a omp>. llas ffibk Is lxa4 vo iiPi la. lpi* polte. hldlb bu, Ihe PbUlita esk plc. asane fertile mind uy-'oi' tli Yesrs ugo Ihat,,lb. refisnefsie-t ,o r mlgbk be, nt.imied *gBlfpead nailn d tle insh<lg:'of sucb zails sudà 1>' entend nimi, lesid' or haa, biea culinlç.s'ies a nuanher-ô -piecmk araecf4lrpau nuci ormt! in vidil. OuI>' acertain"Wà8foieko lbe hidsî Wu IITh'e nil e0 bulluis"ý àiVigiiL1 SLLOOO ne -,49Y Oko Wit8 telegrap linois, 'Né* Yée k 7,0tl,O« f-tii Youing -lu Ns, t$alai Edaaid uau »*r .. r é&à ~6B~1U~rorti t banm an4L.WLdai~IlO&ak 10b. ou. faPpe igeons p itIl scond rosd. lgmaempetial Houa. of (Jotmon MlS8?8Pil~O~WOT9 aiteen Years Of' age,' v*b"Hliem .'in Crug cont>',Va., recentli*' eaUgbt' a'Wild dear bth<le borahsaaid bsld 1h until ber brother kili- the 7E -Beuals 'bi lfoduccd a buipldi tbhIat puble shoamai ndehex-~o'kawhih dse*i'the offset sfalïeohol upen th. hummas ejuhg4 Thora-ei t hre.-kwged sou'on Byrd- Js1uad "uai islmo d a.,, M@ s , , Tilli xloit of<la. policeman lauppenied iunaug, N . J., vher a, gréei.t OS agkit 1409 5toeetc iheeld 41s m lb'. heph>'. sIltoIe ,"lau vI.'èvshum. iM~aIgis lZaoustbwolhr nighi ,ln..J ,. a S th r .1 " -Ms, mgvflad 044 q_ xda imub1i"ou- --A.oilr dropped oui ïf tb. riggiug IMa ý iigMse,pa3Pti Ve o te - yvarlls'4 1 -s k4o;oie boiae oreklÇr otinr"ýwh LensirTe tae Nrt-e ~u foupjg IFA eW LsiIb, îfo hér r ' dwa siikl1È'sfTilsa. b sere, è o leli q the latter. <b recalve di for ýp r acerezuon>', ani Catbhl ala Sa baa en wen, Hou' ab OURflAý open -yourc WlE TA[[ S suoceed lu-t the "sPeopisi OR 1STQ( poainiub l Corne and bueiness. The moat mener vas saune a~I a>' more, b: nient. - Yc ;--el M Desi

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