Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1883, p. 1

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., l5~SifiMmSa 5,451 t EPS SDAW' MOENIEG~- ,AI z MS**U~It5IIémjj% aaoo~s~m~~ WV~Xî a e TJLOMAM DOW, Wbitby, Nov. 7tÉ4 leuOL1 orTARiO 0DANE, AT LAW, 80LICITORO IN f.fl.WTWrL W. H SI 7S BsEyloeBrook Si, Wib. - UGEo-ffT.agohm% t, mui lb 4. 'Mgujvm. J.1E. Rais. Nlla jublI.4ho.»loouaook 514t B Iûal-PtT. AW 8 ICdae oy labreet Ont ^A !TORPEYT-LND OLIXTOR CN- On~ce-~ lb..08.. cb . hPool .Z-3' Nae 14Dto, Otk Imte'le all, " -kkâpsle a 1 ru - a m t " A TTOBR"Y ATND SOLICIOM, CON Coilé . 5*ta Ci u, hLby #pI1 =01 O* ~A8IE84T4.W. SLICTO 1 d o8s". on"*(-k m . .......... . O... L.. if ~ 4 aen SHAUEEIOAU HOTEL, JOH a a moo, Pacwe dio WKIOTB00, ON!izo 'JI oh. ici Mde MM oa». ALPb.I rza OARNflGI'E. orielr. 1[« hm bu beauX'Z"W 7i tet Fai h uesu is, tOBB. wD OXFOR,- . 230»MK2'0B mumowusous£$; Aa T mtutoe 'g W.RD.OS. un, utmltlg ;«j z ~z-~ .ia i ô. - ' N O. 13. ameiable Se lntàr ~alêjotaee5P-wîhMisaNettle bp - u fr on îl &ifor me tc wvel enougli abs eho ,p ~~~%a.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 4boyid boierdsem" 0 your poor grandfâtlier ond, .my pro que' nMt i. uees f -ile"~' M*.rtod:tQ ber. 17 *.gupsd 3Boun. dear boy Joe, and thon wbat'a to b1,,. Oiiêùu1k d-Morèii1 Pioe' sibt l a sîn, . er face turnpd th* au orne cf yen, .Ieft all alone, w*ith ths -probSbly us 'lidos' intollthe Boa' sohen lin.ho on your alndesv' I5O&roi1d:e U izt0*. "Wby,, where 'ave yen bic ,bred?, &"And will it 'p yni are R Pi~ lii en eer su aubod -butthl' 'bim 1»'cotinned Bonnie. .f rnh rùdie ahe~grom rin 16 brt e l'écidb2 ~"bîi ti a -measuro-fer I Willi& a. ud 1ý0aï ~~~~e' ~ ~ ~ it -Iioul gj1' u.N' u ý 'oueldn't wonder if w ue y a.prf 1 anws e.pol 5.iid~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~âii Dhel. a.a~l~o~n<r~s tgi Ueconcern. But nnywsa, it'îî nevrr'hïstgwn lier liii' hi sui wih or.DoypnC *lboirpo tube yen off tny'ande fer keep, and -cf vhoeo'aqutiniauoýe b ilis Iha? Qu *ôId think yeuà' bwt yen ents hearty in general, yen k oaitrwards ho able.; 1) soei. ï e i neerbo awdting bfeo O euie, and don-9 do nothin' tew'd h epeohm~vske i o. ey jalteliatehalniW Ugny 1;earint' yeur foed." b. er bi~îutehe' bf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~A 'Ia' irItohr .15011$ "i ibthon-yen May tell 'im i; utbeW te' Mrt. -Btinrgo, shoul Iàr "a ire..jtoc si. , bra iI t, Ilil doit l1" briUgthemnli ' troi e*'Poih là ~ar bv~aeo sd' ixete - yad n Bell dropped-ier kuttiug lu ber vrybo-a YzWas *iý' safiflned tEe, ~ ~ ti "B-'Bûee àI n ëwer~o' "Yz>n'll marry 'itu, Bnje2Wel, P4iOlO,-ier't.thax qMO. -SomoaldnB hd-oémeà Î ovr!There's. nu, knwin btre Fatns e *Ilt'11tîû"à, goin Uea, ho. hé ça sd twigte of a wonan's Micd. b. exigermesiofg"qet Oty,'O o1 4.'qi êa -ras ' rài ', - fear,-'sudewe'll 'Car ithe bOùa, Su.nhii 1 l.sè eilabe, 'Antlin u er enîhneiam ivlrs&fo c ig.s ~froi4tfi ; hai mu~k ' L4ualy iseti-Beni.' ' e lleik ad.dii ; M fr ofy aiz nesinwhicb ie poor do not- indule'. h&r àfftê~cieâ~d~gig~ sehroy'evh'ici-" -z- i wtheii. arenet. eh ika 'a î I i.girl turned -ber face te tthe Wall-eeocn -iajy esècOq-àt-ber grndoe-,nher'e syes Were thé605, Wbifu s reour I ,was Lb t-- #-Tb ëpgm Rtl ie ideAdîevonu." determinatton and endnùra.ncêinithe. - '.z~Toiqw-hrqblte 4'genllemen"'al. character of Bounie Bell whiolr. vae' -Ibodzo;be oteieed'fbtoierbey' nly juil begianugte sruggjes in&é vtktraymoô;e eut, ,lràw oerbe vilitfe. ihebs,S-ud *eeeitb-s#eperi, came - z lwvsd ad'lAittd- pbce Beunie from CATRII -WfiluOZl~le~~fI1Ok u tefrake Sélina Farîhingate nas oDne cf the bn'aa ehr adeposnited -OUF, adoor. 9g08et Re Uginia Nettleabip'e weddiag, ndleopplfl.wbre lbre erobr c aid highly deligbtod had se .beeautoe zthealgo.serl. oogreguodby a Sacpt in vitation thai hetd euL the - *U4epnlos.he- sir,- The show 01)- prospect ef a wiiels day. speut in-the p»skW~amser1y-over-thi lbo bet f the secieîy ef Sir Arthnr OlIsemore. -8h. drsàès ud etoeleh-a4 Jdriven awaY, -' ad wuîted at loai iwe veeke befere. mld - 1r !Wb&: t. a --a dbanoe ef thebaàxdin demiguiug 1sad endering - ber otagr b.tng l aà -fi,> or deai, ubey dres for &hoe eventînt occamion, -asd4 oenuidred'il bot prdont te arour. the Miss Janet Oppenhuim. suad ahib1id- <rouirov cf ual for Ah.nevwperforur' uounly turne,! thoir brains lu endeavor anc, Buni diappiutd hien, ig le decido lh. relative meite 'of sky- ltovever. Il li t. ibat the 1eai car- *bine, sea-green, sud piuk.- niae had dicappearsd frour St.George'e, ýTbis satin je lovely, dear Mis Fan-ý H[Anever Square, befere ae.reoene4 hhiogale," Miss Oppeuheim affirme î -je ber aad, mioly bine-e.; but tien, al ber pnrning toues; '"[tis fit fer as dnohii theugli eh. leoked very coufused. il ossansd would lok go rtch witii s wms o.vidmn o b-er. long ahe veulti white tace mante aud bonnet, buW .gsi up,4ud .vsk home &gain, sud th. thon, outy jnsî oee oy Abe- piuk slk tuiajoiet7 cof ber 'audience turne,! away suite yonr. complexion, and yet Mbi vitha aucnrî t du41u" , and vent off in Cliambery gauze would be e ligbt an,!zd asareliý of furtber excitéeeu.- elegant over yenur mauve, uuder-askirt-ý "Wbr.arn I -Whaîare yen de-.Oitdao, d uart t s îmstimos iug 2-Wh beglit- me hure ?"'ex sAible tu «ire au qpfnieu ripon e iuy irt i mi ii e >ý puizzled air, as hesùu~n l inge tf, ie esame le ber- eBob"s. -But the lime la ,ellhig on, antdv - ' ý ,-cxte.biua lii ii" replled kljaIly uttieecidej epid eju ; heoisi :% àfrje. àlip ojUll keet 6 y"aewtisàî do yene..u eea* pl ~ tiu naI i in ZqbreaP" 'osier Al me tb .â bal iii. h 114de-f maie uveryoony , "'d b 4e'tbij bride t'ô-relire ft satin roqbes fer e c fo'6 theiul*a' aý te butti tai b 'oti'zin -.Wth evera1b-.i,t :: Thth m t m,*ek N. e h te Tld rà , 9 68 1hlbrbmlWboe, yl.filo 0f mmer erg the m WHl-ITBY, ONTARIO.' mo>er of Brook,;is ~ n&. &e~8 ACONNOAIN~ Doinin WodWorkai ROXJ'YAL IHOTEL, 11WBITBY. a. w. jMmsXZ7-propftu . <lI c ol oboeê tu4c th flb rut pploiue b. wRYA wtt b foeUd tpouoe q dmotbl. so. O ',Spool at a W.AIlTBY HOUBEb VUNIIAS-Ir., WmTBT.1 Tbe uudesgned iwould amuat. te the publi ta4Ilb.e boy& prmhoo bave bona tnwly bc utA- MW o p througbout for 111. 40ooroaum ofguielo. Beol Wino. tquocranad Cigare. "m c QAmasor C"àJIIt,-Ws AQ a. AWa puré *1Bbin. Wtu*. Loger vholoeal. Mdami ~l. Boarders takou by th. woek ou moder- ato terme. JOSEPH A. RÂNDELL. Ja1y fflh, lm0. 8&. o.&?j DI rMuNDEUU» bsvîng lu.., heu rItWb$7 cuROBUHAm»M Ht ELe ratres. GEaoom ORGE .BulUOra TROSUCH HPOUTOR. Count0".anf York au ol an th Oularto. Ludomumalae" uai B Qfaim Addr., T POUCREOR.Ti .... iez , lrubaO wHiitBY. Geo. Cormaék, .a.i -A larg ux Di'eos Sa" a" mDhn&i LVNR wbolotesàOd rie, or bylbthe r Io%& Plaalug, NwaldIno cf very desan ilomPloilig, Sbeetu. Bbulvitgil offlog, Sbaptlgonn.Swilw etc., etc. Whilbyl, . x, 18l8. MONEY TO LOAN!l 81904000 Fou INVESTIREST. ON BEAL BTATE SEGURM.~ Appty te ONFRQVUX Whitby, Fobrnay 10h 16. I9 Impoetooe, Dm* e.iiaueeue.' 1 LEATIIER AND ÊiNDTNSàle ,"m t* nMota% Buer timter til FRÈH Pmm I -gay smï 1 f.l PAT eAN FIEE TlçsuEÂwox o». Laa16arti~&,mn4Chauing OrooeI~ UOTAULI5EUB EN 1183. GEBPIZ~Q~'PÂTT & 00,, 1 didn'qkuco And ,0- dstaegueoador vondor M d faam e»' THE ROO~ A~±,t EY~5 L ~ r t CBAT~ll ~cn hoa~ nu. ~ur rua.oe ft~ ho ti'. dlalay aee~oqr~, ~ 001117 vry i otliIw1ti yen -Oommit lu abonisb d esfs 4>gla elycfteld taïa did~ ~ eos er4~ss*!ovr by aotontlbs peatuIau beceh" ttt lTý'u 1U~~f~th1et .Eba"d l e' .biykaouith, i.u -ul. .i asy, ý 4thfe, ani roelbtiasit nsws c ehan a ai slwognUsugib.vrefo renl ta riollemay is. sli"iesttB". sl m 'I.I AS A CYeLb.o "a auothae eubi peor lhinni' tmpl., angi .1.. 11ead te be ntterty unnorlby ofamyD ed.the»r9r.gnarty. sindIu p lerI n ouI prayer. udepg.la piberuer-Il vas wvtilu h... v"Ma he. t Of . th. Iti ie bd iOdeu.dveltin lu Mequte of Dritm pati i lbit!fer mbie ".à,j ore dreamy j b. evelyBeogai cîml.d. 14iiaot. Sba m sk W--anbien-l i .n e iaulllm b 1.41rea 'i df 1 s eI'e l1" heâ. Me b.Iû It eoer a iste fsriie M llmèî «datl heny- me~eo :iilîtài. au&- - r.490 z~d A an pati mati 'u --m'tk"ud 1ome ita t te dor ofluite h ai gù o aù ar raidi.Iz PMut lireabeve "ýàilhu $99 sfol ea iddying,Éiw iu.a yi hae. et Ibâ-dèr cfthe iode, thé .ti oi l auy t Ke grleutmee R.- '&P MLd oi~t.~.~ RA IL WA Y T1cKe1- The undonigne,! baving beon appointet Ageut for tU» CREDIT VALLE, and ICANÇADA SOUTRU~NO and cther THBOUGH UNES, is g pe, te ieue tickets et loves" ralmOt« og Wlutoi , ", andti e Itau " lin Net-%Is ti dtIi. Waomnsalom. 0*% tnorlnmttouBarplieti. Appiyt ip c,8 L o 4(,G. ; ,éi Iatiu1kýý 8 -~A &bd. nIu Omer s"Maf1ew t,! ~1aIea'ou¶ mi,<A 10 reg% ter i .Afply t- WI~ ~ ~iae4 Wordo, suit fl!mugbos. VIL cj~ i ' r l>m for0 Oxtarf ILLTL - K1Di0 BEOT=EE, 1 A~EI HOUSJE!'-'WI(ITBY, OXfl"AR1O, . ýt - , -r-, ,, !ý ý-ý j- uý' 'Ie r lît 1 ý ý : Il 1 1 - -7 ý; ý ý , > , -" ....................... 9- 1 *=«. ew"q Rný 1 Yëbet ci lu 0- à Ij Uçi Atq>M"-B lu «V» à,% . , ý- 1

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