ria avantm l, Esied giCenlen a* r %Ifold los s e x 0%htebaucrete a&ilciar lane ee usd ro4dprctiingl IQla4uge lu 1 heatb;illsid o.prsened tmg.keisvil; pils oeafon î. mo tlear y bout h oor (arme 'Phey have no lung and are coversd vltb isrlb, »nsilag eoier fressse lhos~b1~po~H»btosl. ls -own boat' &uy grenen ircp maby b.eusitagid. Comn à moaloomnacnly used. 8cm. abjeot to-"., as it semetimes imparti a ; oQUitla wlaie Stheb milk produot. hsftha.d Il bonl obntclbefere il beide out, befor îbe nutriment Pasé. age crope siould b. onkt 'bsu tbey con- Ssinmom ntniment. 0. 4. c4ler had a piece cf rye, Wb(osbéb.firsl cuo befre Ill beaded, saout tour inohea above groud. and ensîtaged il. A second crop grcv froua lb. green ituhbesaid prodnoed grain. bwety4Ovobusiele te the acre-on su vivrapl.Tits as "ordls4"bg. and, aller %htng irsmovsed,'b. stublte, auth ogras, vosais. etc., vas cul for 'the ilo. Thueibne. à ropéwère îlci-l Alfred Bo ', cfithodi laIana, bad OQ louis cf ensilage lu silo, vhieb oeil bima tu the Iéld 41»2« , For outlg and hauig Pa a Il", paui,41»8. Tol. 42" , or ,'à average cf &bout $8.40 dc%ý stoje etb,-i1a ibed bar-lis or boes.' Ertwh ipresad ou çbutsX l"cesioa; afoot lbick isain- .dîo be1pieerg-abi. leatones or ny> macetmodates itialf tu irregUlatis ini &hi telià g oethlb. sailaga heoes, firer aksf.tpsceearo loft. Fromt 100 le f pmos presura te the square foot ewpuwer pressure as uê4 geserall>' apprcved. D. Onsulaon, lwbo ovni a farm lu - autd, &db. colt cf bis ensilago crcp 4onà hoed oui 011eaverigsd $120 per eois. Ont a second crop ,of clouer a uaI put lu viLh cera, viii> goût! reculis. À,io uont lu nome sans cf corn andi ap- pies, ahil 'alf 'ieswtt preseried. Bô te cahocrn> ouiagradnally. Applos, afler being peeled, were ver>' palatable. dous biséoin ludrille, itesu inlcha su *Uâgleprofitable as a continu- ofic c nnnen soiliug. It us>' bu alcpro"ltéhi>' furi nltheb.Sumner. îýi fiîad cf turnlng the osti. ont te paitaire. TIâinl an ieteueelleg testr et itesytsa, oëlaége la tIses pre. fred, b>' iome,.iÇSq u*tIit oved. -ore, elaleilugliât botter villa are a.hlvod. .Roweve, oo..vw.U Dot codtabrligeover a dreuglu. *Geo.T. Povel, oGbss, WY.,bad ooonld blé âaaeuiO.o la fèdlng en- ailga~ stend 04pine s. sea mule1. GOoansaplis bave' hiov0ed. sboOWsesUt e pon 1l, ib ons food et elonws.a& mon «J, ase»grain. MY (>'y«arliog véeborsvigbing 75 pcaedi esehlifs the NU~, ves arake*eW "'f Ialareh à hU oielre l 92poanda. - - 4.1 vet-on IL l. at s rové Wall on on- allige during the latermotha. * vltod wià , o 1ntasg reiqlîs fllow the feeding cf iltea theci tai le satiSI..Souns bave lat heres& thb1à vere s-(51on is. allributiug lbhe cause cf ibsir deatb te tb. ensiage; but thai vas mnt oohm'>' abovu. Man> havé e ( lwitbont disaatncqà résults. Au ntiunatiug axpeiment vas muids in elu stging ceizitaîkia fter lhas sari ver. bussa~.Thé,or.. va. elih upPcee voil, Ilad lUb. sext, ahutput in th. sio *n. bla)e.dily ai. lb.en- sllagt libus made. and il vas mach pro. esailmo. s gecu aspastuie for biscei Dsllartt" poat su.P&ùfad to: MOnais ~asols! il51 senti, C&1Wooolwho bas a fam tas. uB0 o ut sasetaston# cf eatilage eorQ hô the --- gis wha vols expmna. for t*]Wâtr be iz56 se' ning. eatfing, pulla s ile, 4s1 t lai& labeir ef SOS9' 04 #qa Mlb. 'rat$ olIve dot. lauerIo.go #piauta bli sein l bdoub élerwu .1<1>1 Iso. pal, lbe paafas= ont doublq »w o eanother b.ig vesi>' bobos- H *e és Ibre. S art4 d sao l alè o v wvhh 'aslk .J., 26 aes onnaeting ranAt of tard, aOW84 ; pültlng coOp fui~ euttIeg, haslleg, M&., îatlof 20Aj9,beli r are. T4,m- "au &Ot" lYC e uY s»AV î4lbon1O 8OIA and oleobol *1 u th.p.flllue clade.s theaRrvutneariy Masses. This'. a chetia sîmenlaieno iccu d1v.. place bto te Ormatlon .o as geiod aau y: Eave it 'as nearair. light as possible. Give suffaelent, preqrs-fpptneushPuPr,te t >re- 4dUxautc lbt "e4l sure b, blraeiu:g tb. vall$ or making there bro&d aud siro;7', 1 Prf sso olden gir. a alrst log aQoonu a serios of exporizuonts sud %Cte <ne o détermine folnae o f the pecuiar arrangements de'jsd b l. ttaProfesior Watsoni fer ùha>pnbaembrhgfqrWv é, th. planethe supposed bho diiccvered at th. iclipse cf 1878, belvesu Meroury.ý ana th.eanu. Tii. so-eaUle solar obý ernltoôty, whlob Prfo*rWalou bu» nearly comupleted at the time cf bis death, couistsd cf an underground roco lutheb bttom cf a bill, vltb a loeg, îoolined tunnel ft-lqfllu lietbh ntxg eut-nerlibvamul te open air, Iu the underground room. vas pwaod à ai.-inob 't.lembpe, IW aI -the upper sud cf the tull a flu âé siderostat witb a very perfect mitronr, atud by Profaner J.aughîy. Prefeç- ub Wateu's'Ides w» as Ihal> lîîimý tunnel wenld out off thé offset of lbhe airial illumination in the lsuoaw4as a long tube or dse-ap slipped cver the aba.a1 Ip u p brlnýg,-ut miuoh mtu1l~~taà ibbeday tm* tbsu usild "lhot fis Wbsse. Tha peuiméxt did net iuooeed, howveor. Profaisor Hobisu fennd tbahe t1h. siope intbe- darh rooci aDonepractical advantagre over tbh.6lupb0p?ý i4 t lT d*e.of thé obaersstcry, cspped -dcvb Ule .satune aiameter. It failed te show lu tl'e day laies uy star smiller &hen tb. third osioude. nu4 'theîoppoaed. Vleai vctb igb t h*Do.the sti ,tth e tosson le not far te sosk. 4n looôà 'ing tQWard the nelghbcrboed cf the sun, ths sdrostat mirrer inuiîteesallty ox- poss the ol. n's rayae.ad il h im- possible te maske lreugro@ se .operfect tht it l i nI s#ed dowu the tunnel an Imseilamoual t seat. téesai ilhI. vhiohlelujusi sbad s th. igbt froua tle air. Il is ual aboolutlV impossible lIaI a refieetiug telsýce . f *ight or ten luchts ie diamnetor. with a focal louglh et ai: fret or oe, but with a tubs forty or Efty foot lu leneth, miglit b. menuisai as a finder ou eus cof the ormeus teloneopait nov in Psi.tence, aud bring eutt smillér stars than hava ovor beenon euithérto by daiht. lTbo mirror would le prnutted (lrom snlight, ana tho aerial Illumination vonli, in ibis way, ho- redaced ns far as poixiblo. tittle b>' Lite. The contatdrol a ~il thé constntirritation of & congi> viii se vear up thIe lulgîte l du. la b rit a lAs ~ e .6clion. i ais'b u e oîndtgeeîîon, laver oê vitb viciai or idgetb. s.l, i caullsepain anddafutrlug bb orwdlâg ou Ihs nervos cf ths Isart. Durdcck ou@ cf car heat citizssu lai ayloý ~Oho a,~lt~l batje-4a. for il. Price.75 cents botla. .Fact Worth Knowiug. The lest - hotssbà ld remèd>' k&ýaI - o uglio cold@, Breuchitie, AilIsma, Wboapiag ý'fCugb, snd al hiaroa$ andi cheaI troubles tien 18slisgyard's Pectoral Batianu le bc procuneil of au>'drnggial4 . M r. Tbýaa't.,ad"ý4~r~ writa 14aIl hi ë; a îka Patent moisalines, but boîag indusu te ltry Bnndook Dîccul Billors, fer Bilîcus- mes &basl oaud snol rîolent beau ache sud dheh'eiau as teneudisabi. hlm fnom vorn. The Mfedicine gave the naoil favorable terms. sud nuniontaken lu lima hi a ver>' dan. girons dises.. all'. Cilarrb0Cr. nover fails gecue.Pris 75 cets.- Lang Balsaci. Be. m&v. lu anelbor A Youn au an.>ved agirl se vilail> IhlS h>gqt5 b--sâ< fi$ tuiton a *day M fv wé. Atfl-bu rcf Iai lim sestoped -Il ç aohbr, (elle aad- muatter fslpoeio.- -- G,, jour- olt4 q-, eond eimation en~ yeu - havredoue .aiongb foÃŽ hlm. oatu loiait bslarais re'I rut., lis -mmd aoutivà îod, andi his wao? onature oubseri-nte t tlaa lIta I overu main, antd m'u iévs iven hlm vhat viti bu of more valuea thaa the waltî cf thseIuhies. Witb efooplioual îrutlîfainegss squack dotor b.-gini lis atlverioement-" I1 offer nxy valuabit. orvicets to ah vIa sre se unfortianato ai te require theun." Hoaven's îairmony ha unîvorsal love. Thé lovea laha-t-illove cf Wiltio Gallo>', a 14.ysar olai boy, living lu Russell, Vs., îlot abuiluet imb bis leg, sud rathor lIas alarm hile mo tker kept Il. vounai ascret fer usarl>' tvo desys. 6 A Huicre Tas Gxxa.a-The novait parc ame lâaraini,, Wyoutng terri- tory, vhen vetnan s u s b ai *aitab.had, 'nlvlbd b>' thé ladlos cf Ibal reglen. 'Tht. girls 'ut lion. Tooelunarov«. vlh aobéituinftwot of euih eue. Th. youg man até station. ta iu anoher rom.aatd are haoà nbt la oe b>' one.. Wbaat hecornes lu th. tati> bobinai >1 bipi hi. iai îvîla baudieroief. ¶ h é l.bWi "eok ennu slu, kgsa tus W ÃŽAdwhppeui'. The youaag insularetesida, -feeling muela 'ribid sud ahted, prrompti>' reliras te lb. cîber end of lIeeroonu. Hia Isellugeapvbonthb. nut cung iMau ce nes and su areateul tc Ibis nevel entertaimnu eau bo imaglneti, bal lb.>' à " Mnatigatei - b>' ltseplearure cIor sueeug- Ile. cil.,fheva uudsrgeing thl axpeani. Ai a vinter esuug amunsemnat itleisoee of tle Most popu. har in Wyomng. Frits Mulelr gives la Nature Ive casas to show ibat luectu gel lei babits in cousi'lel fg rom lu.î struotion. s se from n nsm inct eH teok a avarua et a stinglea. hoey-bees, vhisb generall>' naies a regutar eoub. cul frou a aver>' airrov bols in ls tia, vbreerslb*otb aIsIsute b. madie ver>' -rrigutan. Tîs>' vers put lie a large box. hr vthel>'batiroom le .maie regulaî', omn~b e lb.>' scotiabil t4 niai. Ilin ragular, sien after aIf tbio original svarmmvire dosai. A mors elriklug eeinhthal eftwIve iamnseof Molipos, vblch nie yarWuoariis o aml% vith teoir vaz4., -,>baya: "l -Ifo,, I baul bronghl bomafresu Ivo diferant andl distant hoahlis Bywo e euates cf vbich cnehaddagi, retdisb brove, sud lb. other pal41,6# 1levliIs brevu rwax; lbsy evidonîl>' mptoying retia frein diffèrent Lies. TIi>' iviai vilh ie* for man>' years and iatIer ceux.- munitZ oocullunu, l in hi eu svhomo, ta gaîhar Ihaesaine roslua as before, tbeegli mcv, wvbae be>' alqoloee.a geleranyIrs as aqisaîl>' asse l'oe bouaci etîher ocuarunit>'. This 'eau bardî>' b. aitributed te inheniteai instinct, as luth baicugeai 1tlb.liem* apahe.non te 1hivldmal erqieronce saâttheb.' usfliesa et theweal reshua (vhicb seena te sive .quall>' viil), baltcal>', as fan as I can jotige, le Iradition, aach subieqaunt genera- tin of >'ouugbois fttovainsg 1h hbitsý cf thir ider ieri." lu tufe( luppsrllooe iof Disco, a à peiiof 2aaod Mm,-iamel>'distinct fMat Towodjuom., cuapcrmirçuêa. lIe. "Bod.výood" of C :lfouus, l ouh féand. -Ai s "speoln os& oia alitl- stand devers frosti ludry, aimi,., il proves lIaI Ibis nortbernupolitmuat lave 49p1t vippqn ban Dow, or tIAh thesi oi lae moIl hdê erdsenlo lIaI tle mors mnoliu th îe sînos. pbsre Ilthe iarlI a sp o f calà -au qveagreen vill tetéanai. Thare bave beea attepta ro fortoe lb. vebb> lte ba.hà i«rc oe lion. Tbhaems cf tha rbododadre reflnd- -6mopidutous lu moiti- vathbea'; but juit Lbo sma inuproe à ted thx thole yuct. Ili. ie, vhite pins rite or Mtalitta 1tusd- &Sce etfatmeapbeuls -ciasuge ', imita. obag.a bve benu inethelia Conilerate itto girl :"PIeape alai yccn oyes for s moment." Mamma: "Wl>' ?" -C. L. G.: *"Yen s&&iyou neyer likeai leose. aus tais an>'sugar, and 1 amn going tc->aie tse Do ne." beyse Md -eff. Il 't he tb evr if lb. -<ss4> k4~ moaes the4aelbread . - Whist', a1&réiawdisUt" ul bis Wbio as pla ywul l venld? ,A oo elmaieeu' Wbses-&i-sa -lavyer vWork tMe s tDon't bic> me, or lI osu ait englue vhiitte imdelese.r Faot--Wbi har frecoam dy & ~ r iheilt e'er be venu ou the tppeloe a gonlieman'. eanus.l.pts bre engagea'. . - New Lîfu f«r FonccnsWeaaene# b> Dîsease, Debihty'Mdans!Osalpaîlut: y- TIhe GREAT GERMAN INVIGO. ILATOR la tbe ouI>'spocIfie for i=po tene>', nervous dobilit>'. nnivsa'ilbsi tilde, fcrgetfuleloos, pain,. theb baek or sides, ne malter iîow abattnsteai lys- à lu May' be-frouaoxn.sof an>' kinul lb. Great Ocrman R.msdy vila neitoro lbs'lost foncioans and! squvM ol andi iia'*pinesom. 8-0pan boxi4, cari boxes -fer 85.00.'-'Salai b> aIl drapgà tl.1 Senût onrectipi etprie.,postagecui, b>' F. il u3ENEI Y, Toledo, Ohio, sole aq-fo Uitd Slt P. ruaraand Tho caus. cf destb. Itla iknovu ai. mtosto a foal->'.taî lu fatal dis ealboheindavadual ýdia.e ttber b ha>eb briEa oiitor lfigr;-Hov Mia thbn lits effort ho-matain a pefeelaat efth ?-ilIDr. caon'. Comb 0 Constpaton Bittrea aré a ypriloa "Haeà ttb G1ver, * TII.'-'frocwîlb. cys. tomi freinai aunwtit1lae- Me sujleiu- Slnabiporeà oi Tu- large bottlos a5 eu&8&b>'su1Dng Atfrand i m u as.dlisîd o- Thia, noue eaà u amauted vzth 58Ié arlione la> those coupans nteen s 00c-. ici womasu s lrnfriud, sud vlposlllvety restoe. ber te bealtb, even aenaI-oSher remedies iiL A ansi* trialalAjI * rcv. Our aaeton. They maeptessAnI W 1cM b>' au dcngglsts. - Hiouer 10 ,Whà oneoi Hfcor le tbo namnè ci ti. Sci"~ inventer ci PungAwxja.-4farffla 'qe~4u iraicoaa.Tdaaylefias'rvug.)en hv theirmtiessurobe#stIe44aIâ. cd boaaotors cf Itir ae.Wy PalleasCorn Ezta worvhttho>' tbink hi. n -uIa a.,hi..9. 4. - aie* ~~aWs~o~rhOii ~U~VeiUs j lu$ no ltsis msm W. MdMN aIaLf And &Il q., lire 19 p Josp. Oolnts lin iD.a. t.rbrsak&U.mturl.Kain2 ~ol. Dans& Gst tmi ar2it:IoYct 4an Sud AL A 8uaoe. dOmgy 'lm P~rAEI ait$T ~ LOII TOWN of WHITBY, néllat imsathx50 lb* nt the fefloving quotationsa Wh~ .leur ..... 12 40 peri0o. 110 " Shots.....................bec TRMB CASEON .DRLI VERY. iquorder suld bsreus per inult R. BIOKE, -~ Brooklin P. O. Dcesutier 1,411, 1ýgM 52-tf - I 4 .itfte enthe painftl im aeofth» KINYLv&R AUD BQWRLS. edwy n etIe ash a ufl Se rsiM ig e!1 war îthe WHIýB- '4 ---------- iMPORTANT NOTICE.-Having 00 iolgqed..tego. out -of the Oroo0ker, China and Glassware trade, 1 now tb. w >fctcaihl y d; stock of Crookery, China and (ilaos*Mt'to thI rubib, à t aià ., UNDER C008T, FOfl *ONE <MONTH Kt P Cal and examine the Stock for yourselves before purohais- I also offer for Cash for one rgot4h, * aspleixdi& aïsortzent. cf choice Tons, Family Gicceries, Spices, Picklçsi:,F toof -al iq. Peels, CJandies, Orangé s, Lemonsý, Grapes, Pears,_ Apples,'Oyà ters, &Ç., t Ipriceà ;,that dey-cometition in uth- Toronto or or elsewhere. -Agunt for James LautVs Famons Tons- a preseut givexi W",th dpackage. WANTED.-200 bris. good Winter Apples. 2,000 lbs. good Dried Âpples. Highest price paid eitherin CaEh or Trade. Di6oember 121h 1882. WHIITBY CHINA TEA STORE. BOOTS AN SIIOES, A TTE MIAMMtITB;, PARLtIIIBIBT AND SHOE STOIRE, Deverell'a Block, Brock Street, Whitby. MATTHEW OOLLINS-. OVER 1150 OT1 FNI TOCK, SUITABLE FOR FALL ATElwINTER WEAB it[I WILL BE SOLD AT AR DRICikoSaoN 0 TE ,GElpCNT. ON CASH PjRICES* Voit TIHIIY LS INOfRTO MAKE QUICK ifALZ$S Cuslorers ae zeiscltuLyluIà te ci ii udses the geeds. Neyer belorelias the pro- pg~~ f j lPalr cc a âû c Store" been able te lay ie.1e~sc *tige stýék frum w tbpe eelo~Berything that eau b ledôr-atd aU ti h. b itfoLa4e'et- GmWt'su hildren's wear, 4sind,ià a*wrk and em- bracing the latýà î üteuiye.Âi ~aie ypo? sud Ilien ton petcent. tlà keu cf the lovesi sung fiçr t. Tho new Dcrhiu P1.11 Dcliand Ladies' Las aa peiaty. A lr0 -sock of Xtubbers, Tii ,aecti nuersgodf hMe present ls 8, u~Iwa~i bhx.q.loofeér :iuduoéeùefl1; ii fal le sacrifioecf te boal tock0fBotse Shbod~~~~f or uo.ipsdo sale, not cnlj lxi the tovu, but ln the County of Ontario. gConae Sny sud ecure teeat cf îheargaïii OptiOt, ~ .Devenul'. Block, Drook Street, 'Whitby.. FINE TWEEDS* à CLTH! The Largest and most carefuUly selected stock in the connty, and at prices to defy any competition. S1--:00: Garmientsg-made St6 -orýder order on 'diii shortest notice,- Constaiitly on handI.-Somein g' npobby' obby iiBy- Ëufao a, OHN1 144ON HEINTZMAN & OO. W. cocfdeùtly- asuot that ni1 . s %; n. - And MousORivapo Couati>'. a n GRAN8 FT lI1ND yô-5,PAKTS, B.n *Tioaa ipa? a ulprtohiu ý-ýwûxb- i tail- iP SNO. j.WNftby.-- i9 -1 8l 121 1 2.Drougbam. ,- 2 - 42 Dufin's CreekB 22 -8- Portferryo,.b,- -12i19--7 1831 3- ô10 4.tbfdg.. 3 20- W19 4 611 5.Cuigtoaa-I--j4 21 --40 & 12 6. Beavarto.c.15 22 21 6 18 7.tTtegcv..- 23 22 7 14 J. E. FABE WELL, TO INVEBT ON Moriage Real Estate Secuity Applyto CHAS. NOURBE, ZuaceAgeut, Wbitby. October 60, 188. .-4 Am rom tir Ifix fr la Loi snu i lth of t ford Iff. se< 17w Great Aà merican ldom#, for C 0 UGffL, gÙ D& S HMA, BRONOHIr&l$Q<s$ Ol 0P and Toe.. eperto a a, t didLrOt a l t haove em i1ias aUa À1fOO of the GOum wli exdeaf'a i dsisfi medidnraipwWpo5e ,olciI, i S-Y - ont<41'de fSf'069b~- ,ria i' - disteV tr p SUCE h Ifs remarimblepouwer M'rolWfllga certcinformsf fl cias oc f almoet pecflc offkec ii cetrgng 1 '- éfn4e aa7ing coùwj ao&cl &nau ^em'z leïpbc t a2e k-Sc ej»rrêaic;à t.U.i*, i *w, anU - 4- -- lu11m * st Sgi f ofSnc- s"e, u0001?r gVW ~it oa-epef X4D 1,A e-PI1N, K Kl -preaisid l.y a %ian. _r ensile ii gteai, restor.' t tsudend PUiittOlh O- c 1 'iÇ !-Physliafid5Uee it en rstLÎýuls..t and&1a - râm ieeflit z gjC 1,; arthe cr.Ka. lUs C.andp9j-- ]lthe Compound. 2Wand 2M Weseru A ,her, SI. Six botur- Ielther. Ntmrs. r44.K krair. EnclouK.St t;ýj ga-W3otd hy ait 1>r., Fatrva t niaPQ.-Nortbrmpf ymu,oon10 Geul. Agenti for Outai.. REA&MR- 10 WEALTH. toofll S pe. -We4 guarsuteï un b aie jcas .,WItb ýeach bider ce s kd -o - "' kecupaied viLla Lv r~~iflseu thf prclaber ô= rit uteeo rtnudthomoue>' if ltt ceontefet a ura-Guaiatees ie W; E. .H&WEse sle auihc'ine4as 'ontth,Out.jÃ"ô C. iWEST, sais1 TRASEMIL Tas uxarTADE Iî%u~iWfi BROCK ST = sta a the rate f aie ,sud 2 oins Misac ompaxs ,,--er etpeïl~ %Otaorate dia~e .TEmE WESTE WEITZ Y,- 'Wblhy, Nov. 7th, Brook Street, - MESSnSRgRIT -DARRISTERS &e 'AT L&'WS- "W lux G.S ILRITOHIE, JAMES Acapled by F -têBbalHe Bre*- 2 ArBi8E, 80 31MB PUBIn, - DeoininDak * .AT O'bauzez the-r8r,180 T-OUNI 2187B. -. k 1 A 4- m L. 4, - -'l ý. ý L' 1,1 ue: 1 "Orneon