Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1883, p. 3

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TH*1GLD STÃ" O UR IMMENSE STOCK ofHeî&y 7Wooe¶Dresa Goddeshilr Xsxm, Pur Muff and Bois, Fur Caps, &o., ail to be offered at prices that wi open your, optioa iWE JAk STO« 15â F[8%I ndit às o lo teer-to carry vez good&,frSà one suoooee' in, ebeet a clearance of ouùr éntîre Wlnter sto4~ Tou'ail knwv that when the "Peoples ..Store" decides to do a tbing, it goes at it, and doos it in earnest. baUlR ST£CK IS e~L NEW oANI) tESo sold ainaccumulation of old goods to pfe as O UR«E A D F E H , t x i w i l a i ni4y n A il c l a s s s o u fi m t Ais .1 Sa le . A Is e H o u e e -fu ; n is h in & 8 , O s a p e ts , a n d Re a d y -m a d o C loti m ig , Corne and Se. un, examine opur good anmd prioes, and w. wiU prove to you that we m ean business. Roemember: " The proof of tAxe pudding ie not in ohewing tAxe string."t No. 1 DEVERELL'S BLOCK, S E - .EWAz . T, - BROOK STREET, WHITBY. SEOTIONÂL VIEW 0F XMLER'S >'NEW MODEL", VIBRÂTING THUESER. fanufaotured by the dose ph Hall Manufacturing Company, Oshawa, Ont.' The moast perfect thr.sher, the most perfect separator. tb, rmost perfedc doner ever olfered to the. public. The only true grain uaver. Bsàcl CmU£. Sept. l79h, 188. *. Mm ie, En., Osheeca: DeÂs 8xa,-Talk &boutl lrbrohng 1 I bm hae hrs.unbave hbeuarbunti1 lbree muehnu-ea b.luI fitten yars, ai1Ibave aeeorne gséoodi a clne ,but tIl'New Model"' I gel of you lashabeadof any I evr @av la Canada. I laI perfect lu svery rospeet. nl eyer vas aswell saîlefioti vitix a [mane asI amn vitfi Ibis. I ocoult r 55 mors, bat thiuk Ibat Ibis le ouf. Y oars very lruly. R S ENBY M. WEAVER - - --0:0- - ft uformotionosent free t. au applicants. rieýt" w stth tia of the .opftsborsai Dublin on Salnts vOS et Us. meot U g atuo. sd laid ber. in & tlahldeooum u " taol tse fbouiW asbaeIatloa of Lord y. Oavemlleh ud K.Udv..rtr Burke. Orne of the soeuwe, Michael ,[av" ,g w bo droyo lb. car upon vhiobt l mage-e go 1dbsupd iom thé.lsooe of tho murder, haviug ton. dered bis evideno. Io the Orowu, ho vas pie..4 on thlb. àsla ale ai full &ccontIof the rovaimenta of lb. 130 -1- .H.aI.oidflenwdmete I1I~m.Ilnte finror Feu.iL is evi douce ws.aftiohorated by cîher iwit- Beusa, sMd lb.e vasb@adjouru.d outil ThoMsay. lu hie epeeli aR aviok Mr. Trevelyan, Ohief 9e0.ýtary for Ira- landi, justlfled th. vigorous action tabou b1h Goverurnulfor thé rïatoration oorder ln Ireia"d. Thé d.ath of Archblibop Filklofsby, metropoltan head of theCatholio O assu nie sid Foland, ilud.d ioFrb. reh Bouate bas accepledaa oompvussiséen s b. BAU fortlt.e.r.ul. *ion et lh. Orleana Prince., but It ze doubtfni wb.Sher the Chsauber of Il la reported that th. Manitoba Goverumenul viiro,euotacl agaeral Provlnol*lBdil Aeé, but in snob a lày lbî l not beua.d for au lu- teuloa' pupm~e The PruasianHome Klinletr ha ezpreied hope. of afrendly solution of lb. dlffoulty poemuls the labllity of Danleb reuldesla -ef Sohlemig.Ho - IP'lb. -alPopls.t bas lfiloled a serim ondeeat apon lb.E gyptisu forcee, send blé vapld 'advm .upon Niarton, lo wbhhere le Do serionsa btac:e -Thoa eappearsgoobe no dlmnullon the.flooda- an Chieos»d ineghboauiag mioolbsn ated'ed lb. e mnilg vw*tm, beu alla&sed. Ths ae imdfours ans enterlelaed for lhe lova of Lawzeuce- bug, vibloh'le Strely lisbegd. Mr. Plusub sboen'eleVàted ta lb. Thoe deth cf rcbishoplKoC&be le reported. Hon. John MoMurrioh dW 4at To. ronto on Tcuedtày afer a lingerlng ilinu.. Hfe vas bain lu 104 sud seitled at Toronto la 18U4 The dealh of Riohard Waguer, the emlneul composer, is annoumced. The sarrender of Bava ta the als. tn . 'v d ;lrs Ia e. aie peoseti uromps AUl thémorebese of beu abeerblng Intersta inAch M» T #a rumob -Cau 1bin as.reln sid lb. mmrbauls ane mSWlgula eilo. ,*ski ora -Cabinet anesé . De a LodqnTïmu ooàffrimes b. trodum. a 1,f u lb. omusitrnalow. Isg su s0masto b oishehy mm. beis Itot" EMas ols, 1 mjua iVaa i.â.,,s Panros ALlER?, Dec. 181h, 1882. To A4. Bditor o U.. Port P"ery Bandard. 8i-I desiri e eaU lbthattention et the farmers cf Ibis vloinity tw a new ihretbiug -machine madie by the Jo.. Hall M.nufaetarlng Ce0, Of Otsava osiieti the Nov Model Vibrator. Mfr. Joe. Vickery bonght on. of tbese mach. inca, snd thiesheti fur me four days Ibis violer, sud gave me entiroesatisfaction. Wilh the construction oet1he breeus, vibrating motion& sud other attachmente I think it utterly impossible for any grain le b. wasted, snd amn fu7 oun- vinoed, ln My own mina, that Il bau savaitime double the prioe. et lhîshlug ln tAxe sauing eofgrain ibis season. Il leans lb. grain porfeotly sud Ibreebse very rspldly. Il le thé. moul perfect Ibreuher 1[have ever seanor assi.It is a rosi grain saver. Yeurs troly, JOHIN McDCNA.LD. Meredith snd the Bouda7. Thse atlai. of lb. T«y f4owhu; ln lh. Obterlo Lsg(ulture utise lemsryqestion li.-»su nupe.Uo - atibamlAlln ee.At lb. lme %àe wavarwvusmadie Mi. Merediissud hi. solleagues lu tho Houa. *ere louA l lhmir demansda LimIilshol at eues receive the ratification of th Dominion Parlisamt. 1Mr. machesi. vas lu power etth1e lime, but the revard vas made turing the psrllanientary r.om et 1875 sud ber. 1-thev parlasmeat met 81v John bai hein recurned s premier of tbo Dorino- If 6hati agreedt thelb.domand cif Mr. Meredith ho venu ha*ve et oupe rs>ifled. the avait. But ne bis Qihec f loioiu 1ver@ jésloei t àofOzter Io'aproposuasud wnutd onet permit the extension of bea ýou,!'srIeL Mi. Meredîtb vs notifie etfILI, 'ud he a&toce chansd ble lune oun1tu ratifiction, giving a. bis- reason the ziserabla pies11ai Onlarlo vs. enltlod le niert. lj tha usthlb san ave ta"bar. A queer ani bumil. latingsummsrssalt lraly Cécssis bâd entrutslethé e ctiment et <thc question tonau "arbitra;l ' m suvx boandtlo stand hé liseavaid eveif' noue ef th. disputaeirltiy bai ta Ontario, Bal Sir Jobn'a améeuy dopeud4t on bis ebedieno ta Ibm Que. ho. rejoeiy. Ho obeyei. DeiM. sy eue suppese tt ho . vnubhaveéacle tuftereutly if chat h. nov oell b. rebele et the dleputed téruile ba besu Riven te Osiarlo b b. avaent? - It voniti b. Yidliea l ub "hme. Culais voiigi.va'oles'ltousl.oýPlo on tbsismalter ou lb. 2116 *f Ibis moilb, sud that voles viionet ho us. istan lfIs eolrtes-5>e 01% Premshs'uy.m The 1 Bz.oCernNov. lmti, 1882 Mr. F.. W. GLcn: Da.aS oI:legbl I vouAi write to ycn d toi Yeun1beV I gol along -vitb lb. "Nov MoisIl" Thiosher I got of you asu mmer. 1 viU ii lly ou the trutb. sud uolblàg but lb.hetbh-lhe machins bas giveu me perfeol aallsfae. lieu vberover I bave tbresheti. I oould not begin ta thrici for a&R vho vauleti me, sud oould bave bad jobs aoougbh for tvo machines if I hati badti tem. Theé fsrsnswbem 1bavéelbr.sbed for ssy~ Ihst -tl. New Mooi" la !4 oculper- (cet machine they bai evté tu for &hem. Yo EesureadexamleMBIN. Mgodel" before you purohama Thela Wberotise ah"e Pluches Cois. auea osP"l ndiosOor. *Tisey sisckee m.meAlvuefor1 rmbëvethmia atevwdsys.NOpals, neo dfisenfovl. sud permîment benoftl Try WL Solti by dnugglsts everyWbee. N. O). PoLeI & Ce., Kingston#' Pro. ---'ENDOB8ED BT Ami. -M EMR~OOMS. Beg to '-aU,,.ttoùitkhi ý fhe pôie to "the followilong Seasomable goods: os -y td u SPECIAL Ll> ~Nx-;COTCI "AND CANDA WES Tailoring to order on short notice. Fuil sock f Gns unsig.Boys'Oecas American tls Getlf in:1 style Dress Goods, BrSd ~1vtanlS. tins, 'beautiful goods; Riçh, for, Mnties'and' urTimmingse #i- Druggets, arpets, Floor'011 Clothsus, Creons, very cheap. Our stock is large, our prices, Buffalo Robe8, «oat Robei, ffor8e ins an&d Fur,8,,extra value. Blanket8, Flannel8, Winzceys, at b-- A FULL STOCK 0F GIROCEI~E ?RXAa oia and Gxlassware. We are determiined to rdeonlg tek beforf WfflT»Y, Dec. 5th, 18811. - *> 5, ' -k I 5->~~ >~i: ~-Lflf ÇX-, i -~ -~ '~ v. varit; aaright~. priées. ý Alarge and beautiful stock -of ÇCrockery. the new'-,year. ; I; .J.B. PO ELL&O A'Vexcd Clergyman. aftmntielnt o je wd become NEW »YK&RiTISEMENTb-, NEW ADVERiISý1eMý,E.- Is. ' ioavorng Ot lulezeelha auaa wbe --- ~---------- they vers keeping xup man ceassul ough in&, mahlng fii>laupoasible for hlm ta be hard. irot, how very onal bsb Oos. - cmie1 cnau .-oo o--81-'Wq-"edMàAnis Oood Adrice 'imà--~ Il oi rader vii soepteseetiTri thé* Boot ana pw v advle.lhey vii alvys k<ep£ otusH P, Gr oflar's Y.llov 0M1on bsnd for J; Q [ .> . a decidéd'to offer the whiole, ofhi immense stock of ' us. lu emmengesoisn ob as Bain. 'R >Tas ansd -Genoral- Groceries,- China, O"ockry sdGlÀeài*arb, or zo obiF".Piin"»a'a Ve[ OURHSTOR9, K&RKW -BLOOX, C ASH or- PIODUCE ouly, at a sla2ggh _iigreà oÈ - 1W en ânmu» ffer Green, Blacks and Jbpan Tons, Zrwý,ort50 ent, o 5--f~h lies ef stas, p.ains #tenlmnialo2s [lvii eer . tnd eliblo - or ii.gretea cofor luthi co.d eater,~ cnts por lb., or à Ibo. for $1. 60o Tons for 35e.:75 'crÉ Tees fo SO*veTes 75e. trialeor luger Walter Linlon, efWaterloo, vilés . e.w1 ern.yuta e e-Ov Yto ~~u 4 u $~ ~ ~ B O T A i) li . W ~m eey by purhaangat R ÂBR'S1'At si 04lanee faedlerbieve ise OO SND. 811 %51ýxnt rred of calbute lamp the$ or Badlian W e.r l Lon- -i l etaten "sa a ueighbor vus promplly Or FIRBT-OLÂBS QeàA=XY AND BVITABLE 'FOR ALL. don Pearl Cocos, lreoh suid Maei'w relivetiet Bcamaism y Ih sane - ufrieions, 25c. per lb.- remedy.- Latest Styles for Ladies. Gents, Misses and Children, 12 lbs. bright Porto Piesoe Il mnaie mo erfélihke a "Baud of 'Sugar for $1. Fîesh canned, o i Munie," vas the raiher tercible ex- .olling'-at veduoed prices., te niaise romi for SprÃŽng stock. Salmoensud Lobaters. Presh Ïcaea.Wbt pression of au indlual who vas -o ---PesuCern, -Tomaloos, Peachis snd- Pine.ois triig "str.,,b.IelemyFor fore onghs sud colis. Hloarsenees, Custom Sud ordered work cf superior make and finish as g tap, Ja s ud Jois adePosNaver- Âstbma, BresebtWa.Il eins, jpl.ie'EtrceFe- Lmossu ragsNi sut sud effetua i. yen suffeî. try uu 1.w Puneoualily m a"Pneus in su tiine.-U Carrants, NoralnsuLyera ns isi, iL. For sae by .S1 Drogistea"sudgen. sa Mlxed Osudi Pur. Crea"UtTartar. TAxe Celebrat orsi dealers. at 25 seeosabette. :eNSÂT)R8 d Lotus. Dakiug Powdev, muîctv4fr èh-eê 8*onMavho BI.k1 mli oisy by B. Pincer, là prcnou cee&thÏýboutl Jl ail irisoiair ta ouoc. of B4rfAM#" olr 'Wu .. bytan. ,68 -oi êssRwkPth sloe&s umlr ~,~a*ria 0" aga O"om 0 fnu«iý.wI weill»,11lout thé- bieeof our Laripg -ai coul. 'aavl sil- >' ____________ A ài'téIêo ýget--e uâonao.-We ihâve à,.eoiallz>4 ai IVKTD JU~B8.- pEsTAElaIslit~ f l. e. aw a#> M, DICA1Àr;tD'N ELtT E 0,0 S~ =Ch o. osi e e- bs aeasuo~o&v, oiiifôn ieb8.o c sa Da. Sxmr'a Gaxer Oxam Woam 'U ltExu-k mediaine th&& Oblsm 01 pbye; parofer; « w W gle.Vun te 25e TU from WoaMaa'00mmsthlb. bruiesth* mvpqstoa&sd" iC ZOvoCh issu@ As 8 ms4hd~o fp m - isezob o ls alumae somveof 9wb4e lIa smîhail geàtb sadSOlo leu. but Il 15 ma»e powerful Ian lse B club of Xec1..,uu.H IrEv'il dlpeetiusear aS mmvu" Jri tendenoles l inu e9si as te l. R vnaeem su aad.d aa .Ifybeh Sud youmsrseltgellgbillon, heaihévy, montb foui, eyes yelloc, kldnys i&s- ordêvee, sympleme cf pilestrcw*gS lu@ takUatà .sfeDsJ ýWa.fliay ta gel dovu sLsk.Bea dv'b Dtzaeax vba eblIdb Saufas. 1 tuaerfetTha&obor'Ortas.]1 Wo o ieor esylt e usils e ls eqyballer mabe'in lb --a mdo tyui lur ll vle .g- o aon"y 94 Osaai, O»Sme Fi& .143lem. u....... ...... ose ou ...... ........... 0"00 8 mepeas4@..........0<1 07 as................ 0". 073 ..............î o*s rt .s.......... .... ....38 *00 mo...........060*80 .........0011 M*% purlb........... 006 ~<prv............700 * PuYr dm...... 4 0'1a *sr007 Oces lut0 Uur"bq et.06 0 m e5aau....0.. oi 01i .01507 * n,006 sdist e a" lo ia tbe a taiC Joas isyingor sot Ewo Batur , rET AGENCOP 0F ,«I fWer iu. byd là ~ » voielà ms 8b4 ho. smeA bousOa diq au w*el pie massa 10 iluusi la %ho by bavre mmrrlSO "s' MO -su Lud familtea bl.ble rvooc éinhed. S.-Buioe et t6e ." a7, tivs >'io. 505 Fave tesimusis, au sud gaven. ALlenu.Tboeena* of lb. vaters km s"éabout W. mon, cern. doUse, vs4d or sbe cod o4 o thba bh ývrd laIbi Ist". &u mbif s r asc a birp mom"Mu vs. ais us le 1!04 1 disiben of m Frame. renIesor povsie o t go Cametu ~xôio e, - -wit Wthaker and,. Jo i O.B. .TAYI ~1 ~M1 NEW ¼i land pvrns ave-fmMsoins olberà ba ai tofr ee le bM aet dssiioeb on lb> lh.s tarIff bill. "Sealre tý lb. Bonite Mb ii, Mpa1 but clh estAl hH I j VI 1 1

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