»Qo4~~5! WIP-01 " .rsla4~48 amia, pet Lino, lma Sied'Usatess al lakê 'èorImm" epw a'M apo>aoè 6 sa r4eaeA tk in. avrlse *,8ù8ines'8 sDirecto. Y WKITBY, ý- - ONTARIO. TIIOMAIS Dow, manager. WuiIbl, lNev. 7$h 05. 6l-4 WHITBY BBÂNOHI, Brock Street, - Whitby. MEBlSSS ITOHIE &BILLING5 8BARRISTERSd& ATORNEYS AT LAW, BOLICITORS IN1 O. H1 fi ITIi, W. IL BILLhIGSa Toroule.Whlby. 'tit i f 'l. FiiU-&rt 'pi r'. tX AcL 1 . , ' - o r4 I. tII r M l,-Nortlrup d ai f0 Ouier ZALTH.L i' with ck.I PWadwr, e t oA~, udutirlà t VOL XXII.WHITBV, 1ROVINO -0 O lo,]I e1lc oe ~ a&-~t4 rooustwlbbout bod Jrfa Fab. 911h, 878. Pc~itr B RTISH ÂMBRIOAN HOTEL, W*XTB Y, ON TA RIO. Ucaza. nwly r.novated aud tuzaiabed thxotghouansd put inut-glusa oide.rfor th. eaa$q c1 uat. nomibus b and, fmi]34ircls. llst.laau $ample roma. nlovz.Svuav, WMUTE? JOHN LR8LIR, - PrepriWo. (Lita cf t1he imoca Roue, Toronto.) Ravinathorougy reuovsteidthe. Houa. ahi. f4, iapeed te satertalu i. ou@- to erA i.bar la0soukai with thé -PQ4ýT GOFFICE S&LoON, Tcoero. OW TEM DEST ACCOMMODATION Lfot uests. a) 4V> ROYAL HOTEL. 0. W. RAMBY,- - Proprcefore Oli* ôtPort coîborue.) udér tua preagut propriathe iiOYAL Wini ba lqoailopoue e iaelr lle me- cammodaon for gueata. W- Apecw e t- ;,WH1ITBY HOU6EO DUNDAS-Or., WHITY.1 The undaralguai vc, tlaUbitteu publice taI Iiithe bve puemisi have beau nov!>' mii sud fllted up hhrcnghoni for lie accenmodatlou o! gueula Boul Wlnea, Liquars and cigets. "TUE Ca.t.Â)5Or CAiAD"-WÂLZ LAOCE. Alma pure REhina Win,. Laýgor violemai. aund retail. Boardera takan by thi.e weS on nuodet- tu ternms. JOSEPH A. BÂNDELL. .Ttly 28th, 1880 35- T H» UNDERSIGNDhaing loa viahea hie min>'frieuda te ealu 'andsese bit». Eat&resad alirs dAeigbaslaaaa et thea Barbor viiilui <sgoi accommoda-, 9W, PLEABUEEZ-SEZENBlu ine«nir wiii b. provided vitix boma at resuoabl rate.. GEORGaE BROWN, Whltby. !atch li,,l182.il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brockscud. M" nSr»e, la the Village.!f Btougham. Frat.clauusoammodationa Boail Liquors an.! Cîgars. Gcod tabliug an.d attentive hostiet. THIOMAS POtICHE. PROPRIETOR. L ICV48ED AUCTribNEER for lia Cauntiei ai York and Noti and Souh Ontario. A notionaesl a o ieate, irm stoc-k, t, attende.! ai moderato chargea. Addrema. T. POUCRER, 50 y - Box 47, Broughamt, Ont. UAî.NEIEHOUSE TzLis Eqae mbeaa &Wuinla it. eca. style. an.!the proprLetor g ivebi persoul atention te eau. Liquorusud Dîgaraof the bastcS rs. ExoëlLaut fimhi. lng e&Baish - Pickering, Ms' iy 1889 . ly2 BLACX UURME UOTJKJ69 oe&. FcrhGzoax saIa, TORONTTO.- ALFEBZDOXFOFD,- PUOPBIBTOu. escte oi Welllagton a".telà Mxks beg for ounr 600horsia. Fira9-dats sca- bncdtm 1 9 ;Mr.sd the -lrsslbzÊ r, 1lIsImy W. R. HOWSEY' Chenilsi and Brugigiste WHITBY, ONTARIO. Cornr ofBrook adl)cI $L Dominion Wood WorkaJ WH ITBY. Geo. Cormack, J.i-A large s9,y of Buildaei'Pcv., isu," t&Bni ii. ILURBER it eleule and "tait or lytue sr bd. Plsnlng, Mouldinga of e'.> de*= dios, lcorltg, Siiaetlug, Ihelving, IN ianleg, BhaýplnC, Turalug. Scref-w etc., e. Whuibp, Oct. Ifi lm30 na PAPE mayb. feuni on lu*a&c efttlsln urau (1 O pru,. St.), înixema d- "etng earatMnay' hi mcd. fo«fOls MONEY TO IPOAN!1 0100,000 FOI& INVESTNENT. ON BEÂAL ESTÂTE SECUBITY. -. Atlloveat living rate ft i t. MUoey ceurel vibiin10 daya cf ap. Appi>' te piain JOHN FABQUHARBON. Witby. Febtuar>' lSth, .0 9 K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, [mpora4Dealaea.imabAfmso au Eâlaaec LEA TUER ANP FINDING8& Cash psMý«U loRidsBar* sud Laa. -« O BELTUG MADE TuOMM Non BRSHOT nn0C». FIRESH FISHIl A T TANNBRS, flgCa2 è EIItmiR, Oouy OouAtony c4j si y pI, van l &Bttledge, nil J3ÂEUISTEIISOLICITOM, NOTA, OY~ç~ -7 ofe Sreetitth B.AD Si.ti. J. B. Kola. J-) SoUitor la Ohauoary, Ooueyaner, ttetary. ui, &o. OM06o-Duuia St, Antdoor iwast of Armotroug's pIotel. DAVID ORMIIITON, .&-., A TTOElJET.AT.LAW. SOLICITOR IN ýM hauoary. Conveyancar, &o. Ovals-la tha Office ,outh of the Pont Monfc, Ilu iLîllan's Block, llrock Street, B&I'STMRU-AT.LÂW, A TTORN - e 6",salilOrs, conysymaceti, " OVfflC.-Lx 'Victoria Ohmmbats, No. et, victoria BjrnwL G. YOUW4. @NITR,.LL. B., tannerot lifLOang Qww-0vePomalQBanku, Whtby. li.i.1878. tf-à ARM17Bý* -LAW SOLICITO B l Yrèr A bsBd'a umu<VSOO7Convs 4ucer, &4., fc-eVtIm B = rc st«.Wbtby. Ont. J. MANI1ER GREENWOOD, A TTORSEY AND SOLICITOII. CON- ,Zeymucet. Netar>' Public. &.-Pont Ofie Drawer Ne. 11, Whilhy, Ont. l'erma bonu¶ti mc.! oll ; Marriage Bttls- monte, Wilal sud Trustemd Specialties. Loaca a.gotcted ou IL ids ai Property. c1114RL5'0i C. KELLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ou, nory Convoanmcer,&c.,Caunu. - L. T. HARCLAY, L OCAL REGISTRÂR 0F TUB HIGE Court et Jutiail ýRaglaîrà r of tue SurreguteCet ; Werk of lb. Oqunt> court, 60. -Oifice lu Co1rt a», W)alu. JOUXN1BALL DOW, B T~ITE-&tT-L*W. SOL01TOR Offle-fev'rll'a lock. Brook Striai, MZONZ lO LEI-Prlvate Punas- lu sues uùp te p800,mit aloy rata cf In- JOUX A. à McqILLIVKAY, SueeeorIH L. HoveIL.) Domnion .uOmble.-Nszb domt Ktulo Hus, tzbldeont. -24 LYMATNOLISU, EL'L. B., cose Street, Oshwa. J. E. GRLERAITHR, M.»., CVADUATE 1a1Quoau's sud Vitoria UniverUul,.rulbl Mmber af thé Collage cf Physà iotafiasd Surgeons, Ontario. Oriis-Brock-Bt., Wbtbl, Ont., tht.. docterscio t oyal Hehil)- y-40 R- J. OUNI, a. B.0, SURGEON TO TEM COUNTY I3ÂOL, SByrnStroetWhitby. £Lmt. TimobhyO'Lesry'É> ~ DUTDF[N5 CREUK-FICKERINO. Tic aber. pramise. have b~ ician bp thêundasalau.d. cutI us .nov 111$ upler 1h. reaiptieu cf he, lisatecI GeetI stabulng, abasi t'tiose, sud au sites. astis.. WM. U0D801. C. N. VARS3, L. D. S. . ' AWESJý SHo &VI téer s eutai 16e. tro ¶ti u unioat. MONEY -TO LOUA1 q-r O0." .oasI&tie8g SAIUS In el- tACuPA1If- pucsnm a EEINStYRANCE 0> Lombard 8.Stud Chming Ctogsa,'lonea GILLESPIE, MOFFATT &0. Agente for Oscia irby> AGNO ST4BLISUED lE <lIN- DA l l4. uIti lIabllbl 0 au the aolbirs, u >srv rI-FnSmodrme.r,tf rnua ne- Pd i' .48 WMbIb, April Rih, 187. 1 RAIL WA Y TICKETS 1. The undleraigned havtug beenau lnted Agant for tue CREDIT VÂLI aad CANADA SOUTHEIN, and! cdx., THEOUGE LINES, à prezsa tb issutde tckalua owastrates ta Clusago W &C., a tiu là , Elver> lormatios suppliai.Apj4 o- Nil>Pmauor ient,, Oficeoulte ay's Rote!,Dondae.ul, WB ahi à stheuaa .revattheaaas of Liverccpan.ypzi.Is.tes eopteeala.bysait lza Sud tnnlttU Ca. pi aboeaae l 'i - ' 4' r t.b-ïdfio¶ate 3~vtadga~ ~s.th.r1~oo4. -- Q tum TtItr52SDÂ, »,tmwYÂ5cYS..ui ea34 olob bai wst as Vie ~t4ihie manutiiu And bo, bes x>ê'l.ari TliI usat i t rg >y 1p0t im ,Of ryme'na rh ind âsetrefrain1 Nor Iiièsd ithe boie, thmt *ghad q» vain, To-ngb Anatriai to thb mudalc iide Why shoZ thseo munds chu» te mingi., Beesus 1 Ima a u ie. Why ? HaeIl iwaAailong Tha beanly.of -lb. V"Olaf Song, To forgetAtailaith riohrwe4 rome aun 1aroopa onber 'wltfr*1* 4Auslgo' That the beg a Wula auaCLI And My bwaSt las4hlauscu thtbTa$u- ittir If. ",sp na An i M sra elthaf*0h.Bon. nite»ringWbabrs ati - te m ba& yu loo.Ilha*lamt dhaon mâi as b.ea evmH ar rd m arwa. . i buftO ie oyong va>. n eWk sais me t'i taiplid b t hire girnl'&P salA. W. an>à .&n&pe lots.w rfaib l u6 yb6i inasL AnA ha illubio** M a ot, hoau n@iawvlgb.aou ors br .d heurtint~sor itaadro Bthi pus he frt bit, echti lb. ooke and *kvalIsA moay insjUrai Up,. ibe o'And'ril t*i'8bralIIsut 6 "Ifil4seUw Bnumlefth Mdei hond'7001obvthAnd e t.g tbe i, my>. , am il tiSa do k ~ a fflom r h nla.~to. m*Mpbabs rather qîj-ý»ïbg - w #1b na Wxa iijo ay,.air 7" diemandiI' ' ciie, 'ouniehity e thue upper, *asuiQ' berVrp0ibl., "1Nobbing, Bebi ile 04eto' cu jua ibuk jeu miuet bavue b oU.ý a noD h o uatairsm sud' Tho balsproyed very mactlfactory t10 ru, Bell# >alfloubhah. ý-vas' aorry te bear 84 vas ta lpsa e W.loigers .Bal' Mr., Waverlep 'bi vad 'M*«elfIlke a reali gentlemani,'oa he toldKit lsethelx "Yenva. ila.>M.coA ~,qJw~fi~~i I 52» U resa, xje. 14rsW~l b~miened,4nAdeIvb j»i tbl,.)iznbt. r1del, a1 hià s tub~ lAr é,Mr'Oml# y 1 ÃŽfl wu I. "'B% iqrse ho e, u. elid beu *aU.sqa agis& befor lo. Mr. PutebiWyoe, a»4 spb book orit r" ceut ar0tallii.1b toodm, ~ uni nhêobe1ae M sud Regina bcd mde"ber pomste dlg"8e Ibfegr""" $ud-W baikÃt thoir door (for thst lady seldouà >vitetd thet» empsy-h.nuded>,a, sd rà i.d ah. viair4awbou thy' sppamà rse n IUlP U Inuobsûeatable, tbough eh* leltasI *ohb mouthfuli would oboke ber. -, gaIr. *Eunynà liâde;bcl î.vIdétIy bea beandoome lu ber youth, with à . boW& lbgh oolored-,besbuty whioii hdb"o da toe» ota o. rmea h a rz etrssud large limb e, anA w aitogether rather oppreacive la sm~l tom. S-lbeied herbhait-of aunPauh oolour, ani dropped belladocuna labo ber ajea to maket. bem .per-< lrstbau tbej vas. by n ature;2 ieed beraeifo seourea gaint dà . *4owo oho pintsaumato a b ahit1 &o-wouarat wlti Ldy iflAffà nulel sr. . #h raI lbing -sa Ail t ~eting a rocin vaa ta lot down llvbiadeulaiafr Saa>' roui bhe1 w9udov'ae Iffldoï , 1ds bree qtsglarpfabkp b 1tcri. ksiny- t»9~ hieelisal il as il b. trouble tomîïs aha laA.Ao. muad -reumably aehkw e bluh ci-tue uatr, ý hec bive O. vwlto oantirâat Irrfla she- '- vrr -good-ultred, ai leat UM'Mb lhot*bom-it ecited ber pdir, Butlagina rnetllesblp*would bae o dceffteei l tzer euat ram MrsW Beuoee.'a band thail she.diA underc Ottpraesil eiondai ta ber, aud vbi, be re(ad,,bù.mether ac- - ceptadinslua. As-the bye vown sastopposite ta, eholer ln lb. fittie dtawiag-rootu tbsy formel a iluikineg eontaat Not- vilbslcnding bbe summer shovar, thl1 tempetur. v.uaeadiugly wrm, and 1 a daspor flush tban usual bâ ail mtetel[ tte lbeder lily'. ohaek. Bnt scar.ie-t 1>' tnp apicur illumineal eglaa'a1 marbîs fat. Rie 1eokedli1k. aulce- It melden, viîh bar purely-oul factures. l and tPl@pe. <pi bau thal va.ouud lselu IaL Yibic ébout ber losà .. lier daaeuarssetfr littho hal It l's iqa zor 'r ana i Ipower te aýgali., 8h.did"know more. 8fr. ua'ý ier béast sore 4thabo oas glaire of d. t '066niderod iW loweriag -ta diacu*soa ëh, 1t, vawM $tbis junotura th&; 4lie gar- vautmî~hnnod ir Ârthur Ohmaamori, and tbe barouet 'entaredthe roomi, with vislbleýdisappointment et 'no& flnding Aftar th@usel greetingeo it h., tva~ ~~ 1deud pole fuquiryaflor- ihag bealt.l-cf Lady Wilia2, lSir Arthnr tasignect himaelf 10 bis fate, a7üd ssnk Ãoto e chair to be bored by Mrs. RËan- nyd-Doweu must tollasj--ll abbùt jour ooia, tirArthazr," abs exolaimad fervautly. E*verybôdy iniLondon baci heard the nova of bis irl , and* t4ré dying toa se bit. The. ~ingoeigde S8ing to giv.ea party on purpôoastaîi- troduce theta 1 their friands. Âu&-1 h4as bhe'. slayingi t tose oaionua Far- thiog»lea. 16a lut tihecas?" Hoddatasy witb thecu for one nighý Mrs. Buunyyieds, but be*has nov. remov4.to bia hotek."' -Ytb 7indhodi luvb, te tb* qzail cfM~ 8~kaItare saa la isaa -ta guesaiwby old Farlbingate wle no anu;to invauite Ir* Vmnan, .Ohes more to hia'hffae." egna "6Yen forgat, iweWomad,,R triîd ÃŽhe Pertbin'gà las.'are. i Ãould, dlidPà bmenu th -1oudserloumii 8fre tlhur oae 1mnca oi gratitude towarda ber. "Hardly," ha mdrmtured, ii2 a tons 'II don't tblnk thiie are any llmitsl o mode. "Mi. -Frtilugel. ,thinkalibie purb. le Ionge aaoughi 90; aqqomplish "1Wlriobis onfly eiiotber ptoôof cMba ovu iudornpenauyé "remarked Bogins. "ýDid ye see jour couaiie oe'there. eniug, Sit Arthur ? "Yom, I diniâ thera 1 Ana ~eà strsre 1Ivas vxlh i t» e bshoteL "'o la veryc~nfouîforà iiinttoduciiou Le y,Y, Mies 'Nettlesblp, and I' reutured te promis. hlm oua. Did I takeî000 groat a liberty?2" 'C0ertaiùlyDoct!1 Mammà a dI v'i "ELO nhabi oà ld melme haro7 Ibis aflarnooi aboutfIla o0,0lo0k, *whad I hope 10 bae sth. piesurs c f presape' inghimteyou." k I7r. Vi lsà beseilnoraooiningirW to-dy I xailime lir. Bunvmh' ' ber miud. Meanwhile Sir ta uhbhad ot Il bit» f en ng oMisNot- net~~~~~ taml#n mla j'~ aà lion eup~a'tiea Bi.~g botean-- hinsaîf ced that young lay. ÃŽcAlI igl "r4ead bis cousin. The bai-cnet aelevaStel bis eyabfowg, iýtcol 'qd4ochiug; foryfle>'ap S"Mies Natbleahip, allpw xme b jure.; sent Mr. VignOhathdoral-40aFi Regtina roua in ber sitaiir maà qeiï, ta jeu abouti vbe -r a<tme-',,O ha ilà f.dadb ar . tore- ber t;is i Ail Diaaea $ofi&lrsa, Luu gd - Paluoma Lo D LB Z»TO B . gradrca.ur EUèENO'KEP~ia., VcaPraldui tsl bs.1M o Mouhuc PATRICK P 18.sq, . .KILY*s.. 1 JAMES MA8m, Mupi cf reps.ymfn. N cMommlumoxu. oag as GOVU<Pes~auI11USmiesù;Bcr - A.A. ~- ' 'P o i, , TUE HODGBGN -EÉOUS, OiI5proa-pt' iellrerei 1-1 & M . leu *i.iiu.lwu TIDE MARK. 4 hAg, and mn laotty or fIa AI) tu evei7 Ob salA b>' ia) cuo. Out, CAO&d 10aler. WbiII f ShAî cil -1 )n umerous am aime.! aver th ,ie #o unIvem- » deuliâtaabu suy'cdg )oaf Say;' * i y caȎ. et des-- tbf My sbl. ssiNe Fo M o@ ro 7v ijý L 1711 . -- - - -- M44ttm*0&44 1 ' M 1111. 1 Mal V&Ut &%Mffl Zia ; -au 1 1