Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1883, p. 3

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C6A N NOT, ORWILL NJo Ty ULND£ER8 L1, KB, YÂBNS., 'LÂNNCELS, WINOIS, COTTÃ"NS-extra goodý eii çw "Al..WOOL" (*IEY FLÂI$NEL8, at 82o pet r a- _b oial_ values.' Oiermq ~r4e.in DRES?8 GOODS and TRIMMINiG8 tv!w;U iii t nreU bu#ftr8. ast examùne our MA.NTLE CLOTHRS and ULS 1TERINèg8 stock complete, prices right 1 OURXLLIZY EPAITXENTSEMIAI -0VZLTIE5 AN» iBAGAINS. a are offering to-day MANTLEB ana ULSTERS at, astonishing low priées, and we announce that -we are offering .LADIE8' MINK, FRE~NCH SEAI> ANDJ PERSIIN MUFFS AND CAPg, AT PRICES TUÂT -ABE DECIDEDLY THE VERY LOWEBT. If you wsnut correct goods and pecial prié 6es in godwe eau and will supply yon. Cail and sce oui stocgk.p T, No. 1 IEVEBELL'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. NEW.- GROCERI CASH STORE!" GROOER Y MC~A2S~3Sf public that he lias STO0RE lu the preniises nextt te his Agricultural Implement Shop, C&' a few doors South of the ý - ' - l'Market, wbere will be found 1 FR-ESH GROCERIES 0f il kîinds, Cheap for Cash, Fine Flavored Teas, Raw and Rofined Sugars, Fresh Groumd Coffee, Spices, C.nned Gootis, Fruits, Oatnieel, andi general (3roceries ef al kinds. Try tii. New Cash Store-a few doors south of the Market, wbere yeu will get the beut value fer your money. la Wall Paper for sale-a fine stock-gât less than oat. Bu$ier, Eggs, Potatous, and all kinda of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Whiîtbyt Nov. "th, 1882. THOMAS MoCANN.1 SECTIONAL VIEW 0FPXILLER'S «"NEW MODEL"VIBRATINO TISHER. Manufactured by the dose ph Hall Manufaoturing Company, Oshawa, Ont. The. mont perfect thresher. the. mout perfect separator, the. »»,st perfect cleoar ever offéred to the public. The. only true grain saver. Rtàitc:Ci.., Sopt. 179h. 1882 P. W. Gl.es, g..Ohawis: Duis a-Talk àabout îhremhlug 1 1 have îhreahed and have boau around lhreeblmg machinu« tb. laWA fluten ,ears, sud 1 have #@oentome Igood machines, but tbis" *Nov Modelý- I got of yousma a fs olmy ee a, i Canada.l la parfeet iu every respect. I cover vasà4swoeil atlafied villi a machbine uasmar uîth t.. I oould sa mooro. but thinis Ihât ibis i. suf. Yours v.ry truly. UBR .WEAVEB. Deucrptive Circulra, givi.ug fuBi nformations lent free 1te cau appliiante. Av Ati .lrlies t4 Imeute cf Ao.. coutaute cf tarte. An At utborWai sthéa'kpsoam court of Jgditaae for Oarle te admit Thons. Olive A*lsaiu I pnatlmsaishior. An Act to lSocorporete the Cornvall Juno. lie ReIlvay Compter. AuAolrenpetiag th*deb f hiyoýf An Adl te amazdth bme iy cf Namiben DibontusoA",I 35 An Actt io ud *0Ib m uoe.tgjoint stSo oupsabsforzspp» sacilla, ovue, sud vll iago yL asmsud=vli AuAet rupuutng ditèes sud vater Au Ate am&e lthove m lAst repect. lnote thesnl"a t " i aslïm. A" reepsollthe Mcbe Inector cf Priâeo Msd rubws Ohalis, snd re. $Seots e# omm 64 Ini tu aaie àâàotoeu:r aseM"smeut lu Atof let jo ieu»pocllng bt ae " cf laudi lu AloomuaWfo ovenufl taues. Au Actté I prvidafer lb. p*4mru cf statuts labourinu nuincorporate t owushps. An Al te utborisu tho e ecutilon of Au Ac t$0a autoris ltios tovn udat viflagtuborovîde as anti cMer mIZeau of AnAlt::coull th ie lave reepectins AU At 1Wpuevtd.fur lthé otablishaseu antWIOàf vten et 1publie Pbndo ilee sud tovus. An At respecting private asylunsa for lu. nu Pariosds eb#stee An AM e esotablisix publie orummos. An At t. encourag e e.Planting sMa A09roeeclls JoinC tO ebOe tu *6 f ou lb.ecsshuol Paixo. ALsnT, Dc.18th.1882. 2', al. dit.; q/ th. Port P" .1Stan.dardf: 8114-1Idduiro Cc s» the attention cf th. fermera of tht. vlclily tb a nov thresug macin. made by tLe Jo.. Hall Maufacturiug C0., of Oàbava, cali. 1Ithé,New Modal Vibrator. Ur. Jo.. VNicery bought one of h.,. Mach. tues. sud ihreh.dfor mu four daje l" vinlir, &n4 Save me e*ogre sllfaetiou. Witl he b. ousruetion cf lbé.WmDmns vibrating motionea ther altàbmente I tink Il utterly iméossiblo for auj grain ta bo vaaled. andi amn falyouo- vinowtin luMI ov mina, " tUa bas saved me double Ibe prie, oSl bhsu inthesvingoet grain ibis mase. Il. cleans îLe iain perf.ly audt ibes Y5ij rapid j. Itla ISMie oitperfect hroeeer 1I bave ovor non or vnedi. I6 t. a ual grain mVer. Youre tîuly, ZORN mieDgs&iD. B LiczC»=, Nov. 18th, 1888. Mr. P. W. Glen: Du s a,-.I IhongLtI I ouli Vrte tg you auddielyou ovIgoIMlen yuLh lb. "Nov Mode]" » =esew1 gl of yen lait Sammer. ' I iitel! jeu lb lunCh, and nMeti»butqlthe. Wtu,-tb miebins b44 <tisa me perfeot mablaf. lion vhorver 1 bave lbr.emd1I «Mmd sel bogintd tbre* tfoiraà&vise vaald me, and could-bavt.Lad jobs enob far two machinas fI batW Lad tom. lTh. fermera vhomu I bave tlhebefor saY tbat the.as Mpdol" intheIbmonly per. feol machine ibey Lad *ver Lad ibuh" for tbem. tous rly, Be mjurand ezaminethe"Neow Nodel" befere you purhù. 1Tise genal &ou wviiolyenbave'eeiA~IPvs tc feIleb." tbff omntruou cfset ril..u. pir vas i ouLu, anm i or l.o1"lanptove. Wib vdh ot1ro D. Ym.' tut leluoa àt ovas., sua I.provid PLson ugh Dr»a arl Thpasoseiem~:using'~4~botle it.gie ofee of a t~~ T4-meamm fosrveaoibmw uslg ibe tbilbolei, yen ire m5lst trot,*,t4i pqw»Obava asTvosusomi lago bottle b our de"alai v v »' reunàd lt.eaucuoy. Tbeia ma ~~ test~~~~iftle proep&ýolnluown gag te bàmawoburage dd ono=04isby e*é fi lyium ujaooel yoVeernnut vil! eoltutej#ieu y a..~.m.~se.uma. fS.aa l'he onsti d roW natW"tivl and, Druggets, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths,' is rinvr cheap. Our stock- klreorpresaerght! ~ BuftaloRobe, Gat Rbes Hore rgs, nJErsextra value. Blankets, PFlannels, Wnes tbtopù,& FUJLL STOCK 0FGR ER SFO XM , at holiday prices. A large and beautiful sàtoc o roekery Glassware. We are deterined to-reduée our -elarge stock,,before the nwya.~- CBY, Dec. 5th, 1882. 30, P W LL G A Vexa Clergman. Ev e h.Patience cfi Job voui beqome exhauted her. jwsa aob uO- deavorlzgt . intèrest andimo Vhlle lb.! vore ooeIISp an timai*55c.ugh. lugi ski 2gliliiposlle0o bm to b. htuard. Y., boy Vary ouycm R a~Itib. avoded by implysing .-Dr. ug'slaNew Dwm«y or nsomeption, Oosigb Md Good Advkc.. IouZ veadèea viiiaccpt plofersd &a vie, th.y vialaaske.pBboUle of Ha<ymrd's YealIov 0n-,ogu b*ud for osé in eMergencSu. asnob ïfrcin, Scalde, Wooods, Lamentée, Croup, Chllblains, Rhasmatlam and &U varie. ties of &ac*, panud infiamrna#ons, it vi» *er be foutid reliable. Walter Lintou, of Wate.rloo. vitue that H1aasda Y.llov O» bSdon* reât good lu bis famlly, bles v if.ntu eur.d o Caflousa lump. that othar mzedioines- fsil.d t remove, h.o lo slaloms hal a nelghbor vwa promptly rslieved of Bbanoeabam by the marne rem.ay. It made me féel li#esa<"Band of Mu w, as tl. rather foroble e:-ý prainof au individual vho Vas prf tn PtOlri§4 té, "Mlb kgr i emdY for Congb and Colds. IDoarenesa, Âstbma, Bronchitla. Il is sale, plia.- ant and effectuai. If y«euffer, lry it. Porméàalshy illDrn«Wa sutgeu. oral dealers, ai 25 eab abotle.. la-Notion cf B*rbe., m.rrsgn .ud Ddeffl.. kq 50 cMh àaL. OacmLa.r gopé Y aios P« Wbsa........... 919 ap25 Gooosbea0.........e'*Oms f BMe.........-*...... 060oa 0om Psea..............0 a 08607 .ln ....a.............ai B 018 Qatu.......... ......35a* on Au~s, ores.~...l..040 75 .4M , --...... 0 : Chose........... 00 8 Woo..........010 a8ou ibeumlna.......000 00 Bies ~rl........00600050 ..y.ont....... 010 *0 n -U 0 7 à3c .1600 * 18 V~eees~,zeoL.000081 B ....... 1, 0OI Oabqempsrmsl 000 009 Emdlbos,"000OU 00 .Wa . .........O07-00 .0 m .oit08 012~ 00 00* I. ~ t)EvW,; vEr 18E M EN T. w'CZ6 Tythe Boot and 8ê'è.St( ocf JOHN S A TJ~N DE R S, .NOBTlî,STORE. MARKZT BgLOOR For tIi. greatest coinfort lu -tbii cold weather, Warm BOOTS l- ANI? SHOES! op FIRT-OLÂ8BQuÂiTry AND BUITÂBLEFi OR LL. Latest Styles for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children, eelling at redueed prie.., tb mak rom for Spring stock. Custom ana ordered work cf superier make and finish as usuel. 83'Punotw&lty sudnaapu l il Uthinga. .- JOHEN EAUXNDERSI Jbiî an. 9. '88. lforth Stage, Xarkii Block. d the vol ai -egW4 S8et"h% adnslli 841h di Iributu eodte thonS lins. o JOHN Dates N~EW AL)VERI1SEMENTS. ~81 Money Sa yod ji Mney Ginod'~3, Has deolded o offer tue whole -of hie immnse stock-Of- Iléess mad Genersi Groceries, hia, Crer y s la44 . w raêé e, r. CÂSU o1r PRODUCE on0,n1 '81àuhtrigreduotien. W. offer Green, Black an sudjasn.ýeseorh 5 cents, -o« 265 ceuà prl.or 5lbs. for $1. MOoTeaa >for -85e. 75o Te". for 80c. $1 Te . r75c. A-trialof Our Te"es w1U1couinoe en Ibsi àtyQeln. c ena mouoy by purchaan et F, BE' gr0tin Cofée. 28o per lb. Lon- don Pearl Cocos, freeli and nutricirni, 24o per lb. 12 -Ibo. bright- Porto Pics- Sugar for, $1. Fresh camned Salmon sud Lobsters. '>«h pnned PeoeCorn, Tomstoes, P 4nd Pine- ana 3.111..,candi Pl-I1 or ing Eztso, Fresh Lemena Od ranges, Newr Cuxrantu, Ncw Velentis and LayerBIW, Fig, us ana m.ixed Canie. Pure Ore4im of Trtr. -Th& Celebm-t. cd Lomie Bakbi 'G owder, msnufatured f e",0vryweb.,ana sold, only by F3. Prasr, is pronounScýeê hbesit»by-- inwho .useil GlssRwl, i er, Goblets ' TÙniblez c at e 13 Iun W. sI eR eut'th. beiscé ef car Lamnpsast oiL.-Oel aU lytnd> g el slcton. .Webehve' . àupeilty in b.hespe ofWodwrd s tMDICkTED ;N EST EG 4ýI wb.trê o ue edrive ve;min fro MIitheboi ,8cf Ibg or scttlug fowL They are- agood thing &ù4. ~costno i ta techr Z9. I ýrý al anad s. tbsm at the, RrazilianiWarebonse. X.B-ý-aWd, nyquanily of- good ,D,'iei Âpd Jan. BD 1mm. D B.lSok Bze&t. ~Gs tfIOXET AGENOI Great Wel T Te & w  * Dm ~. alIvla*re semrUg fe asdidloseios 14 i.ml. NEW AW Ibe v1ru *tffl lte pé rab"r MR. About 'I nD 0- W0 Iý\dR1OOM8 B3eg .ta cal attention c'f -t]e - publie ta the following .seasonable goods: Hosery, Knited W ol, Good-s82Shawls, Hode, OloUds, &o., in gr SPEOIAL LINJËS .-xv- S-CbTa8É AND' CANADIAN TWEEDS.> Tailoring to order on short notice. Full Èstock ýof Gents' -furnishings. Boys' Overcoats, American st, r«om s~ 'Begs to inform his friendis and the 1 OPENED A NE W O Var, -ïet. tylés, spéci a-1.val Dress Goods, Brocade 'Velvéts-and Saatins, beautiful goods; -Rio fo~ autes, and- Fur Trimmings. CHOICE usa$130u au. om» .enod s. Osas. ai#e. I"OoO. s-n4 7- 0. IF - «S W:E lko 1

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